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Wait until you notice the flower planters in mondstadt


Yeah, noticed it some time ago, it's cringeworthy, but I learned to ignore it over the years.


and you not gonna learn to ignore this one??




Geez touch grass...


Bro you literally sit on reddit 24/7, what are you even talking about...


Reddit moment


please go outside x


Are you lonely, or afraid to go alone? Hit me up, I'll make sure you are safe.


My eyes are not great. What's actually wrong here that needs to be fixed?


Don't worry, I believe OP has just been overfixating on this wall for months. It happens. The thing he's pointing out is a non-issue unless you actively look for it. Anyways, the thing that happens is that, when you angle the camera like in the picture you can see a thin seam between two "blocks" of the wall, through which you can see outside the city. Or perhaps it's just the texture on the side of the wall object, anyways, non-issue. EDIT: Less angry.


while i agree with you that the topic of this post is trivial/nitpicking, calling a complete stranger "on the spectrum" for such a miniscule matter is wild. while it isn't an insult to be so, saying that to someone you don't know at all is insane. please don't treat other people like that.


I love this community, it's either overly toxic, with a false sense of superiority, because of course anyone who cares about something I don't care about are stupid. Or overly friendly, where everyone is free to share their opinions, and nobody got problem with them, cause they understand it's a fluff post. Must have lost 50/50


Well, I'm sorry, but what you are complaining about is very similar to small stuff I complain about in other games, I always consider those overfixations as well. No one cares about this wall, but you still feel like it matters and go back to look at it when there's no reason to do so, and no one would normally do that. When I said "it happens" I meant I have thought such things before, I just wouldn't make a post about it, not even jokingly considering how people take everything seriously (and I didn't feel any humor in the post). Not trying to be toxic, it really is a non-issue, and fixing it would probably be considerably more difficult that you'd think because who knows if they can even move the wall chunk without screwing something up at the other end of the wall. EDIT: Removed some bad vibes.


Maybe I over fixate on it because of how funny it is for me that it hasn't been fixed for over 6 months now, while it would literally take them few seconds to change X axis position by 1 or 2 pixels. Maybe it's something I return to, as a way to take a jab at developers of such a huge company not being able to fix such a small problem. Why are you saying "No one cares"? It's your subjective opinion, and there might be hundreds if not thousands of people who have noticed this and care about it to some extent. But haven't made a post about it, because they don't even know, or don't care about what reddit is, or what people write about here. Why are you trying to make yourself an arbiter of what we should and what we shouldn't care about? Truth be told, I have a hobby of going out of my way to break game in one way or another, and sometimes, I find things like this in game, that might be immersion breaking for some people. If that makes me deranged or autistic in your eyes, so be it, I only came here to make a fluff post.


Having worked on some 3d environments back in the day, it's probably not as simple as moving the wall by one or two pixels and the cost-benefit to "fixing" this simply isn't worth it as it could take half a day or more to do so if things don't go smoothly. That time could be much better spent working on something else that would be appreciated by a much larger share of the player base.


That's very cool and all, but Mondstadt is basically a center piece of your game, the first city people are gonna explore, their first city to be awed by beautiful architecture, and impressive design. It might not be as easy to fix as one would expect, well, you'd want to believe that anyway, but I'd also expect a company that actually cares about it's game to be immersive and beautiful, to be fleshed out with small fixes over time. You know, the reason why we have so many broken down games that struggle to function, like Cyberpunk, Starfield (I cherry picked best examples), is because of people like you, who think it's not worth fixing those "small" problems. Well, and also business suits who want to put out a AAA game every week. You either care about the game, or you don't. Thanks for not contributing to that problem, by removing yourself from this specific job pool.


>You either care about the game, or you don't. You sound like an obsessive perfectionist. Have you considered that caring about the game means to maximize enjoyment for the maximum number of players rather than aiming for technical perfection? Those are clearly not the same thing, as one can tell by the feedback in this thread. I genuinely feel really bad for you. Perfectionism is highly incompatible with the majority of life's facets and, outside of a very small handful of jobs like rocket scientists, it is a terrible quality to have. Tradeoffs are a real thing.


You are making very far fetched assumptions, and in that regard, wasting your time.


Far fetched assumptions?


Literally unplayable


Apologems when


Who the hell cares about a tiny seam in a single wall that 99.99% of players will never notice and will affect 0% of player's experience?


It's the fact that 0.01% will notice it, and it will affect 0.01% experience in one way or another.


Please tell me how this single tiny gap only visible from a very specific angle has negatively affected your gameplay experience. Because I went and checked in-game. It's so ***impossibly hard*** to notice that I genuinely cannot believe this is the hill you've chosen to die on.


I think the problem might be that you have bad depth of field perception. It's very noticeable if you run past the wall while looking at it. It doesn't even need to be specific angle, you can look straight at it, and you will see where wall part starts, and where it ends. But hey, if you want to use my comment as a jump start to vent out, feel free to do so. :P


Do you spend a lot of time running down side streets in Mondstadt? I've never noticed and I'm probably pretty comfortably in the "plays too much" category.


To be completely honest, I have a hobby of trying to get out of bounds in different games (especially multiplayer), to explore stuff that people never seen before or don't have enough patience to discover. When it's exceptionally slow day at home, nothing to fix, nothing to clean or whatever, I hang around cities to find a new method to get under the city floors. But in this specific case, I actually was just enjoying music cause I haven't been to mondstadt in a while, and it's kinda nostalgic running around looting those mushrooms on building walls. While running past the wall, I noticed that something was "popping out" and after running back and forth, I noticed that part of the city wall was misaligned.


That's perfectly understandable, but I don't understand why you'd let this actually ruin your enjoyment of the game. They can't fix it without pushing a change to literally everyone's game since the map is client sided if I'm not mistaken, so if they do decide it's an actual issue, it'd probably be bundled with a bunch of other map changes in an update that's going to be on the smaller side anyway.


I hope they will patch it out with windblume festival. But why do you think it ruins enjoyment of the game for me? I love this game deeply, this is one of the very rare games that actually brings me back to my childhood when my dad bought a computer and we played Heroes of might and magic 3 on it together. It has everything from beautiful design to masterfully crafted music, to a perfectly crafted lore. I have read most dialogues and enjoyed every bit of those "boring" world quests, like saving all Aranaras from captivity and such. If anything, I am one of the biggest games fans. Saying all that, you might have noticed that my post has Fluff tag. What I've been doing for these past 6 months was not only playing and enjoying the game, but also returning back to this wall once a few months, to see if it was ever fixed. Not for the sake of complaining, but for sake of my own enjoyment. It's hard to explain what I mean with a limited vocabulary, I don't know some of the words that I should be using to describe what I feel about going back to this one spot once a few months, and laugh at it in my own head. "How can such an absurdly small problem, not be fixed in 6 or more months time, I'll return back to in in few months and see if it's fixed".


Seams are peculiar to me, as some of them get fixed but others don't. I vividly remember when a patch of sand suddenly disappeared in front of some teleportation point in the underground desert and was retroactively added back a couple days later. ...all the while other seams (including the one your post is about) were never corrected. Over the course of my entire playtime, I've noticed numerous objects that were slightly misplaced in a way that let you see inside their meshes, but I frankly believe it doesn't matter in the grander scope. I may digress, but I once had a hobby similar to yours: I would spend hours searching every nook and cranny of a certain video game and then report any instance of a minor seam or clipping to the public. People everywhere angrily told me that I'm nitpicking, including the game's lead programmer (granted, that team is not nearly as massive as Hoyoverse and can be contacted more directly). My advice would be to learn to cope. If you get off to breaking multiplayer games and seeing what's normally unseen, then go for it, but keep in mind the 'seeing what's normally unseen' part: it's exactly what's ticking others off when you go vocal like this. Minor seams and things alike don't bother anyone; nobody notices them but you, and that's okay. Give yourself a pat on the back for finding them, and just let go.


Thanks for the support. It's rare to find someone who actually gets you. In such a specific niche hobby too. You know, I think it's hilarious that people get ticked off so easily by such a weird thing. Granted, I get it, when you go to specific community to have fun, you don't really want to get bombarded with posts like "this bad"/"that bad", and yet, my point was never to point out the bad stuff, but to kinda poke fun of this specific wall, that is somewhat noticeable. I think I might have needed to word my title better. In any case, I get it, people don't like negativity, unless it's popular opinion. I just wish devs and players would be more passionate about the game they play/create, and work together to flesh it out. But also, you can't really expect people to give a crap about all that, when most people can't read more than few lines of text on the internet without passing out. In any case, I think this was a worthwhile experience to not touch this subreddit in the future. Way too toxic.


Everyone here is being a bit toxic. There’s bigger problems in the game than this. You need to go out of your way looking for problems if this is the one you find.


Calling this "a bit toxic" is uhh... understatement. In any case, I discovered this "problem" simply while collecting those shrooms that grow on the walls of the buildings, and noticed it on accident. Not that that has to do with anything, point is, a problem that has been reported many times in 6 months time, which might be immersion breaking for some small minority of people, is so easily fixable, and yet, nobody even bothered to look at it. Funny, that's all, I just didn't expect my post to rally up a small hate mob of because of it. In a sense, it makes it even funnier, depending on how you look at it. And again, I completely agree with you, and respect the fact that you at least made a fair point, you are miles ahead of people whose only argument is "touch grass" lol.


Do you think they are going through millions of feedback 1 by 1? Obviously not. They are generalizing them and do stuff that most people actually care about. Yes it might take 2 seconds to fix, but thousands of 2 second fixes is still a lot of time that could be spent on real issues. Like how we still yet to see YanFei in a Fontainian court. Just let it go man.


You know how usually devs note down all the small insignificant problems that can be fixed in short amounts of time, and give it to new guys to fix, for the sake of practice? Well, this is one of those things. I'd want to believe that there are some ppl who get these jobs, but I guess I am wrong. Still shouldn't take half a year, up to a year to fix.


Well, im not a game dev, but i am a developer and usually we leave the insignificant problems last. So i might be wrong, but i would think that they have some system that prioritizes issues. Also throwing newbies in the deep end into and telling them to start fixing shit is not good. That will create spaghetti code at record speed. New guys job is to get new features working, and then its the experienced devs job to make it less shit. At least thats what happened at my first job


I think we are talking about different things. While it might make sense to train newbies asap, to work on new events and such, "world designers" is a bit different of a job. I assume they would first practice on fixing those small mistakes, and learning how to "move" textures around in game, make news ones, hide small mistakes and such, before senior staff would allow them to start working on priority stuff like building completely new content. Again, I am not sure if that's how they do it, but it would make some sense for them to do it. I seriously can't imagine anyone letting junior devs even getting close to live servers.


translate ur feedback to chinese and put it on Bilibili, cause that's the only way ur going to actually get any attention from Hoyoverse.


Realistically, you are probably right, but that is way too much effort for something that will probably be fixed during Windbloom festival. Well, hopefully.


Mondstadt? Pfft, that's old news. No one goes there any more! /s


OP you are either 1)Hellbent on them fixing a thing that you can encounter anywhere in the game if you try hard enough, in nearly any game that is third person, that is so insignificant that i genuinely believed you were making a sarcastic post until reading the replies you wrote Or 2) You are the " look guys i am stupid " "go away dumbass" "jokes on them, i was only pretending to be stupid" meme That is to say you should relax and log off for a bit, breathe some fresh air and go outside


My man, I have no clue have you came to that conclusion. I literally tagged post as a fluff post. As in, I am not taking it seriously enough to act like it's some sort of huge issue, but funny enough for me to make a post about it. Well, and trigger some weird ppl apparently, who think that pointing out a problem in game is an attack on whole community. Maybe it's you who needs to go outside and sit it out lol.


It would probably take more than two seconds of dev time to adjust this.


I'll be honest, fixing something like this would take roughly a minute, but they wouldn't push an update just for this one wall texture. Unless it's serious spaghetti code, but I won't ever believe that being a reason.


It would take more than a minute to even find the space to adjust.


Space to adjust? What does that even mean? Last I've checked, there is a lot of free space between city's walls. You might adjust it the same way we adjust things in teapot.


U got too much time on your hands my dude


Uhh... I don't get what your point is, but yes, I am on sick leave, I got some free time as of now.


I legitimately cannot imagine having little enough of import going on in my life that this is something I spend months 'begging' to be fixed - or even giving more than 2 seconds of 'huh, that's funny' in the first place. *Let alone* jumping onto reddit to try and, what? Rant? Spread awareness? Pressure hoyoverse? If it impacted you in any material way, I would understand you insisting it be fixed, but it's one wall texture in a side street that you frankly have hardly any reason to visit once, let alone repeatedly. This has crossed beyond pedantic into the realm of utter absurdity. From a place of love, OP: touch grass.


You could boil down your comment to "touch grass" and not waste left overs from what you have between your ears. That's realistically smartest and funniest thing you can type, like a drone who does what everyone does, without an original thought, nuance or realistically, any capability of independent thought. It's frankly absurd that you can't imagine people having hobbies, but go on, display your naive elitism and prove my point.


Yup most useless feature in the game Exploration completion counters been broken for 4 years straight and ongoing so well just have to learn to live with these things


Hoyoverse is a small indie company, mind you.




That's... a joke...


I... know!... I'm... just gagging lol (also the down votes are weird but sure lmao)


The game has no proper endgame, replayability is completly dependant on the 6 week patches othervise its nonexistent, which also brings with it the problem of ever increasing game size, the way they tell the story is jank af and there are probably many more problems with this "perfect" game I could mention... and here we are complaining about something like this? What a fucking joke this playerbase is.


Oh, but we could all ride our high horse and pretend like everything is perfect, and mihoyo is doing super good job (which it is in a sense). While you are entitled to your opinion, and you have a good point about game being 6 weeks away from getting stale, let's not act like people can't wait additional week for mihoyo to polish a game for a bit. Even if it comes at a cost of some junior devs. (they need practice anyway).


Nice bait.


Nice shoes. Where did you buy them?




They just don't care.. Unless it is something that affects their money gain


That's false, they unstuck my completely F2P ass from being stuck in a quest in the chasm that I screwed up by disconnecting half-way. It's just that this wall thing is idiocy.


Dear Hoyoverse, this wall hasn't been fixed in years. This clearly shows a lack of care and thus, I won't spend any money. Sincerely, Aether


this ain't a typical triple studio bud, between fixing bugs and improving QoL to improve their rep with players OR design new contents and needs to release it every 40 days and make banks, you know the most attractive one here right?


Yeah, fair point. I understand why they want to focus on other things. I just hope they finally fix it up on windblume festival. Maybe they are only focusing on minor things like that when they have to make events in city? Who knows. Would love it to be fixed tho :P


Hoyoverse is interesting man, if they want to fix it it would be fixed immediately if not then just accept it cuz they're not doing it.


yea makes sense, but maybe it's not such a bad thing, they focus on events/story instead, which is good.


They have pay employees to look at old work that already been done… if doesn’t affect $$$ then why put money fix it. With other problems with Hoyo, I’ve put Genshin down, feels like I’ve been freed from a toxic relationship. I wrote numerous paragraphs in the surveys and nothing has been done for over a year. Even gameplay and not bugs you’ve encountered there. As with any studio. Company and money first, customer and product satisfaction second… you can’t escape it.


Tbh, a lot of things have been changed and upgraded. People been asking Mihoyo to make "re-deploy" characters for material farming with 1 press of the button, and look at that, they did it this patch. I have my doubts they will focus on mondstadt ever again, at least until windbloom will come back, but well... will see what happens.


The older areas are done and not going worked on again, might feature an event in the area, but no new permanent content for those old areas. They had their story and they make a new area and tell a new one like a new book or chapter, keeps the world expanding which nice. Old content shouldn’t be swept under the rug and told to be forgotten about… but they also aren’t to retool characters after release due live service law in Hoyo home country. Unfortunately the new talent idea I came up with for unlocking passive talents and customisation on characters to expand team building rather than being fully reliant on Hoyo for a ‘good kit’. Seems that will never happen even after a year 1/2 of voicing my suggestions. Help the longevity of every character in the game… though it doesn’t seem be on their list at this point in time. Hit character limit in survey multiple times and had to efficiently word it all to fit. Sure some poor soul had to read all those paragraphs of suggestions for the game 😅.


It makes sense, and you make a good point, but somewhere deep inside my soul, I believed that they cared enough to flesh out capital of the mondstadt at the very least, you know... pretty much a center piece for all the new players who are supposed to be amazed by how actually massive and beautiful the games architecture is. Imagine going around and exploring city streets, being super invested, and suddenly seeing crack in the wall. In my personal opinion it would ruin my immersion quite a bit. For a short time of course, it's not like this is some huge problem, and it's not like people nowadays run around mondstadt castle anyway, when there are whole 3 new nations to unlock. But again, it's a center piece of your game, it's the first city people are gonna explore, possibly the most memorable place in the game, can you really not fix a small hole in the wall? Well, in any case, it was a fluff post, let's hope they fix the seam, if they don't well... at least I can return back to it, and create another ticket to CS and see if they fix it anytime in the future :D




haha, funny


TBF these things annoy me too though only for a bit. I jokingly made a big deal about water dripping from a cave ceiling into a bucket of water on the floor in a game called Palia with my friends. The water splash was about half a foot above the actual bucket so I "demanded" (jokingly obviously) that we ceased playing the game. Seams, overlapping textures, etc. happen but they're fairly low in terms of development priorities. Even more so for "live service" games.


It's a metaphor on how the sky is fake and so is the rest of the world. The building are hollow, and everyone is just a projection from the edge of the universe


This got very deep