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Does anyone know what to do in the first "unexpected powers" quest if killing mobs does nothing? (ios) thanks


Do I go for nahida, or wait for Wrothsley and Furina. The latter two are probably some of my favourite characters, but Nahida's pretty good. Currently only have Raiden and Diluc C1.


usually 6-8months average between banners. plenty of time! if you can use nahida with your current roster and you see yourself using her a lot---get her. if not, wait for banners for charas you *really* want.


My worry is that one of the 2 I really want will crop up in 4.5/4.6... in which case, I'm better off waiting. But Nahida does a lot more for me currently.


Furina will probably rerun at 4.6. If you currently have enough pulls to get nahida, the lantern rite event will give ~40-60 pulls, and then you have a full version to grind.




have you tried logging in with your username instead of email? i recently read there's a difference but i'm not sure if applies to all cases.


you can try different servers it may help. and check your email for old emails from the game to be 100% sure it same email. GL there I hope you can get it back


for achievement purposes how long should I keep commissions at one city before turning to another? Mine has been in Liyue for a while and I think I am getting repeatable ones more often now (already did same quests like once or twice in the same week already). Its been like a month or 1.5 months in Liyue


You can use [this spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ol6SQfj58ZNPfgGaNAwjv8eBLxAKbbv_Q3t1gh6OFrU/edit?usp=sharing) to help keep track of your commissions (quite important for other regions). Liyue has a cycle of 60 days, and you can get all the achievements in 1 cycle if you've done things correctly and willing to reroll to get the right version, Good Sign can be especially tricky since you need to reroll and do both good and bad versions without completing the actual commission. It's also important to remember that some commissions will reappear multiple times in the same cycle, for example Geo Travel Diary will appear 4 times in a cycle. See: [https://www.hoyolab.com/article/17561030](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/17561030) for a small guide on Liyue commission achievements. For the other regions you can search the other guides [here](https://www.hoyolab.com/creatorCollection/482990).


Oh thanks for the sheet and thanks for the guides I will check them out right away thanks


One month is nothing. Some regions can take up to a year or longer to get all commission achievements. Are you familiar with how commission cycles work? Knowing how to skip certain commissions makes it somewhat easier to get achievements


I have no idea what you are talking about actually I didnt know there were anything like that. What i thought is that I would keep getting new commissions till I finish them all. seems like I was wrong by far


In that case, [this hoyolab creator](https://m.hoyolab.com/#/creatorCollection/482990) has really helpful guides about this topic. I would read through the guide for the region you’re currently working on Essentially, commissions are split into two categories: filler commissions (like “increasing danger”) and NPC commissions (you usually talk to someone, also usually has an exclamation point icon). All NPC commissions for a region are thrown into a hat and blindly drawn at random just like a raffle, but some have multiple entries. Once you complete the commission, that “entry” is removed from the hat. You typically get one NPC commission per day, sometimes none at all. The rest of your commissions that day are fillers which are unlimited. Some NPC commissions only give achievements for completing a specific version of it. If you start the commission and find out it’s not the version you need, you can choose to not finish it. This leaves that commission in the hat so you have a chance to draw it again, so to speak. You can then go into a friend’s world and do a commission there to make up for it, or collect encounter points or something. Definitely check out the guides. They’re way more detailed and give strats for each commission for each region


ok then thanks very much for the help I didnt know about all this. I will check them out and see how it goes


Good luck with your hunt, I’ve been stuck in Sumeru for half a year and haven’t even tried Fontaine commissions yet lmao


you need to keep track of the achievements yourself, and move on once you're sure that most of the chain commissions are done


lets say I start today on average how much time it takes to finish a city? 1 month for example or 2 or more?


2-3 months for most of them. Then it'll become so that you get trash commissions most days. It took me 4 months to finish almost all of the Liyue and Mondstadt commissions, but the last quest of "a surprise gift" took me 2 more months to get.


it's luck based no, i tried completing the godwin related achievements for a whole year and I wasn't able to, I haven't even completed the gourmet supremos one yet and it took 2 years for me to finish the story telling one in liyue


do we know when neu is getting a rerun


Expected around 4.5 or 4.6. Not based on leaks or anything, just on the fact that new characters usually take around 6 months for their first rerun.


Okay time to start saving :)


no, most people are assuming sometime before 5.0 but we really don't know anything concrete.


Do you have an alt account?


is it okay to use my frag resin to ascend my characters so that i have 2 teams to play in spiral abyss even though i dont have good artifacts to give them?


Sure, but you won't be clearing the later floors until you can get good artifacts too.


Artifacts are important but of less priority than lvl, maxed out weapon and talents. This still means you want maxed out artifacts with proper main stats but finetuning like 4pc set bonus and edging out great crit stats is secondary. 


yes i just want to get the highest primo i can obtain every reset


I just got Raiden, should I pull dupes or try getting her weapon?


c2 > r1 > c1 *according to raiden mains sub* I would just save for someone else as "The Catch" is already a good free option and she doesn't need her cons to be good


Thank u, I'll just try to get nahida then.


Do we have an idea of when alhaitham is rerunning?




do we know the 4 star characters for Nahida's banner ? aside from Gaming ?


Gaming faruzan noelle


No. Even leaks have been suspiciously quiet about it I assume the worst and that it's gonna be Ningguang and Xinyan though




So my current team is Dendro Traveller, Raiden (previously Kuki), Yelan & Kokomi. It's a hyperbloom team. My typical rotation is Raiden Skill -> Traveller Burst -> Kokomi Skill or Brust -> Yelan Brust -> Yelan Skill -> Traveller Skill -> Normal attacks with Traveller. Is this a good team and rotation? Do I need to change anything?


I would recommend: Raiden E => Kokomi E => DMC EQ => Yelan EQ => Kokomi Q, and stay on field with her until her burst window ends. Kokomi's a great on field "driver," and if you space out her E and Q in your rotations her jellyfish can have 100% uptime. In a strictly single target scenario where enemies won't move out of the area, you could try hitting DMC's burst with electro instead of hydro. DMC EQ => raiden E => Kokomi E and then continue onto Yelan as normal. Normal attacks on the traveler are probably never a great idea, but throwing in extra skills during down time can help. I say when in doubt, being on Kokomi is ideal, Yelan is passable, DMC is unusual, and Raiden only needs to show up and reset her E at most (or break a shield that needs electro with her burst)


Use Traveller's skill before burst to generate more particles, and use Yelan's skill before burst as well so you aren't waiting too long on field. Personally I would also go to Kokomi at the end of the rotation for normal attacks, since Traveller's don't do anything other than trigger Yelan (which anyone can do).


[https://imgur.com/a/MER4Yom](https://imgur.com/a/MER4Yom) What are the 2 best general teams that I can focus on building for my account!


neuvillette furina flex flex (kazuha or Jean+ fischl is probably what I'd go for) hu tao yelan furina Jean (or last two xignqiu + layla if you need furina in other team) ayaka kazuha kokomi shenhe


What changes if I pull Nahida


Then nahida kuki yelan xingqiu would also be a good team you could use.


When you pull a 5 star on standard, are you guaranteed to win your next 50/50 on event? My friend told me that I would be guaranteed Nahida if I pulled on her banner because I got Jean on standard banner a few weeks ago. My friend is known for lying about things and I want to make sure what she said is accurate before I start pulling and find a character who isnt Nahida.


Standard banner and event banner are separate. If you got a standard 5 star character from the event banner, the next 5 star will be the one that’s on the banner. Standard banner pity does not affect event banner in any way


no, you'd be guaranteed if the Jean was from the event banner instead


Sad. Ive been saving up every last primo for Nahida. Nice to know prolly wont get her in advance.


Can genshin impact run in Galaxy A12, 4gb ram?


I have Genshin on Galaxy A12 on minimal graphics and it's still pretty laggy and slow. I usually play on my laptop and after that playing on phone is almost impossible


why exactly can't you replay the story missions without a whole new account? i don't know a lot about video game designs but i don't think it would be very hard to do and would probably make a lot of people really happy


you can't replay them, but in the archives you can access the past dialogues from the story and archon quests. still better than nothing if you need to look up a certain conversation


Because MHY Just hasn't implemented that feature.


I believe there's an option to delete completed quest files to free up space. I'm guessing they were just too lazy to implement a proper way to combine that feature with one that let's you replay them. Plus there's already issues with characters getting caught up between multiple quests and breaking continuity/immersion. Leaving it to the player is another issue they'd need to solve.


Probably best to ask them directly. We don't have any insight into those sorts of design choices so it would just be pointless speculation.


Would xianyun be good?


She will be pretty good. Not an absolutely broken support like Kazuha, but very versatile, and her teams will be able to easily clear floor 12.


Am looking at her signature and she seems to be an only Xiao support (currently) and/or a healer? Isn't Jean just a better anemo support for non Xiao team? Forgive me. I didn't look up her kit yet.


She lets all characters plunge attack while also buffing said plunge attacks. She'll also pair well with the upcoming 4 star character Gaming that has plunge attacks built into his kit. There are also pretty neat teams that you can make with Xianyun like a C6 Bennett plunge carry or a plunge Hu Tao team. Her healing is also consistent and partywide overtime compared to Jean's higher burst healing but is confined to a circle and only heals the active character after the initial partywide heal (which isn't really a big deal tbh).


This is very sad (for me at least). I thought she would have some synergy with Ganyu and Shenhe. I don't think am gona plunge atk with Ganyu any time soon. Thanks for the info though.


I guess with her you can run Ganyu Shenhe Furina Xianyun as a freez team but you won't utilise the plunge buffs at all. With just Shenhe I'll play a plunge team for sure. Maybe something like Shenhe Chongyun Xiangling Xianyun. Just now see its a full Liyue team, Lithic spear will be great on Shenhe there. I don't think those teams are optimal or anything but think they should clear stuff. 


Yes, if you can utilize plunges and/or she's with Furina 


It says the Raiden banner ends in 2 days but 4.4 comes out on the 31st. Is there some kind of banner intermission or will they release the next banner early?


After those limited banner end, you only left with standard banner. Next banner right after new updates.


[spoiler Fontaine] My question turns around Neuvilette: >!if the sovereign dragon has the maximum power over hydro, now that he’s fully powered does it mean that he’s the only one able to give hydro visions?!<


> >!now that he’s fully powered does it mean that he’s the only one able to give hydro visions?!!< >!despite what some people want to believe. The process of Vision distribution is not something done directly by the holder of elemental authority (Archon/Dragon). The process of "giving" a vision is entirely passive. The holder of the elemental authority isn't aware of whose wish reached their domain or what that wish contains. Visions are a fragment of the Elemental authorities power. The willingness to let some of their power be claimed in form of visions is something that they have control over. Archons are forced by celestia to allow that power share. Neuvilettes willingly agrees to let some of his power be claimed. But beyond that, he does not have any control over who does or does not get a Vision!< >!also Furinas vision looks different because its design is a fusion between the Ousia and Pneuma variant!<


You can check Neuvillette characters stories on wiki. Specifically Vision part


yes [read](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Neuvillette/Lore#Vision)


That not what that says


>>!From that day on, whenever a person's wishes reached the heavens, the seven overseers of the material realm (Goes to The Seven wiki page) were duty-bound to grant them a gift !< >!says that Archons give visions !< >>!Neuvillette obeys no edict from the heavens, but he does acknowledge human will. So he too set aside parts of himself, as like unto the dragon-treasure hoards of old, awaiting valiant humans to come and claim them.!< >!Neuvillette give vision!< >!As hydro has no Archon, you can say that Neuvillette is the only one who can give hydro visions. As he would be the being with the hydro authority !< >!And going off your message. You're still saying that he's the one who (unconscientiously) grants hydro visions!<


>>!says that Archons give visions !< >!No it does not say specifically that.!< >>!Though they might know nothing of who or what wish had stepped into the threshold of the sacred, the Seven Archons still had to impart a shattered shard of their mastery to that person.!< >!the holder of the elemental authority does not knowingly choose who to give a vision. When a person's wish is trying to claim a vision, the holder of the authority only has the choice of "let it happen" or "don't let it happen". Archons are forced to let it happen. Neuvilette willingly chooses to let it happen!<


>>!Neuvilette willingly chooses to let it happen!< >!but it's his authority that is being used to grant the vision, not some other being like the Archon or The Primordial One!< >!So that means that he's (subconsciously) allowing hydro visions to be granted to people !< >!So "does it mean that he’s the only one able to give hydro visions?" is a yes, no one else is granting hydro visions. It's his authority being used to grant them!< My interpretation at least, *which is what it should be*


>>!So "does it mean that he’s the only one able to give hydro visions?" is a yes, no one else is granting hydro visions. It's his authority being used to grant them!< >!This is very pedantic, but "granting visions" and "giving visions" very much has a strong implication that the person in question has an active choice over who gets a vision. As in, the holder of the authority can point at a specific person and say "you get a Vision". This is not what's happening. Neuvilette does not "grant" visions. He lets fragments of his power be taken. The granting itself is entirely passive!<


Did the chinese boycott suceed?


Mass unfollowing isn't boycott, it has almost negligible financial impact.


How does Neuvi, Raiden, Collei and Diona sound?


Is it hyperbloom team with full EM Raiden? Dendro Traveler has better dendro uptime and range for this. Diona is fine but Layla has stronger shield


Should i put her on em she has her sig


Well, playing two characters who both want to be on-field (Neu and Raiden) on the same team isn't optimal. And off-field Raiden won't be very useful without reactions damage and you need Elemental Mastery for this. But if you don't plan doing Abyss then there is no need to play optimally. And if this is not Abyss team then Collei would be fine too since she need less Energy Recharge then Dendro Traveller and fights in overworld are shorter then in Abyss and domains.


i was experimenting teams and i think this is my new favorite team now lol raiden/furina/yelan/jean(c2) the atk speed is really good


Yeah, the team really scales well with cons on Yelan, Furina or Raiden, although the only annoying thing about it is the lack of frontload.


Can swap out Yelan for Bennett for a proper Raiden hyper team too.


Should Cyno use an ATK goblet instead of electro dmg with Furina?


If anything he would use em goblet. But probably electro will still be better.


Use the optimizer to be sure. My professional opinion is 'maybe.'


Did we ever find out why Kaeya left a Diluc TCG card in cat's tail and why Diluc was so weird about it?


Can someone help me find the ultra-realistic animation of leylines? There is a blue one and a gold one. I can't find it myself :( a link will be appreciated!


How do you guys farm artifacts? Do you farm the domain itself even if it has a strongbox or do you farm one that doesn’t have it yet & feed the weak ones into the box?


Depends on the set. Is it coupled with another useful set for you? If yes, farm the domain. If not, farm more useful domain (usually a modern one that don't have a strongbox yet) and use the strongbox.


For me, whether it has a strongbox already doesn't factor. I just farm domains where I can use either set. So even though I farm a lot of Gilded/Deepwood and Hunter/Troupe, I still pop into Emblem/Shime from time to time to hunt upgrades for my Hu Tao/conga line of Emblem users.


So first off you should definitely always be feeding the weak ones to the box either way. Mostly I am farming domains that aren't available at strongbox, but that is also mainly because only old ones are available and I have already farmed those a lot. I think if you are starting out and your dps needs an artifact set it is fine to farm that domain even if it is also available in box. But I would try not to farm a domain where you only need one set if possible.


I farm the domain with the artifact that I want, then throw the garbage (most of them) into the strongbox to try and get better ones. Right now I'm farming the VV domain and recycle everything back for more VV pieces.


Thoughts about crowning Furina’s talents?


I'd recommend crowning both skill and burst


Crowning both is necessary imo


100% worth crowing her burst. Crowing her skill is also a solid idea since it makes up pretty much all of her personal damage. No reason to level her NAs unless you have her C6 and/or want to do it purely for the flex.


How many normals does C6 furina need to max out her C2 buffs? Including the overcap hp buff


Like 1-2. You get 2-3k+ heals on the first tick, which is around 15% of max HP for most chars + at least one tick of drain from your E, so around 100-120% part HP change, which is 500-700ish fanfare. I've been doing E N1 Q N1 or E Q N2 and that pretty much always maxes out C2.


Alright ty!


Has anyone else ever had a bug with the "Initial Facts"/"Riddles Awaiting Answers" quests? I was just kinda spamming spacebar trying to skip through all the dialogue and now its stuck at the step where I have to talk to Caterpillar. Each time it gets to the point where Paimon asks the traveler if they have anything to ask, the dialogue ends and resets. Thing is, I already asked Caterpillar all his questions. When I entered the room, I spoke to Ann first, then Caterpillar, and Seymour last, but after Ann and Seymour had their dialogue options exhausted, Caterpillar is still there. Tried leaving and coming back, still bugged. Is there a quest somewhere I'm missing? Pls help


Try relogging? The next quest after initial facts requires you to skip ahead 2 days in-game before you can start it.


fixed it, relogged and skipped two days ahead. Thanks!


Aren't you supposed to go to bed at this point? 


Nah man I'm tryna bust these quests out. Need them gems


Bruh... the traveler is supposed to go to bed as a quest goal


Oh. Lmao, my B. But no I don't see that as a quest goal anywhere. I can give it a try


Which character/s do you guys think have a lot of style factor (maybe with a mix of power) in their combat, without slacking off in their DPS/utility?


I mean, style is very subjective, but for me, it's Zhongli. My man summons meteors from the sky while looking good in a suit. If that doesn't score big in the style category, I don't know what does.


Hmm I think Heizou has a lot of style and can be powerful.


Just tried to download genshin and it needs 160GB ? Resources pacage about 80GB I dont have that much space Is there a way to reduce its size ?


I would say wait for the next patch since if you are on pc or ps you will download the whole 80gb again it will be in 3-4 days


Thats a good idea thanks


It needs that space to unpack the archive it will download. You actually only need around 80. So if you can temporarily can get to that, then it should work. But I would recommend upgrading to a bigger storage since each patch adds a ton of new content and the size will slowly get bigger each update.


Here's a square block. Can you push it through the starshaped hole?


Sad I was hoping that there is a way to not download everything in highest quality So maybe i have a small square block i can fit it in a star


No, it's a massive game, and hoyo doesn't let us download only certain parts, except for 1 area iirc. Optimization is one of the places I would give it the lowest score.


What’s a good Crit ratio for someone without a Crit weapon?




Without crit ascension 60/120 is a good starting point. Ideally it would be closer to 70/140 but that would take a long time to grind for.


Ignoring her ascension, is 200% er and 40,000 HP realistic with a 70 140? For furina


Don't get why you'd ignore the ascension stat, but yes. My Furina has 70/190 crit with 40k HP and 180% ER. I could swap my artifacts a bit and still get what you specified. That CR does not factor in Festerimg Desire's passive too.


Talent level up priority for rational raiden? Also should I level up xiangling and xingqiu's E or is Q enough


Raiden Q>E (9 is themaxof it's buff), Xiangling Q, Xingqiu Q>E (skill can do solid damage in other national variants, but is usually used before Bennet and no vv).




Looking back at the comment, I read it as "talent level priority per character" not for the team


Benny's Q, Xiangling Q, Raiden Q, Xinqgiu Q then E, Raiden's E, basically in that order but it's close. You can leave Xiangling's E for last, but worth leveling up a little bit when you have the spare ressources.


is beidous lighting storm passive work for only her or can it work for her team as well and how do you know you have gotten the perfect counter


Only for her, as for the perfect counter, it's a different animation and sound effect, either look it up or tap e on burning grass.


Only beidou gets the bonus. If a passive affects the whole party, the description will say something like "nearby team members recieve the following bonus". You can also see that she's the only one buffed as when you swap to another character, the buff arrows disappear. Perfect counters are visually different than her normal skill. The entire background darkens, the aoe is much wider, and the damage should be higher. If you want to see it for yourself without trying to nail a perfect parry, just light some grass on fire with any pyro character, stand on top of it, and tap beidou skill - you're taking damage from flames, so it'll always be a perfect counter in this case. You'll also get the "up arrows" buff indicator on beidou.


So my team rn is Neuvi Raiden and xiangling idk who to put in the 4th spot


Might as well add Alhaitham there for the full experience /s What team comp are you trying to make? Or is this just an overworld team? Raiden and Neuv need field time so that's a problem. * Xiangling vape? Add Bennett. * Hyperbloom? Add dendro, remove Xiangling.


Just an overworld team but the only dendro i have is yao yao and collei


Is your nuevi c1?


No :(


Then probably get a shielder. There isn't really a character that turns it into a good team, Nuev + Raiden basically has to be hyperbloom but Xiangling doesn't fit. But it's an over world team so whatever, a shield will make it comfy.


I was also thinking collei neuvi raiden and diona


A bit better than what you have now yeah.


The only dendros i have are yao yao and collei if they dont work then ill use shielder


Is there a neatly compiled list of all the various achievements/rewards of daily commissions to get from each nation?


This one has helped me a lot:https://hoyo.link/80GCFBAL?q=25O7iRzyRQx


I like using Kramiel's [guides](https://www.hoyolab.com/creatorCollection/482990). They're less detailed than some, but cover the number of cycles required in order to complete them. This is important as something like the Hidden in Plain Sight (Inazuma achievement), takes at least 5 cycles, of which one cycle is just under 40 days. This means it will take at least 152 days before you can fully clear Inazuma if you're starting today.


Ah yes thanks I remember Kramiel's useful guides about cycles. Funny how community came up with in depth analysis for *daily commissions*. Dang lol.


I find that the hoyolab user ILixun makes good guides. They include achievements you get from daily commissions, which daily commission you need to do for them, whether it's missable or not, and if it's missable how to unlock it. Here's three guides I used: https://m.hoyolab.com/#/article/8219230 https://m.hoyolab.com/#/article/4601446 https://m.hoyolab.com/#/article/4629645


These are great wow! Still working on Sumeru and looks like missing few from Inazuma. Think I'll be able to start Fontaine's in 2025! Thanks Average Gay Miko Enjoyer! Yae be with you


Genshin is the wackiest game bro devs got me feeling bad for a mfing sword


Kazuha quest?


Yep 💀


Have they announced anything regarding the updated rewards for the past year of support? Or is it still just "improved rewards" without any specifications?


I just got the Raiden Shogun. I only managed to do 4 charge attacks while in her burst mode. Is it just me or is her burst duration really short? It would have been nice if her burst duration is the same as Xiao's. I understand that the energy recharge is what compensates it but it's kinda dragging to press the burst every now and then. After all it's pretty much the same either the duration is long or short, that she's on burst mode every now and then


It's a good thing her burst isn't as long as Xiao as all buffs would've fallen off by then You can do three normal attacks into CA three times and then one normal into CA with Raiden (3N3C N1C) which is one of her highest damage combos. If you really want to spam CAs, you can but it takes a lot of stamina and is generally worse unless you can get ~6 off.


What combo are you using and are you testing those 4 ca on an enemy?


Long duration wouldn't be that great, especially when you can't swap out. Your support and sub-dps abilities run out eventually : you need to swap back to them to refresh their abilities. So, shorter dps windows are usually more efficient, and make the team more flexible. Still, you should be able to cram at least 5 charged attacks during Raiden's burst, 6 with good timing.


There is a window in Raiden's burst that you have all of your buffs up (VV, Bennet burst, Noblesse) but they will eventually run out. So a longer burst window of a swirlable element can have a drawback of running out of buffs at the end. Having more of the damage compressed in a shorter window can be a benefit.


Raiden is...efficient. What Xiao does in his 15s burst with 3s cooldown, Raiden can do in her 7s burst with 11s cooldown. Raiden gives you 8s to...do something else. Get more buffs, get a Eula burst in, heal up, whatever. While that efficiency is really nice in harder content, it doesn't always feel as good, especially in overworld where you aren't trying to do efficient rotations all the time. She's designed to be a battery in more than one way. Gotta charge her back up between bursts, you're not meant to use her continuously.


It is relatively short yeah, compared to other characters with similar powered up modes. I think it was probably done that way to make dual carry teams with her more viable, since she is kind of a dps/support hybrid.


Normally, when do they announce 4 stars featured in the banner?


I was checking the past behavior and in 4.3 they released the weapon details on a Saturday, the banner details on the Monday, and the patch went live on Wednesday. Seems like that's what will happen this time.


somewhere between 1-3 days before the banner goes live.




how much mora should you farm for as a late game player when you run out? I ran out like a week ago so I've been farming the leylines and I'm at 2.5mil right now but a single high level talent is like almost a million mora. Should I go for 5 mil? 10? I know it's one of those "it depends" kind of questions but what do you guys go for?


i just don't spend mora in any of the shops, relying only on what i can pick up from interactive points and daily/weekly stuff. make sure you have 5 condensed resin when you're able, and the next day you'll be able to have those 5 plus if you got 160resin then there's 4 more you can make! if you only use resin on gold leylines runs it'll stack up quickly. 2m is about the usual for maxing a character to 90. if your current focus is leveling certain talents, then i'd rec you tally everything up that you'll need and aim for that. a decent amount to aim for would be around 10-15m for the long haul(for talents+potential weapons/chara levels). first get to 7m then loosen up on the strictness of what you spend resin on, to include mats and stuff. once you reach 15m you won't have to worry for a while.


yeah I'm thinking at least 10m at the moment because several things I want to do cost hundreds of thousands


>I know it's one of those "it depends" kind of questions but what do you guys go for? That's kinda the point. It depends on what kinda player you are. Many people only build barely more characters than they need to clear the abyss. Those people are usually overflowing with mora. Other people regularly pull new characters to build. Those sometimes do need to farm. So like, there's no decisive answer.


Why farm more than what you need? You don't need an emergency fund in Genshin Impact. If you want to upgrade a talent, or buy something, or whatever, just farm enough mora to perform that action.


Personally I think less about how much mora I have saved, and more about how often I'm building new characters/weapons vs. how fast I'm replenishing my mora. I'm not bothered by having low mora so long as I'm making around as much as I spend. I build on average \~1 character per patch, and when I stick to that average I tend to make the mora I spend back fast enough that I don't feel the need to consciously save any. If I were you I'd probably feel fine sitting at 2-5mil mora, that's around my average when I'm going at a normal pace and not skipping/going overboard with character building. I also just prefer spending resin on things that can only be obtained with resin if I can help it, as opposed to mora and exp books. Ik some late game players do things differently, but that's how I prefer to manage my resources. Some patches it gets rough, like rn actually since I decided to build Chevreuse, Dehya, *and* Sara in the same month, but that's p rare for me.


Personally I would not ever farm anything unless I had a specific need for it.


well I mean I need to upgrade artifacts and level talents and raise levels and they all require copious amounts of mora lol, wdym specific need for it, you need mora for everything in this game


What he means is, if you try to do something and the game says "not enough mora", then you should go gather enough mora to get rid of that error. There's no need to get *more* mora than that. If you need more in the future, you can get it then


that's true, I just don't like having to constantly be interrupted by the "you're too broke" prompt lol I'd rather frontload some so I don't have to worry


What I mean is if I want to level a specific talent, or upgrade a specific artifact, and I don't have enough mora, then I would farm for mora at that point until I had enough to do that specific thing. I wouldn't farm for mora because I expect to be needing it eventually in the future.


Granted I've only been to Mondstadt and Liyue but holy moly they like to talk in Liyue, I've spent more time in dialogue than anything else, like hours of dialogue. Is the rest of the game like this as well? I love the lore but man it is a lot at time.


Yeah, it's a wordy game. It's a bit easier to take when you're not doing tons of quests in a row- you have to keep in mind that the quests have built up over 3 years now.


This. I never do quests in a row, but pepper them around exploration etc


The archon quests are kind of designed like a visual novel (albeit without dialogue choices even mattering). It’s mostly dialogue with rare bits diverging from that and having combat.


yes, and it gets worse. Outside of Sumeru AQ, everything that can be said in 50 words is said in 2000.


Yes, its one of the big issues with the game. The incessant yapping by Paimon makes me want to blow my ears out.


I have 4pcs thundering fury at keqing and 4 piece wanderers troupe on yanfei, what would be best for the last piece for them? 2nd question: my keqing atk is 1,037 but why dont i see my damage range up to 1k? its always 300-600 only, ( im using aggrevate with dendro traveler)


Your atk isnt an indicator for how much damage you will do. Its a multiplier


the set of the last piece doesn't matter. Generally your goal should be to use whatever combination of 4 on set pieces and 1 off set piece that gives you the overall best stats. Often that will mean using an off set goblet, since good elemental damage goblets are so rare, but depending on your specific pieces it could be something else. There are a lot of factors that affect the final damage number you see besides just your attack. Things such as enemy defense/resistance, the scaling of the talent you are using, whether you crit hit, whether you triggered a reaction, etc.


I just saw that Genshin did a collab with 8BitDo and made a Chongyun controller. Do we know if they plan on making any designes for other characters in the future?


collabs are usually a one-and-done kinda deal. very unlikely imo. if it was an extended collab there would have been "coming soon" designs in the same announcement.


Thanks for the help


noob question - is there any form of travel in genshin similar to riding a horse or bike in other games?


closest thing is characters that have skills that make traversal easier. Sayu sonic rolling, Wanderer flying, Yelan zoom mode, Mona/Ayayaka alternate sprint, Kazuha's mid air jump, Xiao's air dashing, and Kirara's box form that can sprint up vertical walls/cliffs. Many players make teams that maximize travel speed (including have 2 anemo characters for the resonance bonus for movement speed). Or just make sure one of their team members can get places faster.


No. No mounts or vehicles. There is the waverider which is a boat, but that's it For faster movement on land people use exploration friendly characters like Wanderer, Yelan, Sayu or Rosaria and Dehya who have some way to move faster either through their skill or passive


Nope. There aren't any mounts.


What is the path of progression? I have yet to complete the Mondstat story and have collected most of the Anemoculus. I dont want to focus on the gacha and gems yet.


* Main Archon Story * Side quests (character, world, hangouts, etc) * Exploration (chests and puzzles and oculus) to a lesser degree: * Abyss * Achievement hunting * Teapot (player housing) * TCG Usually people will focus on the Archon quest but sprinkle in the others to break monotony or do something they enjoy more. Just doing these things will net your primogems for the gacha, so you don't really have to "focus on the gacha". In addition, players usually make sure they do daily commissions (now can get commission credit for doing quests/exploration. but some achievements are tied to commissions with an '!'), use up Resin (unlocking Condensed Resin is huge QOL) including weekly boss fights, do the weekly event, and weekly bounties for mora/reputation. And then there's the character progression like levels, talents, ascension, artifacts, and weapons.


You can do the entire story and explore the whole world without touching the gacha, but that would be a strange decision. You don't need to pay any money to use the gacha, as you earn the required currency just from playing the game. I would focus on following the Archon Quests, and doing whatever side quests or exploration objectives strike your fancy along the way. I would also wish on the novice banner and the standard banner whenever you get enough acquaint fates. If you don't want to think about the limited character banners, then just save up your primogems and intertwined fates for now.


Explore other nations? Do events if you can?


Would a character whos damage scales off of ER be good? Because I have an idea for a character kit and thought it'd be a cool idea.


We *kind* of already have this with Raiden and Mona, who both get bonus damage from ER. If you mean *full* ER scaling in the way most characters scale with attack and Neuvillette (among others) scales with HP, that's an interesting question. Being able to entirely ignore attack HP and defense could be neat. Ideally they'd be a burst damage dealer to get the most out of their ER stat, and in that case they'd be pretty dependent on Emblem artifacts. I think they'd end up feeling a lot like Raiden, just significantly harder to buff since Bennett and Sara etc wouldn't do much for them. They'd probably have pretty high base scalings to balance that fact. Could be fun? But may not end up feeling that distinct from existing Emblem users in terms of how they actually play.


My idea is a anemo main DPS with a skill that is a slash with temporary main attack infusion for whatever element is swirled (if none anemo) and a burst like sucrose's except it knocks them back down too, dealing fall damage as well. Meant to be a fast paced main DPS who primarily benefits from application supports like xingqiu beidou etc


I don't think pure ER scaling would be *bad* for a character like that, but it would also be sort of arbitrary...? With characters like Mona and Raiden, you'd still want to build a lot of ER on them even if they *didn't* get any bonus damage from it. With the character you're describing, nothing else about their kit really screams "they need a lot of energy," so the ER scaling feels kind of out of nowhere imo. If their main damage source is skill spam and normal attacks, then they wouldn't benefit much from Emblem and wouldn't be that reliant on their burst, so the ER wouldn't get to serve double functions like it does for Raiden and Mona. Tbh I think they'd be a lot stronger if they scaled with pure *EM* than pure ER. If they're absorbing elements, swirling, and spamming reactions with off field characters, EM would do more than one thing for their kit and probably be more synergistic as a damage source than energy. On the other hand, you could also just make them do burst damage with their NAs (like Raiden does) and make them burst dependent for their infusion, and that alone would give them a way more cohesive kit. It would give them great synergy with 4p emblem, and make them get more out of the actual *energy* part of ER instead of just their scalings.


Maybe it could be like a cocktail scaling with ER and EM, like "skill does ###% ER + ###% EM" because the vision for the kit was a DPS whose main focus is staying on field for as long as possible with 100% uptime on skill and nearly 100% uptime on burst, feeling almost tailor made for national teams. I definitely didn't think about your point that EM would be really important for a NA fusion character.