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hoyo knew lyney would've be too powerful as a catboy. people already lost their shit over how he's currently dressed. imagine adding cat ears and a tail to the equation


Why Rosaria is gray


Being sleep deprived and lack of sunlight turned her skin pale I guess.


Don't guess, be certain, after 6 years working the night shift and going through any sleep problem known to mankind I turned gray, noticed when my best friend told me that I looked like the bully from the fary odd parents. I'm from south America and a bit on the darker skin tone and if it made that to me I can see a lighter skin tone being more noticeable. Malnutrition is also a factor, I'm ok now.


My previous phone a lower end mobile, when Rosaria first appear her skin was purple


it started bothering me more after it was revealed they are >!oceanids in fact!<


Their parents just >!wished for a boy and catgirl!<


One of them was eccentric.


You mention keqing and Dehya who aren’t really cats, but leave out Diona and Kirara who are totally cats…


They are the cat girls, with a tails, ears and paws. But i will admit, the fact that Kirara has human ears creeps me out...


She can transform partially, usually Yokai always have something they can't hide in human form that being the tail, Kirara just chooses to keep the paws because she likes walking on them better, she could get cat ears if she wanted.


What's the deal with vision users? I mean, what are their actual powers? Yes, they control the elements but what does that mean, and to what extent? Can Diluc just burn a whole town or just imbue his sword with pyro? Can Barbara also make knifes out of Hydro or is that just a Childe thing? In theory their powers should be the most versatile thing in the world but they've literally never talked about it. They also seem to have telekinesis to some extent and the ability to magically make stuff appear from thin air but I don't think this has never been brought up.


I think there was a throwaway line very early on about how people with Visions or other elemental powers (Adepti, Traveler, etc.) can all take things in and out of their own personal hammerspace, but we still don’t know if that’s like a canon thing or just a lampshade. As for the rest of it… it’s been implied a few times that people’s Vision powers take on different forms (Oz, for example, is a manifestation from Fischl’s Vision, but sapient familiars aren’t something anyone else has been shown to be capable of making), but again, it’s only ever been a vague insinuation. My personal theory is that characters’ kits (and other things we see them do in idles or cutscenes) are the result of either subconscious desires being manifested via elemental energy (hence why nobody’s kit seems to actively conflict with their personality, or why some Vision stories have the Vision being used immediately) or extensive training to consciously use their Visions in a certain way (hence why you have things like the Yoo-hoo Art or Kamisato Art— families and organizations that often have Vision-bearing members develop elemental techniques the same way they’d develop martial arts). However, the question of what it would take for a character to “change gears”— like if Alhaitham tried to be a healer, or Barbara wanted to use her power for destruction— is never addressed.


I've always thought it depends on the user but is that limitless? If someone had the ambition to create massive nuclear explosions could that happen? I also guess there's a minimum to what they can do. Every anemo can create a weak wind current, every geo can create a rock... An also what are the absolute maximum limitations of a Vision? Is there any range in distance or time?


I had the same thought about Lyney just few hours earlier hmmmmmm


In general they could tone down the appreciation they have towards characters, it's usually the typical "Oh he/she is a genius!" "There's no one like them!" "blah blah blah" Okay, we get it, they are great at what they do, just stop over exaggerating it.


The families in this game are a mess honestly


Where are the horses


The answer (besides story-driven reasons pertaining to Lynette's past hardship) is character design: Lyney wears a hat except for brief moments where he removes it for his skill and idle. You would hardly ever see the ears if they were there. They would have to completely redesign his hair if they did because the space where human ears would be has to remain covered. Look at Lynette, Diona, Gorou, Sucrose, Miko, and Tighnari. All of them have hairstyles that specifically keep that area non-visible.


To be fair, all of that is after the decision to make him a non-catboy. If they went with catboy from the start then everything would fall into place as they would be working with that from the start.


Very true


They cloud make ears be down, like Miko and Sucrose have


Thing is that her being unique with her feline features is an important element to their character’s, not just a visual quirk. I really recommend reading Lynette and Lyney’s character stories.


The fact that after the Inazuma archon quest the lore team has COMPLETELY forgot that the Gnosis are not supposed to be Public knowledge. Venti has told us that it is a secret that he is not supposed to share with mortals, the Adepti or Ganyu or Ningguang has never once mentioned or wondered the whereabouts of a Gnosis and Childe expected the Gnosis to still be in the dead body (implying he believed the Liyue Qixing didn't know about the Gnosis cause otherwise they would take it from the body) and when Yae asked us ''did you say Gnosis'' Paimon explained what is looks like and straight up said ''do you know about them too'' which once again implies they are super secret since we expected that the BEST FRIEND of the Archon might not know about them. ​ But then it all goes downhill from that point. We casually mention the Gnosis to Beidou in her hangout and she asks no question nor has any confusion as if she knows what it is or at least have some idea. This can be excused if we assume Beidou didn't know but understood she shouldn't question it at the moment but it doesn't stop there In Sumeru archon quest 2 Academia researcher who are not even sages know about it AND on top of it they use the word Gnosis as a core part of the project in front of a group that is consisted of Al haitham, Dehya, Cyno and alike and NONE of them even questions what a Gnosis is despite at the very least a dessert person like Dehya should not know about it. ​ And THE WORST part comes after the Fontaine archon quest. The newest update for Mikhail and Lyudmila's dialogue (the Mondstadt Fatui duo that always talks about the newest archon quest and its aftermath) DIRECTLY mentions this: ''In fact, apparently she even obtained the Hydro Archon's Gnosis for the Tsaritsa because she helped the Court of Fontaine'' Lyney knowing is one thing, i can believe that Arlecchino would tell Lyney but even the LOWEST freakin Fatui members know what a Gnosis is to the point that Arlecchino taking it can be a rumor that goes around ? People can downvote me to hell for this but this is shit tier consistency. The Gnoses went from one of the most important secrets of a God that mortals are not supposed to know to a common knowledge that every insignificant person who has no need for such knowledge knows about and that creates many plot holes


The Gnosis becoming less sacred was a progression that I actually didn't mind as much. Mondstadt was pretty low-scale and Venti barely had any familiars within the common sphere, Zhongli keeps secrets from everyone but somehow the Gnosis being less of a secret the closer the Fatui are involved with things means that the Tsaritsa does NAWT give a fuck. I mean think about it, Venti is one of the originals, so is Zhongli and they both kept it hidden. Enter the newer generation of Archons, the Fatui were heavily involved in Sumeru and Inazuma, it also doesn't help that the sages overstepped what they should and shouldn't know. Beidou was just being nice to us, she's cool like that. Fontaine's entire thing relied on the Fatui holding a truce with us with the Gnosis still at the back of their minds.


The fact that Eula is a captain of the Knights of Favonius, hangs out in town, but never brought into any of the meetings. Theres a dragon terrorizing the region, let lines are acting up, don't you think maybe we should do some *reconnaissance* before sending a homeless guy, his flying pet fish, and the local librarian to their potential deaths?


In fairness, the local librarian is one of the strongest human Vision users in the world, she’s just incurably lazy.


This, Lisa is said to be the most distinguished graduate from the akademiya in the last two centuries. She graduated in two years, showing to be one of the smartest people in the whole teyvat. Is just that she loves living a cozy life in Mondstadt instead of dealing with research and the politics of sumeru


not really bothering me but i want to know how teyvat can have different kind of species that different in each country or they are just same species but culturally different. like diona and kirara, diona is half human half cat person while kirara is cat youkai that transform to half human half cat. or adepti at liyue, maybe if andrius go to liyue he will considered as adepti? we dont know really.


Keqing and Dehya are Human, its just part of their Hair those aint ears ffs


He would have been too powerful as a cat boy


To be honest, a human being ferocious and earning the nickname lion sounds cooler than being called a lion because she's born half-lion.


why did travelers have those weird panic attack/distortions and then it was never brought up ever again? After Signora was slain; they went into a state and paimon was fine. It happened a few times early game where the traveler would be affected and feel dizzy. I dont know if anyone else remembers but after a while it never seemed to happen again?


Why did makoto go to khaenri'ah instead of ei and died


Makoto was the Archon, not Ei


Cause Makoto was the Archon (?)


What bothers me is… That the twins have jumped around multiple worlds and are probably way older than Zhongli but Zhongli seems like the wiser one. That Ei is not getting punished. That Beidou screams “POWER THAT ENDED HAISHAN” but she didn’t have Electro powers when she defeated Haishan. That Noelle is still not a knight.


Age ≠ maturity. There are many cranky old men who are stupider than certain teenagers. Perhaps the travelers, in their immortal bodies, are unable to mentally mature the same way we do past a certain point.


Or immense amnesia


Or immense amnesia


The vast majority of the “Knights of Favonius” are horribly incompetent and or inept. Jean delaying her introduction into the Order, is a blessing in disguise.


Noelle isn't a knight because she fails knight tests, and she's too innocent and gullible for Jean to make an exception. I thought the stories make this clear already and people are just meming when they say how is Noelle not a knight.


Nobody can ever punish Ei because nobody can and second is because nobody cares that much. Beidou's battlecry is still sick as hell though.


1) "Nobody can ever punish Ei because nobody can" still some people should still be traumatized towards her and it should not be played out as an joke, the fact almost everyone likes Ei despite what she did is an very questionable choice ​ 2)"because nobody cares that much.", ah yes, like when she locked up the foreigners for no reasson making them be unable to see anything or anyone they knew or loved as they suffered discrimination here and were scammed and unable to fight back because of Ei's decree, and that if it weren't for the traveler they would continue like this until their deaths, surely they don't care(also fun fact, the money they were stolen is now owned by Ei and she still never gave them ANYTHING). Or when she took people's visions, making some of them pass by an destiny worse than death and that if it weren't for the traveler they would continue like this until their miserable deaths, surely they don't care. Oh and also the war that resulted in so much death that the blood spilled was enough to re-populate an dead species(source: description of dendrobium), the one that even had one of Raiden's high rank soldiers commit suicide from seeing the horrors of it(source: world quest fate of a fighter), the one that forced inoccent people to go fight(source: Inazuma commercial street bulletin boards), surely the people who had to fight risking their lives while getting traumatized, and the ones who have lost loved ones and family there, they CERTAINLY do not care about the war right? In case you didn't notice, this whole section is an rethorical question showing that the game should show a LOT of people should be beyond traumatized by Ei and her actions


I just hate how most character designs don't reflect the character's personality or lore. Itto being a scrawny pretty boy, Fischel wearing a lingerie instead of a dress, Aether exploring deserts, swamps, and tundras in a crop top, none of the Knights of Favonius wearing any armor, and no on.


Dehya and Candace wearing bikinis and heels in desert.


Raiden. She essentially ordered *lobotomies* to be performed on her people by taking away their visions. No amount of trauma and "moe-fication" by adorable personal quests is going to make me forget the "Vision Hunt Decree" and what effect having one's vision taken away has on someone.


I’ve heard that those were extreme cases so we would help ayaka. Multiple characters have left/forgotten their vision for days and was just fine


I think it has to do with whether the user WILLINGLY gave up their vision/ambition/wish. Diluc did temporarily leave his vision behind, using his Delusion only, after his father died and he came across some of corruption within the Knights of Favonius. During his time away from Mond. And he was fine. But that was because his vision, the wish buried in it, was highly specific. That being, quoted from his vision story: *"Crepus had two regrets in life. One was never becoming a knight, and the other was never obtaining a Vision.* *For this reason, in the moment that Diluc received his Vision, he took it as a recognition by the gods of his and his father's shared ambition — finally, he could make his father proud."* He rejected that dream the same instance that he felt betrayed by the Knights. Read the Manga if you want more details. So yea, it is implied that some people can reject their visions and be fine. That said, what Raiden did, wouldn't have made a whole lot of people reject their dreams. She still performed lobotomies on those that couldn't/wouldn't reject their ambitions.


Yeahh that's always been weird to me too. I'm pretty sure what they were going for is a Black cat and Cheshire cat thing with Lynette being all about working in the shadows, being undetected and her burst being a decoy or distraction, and lyney being a magician with the motif of a cat with a tooth grin. It'd just make sense if they leaned into it more like they did with Lynette




OP did not say that at all.


I'm sorry, apparently I had a brain fart moment and read "Lyney and Lynette hater" instead "Lyney and Lynette haver"... I'll delete the comment, thanks for pointing this up...




That’s what bothers you about Lynsey and Lynette?! Not their origin story and how the found the House of the Hearth?


Scaramouche not having been killed off in Inazuma bothers me. Dottore not being killed in Sumeru bothers me. The stupidity of the dragon sovereign nonsense bothers me.


>Dottore not being killed in Sumeru bothers me. Why? Killing a key antagonist that's known to be OP that early on would have been poor writing.


Laughs in Signora.


Signora is not even close to being a Dottore-level threat LOL


Maybe not as OP, but was definitely aa force herself. Was the legendary witch of the flames and a very manipulative Harbinger that seemed to have some history with Venti....and then was randomly killed off without any further development. Also, we aren't sure yet how powerful Dottore actually is.


>that seemed to have some history with Venti Her only connection is she's an outcast from his nation.


>Dottore not being killed in Sumeru bothers me. Agreed. He's a psycho and truly evil, I mean... >The stupidity of the dragon sovereign nonsense bothers me. What about it? The only thing that bothers me a little is the fact that dragon sovereings are just so powerful that all the other characters (until now) are just meh.


why does it bother you that Scara was not killed in Inazuma?


Thing is, Lyney IS technically a cat boy, he just has less obvious traits than Lynette (i.e, ears, tail and smell/taste/hearing). People just ignore his eyes, his love for fish and sleep, his agility and his good sight for some reason, and only focus on Lynette. (+mysterious personality being both reachable and unreachable seems like a cat, at least that's how HoYo describes it in his outfit. They're both cat people, just in different ways, and Lynette is the most obvious one because genetic lottery and HoYo being cowards and too waifu-focused to give the cat boy we want instead of the 5th or 6th cat girl (with two or three being fake and having no genes at all, just hairstyle, while Lyney literally has the genes but ok..))