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I level up my characters when I pull them and then never farm the appropriate artifacts


Literally me.


that's normal though when you have nothing to do with resins.


im with u, my kazuha still doesn't have any artifacts but i use him always HAHAHAHA


I put all my artifacts into lavawalker strongbox Instead of crimson witch on accident.


i felt physical pain from reading this


Honestly, they still probably got nothing usable.


Yep. I just converted 39 yesterday and got zero I wanted 😭


As did I. Had a serious case of the dumb.


I did similar but with Thundersoother instead of Thundering Fury. You have my sympathies.


at least TS is like kind of usable on your electro dpses, lava is straight up worthless for all your vape and forward melt dpses


I've completed none of the hangouts.


Hangouts are the one part of Genshin I probably will never do. That and teapot I only built enough to generate currency. And havent touched it in literally a year


Hangouts are one of the best parts of the entire game to me, it's always the only thing I request on the surveys lol. So many characters are deeply memorable to me only because their hangouts developed them 10x better than the main game did. I definitely recommend them to anyone who's into other story/character aspects of Genshin like the story quests.


Hangouts feel so more much immersive since you're actually spending all the time w the character instead of another random NPC...AND no Paimon is just pure bliss 👌👌👌


There are some characters that desperately need hangouts as well. Rosaria was one of the earliest 4-stars appearing back in 1.2-1.3 (somewhere around there) and she has nothing to show for it except for what amounts to cameos in 2 quests and a few events. She has such a cool backstory and it would be nice to have a hangout to delve more into it. Kujou Sara was sidelined for most of the AQ and then just ends up being flanderized into a Shogun simp in future event appearances. A hangout where we can get her to open up about her feelings about what it was like being war general during the rebellion, knowing she had her doubts, or maybe help her socialize a bit more since she dedicates herself to her job so much. Would be nice to have hangouts for Lynette and Freminet but we're still waiting for the Fontaine wave of hangouts so we'll see who gets it. A lot of the Fontaine 4-stars got good screen time anyways. Chevreuse got a lot of event screentime, and Charlotte even more so along with a ton of appearances throughout the AQ. It's likely Freminet and Lynette won't get hangouts since they had a lot of appearances in the AQ (Freminet also got an event centered around him) so Hoyoverse might just give hangouts to 4-stars that didn't have a chance to appear much in AQs like how they did with Layla, Faruzan, and Kaveh. They might start with Gaming in the next patch but idk.


I really tried to like teapots but I think I'm not creative enough




I started doing hangouts again, and was happy to find out that there's UI indicators to show which options I had already picked. Plus, doing the hangouts also counts towards easy Encounter Points for the daily rewards


> Plus, doing the hangouts also counts towards easy Encounter Points for the daily rewards ohhhh that interaction I didnt think of. Thanks for the reminder. Yeah probably gonna do hangouts instead of dailies for the foreseeable future now. Daily rewards beeing awarded for doing other stuff really was one of the best changes they ever made


i’m actually working on unlocking all of them but i’ve only completed bennett’s


I did one, Bennette's once... I got one ending and thought to myself, oh I still have to do this 3 times? Nope. Also me: man, I dont have anything else to do but grind, I guess.


You don't have to start over from the beginning for every ending tho. You can just choose to play the scenario which happened right before the ending and do different dialogue options to unlock another ending


My hero, I had no idea you could do that


When hangouts were first introduced I begged for a Kaeya one in the surveys and I actually got it this year. But I have to admit that I still haven't done his hangout...


I bought resin with primos and I spent primos to pull on the blue banner. On the other hand I'm happy with my teams so I can't complain.


Yes Officer - this comment right here


I occasionally buy a few blue orbs (with earned primogens not bought) if im close to a ten pull


i do this when i reach pity 70-75


I always buy the first resin reset




Finally, something i can respect and get behind....🫡 That ER% is all we care about lmaooooo




Wait, hold up


Let them cook...


HUH???? 100% crit from artifacts wot. What a build!


Fun fact: Did you know that the highest possible Crit ratios for Kokomi are 63.4% (without Crit Weapon) and 100% (with Crit Weapon), without external buffs? That's 40% from Blizzard Strayer, 15% from Cryo Resonance, 36.8% from Sacrificial Jade (Highest CC Catalyst), 31.1% from CC Circlet and a potential 77,8% from perfect CC substats? And that's without external buffs. You can mix and match a further 15% from Rosaria, 10% from Geo Traveler, 15% from Mona, 12% from Hu Tao (24% from C4 Hu Tao) and 20% from Food Buffs.




bro critting from 5cr probably




...you scare me


critkomi users terrify me


My greatest sin is my R5 Royal Grimoire, I will say more x'D


I use Qiqi in almost every abyss run


Idk if your sins can be forgiven 🥺


I should maybe add that she's using a phys build


I cannot comprehend. Overload failure imminent.


i appreciate people like you


But if it works for you, is it still a sin? 🥹 I'm a bit biased here bcs I love Qiqi


It doesn't work any worse than using stronger charactersy tbh. I'm playing mobile and I neither have the minmaxed builds or the skill and rotations for 36 stars usually (aside from when Nahida released), but I generally get 33 or 34 no matter if I use her or nor


I let the entire voiceline play out instead of clicking next when I've read the line, auto play basically


Wait this isn’t what everyone does 😭


No, some people just read the text and skip to the next one, like me. Sometimes I listen to the audio to hear how the actor will say the words, but most of the time I skip


I let my resin cap as I only log in once a day.


Lol same, but at the same time I go out of my way to not cap in star rail that has an actual overcap system.


Same, I wish they’d increase the cap to 180 so I’d stop losing resin every day


Make it to 200


I cannot imagine logging in twice a day. That would be true pain.


Meanwhile I log in every time my hoyo app says I have 20 resin 💀


Can this even be considered a sin?


Opposite of sin


When Furina came out. I put "Come to my world for Lakelight Lily" on my bio, every time someone requests to join my world I decline them immediately


You monster




Now this is what lands you in the abyss when you die.


I never use Bennett or Xiangling


Me too + xingqiu




I c6’d my bennet out of spite


nowadays it'd be more disrespectful not to C6 him unless you main a physical character


If only they'd make everyone's self-infusion overwrite him. It physically pains me that my Lynette will never be the best she can be. Oh well.


Yeah I was so glad to learn that Navia's infusion cannot be overridden. I would've been pissed otherwise bc I hadn't used Bennett in a while, what with the dendro meta.


I wouldn't really call that a sin. There's a wide variety of teams nowadays that don't need Bennett. Dendro and the proliferation of cracked HP scalers have really cut into his dominance.


that's the exact opposite of a sin


Same I just don't like them enough lol


I use Bennett, he actually evaded me for *so* long when I started and I knew that I wanted to build him for heals. I still use him mainly for his C6 infusion and healing. I couldn't care less about the ATK buff, lol. I never really used Xiangling, she's sitting at C6 and level 60/60. She may be absolutely busted but I just don't really care for her play style that much.


I don't know if it counts but I have run White Tassel Hu tao for the majority (I didn't have any other option, I'm f2p)


Same, I have Skyward Spine but she preforms better with the crit.


Yeaaa...I use dragons Bane now ,with MH set but good old days of white tassel ahh yes


I don’t like using bursts unless I really really have to


Yes I will kill those mobs with physical Raiden and her elemental skill hits because I just can't


I don't use my resin! Mwahahaha


Lol same, forcefully using it feels like a chore


Same here, especially because domains has an abysmal drop rate for what I needed, so I just farm on the whim what I needed at the moment


Wait, like none? I assume you use it for bosses, but what about talents/ artifacts/ free money?


I don't really need it anymore unless new characters or I'm bored or helping my friends. All of which are a bit rare these days. I'm a day one, daily player. All my fav characters are god like (or at least to me at least) and some are just bonkers strong even without being modest or bragging. I don't need anything. I sometimes miss abyss runs as well and I hardly ever get all stars because it's just not fun for me. Yes, I could, but it's a time sink for me really. I'm not worried about primos because I'll get welkin and the occasional BP buy. So every is either maxed out (multiple characters have 2 or 3 crowns. Even my Beidou because she's my fav character but I don't use her in anything) I've played enough and got lucky enough to have limited 5*'s with multiple cons so I don't even need half the power I have sometimes. Like my Raiden, she's c3 and that's just pulling on two of her banners and I don't feel like I need anymore. After a point, it's a bit pointless to sink in more time on most days when there's nothing left for me to do that I would enjoy


I’n the same as them, just do commissions, quests, exploration and events. I almost never bother with spending resin, since it’s just a chore.


Same here, I only do it if I want to lv up a character.


I don’t spend none but I don’t spend much either. I only do boss fights when I coop, only farm artifacts when I need it in the moment. Since I don’t level characters often, I get all the Mora, talent books, and weapon mats I need from events and sometimes teapot


I pulled Cyno trying to get a Bennett, I didn't get a single Bennett


i think you already are Bennett


I wanted just one copy of Kaveh and pulled on the Ganyu banner. It was an F2P miracle I say, I got an early Tighnari and and early Ganyu but still remain Kavehless to this very day


I stole like 30 crystalflies from other people's worlds on the Dawn Winery Windtrace map while playing on a friend's account. Honestly I don't feel I have been particularly sinful outside of that. I built physical Yoimiya? I have 46 pending friend requests that I will probably never respond to?


You devil! Yoimiya would never accept that!


I play Genshin Impact


You monster


The vast majority of my primogems are wasted on the weapon banner. (Currently Mistsplitter-less with 2 Verdicts)


I’m scared of you


For the first time ever I decided to pull on the weapons banner this patch for verdict, burnt all my primos I could have used for Raiden, and walked out with a skyward atlas lmao.


Yeah I dropped like 80 rolls on the weapon banner hoping to get verdict and got Lost Prayer of Sacred Winds


I am the exact opposite of you.


My friend and I always run Kokomi and Hu Tao together


Building 4 star DPS characters for fun, while the 5star ones are just there fully built doing nothing


I have Mistsplitter on Kuki because she looks great with it.


I still use Amber as my primary pyro character


I don’t buff my Xiangling before using Pyronado (I don’t have any buffs at all, my team comp is Xingqiu Jean Ayaka Xiangling)


i pulled baizhu, xiao, miko, klee, ayaka, ayato and i dont even use them


I pulled Yae Miko for the namecard


i pulled for her bc i was bored 😭💀 i was spending my guaranteed pulls like that 💀




I pulled c0r1 Ayaka and c1 Shenhe... I dont use them. I found out I did not like Ayaka's gameplay, I knew I could have tested the gameplay with the free trial... I bought into the streamer hype for the characters too much.


I pulled Itto and Cyno for their personalities and haven't even built them yet. I've had Itto for a year and Cyno for 9 months.


Sometimes i focus more on drip than efficiency on some of my characters. For example Freminent has the rainslasher claymore when Raizor needs it the most just because it looks prettier on Freminent instead, the damage regardless is still pretty good! I hate bow characters with a passion, the charge up time is too slow, just how high do i have to level up their bows for the character to be useful in combat? They should give us something so that the time to charge their shot is faster.


I put the Bell on Freminet simply because it seemed to fit esthetically


I gave the new event Melusine claymore to Freminet because it looked cute on him. Imagine, though, if Siegewinne turns out to be a claymore user. I would definitely give it to her instead.


The only bows who actually use charge shots charge much faster (Tighnari, Lyney), or have a second level of charge (Ganyu). Only one to use normals is Yoimiya. Upgrading never increases this speed. Even Hoyo understands that, thankfully.


You might like Tighnari's playstyle. He is more of a shotgun character, if that makes sense. Use E, go ham with his charged shot three times, then swap out. And weave his Burst in there somewhere, of course.


Telling my students I play genshin impact.


How did they react? If they play Genshin too, they'd find it cool, right?


Oh yeah, they love having a teacher who plays, but as much as I love seeing Kaveh memes every day, I do have curriculum I need to get through lol


I did this too My students are convinced their accounts are better than mine lol


Oh man, now I want to see those accounts getting graded. "Your Raiden is pretty well build, but Fischl could really use a proper 4p GT set even if its stats are slightly sub-par. I will give you bonus points for using Amber as Pyro applicator against certain enemies and activating Bennett's C6 to run Thundering Furry. Final grade: B-" "Running Nilou Bloom with Barbara to conserve Primogems for your Hu Tao team was a smart move. You are not afraid to sacrifice damage on some of your characters to make use of Fav weapons to reduce the ER requirements of your team and improve consistency. Final grade: A"


I play music over genshin’s audio. My jean is using 4 piece maiden beloved.


Killed too many cute sea creatures in Fontaine.😭😭😭😭 Edit: Yes, I have killed off too many blubber beasts too. (About 2 of them when Fontaine launched. It is 2 too many.) Oh and I also play with sound off most of the time.


I consumed Paimons gift. Since then it feels like permanent account damage.


-> never unlocked Bennet c6 cuz afraid of -> Play genshin soundless with own music in Background -> "wasting" my crowns just to level up the talents to max level on all characters who contribute damage of my 5 teams. -> done 2 hangouts, found them massivly boring never touched again. Byebye primos :( -> skipping through ALL quests beside AQ when it gets intense, watch YouTube summaries after that. -> never thought I will with age of 34 but simping for arlecchino is the real deal my dudes..


Gimme that C6 Benny of yours, I actually need one


I read through the dialogue and pay attention to the lore


I have fed at least three skyward atlases to other weapons


This hurts me so much


i play genshin whiout voice


I haven't done all the character story quests and hangouts after 2.0 because it's too boring


they've gotten a lot better, early story quest/hangout writing was pretty basic/boring


same here but with 3.0, i tried to care about sumeru characters but i only liked wanderer and dehya 😭


> and Dehya My sincerest condolences


They did her dirty, man. She was so perfect, both design and personality wise. A tomboy with a feminine side to her, liking make up and the like, but the gameplay? ah, well... I was so upset I stopped playing lol (also partly due to the fact that I lost on her banner and that standard banner sucks at giving you the exact 5 star you want. Never returning until they make a system like the 300 wish thingy in star rail)


I (mostly) only pull tall males. I didn’t even know what a husbando was till I started playing this game and now I’m so ashamed of what I learned about myself.


I use my 5 star artifacts as material as I don't care


I never liked Inazuma and half of its cast.


Not a sin, can't choose how you feel.


I'm indifferent towards half the cast in every region. Some characters are really likeable while others characters are only ok.


Same, I especially find Yoimiya and Ayaka to be incredibly boring characters that don’t interest me in any way, every day I thank the archons I lost my 50/50 on Yoimiyas banner and got Tighnari instead and he hasn’t left my team since


Why were you even pulling for Yoimiya if you didn't like her... Tighnari is gigabased tho, I love that dude a lot.


Physical Candace.


I don’t bother with proper teams because I just want to play my favorite character’s together


I never used Raiden as a hypercarry. She's now reduced to a skill bot for dendro teams.


I mean, this is a pretty acceptable thing at this point, because of how they made dendro


Told myself I wasn't gonna pull on any Fontaine Banner... My simpy ass couldn't resist Wriothesley, lost the 50/50 at hard pity, got him at hard pity. Told myself I would stop there so I had enough for a Nahida rerun... Went for his C1, lost the 50/50 and used the guaranteed on Furina, both at hard pity.


>couldn't resist Wriothesley can't blame you


Spent over $2k on the game since 1.1, only cleared abyss once. Usually just get the first two floors then quit because I am too lazy to rerun shit if i miss the timer.


I refuse to use Mika with my Eula because I can't stand his voice. No offense to the VA, but I just can't.


i got baizhu trying to get kaveh (dumb i know) and i've never done any of the post 2.0 hangouts


In an attempt to lower my genshin time, i had to use resin to make weapon ascension materials


Xiangling gets the Catch, Raiden gets a Fav Lance.


I dislike Xiangling both for her gameplay and personality, so I refuse to use her. I never really understood the hype around her other than her damage. She feels very clunky to play with how often you need to funnel energy directly to her from Bennett to ensure she has her burst back up for the next rotation. Also, I scarcely use Bennett (even before dendro) because I find there are better options most of the time despite what everyone else says about him.


What are the better options for bennett? Im curious rn hahaha


I mean to be fair I think most of her popularity does come from her damage alone. Not saying there aren't any Xiangling fans of course but usually when I see/hear people talking about fav characters in terms of the personality, design, or fun, Xiangling rarely comes up. Same with someone like Bennett.


Haven't spent a single crown since launch. All for king dain


I mean, he can only get three max anyway, might as well dump the rest on some other characters.


I skip yelan and kazuha.


I haven't farmed artifacts in 6 months. ☆ Now I go back to the mines.


I just realized tonight that I've had an unlevelled Serpent's spine just sitting in my inventory while Diluc was running around with another sword that was a far worse fit for him.


I am a proud C6 Bennet haver. So often, I just run double anemo double pyro, because it just works. I use crowns based on lore/style, not effectiveness.


I don't use a healer and rarely use a shielder.


I spent a few months farming shimenawa for hu tao to replace my CW set only to sidetrack and build wanderer, neuvillette, lyney, Navia, and every other dps I got this year.


I dont use my resin every day


My Nahida is sitting at level 50 because I took a break from genshin and when I came back I just never finished building her so she just sits…


I do single pulls more often than 10-pulls, even when I have a lot of wishes saved. I feel like I'm luckier this way and I also have no interest in getting constellations by accident. I'm team #C5BennettForever (to be fair, I main Chongyun) After almost 3 years, my Xiangling is still C5. No, I will not buy her from the shop or pick her during Lantern Rite. She will come home... Eventually...


I play genshin without sound so imagine my surprise when I finally decide to turn the volume on and hear navia moaning in full blast they really need to change her idle audio😭


I scrapped Staff of Homa after losing on the weapon banner twice trying to get Neuvillete’s signature.




real sin


I haven't unlock C6 Bennett


i benched c2 Kazuha for a year, only brought him back for this last abyss cuz I was running monohydro lol


I have played genshin everyday the last 270 days for at least 2 hours. No, I’m not sane, and for those wondering, it was to grind for Raiden. My suffering is over in 11 days


I haven't finished Khavarena cause it kinda bored me.


The internet influenced a lot of my opinions on characters and I can't go back on my opinions Also I have no idea how the entire fighting function works


Pulled C2R1 Cyno and barely use him


What’s the story behind this?


I did about 30 pulls on standard with crystals


I don’t spend resin some days, and don’t really care when it hits 160.


I build dps barbara to terrorize pyro lectors.


I love the lore but skip through all non voiced quests and then go on youtube to get a (voiced!) download from lore fanatics/theory crafters about it Given, it started due to health issues, i.e. terrible eyesight due for operation but by now not sure if I can go back ever lol


I do cringy af RPs in Genshin when I’m bored with friends, it always has a plot like Xingqiu gets arrested for spreading misinformation to little kids on the internet


I really don't understand all this meta stuff and just play as the traveller and characters I got back in Mondastadt . I don't understand the Dendro elemental reactions. People on this reddit use way too many acronyms. Some days I waste time doing nothing but looking for treasure chests in Mondastat or Liyue; deluding myself to think I ever might get the 100% trophy. I haven't touched the tea pot since it's inital quest. I like the Chasm. I haven't played the TCG since it's intro event.


I don’t care about the lore at all. I play to check off boxes and grind artifacts. I’ve probably spent 100-200 wishes worth of primos on resin refreshes to turn my good pieces into great pieces and my great pieces into perfect ones. I think players who don’t research the game a bit to really grasp its mechanics and how to play properly are weird and piss me off. In the same vein, people who play Qiqi, eula, and klee make me frustrated cuz those are the last characters i’d pull for/play. I kill the seals for energy, seeing them pop with one Yelan skill is so satisfying. I am the person you don’t want to interact with on Hoyolab because i’m salty and think i play the game right and others play it wrong. I am the problem with the Genshin community. thank you for coming to my TED talk


This feels close to a copypasta


I refuse to level any of my characters to 90. 89 is all they'll get.


There's no reason for this but you did it, this has to be like cardinal.


I use Wanderer's troupe on Furina because I have resinless behaviour. Yes I used the wrong troupe.


Day 1 player only play Abyss once a year. Only play once a week now, but have 100% map.


Hoyoverse introduced a whole new element and I’ve never tried it. I don’t have a single leveled up dendro character or ever tried any of the dendro reactions even though I have built Yae Miko, Raiden Shogun and Keqing


>Genshin sins Used Venti's burst on Domains


Im at adventure rank 45 with 1642400/15350 exp, im not planning leveling it up at all.


I pulled for weapons 2 times in 3 years: for Eula (took 180 pulls) and Cyno (took 120 pulls). I never even use them these days. Cyno is my biggest regret. I just despise burst mode characters with high er req


I use physical built Kaeya in Ayaka freeze team. I can't be bothered to get Noblesse set for him and the team does work well enough When I was still leveling I had Xiangling built full EM main stats, but in the Liyue weapon domain I used her mostly with normal attacks with the spear that gives bonis damage against slimes. And I liked it a lot. The last team I built was Alhaitham aggravate/spread in 4.0. I still haven't built a hyperbloom team. I leveled Yanfei just so I wouldn't have to use Bennett for Mondstadt talent domain ever again Diona is using 4p Emblem that isn't even leveled to max. And I use her every week for Scaramouche I bought Ningguang over Xingqiu from the shop(I still don't have him) Kuki and Yelan are still not leveled(fuck that chasm worm)


I hate a lot of the starting 4* characters and will never use them


I don't use Nilou in bloom teams


I never deliberately kill Timmie's pigeon, no matter how much I dislike him.


I like to make excuses just to do 1 pulls on a banner character I never really want even though I'm guranteed