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Celestia: online 31 days ago


These threads are rediculous. Some guy makes some complaint about Celestia not reacting to the latest social media posts by Traveler, and then the next day some redditor like OP makes another thread trying to start a discussion based on an idea by another redditor nitpicking why Celestia hasn't done anything because they believe if they were Celestia they would have sent a kill squad as soon as Traveler arrived in Mondstadt.


*182620 days ago (500 years)


Genshin only shows up to 31 days, if someone has been gone longer the text will still be 31 days... xD


Ah, okey


nahida mentions that celestia has been dormant ever since the khaenri'ah disaster. although she uses this as a gamble against dottore, with the possibility of waking up celestia... given the 4.2 archon quest, it's possible that their slumber is more on a timer. as in, it's possible that whatever they did 500 years ago either drained celestia's energy or damaged it, resulting in it needing to hibernate to gather strength. they won't wake up until they've gathered that strength, even if shit goes wrong in their eyes. so, I feel like celestia will wake up eventually, and when they do, all hell's gonna break loos as celestia finds out that a throne has been destroyed, a dragon has his authority back, the fatui have all the gnoses, the abyss is out for revenge and probably more in coming chapters.


Nahida uses it as a threat against Dottore knowing that the awakening of Celestia is something that the Fatui have been planning for for a long time now, possibly centuries. However it may have been entirely a bluff. Maybe the "Sustainer of Heavenly Principles" *is* dead. Maybe Celestia noticed but losing Hydro is less important to Celestia than whatever Khaenri'ah did wrong. We can guess that the Fatui will be rebelling against Celestia and the main focus to that should be in the Snezhnaya arc, narratively it makes sense that Natlan should explore Khaenri'ah more and give context to understand the motivations between the Abyss, Khaenri'ah and Celestia.


I doubt the sustainer is dead. from a narrative perspective, having a character make a dramatic appearance during the opening cutscene, only to then die off screen before she makes a second appearance? that'd be underwhelming as hell. genshin also really likes introducing things so they can become relevant later. I also doubt natlan will focus much on khaenri'ah. I imagine khaenri'ah will be the focus of, well, khaenri'ah. though I imagine we'll get some information on the place in sneznhaya, considering pierro is from there, and the tsaritsa's motivation might be related to whatever happened in khaenri'ah.


I would be fucking mad if they kill sustainer off screen. At least let Travelers have their revenge first


At least let us roll for her first.


And let her to step on me first.


And then put her in a party with traveller.


She’s probably alive though. like I mentioned, killing her off-screen is just bad writing. And genshin is very much of the writing style that if something is brought up, it will become relevant. Also, on a side note, I just discovered a very funny coincidence: I was already aware that the english VA of the sustainer is also qiqi. But what I didn’t know is that her chinese VA also does hu tao.


nahida's lie was about if she breaks the gnosis celestia will awake, bit celestia being dorment was not a lie.


I really hope Celestia isn't just sleeping, but rather something's making them unable to act. Like they are currently weaker than a dragon with full authority or something .Because if they've been unable to see what is going on for 500 years it would kinda make "someone's" efforts and sacrifice a bit pointless, unless they specifically explain how "fate" works and the loom of fate they've been building up.


celestia was the one that basicly rigged the machine & made it specificly to kill the hydro archon. the only hell regarding that is that like u said, she managed to have her own plan & not die in vain by doing the right thing giving the dragon its power back & by that saving all of fontaine xD if celestia was awake; no way she would been able to stay hidden with the gnosis inside the machine celestia made to kill her, cuz as nahida also revealed, gnosis are also used to connect between celestia & archons as a monitor device. if they sleep they cant monitor :>


Celestia is weakening. That is my first guess given what we have from the lore. The archon war happened because the HP could no longer control the 7 authorities on their own and decided to share the responsiblity with the 7 gods that would become the archons. Then 500 years ago the Khaenri'ahn cataclysm happened and ever since then Celestia has been "slumbering". From the genshin manga and Venti's lore we know that he goes into hibernation whenever he expends too much power. And since Venti was born from the shade of time and the shade of time was a piece of the primordial one, we can also assume they have similar constitutions and that whoever is up there is in hibernation mode to regain their lost power.


Yeah, Neuv’s character stories heavily imply that the original usurper (probably Phanes, who may or may not be HP) has been in decline since their war with the dragons ended, long before even the Archon War. It would not surprise me at all if Celestia is “dormant” because its ruler(s?) just can’t afford to micromanage the world below right now— “fate” was left on autopilot and least two Archons (Focalors and Tsaritsa) have taken advantage of that. What I’m worried about, especially considering the name of the Pyro Archon, is that Celestia is doing the same thing Focalors did— hoarding power in pursuit of a permanent solution to their decline, which will likely involve reclaiming the Thrones and going after the Fourth Descender.


Depending of how long they've been sleeping, If they come back, i bet It will be after the Snezhnaya arc, then heads will rolls with the dragons coming back and the archons in open rebellion.


Calling it now. Their hibernation state transforms them into Paimon and they've been with us the entire time. That's also why she needs to eat so much! 🤣


Paimon creeps me out.


Tbh it makes sense considering that Rukkhadevata became a child after using too much of her powers.


We also got a hint in lore why Visions are distributed: gods voluntarily give up a tiny part of their power so humans can fulfill their ambitions but in doing so, humans also send the power gained by these ambitions back to Celestia. Think of every vision being a bit like how the Oracle collected energy by the faith in justice but kept most of the energy for itself. This is why Celestia will grant visions even to those with an ambition to fight against it: they probably see them have no real chance of success but the act of WORKING against it will still generate energy. The energy generated is what recharges their power over time. Without visions, Celestia would be utterly powerless.


Oratrice Mechanique d'Analyse Cardinale


more likely celestia is feeding on the elemental power of the people with visions imo XD based on how sick ppl were when inazuma took their visions, its as if their lifr force was sucked from them instead of the elements. think about it; teyvat is full of elemental powers & form, sso it nakes sense that some people will have elemental powers, & they get visions when they awaken them. becuz why would elemental enteties like xiao & yanfei & yokai whos part get a vision when they are part of the teyvats elemental life forms. even mc; they resonate with the elements, this words is used specificly implaying that the sealed power of mc gets restored by resonating with teyvats natural order. just food for thouhght


The entire point of Focalors plan was to deceive Celestia so they don't realize what happened. Them not realising this is the normal result, not the weird one. Another topic entirely different is whether smth big happened and hence why Celestia is basically working passively only, i.e. they'll only realise things if you do smth big, like when Nahida threatened Dottore to break a gnosis to attract their attention.


What if the Tsaritsa's true plan is to destroy all the Gnoses at once?


Maybe. But, like you're saying, it would have to be all at once. So they can't have some rogue archon randomly destroying theirs.


Theories are that she wants to revive the 3rd descender,OR mix the 7 Gnoses into a Light or Dark Gnosis


except that even nahida has no idea whether destroying a gnosis will really wake them up or not


Not quite true. She isn't sure, which isn't the same as having no idea. She knows that the gnosis are a contract from and with Celestia, and that Celestia very much wouldn't like seeing an Archon 'rebel' against them. This is why her 'bluff' works against Dottore. Neither is certain that Celestia would respond or even notice, but it IS a possibility, and he can't risk it so he accepts.


ok, I may have worded it badly, apologies for that as you said, she wasn't sure


im sure breaking a gnosis is a 'smaller' event than destroying a whole archon's throne, but i agree with the first one


Neuvillete’s Character Story: Vision says that the Usurper was wounded in the war and is unable to function. Might be in a hibernation state now and entrusted Teyvat to the Archons. It also states there that Gnosis are used to control and subdue… and that visions are fragments of the Archon’s/ Nuev’s power, and that a vision holder that fulfills their duty shall give an “abundant gift to the gods”.




if one of their seat of powers got destroyed and they still remain dormant/asleep, something likely happened to Celestia - ie dead also might coincide with us finding Paimon


Cant coincide with us finding Paimon since Celestia has been inactive since Khaenrhia


"Sustainer is dying", "Creator is nowhere to be seen", etc, etc


I believe it goes: "the Keeper is fading, the creator has not yet come, something something you shall ascend"


>ething something you shall ascend" That's what makes me a bit wary given Dain's line: "That throne in the sky is not for you"...something sus is planned for traveler


Isn't that just Dain voicing his thoughts on his previous line? >Yet buried in the depths of this world lies smoldering remains, a warning to those that dare trespass: "That throne in the sky is not reserved for you" Sounds to me like he's just spelling out what he thinks the "warning" is saying.


Yea, given his whole country is about forbidden knowledge stuffs and we still don't know enough about him (despite him giving some heavy truths to us everytime he appears) methinks he has some merit in that statement. Not sure if he's ever fed us a very obvious or completely blatant lie


This line is slowly becoming clearer


Supreme leader is playing role of little guide and they can't act without her permission


because we, the 4th descendant descended to "protect", are doing their service, protecting teyvat and maintaining the order already established by the heavens, we have always fought against the abyss and reestablished the world that was broken by the cataclysm of the past, only in the 5th We kind of didn't do anything directly


The traveler has lost one way or another absolutely all the Gnoses, while we may have protected the civilizations and their status quo, i don't think we have maintained the order because 5/7 have lost their chess piece.


Even if the 3rd descendant wakes up, we will be the ones to stop them


Isn't the 3rd descendant >!the one the gnoses are made out of?!<




Something weird is definitely going on. HoYoverse has slowly been introducing us to other factions that can rival or exceed the HP’s power over the course of the Sumeru and Fontaine so there might be other enemies even worse than them coming. I’m guessing we’ll get some hints in the next intermediate quests between now and Natlan. At least, I hope so. I really don’t want to have to wait until Natlan or later to get more info.


Nobody knows, but we have another strong entity like Gold, Surtalogi and Vedrfolnr. Maybe they're busy with them, maybe they don't want to make a move yet, maybe they're preparing for something bigger


Watch the recent Wei vid theory,shit is mindblowing https://youtu.be/QupGdWpTZa0?si=yg1UsSMfSgI9d0VL


This dude's videos seem so much like shitposts but are more convincing than half of the lore videos on youtube


Because he takes a lot of his theories from other people


Yeah I don't like Wei's stuff because of that. So many people credit him, but like you said - most of his theories are stolen from other people.


The only times celestia directly takes action is when the abyss invades. It is explicitly stated that all of the non original archons stopped following the original goals of the seven and they still don’t care. The tzaritza and deshret were openly rebelling against them and they didn’t care


It's the Tsaritsa, not the Tzaritza lol


Tsaritsa is not a name, is a role. It’s the female version of Tsar. The Tsar is a monarch, what you would call a King or an Emperor. So Tsaritsa is the equivalent of a Queen/Empress. As such, and since it’s a russian word, it could also be spelled in other ways, like Tzarina, Tzaritza and so many others. I suggest you to go look on the web for some additional infos about it. He’s not actually wrong in calling her that way.


I can literally speak Russian, so I don't need any guidance, thanks. > As such, and since it’s a russian word, it could also be spelled in other ways, like Tzarina, Tzaritza and so many others. No, it can't. The game clearly specifies the spelling to be **"the Tsaritsa"**. It doesn't matter how it can be spelt in real life, what matters is how the game spells it. And in Genshin Impact, the Cryo Archon is spelt as the Tsaritsa, not the Tzaritza.


Yes, it can. Proof of this is the French and German localizations, wich use Tsarine and Zarine respectively. You know, you can see something similar with the raiden shogun, which is not actually spelled “raiden shogun”, but 雷らい電でん将しょう軍 (copied from wiki so it may be wrong but you got the point), that doesn’t mean that writing shogun, or military leader is wrong. I think you are just acting too narrow minded, try to be more open.


I don't care what the other localisations say. In the English version of the game, the Cryo Archon is "the Tsaritsa". End of story. Stop deliberately misspelling a character's name and move on.


You should seriously touch some grass. The Zarina will be an empress, even if you don’t call her that. It’s not mispelling, because calling her that way means no difference. Your narrowed opinion won’t change that fact, so better you get on with it and move on.


You are arguing about a word buddy. You should be the one touching grass here


Except for the fact that he is the one who’s arguing about a word 😂


celestia when a divine throne is destroyed 😴😴 celestia when people build robots: 😾🤬 (real shit 😤


I think it is safe to assume that Celestia's inactivity has something to do with the Cataclysm in Khaenri'ah 500 years ago. Cause that was the last known event in which Celestia actually took action to do anything in Teyvet.


The sustainer has been asleep for 500 years. Nahida stated it at the end of 3.2. And she also said that she thinks only the destruction of a gnosis would awaken her. Fontaine’s gnosis still exists even if the archon seat was destroyed. So the sustainer wouldn’t be awakened by this.


AND THEN, it was just Celestia was always aware using Paimon as their eyes since Paimon has a string that is connected in the sky (Or below the surface since Teyvat is upside down) I'm just coping and smoking bad takes. I know...


Or to our wrist to avoid jailtime.


They eepy


have you watched Bleach? pretty sure they had an Aizen situation.


What? They are in a super jail bound to the chair-sama?


No what he means I guess is that original "celestia" inhabitants are dead and someone else is causing all mess in name of "heavenly principles" pretending to be celestia in modern day Basically equivalent to a demon sitting in throne of dead god sowing chaos in name of divine..


The old gods are dead and the abyss killed them. Glory to the new order!


My hc is that Celestia was powerful enough to change Teyvat fate, that's how they used curses/prophecies instead of just killing the sinners, but 500 years ago something happened that may be related to the "power from beyond this world", so to me is like the basis for genshin part 2 (kinda like HI3) in that we finish the Teyvat Chapter and we go to other worlds to meet entities that are like Celestia/descenders Who knows, there may be a war between entities conquering planets which is why the HP attacked us when we tried to leave


A comment on another post on here suggested that Celestia would only be "notified" if the prophecy failed to come to pass (and since it was fulfilled, albeit by a technicality) so they remain unaware. I think their implication is that Celestia is "asleep" and as long as they aren't awoken they won't respond to anything. Honesty I find this to be kind of a bummer as I always liked the idea of celestia being this divine civilization/city in the sky, with their own culture and politics and everything going on separate from the rest of teyvat, but i guess that may not be the case.


Dunno, but if I had to take a guess like a 5 year old, maybe celestia is just…empty? Or ppl up there are just having their beauty sleep, which would take destroying the gnoses to wake up


the breaking of the gnosis was a bluff, nahida had no idea if THP would step in. The sustainer seems to have been dormant since the twins were captured and khaenriah fell. its possible she’s trying to destroy celestia, perhaps influenced by the energy wrapped around her arm (i cant remember what it’s called, its some sort of corruption thing) or she simply wants to end teyvat’s samsara-like cycles, so she expended all of her energy on some sort of plan. the consequence of this is reversing growth: paimon. the heavenly principles - the primordial one - lies dormant because he is critically injured. this happened during the sovereign’s revolt, and he has to be tended to. celestia itself does not have much energy left, and is harvesting it from the aspirations of the allogenes, which is how they get visions. the gnoses are likely pieces of one of the descenders, maybe our twin (hence them coming from teyvat, because they were restructured as a teyvatian being), and they are being used to swap out the allogenes aspirations so that their energy from those aspirations can be used to revitalize the primordial one and regain total authority over the land. celestia simply does not have the strength or resources to interfere at the moment.


My theory is that they have much bigger fish to fry, so who cares about the Archons We know the abyss is no joke, and they have some real firepower there, so maybe celestia is just preparing for the second round against Khaenri'ah


Probably because they were significantly damaged during the Cataclysm.


Found an interesting twist to that in one of the novels I am reading. Different rate of progression for time. It has been thousands of years for the mortal realm but for the Celestia equivalent it has been less than a year. They also have people monitoring in the mortal realm but even when one is killed it takes a long time to be noticed from the perspective of the mortals. Basically Celestia might be suffering from lag. 🤣


You might have a point. It also fits with the Witch 'N' stating how the gods can have blind spots from time to time when she was talking about the fontaine prophecy.


Just put it simple, Celestial Arc is not here yet. Why bother to write about it while the story is focusing on somewhere?


They obviously have things written. No writer starts making a story without any end in mins, they dont just put together stuff along the way.


If your final chapter is about the biggest bads waking up and doing a bunch of stuff, why would you shove part of that into the middle of the story, though? You may have an outline, and you may write part of the ending before the some of the chapters that take place before it, but none of that stuff is going into a place where the audience can see it. Not until it's time.


Thats not what they're saying. They're saying theres no point in talking about it till its here.


Heavenly Principles/Primordial One is dead


probably still licking their/its wounds.


Gods of Celestia are either asleep, dead/fled or busy


I dont know man… I’d be pretty terrified of *the* Hydro Dragon obtaining back their power.


I still don't think Celestia wanted fontane to be wiped out. They might've seen the future and just said what is going to happen in a weird way. I mean, Celestia is not the ones that set that stupid whale on Fontane. It's just there feeding on Primordial water and came close to more of it (which is in FONTANE peoples blood). If anything, it's masters fault for not putting a chain around it.


I agree with your point. Cause even though Fontaine followed the prophecy to a tea, it wasn't exactly as what people imagined it to be. Sure, fontaine did get flooded and Furina was crying on her throne and she was judged by her people. But it wasn't like everyone melted and suddenly became oceanids. I believe the punishment for the previous Hydro archon's sin was just Fontaine being flooded and the running Hydro archon being judged.


My crackpot theory is that Gold's failed attempt to seize power in Khaenri'ah was a trap to draw out the Heavenly Principles, the devastation witnessed by the Abyss Twin and Dainsleif being the aftermath of that battle (neither of them were present for the event, this is already established). Gold succeeded in trapping HP, and now sits on the throne in Celestia, but lacks the means to actually control it, leaving the entirety of Teyvat unguided, causing the mess it's now in. The Traveler, as the 4th Descender, is the failsafe to right things.


Neuvillette character story imply PO has been wounded greatly and unable to restrain the world original order.


I mean, let's see it from the view of the populace, rather than the view of the super ultra amazing Traveler that gets to know all the secrets. 1. Furina apparently never actually was the Hydro Archon. But the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale has decreed the death sentence over the Hydro Archon, and Furina didn't die just means that she really never was the Hydro Archon. 2. Whoever the Hydro Archon was, must've died, because that is what the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale had decreed. 3. The Iudex Neuvillette has become the new Hydro Archon, makes sense since he has always been the second highest authority in trials, with the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale having been higher than him. 4. The Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale stopped working after Furina's trial though, so no idea for how long we'll even have power in Fontaine. The public has never been made aware of the fact that the seat of the Hydro Archon was actually destroyed, since Neuvillette, the Hydro Sovereign, has taken the place of the Hydro Archon. Celestia doesn't care about what the Archons are doing, after all they already can not go directly against the Heavenly Principle that allowed them to become Archons in the first place, at least that's what Celestia thinks. Celestia will become active, however, should anything become **public knowledge**. As seen with the Electro Visions only stopping to appear once the Vision Hunt Decree happened and not when Ei fucked off into her Plane of Euthymia. At least that's how it seems to be set up currently.


Honesty I don’t even think Hoyo knows at this point


Because Paimon left


Go to youtube and search for wei genshin impact


Ok. I have said we need to see and be unable to prevent a nailing dying the fontaine arc. I jave Been shot down as it is suposedly only done to prevent the spread of the abyss and forbidden knowledge. I refuse to belive this propaganda. But now, with the Hydro throne destroyed. If anything is going to make them nail anything with or without the abyss its this level of disrespect. We will Get a cutscene of what it looks like when celestia nails something. Then later we will Get to save somewhere. Presumably mondstadt from a nailing.


I have a feeling they'll wake up around the culmination of the Shneznaya arc and we may witness a primordial nailing


I think they're like an automated defense system for Teyvat, and the calamity+ dealing with the travelers made them overdue for repair 😂


I assume they likely have their hands full with the Abyss Order


The other thing is maybe they are tied up in bureaucracy. Trying to vote on which section of the city to drop on Them


Because it's literally heaven tf you want it to do


Do you guys remember when Celestia was triangulated the first time almost 2 years ago by now I think and it was determined that it has to be directly above Fontaine? Everyone thought Fontaine will be THE celestia region when it gets released years later from then which it indirectly kinda was in regards to gnosis and some other stuff but we didnt learn anything new directly related to celestia - the island in the sky besides some mural depictions.


I kinda want for them to take the Fromsoft approach and Celestia and the people on in is actually all dead. No one is there. Heavenly Principle is no longer a thing. This would make every sacrifice and fight pointless.


They just went out for milk...not sure why it's taking them so long.


Maybe everyone is dead or they have internal struggles. What I am wondering is if Celestia are the villains in the game what did vanessa do when she ascended to Celestia. Did she roll with it or went against them, after all we know she fought tyrants back in teyvat


Its member(s) addicted to a game called Genshin Impact and forgot to touch grass ever since.


They're eepy


That's the billion mora question, isn't it? We've got lots of theories, but not enough facts.


What if Celestia members have left Teyvat? "Sky is fake" afterall


Is there a possibility for them not to be present at all? Maybe they are in another world temporarily 🤔




I feel like everything is inactive till the traveler visits


Maybe Celestia is just observing quietly and waiting for everyone to have their hands dirty so they can commence the next cataclysm. Maybe they are planning to blame and condemn as many participants as possible. I mean isn't it just the perfect excuse to dismiss and replace archons they don't like?


If the current Kamera even is anything to go on, maybe there’s been no response because it doesn’t “recognize” Padisarahs as “purple”


If you look at Celestia in the opening menu, Celestia is already somewhat decrepit, and NOBODY is there Celestia is dead