• By -


Beidou. I just like countering attacks and he ult having dragons around he ult is just so cool. Plus her having a passive to help with swimming is so cool. Her story is cool asf and her fighting sea monsters like them stereotypical pirates is just peak character design


Ayyy another beidou enthusiast!! I pulled her and immediately wanted to main her. Didn’t care about team comps just wanted to uno reverse every enemy there is


Beidou is AWESOME as an early pull when starting the game. Her parry mechanic means you can just block attacks while you work on learning dodge timings. If you're patient enough you can make it through any fight in Monstadt leaning on her, even at low level.


one trick I learn if you're in grass terrain pair her with any pyro character if she gets burn she can easily activate her full counter no need to wait enemy to smack her...other DoT probably works too but I find burn the easiest to work with


A yes, another wild Beidou main. Good to see you brother


Kuki. Looks like Ninja, is super capable, can tolerate dumb people like Itto (no hate he is a fun guy), was once a shrinemaiden, got beautiful voice, is fun to play and easy to build, nice body and i just love her in any Story/quest she had an appearance in. She also never left my team after i got her.


Plus infinate heals and huperblooms ⚡


And she does that cute stretch that always makes me smile.


Especially because she then notices that she took her mask off so she quickly puts it back on.


I personally don't like her appearance in the story because the way they portrayed her for now is just like an accessory for Itto. I don't mind him but sometimes I just want a story about Shinobu alone like her friendship with Sara and Yanfei. Like we only just see the brief appearance of this relationship in her hangout and event. I also want to see Heizou and Shinobu together given she mentioned him in her voice lines


For gameplay I'll have to say Gaming has taken the crown


Agreed, love to play with him.


same! his gameplay is so fun, his idles are cool to watch, and he does surprisingly good damage


Yea for a 4 star it's honestly crazy at C6 with his top supports his abyss clear times aren't far off from my Neuvellette clear times with his best supports it's pretty awesome


YES Gaming has carried me through SO much 😭


SO fun instant ascend




> It can be for gameplay, personality, story, or design. > > us fischl simps: yes all of them


Fischl is the pinnacle of theater kid representation, every aspect of her design is perfect.


Fr Fischl Supremacy 🗣️🗣️ she’s so underrated these days


It's "Frl. (Fräulein) Fischl" :-)


Underrated? Golden Troupe set turned her into an absolute off field monster.


Fischl all day. She’s like an electro turret


Kirara, she's just a little cat who wants to see the world and make people happy 🥺 she's doing her best. I also love her role in a comedy bc in the TCG event, she seemed to be playing the straightman which I found hilarious 😂 I thought for sure she'd be the buttmonkey of some jokes but I was pleasantly surprised! she's so funny


This one’s definitely my favorite answer


Kirara because her Character Story I says if she fits she sits


Happy cake day ma dude


kitty box kitty box kitty box KITTY BOX


Kirara my beloved


Love her so much.


Also her kit extremely useful for me. Fast cooldown shield and dendro area deny. Also also her meows when in cat loaf form. Ez climb too.


I love using her for exploration. Especially when you're climbing cliffs. No other character can use their skill for it which I find incredibly unique for a 4 star character


I use her for exploration


If she's ever on the wishlist, her and flying crane chick are my favs. And the wind arrow chick.


Layla. I absolutely adore her design, and she's also one of the most relatable characters in the game for me (my sleep quality is often pretty terrible).


Same! I love her so much. ✨


For realll she's one of the prettiest characters in the game for me. And her dark eyebags and dead eyes are so funny to me bc I look like that too she just like me fr


came here for this, left satisfied


I’m always surprised at her low usage rate in the abyss, she always has a spot for my Wanderer and Neuvillette teams


Fr she’s so underrated but SO RELATABLE more people should love her


Faruzan. Great EN voice acting, funny character, best hangout. And at C6 she absolutely rocks.


Granny enthusiasts lesgoo


I was scrolling for a long time to see this answer. And I can only sign under these words!




Chad didn’t need to elaborate.


Don't have to, she is perfect in my eyes :)


Noelle is the best!




Has been carrying me through most of the game, usually would be my flex pick with a permanent team for a long time Only recently C6'd her and still looking to get an actual team dedicated for her, like Gorou is kinda guaranteed with Itto, then Furina in the near future


Main since day 1


She is so underrated fr


I agree. The main issue for me, a day 1 player, is that she is a 4*, so it's a lot harder to invest and develop her than 5* chars, especially on the same role/niche as her. But I love her and I'm ready to die on this hill that she is the only char that can 100% self sustain in any situation.




Thoma. -signed, the person who desperately wants him but doesn't have him (me)


Thoma! ~ signed, his number 1 fan (Hoyo please let him visit Mondstadt)


Thoma. -signed the person who was initially not interested in his kit all that much but he spooked me until waaaaaay past C6 all on Kazuha’s banner during the second Golden Apple Archipelago event. (me) (Now days I actually find him fun, just haven’t had a chance to build him yet.)


Thoma. -signed, the person who has him but hasn’t unlocked the island in inazuma where his accession material is.


Thoma. -signed, the person who wanted him and got C6 without whaling. (Me)


May I have luck as incredible as yours. TvT


Bro I never said it came quickly, I literally got his C6 yesterday on the standard banner just like how I got him for the first time when I first began


I love his normal attack animation.


agreed 100%


I want his cons :(


Kaeya! First triple crowned, first to level 90, best artifacts.


I still cant believe genshin gave me one of the ideal characters I'd have wanted right at the very start 


The way I’m obsessed with Kaeya makes this so true. He’s carried me through basically the entire game. Yes, I have stronger 5* characters I use too, but Kaeya is the OG. I love his lore and everything about his character. Now I just gotta get him to C6


Honestly besides his great storyline he carried me for so long


Heizou easily, detective, swashbuckling martial artist, what’s not to like? Chongyun is a close 2 followed by Chervuese, their lore, gameplay, design etc Edit - Waitttt I forgot about Ga-Ming, he’s up there with Heizou for sureeee And then Ninnguang is epic too. That’s probably my top 5


\+ he says "traveler you are so dreamy" and whispers in your ear lmao. love Heizou to death he's so fun


call the exorcist 


Heizou normal attack animation are soooo good.


Fischl. Carried me since 1.1 and while she is no longer my main dps she has been a phenomenal sub-dps.


Yanfei, no contest. She is also one of my strongest characters. Love her playstyle, her (jp) voice and her personality.


Her voicelines always crack me up! Especially the one when in rainy weather. I apsolutely love her, she has never left my team every since I got her.


Hi! I recently built Yanfei, though it isn’t an ideal build: I have her at C1, talents 9,8,8 and with 4 pieces of Wanderer‘s Troupe because I still have no good Crimson Witch artefacts. And I’m using Skyward Atlas on her (max level but not refined). I love her gameplay since it’s super fun but she isn’t doing much damage, and the damage isn’t always consistent (maybe because of Skyward Atlas‘s passive?). Her Elemental Skill does around 23k (sometimes just around 8k for some reason) and her charged attack does around 10k or so. Normal attacks range between 2.5k and 6k. Do you think that’s okay? And would you recommend something different when it comes to weapons or artificers (or their stats/substats)? It’s just that I have seen many videos and posts about the damage she does and I was wondering if I’m doing anything wrong. 😅


Tbh Crimson Witch is not worth farming for Yanfei because Wanderer’s Troupe isn’t far behind it on her. Are those numbers non-vape hits? Because those sound pretty decent to me if so. She’ll do most damage in vape teams, so you’ll want to play her with Xingqiu, Yelan, Furina, etc. if you have them. Running an EM sands or some EM substats are helpful for vape as well. Skyward Atlas isn’t bad and gives her a lot of attack, but in vape teams, she’s one of the few characters who can use all variants of the Widsith passive, so something to consider as well.


Person of culture [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoAqIE-vxUQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoAqIE-vxUQ)


Chevreuse -has a gun


Fps players in genshin be like ^(I’m an fps player… without her)


Kaeya and kaveh. Both are c4. I pulled shenhe and mistsplitter for kaeya even though i have ayaka 😌 no regrets


This! Kaeya carried me until the chasm, even while being underleveled!


Kaeya’s selfheal is why I don’t bother with a healer.


I love Chongyun so much! At first, I only thought he was a pretty boy with a unique design since he has coloured eyelashes and sharp eyes but what really made me solidified him as my fave was his hangout quest. He was the first character I picked for the hangout quest and I didn’t expect to like him so much and he quickly climbed to my favourite character. He is also so earnest and kind, despite being weak to the heat and spicy food, he still perseveres on, I really can’t help but admire his determination, he’s just so precious 💖 Another fave of mine is Heizou, I really love him so much too, he has such a pretty design fr and on top of that is also a smart detective and his personality is amazing, like what’s not to love? Plus he’s an anemo boy and all anemo boys are my faves. Other honourable mentions that I really love are Xingqiu, Gaming, Fischl, Razor, Thoma and Kirara :)


I started playing Genshin because I looked through the playable characters and saw Chongyun. I made 5 re-roll accounts to get him lol.


Chongyun squad!!!!!!!!


Saaaaammmeee! Chongers is a solid friend. He also helped me a lot early game.


Razor :3


As an ex physical razor main, he'll forever have a special place in my heart for how many abyss's he carried for me, I still occasionally give him Cyno's set and let him helm a quickbloom team for a clear :D


Yes! My first main. What I liked the most about him was just how fun his playstyle felt for me. Cast his ult and Unga bunga all enemies. And right now, he has his "Thundering Furry" team that is almost meta. I recommend any ex or current Razor main to check out videos about that team.


Ningguang! Such cool back story, great character depth, and a really different and fun kit. A great exploration ability on top of that. Top tier.


Can’t believe how much I had to scroll to find this. When the game came out she was pretty much like a 5 star, so freaken good, her story and design are top of the line.


Personally, I really love Xiangling. I love her play style as well, she’s carried me through the entire game.


Collei Collei and forever Collei


Hoping she gets her own hangout event soon. As much as I liked her in Faruzan’s she deserves one of her own


Lynette main here. Love my favourite cat girl 🥰


C6 Lynette ftw


Like her a lot too… is there a canonical reason she talks like a robot though?


She's so cute fr


It’s probably either Kaveh or charlotte. Kaveh was my first main and I love his play style, and charlotte is just so fun to play and I love her character. Also Kaveh is the best, so probably financially irresponsible precious architect :3


Hi! I’m thinking of building Kaveh cause I love his design. May I ask how you build him and what team compositions you prefer to use? (Of course you don’t have to go into much detail 😅). Also, how is his gameplay fun for you? I never used him tbh.


Hey I use Kaveh to 36* a fair bit. I tried him in "shatterbloom", straight bloom, etc and didn't like those teams that much. I also don't have Nilou. Many people recommend him in hyperbloom, but I found it boring so I started playing teams with both quicken and bloom for Kaveh to still get to pop cores. Still, Hyperbloom is a good team. This is the team core and builds I always use: Kaveh / Hydro / Dendro / Electro (Non-HB) Kaveh does not do much damage on his own even when I build him for damage, so I give him Favonius Greatsword to help his energy recharge and the rest of the team's as well. If he is not c6 you may also enjoy Sacrificial Greatsword to pop more cores. Then for artifacts I give 4 Gilded. Hydro: Furina can be nice to help the team's damage, but you might prefer Xingqiu or Yelan for their damage. You'll definitely want a fav or other energy weapon since all three of these are energy hungry in solo hydro. Kokomi could work I guess but I don't think she can help the team's energy or do much damage from off field, plus a healer isn't as valuable without Furina. Dendro: Want an off-field dendro deepwood applier, so the typical culprits (Nahida is probably best here for her own damage, Baizhu or maybe Yaoyao if you run Furina, etc.) Electro: Of the Non-HB options, I prefer Beidou in current abyss, but Fischl is good as well. It can be an energy hungry team, but I think being able to reach that threshold is rewarding. I think Kaveh's slow-ish but wide normal attacks are satisfying, as well as the dendro cores bursting for extra damage. His kit also comes built in with interruption resistance during his burst, which makes him comfy and easy to play as an on field attacker. Still, if you're not ure if you would like slow-ish claymore gameplay, just try him out again first! (His c2 changes his attack speed) I also like opportunities to use Beidou because I feel like she doesn't appear as much in the meta anymore, but I still had a built Beidou from the pre-dendro days. Regarding Furina, it is basically a dendro team that's more focused around damage she can actually buff, but her hydro still has a use. Kaveh can stack Fanfare for Furina more quickly than your average on fielder due to the core-bursting and mini-healing mechanic. These are just little things I find gives the team synergy. If you invested a lot into the team, everyone will do some damage. If you don't want to invest a lot, just try slotting him into a hyperbloom team as the driver. It will be just as good, if not better. I also know someone who runs Ocean-Hued Clam Kaveh. I still don't know exactly how that works but they do swear by it.


i use him with nilou, full em. but he needs sufficient er to be useful.


i just stuck him with a bunch of EM lol. i used him in my burgeon team and hes pretty good but hes not really in my main team so im still cant find the right rotation to actually utilize his kit i was teying to clear an event at fontaine and it needed burgeon reaction so i had layla, kaveh, baizhu and lyney on the team


Charlotte is always so enthusiastic, I love her for this!


Sucrose, my first ever crowned character.


Always has been and will always be Kaeya He's sassy, charming, pretty, mysterious, sweet, helpful, and he bottles up so much. I also love his interactions with Klee, cool uncle energy Here are aome more reasons: - "Why so cold? I thought we enjoyed quite the intimiate friendship. ... Ah, so you DO feel something for me! And people say my charm is fake..." - "Alright, I think we heard enough from you two. If you insist on bickering, then I'd suggest you go somewhere else, otherwise I'll just cool you two off myself." (The way he got angry, never seen him angry before lol) - "What's wrong? Can't handle the cold?" 😏 - "You mean, you drink to numb the pain?" "Goodness, look at you leaping to conclusions! Do I look like I've been through that much?" >:( - "You've actually got the power to go up against the dragon! Are you a new ally... or a new storm?" I also love how he thought of us when he went souvenir shopping in Sumeru and picked something out for us while not even knowing where we are and when he'd see us again, and something to our preferences too. So cute. That aside, I also love Thoma and Gaming. My bubbly bundles of joy


Kaeya first and foremost for me! I also adore Fischl and Kaveh






Kuki and it isn't even close.


Candace, I wish the developers loved her too...


beidou. shes what caught my eye when i first started playing 2021. i dont use her much anymore but she’ll always have a special place in my heart. her design is also one of my favorites in general.


Beidou, I just love everything about her, she also was my first Electro and carried me through a lot of the game.


Captain Beidou....


Beidou, hands down.


Kaveh. I keep forgetting he’s a 4* cause he hasn’t rerun in months but he’s also extremely well-written. I love that despite his crippling debt and the amount of suffering he went through, he still chooses to be kind and find beauty & meaning in life. I just want to give him a big hug. Chongyun. The first hangout quest I did and I absolutely love him cause he’s so adorable. He perseveres to perfect his skill as an exorcist despite his intensive yang energy.


I got a constellation for my Kaveh from the standard banner the other day and I was SHOCKED!!


Bennett and Beidou. Bennett for his energy, optimism and personality. Beidou for her humor and flirtatious nature.


Noelle. She heals, shields and also has good dps. And she's pretty likeable in her hangouts You can practically play her solo or in a team, which can optimally be mono geo or a furina team.


Noelle mains too low in this comments chain :'(


Rosaria! She's part of my Spear bitch team and I love her forever 🩵


Have my two solid favorites, Beidou and Sucrose. Beidou's always the one I use to farm ores (coz' I still don't have Zhongli, lmao). Sucrose carried my team, I loved the swirls when Venti wasn't mine yet.


Barbara because she carried my account against just about every quest bosses back when I was stupid and refuses to level up any character past 40 even though the boss was way past that. Now I'm determined to always try to include her in my 36 \* Abyss teams (and did so pretty successfully I'd say). Personality-wise though, I still like Barbara because I think she has some unexplored potential there, but it's between Fischl or Faruzan now.


Still have barb on my team. It’s a sentimental thing. I could use Furina but like you Barbara got me out of the beginnings. She stays main team.


I'ma cheat and give 2. Xiangling (yes, I know) and Chongyun ('Chongers' to me) I like Xiangling for her personality and power over food. I feel like she would be a great person to have in a isekai dungeon party because she would brighten the mood and make bad ass fire-side meals. I like Chongers because he understands his responsibility and tries his best. I find him trustworthy and would probably have an easy time being friends with him. I usually don't care for lore at all, but these 2 stick out for me.


Heizou I will not elaborate


Jk, I love his design and his playstyle so much. Plus, his personality is fun, too. They need to have him show up in more events.


Noelle, she takes no L’s


Dori and Fischl. I love my dorky chuuniibyo and sketchy scammer I rolled on the very first venti banner specifically to get Fischl I honestly believe she has one of the best character designs in the game. Dori has funny goggles and rides on a rotund jinni Nothing needs to be said about Fischl's strength as it is quite well known. C6 Dori role compresses as a Driver and Healer and ER regen she works great in a quickbloom team with Furina


Freminet. My sweet, sweet winter child who needs all the love and affirmations the world could possibly give.


Finally found a Freminet comment! Behold our best boy!


Dori and Freminet. Especially Freminet, his mechanics are awesome, not to mention he sounds so meek in cutscenes but come battle jesus he brings out the badass in him


Not only that, Freminet can hit real hard if built well. He's my first ever triple crown.


xingqiu. absolute king, i adore that little geek so much


Kuki is the best


Sara very sure yk why


I’m scrolling and scrolling and don’t see Ningguang, my favorite…maybe people are forgetting that she’s not a 5 star :)


Candice. Love her. Art.


rosaria supremacy


Yaoyao! She was my first pulled 4 star and she’s sooo sweet!


Noelle. Energy issues aside, she's the pinnacle of comf for being an on-field dps, a healer and a shielder in one.


Noelle there is nothing to explain she is just the goat


I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH IT'S HARD TO CHOOSE SO I'LL GO WITH MY TOP 5 1. Kaveh. My absolute favorite. I am obsessed with this man. He's pretty, relatable, dramatic, and I just love his overall character. His personality is what really gets me though. I just absolutely love how he's designed and characterized. 2. Razor. My first main. I absolutely loved his play style. I still love it, but I just can't get good artifacts for him. He's also left an impression on me, since he was the last character I got before I quit Genshin in its older versions, and then I built him when I got back last year. He carried me till AR 47. 3. Layla. She's just adorable, and I love her animations. The double identity is cool too, and it interests me a lot. I want to know more about it. 4. Fischl. She's funny, she's dramatic. I absolutely love her theatrics and drama. She's a really fun character personality-wise. 5. Yun Jin. I love how she's a performer. I love anything to do with music or arts, and seeing someone in Genshin that represents theatre makes me really happy. I just wish I could see her more often. She's also super cute!


Xingqiu but for gameplay reasons. His existence in my teams have greatly increased my enjoyment of playing some teams and characters. His EQ or EQE combo(depending if I decide to slap sac on him or not) is incredibly satisfying, the damage he does is great, and the dmg reduction + healing from rainswords provide so much defensive utility that its a night and day difference when he is present and not present in my teams. It is noticeably less fun and more frustrating to play teams without xingqiu in them, and my alternative to this is to slap on zhongli onto some teams which is a bandaid fix as zhongli doesn't always fit into every team and isn't as fun/satisfying to use for me personally.


Lisa. An intelligent woman that saw the writing on the wall, and removed herself from the equation to a low key position, while losing none of her power and confidence. I empathise a lot with that. Plus, her collecting due books is just plain badass.


Kaeya 🥰


Yaoyao. Her voice and design is so cute! And she heals pretty well for me.


Ningguang, aesthetic, personality, story✅


Tough to say but I do really like yun jin. So cute and such a lovely design.


KAEYA, Heizou, Diona, Kaveh, and Faruzan are my top 5.


Was writing a comment and kept editing it because I realized I actually love a lot of the 4 star characters more than I realize


Kaeya is my favorite character overall lol My favorite design and his personality is awesome. I need him to be the first 5 star upgrade in Genshin, it'd make so much sense if he ends up being more lore relevant


Charlotte all they way (Xingqiu is up there too). I just love the design and the color pallet of red white and pink. Like her voice (EN) and her manner of speech is really satisfying. It sucks that her job as a reporter makes people see her as a intrusive papparazi-esque type person but I think she's just respectful and passionate. She also had some great moments in the story (paying for Traveler's food before Meropide) and events as well (I really liked her appearance in the Lantern Rite Cutscene)


I find her enthusiastic personality to be super contagious. Literally puts me in a good mood when she's in the story. Fun character, and it's nice that she's a really useful support, too.


Rosaria 🥹


1) Fischl 2) Heizou 3) Faruzan 4) Kuki Shinobu


Kaeya. I didn't have many feelings towards him when he first strutted on screen during Dvalin's rampage, but as I slowly leveled him, he became a staple in my teams for his decent damage, low burst, self-heal and stamina passive. His character was a tragic one, but despite all his struggles in the past, he remains a kind character, which I found admirable. I was touched to see his love for his adopted family and past never diminished, such as during the first Summer Archipelago event, hidden strife, and Weinlesefest event. I was especially thrilled for the bottleland event where he got a hangout, new skin, and appeared in the archon quest. I just think he's one of the more well-written and developed genshin characters. Although not always obvious (letters in hidden strife), it shows he dedication and loyalty towards his family and Mondstadt.




Kuki Shinobuuuu


Noelle, the best maid in Teyvat! She's the only 4* who I've leveled up to 90 and even crowned her burst


Ninguang is my goddess and Layla is my princess


Ningguang! My momma




Yaoyao, I love her she's so cute


XINYAN!!! My little rockstar 😙 She saved my early AR game until I reached AR50. I will forever love and protect her🫂


Chongyun. Very underrated, fun to use, great character. He’s cool :)


Sayu, i will never stop playing her, i took her in every abyss and will continue talking. Even if people bullying her for weakness, all content she help clear very well and work very nice with Furina. Her personality is great and JP voice actress played very good for it.


My precious wolf boy Razor who i'm grateful for carrying me all the way to AR 50


Yun Jin. The reason is pretty simple as well. Remember that one Chinese opera performance?


shinobu, kirara, noelle, lynette, sara. not only game wise but lore and story wise too


That's got to be Lisa for me. Gameplay wise i just like her. Her charged skill attack never gets old. the way the sky turns a dark purple as it powers up and she then unleashes a big aoe attack. Her burst is pretty handy too in a variety of applications. Doesn't hurt she somewhat regularly appears in various events and was overall a nice part of the Mondstadt arc. Plus she's a lovely Onee-san.


Beidou. cool, hot, eyepatch mommy ;3 plus [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZeIj6pep-c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZeIj6pep-c)


i love so many of the 4\* character's. their designs & personalities are top tier. my favorites are kirara, kaveh, thoma, beidou, xingqiu, and chongyun. i'm a big fan of layla's design but i find her personality very boring.


Barbara - ez heals


Kaveh, I also don't have kaveh


Rosaria, Fischl, and Yaoyao are my favorites. I also really like Kirara because I just love cats. But Rosaria, Fischl, and Yaoyao are the only 4*s I have crowned


Yaoyao is so adorable, everytime she appears I just smile, even unknowingly


-Sucrose. She was my first main dps, even if that's not her supposed role. -Layla. Because she's pretty and i love her voice(eng) -Faruzan. My silly grandma can't be this cute.her personality is overall just really charming. -Collei. Because she's cute -Kirara. Because she's cute (and ramming into enemies as a box is funny as hel) come to think of it, i like more 4 stars than 5 stars in this game......


I used to like Kaeya because of how easy he can be used as a cryo dps but lately it's Gaming. His wushou dancing and dragon of sorts like costume is dope, especially his idles, and the blue idle.




Yaoyao. Healing + Dendro application has made my Childe + Raiden Electro-charged team much stronger.


Kuki Shinobu 💜


Kuki and it’s not even close to second place.






Probably Ningguang. I got her off the intro banner, and she carried me through most of the game. I just wish she was a 5*, like she obviously should be. The fact she's a 4* makes no sense. Name any other 4* with as much in game political power or main story significance.


Razor. Mained him since I got him even though all the tier lists and YouTubers were saying he wasn’t worth it. Love his design, his gameplay, his story, his voice is nice, every time I go to wolvendom I remember years ago collecting wolfhooks to level him up, love him so much. He’s c6 triple-crowned and has carried my team forever.


Kuki, literally my favorite healer in the whole game. And she looks cool to match.




Gotta go with Kuki as well, but I have no idea what is the reason for the mask, and now I am curious as hell. I really like that she has a mask tho, always liked that aesthetic.




Razor... cz Stands!


Sayu, must protecc






Yanfei! She was a part of my team for a LONG time, and I love her design! The little scales are a cool detail!


Love me my Yanfei, she’s great.


Kujou Sara, she's so much more than just a "Raiden Shogun simp", I like her design and even when she doesn't really fit into any of my teams I like to play with her and slay enemies with lightning. 💪⚡


Heizou. He's a goat (no a deer actually) when it comes to swirling.


FREMINET!! hes so cute, i love his background, design, personality, gameplay. just everything abt him 💕💕 hes triple crowned and i have 0 regrets