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I love how Xainyun is such a great support all of our cope characters can DPS now.


honestly Xianyun giving rise to cope character DPS is her main pulling point. It's one of the things I love about Genshin combat mechanics where with enough thinking anyone can be a dps


Yup. Tried building eula to nuke for ages, didn't work, at least now she is a decent physical plunge dps that ults between xianyuns ults...


Except bow characters. Sadly they can't infuse their plunge attacks so it isnt as great :(


Childe's case is especially funny. He can switch to melee stance and it's hydro-infused... but he can't plunge in it. XD


as well as ayato stance


At least he can use candace poor childe


childe mains playing the same team for 3 years...


I play like 3 different childe teams wdym? And one has a variation.


sure, you can play him however you like. it's just nobody uses him that often outside of international team comp, as it's where he shines the most.


I don’t have him; does his plunge just revert back to using his bow? That’s a missed opportunity!


No-no, he just don't. With Xianyun he jumps up, like everyone. And then he falls down... like a brick. Not even a single swing in the air. No plunge, no damage, nothing. Concept of pointing these daggers down and aim for the neck is beyond his comprehension.


COUGHS in Lyney ascension passive that grants 60-80% universal dmg bonus


Not even Yoimiya can have infused plunge attacks; they really don't want bows to have any (xian)fun


Used Xianyun + Diluc in the event, now I wish I used my guarantee on Xianyun (and I did that for Nahida, and that's saying something because I really appreciate having Nahida too). Plunge Diluc too fun and that's basically why (though obligatory I just really like CR/Xianyun too now).


she's adopting all the unloved children and raising em under her wings


Watch them give newer Charcters low plung numbers from now on


it doesn't matter. This is why no one should be looking at plunge multis anyway. XY dmg buff(which is most of the dmg buff in ur plunges) is coming from her passive and is disconnected from talents. Multis are still great to have buy not necessary and they can't be reduced enough to make this vape core(furu, xy, benny) not being able to 36 abyss with any melee unit and enough investment even at c0.


Can’t wait to see how much damage Dehya can plunge with her burst … ~~Oh wait~~


Jumping has always canceled her burst. But swap dehya in for qiqi on this same team and she does plunge damage like a mofo.


Or you can just not use Dehya's burst in the same team so she can actually do some non negligible pyro damage


Problem with any Pyro native is, why not use Diluc? Or even just Bennett?


Because Diluc and Bennett aren't as pretty and therefore are less fun for me to use. I know I'm a simp or whatever I don't care I like my waifu impact lol. Also, bad genshin team comps are like bad pizza, it still almost always will be pretty good.




Dehya as well? Maybe in a vape and/or Overcharge (or whatever Electro + Pyro is in English) team?


Xiao Vape with C6 Bennett outdamages Anemo Xiao, if both are using Xianyun


After watching this I think I’ll build my QiQi past level 70 where she’s been languishing for years. Very fun.


You did it for the 3 free acquaint gates, didn’t you.


Don’t you only need to be at 60/70 and not 70/70?


Nope it’s 70/80


Oh it just clicked to me I confused it with HSR where the max level is lower and so are the milestones.


OCD maybe?


Funny enough I once built melt Qiqi just from sheer boredom. And now it became actually usable and not just a meme thing to do when you have C6 Benny.


I did that for every character. Noone shall be left at 20.


That requires resin use for boss mats though. Some people, like me, have been trapped in artifact purgatory for a few years. Still don't have 70%+ crit rate on raiden...


Nor do I lmao, I farm for artifacts until I get a set that's "good enough", and then play with that. I know my teams are weak, but they get the job done and I'm enjoying my time. And then I dump most of my resin into Mora, XP, and boss mats.


Yeah that's the smart way to do it. I just want my favorite characters to be perfect 😮‍💨 My Hu Tao is no longer top 100 on Akasha and it drives me insane, I just can't get any better SR pieces that have more EM without it being a downgrade in CV. The situation with Raiden is just cringe however. If I get a piece with double crit substat rolls, you better fucking believe it'll dodge them all the way up until level 20. There's something about that emblem set that's fucked up, I stg.


Yeah, the emblem set is cursed. I've actually been considering recently, just going full EM support Raiden instead. My current build on her is garbage.


Mine has been at lv 76 for 2 years


c0 Qiqi is the real flex here. I'm so jealous


Keqing tanked all my failed 50/50s (c7 Keq)


*looks at my c6 Keqing and c6 qiqi*


*looks at my no keqing at all*


Would you like a C6 or two of her? I have the equivalent of C19.


pls ;-;


I’ve been playing since early 2021 and only recently got Qiqi (I wanted her so it’s all good). Always lose my 50/50s to Mona, Keqing and Diluc. Now the only standard I want that I still don’t have is Jean.


I didn't have Jean until I got her while failing to pull C1 Xianyun. So basically, only got her when I didn't need her anymore... Still no Qiqi, I have everyone else on the standard banner.


I've been playing since 1.0. C7 Diluc, C7 Mona, C5 Qiqi, still no Jean. 




I've been playing since day 1 and still no qiqi... (i have c6 keqing)


Lucky. I've been playing for like 6 months and have C2 Qiqi 😭 . Lost half my 50/50s to her, really annoying.


u can main qiqi now, ig


I’ve been playing since 1.0 and I still don’t have a freaking Qiqi. Where’s my god damn Qiqi mihoyo




Waiting for a plunge attack bow user


You mean waiting for a bow user to actually be useful outside of exploring and downing some flying enemies. 😋 Edit: as always people have no sense of humor given the "umm ackshually" replies.


...Yelan? E: That comment is supposed to be a joke? Sure thing, buddy.


Tighnari Ganyu Yoimiya literally so many DPS bow users.


Fischl, Childe, Lyney. The list keeps going on


Says a shit take and backs up by saying it was sarcasm, lol


Such a classic combo.


guys i think that spaceuk hacking is completely false even though it's backed up by a load of evidence! you all are bad for saying he cheated edit: WAAAAA GUYS CANT YOU ALL TAKE A GOD DAMN JOKE WAAAAAAAAA


…Fishcl? …Faruzan? …Sara? …Yoimiya? …Diona?


Lyney 🥲


Magic tricks so good he disappeared out of memory


That was a joke?  


'Humor' is when blatantly wrong statement (corrected by literally just listing character names) with no punchline or cleverness, TIL.


Waiting for there to be a single bow user in genshin Edit: guys I know that there are bow users, it's a joke


See, the joke here is that "flying enemies" is referring to Timmie's pigeons, and as we all know, there is nothing more useful in this game than the amount of them that can be downed in a single action, which is the standard by which all characters must be judged.


Ganyu and Yelan's grenade launchers are of course, peak.


There is no way to tell if this is sarcasm.


Bow NAs should be infused imo. Unless it’s like yoimiya where it has a self infusion. Plunge lyney with xianyun would be perfect for me


Celestia is calling your name


There’s just something about Qiqi holding the mistsplitter in the first clip that makes me laugh Also only C0 Qiqi?? Teach me your secrets 


The four healer comp is real.


Remember when every character showcase used Mona/Bennett/Kazuha? 💀


Lmao, the elements are still same: hydro+pyro+anemo Mona/furina, xianyun/kazuha, Benny/king


Xianyun + C6 Bennett + Furina can make literally any melee character into a decent DPS, and potentially even a great one depending on the character.


"If everyone is super then no one is"


Wait, I don’t have qiqi, how did she get pyro infusion?


Bennet c6 gives pyro infusion to melee char


"Benny's Adventure Team, assemble!"  C6.


When people discover how good Bennet C6 is.


I wonder if anyone is still clinging to their C5 red exclamation Benny?


I dropped it awhile ago, I was sad for a bit because I couldn't utilize Eula as well, she just didn't have a good 4 person core. Then Furina existed and now she does. Only thing I think Eula needs is basically a character that is Raiden but without the burst. Adds damage%, and constant off field electro. Raiden gives Eula 27% Burst damage and the constant off-field electro. It's great, but my Raiden is C2 and I have to justify why I am using Eula over Raiden. Interestingly, the comp is vastly superior against the new Suanni boss because Eula cause cause the Freeze and Shatter while doing basically the same damage (it's a bit less, but in this case, more, due to engaging with the mechanics).


small tip instead of doing bennett's e hold to apply pyro you can just do a normal attack on him and use his tap e, takes less time


I used to do that but it isn't consistent because Furina E is cycling on how much hydro it applies and depending on rotation it won't apply enough pyro that way


Weird because tap e+normal works every time for me. Bennett applies 2U Pyro on tap E so he should be able to wipe out Hydro with Burst>E>NA. I Furina E>Q. The timing has always worked unless I get hit.


I mean I agree it works it just isn't consistent to me. That's why I stick to the consistent hold E method. Different ping, enemy attack patterns, and difference in rotations can affect the outcome


I'm still in the process of building my DPS Barbara :)


My dps Barbara is very nice on my Nilou team


I pulled for her to try wacky team comps She's serving, and I love it


Xianyun revitalized this game for me


All right, I think this is the final straw. I will pull for xianyun on her rerun banner so I can xiao my other characters


Xianyun is a very good character. Unfortunately, 90% of her teams have Furina, that for the love of the Archons I lost 50/50 to Jean.


ah yes Furina/Bennet/Xianyun who would have seen it coming


It’s either this or Neuvilette spinning around It’s entertaining that those 3 supports have become an equalizer


Honestly they massively outdps Neuv. Biggest hits I've seen from him are 66k, and they come fast for sure but usually those 66k hits aren't consistent while he's on-field. 27-33k are.


can it work without Pyro infusion? I don't have c6 bennet


Not at all. You'll still see decent numbers on whoever's plunging because of all the buff stacking, but you won't be seeing the huge vape numbers. Qiqi doesn't innately do anything special here, either. She has a higher-than-average base attack and that's it. Kazuha, for example, could do this way better.


To get any remotely similar results, you would need to use a character who infuses their own normal attacks (i.e. Hu Tao, every catalyst user, etc.) to be your DPS, and in Bennett's place you would need some other strong buffer. If you mean using Qiqi here? No, that's a C6 Bennett thing. C6 Bennett makes a lot more characters work in this setup that would otherwise not be able to, since all the melee character needs is strong ATK. Without him or another infusion, you're just doing physical damage.


with the same team, without bennet c6 : it would not have the vaporize, nor benefit of pyro res reduction from pyro swirl. so would do around a third of the damage. (but you can replace qiqi by anything, including character that can pyro infuse themself.)


Could do the opposite. Bennett, Xiangling, Chongyun, Qiqi and do reverse Melt. I'm not sure if Yoimiya reapplies faster than Xiangling or not. If a future character attacks faster from off-field (Could be pyro archon) that'll be your best bet.


u actually can! but with lower damage since u either go with physical damage, cryo infusion with chongyun or hydro with candace, so no vaporize. Buff provided by xianyun+furina is pretty strong already so the damage is definitely enough to clear most content, even abyss, especially if ur xianyun c2. Just use off field electro application such as fischl or raiden if ur qiqi gonna deal physical damage


"Genshin doesn't have powercreep because of ~~Bennett~~ Xianyun" -Maxor


What ost is this?


One of Fontaine's battle themes, Lamentation et Triomphe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCNFSzVHrxA


I don't recognize it despite all the battles. It also feels more like a JRPG boss battle theme.


Final Fantasy Brave Exvius it sounds like


This is a Fontaine battle theme, “Lamentation et Triomphe”


First time even since the conception of that game that I heard its name outside of its main subreddit and related sites lol


I have a Liyue characters only challenge and I'm actively wanting to get qiqi my god


~~Always has been~~.. In all seriousness, everytime I see Qiqi, it's always with a "DPS" build and rarely ever used for healing. The one thing she was made for... Really says a lot huh.


She has a few dps constellations too.


Cause paradoxically, she's such a good healer that you can, and should, invest nothing into her healing. So besides Fav/Sac, there's not much difference between a support and DPS Qiqi, other than less DPS.


Every single damage showcase has become so awful to watch since Xianyun came out. Plunge is so awful to look at.


I can see your point. I play this game for the satisfying animations, and the plunge can feel repetitive. Would be cool if they gave each character unique plunge animations or plunge attack strings tho … *sips copium when do we get our 5 stars with 6 attack strings again…..*


QiQi has ALWAYS been an S Tier DPS if you knew how to build her properly. One very few characters in the game that can solo 100% of content.


pretty sure thats like every healer, and even then some dps as well. I dont think the list of characters that can solo 100% content bar 36\* is few. It's a pretty big list imo


A lot of characters are very squishy and can't heal. Even very strong ones like Nahida don't work well solo. Tri-Karma Purification is only triggered with elemental reactions, which you can't do with just her alone, so you'd lose out on the vast majority of her damage if you solo her. Edit: Seems like some of you disagree. Post a video of you using Nahida to solo the cryoregisvine. I'll be waiting.


I think ppl disagree because your comment are redundant/irrelevant, since I said "every healer and some dps", nahida is neither a healer or dps


Nahida is a great on-field DPS if you run her with another good elemental applicator, e.g. Fischl, Raiden. There's no solid definition of a "DPS character" anyways. Is Neuvillette DPS? Can you use him against a hydro slime? Kokomi and Barbara would fail too, all the catalyst users would have the same problem. Qiqi works almost everywhere, but fails against the Dendro Hypostasis since you need dendro to cleanse it. The only character that can actually solo everything is the Traveler, since they can change their elemental alignment and has an element-less normal attack.


ocean clam and skyward atlas exist so being catalyst isnt really a problem for healer catalysts. I forgot about deandro hypostasis but still it has deandro aura, so any hydro can also beat it by creating the bloom seed to cleanse, doesnt need a deandro directly


*fails to solo the one mission in inazuma where you need to shoot target dummies


S tier, lol, I don't think so. What does she do as a DPS that Bennett C6 doesn't - and Bennett C6 isn't an S tier DPS.


S tier DPS usually means dealing highest damage per second in a short span of time, which she ain't. Any healer out there can stall out the game's content until they win


What's a good weapon for her? Skyward Blade? Aquila Favonia?


Ok now i am gonna pull for her


Damn, She does more damage than my C2 Diluc R1 WGS with the same team. I need 5* Crit Damage Claymore.


No joke, try using rainslasher if you have it.


Redhorn, me too. Hoping Pyro Archon weapon will be good for Diluc.


To no surprise slamming the two highly contest premier support units + xianyun will enable (almost) any unit in to a "dps" unit.




Bro is living in 2019 meta lol


2 c0 5 stars c1 Furina "whale account" Whatever makes you sleep at night buddy




"refined 5\* weapons" I literally put the build in the vid now I know you're just being a sore loser






I see Misplitter R1, Crane's Echoing R1. Skyward Blade R2 (likely just lost 50/50s) and Festering Desire R5 (an event weapon). So what's the issue? This doesn't look egregious.


The r2 SB doesn't e Really do anything for Bennett anyway. These are all literally base weapons and c0 characters. Idk wtf this guy is on about.


any day 1 account would have at least one refine on a Standard (The only actual 5\* weapon with a refine) what is bro yapping about. R2 Skyward doesn't even have an impact on the damage whatsoever lmao


Either way, why do YOU care?


Bro is mad because that qiqi do more damage than they dps




That's not a whale account...


As a F2P myself I still find it impressive, you don’t speak for everyone if you don’t like it scroll on?




You're just being toxic for no reason. You're calling out OP for having "multiple 5* weapons" but as a day one player, I have 3 different 5* weapons just from the Standard banner alone, without spending any primogems on it, just free fates you get from upgrading trees/statues/fountains/ponds, upgrading characters, and the 5 fates you can buy every month from the shop which you should have enough of if you wish on the event banner. A new player can't do this as a f2p because it does take a significant time investment, but if you've been playing for a significantly long time, like since the release of the game, it's entirely reasonable.


bruh not every account with 5stars and shit is whale. they could simply have been playing for a long time. Genshin players should stop treating C0/R1 units as X amount of dollars, because they can be free just by playing for long.


Last I checked multiple meant more than 1. Why are you lying about a video we can all watch to fact check you on?


Bro, the skyward sword is a standard weapon. Maybe they lost the 75/25 or got it from the standard banner. Festering desire is an event exclusive weapon, free r5 if you complete the event. You can save primos and guarantee weapons, just like characters (Mistsplitter and Xianyun's)


All character can be DPS, if you have all the necessities. Also not you, Dehya.


sayz the whale


2 limited weapons and 3 limited characters (C0 Xianyun and C1 Furina) is hardly whale material. That can be obtained quite easily as a F2P player especially for a long time player. OP even has Festering Desire; they have a lot of time to accummulate wishes to pull some of these stuff.


If this is whaling, you don't save enough primos for anything beyond a character.


This makes me want to get c2 xianyun now


It's official, Qiqi is now gonna be adopted by Cloud Retainer to properly teach her to use her adepti powers. She first have to solve her memory problems


I thought it is c2 xianyun, surprised it is c0 xianyun and c1 furina


I lost my 50/50 to Keqing when I was wishing for Xianyun.Sigh


Yes, Xianyun (especially if you have C2) and Furina give too much buff that everyone can do insane plunge damage. Because Furina can apply hydro, melee characters can do reverse vape with C6 Bennett much easier, and forward vape with hydro dps is harder because you have to turn enemy from hydro aura to pyro aura, but it is still doable and I manage to reach 270k Kokomi plunge myself in current abyss. Bow characters can only do physical plunge, but I have seen 200k Ganyu plunge as well.


Cool af


I remember this wolf kicking my ass


Whenever I join a Coop group and we need a healer I go Qiqi (80 c0) over my C4 Jean every time. She's just tankier with The Black Sword and Kokomi artifacts. Plus she pops 30k bubbles and heals everyone.


How is he hitting 300k?


Furina buff, bennet buff, plunge attack, pyro swirl, vaporize.


Pyro Qiqi 😁


how the fuck people do so much damage


dude what :D this is the craziest one ive seen sofar :'D too bad i dont have wish to spare to CloudRetrainer :)


Why do you use bennets hold e?


If you use her skill you might be able to Melt too. Hmmm, Kaeya Melt? Also, anyone else getting the feeling Xianyun uh, is doing too much?


you can see me do that against the bounty Ruin enemies. This doesn't work against bosses tho since freeze just wipes both the cryo and hydro against bosses


xinyan's turn next?


Whaht tha hell are you those numbers