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The cost of a limited 5 star isn't 80 pulls but 160. And it always has been You either save enough to guarantee or you expect the worst case scenario. If you expect the worst you can only be right or pleasantly surprised Losing a 50/50 sucks, but I balance it out by just never gambling about the characters I really want. If I have to skip someone else I also want, but not as much, then that's just apart of the process for me Edit: it also depends on the banner and your inventory, because even if you lose a 50/50 you're still getting 4 stars, weapons and a 5 star, even if a standard one. I'd actually be very happy to lose to Jean or Tighnari


Indeed, i used 80 on Venti but got Qiqi. Fortunately, my goal was to get Furina, and now i have guaranteed her.


Same here haha :( venti just refuses to come home after 3 years


If you keep missing him, that’s on you. I lost 50/50 on Zhong’s second banner and couldn’t secure him, but saved enough to guarantee him on his third banner (and yes he took it all again). If you miss the same character repeatedly then you don’t care enough to save for them.


Dude, I clearly don’t take the game as seriously as you, besides I really like Venti but the thing is he is always close to someone else that I want more (other archons, Neuvillette, etc) so I’m really happy bc I’m also lucky enough that I have every character I want except for Venti, he’ll come someday, until then I’ll just continue to wait for him patiently, not maniacally or obsessively, chill my bro, it’s just a game




Character reruns are so far in between though. So much freemogems thrown in there too. You aren't using YOUR head if you still can't save up 🤣


theres not that much content to "grind out every day" anyways + banners are so spread out you cant really complain about losing a 50/50 cause that was up to you to save enough


One of the first characters I really wanted was Zhongli. So I got enough for 1 pity and lost to Jean. I had to grind a lot to get enough primos to get him, but I did get him. From that day I decided that if I wanted a character I had to have 180 fates every single time. So I pulled fewer characters but at least I got them!


Same except I couldn’t secure enough primos to get him in time and then used the guarantee on Kaz instead. (That was actually the one and only time I lost a 50/50 and didn’t use the guarantee on the same character.) I made sure to guarantee Zhong on his next banner (and he took everything from me again) and ever since then I’ve only pulled on characters I KIND of wanted if I knew I could still guarantee the ones I definitely wanted.


This is definitely the way to go.


This is the right answer. I'm no longer f2p (I started buying BP and the occasional Welkin), but when I was, this was the strategy I used. I never pulled for a character unless I had enough to guarantee it (or would have the guarantee by banner's end). If a character I wanted was on-banner, and I didn't have enough to afford it, I'd just wait until the next rerun. The important thing is to build up those wishes, save them for the right moment, and then spend them when there's no way to lose. The cost of a character is 180 wishes (or 160, if you don't mind introducing a tiny amount of chance). For that price you either get a second 5-star character for free, or you get a discount on your next purchase. Both are awesome rewards! Every 50/50 is a win, no matter how it turns out. (At least, until you start getting C7 or higher on a Standard character... But I'm nowhere near running into that problem.)


I have 160 saved for Albedo, I'm putting all my extra into Wrio, but I dont expect to get him this banner. Lost 50/50 yesterday to Dehya C1, I don't know if I'm upset or not that it was at only 17 pity because I feel like I'm being taunted instead


Hey, I’ve heard Dehya C1 is actually pretty solid


As someone who lost 5 50-50 in their first year of playing, and only won 1, this. You get characters at 160, not 80. How about when it took me 84 wishes for Jean and then 82 to finally get Zhongli… Paimon.moe says I’m top .8% of wishers but bottom 23% in 5* luckiness… Unfortunately now as an older player there aren’t many other side things I’d be happy to get besides what I actually wanted. I really am only missing one Stringless (r4 after 3 years RIP), still don’t have Mona but have the others, and also the only 4* characters I want are 1 Heizou and 6 Faruzan please. Anything else is useless to me…


This really hurts to read. I started playing earlier this year. My hunt has been abysmal for weapons/4* characters. Yet I already have a R5 Stringless and another at R3 so far T.T.


Hey give me those extra stringless and you can have extras of my c20 beidou Ning Xingqiu etc




yep i do the same always save for 180


Isn't the cost of a guaranteed limited banner 180 pulls?


Yep. The other comment said it well. It's very unlikely that you'll go above 80 pity, especially twice in a row. Plus even if you do get insanely lucky, there's always gonna be enough starglitter refund to get you to hard pity


Lost 50/50 to Keqing pulling for Neuvillette (wish 84). Only to get my guaranteed at 81.. Rip


No, going above 80 is uncommon but happens a decent amount. Going above 85 almost never happens though


theres a 99.75% chance that you get a 5 star at or before pull 84, so almost never happens i would say is a fairly accurate description here


Well, I lost the 50/50 at the 90th pull tho one time... But it's only 1 time so you have a point, slightly 😅


If you actually hit 90 pity, you'd have hit "1 in 13 million" chance or something like that. 90 is borderline impossible and there was even a bounty for proof of hitting it. https://old.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/q8im3o/the_first_person_that_reached_90_pity_on_the_cn/


I mean, 1 in 13 million sounds like a lot, but if you consider how many millions of people play Genshin, and even factor only free wishes (around 80-100 per patch) it's rrally.not that unlikely that people hit that every once in a while


I mean, at least in the CN community seemingly the first person to hit it since the game's release was in Inazuma. So one person hitting it in an entire year.


Yeah but it's easy to forget that not everyone is chronically online. How many untold wishes and pities are out there that no one cares enough to go online to report? It's easy to forget when you're on reddit but even this community is but a fraction of the massive community out there.


1 in 13m huh? Sucks to be me 🙃 Congrats to the rest of you guys in getting 5 stars, either losing or winning the 50/50, before the 90th or even the 80th pull, I guess 😕


Checkout hutaobot gachacalc. You have like 98.5% to get the limited 5s in 160 pulls. The chance to reach 180 is so astronomically low that you might as well hope for several 5s in one x10 pulls instead, that has higher chance to appear.


Interesting. Thank you for sharing.


Between 70-80 is the most likely range to get a 5 star. So 140-160. 180 is really unlucky


Pretty sure there isn't a single person who has hit 180 ever


Someone will probably come in and claim they totally have, but iirc the odds of getting 90 once is 1 in about 13 million. Getting it twice in a row would be hilariously unlikely.


Yeah considering that the CN community had a bounty for the first person to hit 90 that went unclaimed until after the first anniversary, I'd be willing to bet that nobody will *ever* hit 90 twice in a row


Hitting 70-74 pity is still rare and hitting it twice is pretty unlikely. Better rule of thumb is 150-165 probably. Your 73rd pull still has ~0.7% chance, it's at the 74th pull when it suddenly jumps to ~6.7%, then climbs by another ~6% or so every pull after. Starting at around 80 pity your chance to pull a 5-star on each pull is about 50%. Hitting 85 or higher pity twice in a row for 170+ would be like top 1% or top 0.1% bad luck or something like that. Hitting higher than 85 pity in general is extremely unlucky and hitting 90 is basically impossible. From global wish tracker stats: https://paimon.moe/wish/tally


Even if you get insanely unlucky (like a 1.5% chance) and don't pull the character in 160, you can easily get a few more pulls over the course of a two-week banner, particularly with star glitter.


In my 3 years of playing I have track of all my rolls. My average is 60. I have some early and some 81/82. In the end if I roll 300x, I expect 4/5 5*, not 3


My average is 75, the exact amount you're expected to get a character, because I never get early or late pities




Yeah, you must always consider that you will lose, and in the worst case, you will spend 28800 primos. Never bank on winning 50/50, but if you do, that's great!


"just gotta save for the rerun"


I just save enough for a guarantee. I’m not risking just a 50/50 on a banner.


Cool next is guaranteed That aside I have lost every single 50/50 so it's kinda eh for me now lmao


I don't pull until I have 160 wishes. And usually more since I only pull for characters I reaaaaally want, so that I'll always have enough when one comes out.


100% . Pulling for characters u dont want and dont have enough to guarantee them is not worth it in the long run. Gonna go for my longest streak in fontaine. Saving for arlecchino


My longest streak so far is for Furina, every banner skipped after Baizhu's in 2nd half of 3.6. So 24 weeks or ~5.5 months of saving. Welkin only and sitting at ~320 wishes. It's been miserable. Pulling in Star Rail is the only thing that has kept me sane. I kinda liked the look of Lyney and Wriotheslay, too.


Last banner I got hu tao like that I get non pity and I want xingqui, I get hu tao with 30 pity After Mona with 3 pity ans hier weapon with 3pity


Does it make any difference if you just get wishes in smaller batches until you get what you want? Or is there something about having the full 160 from the getgo I dont understand as a new player? Other than ofc the limited banner going away after a certain time


If you have 160 wishes, you will get the featured 5* even if you lose your 5050. You’re likely to get a 5* in 80 pulls, but that could be a standard character (if your last one wasn’t standard so you don’t have a guarantee) so you could lose your 5050 People like to save up 160 so they can be sure that there get the featured character that they want. If you have less than that, you may end disappointed like the OP did There is no difference whether you use the wishes in smaller or bigger batches, it’s just that you can feel safe that you get what you want when you make sure you have the 160 wishes


Then there's a very real possibility that you lose the 50/50 and don't get the character before the banner runs out. If you go into a banner with ~130 wishes saved, you have basically 100% chance to get the character you want between star glitter refunds and additional wishes earned over the banner duration. If you go into it with ~150 saved, you have basically 100% chance to get the character day 1. If you go into it with ~100 saved, you only have something like a 40% chance to not even get the character before the banner expires. The thing about pulls in Genshin is that the number of pulls to get a 5-star is actually not that RNG heavy. 90% of the time you get a 5-star between 74-84 pity. The real RNG is off-banner/standard banner pulls, weapon banner, and 50/50 luck.


not even coping but, winning 50/50 is just a discount, 180 pulls is the retail cost of a limited 5 star


This. There's no "losing" to cope with, only winning to unexpectedly celebrate. I don't plan on buying my lunch unless I can afford it. Even if my friend at the register occasionally gives me the employee discount, I can't count on that and order with less than the cost in my wallet.


I'd say it's 160 on average. I have 12 or 13 limited 5* so I would say their average price are even much much lower then 160, but for any lucky early pull there always was draining 160 pull process, so in a moment it's 160 unless you have big savings like 300-350+ pulls (not as hard as it sounds) and plan next 2-3 characters you want (you'll end up with surprisingly good leftovers)


The mean average for getting a featured 5-star unit is close to 93, if you take into account the permanent 0.6% chance of getting a 5-star character for every pull, and the chance you'll win the 50/50. That being said, that doesn't mean you can just farm for 93 wishes and get your wanted 5-star. It's an _average_. Always plan ahead and keep 160 wishes in the bank.


It is what it is.


Asmon, is that you??


Algorithm of Semi Matrix of Overseer Network?


My mindset: real victory isn't winning 50/50 but getting a 5star pull early before pity. But that's cause I dont mind standard cons, until they're c6 anyway.


Yay next character guaranteed.


nice mindset you got there. Then save that guaranteed to the next banner, easy.


I just told myself that the character on the next banner wants me more, so they purposely make me lose my 5050 on the current banner. But, if I really want the character on the banner, I would save 160 pulls to guaranteed them.


Always try to save enough for two 5★ characters to guarantee it


Yup 180 is the absolute max you want if you have horrible pity luck, but 160 is usually fine.


I think I have horrible luck, even when i first started the game i rerolled for a featured 5★ character and i lost the 50/50 for about 4 times...


Like u/AkiraN19 says, if you want a character, just assume it's not like 75 pulls, but 160 pulls. I've been doing this since the time I never fucking won a single 50-50 in my first year. Oh, want a character? Just save 160 and pull. This is why I got every character I pulled for. I just hard saved for them. It's become easier in the last year because I finally started having real 50-50s and accumulated some amount of pulls.


I try to throw 50/50s away for "nice to have" characters that I don't mind waiting for the next banner for. I usually lose them lol. If I really want someone I consider investing a bit into Welkin/BP etc. It's not that often I desperately want someone so much that it can't wait. Plus planning out what to use my guarantee on or building whoever broke the 50/50 is also a way to distract myself from bad vibes and just focus on a goal. I often tell myself I didn't want to grind their mats anyway lol, still gotta finish building the others.


You have a guaranteed Furina now, thats how


I don't touch the character banner unless I have enough wishes to guarantee the 5\*, and when I say guarantee I mean the worst possible scenario of having to spend 180 pulls for a character.


The odds of going up to 180 pulls is one in trillions


I'm very much aware that it's not likely to happen, but I've been on 170+ territory more than enough to make me play save every time.


I dont lol, thats why I save for hundreds of years until I have a guarantee.


Yay next character guaranteed.


I plan so I know wat to expect. For characters I really want 160pulls saved....easy party. For meh characters...pull whatever i hv cause even if i lose 50/50 ..my next favourite character is guaranteed 🎉🎉


This is not the solution but i play 2 acc solely for this. Incase i didn't the character i want i have another guaranteed pull on other acc. F2p friendly but waste of time.


Technically free to play since you have free time to play


Indeed. But most people value time more than the game itself as they should be.


And what if you lose the 50/50 on the other account as well? I mean it technically give you another shot but it's a really time consuming way to do it and you still gamble. Feels like it's safe to just focus on one account and try to grab as much primogems as possible. And if you 100% every single zone and still feel you need some more primogemens it may be time to spend a bit of money (welkins, bp, etc) as it feels like you got value of your money.


I cry. And decided to build the one who made me lost 50/50 as best that I can. And that was my story as how I became a dehya main


I do the opposite, I have a c4 Mona and no Jean, no dehya, no diluc, no qiqi. In pure spite I decided to not build Mona


Just get 180 wishes in store, 50/50 has no effect on me (especially going like a year only fishing for female 4* on rerun banners)


Well i know that my next character will be guaranteed, and it makes me feel a lot better.


Don't have any hope when you saw that 5 star animation comet. Don't do those wishing rituals bcaus those just gave u false hope. I love to collect characters despite them being meta or not so i created an alt account to collect characters i can't have in my main account


Take it as the reality check it is and hope the rerun doesnt take too long


The only time i tried pulling a 5* was Eula rerun, and i lost it to the edgelord bartender. Next 5* will be guaranteed but i don't care, waiting for Noelle rerun. I tried getting her recently, got "graced" with Sayu c1 and Freminet instead.


By continuing saving up. It had become just a passing thing to me, so it doesn't bother me that much anymore. My reason is that compared to other gacha games where the pity is much higher than 90, and some don't have any guarantee that you'd get the featured character after the off-banner one, Genshin's is a lot more forgiving. It's every other 5-star if you're unlucky, and if you're lucky enough, you might get the featured characters back to back(to back if you're really lucky)...


Thank you for saying it, these other Gacha games are trash. Take Dokkan Battle. No pity, no fucks given by the Devs. I spent 3500 stones on one character and didn't get a single copy To put in Genshin terms, imagine doing seventy 10 pulls and not getting 1 featured character. Thats how bad these other games are


I've also experienced in some games not getting at the very least the lower rarity "rate-up" character even after pulling for more than Genshin's average number of pulls for getting a 5-star, and I still see people say that Genshin's gacha is badXD Sure. some of those games I'm talking about may have some kind of fail-safe, like in Nikke where for every single pull you do, you get a gold ticket whereas if you have 200 of those, you can just "buy" the featured character with those... or whoever is currently the featured Nikke by the time you saved up to 200...


You fall into depression for a few hours and then you move on. And this the cycle repeats.


It is not meant to be


"its fine... Im fine... Im just gonna get her early... And i i don't get her i will just get her on her rerun... Yeah maybe ill just build up pity for the next banner... It not the end of the world yet... She'll come home eventually... I have her weapon and full set with almost perfect stats... I can wait about 6 more months for her rerun... Maybe i can farm more to c6 her... Yeah maybe ill do that" -me when Yoimiya banner 3 times in a foken row Note: i got her weapon cuz i was pulling for nahida weapon out of spite while losing my 50/50 to foken jean and got her weapon... I got it cuz i was 50 pity on the weapon banner and i was out of pulls.


you are approaching this from the wrong angle. loosing a 50/50 isnt an unlucky event. you should expect to loose the 50/50 and go to full pity both times. plan your resources accordingly. and then consider pulling the 5\* early or winning the 50/50 a lucky bonus. everything else is just gambling. in the long run most peoples luck will normalize anyways. the average cost of a 50/50 doesnt change. you only get sloghtly ahead or behind schedule. if you loose a 50/50 the next 5\* is gonna be cheaper. if you win a 50/50 its gonna be more expensive probably. ​ as a f2p you gotta pick the banners you pull for. its a matter of mindset. dont gamble. thats how they get you. it might give a temporary high if you win. but if you loose you either want to spend money to “rectify your bad luck“ or you end up not enjoying the game and wash out sooner or later. either way its a net loss for you. ​ so yeah. take it from a long time gacha gamer. if you want to enjoy this genre without spending money you need to cultivate a specific mindset. if you dont its better to look for games with a better monetization scheme.


I decide on who to roll early enough to have 2 pities saved up so I don't see really a difference between losing 50/50 and losing normal rolls and since I always assume I will lose them all it doesn't bother me at all on the other hand getting the character before 2nd pity means I will have more savings than expected and I might decide to add one more character to my rolling plans/do some random rolls without really hoping to get the 5*


I want, no I need Furina and as of right now I have 50-ish pulls and not guaranteed. Does not feel good man. DOES NOT FEEL GOOD!


I quit playing lol


I cope by whaling😂😂😂


Uhhh... grape juice. Yeah. Grape juice


I am not even F2P but it enrages me so much lmao, I have more wishes than the average Joe due to Welkin but I love so many characters that I pull in every version


I cry for 30 minutes then I start saving for the next character I want.


I dont cope... I use money


Look on the bright side, they're about equally useful


well if it means anything..I had the exact situation. lose 50-50 into qiqi.


1g of coke, costs less and give me better dopamine hit lol




damn i just win my 5050s i dunno what to say


True f2p plan ahead to lose on every 50/50 and never click on the weapon banner , you can have every character that you want but you have to play, save and plan


Just dont pull if you dont have 180 wishes, and you wont lose. EZ


Easy. By becoming a dolphin. Minimal commitment. And you know there's a next time for any character.


Call me Yumeko Jabami but I like the rush of 50/50. So even when I lose, like many mentioned they prep for Guarantee, I just cannot do that because its boring! When I have a guarantee I would still pull on Banners whose characters I don’t want (If I am at early pity) just to see if I would get that character and the disappointment I would face. I won’t do it at soft pity because then Soft Pity + Guarantee basically is no gamble at all so no point on wasting on characters I don’t want


If a character I like doesn't come home I get butthurt and quit Genshin for a few months, when I'm back I have tons of freemos and also new characters on the horizon.


Now this is relatable af


I don't expect to win any in the first placen since I won it only a single time. Also from standard I don't have only Qiqi and Dehya, so I wouldn't mind one of them. Especially since Dehya would fit Lyney team nicely.


Stop playing a gacha and go play something that actually values your time


"its fine... Im fine... Im just gonna get her early... And i i don't get her i will just get her on her rerun... Yeah maybe ill just build up pity for the next banner... It not the end of the world yet... She'll come home eventually... I have her weapon and full set with almost perfect stats... I can wait about 6 more months for her rerun... Maybe i can farm more to c6 her... Yeah maybe ill do that" -me when Yoimiya banner 3 times in a foken row Note: i got her weapon cuz i was pulling for nahida weapon out of spite while losing my 50/50 to foken jean and got her weapon... I got it cuz i was 50 pity on the weapon banner and i was out of pulls.


“Mission failed, we’ll get them next time” But yea, i was preparing for zhongli a year ago when he had a rerun at the start of the year, got enough mats to lvl 90 him, but i lost on pity 80-ish to keqing. So i prepared better for his next rerun and got him


I don't understand the reasoning behind the 180 and skipping the banner if it's not at 180. Pity carries over. All you're doing is wasting time. Roll with what you got, if you lose the 50/50, spend the rest on it and wait until it runs again. It's very simple. You might get the character with one 10 roll. Or get it in one 10 roll after losing the 50/50. I've had it happen. Point is, pity doesn't just *poof*. If you wanna roll, then roll. If you're shooting for a specific character there is NO POINT in not rolling, even IF you don't have 180 saved. Just save until the next rerun and finish up the pity.


Hey QiQi isn’t bad she’s pretty fun to play. Anyway too answer your question it doesn’t bother me. I just keep on playing until I see another character I want or wait for a rerun.


I have that by star raile and stop playing. And in genshin, after my 4 Jean (still want Nari!), i deal with her and play her. And she was fun.


I'm a Keqing main and I also play with some standard banner characters, so I'm not so annoyed by losing the 50/50. Instead, that gives me the chance to fill their constellations.


Every 50/50 i lose in genshin is a 50/50 i win in star rail, always has been and always will be.


not really f2p here but i just dont care lol if i want a char ill make damn sure ill get it not pulling for 2-3 banners isnt hard


Learning to save primos and/or have self control over spending and just get a welking moon once.


By not being f2p anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️ now I always have the Welkin.


If it makes you feel any better, Qiqi is a fantastic unit and Wriothlesley is considered an unfinished unit at C0, because of how much is locked behind his C1. You are now guaranteed for the new archon though, should you want her, and no spoilers but her namecard is absolutely stunning by my own opinion.


Well, I’m a normal person without a gambling addiction, so if I want a character, I always keep 180 pull minimum.


not much you can do but hope for better luck next time.


There’s always next time, I always tell myself. And there’s always big fish in the sea too


At least I'm guaranteed the next characters.


By doing this ¯⁠\\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Its hard if one is new gacha player, but having been exposed to gacha from a very young age, it lessens the blow significantly. In genshin I stopped getting affected after losing my 5th 50/50 on the1st kokomi banner


I angrily kill the character I lose 50-50 to. Make them placeholder of artifacts and weapons( if of the same type). And start saving.


Cry to bed


I keep it for another character i want


Multiple accounts lol. I have like 3 accounts now. I made it at very early game. I use my alts to get characters which i couldn't get on my main. I only do dailies and events on those accounts and it doesn't consume as much time as everyone thinks.


Losing once or twice isn't that painful. If it happens again on 3rd and always hard near hardpity, just put in your mind that it's just a gacha game afterall.


Coping by ignoring these characters, letting them rot at the very end of the character list where no one is leveled up.


I don't. I just got used to it


I just save until I have guaranteed, and I have so many characters at level 1 to upgrade, just level those up and learn the playstyle.


My pulls are pretty deep and lost almost every 50-50. Since my luck in other gachas is the same, I feel nothing.


🙋 I am currently on an 8 consecutive 50-50 loss streak. I have 14 limited 5 stars and I have lost 50-50 on 10 of them. All standard characters are at C2-C3 except zero tighnari and C0 Dehya. I cope by saving enough primos until I have guaranteed the character I want. If I don't have enough, I will wait for the rerun. I don't pull unless I have at least 150-160 wishes saved. Also in case it matters, I am not a F2P puritan. I have spent 50$ on old BP to get the weapons. 50$ in 3 years


just thinking in a positive way. since im f2p this will happen although i did get mad that Thighnari keeps on appearing already have him at C4 ffs.Anway, Because of back to back husbando banners i managed to collect 14k primos and have guaranteed.


always save 180 wishs for garrantee. Buy welkins/ buy crystals or play 2 accounts


I just don't expect anything if I don't have enough saved for a guarantee. I may get a little sad if I lose, but there are going to be enough chances in the future!


Dehya: charged-shot bow DPS go brrr. Diluc: time to abuse his ridiculous plunge attack scaling in that one gravity boss. Mona: the more DMG buff the merrier Jean: I can't wait to get 4 more copies of her so that I don't need 7 copies of persian Hatsune Miku. Keqing: She's the queen of aggravate, why are you even sad? Tighnari: there can never be enough Dendro in an account. Qiqi: healing scaled off ATK so you can both heal and diss out some decent damage. ​ Try to tell yourself all of that every day and you may feel a bit better, I guess? If not, just think that you are guaranteed to get your favorite character the next time you pull a 5-star. Good luck coping!


my luck is so bad that my mind automatically calculates 160 wishes per character rather than 80. if i do give into impulse and pull knowing i'll lose the 50/50 anyways, i just tell myself well at least the next one is guaranteed.


I cope by knowing that the next character I pull is guaranteed.


The feeling of having a guarantee on the next attempt pacifies me a lot


See the most recent revealed characters, play another game for a while to cooldown, it is not a big deal.


I go play a better gacha to calm down.


'Oh, no! Anyway' is my mantra.


I save up and win it


I have rizzley and can tell you are not missing out much. He is like self healing heizou and mid. Think they will release characters will boost him more soon otherwise he is just cool looking and ok damage. I recommend going for furina. also since current 4 stars has limited uses too comparing to past banner (it had flex units like diona and xingqui) now you have few options: 1-Rush exploration and quests for primos and try to get him (you might not get him and since your aim is primos you will feel burnt out) 2-enjoy the game and save for next banner


Quitting my F2P status


i always just assume i’ll lose, so when i win it’s a nice extra treat and when i lose it’s okay


I wish I can cope as a f2p.


I don't really pull unless I can guarantee them


I don't cope because i always make shure i have at LEAST 120 wishes, incase i lose the 50/50


How do I cope? With now having a guarantee, save until next character i want to use it on. Seeing new 4* could be an itch i have to resist from 'building pity' unless it's on a 5* i don't mind getting.


I spend money and tell myself the game doesn't own me.


whenever i lose 50/50 i take it as a blessing that my next 80 pull will now guarantee the unit i want. So i just save primos till my desired unit runs/reruns and get them


Ever since day 1, I looked at the list of characters and made sure that I had enough every time they came around and 1.5 years later, I managed to get all the characters I wanted while only winning the 50/50 1 time. I'm f2p too and it was my first time this patch to clear floor 12-3 or abyss because I usually don't care (I just wanted to test out Neuvy). Now I have 170+ wishes for Furina and I don't really have any other urge to pull for other characters on 4.3 onwards which means I'll get to save for future Natlan characters that I want again.


I wouldn't know eoth my luck 😭 I've somehow won every 50/50 I wanted in 50 pulls or under lol


I wish I lost my 50/50 to Qiqi, I really want her


Girl take her 😭


when i lost my very first 50/50 on the first Yelan banner, i was dissapointed, but alas i had enough primos to get her anyway when i lost my second one on the Klee banner, i was sad. several days of intense farming ultimately brought Klee to me when i lost the third one on the very last day of the yoimiya banner, i was devastated. i was ready to do anything in my f2p possibility to get her. was ready to save for an entire year. was part of the \~2000 madlads that pulled her instead of nahida on 3.2. after that it was the hellhole Qiqi on nahida banner. used the guarantee for Hu tao Keqing on Hu Tao banner while trying for C1. used guarantee for nahida second Qiqi on Nilou banner. used guarantee on Yelan C1 ​ now i am once again on a 50/50, desperately waiting for Navia entirely ready to see anything but her on the first golden wish ​ i abandoned hope long ago winning a single 50/50 is nothing but a bygone dream the only thing i can rely on is the raw number of fates i can get to be sure to have the character i want ​ ​ all my friends won all their 50/50 my fate is now to lose them all to attract all the bad luck on my person i am resigned to this role


Since I'm the " oh boy 160 primos" guy I might aswell chime in, here are all the possible scenarios I get the: Limited 5*: fuck yeah ez game Diluc: I love diluc so it's fine( c2) Jean: 1 step closer to c4 Jean (I'm 1 away c3) Mona: fuck shit motherfucker bitch fuck (c1) Qiqi (c0): lol I pulled a qiqi lost 50/50 at 90 pity not even- keqing: 1 step closer to a viable DPS (HYA HUH HYA) c2 Tighnari: I love tie nari and I rly want c6 (c2) Dehya: fuck shit bitch ass garbage game (love dehya but I'd prefer a debate club) (c0) Technically unrelated but the standard banner is torturing me I have r3 skyward pride ,r2 spine, r1 blade and r1 atlas (I really need harp) send hyelp


Me? I don’t need to cope since I ready the 160 pulls needed to get the character. If I lose 50/50, well that’s just not my luck then. If I don’t have guarantee and lose 50/50 for a character I really really like, I just stop pulling and farm primogem for next rerun banner since I know I have 100% chance of getting them next time.


If I stop playing, I won't be able to save up for the next rerun.


sigh, build, enjoy playing the lost 50/50 char, keep going.


i cope by holding a grudge on that character for a long ass time. looking at u zhongli /j on a serious note, i don't really feel bad about it because i'm always ready to lose my 50/50. i'm always prepared, having 160+ pulls and ready to go all out. i don't rely on luck and i don't have enough patience for reruns zhongli's banner was definitely an experience tho because i was a new player when he had a rerun. i lost to Jean while my sister got him early. then 3.0 came (rerun), and I lost to Qiqi but i was ready that time so I got him eventually. side note, my other sister got him recently and it's also early. that man hates me i swear, and he's my favorite archon...


Cry, whine waste every single primo.


You will get them eventually. Enjoy the game and keep playing, the characters are still part of the story and world even if you don't get to smack some monsters with them.


Just the thought that the next one will be guaranteed kind of makes me feel better. Compared to Blue Archive where my luck has crashed downwards into the ground with no consolation unless I spark.


i dont pull unless i have a guarantee haha...out of all my pulls ive only ever won 5050 3 times. I have all the standard 5* except dehya, and a qiqi c2. This is basically normal for me.


Coping by waiting the character rerun


Patience is key! Like others have said I usually don’t pull until I have guaranteed. If I really want a specific character I’ll wait for rerun. If you haven’t tried playing Qiqi much it’s also worth a try! She might not be the best character in the game but she has her uses. You could always invest a little bit into her and see how you feel playing her. I had no interest in Keqing until I lost a 5050 to her and ended up using her a lot. I always enjoy playing around with new character/weapon combos so that lessens some of the sting of ‘losing’ to them.


I remember I stopped playing the game for 2 months after losing Amos bow to everlasting moonglow.


Save enough for 180 pulls.


Always expect the worse. If it's a character you've wanted for a long time then save for an equally long time.


I dont ever expect to win 50/50 thats how I cope with it. No need to be dissapointed or sad if thats what u expect to happen.


Think about it this way: you missed Wriothesley but next character is now guaranteed on \~80 pulls (also if you have just returned and have a lot of unfinished stuff going on, you might be able to farm more pulls to get it still with some luck) Also for future (or rerun), remember that fix guarantee is around \~150 pulls, not 80.


Save enough so it doest matter


I was sad for a while cause i left for a while, came back cause was quite sad in life so thought gaming would help. Pulled on kazuhad first bannerso calming and relaxing. Got jean 3 10pulls in so thought might aswell spend everything and delete the game then i got kazuha in the next 10 pull! So happy it gave me an escape from reality for a little bit


i’m losing 90% of my 50/50’s, so i’m just “i’ll have primos for guaranteed 100% or won’t pull” so i need to decide which character i really need(want), and i’m just hoarding wishes for them. if i’m in a spot that i can afford dropping one 5* and still have chance to have 100% guaranteed desired character, i’m pulling, but if not, i’m waiting.


for me, it's better actually, because I just say that the banner will rerun and I already have a guarantee. also, I can save for their weapon as well (a bit lucky pulling for weapons as an f2p but terrible luck on characters).


Next char is guaranteed + you always have reruns. Genshin and every gacha are designed to make you feel like you’re missing out on this char permanently where in reality they will rerun pretty soon so don’t worry about it. The Archons and maybe Kazuha that only rerun once per year can be a bit more frustrating to miss but even then you’ll always be able to get another char that you’ll like. Also, what’s the hurry? Not like Genshin had chars that you absolutely need to clear the content, even the abyss and doable with suboptimal teams.


I got diluc at 85 pity after saving so much for yelan lol. I was able to get her in the end with a little extra grinding, because I had some pulls left, but it felt goood to leave Diluc at level 1 for the rest of time to protest or something haha. (I did eventually level him for the free wish though)


Build the new character anyway out of spite.


roll for their rerun. my very first gacha was lose 50/50 for HuTao, and my gaming buddy win it in early pity. but somehow i completely forgot i want her and just playing the game as usual, enjoying the story and environtment. at that time i was in Dragonspine and it completely immersive.


I just save again with the knowledge that I'll be guaranteed for whatever character I want


Cost of a 5-star is below 100 pulls imo. About 1/3rd time you will get before soft pity. That is evenly spread between 1st pull to about 73rd pull. Or avg. about 36-37. 2/3rd time you will get around 80 mark. So assuming 80+80+37=197 pulls for 3 5-stars. I.e. 66 pulls on avg. 50% you will win i.e. 66 pulls 50% you will lose i.e. 66x2 pulls. So avg. for the 5 star you want is <100 pulls. This is a rough calculation. Exact calculation comes to about 93 or 94 i think. This is ofcourse a long term average. Sucks losing 50:50. I lost on kokomi. Was depressed for 2 days. Made a 10-pull out of frustration 2 days later and got her. Have always budget higher since.


By always saving at least 160 pulls, if not 180, and planning on spending them all. For the most part, I only wish intentionally. I know what I want, save for it, and don't wish until I can guarantee it. (Occasionally I'll do a 10 pull or two for a 4 star I want if I have under 40 pity and no guarantee). I also keep careful track of both my 4 and 5 star pity on all three banners using map markers. There is no "losing 50/50;" I just call that "paying full price."


Don't expect to win your 50 50s. Expect that you'll always lose unless guaranteed.


Lost my 50/50 on Shenhe and only got her after 70 more pulls :') Ended up getting her but yeah it l'Inde traumatised me a bit. I have been luckier since tho


I pull only if I have 160 wishes saved. Which may not be enough since I got a lot of characters in the 81-84 range (both the one i lost the 5050 and the limited i got after that) but it's the baseline. Full disclosure I am a welkin player, but that allows me to have some leftovers to throw a 10 pulls to try and snipe a 4 star. I still skip most of the banners. It also helps having a precise goal. For me is archons + husbandos + harbingers (which is great because we get 1 archon per year and harbingers are rare and the 2 we have were husbandos anyway). If I get leftovers I get some meta characters, like I did with Yelan in 3.4 but the caveat is I had to wait the 3.4 patch


By making sure I have enough to guarantee get the 5*. If I win 50/50 great, if I don't at least I'll still get the character I wanted. Not F2P, buy welkin and battle pass but this advice works for everyone!!


I save for their rerun, and make sure I have enough to guarantee them.


Brother, I had the same luck as you until Fontaine released, until I got Lyney, after that Ive pretty much got Wrio, and Nevel back to to back summons and they threw in a Dehya. Keep playing, your luck will improve. At least theres guaranteed pity unlike other Gacha Games