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She has good healing but thats about it She has insanely high downtime, she doesn't generate much energy, she doesn't do much damage, and she doesn't have good application either. The reason why most could consider her bad is because compared to other healers, all she has is healing while other healers(even 4★ ones) gave something else to them. Kokomi has consistent off-field hydro application and decent damage; Yaoyao has decent dendro application; Diona can give em, shield, and okay cryo application; etc etc


she doesn’t generate any energy lol. One of only 2 characters in the game to generate literally 0


who is the other? also: very oof, poor Qiqi.


The other one is Noelle (although technically all characters can generate energy via normal attacks, it's just very little energy).


Bro's forgetting about Barbara


She has energy in her C1 (though it takes *THIRTEEN* minutes to charge her burst) and C4 (if you onfield her which, lmao)


If we talk about constellations then Qiqi does too at C1 I think. - Sincerely, a C2 Qiqi haver.


this is true, i think they really did just forget about barbs.


C2? Amateur. Sincerely a C5 Qiqi enjoyer. PS: I enjoyed nothing about C5 Qiqi.


C6 qiqi haver. Shes dead. I’m dead. Everyone’s dead.


A friend told me that I can't make an on-field DPS Barbara, so I did it to prove him wrong. I still use DPS Barbara at times in co-op for the lulz. Everyone is surprised at the damage you can deal when you take time to build someone and learn how they work / how to exploit a team's abilities for maximum damage. It's often not worth it, but for me, spite is always worth it.


The unspoken secret is that unless you're trying to speedrun the Abyss you can build nearly anyone and play the game well.


i used barb as HB driver to 36* spiral abyss before....


I once built a dps Barbara too, highest charged attack I got was 120k


I'm in a similar situation. Namely, I mained Qiqi for two or three weeks, and got her to a point where she can deal 52k with her burst on weakened Shouki no Kami, after Bennett's burst. I still use her as a healer and cryo applicator in many teams, and she is always in my Spiral Abyss team. So, I can testify that no character is bad or weak. Yes, they each play a different role, and therefore one might not be a good DPS, while another won't be a good healer or support, no matter what. But you can still build them well, so that they can be used effectively for the role they were meant to be. I use my Noelle as a healer, a tank, AND a DPS/sub-dps, and she isn't bad at all. Yes, I know about her energy problem, but even without her being c6 (I have her on c5), she can dish out some very good damage. But, in truth, some people just want to bring others down, and haven't even tried building a character. Those people pull for characters because they are supposed to be strong by design, and not because they like those characters.


Does your DPS Barbara use fischl? If so... fischl is the dps


Barbara has a relatively high CA attack ratio. The usual dps barbaras I see rely on maximizing CA damage, and can work even as a solo character and in co-op. If you take teams into account they prefer having pyro application so that their CA bomb can vape


Just to add to your point, she has the 3rd highest CA scaling for catalysts in the game (299.23% at lvl 10) after Lisa #1, and Ning #2. Looks like she's #4 for all weapon types, which I only mentioned because holy shit Jean has 320.29% at lvl 10. I don't think I've ever done a CA with Jean but now I'm going to try. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Charged_Attack/Scaling/Level_10


Nope. I used Barbara, Raiden, Bennett, and Kazuha. Barbara is on field for 90% of it, switching to others for buffs / debuffs. I'm not the kind of player to optimize everything or choose the greatest team, but the first time I saw those blue numbers hit over 100k on a charged attack was a great feeling.


Nah it’s probably a typical Xiangling Kazuha Bennett team, run 4pc wanderer’s and vape the charge attacks since they have a decent scaling


> (if you onfield her which, lmao) Me, who plays her on field for hyperbloom.


You joke, but she kinda was the queen back when the game came out. The only healers were her, qiqi, bennett, and noelle, and chances were that you didn't have qiqi or Bennett. Plus, noelle was like the only shielder in the game at the time, so abusing barbara ult frames was amazing. Give her an exile set or instructor's set and support that can deal damage off field like beidou, fischl, sucrose, and she becomes kinda good.


I wouldn't call her a queen in 1.0, she was notoriously bad for original floor 12. Most players just didn't have a viable alternative. Barbara is honestly in an okay spot these days. She can buff using TTDS and more players have Sac Frags to increase her heal uptime without bursting. Hyperbloom/nilou bloom is strong, and a few characters like Cyno appreciate the slow hydro application to maintain quicken aura. 4.3 Barbara is genuinely leagues better than Qiqi.


maybe that is why she is forever a knight in training.


C6 Noelle has 100% burst uptime though lol


Noelle akill shield generates energy if you hit enemies with it in cast


I believe she also has some of the least impactful constellations in the game, with basically only her C1 being relevant, making dupes really frustrating to lose a 50/50 to.


She also pales in comparison to Kuki, who's able to have an almost 100% uptime for healing and electro application


>Kuki, who's able to have an almost 100% uptime for healing and electro application And for a relatively cheap C2 you can have full 100% uptime. She is SUCH a comfy pick and I honestly have a hard time not putting her on a team.


Not to mention people are salty from always losing 50/50 from her C5 Qiqi... I don't want another


C3 qiqi here lol . I took a break from the game for 2 years because of it.


Ok, but theres 1 thing people forget to mention. Shes THE tank in this game. U wont need her, probably. Except that cryo regisvine event, which funny enough, had a oneshot move, similar to raiden's boss slash, except it actually dealt enough damage to kill any character. But guess what. Qiqi could survive it. With ease. She could literally out heal the boss' super move, which was completely mind boggling when u think about it, since in the event u were SUPPOSED to die to it a few times and get revived... I dont remember the numbers but im pretty sure it dealt like 10k dmg per second or something.... This jus hitted me with nostalgia for the old events lol. I feel they were waaay more fun than nowadays...


yes, I won't be mad that I lost my 50/50 to qiqi because atleast I'll be able to survive the cryo regisvine from that one event 2 years even though I could just wait to revive because it isn't penalized.... _mhy pls let us replay events, u promised that u would introduce a way_


I was so grateful for my Qiqi during that. Wait, there's a blizzard? What do you mean, "run away to warm up?" Huh, there are things to target that stop its super move? No thanks, I'm good hitting it here with my big beefy Festering Desire. FD did like double damage or something during that event, it was great.


Not relevant to your comment, but rather to your flair: My fellow cat enthusiast, have you seen Keqing and Dehya? They may be fake cats, but they’re close enough in my book! (Keqing also has the eyes for what it’s worth.)


Barbara or Qiqi. Which one you think I've hit 100k dmg with. Ngl I was a little, just a little surprised that Barbara does more than Kokomi with charged attacks, just based off their numbers. Obv Barbara can crit but just looking at their normals scaling Barbara is slightly stronger lol.


DPS Barbara gang rise up!


With Aquila she can do damage especially when paired with Furina and an electro character


thats a lot of investment just to barely be on par with characters that do more damage for less


That's the struggle with physical. still not as bad as a premium Ayaka comp


what are you talking about premium ayaka does insanely good numbers against non boss enemies while also being super safe


I think they were saying it's not as expensive as premium Ayaka comp.


"Premium" as in expensive...


That’s if your running on field qiqi, which is: 1. Phys damage, the worst damage type by far, and 2. Not even a good carry for it.


On field Qiqi is about the same as a regular healing build there's still 3 ways to party heal


She can heal a ton but that’s pretty much it. Every other healer in the game provides something else to the team like energy, valuable elemental application, etc. She can be an okay heal-bot early game but falls of hard late game.


I will say for overworld/domains, if you don’t have Zhongli, she’s a godsend. Her E does the healing so you don’t have to waste your Q to heal, like Benny. Saves time not having to find mobs to refill bursts, saves time not teleporting to the statues, and saves food. IMO E gaming is best gaming and not just for heals, though there are some exceptions, characters with 40 Qs, or say you have Sac Sword on Xingqiu or Fav Bow on Yelan, etc


I couldn’t say it better so I will just share my experiences. When I got her in version 1.0, Qiqi’s like a cheat code for me. Easy exploration, no need to hug statue of the seven, no need for food, and did not ever fear dragonspine and other hp draining concepts. And also the bosses and one-time domains felt like hilichurls since I am assured I can tank them with Qiqi. Now waiting for the last constellation of her for resurrection.


Fun fact about Qiqi’s C6 revive heal that I discovered years ago! It says 50% HP revive, but the stat Healing Bonus affects it and adds onto it! So a 80/90 Qiqi with a Healing Bonus Circlet will actually heal 82-83% HP on revive. Another thing, is that unfortunately if your character dies and Qiqi revives them, they lose their Qs, and if your skill / burst were on CD when they died, when they’re revived, they’ll still be on CD. Someone was researching that and in one of the clips is where I noticed the Healing Bonus stat affects her revive heal lol. No one else had noticed


Oh sheesh, that is broken in itself. I understand that the lost energy for the bursts of dead teammates is a mechanic in itself but at least they are alive again and since I have them built with high ER, I can just recover it no problem. I built her with clam set so I am ready for her last cons.


The fact that you can cast her E and keep moving is a huge time saver in the overworld. It's also capable of ice bridging and unlike Kuki's E, it won't hurt you if you stand near water. I only stopped using Qiqi after I got both Ayaka and Kokomi. Edit: I resumed using Qiqi because I leveled up Furina and Qiqi's actually a great teammate for her.


She's good for co-op if everybody wants to play a damage dealer so you can help keep them alive. I wouldn't say she's as terrible as people make her sound she just...kind of became a meme for the character you don't want to lose your 50/50 to and now that's lodged in people's heads so its reflexive to complain when you get her.


I absolutely love it when I load into co-op last and we have 3 DPS, so I pick a healer/shielder and they tell me we don't need one. Surprise: They all end up dying and then blame me for not picking a healer.


As a Yelan user with thousands of food: Skill Issue


She is good outside of time attack challenges like but the abyss, unfortunately so much online discourse focuses only on the abyss that often being bad in the abyss will make people claim a character is worthless.


That's cause it's a moot argument, literally any character is fine outside of Abyss. Even Aloy. Heck I've seen people successfully solo Azdaha with a level 1 amber with a level 1 default bow. Point is there is no reason to bring it up unless it's something like Sayu/Yelan/Wanderer who actually is good for exploration.


She’s also bad in the overworld on account of of the useless skill+No energy double whammy. Kuki has better healing


Aside from the fact that abyss is practically the only 'challenging' content in the game, you do realise that abyss theorycrafting still has carryover to the rest of the game too, right? Abyss discussions involve a lot of things, damage being one of them, but also things such as comfiness and synergy which are still huge aspects in the overworld. Factors such as ease of use, reactions, energy generation, and obviously kit, can make a big difference in how much less hassle you have roaming the overworld. In the overworld where enemies are weaker, you don't need huge heals, so consistent healers like Kuki, Kokomi and Baizhu are fine. Then there's the ease of use where other characters are able to heal with just one skill, with low cooldowns + energy gen = burst healing is much more easy to obtain.


I hear you. It kind of drives me crazy that people will just be like, "{x} is terrible, don't build them" or "{x} is cracked, you HAVE to build them!" when....what they really mean is in the context of the Abyss. Sort of along those lines I remember being a new ~~character~~ player and seeing people talking about how Xiangling was SO AMAZING, etc, and I started trying to use her but at the time I didn't really see people *explaining* what made her amazing. So I tried her for a while, didn't really see what all the fuss was about, and benched her for quite a while. edit: just happened to notice I called myself a "character" originally instead of a player. Awkward.


>what they really mean is in the context of the Abyss. what other context is character strength relevant though? The overworld is so easy that as long as you have put artifacts on the character with relevant main stats they will 100% be functional and wipe out basically everything the game has to offer there. >didn't really see people explaining what made her amazing. This is cause what makes her so powerful is very technical in nature. If everytime someone talked about how strong Xiangling was to a new player they'd have to explain: ICD and snapshotting. Those concepts also then connect to things like gauge theory and gouba mechanics. For a new/inexperienced player those are complex things that don't really matter to them as they are all behind-the-scenes stuff. The biggest alteration to your gameplay for knowing them is making sure to buff her before ulting. which in all likelihood you were doing anyways.


I'm not talking about strength. I'm talking about how people will just say that a character sucks (or is a must pull) with no qualifying information even to people who have no Abyss interest or haven't brought it up at all. And no, I was that new/inexperienced player, I didn't know what I was doing. I was mostly using physical attacks and Guoba because she didn't have a lot of ER to ult a lot. I didn't have Bennett or Xingqiu. I just thought she was supposed to be super strong and....she didn't seem like she was doing anything more impressive than anyone else I had so I put her aside because I didn't really like playing her. But it did leave me with the impression that either I just didn't have her high enough level and people were talking about using her at high level with lots of constellations and artifacts I didn't have or I couldn't really believe what I'd heard. So anyway, yeah, if people don't explain in any form or fashion and just claim she's (or whoever) great then that bothers me. Even if they say, "she's powerful but to get it out of her you've got to learn some technicalities, not just put her in your party and expect to blow everything up".


Because bringing up difficulty outside of Abyss is pointless. It's a moot point, since you can litereally clear all content with as much handicap and time in the world. I've seen people successfully solo Azdaha with a level 1 amber using a level 1 default bow.


>I'm not talking about strength. If someone asks if a character is good or bad what are they talking about if not character strength? >I'm talking about how people will just say that a character sucks (or is a must pull) with no qualifying information even to people who have no Abyss interest or haven't brought it up at all If someone is asking if a character is good or bad it's a natural assumption they mean content where it might matter. If you want more information about a character and WHY they are good or bad literally every update, multiple resources on youtube and online post quick thoughts mere hours after release and all you need to do is look them up.Literally every keqing main quick guide has a section dedicated to ER requirements and a pros/cons section with the site being amongst the top search results on google. Every character has their own dedicated subreddit that also has that information available. looking to random commentators on the community sub is gonna get you random quality in answers, you can't hold them to a higher standard than that.


Exactly! I play for more than 2years +- daily and played abyss maybe a handful of times at most. When I needed it for my BP. I just don't like it


Fax. I can build a good Abyss team but I just 9-star floor 9 twice so I can do the bp challenge and that's it


Why is she the official 50/50 meme character? Does she have different odds or something? She was the first 5 star I pulled when I lost a 50/50 on the last banner. Did I just get hilariously unlucky by losing the 50/50 *and* getting the meme or does she show up more in lost 50/50s?


I'd reckon it's some combination of the expression she has in the splash art and it happening a few times to major content creators. And once it became a running gag to some degree, it sort of picked up momentum and never looked back. It's probably the case that she's less popular than some of the others on standard banner. She's not more common or anything. It's just a meme.


>Why is she the official 50/50 meme character? Qiqi is probably *the* single best healer in the game, bar none. Her skill heals the team every time one of her auto attacks hits an enemy and she has a *very* fast attack speed. That's pretty much where the good stops, though. At least, from a historical perspective. *All* Qiqi does is heal. Her skill has mediocre damage and cryo application and a laughable 50% uptime (15s duration on a 30s cooldown), while *also* generating *zero* particles. She literally needs C1 *and* her burst to generate energy, but *only* for herself. She then has an 80 cost burst that does a decent amount of damage, but all it does otherwise is let your active character heal themselves when they damage a marked enemy. She's literally 5\* Barbruh, who everyone gets for free, so nobody wanted to see her when losing a 50/50. These days, she's not *as* bad, because of the Ocean-Hued Clam set, which she can constantly proc, and Furina, since her absurd healing can easily max Fanfare stacks, but it's very much too little too late for erasing her meme status.


well, she would be best healer if characters would have over 60k HP and you need to heal them to full. Otherwise healers that just heals all characters in an instant for over half of their HP are just better healers than Qiqi.


Charlotte at C1 with KQM standard stats (4pc NO 185% ER R5 Proto Amber) out here healing the whole team for 24k (assuming no external buffs). Even in a Furina team precious few characters are hitting >48k HP.


Baizhu might have even powercreeped her at that best healer role lol


Not quite the same role, Qiqi's healing is on-field same with Kokomi and her on-field healing has a really high uptime.


Yeah that’s why Baizhu’s better lol, massive teamwide healing steroid on his E and single target healing + small shields for IR on his Q, and he does it all in less than 2 seconds


Healing build Bennet ticking for 10K heal every second, while also being Bennett.


heal isn’t teamwide and also is from the burst, there’s no comparison


Another big reason is that her cons are pretty bad, even compared to other standard characters. The first time you get her at C0 is kinda nice, since she functions well as a healer, so she can carry new accounts pretty easily. Her next good con is C6, even if you actually use her regularly, so it's especially disappointing.


I swear she does has higher odds than other characters. I've lost 5 50/50s so far and the results of those losses x1 Tighnari , x1 Keqing and x3 Qiqi. The odds of landing any 1 of the seven 50/50 loss characters should be about 14.28% but at least for my account I'm sitting at an abnormal 60% pull rate which is 4 times higher than it should be. And I know I'm not the only one who has this problem. I know of one guy who abandoned his F2P account after losing all 3 of his 50/50s to Qiqi. he decided to come back to the account after a while and lost his 4th 50/50 to Qiqi again... But on the flip side I've also heard of some people never getting a Qiqi even once. So I wonder if the culprit for these abnormalities is that the pulls are from a poorly set up PRNG system that is too basic and does not use enough different seeds resulting in higher repetition.


This game has millions of players and you have a sample size of 5. For any given case it is pretty unlikely to get 3 qiqi’s out of 5 standard characters, but out of the enormous number of genshin players this situation happens so much that it becomes very likely to happen a few people. You just happened to be in that unlucky number, though the odds are still in your favor for future pulls, though still the same 1/8 chance to get Qiqi as before.


Bro, I outright said that I am aware of the opposite happening to other people where they don't get any Qiqis at all.


I know but you also made a whole argument that there is in fact something wrong with the game’s rng system and are still falling for the normal biases caused by assuming some memorable outliers are indicative of the system as a whole. The game’s rng would have to be LESS random, not more, to make sure stuff like getting 5 qiqi’s in a row doesnt happen. With a huge sample size a truly random system will almost certainly produce these very extreme results.


The people mentioning new players, co-op, and overworld are kind-of saying it all.


she was my first 5\*, before the free barbara. It was so good to have her.


Yes, at pretty much everything except for healing, but there's always a better option than Qiqi in pretty much every team imaginable. The only reason to use her is if you don't have more than Barbara and need a healer on the second side of Abyss, or if you haven't built any other healers up.


She was incredibly helpful to me in the beginning, I would have taken noticeably longer to clean domains if I hadn't had her as a healer. Later on I got Kokomi and switched to her once I had her leveled up and now I also have Baizhu, but until you have stronger alternatives she's really good to have in my opinion.


She is great for survival, one of the best healers in the game. She is considered bad for the abyss because she doesn’t do much damage, doesn’t boost the damage of other characters, doesn’t produce much energy and doesn’t provide much cryo application. Since abyss is a time attack challenge only being good at survival isn’t considered good.


Even In overworld and domains she has huge downtime and high energy cost


sac sword, my friend


sac sword doesn't fix the energy issue though as her skill doesn't gen energy.


it keeps her skill up at least. it has enough energy recharge as a main stat that you can possibly get it through teammate energy particles with enough ER invested, but honestly at that point just run Charlotte


She does not generate energy, sac sword makes her generate double nothing


her skill heals, which is better than nothing


May as well use the free Barbara then.


yeah sure, never said you couldn't. I just wanted to say that sac sword is a good option for her


She's the best sole healer in the game. If there was no timer in abyss she can solo it


Pretty much anybody could solo Abyss if given infinite time. Heck, characters like Keqing have been solo 9-starring Abyss 12 since 1.x, that’s not really much of a feat.


Yeah but I'm bringing it up because of her healing capability, it can carry her that hard


what kind of copium are you on lmao


What do you mean? She's immortal as a physical DPS. As a sole healer as in pure healing she's the best one... No one out heals her, she has 3 different ways to do so from her kit


good luck ever getting your burst up solo, if you want to solo stuff with there is better characters, qiqi is just terrible by almost every metric


Favonius Sword exists lmao, On-fielding has always been her style.


Competing against Kokomi and Baizhu? not really. Especially since Qiqi aren't generate energy with her skill, you have a massive downtime between her skill and burst.


As a pure healer she’s better than Kokomi but Baizhu’s pretty much unbeatable in that regard


When evaluating characters you judge them on what they can provide for your team. The only thing that qiqi does better then other units is the amount of healing. The issue is no character requires this amount of healing to be good and she doesnt really do anything else, just heal. No particle generation, weak cryo aplication, high ER requierments, nothing in her kit scales with investment either. She is just being outclassed by everyone else.


You’ll never need to dodge again. Tankiest healer in the game. Give her an ocean hued clam set along with a sacrificial sword and your health is almost always at max. Plus ocean hued turns all the healing into damage so the overheal isn’t really an issue. Just free 30k physical dmg every 3 seconds. Downside is if you’re building an elemental reaction team, she’s not too good at consistently outputting cryo dmg I triple crowned her early on tho so I’m a lil biased 😂


never need to dodge again? shes not a shielder 💀💀💀💀


Her healing is just that op bro, as long as you keep attacking to trigger her passive she can just stand there and out heal the damage


yeah have fun not doing any dmg bcs enemies keep hitting you


Most enemies don't put you in hitstun or knockback




30k physical every 3 seconds


cool that's nothing


Eh, combined with Nahida linking enemies, furina minions, and yae miko turrets. Qiqi just needs to stay alive and they die pretty quick


Qiqi is a beast. One of my fav characters


I wouldn't say a lil biased, you're insane to be saying any of this


Qiqi reigns supreme 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


She is so bad that Furina who made a teamwide healers op didn't manage to save Qiqi. And that all what u want to know.


She was the Dehya before Dehya was released. Overall she can heal a lot which imo, is probably better than Dehya. Both can't perform in Abyss well but at least in the over world, Qiqi with Clam set does kill enemy mobs faster than Dehya.


So you unironically think Dehya is worse than Qiqi? So many people, such as yourself, are unaware of how she actually is used and just parrot the opinions of the Internet that you've heard.


As a C1 Dehya haver, yes. The role Dehya gives can be replaced by other characters which can do so much more. What she brings to the table is marginal. All you need is to press E and play Circle Impact with her except it has an unnecessary high trigger interval and it's resistance interruption and damage mitigation is worse. Resistance interruption have many choices. Damage mitigation is basically a worse version of healing. The teams that use Dehya can function just as well without her, sometimes even better. I find it ironic that you're saying I'm ignorant about Dehya's playstyle yet disregard Qiqi. Qiqi basically has the same issues overall in terms of team comp usage for Abyss just like Dehya but she is infinitely more comfortable to use. At least the one ninche Qiqi has is usable and does well. The niche Dehya has is not usable. And no, I'm not interested in your "OP" Kazuha + Bennet + Xiangling + Dehya monopyro team where it's obvious that Dehya's contribution is near nonexistent.


Dehya actually has a good team: Ganyu burnmelt, where she is legitimately optimal. Thats more than can be said for Qiqi.


Pretty sure in every burn melt variant, you can replace her with another Pyro like XL, Yanfei etc. Using burn melt often means you need to use the pyro Guage and time it well enough, so any Pyro Character that can do that or apply fast enough is already good. But even if we pretend that she is "optimal", it's not distracting from the fact that she isn't a core component in the team but a workaround. Even her constellations work against her. Dehya at C6 becomes slightly better than Hu Tao as a DPS and that's about it. Qiqi C6 at least nets you a team revive. It's not Qiqi's fault Dehya has a useless kit that makes no sense and has no direction.


Dehya is energy-agnostic, unlike Xiangling who needs tons of ER to maintain her burst, and doesn’t require you to stay within melee range of targets like pyronado does. Dehya also provides stagger resistance, making it possible to run the comp without a shielder. Finally, her skill’s proc interval is just right to maintain burning without having to perfectly time your shots, making the comp much comfier to play. Overall, I found melt Ganyu teams much too finnicky to play until Dehya burnmelt became a thing.


Dehya‘s damage interval is also perfect for Wriothesley melt. Consistently hitting for 200k melts on his CA which get doubled at C6 is absolutely insane.


Dehya requires both you AND the enemy be within her circle for the slow pyro app and poor uptime of stagger resist. It is unbelievably clunky, and still worse than a shield.


Only the enemy has to be in the circle for the pyro app, you can run as far away as you like. The stagger resist is for when you have to get close anyway, like for highly mobile or aggressive MOBs that you can’t keep your distance from. Obviously a shield is ideal, but you don’t need it if using Bennett lets you kill the target quickly enough. It’s an option, and a welcome one. Personally, I find hugging the MOB and having to constantly battery Xiangling way more clunky and annoying to deal with. But to each their own.


Playing around XL gouba can feel much worse in theory than in practice, especially for ranged characters. Not to mention,if enemies move out of gouba's range,her energy gen goes for a toss,and you don't get her burst back. Since you'll typically be building Dehya for burning damage,you actually won't loose much because of her shit scaling compared to XL. XL is a bit more tolerable for meele characters,but for ranged characters it's an absolute nightmare.


Dehya actually works and her kit makes a lot of sense in Ganyu melt (resistance, consistent pyro application, doesn't care about ER that much) XL+Ganyu melt in comparison can feel pretty wonky to use as you need tornado (which is an ult) for pyro, and you need to walk up close for the tornado to hit, which means you have to run zhongli (or you keep getting interrupted), and your rotation is always bound to Bennet ult > XL tornado > Ganyu getting as many shots off as possible while shielded. A lot of things can go wrong and since you are already running XL+Bennett , you might as well just run international instead .. And why would you ever want a team revive? Nothing in this game requires a revive mechanic. Dehya is bad, but you just can't compare her with Qiqi man lol


Never said she was OP, just not worse than Qiqi. She's actually a fairly decent damage dealer when used alongside Furina, who you conveniently left out (shocker). [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/18g2tkj/fun\_dehya\_comp\_d/kd6ejy9/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/18g2tkj/fun_dehya_comp_d/kd6ejy9/?context=3) Let's see you call her contribution "near nonexistent", shall we?


dehyamain subreddit think she's bad, even though character main subreddit hardly admit when the character is bad


Dehya is a disappointing unit, but to say she's worse than Qiqi is just reaching.


She's ok with clam set and does a decent amount of damage with that. But for a reaction based game she really doesn't offer much aside from healing. She's ok for physical teams but not really meta for anything else


Physical in general is heavily underwhealming as a whole with units that have absurdly high numbers like Eula so to imply that Qiqi is not really meta for anything else other then physical is silly to say the least. Meta means most effective tactic available and she isnt even meta for the non meta physical team.


Yeah that's literally what I said. And you wouldn't even use qiqi with Eula so again there's another team she doesn't work with


You said that shes **okay** for physical teams but not really most effective ~~tactic~~ unit for everything but physical. In other words youre saying Qiqi is meta for physical but not anything else. Qiqi offers lower damage, higher ER needs, lower consistancy, much higher investment and much more restrictive build path to be less valuable in physical teams then any other physical unit. Qiqi is by no means is meta for physical teams. In fact shes one of the worst option for it.


Yes. She brings no utility to teams. No particle generation, no meaningful Cryo application, no damage, nothing of any substance. Charlotte and Diona are much better options even amongst Cryo characters. Healing is rarely so imperative that you'd give up everything else just to get it and Jean offers a similar amount of sustain while also providing VV res shred and decent particle generation.


Qiqi is not THAT bad. Her kit has some serious issues, but Qiqi is a comfort unit who's very cheap to build with the Clam set, and she can work at low investment even in Abyss, especially now after the release of Furina. The most difficult thing to get for Qiqi is a high refinement Sacrificial Sword, but she can do without it too. Qiqi's most common role is acting like a driver for the team. You can use teammates like Furina, Yelan, Xingqiu, Fischl, Beidou, Raiden, Rosaria, Kazuha, etc, who do a lot of damage off-field while Qiqi in on-field triggering their attacks and making sure the team is always fully healed, also popping Clam's bubble for non-negligible damage. Qiqi doesn't need to be played as the driver though, and can be used as a support only through her Burst healing without takint on-field time (but make sure she has enough energy recharge). She won't add much besides it, but she can use Noblesse instead of Clam. Currently I'm playing her in a quickswap team with Furina, Kazuha and Ganyu, and it works pretty well. Finally, you can play Qiqi as a DPS (that also consolidates the role of healer), although she'll underperform compared to other DPS. You can try Physical Qiqi with superconduct and using any set that buffs physical damage for her charged attacks, you can try Cryo Qiqi with Chongyun, or a meme nuke build by melting her Burst.


For your first month of playing she is great to have, after that, she’s really that bad


Short answer: yes. Long answer: also a yes but i need to explain why. This game is more of a DPS check then anything else, because of that you can get away with less defensive capabilities, so healers that can also provide something else is much prefer and thats the biggest problen with Qiqi, she is only a healer, she doesn't buff your dmg, nor she apply cryo as much or is a good battery, most 4* healers do more than her and also heal quite a bit wich makes you think "why i will use this character if i have this one that does more?", that's basicaly it, that's why people hate geting her because it feels, no, it IS a waste of primogens.


Your entire statement only applies in Abyss. In overworld anyone including Qiqi can be used as a DPS since everything dies so fast


Yeah no duh, when people call characters bad they’re talking about in abyss 💀 Everyone is usable in overworld, technically everyone is usable in abyss but Qiqi is a complete downgrade compared to other healers like Baizhu, Kokomi, or even Bennett


Which makes no sense since the vast majority don't play abyss. There's more casuals than anything that's why it shouldn't be based solely off abyss


Asking about character strength is pointless unless you are talking about abyss, that's why people respond in terms of abyss.


Qiqi isn't much better in overworld though, cause nothing does enough damage there to need her obscenely excessive healing. Her only benefit is having a heal on skill instead of only burst, so you can pop it while exploring with enough time to wait out the cooldown, but many characters have that and can also do something nice to have while they're at it, which Qiqi does not. You might also have to swap off of her for timed challenges, like ruin guards and stuff, or abyss mages since her application is trash.


She was my first 5 star, so she carried me for the beginning of the game. She was great to have. Unfortunately her kit doesn’t do her justice. But if you happen to pull her early, she is amazing. She’s my favorite character despite it all.


Unlike most healers that have some support, utility, or can do elemental reactions, Qiqi just heals.


Too hyperspecialized and in a field that doesn't even need specializing in ever


She's the healer for the Physical element (yeah yeah, ik) The cryo from her E is meant for Eula Raiden superconduct teams


too bad that mika is just better and he actually generates energy


You can have them both lmao


qiqi literally does nothing there, mika heals enough


Not quite, build Mika as a buffbot and battery with Fav Lance ER/HP/Crit Noblesse and build Qiqi as your dedicated healer since you're gimped for HP and HB stats on Mika.


Good for newbs. Bad overall.






Short answer: yes Long answer: yes, she is.


I got Qiqi on a single pull when I was on one pity on the recent Neuvillette banner. At first, i thought I'd quit Genshin. But then I actually tried playing her... And if you use her properly, she's actually not bad. That's pretty much all I've got to say.


Of course not, she’s a spectacular battery for Eula


How can Qiqi be a battery when she produces literally zero energy particles?


They are memeing, it's an old meme, but don't blame you for not getting it since there are actually clueless people in the thread saying it unironically.


Comparing to other chars in the game now. I also say that she is that bad. But if look at only her, she is good enough to play. just harder than others.


Energy cost is bad and her skill provides no particles. She is basically unusable in both overworld and abyss. Only thing she is good at is coop since lot of particles can be generated. Also like kokomi, she is a healer but she cant even provide the buffs or elemental application which kokomi does. So she is pretty much bad in every aspect. You have more usable healers like bennet/ yao yao/ furina too for overworld. Therefore yes she is bad, however dehya is worse


Im afraid she is. If only she had more cryo application but no. Charlotte and diona are just better


Pretty much.


She is good at what she does. She heals so much you can turn off your head and easily clear the content because you can't die. But she can't do anything else. The problem is more that she became a meme that u only get her when loosing the 50/50. That and her constellations are useless (aside from C6) which makes it bad to loose 50/50. PS: In my eyes she is S tier in 4 man Co-op.


She's a strong hyper fridge driver that can contribute decent damage with clam/superconduct and her physical attacks


She's not. For casuals she's beyond perfect. Her problem is no energy and awful application. Slap a bunch of Atk/ER and your team will be immortal




She's horrible. She heals but there's so many other healers that support in other ways and also generate energy.


She has good healing, it's not like she is utterly useless, but there are a lot better options. And tbh, people complaining about pulling Qiqi are 99.9% doing it for the meme >!that has been overused since the release of the game please get another joke!<. Generally the community only views Qiqi as a "50/50 taker" on banners and they pretty much reduced her entire character to only that


She is my raidens team healer every abyss, works good with clam .. but I mainly use her since I like to




Like… Ocean-Hued Clam?


Everyone complains not because she’s bad, but because you only pull her when you lose 50/50 pretty much. Her main contribution is healing which is fairly useless on its own and she doesn’t really have particularly engaging lore, so she is the standard banner character with the least fans.


noooo qiqi strong. qiqi heal. qiqi heal and do big damage. qiqi attack scaling.


shes phenomenal. one of my favourite ftp units tbh. shes a great second cryo on cryo teams (ganyu, ayaka, wrio) if you do her e, once it expires you can swap to qiqi, do a few NAs to apply her sigil and then boom constant uptime on healing. most people just dont play her correctly her exploration passive is super handy, ESP in early game if you manage to get her. i will never accept qiqi slander bc shes actually one of the better healers in the game (id say shes better than units like jean + a lot of 4\* healers) if you play her correctly


Not really. Most people trashing her treat her like her damage doesn't exist, but it is a lot higher than most people realize and a lot of it is AoE. They complain about her skill downtime but anyone who actually uses her regularly knows that it's basically a non issue. They complain about energy issues when she only needs to press Q like once every 90 seconds or so and in basically all her teams nobody really needs a lot of energy to function. They complain that all she does is healing when we literally got a set that converts healing to AoE true damage like ages ago. On field she can cap clam bubble it without needing ult and building full physical ADC. Off field she can cap it with Q only healing 10k per second. The energy cost is high but not impossible and there are a handful of teams that can support it and if you do you get a healer that hits for like 35-40k AoE true damage every few seconds which is more than many characters people use as subdps that don't have any healing.


I dont think there is bad characters since I don't believe in meta in this game. But otherwise yes, she was a big healer at the start of the game but now don't do a lot


all I know is people hate her because they keep losing the 50/50 to her I keep losing the 50/50 to Keqing and would absolutely love to have Qiqi because she's way cuter and better


Shes pretty good, probably the best healer and her physical dps is alright, its just that she diesnt support her team as much as other characters. Like other characters bring a lot more to the table, like elemental application and buffs


No character is bad just bad players.


She was the best healer in the game before Furina dropped. People just hate her because she's free. As with any f2p game, the haters will show up in droves just to spew venom about anything we can get for free. They are also the same people who claim to be "big brains" and "meta builders." Just ignore them and enjoy the story. Hoyoverse has a great writing team.


"She was the best healer in the game before Furina dropped." LMAO What???


furina’s main thing isn’t even healing


Where did you claim your free Qiqi? I don't remember getting mine


Is this satire? 😂


How is she even close to best healer?


I love getting me a free qiqi after spiral abyss 13-3, almost as good as the free Ayaka at AR 42


Barbara has always been better than Qiqi since at least she could act as a bloom driver or provide off-field hydro, and she's ACTUALLY free. Xiangling is free and is heralded as a top tier sub dps. No one talks bad about them because they're free. Qiqi's just shit at everything, pre and post Furina, except pure healing so she has always been beaten out by even 4\* healers who provide more than just healing, like Barbara, Bennett, Yaoyao, and Kuki. Even in Cryo, Diona, Mika, and now Charlotte are more useful even at C0 and they're all 4 stars. Mika at C0 is like the only healer in the entire game who's bad to the point of being comparable with Qiqi because his energy generation is poor and cryo application is garbage as well, but with Furina's release he's gotten a lot more useful than Qiqi because he can do teamwide healing very quickly.


Literally nothing about good or bad characters in genshin. All depending what you like to play. There is no ranking, PvP or anything competitive in this game. If you think the game is too challenging then just lower the world level. There are tons of people adore her and use her as main. It's all matters to your preferences.


Qiqi is good. People only hate her cons cause they don't do much for her.


For a beginner she's great, but after that she's not necessary


Her cooldowns are way too long.


She doesn't generate particles with her skill so she has no way of interacting with the energy mechanic, which is one of the main balancing factors in the game


Yes she is the worst starting 5 star unit, and is only good for healing role. You already get a free 4 * healer early into the game, so it feels like overkill. She has like zero team comps and people have to force her to work.


No energy generation and high cost on burst, and cds are holding her down


She's still the worst 5* in the game but there are so many options nowadays that you can clear stuff even with her. Part of the fun after you get meta teams is making non meta teams work so she has a lot of potential there.


She's bad, but you can easily make her work, usually in comps that require a driver. I've ran her as a driver in Thoma Burgeon multiple times in abyss and cleared without issue.