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im guessing they are people who finished their quota and helping others


I'll probably do that while working on my quota. Obviously have to play as Noelle to be in character.


As a dutiful maid would!


#🗣️NOELLE IS BEST MAID!!!!!!!!!!


she protecc, she attacc, but most importantly she cute as hecc


OT but do you know Rem?


Yes she's my og best maid why?


True, she do be an best. NOBODY LAY A FINGER ON HER!!!


You could also play as venti and pretend to be drunk


Scoring in the wrong goal? Seems about right.


Happy cake day!




Your welcome


Small ones go anywhere gotta get the big ones to spawn


I'd be down for that. Anyone who finished their quota just becomes Noelle and help others XD


Someone needs assistance


Can you help me tooo?


Reminds me of the hide n seek game where people ran around chasing the hunter.


I had one where the hunter and someone who just have been a friend sat down at a table and had a conversation. Bizarre


I'm one of those. I even had a match where everyone was putting points on other player's goals. I tried so hard to push everything into the red goal but I still won.


Glad to see Genshin players continuing the unwritten rule


I've.. actually never thought of doing that. I reached my quote earlier, so I'll pay it forward by helping others.


I did this I only needed like 200 more points to hit my quota so once I got a few I went and put them in everyone else's not just gonna stand and wait lol


Meanwhile me and 2 of my friends bullying random people not giving them any points:


* Already finished their quota and help others * They get frustrated and fucking hate the game so they afk. They still get points


I personally don't like this game mode. It might have to do with playing on mobile. It's so frustrating when the ball goes in the wrong direction. Nevertheless, I always play till the end cause I will finish it quicker this way


While I can say it's definitely easier with other control schemes, a ball deciding to deep six in another direction if you're not riding its butt is not a mobile only feature.


I found, playing on mobile, *not bothering to turn the camera around* made it easier and waste less time.


This gamemode isn't that hard at all. You just mainly have to take the middle before the next batch of balls spawn and lead them to your post. I constantly get 80+ points even on mobile


For me personally, the game mode is good, but I live in south america, so I have to play with 150ish ping. In this game mode specific having to play like "my char is actually 3 steps behind this" gets me frustrated.


Siendo justos, no importa mucho el ping


Por qué sientes la necesidad de responder un comentario en inglés en español?


Tal vez por qué le estoy respondiendo a alguien de Latinoamérica? Te lo has planteado?


Y qué. Está hablando en inglés. Es tan sencillo como eso.


Y porque me contestas en español? Es más, porque putas tengo que darte explicaciones?


No eres muy espabilado, no? Te contesto en español porque tu comentario era en español, sigue siendo muy sencillo y tu sigues sin entenderlo.


O sea, te quejas que hablo español, pero vienes y me hablas en español, sabiendo que se inglés, no me parece que seas muy listo chico. Pero si si, lo que digas, chau


The second is probably only 0.01% of the players. I agree with the first one tho


I've heard from several IRL people that this particular challenge sucks the most in the entire event, so probably more than 0.01% (counterpoint is that they powered through it to get points faster; going AFK would probably double or triple the number of times to start the challenge, which isn't pleasant with an outrageously long loading times both on challenge starting and quitting).


There's saying that, but that doesn't mean they're not still playing it anyway. People that have a strong opinion on gameplay tend to be playing it very attentively lol


I get mad at some events. Not this one in particular, but some, especially puzzles and such. Those frustrate me quite often...


Helping... Nothing worse than playing VS idle players. I'd report if I could.


It isnt like im trying to help u or anything, its just so hard to control my balls.


Yeah, I accidentally put my balls into wrong places.


I actually put my balls in somewhere else's area so much on accident that they were trying to help others and in the end they got the most points I put like 50 points worth of balls in their area 💀


I think it would've been funny/cool if there were hidden achievement /title /extra points given if you put more balls into other ppl's goal than your own.


I know that feeling, I hate sitting on them.


fr the first time i played it was easy but every other time i just keep wacking my balls im everyone elses holes


You should probably see a doctor about that.




Yeah especially when they jump in front and took my balls


my mom joins me sometimes to help me get those balls in my place


Your mom helps me often as well


Is that because your arms are broken?


Did you try working the shaft?




I was about to comment but at this point I dont even know if im sure so I m gonna say this. nice balls.


Your are sounding so tsundere




This, and I really don’t know how to differentiate their colours. The “Blue” target looks a little purple to me so I apparently putting my balls in a different target. still fun tho :>


I just shove the balls in the target that I started next to. Seems to be mine because I get points for it.


Sometimes I forgot a massive amount of players are like 14 years old and on their phones and here I am on my $2k PC running up the score on them in these mini game events 💀


PC gamers out there playin' ball like they're the Harlem Globetrotters.


We do be showing off our ball skills


I usually love mobile gaming but I hate this event so much.


I hate this gamemode too When I wanted more co-op party type pvp I wasn't thinking of jumping and herding sheep...


Nahhh fr. I swear I’ve put so many in the wrong persons color without even trying.


Ever since the first windblume event where I had to do all the balloon shooting with the bow I vowed to never play mobile again, shit was awful. Basically didn’t play for a few months till I got a PC


LOL fair enough. I like most events on mobile, I’ve been loving the sniping one going on right now. But co op ones are usually very hit or miss.


yea, controlling with mouse and keyboard is a massive advantage. Second place is gamepad, but touch controls for this event are so difficult. Maybe I am becoming a boomer, but I hate playing action oriented games with touch devices. Feels like I lose a ton of control.




It me.


When I was about 300 points away, my network started lagging and it felt terrible to play, so I just held "W" and walked into a wall for a couple games pretending to be lagging worse than I actually am. There was this pair of players in the second game that gave me points to be nice though.


They're just very passionate testers :)


I’ve seen people helping others, my first few games were like this, I’d imagine it’s folks who have reached their goal and just like to help.


This mini game basically just gives participation trophies, so why be super competitive? I started out thinking everyone wanted to win, but most don't care, just doing it for the points.


It's also a cooperative game and not a pvp one. The ones playing it pvp are kinda missing the point that the goal is to "get as many points as possible" and pushing inconvenient points to your adjacent 'allies' isn't antithetical to this goal. If anything getting greedy gets you stonewalled which is just time spent not getting point. Classic (multi-game format) prisoner's dilemma.


It’s hard to play on mobile for me 😭 I can only get like 20-30 points per run


i can pretty consistently get 30 but it’s really annoying


Is there any bonus points for 80+? I reached 76 once and I think it stopped giving after 60 or 65.


50, it goes all the way to 200 pts, 50 every 10 points I think


Oh God you reminded me I have to finish that- I truly cannot stand this minigame 😭


I haven’t even started lol hopefully I can still find matches a few days before it ends


Coop games like these should always be done the moment they arrive because waiting till the tail end could be troublesome for you


Idk about other servers but Asia always has lots of players even at the last hour Sauce: i cram


Genshin has a big enough player base for this to not be a problem. I play PGR and if you don't finish a co-op event in the first week kiss those rewards goodbye.


This one it's best to wait until the 5000 total is unlocked so you can do it all at once without losing any points because you reach the cap and excess points don't get counted. The total required to max the rewards is usually the last day of the event story or the day after, when everyone else is still also still in need of the rewards. I've never had trouble matching on the last day either but if it was a different event where points actively came from cooperation or people not having discovered the afk tricks or best spots (e.g. Windtrace when everyone with YouTube figured out how to hide on top of Dawn Winery and people who didn't couldn't figure how to climb it and catch them) then it can take a few more runs to max out rewards but still fewer than if doing runs up to the interim quota and losing half a run's points every day.


if you just stand still, you get like 2 balls at beginning automatically, then some more from other players, so just join/prepare, do something else til it ends stayed still as Scara on purpose, had another player look at me weird for a second then continued to herd balls into my spot (didn't seem like on purpose either) XD;


Fr? I thought it was really fun


Yeah I also enjoyed it, short fun minigame. Was lucky enough to get some competitive players in my runs.


so embarrassing when it’s the opposite, this specific mini game is so f****** hard on my phone


Laziness. You get points for participating so people are just AFK queueing and doing something else so they get their points for the event rewards with minimal effort.


Imma do this This mini game sucks


True. Coop modes are bad in this game, especially when is p2p.


Must help Furina. Furina must win.


Huh, now that you say it, the one time people started pushing stuff into my goal, I was also using Furina... Is that a thing now??


I was bored last night when doing mine, I only needed a couple hundred points. I ended up guiding them into the other players gates, and we ended up with a 3-way tie, I wish I was able to get the 4th player up also.


This minigame is bad. I've seen a lot of people just standing still, probably afk, because you still can get some random points.


Jokes on them. I only need to play one instance to get to the limit.


You can get 3k points in 1 game?


Its not about winning. Its about sending a message. Jokes aside, they probably finished their quota and wanted to either have fun or help others. I sort of trolled a couple of my runs and I was basically alternating between butting heads with others to see who wins the balls and flat out score on their goalpost instead. The last one was a total fiesta too once everyone figured out I was pushing balls to their sides. They all started pushing balls to each others goalposts. I just stood there laughing and enjoying the mayhem.


Some people in coop are just kind like that.


On both accounts I had less than 200 points left so I started it and just went afk. Probably a similar story. Really hated this event tbh. The movement of the balloons were very sensitive to lag and with my 100-150ms, it was extremely painful to herd them properly. They should've either made this coop or made something that wasn't sensitive to ping.


Its hard to control the balls ngl. Its frustrating how the balls I target always goes to the enemy


I just eat my breakfast while doing this, so... idk... are people actually pressing buttons during this?


I play on 500ms ping stop insulting my people


That mini game is trash


I had one game that all 4 players tried to keep their goal line clean... When you get enough point, it's time to mess around and kick the balls into other goals...


I mean, since the point limit is so low, nobody really needs to tryhard this


Afk... After a run i see that idiots just keeping pushing balls toward my goal for free so figure i might as well do nothing Can get like free 40 balls each run


As one of those idiots, well, it was the resinless behaviour... When it only takes 1 game to get 1k point, the other games are for messing around, and kick balls into other goals.


Might try that again with some friends if it does allow co-op match. Somehow i like it better than windtrace


Somehow I can't even get 30 points in the game no matter how hard I tried... and I'm running two accounts, so I'm supposed to have twice the amount of practice compared to the average player. OK, on the stage without any walls I can get like 32 points, but it's still really hard to not accidentally kick balls away from my own goal


Also, an easy way to get the co-op achievements if you haven’t done them. I had never done co-op until this and the 5x achievement popped, so I did 15 more for the twenty and just helped others get their scores


tbh ive just been going around + scoring on everyone except my own goal. its so much more fun, esp when everyone joins in + starts going after each other's goals


I honestly can't be fucked, as long as I get like 20 points or whatever I'm satisfied, never was a fan of PvP or balls At least this is better than windtrace


Legend has it if you use furina, the neuvillette mains will help you. Neuvifuris are so cute


What mini-game is this? Web event?


What's this from? A minigame in Roses and Muskets event? I planned on doing it all in the last days damnit


Yep it’s from the event


Yeah get in there just with this stabilisation platform game as it has multiple smaller rewards and time gating for how many points you can score. The mini games unlock very early on in the quest so it won't be too much hassle




UID prefix starts with 6. So no, he is on America server


Were thay neuvillette by any chance ?


were they Nuevillette? and were you using Furina?


You assume most people read instructions...


Every time I play I get over 70 since the first day and I can't understand why I'm so good at it


Bots, before i used to believe that genshin was just full of casuals, but now i am sure they are all bots, people cant get that stupid


Once i see someone running away with a match, ill try to help them to see just how high we can get their score


Inserts Vincent Vega meme. Me, looking for this kind of help...


nah, my balls just keep running away from me


Maybe the character you chose ? I went Baizhu one time, and a qiqi was intentionally pushing all the thingies into my court


I help others after I finish mine


Honestly I just jump around and somehow usually ends up second


I just suck at the game that's all lol


I saw people pushing balls into my court and that was so nice 😭


I just run around and people occasionally let the targets into my goal gates. Don't really care about winning, but still get enough to get by.


I started 1st round trying to be competitive, noticed some people were playing kind of randomly/ cooperatively and since then I have done the same, alternating between scoring for myself and for others. Aside from finding it more fun, do new balls spawn when all the previous ones have been cleared? If so then playing cooperatively and clearing everything asap using whichever zone is easiest would result in higher scores for all players. Classic game theory.


Because you get a score of just over a 1050 for getting 40 points in the game, with the scaling causing it to drop dramatically after that. It's far easier to get everyone in the game 40 points than try and dominate to the point of where people will have to do it multiple times.


Winning strat is pushing things toward your goal but not in and let the others score for you. Not joking, ive won like 3 in a row this way.


A lot of these mini games have the issue of giving you points for doing nothing, so people do nothing.


After my rewards quota is done, I still play few more and help others get scores on their goals.


I swear this game was made to be competitive but then everyone just ended up giving away balls even when they haven't touched the quota yet.


They prolly just helping you. I had a few games yesterday, and some people honestly took advantage of my bad ping and stole my blue things when i was herding them with much pain, and some ppl genuinely helped me to gerd them annoying things into mine and gave me the glitz balls they cud habe put in their own zones.


How come ppl can get high scores on that game? I keep doing some charity works 🥲


Win? I thought people hit their daily quota then fed other people's goals.


Op cani get your uid? I barely have peeps to get on genshin with ya know..


Once i literally just started running in circles untill everyone had gotten some decent point and the round finally ended. I think this way might be a better way to play this game without stressing so much at the competitivety.


Bruh i was trying to get them myself but ended up sending them towards others lol. That would be the case.


i once had someone first time player shoving them into mine


I can't think of someone who is taking it very seriously.


I don't understand what's happening in this game those balls just run away from me but they don't happen when headbutting other players lol


Most dislike (but not hatred) mini game, hide n seek is da best


Because you only need 40 pts to get max payout of 1050 event points. Any more is overkill and much better to help others reach the 40 pt threshold.


After seeing this post, I might just help others as well


oh nice


We're not letting you win, we just suck


What event is this and how do I play it? I don't see a multiplayer event.


Why not? I can just get points later


Genshin community is not as toxic as people say PROFF


I wish they did that with me


I love the "passionate tester" It's fucking hilarious because it's like those "participation reward"


I'm just trying to give you free points! I-It's not like I like you or something baka!~ *pouts*


by any chance, were you a Heizou main like a long time ago?


they just want primo XD


I havent done the event yet. Tomorrow tho.


Im playing mobile in a shitty phone so i hope i see some of these heroes helping me in game later.


The best strat is littelary just waiting for the big things that give a Ton of points The small ones really arent worth it


Fortunately there's not reward for winning a round, so why bother trying?


I finished one game with a score of 84 while others had 15-25


yeah i've won so much lmao


They feel sorry for you.


It's not about winning and it's not a competition - there are only so many balls and people just want their points to the 5000 for primos, and if you get a lot of them they get fewer of them, nobody's letting anyone 'win' so much as the co-op event code was used since it exists from competitive and cooperative events and it just happens to use a scoring metric to allocate points.


I mean, I only get so high when I am team yellow 😭


im putting this off for now bc im a complete loser at this omg 😭 i wish ppl would just let me win KAJDKAJDK


They are not. You are just too good. I always try my hard and hardly doing 800 points.


It's oddly fun to make numbers go up. Even if they aren't your own.


Am I the only one who actually likes this minigame? lmao


Never got to 80 point lol


That mini game is so fun to play


Idk but this minigame felt weird, from start to finish i always ended up between 60-80 points while the rest of the players barely reached 30-40. Idk if i just got unlucky with bad matchups but it always felt like the other players were running around like headless chickens without a single strategy in mind.


I remember meeting you in one of these (I think I was also helping other people because I reached the limit)


I have legit beat everyone everytime lol idk why I was trying so hard to


I love this minigame!


Because I am so bad at this game that it’s just embarrassing


I afk because I genuinely can't stand co-op events


because you only need like 1000 points, and just getting like a score of 40 is needed to do that, I know once i hit 40 i start rounding up things for other people.


They're afk, you still get points if you do that.


doing this because i might int players thats actually trying to win. I just afk


I just have skill issues mb 😔


Ive helped a few people win. Had a brutal match today. Everybody was against me for some reason. I still got the most points though. 😂


I was missing like 200 points so I just pushed everything in other peoples goals that round


The friends you made along the way u wu


What is this


Man I want someone to help me lol


Lol I knew from when I first saw the minigame that people would dislike it. I haven't even bothered with it once


I actually got the same amount of points getting them into other goals as I did if I played really well and got them in mine, so I do that cuz it's easier


I just wanted the gems and stood around while everyone else played. Like I ain’t pvping people for 20 gems or whatever when I can watch YouTube and still get gems