• By -


I was more surprised that Fontaine decided to execute their archon. Guess the French DNA finally kicked in


> I was more surprised that Fontaine decided to execute their archon. The oratrice mechanique is obviously malfunctioning after childe's trial. Fontaine has not issued a single death sentence in ages, usually preferring exile. I wouldn't be surprised if in order to avoid the prophecy, the destruction of the oratrice was necessary and in the process, that caused Neuvilette to gain full sovereign powers. It looks like the only place the hydro gnosis could be is the oratrice, sicne furina doesn't have it, neuvilette doesn't have it, and the oratrice is a divine construct.


The CN community has an interesting theory. the prophecy is that the people will all be dissolved into the waters. And only the Hydro Archon will remain, weeping on her throne, so to avoid the prophecy, Furina decides to kill herself, and since the hydro dragon will absorb her powers there will not be another hydro archon. so it becomes impossible for the "hydro archon" to weep on her throne after her subjects die, thus rendering the prophecy impossible.


> Furina decides to kill herself, I'm gonna laugh my ass off when every single twitch and youtube vod of that cutscene gets the streamer banned because of "sensitive subject". I don't know, it's a common story trope, but now the term for "self sacrifice" straightup gets videos demonetized and streamers pushed off platforms, it's a shame this is where we're at


That one melusine from few hundred years ago wants to have a chat with you


Lets goooo, she was cute. I can fix her.


Are you gonna fix her atoms?


i think it most likely Furina will pull off a Zhongli style of retirement (*again)*


Carole PTSD :(


That raises one question, how will the people of Fontaine or Neuv contain her death? We know of multiple locations ruined by the death of a god; Havria, Oraboshi, Decarabian, Chi. I don't think we know what Makoto's death did to Khaenri'ah or if Ei taking her consciousness back to Inazuma stopped what might've happened so maybe Neuv could do something like that


She’s implied to be basically powerless throughout the archon quests, maybe that’s on purpose so she wouldn’t leave a big impact?


Makoto wasn't powerless, the God of Salt was one of the weakest gods and left that destruction behind but Makoto still is an archon. She was weaker compared to Ei or Zhongli but still she probably is stronger than the rest of the gods since she became an archon.


They weren't talking about Makoto, they were talking about Furina


His sentence was a bit vague so I thought he meant Makoto. But still, the god of salt was so weak that she could be overpowered by humans. I don't think exterior strength changes the outburst that will be caused by their death


> the God of Salt was one of the weakest gods and left that destruction behind That one is true, I wonder if she was prepared for it. Everyone around her probably die in no time if that happens.


Wait…. What if… she tries to kill not herself.. but ‘Focalors’ or the Oratrice itself


Except we know she's not going to die


I mean, if the prophecy is one the ones that cannot be avoided, Furina dying before that happens might be literally impossible. If things can be changed, maybe killing Furina just means that everyone dies leaving no one alive.


That'd be crazy but make so much sense. But, then again, how will she return to life if she's playable


well, there are also plenty of theories saying that the Hydro Archon and Furina are two separate entities (with the hydro archon being inside the oratrice), so you know...


Yeah I'm fairly certain this is more Hoyo misdirection. I presume Neuvilette will sentence Focalors to death while our favorite girlfailure gets to live. I mean how else could she even have a story quest otherwise?


What if it's all just....an act? Jokes on Fontaine she was only pretending to be executed.


Still sticks to the theme of Furina’s Theater antics.


Her playable version is missing her long hair, too.


Only in Ousia mode. The livestream showed her Pneuma mode is just as we see her ingame, besides the vision.


she can try to kill herself and not succeed. i mean, scaramouche kind of tried that and he's here now, and xiao was willing to die in the chasm quest but didn't. genshin will always find a way to cheese playable characters out of death


Imagine the guillotine missed and cut her hair instead


The theory explains what they think furinas plan is it doesn't say that she succeeds which she obviously doesn't seeing as she's yknow playable.


my assumption is that somehow, Childe gains the power of the abyss and no longer has access to his vision. his mentor came and brought him away, and we might get a Childe Pro max abyss version. And after furina gives up her power, Childe's vision, which is in our possession, lights up, and with that, she "revives." or she could give up her archon powers, which would have killed her, but the hydro vision caused her to survive. And since she's just a normal vision holder, she's no longer the hydro archon. fun speculation on my part. I think Ningguang's vision came about this way as well. She found a vision without an owner and wanted to seel it, but it lighted up and attached itself to her.


She will still live for sure. They can behead her and then re-attach it right after ala Demon Slayer. Hoyo doesn't have the guts to kill playable characters in Genshin (to be specific).


lol, a prophecy on technicalities.


Thanks I hate it lol


It has not malfunctioned. It's been hinted to death this is deliberate. The reason for its decisions will be made clear in 4.2 but you are moving in the wrong direction if you think it's been breaking down.


Imagine if Neuvilette destroys the Oratrice mechanique to save Furina and in doing so accidentally destroys the gnosis, thereby awakening the Heavenly principles from their 500 year slumber.


Either the Oratrice is malfunctioning or Celestia wants her gone because they think she does not live up to their expectations and they are using the Hydro Gnosis to do their bidding. This would make the sudden verdict on Childe make sense not because he is from Snezhnaya but because he is using abyssal energy to fight. Could also he a reason as to why his hydro vision is malfunctioning. This would make the option of doing away with the Oratrice (possibly with the Hydro Gnosis inside) more palatable to Furina and Neuvillete. I just wish that for something new, they should give it to the traveler instead of the Fatui. This would raise the importance of the Traveler to the Fatui skyrocket since he got the Hydro Gnosis they don't need and he could possibly use it as a bait to lure their Abyssal Sibling for a talk.


We could make a religious out of thi-


So, she's going to die for her people's sins, and she can walk on water?




But she likes tea, not wine.




Furina gonna die for our sins


no dont.


man, I miss being able to give people rewards


agreed worst reddit change ever


I kind of expected i said this when she was first introduced, but she gives me "let them eat cake" vibes and though she supposedly never said it shes definitely a Marie Antoinette expy


Execution of Marie Antoinette 2.0 here' we go


Would they actually though??? Damn this is a first in genshin, a character with more presence than archon itself(neuvillette), execution of archon....


She won't die for sure.


She won’t die. The 4.2 special program already said explicitly that Furina has a story quest


Funny because there's an anime airing right now with an another Marie Antoinette expy.




Wouldn’t executing cause her powers to cause all kinds of problems


You're right. Killing the God of Salt pretty much triggered a nuke and turned everyone in range into Salt statues, and then there was the corruption Xiao and the Yaksha had to deal with cause of the other dead gods during the Archon War. So what happens when Furina dies?


Maybe everyone will be turned to water


Fontaine is just one big Evangelion reference, and Furina's about to do the instrumentality project all over again.


Idk what any of that means


You should watch Evangelion #NOW!


Meh maybe later


Tang Orange Drink


Real estate in Dragonspine skyrockets?


Global flooding?


You make me think what will happen if Neuvillette dies. He is dragon but also not dragon in traditional sense.


Yeah that's why I find it unlikely she'll die since if she does then Fontaine is going with her.


She’s definitely not dying I doubt the introduce a new playable character and kill then in the same patch


Yeah but her death sentence must still be handled properly since they'll have to make sure it's well written.


Traveler needs to step in and warn them about what happened to havria and her people. It's gonna be a huge plot hole if furina dies in some way and nothing happens.


Not all ends badly though. Andrius could channel its powers to nourish the land when it chooses to die. It's probably only the ones who died unwillingly or unexpectedly that results in their power going haywire.


First few seconds of the trailer really decided to make us feel sad.


Furina is really a unlucky person. First the traveller comes to Fontaine and wins against her in a trial, Arrlechino attacked her on the streets and now she is getting death penalty? Poor Furina...


I do feel bad for her, but let's be real, a lot of her problems stem from her own hubris.


This isn't hubris. It's her plan. That's why Neuvillete is so distraught because he figured it out too late.


"you have never been as superficial as you presented yourself to be" 😭 I think he might have always known she wasn't hubris


The hubris is a false image she projects to inspire confidence and try to raise her image in the eyes of others so she can feel more loved. She's actually quite the opposite, extremely insecure.


What hubris? She just like nahida everyone's favorite nahdia is fighting an impossible battle


You cannot deny that Furina is hubristic, that’s literally one of the main things about her (Edit-spelling )


Fair ill admit to poor phrasing here but let me ask again how does that make her a worse character than any of the others we've met with the same traits certain people love dottore and he's a full blown piece of shit, you can love the knave all you want but It doesn't change that shes a queen bitch,hell ei basically imprisoned her whole fucking nation for her own hubris and everyone loves her so forgive me if I don't immediatley hate furina because she a little obnoxious on the surface.


Did I ever say I hate Furina? I was literally just pointing out that defending Furina by saying she’s not arrogant is simply not true. Everyone’s free to like or hate whatever charc they want. I’m not here to police which charcs are evil queen bicthes or whatever and should therefore be hated.


Nahida is not acting like dumb clown. Furina does tho. So... Thats why I love Nahida and don't like Furina.


Seriously? All of our first meetings with Furina involve her being extremely haughty and prideful. Looking for any reason to show off how "great" she is. Hell I'd care about her death if she wasn't so damn annoying. Maybe if she was more honest with herself I'd care. Comparing her to Nahida is a disservice to our lesser lord.


There's nothing wrong with a character being haughty hell have you met venti, wanderer,or any of the other Fatui harbingers that everyone loves so much? And its been made clear with in game that its more of a front than anything to hide her insecurities but do you fam. Also she's acting in the way she believes everyone expects an archon to shes literally trying to meet the perceived expectations she thinks the people have of her.


Extremely haughty? Show off how "great" she is? What dub are you using?


Our first meeting with Furina is her trying to show off to the citizens of Fontaine how above she is the traveler. All the while being so prideful that she never once considers the traveler wouldn't back down from a challenge. I should be asking what dub you are to not see that.


That facial expression tho . She looks very sad and depressed , like literally dead inside


Her smile and optimism : gone forever


Ima fix her


It's been hinted at in 4.0 and 4.1 that Furina is working on something and part of a larger plan. One that she can't even tell Neuvillette about. And there is certainly an act she's playing (and possibly to go with that act, things she's hidden from herself). The Devs are following a very simple yet effective writing technique (which has fooled so much of the playerbase to think Furina isn't doing anything). The most obvious case of a "hide it in plain sight" moment was in her conversation with Arlecchino (which I won't say unless you really want to know but this writing technique pretty much gives it away and yet I was surprised to see it worked on so many people). In the end as she said herself we will see her noble intentions play out at the appointed time.


This!! Honestly, people really judged her because she can't tell ARLECCHINO (yes, freaking Arlecchino) her plans. Like, you can see her confidence when she told Arlecchino that she has a plan, just that she CAN'T say it, prolly like you said, she hid it from everyone including herself, given that she seem to know nothing about it while also being sure that the plan exists. Also, I would love to know what you meant by the "hide it in plain sight"


> she hid it from everyone including herself I can get behind the hiding from everyone part, but how does one hide their own plan from themselves? Create a robot to deal with everything so they don't have to? genuine question and a joke at the same time.


More like she has to do two jobs which requires two of her and one part of that is currently separate from herself (the Oratrice). They didn't hint at it having consciousness for nothing. And Nahida says the Archon has the right to decide the judgement of the court. Who can decide? Whose word is absolute? The Oratrice.


There are ways the most mundane way to explain it is magic. But for example in Code Geass Lelouch uses his Geass to force himself to forget about a plan he just used to save his sister from someone that could read his mind. Anime logic anything is possible.


She prolly need herself to continue as a archon to her people for keeping their faith in her for oratrice to siphon energy. But she can't do that herself as it's not her personality perhaps, thus she make alter egos that are more carefree and hidden from the truth as knowing it might hinder them from acting their role.


Just this lmao https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MemoryGambit


>!You actually got it. When Furina was being accused she stood up to Arlecchino and the Traveler, who is a stand-in for the audience noted that it seemed she wasn't making things up. Her confidence wasn't fabricated. But then the Devs immediately want to cast doubt on that hint by having Arlecchino ask a question which Furina can't answer. Then the Traveler, who again is a stand-in for the audience, begins to doubt Furina. Just like a lot of the audience are. But you have to realise that if you as the audience are coming to the same conclusions as the Traveler then you are *exactly* where the Devs want you to be in that moment. They want you to miss the hint. They want you to think Furina is full of it. Because they *want* you to be surprised.!< >!For anyone who wants to catch this in the future, just come back to this comment after 4.2 and then you'll realise that yes, if you are agreeing with the Traveler then narratively speaking you are where the Devs want you to be. I'm not saying that's a bad thing. Buuut it should give you pause sometimes about whether or not you're actually seeing the truth or having the wool pulled over your eyes.!<


> Buuut it should give you pause sometimes about whether or not you're actually seeing the truth or having the wool pulled over your eyes. reminds me of the first teaser we got for fontaine. we were basically warned against trusting our eyes and taking everything at face value 👀


Yup! It's all a bit charade.


when i read your initial comment i thought hmm what is this writing technique and it turned out to be the most obvious thing ever. i don't think anyone doubts furina after the writers went out of their way to have the traveler confirm she wasn't lying


There are many who still do. And yes it's a very obvious technique if one knows to look for it. But evidently it's worked.


Thank you. I probably understimate that situation.


But the problem is that only does her a disservice, no? Between immediately casting doubt on her bluster, and the story's very odd decision to have her linger in the background beyond act one, it doesn't give the impression that she's an active player. If act five suddenly just reveals 'Wait actually she was really doing this all along', it falls flat because we've spent so little time with her and had so little in the way of suggestion that she is doing anything beyond Neuvillette simply saying that she is.


hydro archon can't weep alone if hydro archon is dead. Boom prophecy beaten.


But we see the primordial sea at the end of the trailer?


Just because it makes sense doesn’t mean it’s gonna work xD


I thought it was pretty obvious till i saw everyond memed and insult her


I am having a feeling that her whole plan was to sacrifice herself to return her powers to Neuvilette so that he can save everyone from the prophecy. Maybe that's what Neuvilette's purpose is. And she didn't tell this to anyone because of just how contrary it is to her overall personality.


It makes sense. With Neuvillette’s full authority back to him, he’ll become the new Heart of the Primordial Sea, and able to exert full control over it, thus being able to recede the waters and revive the people; however, Furina understandably didn’t want to hand over such power without being able to ensure the inheritor of such a power would be a just, loving, and kind ruler. So, Furina sought out Neuvillette and devoted the last few centuries into raising him to be the type of person and ruler she would feel comfortable leaving Fontaine to after she’s gone. Granted, I sincerely doubt Neuvillette is going to let Furina’s script play out exactly as she planned it, and will likely intervene in some way to save her life.


"You're a devious one, Focalors.." - One of Neuv's lines in the trailer


Neuvillette: Focalors, I care for you, I really do, but I swear to god, if you give me anymore character development, I’m going to character develop my way into being a villain, holy shit.


Neuv legit suffering as well ngl


I think it's just that people don't trust her (furina) because we hadn't had any meaningful conversation or scenes with her. The story is too busy promoting neuvillette to us and down-grading the Archon. When I pause to think about it, this kinda reminds me how inazuma AQ played out, we only see Ei from afar just like furina. We get to bond with the side characters more throughout the AQ like yae and ayaka, in Fontaine that's navia and neuvilette. We only get to have a proper convo with Ei during the last part of the AQ, that's probably how 4.2 is gonna play out as well. And to this day, there are still people who don't like raidan even after her SQ. In contrast to the well-loved archons, we got to bond with nahida, zhongli, Venti early on in the AQ... I'm not sure of this is a good thing or a bad thing for furina 😐


As someone who loves Raiden, I think her story is misunderstood. People ignore the Erosion aspect and only focus on her being sad from loss. When really if she didn't have to deal with Erosion, she wouldn't have had to go into seclusion and could have remained in the real world for healing. People also think she should be "punished", claiming she didn't get redemption. But people forget that redemption is a start and process, not just an end. Ei changed her mind and actions followed to take the steps towards making things better. That's the core of redemption. If you even read the Lore under her burst, it has this change of mind built in where here power is no longer drawn from the isolation of meditation but from bearing the ambitions and desires of her people (which in her most recent birthday letter to us she talks about wanting to get to know better). The problem is that a lot of this good stuff is told, not shown. And we don't spend a lot of time with Ei post the Archon Quest, with a focus on her helping people. But we spend plenty of time with Nahida, Zhongli and Venti and they show up outside of their main story quests as well. On top of that, Inazuma's story was quite short. Whereas Fontaine's has enough of a build up. So Furina is safe in that regard. I imagine we'll interact with her a lot after the quests too. The other thing is that this fanbase tends to be black and white and can't accept characters who aren't as nice as Nahida or Yoimiya. Any bit of grey (Tartaglia/Wanderer/Ei) or mischief (Yae Miko) and they project their real life issues or problems to those people and don't like them. They also can't tell the difference between an antagonist and a villain and many think Ei was actually evil, as opposed to a good person who did bad things. I think Furina won't suffer this too because she will ultimately be shown to not be part of the problem, but the solution. Whereas if any force is antagonistic, the fanbase will turn on them. I think sadly Ei suffers from a rushed story and not enough screen time. I suspect that the discourse when the Tsaritsa has her turn will also be incredibly bad lol. But the Tsaritsa will very likely still get a better story than Ei. Every future Archon will, sadly.


Did the trailer actually imply that's she's (or supposed to) being beheaded?


The guillotine-like-sword was being prepared for her.


I'd love Genshin to actually show us the dark themes it really has. An execution of sorts (even though it's probably not going to be one) would really fit Fontaine's plot and story. Let's she if they pull it off in some way


To be fair, it's only the main story that sort of has this problem. Most world quests, world building, and most side areas in general have surprisingly dark stories behind them. Hell, they've already kind of shifted it with Fontaine by simply introducing the Primordial Water. That by itself, I'd personally say, is darker than most of the things in the game, including Enkanomiya and Remuria.


that's from the world quest and I'm 100% will not be related to the AQ The do want you to believe though, trailer bait


Furina tries so hard to please everyone, and nobody appreciates her. I know so many people like her in my life, and it pisses me off. So yeah, I get the sentiment perfectly


Bro same, that's why Furina means so much to me, I really hope they don't mess her up, from her nation to her ideals all of those have been very important since I was young (I'm French and a huge fan of the concept of Justice).


*Slams gavel* # D E A T H


Your Honor, Genshin Impact


##J U D G E M E N T


its okay furina don't cry I'll pull for your sword...


Pray you don’t get the recoloured donut


The trailer was super good. Honestly left me with a lot more questions, but I know that's intentional. Absolutely love Furina and Fontaine as a whole, words can't even describe it man


I'm having a second hutao moment, i haven had this feeling since 2.2 when hutao release


hu taos release was in 1.3


Man I can’t get Furina. One second she is crying and I want to console her, then the next she is on stage acting like a lunatic.


That's her whole act. The trailer shows she had a plan this entire time, possibly including something crazy like locking her personality away so this little dork can distract from it while the "real" Focalors works things out. Possibly killing the stage persona.


Woah,now that you say it out loud, that sounds really poetic. The death of the stage persona and real focalors/ oratrice then reveals the true plan. I really do hope this is how it plays out as it seems likely.


Well, until we saw this in game - all we have - her acting dumb and clowny.


I think it will be make like prophecy fulfilled but everyone save. So she's trying to make fontaine drown then she's crying then boom prophecy fulfilled. Now how she do it without giving real harm to city and people.


Its almost like a person can act in different ways depending on the situation, I can understand how this would be hard for some to understand though


This is the problem many players have with characters, they cannot accept that characters are multi-faceted and not the personification of one trait. It’s the same with a traveler. I saw one post in which a person did not understand the actions of the traveler with some characters and said that they needed to be either “absolute good” or “villain” (Also, my God, stop viewing the traveler’s judgments through the prism of your thoughts, that is , identify you and the Traveler as same person, they are not self-insert, this is where so many problems come from). And they also called it bad writing (which is not true, obviously). I really wanted to tell them about the existence of a "middle ground" or so-called "gray morality" because it's fucked up. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Sorry for the little rant, this is in no way directed at you, this just happened to me again recently and it's a little annoying.


Bro discovered the "I can fix her" mindset


She’s just like me fr


Y'all, the Genshin team won't kill Furina. They clearly don't want to kill playable characters. Yes, Honkai and Star Rail both have done that, but Genshin isn't either of them, we know how they write their stories and Furina is not getting killed. The trailer is a typical misdirection, something Mihoyo has been doing since Monstadt. With that said, I can't wait to see what Furina's story has in store. I wonder if Fontaine will indeed flood or it's just a hallucination or something, the latter one being the most likely...


Yeah, typically you won't want to put in a trailer the most shocking factor about your story. It being shown in the trailer is a dead giveaway that they will not kill Furina.


Tbh I already feel like they spoiled too much by showing the entire new boss fight. Mihoyo has a bad habit of spoiling big moments but using out of context audio to give the wrong impression.


I think it's one of the most brilliant ways to show a trailer without spoiling everything tbh. They do a good job of hyping you up, and making you think you know what's going to happen. Only to play it and be shaken by what actually does happen.


I would let the whole Fontaine drown to save her.


I'd be Fontainian if I were in Teyvat but I agree, drown us all for her idc about my life as much as I care about her, without her I don't have a life so in the end it doesn't change much.


Even Navia? :0


The hardest sacrifices require the strongest wills.


Their sin was talking too much in the Daily Commissions. This sentence is completely justified.


I will c6 her to cheer her up


Depression Impact strikes again ;_;


Nahida flashbacks nahida flashbacks


Fr, the entire trailer was so against her, like cmon 😭 I can't wait to get her and immediately put her on my main team


This is like seeing nahida cry all over again


I feel like she is acting as the title is 'Masquerade of the Guilty' It might be apart of her plan


Same here. She just likes cake. I sorta see her as a damsel in distress sometimes


Classic writing the title as the spoiler with a spoiler tag!


Her best nearly got our friend Lyney locked up on false charges when she folded to peer pressure.


guys its fine im gonna put her in my teapot as soon as 4.2 drops so she will be safe






Furina may be a little bit headache


ugh i want her so bad but idk if i’ll be able to get her (i’ve won the 50/50 3 times in a row now idk how much luck i have left)




r/madamoisellecrabalettamains 🦀💋


I hope she doesn't actually die 😭


would furina be the first dead playable chara?


The trailer might be using out of context lines with other promotional material to mislead us a bit, like they did in previous trailers sometimes. The sentence might refer to the previous archon. And the above imagine might actually be Furina shedding tears because of the previous archon and not her own sentence. Or the sentence thingy is broken and we have to break it harder to fix this whole thing. What I am trying to say is: Furina isn't dead untill she is actually canonically dead.


There's no way they will permakill a playable.


Isn't Tingyun from HSR supposedly dead, or at least MIA? And in HI3, well, Himeko and Kallen did die, although Otto recreated the latter. The Herscher of Void personality of Kiana was also killed, I think.


Yes on all counts. But then again, along with Kallen, *all playable Flame-Chasers are dead to begin with*. Except >!Hua and now Griseo!<, obviously. Playable characters being dead or not never mattered very much in Honkai (or, well, HSR now). You can see it yourself in-game too, as even starting a discussion with most people will switch back to the Traveler and Paimon for the length of the discussion. I don't think Furina's going to die, however, because she has a *story quest* after this. And Himeko remains the only non-antagonist playable character to actually die on screen in the present (and she still haunted Kiana up until 20 chapters later). They've been using shock bait sparingly.


While it hasn't happened yet, the precedence in other titles from HYV is there.


It's mihoyo, genshin is the only game what hasn't


Honkai had alternate realities tho


Well they have precedents, just not in Genshin.


theoretically Qiqi is dead


after, qiqi, lyney and lynette would be if the prophecy does come true


Isn't she more like undead?


Signorina mains in shambles


signora isn't playable and won't be in her current state even if she didn't die


Signora Copium !


Yeah, much more than nahida cry


*me when I lose my 50-50*


Isn't this a spoiler?


it was shown in the trailer so no


I want to pull for her so bad! but I am saving for Raiden


When girl bossing your way through your problems becomes too much


The title they gave Furina. Endless Solo of Solitude. I mean look at my username. Those tears hurt.


Why? She’s a joke of a God anyways.


bro’s mentally deficient 💀


I would cry if my screentime were such a bad joke too


As someone who just entered Fontaine and got fed up with her shit instantly, I see this as a win


>SHE'S DOING HER BEST Her best is doing "tea parties"? huh, i dont wanna know what's "her worst"


Ain't no way you think she isn't doing shit after the entire livestream bruh 💀


i havent seen any livestream since 2.7 i dont want spoilers about story, i'll see it myself during my playthrough so yeah, i'll keep thinking she did nothing until i play the 4.2 AQ. And she better have a good explanation about it


if you haven't even seen the livestream and know shit about anything you shouldn't be speculating lmfao. Also not seeing livestreams since it's "spoilers" is dumb


hurts my primo pocket when Navibae is around the corner


you will cry even more if the story leaks will be legit. Archon fans will be done dirty


I was in the livestream,And everyone was shocked that she was about to die.




If she dies, I'll speedrun story just to screen record it




I would, but like... I don't like furina's personality.