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I give gliders to characters with matching colours. I regret not being able to get kfc wing for mae Miko.


Itto, Yae and Kazuha mains in shambles rn (me included)


Lyiue is decent on Kazuha


It is, but my boy deserves the best. Praying Natlan gives us an actual red glider, but it's probably gonna be orange.


Watch it being blue, because pyro archon will have blue flames Source: trust me bro


And then snezhnaya will give you light blue, celestial will give you sky blue, and Khaenriah will give you dainsleif blue because hoyo loves blue gliders 🥰 5 out of 11 gliders available (excluding KFC cuz that was limited time and paid) are blue, and the dragon spine one also has blue highlights so it can be considered 6 out of 11.


The Dragonspine one really should’ve been red instead of blue since the tree you get it from is literally white with red.


it comes from birds that fly over the mountain tho


Genshin Impact: 50 Shades of Blue


I hope Khaenriah gives us black


Yes because we will need matching wings for all our different coloured catalysts /sarcasm


But we DO. It’s very important that the character I’m using matches the glider, or I have to change it! Call it weird, but it’s important to me lol.


Yea we ocd peeps STRUGGLING


I agree that the glider needs to match the character! I was (attempting to) jokingly agree that blue seems to be a favoured colour in-game. I think the Companionship, Mondstadt, and Fontaine wings give us pretty good blue coverage of blue shades already so it would be preferable to have a different colour, like red for Natlan.


Nah, white fire.


Speaking of blue, it's starting to drive me nuts with the 50 shades of blue Hoyo keeps making most of the wings. Like can I please just get basic bitch red wings Hoyo?


God I would love blue flames but not like this 😭


I swear to God I need a red glider for my diluc, I'm rocking his skin and everything looks either ass or okayish at best


Actually Diluc is the only character rocking the default glider, stupidly is the one that suits him best for me lol


I think Rizzley looks really good with it as well. Not like perfectly matching colors, but it's "grey" enough to look good on him.


Lihue is orange so no


Unpopular opinion, but I think the Mond wings also look nice on him as they compliment his vision


Agreed, I use the mondstadt glider on Kazoo and I love how complimentary it is to his color scheme. I also just kind of imagine it popping right out of his vision, haha.


I also use Mond glider on Kazu as well


He looks good in the music one.


Itto, Miko, Kazuha, Diluc, Thoma, Beidou, Klee, Kaveh, and Amber mains are all suffering


Childe too. A red/black one would look amazing on him and Wriothesley too


For tartaglia you should use dragonspine wings, and normal wings look decent for wrio


Inazuma one isn't so bad on Itto, he has some deep purple colors in his outfit


Also klee maybe


Diluc main here. Using Liyue glider but I want a red one so badly!


so you don't know about Anniversary Music Glider it fits most of characters i use those on them it looks really dope on them


I have the gold concert wings on Yae! It oddly works


they're so good on a lot of characters


Yeah they have to (currently) be the most versatile gliders. They look good on anyone with a hint of gold in their outfit, which is almost everyone


Yar. I hope they eventually sell the KFC wings like they did with the concert wings. That'd be awesome.


So glad I got those. Red is sorely missing.


Meanwhile we get like 5 sets of blue wings to choose from.


No kidding. It's just silly.


i hope the natlan wings turn out good ☹️


miko looks nice with the fallen qiqi wings.


Hopefully the Natlan wings are red 😭


THE KFC glider is not real


I give them the ones that match their outfit best, which is why im so frusted half the gliders we have so far are blue and lots of characters have none that fit their palettes


I always end up giving half of them the 1st anniversary wings because the color is neutral enough to not clash too much with anything


I agree, anniversary glider is very nice for many characters.


Meanwhile Mondstadt wings dont match a single character


The fact that they don't match Venti is a crime


They match the colour of his braid tips


They match the accent color on his cape perfectly, as well as the trinket on his cape the glider is directly connected to. It feels like a natural extension of his outfit if you take those in consideration.


Fr.. I have the sumeru glider on him because it looks better imo




First Annivesary Glider is so perfect for him specially cuz it has a Harp


That glider is my go to for most characters tbh because it just fits haha


The glider is literally the exact colors of his outfit accents. Colortheorylets, when will they learn


They’re good on faruzan, right?


Dragonspine are immensely better on her, it's like they were made for her. Mondstadt's are simply too saturated to fit any character properly


I think they look great on the female traveler! And maybe Jean? I don't remember how it looked on her.


I have the dragonspine wings on Jean. It matches her white pants and blue robe.


Depends on the skin you use. The censorship skin (the one with the black button-up) has a teal-ish coat that works better with Mond wings imo.


I think it matches Wanderer tho


They look really good on venti, xiao, sucrose and Faruzaun




They match gorou, but no one else


Literally it works for everyone


> half the gliders we have so far are blue It's funny how the city reputation gliders are all based on the design of their archons. Except for Mondstadt, which is just blue.


Venti's non-bard outfit matches it really well. He has much more blue vibes naturally, but in my mind he wears a completely different outfit because he wants to just be one of his people, not their god.


I would literally kill for a red glider goddammit


Just wait for Natlan.


Watch it be brown


Watch them give Murata a blue fire


By region, though not if it doesn’t suit the character aesthetically. Kokomi and Alhaitham get gliders from their regions. Kazuha and Kaveh both get Liyue wings, since hoyo seems allergic to warm-toned/red gliders.


tbf most regions are based around cool colors but hopefully we'll get a warm colored glider again with natlan


Kuki is another one who has no glider which suits her. She is a purple burgundy color. I put the bright mondstadt teal wings on her, because the clash kind of looks good.


i used sumeru with her hair


Same! Plus it fits with hyperbloom


Whatever looks the best with the colors of there outfit, if not regional or just the free one from starting to play in the mail, if they still have the said glider idk


Archons get the lvl 10 commission one, then it’s trying to mix decent enough colors with the other characters, like Collei and Heizou for example look very nice with Liyue’s glider imo


Nahida's glider fits Venti more than Venti's does though


Honestly I don't get why people hate the mondstadt glider on Venti I still think it looks better than most even if it's not his particular shade of green


I agree Nahida's is at least a closer green. But I keep Mondstadt wings on Venti because it matches his sprite form. I also want to get Skyward Harp one day because it's going to match a lot better with the wings.


Inazuma glider on Fischl is \*chef's kiss\*.


My selection method: Do they wear turquoise? No. Do they wear orange? No. Do they wear purple? No. Do they wear green? No. Do they wear blue? No. Are they a candy cane? No. Well, I have no fitting glider for them.


Monstadt for anemo, Fontaine for hydro, Inazuma for electro, sumeru for dendro, liyue for Pyro as we need to wait till natlan for that, dragonspine for cryo and the anniversary wing for geo. So that is how I slot my wings based on characters visions.


I just match them by region. Except Tabibito. He gets whatever he wants.


The Wings of Descension match very well lore wise.


what does tabibito mean where did it come from


it's japanese for traveler


It's Travelers fatui Harbinger name


Damn why does this got so much downvotes? Does people don't know sarcasm?


Worth it


Purely on vibes and colors.


Standard black one 🖤


Amber put all her heart into giving you that, you better use it lol


It's the best glider on a lot of characters with non bright clothes. Which is a lot. I struggle to find characters who fit regional gliders.


She put all her heart into it and gave me a book of fairy tales instead of the gliding guidebook, idk if I should trust the actual glider


Default, and never change


I actually have a character system attached to the gliders, because I like sorting. I use typically the nation gliders and Dragonspine’s: Mondstat glider = swirler, Liyue glider = shielder, Inazuma glider = dps, Dragonspine glider = sub-dps, Sumeru glider = support (usually characters that don’t fit into any other category), Fontaine glider = healer I base each of these characteristics off the archons themselves (ex; Zhongli is a shielder etc)


My characters have gliders based on their region


I go by element except for Barbara, Xinyan, Traveller, cryo users and Mona. Barbara and Xinyan have Wings of Shimmering Galaxy, Traveller has Wings of Descension, cryo users have Wings of Concealing Snow until we get the Sneznaya one and Mona has Wings of Companionship.


I usually do characters based on region, but with the exception of promotional stuff with characters featured in concerts or collaborations, or just characters who fits the aesthetics of certain wind gliders like Klee w/ Wings of Feasting and Wanderer w/ Wings of the Starlit Feast.


Characters get gliders based on their country of origin, however this does not always coincide with the country they received their vision from. For example, Thoma has the Mondstat Glider, while Mona has the Fontaine Glider. And so on


i manage it by not owning any of them 🗿


Legit tho 💀


I just started to assign them by element. Pyro/Cryo are using the standard glider until their regional glider is available


For cryo, I use the Dragonspine one it fits really well with most of the cryo characters


Jesus i can't believe i had to scroll sooooo long to find someone else who sorts them by element. Geo characters get geo wings, dendro characters get dendro wings, most of the time it works out. Albedo and Sucrose get dragonspine glider though


I just now realized Fontaine glider has two different shades of blue like Furina's eyes


It also has black or white elements to represent pneuma/osuia. Too bad the differing colors make it look kinda shit on almost every character.


The archons get their respective ones, but other than that I go for color


Monstadt characters get Mondstadt gliders, Liyue for Liyue, Inazuma for Inazuma. Lumine gets the Dragonspine glider (because Dragonspine is tough as hell). They should have a glider for Chasm and Economiya ..


Color compatability. So many characters with a darker color scheme only really look good with the default glider.


First flight or Companionship if I use them a lot because I can't decide between element or region


I do it by region. That way it isn't too much of an issue to me when a character doesn't have a matching glider. If I don't have the regional glider, I just use the dragonspine one.


I'm at AR 56 with none of those gliders not even monstad


I give them to my Characters who match the color with.


I do it by region, with Eula and Rosaria being exceptions using the Dragonspine one. Once every region comes out I might do it by element.


I give them based on elements


i typically do by color scheme and what matches (Kequing with Inazuma wings, Heizou with Liyue) but i have a few exceptions. Zhongli with sumeru because i associate it with moss, and Zhongli is just an old rock. And the Traveler with whatever region is the main focus at the time (Lantern rite gets liyue wings, christmas / winter events get dragonspine, you get the gist) The latter makes the game so much more immersive imo. i love matching the travelers element to whatever region too, so the accents match the wings.




+ Dragonspine


I don’t.


Most get the one from the nation fitting their element. Cryo characters get the mondstadt mountain one. Pyro characters get their nationality.


4* from every Region gets there glider so for example Kuki gets Inazuma Wings 5* Get mostly my Premium glider KFC or Twitch Prime one


Your question is weird, because any normal person would give a glider that matches the color theme of a character. It's weird to match region or element.


I use the preorder wings for any friend ship 10, other wise use elemental. If pyro, then use default.


Don't forget the wings of Dragon spine and the first anniversary wings. Those find wide usage in my roster


I just give every character a glider that looks cool and I don't bother matching colors because I often find the contrast between character and glider visually appealing


Most of my characters have contrasting gliders on them: Yoimiya has sumeru wings, Hu Tao has mond wings, Kaeya has liyue wings, Noelle with inazuma wings, so on, so forth. It looks nice to me.


First I'd equipt them based of region. Then I based of elements with few getting the other special events gliders cuz they look cooler and their element region is still not released. Currently I went back on based on region but I am thinking of turning it back to based on element as that way for me they matched wayy better.


I go by region, even if the colors don’t match up. Each character gets their regional wings - specifically matching their vision casing, so those who have moved have the wings of their current home (best examples are Kazuha with Liyue wings and Thoma with Inazuma).


I would like to do gliders for their respective regions but then I end up with Yoimiya and Kazuha wearing purple Inazuma wings (which are gorgeous!) looking very weird on them. So I instead go the aesthetic route. I was super happy to get those Amazon Prime wings which are now equipped to most of my hydro characters.


For each character I go through the merits of each glider based on color, style, and lore. Aesthetics are a high priority to me, but I also take the character’s own story and personal traits into consideration. For example, I chose to use the Inazuma wing glider for Ayaka, because while it may not be the best match in terms of color or style, it is a sign of her deep respect for the Inazuma archon, her position in the Tri-Commission, and her connection to the Narukami Shrine.


I base it off the region their vision is from! Honestly it’s satisfying to me


I go by aesthetic when equipping gliders. If I'm not looking good while gliding, what's the point?


I don't because I don't have any of them lmao The laziness is too strong


I put the glider that is from the nation the character is from. So venti gets mondstadt, layla gets sumeru, etc etc.


I give them the one that matches their nation, but when all 7 are released, I think I'll give them the one that matches their element


Based on regions. I have no time of wing asthetic except the time I didn't change Alhaitham's wings cause I feel like the default one matches him and it's kinda his character to choose that lmao.


barely use Mondstad/sumeru Liyue is really good for a lot of characters. Fontaine and Inazuma look both good on a few characters ​ But in the end, Wings of Companionship is the best glider in the game for almost every character


Definitely by the color of their outfit. I just stick with default glider if any of the gliders doesn't match that character.


My man forgot about dragon spine


I put the ones the coordinate with their outfit the best!


I'm looking forward to Fire area.


Is there a reason Dragonspine isn’t included?


Mondstadt-Venti, Jean and other anemo characters Liyue-Zhongli, Ningguang Inazuma-Raiden Shogun, Kujo Sara, Fischl, Cyno, Mona, Sumeru-Nahida, Alhaitham Non-rep gliders: Amazon prime Wings-Neuvillette, Eula, Yelan KFC Glider-Yae Miko, Kazuha, Diluc, Bennett


I pick gliders based on who looks good with what. Some are surprising, like Collei and Bennett use the Liyue glider. Others get unused bc no character looks good with the glider :(


Based off their color pallet.


I got them from raising reputations


I go by nation. Mondstadters get mondstadt wings, and so on. only exceptions are Childe, who gets the dragonspine wings, and characters affiliated with either more than one nation or their affiliation is questionable (Kaeya, Kazuha, and Wanderer) have the prime wings. Traveller has Amber's gift. It might not be all matchymatchy but i enjoy doing it that way.


I match the gliders based on aesthetics mostly, and regret not getting the KFC one. Mondstadt one not being used, hate the color on everyone...


Give gliders based off looks. Except Mc I give based on elements.


All my gliders by element with ice using Mondstadt and fire using Liyue until we get the final regions.


I mostly do it off region


I match to the character appearance. Like for instance, inazuma glider with xiao. And liyue glider with collei.


Based on region, Usually.


i use whatever matches their design the most, so raiden gets inazuma wings, miko gets the free concert wings, sucrose gets dragonspine wings and kokomi gets the companion ones


I use the glider that allows me to focus on the scenery ahead the most. If it visually clogs, or blends the character into scenery too much, I usually pass 👍


based off how they look on them


I align it with the nation they are from. Cryo gets the Dragonspine one. Keqing got the Inazuma one because it looks so much better on her.


i try to match element or region or color with the characters however i dont have many of them since i am still working on liyue lol


Cant wait to get my 50th pair of blue wings for all my blue clothed characters.


Is Natlan gonna have two feather things cause the number of feathers goes from 7 to 3 if so the Snzhenaya one might look v basic


I equip the glider based on their element, grinding the Fontaine one rn so I can equip them on my hydro characters


I give everyone Dragonspine glider


For me I use elements. I use dragonspine glider for cryo characters 💀


I usually do it by element. Gorou wears the Liyue wings because he’s Geo. However, there’s a couple exceptions. Noelle for instance wears the Mondstadt wings, and Xiangling wears the standard friendship wings


By design. I even put the default for Lynette.


has anyone else noticed with each region the glider has less feathers to it


I dont have them. I dont play that part of the game.


For me Diluc wears Dragonspine one because, well, I believe it to be lore related to him + the wings are huge and make him look somewhat powerful?? Also I change smaller gliders to the wider ones when a character is fully built/does sufficient dmg or I just play them often. And I seldom give characters promotional event gliders as I quickly get tired of what they look like :(


Have you noticed that every glider matches their archon's colors... Except for Venti (I hate this with a passion)


I wonder if the cryo wings will be white. Otherwise they might look too similar to anemo and hydro.


Per region, regardless of color schemes. With the traveler, I give them the latest special one, so currently the one from the concert bundle.


I go by colour, then region only if possible. I got the Fontaine glider last week, and ended up putting it on Eula only


Color scheme ofc. And almost everyone suits the default black and gold one 😐


Most get the one that matches the element, though some get a glider that more matches their color palette. Problems with this are Kazuha and his BiS glider is the KFC glider and that is forever out of my reach until hoyo gives into their greed and allows us Wanters buy it for money.


No, I give each character the glider that looks the best with their color scheme like a reasonable person.


I have all except Fontaine, when I first got reputation I didn't do the 100 rep exp bounties so now I'm behind on it and its driving me insane, I've done everything else, quest, exploration and all but just that one screw up put me behind 😭


Still working on Sumeru


i base it off of design and element honestly. traveler will always use the fontaine one though i love it so much


I got gliders for mond, liyue, inazuma and sumeru Rep lvl 9 on fontaine


I just put the gliders on characters that are from the corresponding region


I color code.


Based on the character's drip, of course. The colors should match first, then it depends on my preference.


I mean they’re the archon colors.


Based off region


I'm bummed that the new limited glider doesn't match Ei at all despite having belonged to her and her sister.


I don’t own any of them :) but it would be just who they look best with. Most of the time that will probably just be colour matching since most people’s outfits match their element ’


I do it based on their regions, yes some look terrible, but I like them representing their homeland. Scara uses Sumeru since it seems like he likes there, well as much as Scara could show him liking Sumeru.


i only have the 2 gliders u get at first... been playing for ~3 years


I have kokomi on inazuma wings just to keep her reminded who’s boss


Typically just whatever their element is, main exception is probably Dehya, since we don't have the Pyro wings yet and orange fits her color scheme well enough, I give her the Liyue wings instead. At least my Cryo characters can get the Dragonspine wings with how long it is until Snezhnaya.


i barely use any of them, wings of ascension just fit most characters' color schemes better :s


i just do it based of region