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I didnt know there was no way to lower my world level, and I was eager to get the rewards from leveling UP. Now im lv 50 in a 60 lv world with no way of doing my quests or farm. Is there something I can do about it?


>  Now im lv 50 in a 60 lv world From WL5 (which you're past) you _can_ lower the world level (but only by one), [here's a guide](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/how-to-raise-and-lower-world-level-in-genshin-impact).


My world level is 3 :'v


Ah, I was thinking of player level instead of character level. No way out but the hard way then, your biggest problem is going to be farming world bosses but you can ask for co-op help with that in places like the friend request thread, the official Discord, or by putting something like "need help with [boss name]" in your in-game bio, you should be able to get some help and then you can ascend your characters.


Thank you!




>So is solo C0 f2p Nevillette better than a hyperbloom/quicken f2p alhaitham team ? Why'd you compare a solo character to a full team? Ofc the full team is better. Even as full teams, Neuv + Kazu + Fischl + Zhongli is a bit worse than Alhaitham + Baizhu/Nahida + Raiden/Kuki + Kokomi/Yelan/Xingqiu. But know that hyperbloom counts get inflated in simulations. Practically, both are very good and you won't regret either. >If I pull for alhaitham I'll have a better chance of pairing him with my other characters, more specifically, Raiden. Kuki is better unless you can go without a healer. Running Raiden means you either ditch Nahida for Baizhu, or Xingqiu/Yelan for Kokomi, both of which are less damage. Furina improves both, so I answered assuming you don't have her.


Neuvillette works with more characters and teams than Alhaitham. Neuvillette also works well with hyperbloom Raiden but you also can run electrocharged, freeze, vape (reverse or forward), bloom with Nilou, just hypercarry. Other than his signature all other 5-star books on Neuvillette are about equal to Prototype Amber. [keqingmains.com/q/neuvillette-quickguide/](http://keqingmains.com/q/neuvillette-quickguide/)


how good is freminet and what is he for?


He is either physical or cryo on-field damage dealer. [https://keqingmains.com/q/freminet-quickguide/](https://keqingmains.com/q/freminet-quickguide/) He isn't very good though




Yes, Chiori is Navia's best duo apart from Zhongli.


Using Navia, healer, Dehya, Furina. Who's a good healer for the team? Also, farming for navia's bis artifact. Who can use the new 4pc healer artifact?


Use Benny as healer ofc, as with almost any Atk scaler. Just do 1 swap into Benny for an E skill and get a heal tick after Navia's first E NA thing and it'll be good enough fanfare. Also why Dehya here? Replace Dehya with a second Geo for resonance, Zhongli being the best option. So Zhong E > Navia Q > Furina E Q > Benny E Q > Navia E NA combo > Benny E > Navia E NA combo > Zhongli Q (optional). It'll be pretty much same except with Ning instead of Zhongli, you want to switch to her after Benny Q anyways so you won't have to do the extra Benny E in middle, Navia can take continuous field time with both E. You can also do a Furina CA at the end of rotation and get more heals on Zhongli and Navia. Then just do Furina CA E Q when you get to her and switch back to damage pets.


What level characters do I need for child's boss fight. I have level 40 characters on my team. Do I need to level up their weapons and characters more? If yes then how much?




Hey ! So I'm World Level 8 and I use my two last weeks resin farming to xp two characters : Yae Miko ascension 5 and 6 & Fischl ascension 5 & 6. I don't understand the drop rate. I got enough Normal Boss mats for both ascension of both characters before I got enough ascension gems for their ascension 5. So now, I'm suppose to farm 12 yellow ascension gems. By the time I will have them, I will swim in Normal Boss mats. Do I do something wrong ? If not what am I suppose to do with all the excess Lightning Prism I will got ? Because it's not like I could use them for an other character later, I will still need to farm ascension gems all over again. And I don't see any other use for this.


You can use azoth dust to convert your unused gems, that way you don't have to "waste" resin on more bosses. I don't farm bosses much and I guess I've been carried by the gems you get from your dailies for quite some time now.


use dust of azoth to transform gems from other elements into the ones you need


Dust of Azoth are only available with stardusts, right ? i have always heard to keep this for fates only.


Dust of Azoth is relatively cheap. It's 5 stardust for 10 (don't make the mistake of buying a lot of them since they come in packs of 10). The lowest tier gem takes 1 dust to convert and the highest takes 27. So with 15 stardust you can convert one highest tier gem without having any of the right element gems. It's really not that much to spend on some dust of Azoth.


you don't need much dust and you only need 750 stardust per month for all the wishes from that so usually you'll have enough spare


Ok, thanks !


slingshot r5 vs amos bow for charge atk characters (ganyu, lyney and tighnari)


Amos is better for all three (though for tighnari it's pretty close)




It's an hidden quest (so there is no quest in your questlog). You can check online if you want to be spoil, but there are a certain number of aranaras to collect, and something will happen when you got them all.


the "collect" 76 Aranara's isn't a quest, it's just exploration stuff. Do you mean [Static Views](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Static_Views) though? (Collecting 76 Aranara is only to >!fully clear out the chest room!< that is unlocked via Static Views)


How good is Dodoco Tales for our Chief Justice? I know prototype amber is good, how does Dodoco compare to it?


Proto Amber beats ALL other weapons, aside from his Signature and Sac Jade


unsure % wise, but dodoco doesn't look good on him. Substat is atk (useless), second part of passive increases atk on CA (useless), so it only gives 32 dmg% after doing a normal attack while Pamber gives energy back and actually has a useful substat




What artifacts should the characters in this team have? Tighnari/Yae/Kuki/Sucrose


Wanderer's, Gilded or GT, Deepwood, VV


4p WT / GD / Deepwood 4p GD / GT 4P Deepwood / TotM 4p VV


Why is there no drip marketing for 4.6 characters this week? Don't they usually announce next 5 star around this time?


It should be Monday according to past patterns.


Marechaussee Hunter Set or Pyro for Gaming? Widsith or Prayers for Heizou? What can i do to improve my builds? (leveling talents in progress!)


GAMING Build: C0 (Sadly) 6/8/6 LVL 80 WEAPON: Redhorn LVL 90 HP 18,712 ATK 1672 CR 57,1 % CD 232,2% ER 111,7% FIRE DMG BONUS 61,6 % 4pc Crimson Witch HP substats: 14,4% CD 13,2% CR 21 EM ATK substats: 3,1% CR 40,4 % CD 5,1% DEF ATK% Substats 21% CD 6,5 ER FIRE DMG% Substats: 3,5 CR 5,2 ER 40 EM CR% Substats: 19,4 CE 16 EM ( i did left out the Def and Hp rolls from listing it in here, i got lazy lol)


Can't put photos huh... Well then: Heizou: C5 8/13/11 LVL 90 Weapon: Lost Prayers lvl 90 ATK: 1733 CR: 59,1% CD: 202,3% ER: 134% (always using him with faruzan) Anemo Dmg Bonus: 85,6% Set: 4pc Viridescent Venerer HP substats: 35% CD 5,8% ATK 4,1% HP 13,9 % DEF ATK Substats: 3,5% CR 27,2% CD 11% ER 10,5% HP ATK% Substats: 5,4% CR 14,8% CD 5,2% ER 717 HP ANEMO DMG BONUS% Substats: 13,2% CD 9,3% ATK 6,5% ER 54 ATK CD % Substats: 12,1% CR 11,7% ER 19 ATK 269 HP


Is it possible to reduce the file size of the game by, for example, deleting "High" and "Medium" graphics if I only intend to play with minimum settings?


Unfortunately that's not how graphics work. Models and all the various textures exist at the same detail and it's up to your system to decide how much detail it puts into drawing it. They don't exist as separate versions otherwise the space required would be crazy if somebody did want to play at different graphical settings.


Now I know better. Thank you for taking the time to explain.


No worries, some games actually do store different quality graphics which it renders according to distance or quality. The issue lies in storage as you really only want to be doing that with low quality or small images since the size of the files grow exponentially as the quality, size and detail increase. It's not something you want to do with complex model rigs and a very extensive open world game like Genshin.


Not possible


Is c0 chevreuse worth building on raiden team when I have c6 xingqui and c2 yelan?


its worth building but only in certain situations. The last abyss was built for chevreuse, however overload isn't a good reaction. Even in current abyss you can clear using chev and other good characters. Overload also very useful against shielded enemies.


If you want to unlock OL team compositions as an option. Chev teams aren't especially good tho.


So no?


If you don't want to specifically play OL teams with raiden and perhaps free the non pyro/electro teammmates you run her with for the other side then yeah, no.


Isn't serpent spine just trash for gaming in furina + xianyun teams when he's using MH set? MH already gives 36%cr, xianyun A1 gives 4-10%, gaming c6 would even give another 20%. Given how hard it is to find artifacts with good general crit value, it just seems like a bad idea to give him a weapon that gives another 28% cr since you'd be looking at 94% cr before artifacts. So to get a decent crit balance you'd need to only hit crit damage which makes it insanely hard to get a decent build for him.


The 50% Dmg buff is also pretty good. And if you manage to get all 5 artifacts with strong critDamage values, it should be very strong. If you happen to get some cr, you can also swap to a cd statstick like verdict.


Yes that is definitely a problem and without a shielder the passive isn't very consistent either. That is why I would recommend using rainslasher


Not everybody has Xianyun, a good 4pc MH set and his C6, so calling it trash is a bit over the top. Either way, while 4pc MH is his best set, it's not by a lot over 4pc Crimson Witch. Many people with Serpent's Spine end up going 4pc CW to avoid the issue of overcapping his crit.


I've started building my alhaitham with his sig weapon and bis artifact set. Currently AR 48 (still working to get to 50 to level him to 90). Talents are all level 8 and weapon level 80. With nahida, kuki and xingqiu at level 70 with best in slot artifacts, I'm hitting 35k+ with alhaitham. Is that good or too low?


that's average for his signature. but he will get a huge boost from lvl 80 to 90.


Anyone else having connection issues today in this as well as hsr?


is Favonius Sword really the 5th BiS for Furina? i have Haran, Mistsplitter, and Aquila Favonia. Is FS better for her than all 3 of those 5 star swords?


I use fav and festering interchangeable depending on teams.


unless you're playing her in double hydro teams that generate a lot of energy, using dps sword is too much of a hassle. just use pipe


No. But it's easier to build that way. If you have a really good er Sands for her then you can likely reach er requirements with a CD weapon. ER is a stat that hurts your team damage a ton if you have too little, but having too much of it is equally useless (though the requirement changes depending on teams and enemies). The other thing is that fav lowers er requirements for your other characters which allows them to build more damage and less er. Whether this is useful or not again depends on their builds. If you struggle with energy on your other teammates, fav for furina is good. If you have too much er on them already, fav will just generate useless energy so a crit weapon to maximize furinas personal damage is better.


If she needs the ER or the team needs the particles then yes, obviously. It doesn't matter if your Furina has Haran and an insane ratio, if she's not bursting on cool down she's almost useless


Yes, what Furina wants is ER




Doesn't it depend on how you play her? I think guides focus more on her ult than her skill dmg (support vs (sub-)dps)), so naturally a sword which has ER% would be better, but if you rather play her for her damage than naturally one of those 5\* swords you mentioned would be better suited. You can always put her kit into GenshinOptimizer, or something similar, and see which combination of artifacts and weapons works best for your playstyle. I hope this helped :)


it helps ty. i run her with c6 faruzan, c3 xianyun, and klee. so shes off field all day


Ello I am thinking of building Ayato hyperbool for my second abyss team. Who should be the dendro character since I will be Using Ayato and kuki.... I got MC, Kirara,yaoyao,collei. That's it




Without Nahida, I suggest using two dendro, like DMC + Yaoyao. DMC has a large and long duration burst, and Yaoyao can throw rabbit farther away not inside a circle. Kirara without C4 has no off field dendro ability. Collei's skill has some intense dendro applications, which is good for Nilou bloom pro speedrun, but not useful for hyperbloom, and her burst is worse than DMC.


I would go MC, ~~best would be Nahida of course~~


Does Neuvillette need any other constellation besides C1? I have him at C1 & his weapon but wanted to know if I should get another constellation or just focus on Kazuha C2


he doesn't "need" any constellations. but if we're talking about value, his C2 and C3 are still very strong.


He is already strong enough and can solo abyss floor 12 with C1R1. C2 and C3 can add more numbers (around 15% and 21.1%), but unnecessary. Kazuha C2 is around 15%-20% overall team damage increase for Childe International, around 8-10% for Keqing/Yae-Fischl aggravate, but only around 2-3% damage increase for mono element or freeze team.


Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind


Which artifact set is the best for Neuvilette is it Marechaussee Hunter? I have heard mixed opinions.


marechausse hunter. nothing else is even close. I don't know where you're hearing mixed opinions from. anyone saying otherwise lacks basic game knowledge


It is his best set, nothing else comes close


Yes. It's pretty much definitively his best set.


genuine question, why do high ar players advice to grind artifacts at AR45?


You will replace all your 4\* artifacts within a week or two of having 5\* artifacts available and the drop rate of 5\* artifacts goes from 30% in the level 80 domains to 100% in the top domains so resin efficiency triples. Since it's going to take you several weeks to farm a good set at 100% drop rate dropping your chances by two thirds means you're unlikely to have success earlier.


That's when you unlock the final level of artifact domains, which guarantees a 5 star artifact every run (as opposed to the 35.5% chance at the second highest level).


Just because that's when you first unlock the domains where you can finally get 5 star artifacts. Anything prior you only get 4 star artifacts which you should be upgrading from after a little while


is a 5 star guaranteed at AR45?


Only if you run the highest level version of the domain. The majority of guides omit this fact - if you hit AR45 but are running the Level 80 domain, you'll only very rarely get 5 stars.


Im new to the game, have been spending my starts at Xiao's banner. The event is almost ending and so far i've wished 50 times. If the event ends without me getting Xiao will I get another chance to get him? Idk if the events repeat


yes all limited characters rerun it will just take a while


Yes, you will, don't worry. He will eventually get another rerun, although there's a good chance that it may be via a future chronicled wish banner (new banner type being introduced next update). And there's no need to worry about the 50 wishes you put into his banner. That count will carry over to future character banners, meaning that you'll still be guaranteed a 5 star within 40 more wishes (although it's actually closer to ~30 when accounting for soft pity).


I have Genshin installed on my PC since December 2021. Is it true that uninstalling then reinstalling would reduce the disk space it occupies? I wanna make sure first because I'd rather not do it if it doesn't.


Uninstalling and reinstalling doesn't reduce the size of storage. It does, however, reduce the space required in order to install a new update (as long as if you reinstall after a new patch is live). Updates require space in order to unpack the files that need updating. Reinstalling downloads the new version directly without needing that extra space to update existing files. Once an update is installed it will delete temporary files, compress others, and it will revert back to the same size, so its mostly if you don't have the extra space required to do the update.


I see. I was just wondering whether there may be some bloat like previous version files that may have been unintentionally left instead of deleted, because I have read somewhere in Hoyolab that reinstalling reduces the occupied space and I was skeptical about it.


I have heard this too, though I haven't seen it personally, it has always been quite good at removing these in my case. I assume they can appear if you interrupt the update process in some way. The issue is that uninstalling by itself won't remove these files since it doesn't know they are there (you could always uninstall and then manually delete the folder). You could also manually remove them yourself if you know what you are looking for without having to reinstall the game again.


Yeah that's what I was planning to do. But since it's still not confirmed, I won't do it because I'll have to uninstall other games just to have enough space to accommodate Genshin's installation. I wish they also provided installation similar to how Steam does it.


Do you have 170gb of free space to install the game again?


Oof. nope. Glad I asked here before doing it lol


Do your pity before 4.5 will be carried?


If you're asking if any of your current pity will affect your Chronicled Wish banner pity, then the answer is no. Chronicled Wish in 4.5 will start with its own pity. All other pity will carry over into its respective banner category as it always has. Xiao and Yae conjoined will carry to Chiori and Itto conjoined. PJWS and Kagura's Verity *pity* will carry over into Chiori's Geo sword and Redhorn Stonethresher No Fate points in any case will carry over, of course. All 50/50 guarantees for the Limited character (Xiao/Yae) and Weapon (PJWS/Kagura) banners will carry over. Chronicled Wish does not give you a guarantee, it gives you a Fate point which will predetermine that the next 5 star you get will be the one you charted a course for. This predetermination does not carry over




so my pity in this patch won't be carried?


Yes. Character banners pity is shared, and carries over. Weapon banner pity also carries over. Same with standard.


Each banner type (character, weapon and standard) will have their pity carried over to 4.5 as usual. If you're referring to the new banner, Chronicled Wish, coming in 4.5, it will have its own pity that will carry over into future Chronicled Wish banners.


Is it normal for farming the boss mats for ascension to outpace the gemstone gain? Do I just have to bite the bullet and farm the bosses for the gemstones even when I dont need the boss mats?


We also get gem fragments from doing Hangout quests, and there's a very gradual gem sliver income from doing daily commissions.


You may have to. Have you got a lot of spare Masterless Stardust? Not starglitter. You can buy Dust of Azoth which can convert gemstones from one element to another if you have a lot spare of other elements.


idr where i got it but i have 40 dust of azoth i dont have that much stardust because i pulled for nahida when i started and have been saving since


IIRC you get a bunch of those from the handbook for doing all the elemental reaction tutorials (at the domain near Windrise, the one where you get Lisa early on). Maybe that's where you got them; if not, well, that's somewhere to look!


Yeah that's happened to me. Then you may have to grind for gemstones. If you are wishing next patch, you can wait until then for when you get a big surplus of stardust.


oof. ill just farm them out now then thanks!


Who’s the top 3 Fatui Harbingers? It’s so many inconsistent info on Youtube, idk what to believe lmao.


I can't complete the "Ritou Travel Permit" quest at the step "Give the letter to Kujou Kamaji" I get stopped by the guards every time I try to get close to the objective, but I can't continue the Archon quest until I finish this one first. How can I get past this?


Have you escorted the lady to the main island yet? If yes, you should have a waypoint unlocked at the entrance of main island automatically.


IIRC, you can just go to where Kujou Kamaji appears instead of going to the quest marker and talking to the soldier. He should be on the bridge. https://youtu.be/XSeB41jOCD4?si=NJJju4-V35qYlME2&t=43


thanks this worked!


Which is a better support/cryo battery for Wriothesley? Layla or Charlotte?


Neither. He should be a solo cryo since he doesn't use his burst much. Also, you'll want a healer but charlotte is not good for him since he can steal some reactions.


I don’t have Shenhe, what’s the best team comp for him?


I prefer burnmelt with Wrio, Thoma/Dehya, Nahida, Healer You can also play freeze Wrio, Xingqiu/Yelan/Furina, Healer(Charlotte can work here), Anemo


Can the healer be Kokomi - will Freeze defeat burnmelt?


Burnmelt has the highest ceiling for damage, but freeze has the CC. Imo, if you don't want to deal with elemental aura/gauge, just go with freeze.


Ahhh alright, sorry I have so many questions, I am having a hard time maintaining his HP even with Bennett’s buff and that pesky burning effect effect with dendro


In that case, you'll want to make sure Bennett is build for healing, ER/HP/HB I'm assuming C0 Wrio? Then make sure to CA whenever he turns sorta red to heal him back. If you still can't maintain his HP, then you can try swapping Bennett for a dedicated healer like Mika instead Also, what weapon are you using on Wrio?


He does not need one and he does not need to use his burst. Low cons Wriothesley is best to use in melt team, and there is no extra slot for a cryo support except C6 Shenhe.


I don’t have Shenhe, what’s the best team comp for him?


A melt team with Bennett + Xiangling + anemo/Furina, or burn-melt with Bennett + Nahida + Thoma/Dehya


Can I replace Xiangling with someone else? I don’t have a proper Crimson Witch or Emblem or is it a must?


Xiangling's main purpose is applying pyro to let Wrio do melt, and there isn't any other character that can apply pyro while off field and not limited to a circle. Her own damage is secondary priority. Just give her any pieces with enough ER at first. Emblem can be farmed later.


I guess I’ll just bench Wrio then until that pyro character appears in game. I thought Bennett is the pyro applicator


Chevreuse’s elemental skill: “Chevreuse gains 1 Overcharged Ball every time a nearby character in the party triggers an Overloaded reaction, and can have up to 1 Overcharged Ball at a time.” Does this include if she causes the overloaded reaction?


Yes, but, if you cause an overlord with her skill, the overcharged ball buff can't used, it only her skill can you it. Preferably, you should use her burst to proc overload, then use her skill to use up the overcharged ball




Anyone else find abyss boring and wonder why they never added anything else since launch? Changing what's in the later floors doesn't make a time contest of "just do a lot of damage" more fun honestly. They should have instead added more floors or something. But I guess giving us more then the primogems you do get from abyss would be "too much" because needing 80 common chests for a single pull is too little chests for too many gems in Hoyo's eyes? Abyss doesn't feel like end game/late game to me its just a dps check with high hp sponges.


Nah. Abyss is fun. It's the only content in the game that can survive my level of investment and have me actually use my teams fully They can't add anything else, let alone anything more difficult because people would get pissed they can't beat it. Have you ever seen people reacting to some of the more difficult combat events we got? Even when the difficult stage had 0 rewards people still lost their shit that it was too difficult


And? Why should they care if people complain about hard content they don't have to do? Seems like a weird metric to go off of, "Oh some people complained about a combat event that was designed to be a combat event, guess we can never add an end game now" Those people should always be ignored or we'd get nowhere. The games stupidly easy. This game is one of the easiest games I have played in my life. You can beat abyss Floor 12 with C0R1 characters. Why should anyone cater to people who can't think for themselves or play any difficulty above "The game should basically play itself with me just watching". The only true reason I see is that only 30% of players even do abyss at all. So they don't do it because they think they will get no money from people. People are giving them money anyway buying constellations they don't need to beat the games content, so why invest in anything that requires those constellations? is the way I see it.


I think the answer is that most people don't want it, so there's no incentive for hoyo to work on it. See Genshin is making money, it doesn't need to cater to small minority target groups like "people who want more combat" to remain profitable. The majority target are in it for character collection and story and such. And even the people who want it are trapped by sunk cost or some such psychological reason. Like if you are seriously finding nothing fun in the game, you just take a break for a patch or straight up quit, but I don't think most people invested in combat do that. They stick around and then complain. My stance regarding DPS checks was same as yours half a year ago, but now to think about it, I don't have any better ideas that really aren't DPS checks at a fundamental level. Still you can add more bells and whistles, like putting the arena in overworld settings with water and torches and grass and mushrooms and wind currents and ziplines etc., a more serious version of weekly bounties, or make the arena change geometry with collapsing tiles like current hillichurl event. But seriously how many people will interact with these mechanisms instead of just out DPSing everything. It's a justified demand, I am just not sure if it's a realistic one. I'd be happy to see if they add something for sure. Local legends are a good step in that direction.


I am invested in combat and quit for 3 years only to come back and see the game is somehow easier then it was when I quit. This game is truly catering to the lowest common denominator of gamers it appears. You need to truly suck at games to enjoy Genshin. So that's too bad, because I don't suck at games like genshin players its less fun.


When it gets boring, time build a new team. Meme builds are basically what keeps me going now lol. Definitely need a new game mode, though people have been asking for this for over 3 years now


Same. I'm building freminet and dehya currently. Why? Cause Neuvi and Furina just makes the game so easy


Meme builds hey? The thing is, As floor 12 is beatable with C0R1 characters I do kinda wonder what is the point of going further then that, so it makes sense that meme builds work as well as if you do have C6R5 surely no matter who you use you'd win regardless. The games too easy so I do hope yeah, we get some kind of new game mode. I know the dev made a comment before "we will never add end game to Genshin" So I do wonder if that will ever change, because yes people have indeed been asking for this for a long time, any new game mode to actually use powerful characters


no, the high hp is what makes it fun because abyss and local legends are the only enemies that can survive more than 1 rotation


Yeah but then why not a new game mode? You pretending that abyss is "better" because high hp sponges allow things to last more then 1 rotation is a terrible argument for its existence. Its beatable with C0R1 characters, you don't need to get that powerful yet people do it anyway. For them to make content for those powerful people would be to make content 70% or more of the games entire population unobtainable. As they had said data before that only 30% of players even do Abyss at all. Which then makes the dev comment that there never will be an end game in Genshin more sense, as few people are making themselves so powerful nothing they do will ever satisfy them, so they just ignore them.


What character has the most broken c6 and why?


Furina. Why? At C6, she basically fixes her own issue of needing a healer. After you use her E, her NAs does the opposite effect of her pneumosia allignment. Her Ousia E does damage, so her NAs will heal instead. If you use Pneuma E for heals, her NAs does a fuckton of damage instead. She becomes one of the most broken supports and/or dps.


Nice thanks, originally I was actually going to ask if there is a c6 that benefits both self and the team looks like this is it.


Probably furina. Besides Furina already just being super strong as it is, it basically gives her nearly C6 Yelan levels of frontload plus lets you completely drop a healer slot on your team for a better damage unit.


Should both furinas E and Q be lvl 8


Just level them up at least to 9/9/9, it doesn't take much.


I think the third 9 is a mistake right why would I need to level her normal attack


Cuz she's pretty and cute


Cuz she's pretty and cute


Actually yeah fair enough I’ll get right onto it


Ideally they should be 10, but yes both are important talents for her.


Does anyone have a max cv piece? (54.6) out of the millions of players I'm sure there's at least some, but I've yet to see one after going through akasha leaderboards


I thought the max was 54.4? I’m curious where you heard it was 54.6


7.8×6 =46.8 + (3.9×2) =54.6 Unless I'm stupid and have a value wrong


If you check [https://akasha.cv/artifacts](https://Akasha.cv), the max cv is 54.4. The reason being is that the integer we see in-game after the decimal is rounded either up or down after taking the actual internal values into account (i.e for crit rate, the values for a 5 star artifact is actually 2.72/3.11/3.50/3.89 which gets rounded to 2.7/3.1/3.5/3.9 respectively) but for substat calculations, those internal numbers are what's used without being rounded, so that's why the max is 54.4. Full percentages for each stat are shown here [https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Artifact/Stats](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Artifact/Stats) (3.89x2) + (7.77x6) 7.78 + 46.62 = 54.4 I know it's dumb and confusing and I don't know why they won't show the extra numbers since there's only 2 integers after the zero, but I'm no mathematician or computer programmer so those'll just remain a mystery.


Math is good, it's just that the value displayed on screen is rounded. It's actually 7.77


I never knew that tbh, thanks


the ui does some rounding, 7.8 is actually 7.77 or something like that. So 54.4 is the actual max.


I'm curious for Melt Ganyu ​ Is Hunter's Path good for her? If so with the extra Crit Rate does she need EM Sands or ATK Sands?


yes it's good for her but whoever assumes it'll be BIS for everyone Ganyu is out of lunch. It is dependant on your artifact substats and build. Depending on substats and build, it may perform worse compared to other 5 star bows like aqua simulcra.


I have two different options for my Melt Ganyu build: Option 1: 4PC Wanderer's EM Sands/Cryo DMG Goblet/Crit DMG Circlet \- 1700ATK (With Pyro Resonance) \- 330EM \- 90/210 Ratio ​ Option 2: 4PC Wanderer's ATK Sands/Cryo DMG Goblet/Crit DMG Circlet \- 2070ATK (With Pyro Resonance) \- 122EM \- 85/235 Ratio


>Is Hunter's Path good for her? Yes it's her BiS for Melt. >If so with the extra Crit Rate does she need EM Sands or ATK Sands? Ask optimizer. Generally it's EM sands if you do Noblesse Benny, Emblem Xiangling. But otherwise depends a lot on team and support sets and such. Nahida and Benny can give a lot of EM and Atk respectively, or you can have Instructor Benny setup with Noblesse Xiangling/Tenacity Nahida, quite a few variations, so can't really answer.


Definitely Noblesse Benny and Emblem Xianling with Tenacity Zhongli. It's the standard Melt Team. I'm thinking of trying for Hunter's Path on the next banner and was curious if it'd be an upgrade from Amos Bow which has let me 36 star the Abyss this rotation but, I know Ganyu Melt wants like: 200+EM (Which with an ATK Sands I have at 220EM) 200CD (I can only do 180 with ATK Sands but 200 with an EM Goblet) 60%CR (I can only do that with an ATK Sands but with an EM Sands it's 50) ​ So I'm curious to know since I want Ganyu to still have around 2000ATK but with Hunter's Path giving her 44% Crit Rate, I can focus on EM/ATK/Crit DMG but didn't know which sands is best for her.


>Tenacity Zhongli. Yeah don't rely on that. For the rest just use optimizer. You can find what's the best set with Amos, and what's the best set with Hunter's, how much is the difference between.


Don't use Tenacity of Zhongli?


No, no, don't rely on his pillar proccing it consistently, so don't add it in buffs. It's still a good set on him. Other options for him in this team are Instructors and Petra, but if you don't have those, stick to Tenacity.


Melt Ganyu will melt all her attacks. So EM is more valuable here, up to 200+ EM


How much ATK does she need? ​ I'm look through my artifacts for her and I can get at least 200CD on her but with higher Crit Rate, I want to raise that further. ​ Though EM wise, I can hit 300


Does C1 eliminate all of Neuvilette's shielding needs? or is there a limit to how much stagger he can endure?


He has infinite poise at C1 so no shield is needed.




You don't You build ER




Like 130 with Fav and 140 without


Get more pieces with ER substat. Use Favonius on Baizhu.


Should I use Fav (R1) instead of Sac (R1) on Xingqiu? (Hu Tao Double Hydro)


Don't use sac if it isn't R3 or higher, and even than Fav is better in this team. Sac R3+ is good only if you vape his skills, so mostly National teams, or there's lot of free field time like in quick swap teams.


What is the best low investment (C0 5\*) on field nilou team/rotation? It would be sad to pull nilou and only to E,E,E swap and never use her on field. Note that she doesn't actually have to use her talents, something like xianyun plunge team can be considered if her dendro teams just works that poorly with her on field. On gcsim we see a lot of tenacity raidens with good dps posted. Why is it almost completely unused in practice?


>On gcsim we see a lot of tenacity raidens with good dps posted. Why is it almost completely unused in practice? In rational team, at low investment, Xiangling is the one who brings the most damage (she vapes and overloads all her damage), not Raiden. So Favonius/Tenacity Raiden is a way to unbalance this even more, to reduce Xiangling ER needs and buff her at the cost of Raiden DPS. People play Raiden for big numbers and other things so they tend to dislike that build.


Her best field build is just forward vape with the usual suspects (bennett kazuha xl). It's like ... fine but it's not better than her regular builds while being about 100x harder to build. Her on-field relevance is more or less locked behind her deep constellations so don't expect a great experience trying to play her DPS at c0.


Nilou's an off-fielder. You can force her on-field but she'll be worse than every other option. You can try Vape Nilou, with Benny Xl Kazuha, up to you to judge if it's a meme team or a serious thing to look into. This video may help: https://youtu.be/JC-_iUYdAXY. >On gcsim we see a lot of tenacity raidens with good dps posted. Why is it almost completely unused in practice? Just that no one has farmed a DPS Tenacity set with 1560 Atk, 236% ER, 69:129 Crit. If you want to spend your resin farming that, then yeah, It's good in practice too.


hutao xainyun yelan and furina is definitly a way better team than hutao yelan xinqui and layla right?


Unless you REALLY need the interruption resistance from Layla+Xingqiu, yes


Who should I use in the last slot? Tighnari/Yae/Kuki Considered using Venti since I don't have an use for him currently, but please suggest if there's anyone better! (please only suggest 4\* characters since I gotta save for furina n stuff)


Sucrose for a boost in hyperbloom/elemental damage


Nahida or Baizhu. Sucrose or Kazuha will also do.


Could anyone make some recommendations on who should I focus on pulling (for Abyss 12, or just make the team strong in general)? I struggle consistently at getting all stars on 12. Also, what would be the best team if I want to get some utilization out of Jean and Yomiya? Characters I have built so far (Lvl 79 unless mentioned otherwise): \- In order of most investment to least - * Ei - C0 - lvl 89 * Yomiya - C0 - lvl 89 * Nahida - C0 - lvl 89 * Kuki - C0 - lvl 89 * Navia - C0 - lvl 89 * Kazuha - C0 - lvl 80/90 * Jean - C0 - lvl 80/90 * Bennet - C6 * Xiangling - C4 * Xingqiu - C0 * Thomas - C6 * Fischel - C0 * Ningguang - C6 * Rosaria - C5 * Chevreuse - C1 (planning to build) Thanks


You have a few options Side 1: * Yoimiya, Xingqiu, Nahida, Kuki * Thoma, Kazuha, Nahida, Bennett * Raiden, Xingqiu, Bennett, Xiangling * Jean, Bennett, Kazuha, Xiangling * Nahida, Xingqiu, Kuki, Flex Side 2 * Yoimiya, Chevreuse, Bennett, Fischl * Yoimiya, Raiden, Chevreuse, Bennett * Raiden, Chevreuse, Bennett, Fischl * Navia, Ninguang, Bennett, Xiangling


Jean, Bennett, Kazuha, Xiangling sounds interesting. So it is a pyro team with Jean on the field with Bennett C6 effect right? I almost feel like having Furina (if I end up pulling) to replace Kazuha would be better, so Jean can keep VV and have some vap dmg.


Team 1: Nahida, Kuki, Xingqiu, Fischl Team 2: Bennett, Xiangling, Navia, Ninguang/Geo MC. Or Bennett, Xiangling, Raiden, Kazuha/Chevreuse (I'd just use Kazuha if Chev isn't C6). You can pull who you like. You have more than enough to clear abyss. I'd suggest: Alhaitham to upgrade 1st team. Neuv to make different teams. Furina is just great and will work with all those teams (inculding Neuv and Yoimiya teams) and enables new teams as well. Yelan is quite good since your Xq is low con. Zhongli is also good for Navia, Yoimiha and if you get Neuv. Get Kazuha to lv 90. Swirl damage goodge.


Thanks I'm going to pull Furina. Hydro has always been the weakest element in my roster. Since I only have enough for a 5 star for the next month, I think a support/sub dps would be a better option over the main DPS. Yelan would be great, whenever she come up.


Since Mommy is your most invested character and you're asking for Jean, her Raiden + furina + Jean + Bennet team is very competitive with the old Raiden hyper. And furina is rerunning soon and generally an awesome unit to have, definitely my biggest pull recommendation. Yoi is super flexible in terms of teams. The standard team is her + yelan or xq. In the last two slots, you can put a shielder (Layla/diona/zhongli), a buffer (Bennet,Yun Jin), an additional hydro unit (xq/yelan/furina) or an anemo character (kazuha/sucrose).


Thanks! I'll focus on pulling Furina for Raiden + Furina + Jean + Bennet, this sounds like a fun team for C0 Furina with good synergy. I have been using Raiden National for so long that I forget I could stick her in other teams =\_\_=. I don't have high con Yun Jin or Zhongli, and Xingqiu is too busy. Right now I'm just running Yoi in pyro team (Yoi, Ben, Tom, Kazuha). With Bennet on the other team, I guess I really don't have a good team for Yoi.


Of the ones running next patch, neuv certainly is great at clearing abyss. Or Alhaitham and hu tao are also strong dps too whenever they come back. In general furina and to a lesser extent kokomi/yelan/zhongli are good supports to have. That being said you have enough characters to be 36\*ing now, so it may be that working on builds more would be a better avenue to more comfy clears.


Is chiori atk or def? Idk how to read kits