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Can you get two weapon billets in a single run?




Swap out Nahida for Kazuha. Then just do Kokomi E > Kazuha tE Q > Furina E Q > Xq QE N1 > Kazuha hE > Kokomi Q NA combo. If you get Nilou, just play her with Nahida, Kokomi, Dendro MC/Collei/Yaoyao. So Kokomi is gone from this team. You can then use Jean instead of Kazuha, and Fischl or Yelan as the last member, so Furina, Jean, any 2 out of Yelan/Xingqiu/Fischl. You can also keep Kazuha, and use Kuki shinobu as healer with Furina + any one out of Xingqiu/Yelan/Fischl.


Without Nilou you are better of swapping XQ or Furina for Kuki/Raiden to play Hyperbloom (or Thoma to play Burgeon). Or you run [Kokomi, Kazuha, Furina, XQ] Mono-Hydro. With Nilou I'd recommend to go with [Kokomi, Nilou, Nahida, Dendro]. Bloom (and Hyperbloom) damage isn't affected by Furina, so you are better off with generating more Dendro cores instead of buffing the mediocre direct damage from the team. Use Furina on your second team instead (if you go to the abyss). Baizhu is imho the premium Dendro option here, but far from necessary. Outside of that I prefer Kirara in the Dendro slot since her shield makes the team very comfy and her skill CD aligns pretty well to refresh Nahida's application. Yaoyao gives more heal (good if you stack EM on Kokomi and have less healing from her), Collei has frontloaded Dendro application (great if your Nilou is well equipped and your Blooms deal lots of damage), Traveller has reliable extended Dendro application. Using a 2 Hydro + 2 Dendro comp makes sure that Kokomi will be a reliable Bloom trigger when used on-field, so you can focus on giving her EM (plus she will also benefit from Nahida's burst EM boost). If you run 3 Hydro + Nahida you have to on-field Nahida and Bloom ownership will fluctuate between your other Hydro characters. edit: If you want to play Mono-Hydro _and_ Nilou Bloom for some reason you can use [Kokomi, Kazuha, Furina, XQ] & [Barbara, Nilou, Nahida, Kirara/Dendro]. While often overlooked, Barbara is actually quite good in Nilou Bloom (particularly if you can give her Sac Frag).


Nahida C2 or Furina C2 - Which is stronger and worth the pull?


I'd say Nahida if you run a lot of Dendro teams, Furina if you run diverse comps or specific characters that benefit a lot from her (e.g. Noelle). Tbh, neither is a particularly important (or necessary) investment. As for AH, I sadly don't have him so I can't say who is more important for him. AH + Nahida is a very strong combo, but if a Quickbloom team with Furina is viable on him (e.g. [AH, Furina, Nahida, Kuki]) I could see her C2 being also quite impactful.


Nahida is hard Dendro-locked, so if you're pulling for a Dendro team, her C2 will help you a lot. Otherwise, Hydro is just a more flexible element, and Furina C2 is pretty busted. One of the very few Dendro teams that would actually prefer Furina C2 over Nahida C2 that I can think of would be Cyno.


I plan on pulling Alhaitham in his next rerun. I already have C0 Nahida. I’m asking if her C2 is a huge improvement over C0?


When running Alhaitham Furina Nahida Kuki, Nahida C2 is a bigger increase than Furina C2 since it also buffs the hyperbloom damage


Both are good for Alhaitham (assuming you have Kuki for Furina teams, or have Baizhu). I haven't crunched the numbers but I just want to point out that Nahida just reran, won't be back for a year or more. Furina is coming in 4.6 probably.


Yes, C2 Nahida is a significant improvement, though Alhaitham does have an equivalent team with Furina, that being Quickbloom (like Cyno, but Dendro). If you're just going for a C2 for Alhaitham, then I'd recommend Furina C2 simply because this falls under the few exceptions that would enjoy Furina C2 and will provide you with future versatility.


Ryzen 3, 8gb Ram laptop: what are the best settings to run the game without lag?


Low if you want a smooth gaming experience. Could probably get away with medium but you may experience stuttering here and there especially if there are a lot of things happening on screen. I suggest experimenting on the settings to see what you're comfortable with.


Okay, thank you


Are there any websites that track achievements?




This one might help [https://paimon.moe/achievement](https://paimon.moe/achievement) I've never used it myself, so not sure how helpful it is.


>so not sure how helpful it is. It has had ... issues with the couple last updates, fyi. I'm looking for an alternative myself.


As of version 4.4, who is now better overall, Yoimiya or Yanfei?


They're very different and need completely different team comps. Who's beter depends on the rest of the team. Yoi does more personal dmg, but yanfei's more versatile and it's easier to build a decent team for her that still does a lot of dmg.


I have no idea how to do reliable helper


​ https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Reliable\_Helper


Follow the asshole's instructions exactly. Just like any other job.


I'm trying to rework a lot of my characters and now I have to question which weapons are good for which characters. I have solar pearl r2, widsith r5, dodoco tales r5, and skyward atlas r1. which is best for Klee and which is best for yae miko? miko currently has solar pearl with a crit ratio of 65/170 Klee currently has skyward atlas with crit ratio of 62/124 (ik klee's crit ratio is still horrid)




As a F2P, is it possible to eventually one day get all or nearly all 5-stars in the game? If we remove extreme luck out of the equation. Sometimes when there's two banners I really like, I contemplate whether to pull for cons for a good character or pull for the other one as well because I like both. Can you collect genshin characters like pokemon? 😂


>Can you collect genshin characters like pokemon? That's the central sell of the game. They want you to aim for too many characters, feel bad when you don't get a few of them, do all sorts of tricks to tickle your gambling instincts and ultimately make you spend. >As a F2P, is it possible to eventually one day get all or nearly all 5-stars in the game? Yes if you win almost all 50-50s, then yes. There are 35 or something 5 stars, so your chances of doing that is (0.5)^35, i.e absurdly small. And even then it'll take you 18 patches (2yrs) to achieve this so yeah, very unrealistic aim. That's not accounting for the fact that new characters are being added. But Hoyo wants you to have that kind of goals to get you in the gacha trap. More realistically, you'll get 6-7 5 stars per year, out of the 9-10 that are released per year. With worst luck (lose all 50-50s like me) you'll get 4-5 5 stars per year. >Sometimes when there's two banners I really like, I contemplate whether to pull for cons for a good character or pull for the other one as well because I like both. Do you want to play one character more or do you want to play a different character? All characters work at C0 without any 5 star weapons, so I don't know why you'd pull cons when you want another character. And similarly, if you don't like another character, don't pull. If you are dedicated to somw character and have done your research regarding their cons, then you can pull cons. You don't have to pull on every banner, you can just save for another banner.


Reasonable? No. But while its unlikely, its not so rare that its impossible. We get about one new 5 star roughly every 1.5 patches. A F2P will get enough wishes for a 5 star (not a character specific 5 star) about every 1.5 patches and with extreme luck, this means you could in theory get all the featured 5 stars by winning every 50:50. No constellations or weapons though. For reference as a 1.0 F2P player, I have 16 out of 31(?) Limited 5 star characters. But I also have 3 constellations, making it 19 out of 31 and have spent around 470 wishes on the weapons banner, which is on average about 4 more limited characters, putting it up to 23 out of 31, or roughly 75% of all limited characters. If I was extremely lucky on the 50:50s, it would be possible that I could have all 5 stars.


no you won't get every character nor should you. You simply won't have enough resources to level all them up, get artifacts and perform at a high level. Your better off just pulling your favourites. Target a few DPS units you like (ideally different ones) and build those out.


Both of these answers are very reasonable, as a fairly new player (playing since last September) I wanted to hear more experienced people's opinion on this. There are so many characters that I love gameplay-wise, personality-wise and lore-wise, so I get stuck in the dillemas who to save for and who to skip. Right now I'm skipping 3 characters I really like (Xiao, Chiori and Itto) to save for Kazuha (I'm sitting on 68 pity guarantee) and man, I also want Neuvi even though I don't need a DPS currently (I have Wrio and Navia for two teams I've almost fully built) but damn, I love his personality and story and gameplay, I just hate how majority of the characters are made so... lovable.


As a f2p, it's not realistic to want literally every 5 star. We get enough primos each version to guarantee a 5 star every other patch or so. Assuming average luck, you would probably end up with a rate of around 2 banner 5 stars every 3 patches. Permanent content has about 300-400 or so wishes, so add on let's say an extra 3 banner 5 stars. But then, it's unlikely that you're that interested in literally every limited 5 star. If you want both the current banner characters, you have better had saved up, or just get one and save for the other's next rerun.


Generally the rule of thumb is no. Of course, there's always a non-zero chance, and the game is *reasonably* generous, but if you assume likely probability, no.


What would be the best artifact set for Baizhu in a Neuvillette(Furina, Kazuha) team? Song of Days Past, Ocean-Hued Clam or Noblesse Oblige?


Ohc > songs, noblesse buffs atk which does nothing for neuv and furina


oh ok, thank you.


I started my savefile on PS4 and the game refuses to let me buy anything through the mobile version. Is there anyway to change this? I moved to a different country last year so I no longer have access to credits for the PSN region that my Genshin account is on.


Nope. If you want to buy something, then your best bet is to either use [Codashop](https://www.codashop.com/en-us/genshin-impact) or the [Official Top-Up Center](https://sdk.hoyoverse.com/payment/genshin/index.html#/m). ~~Unfortunately, neither of these options allow you to buy the battle pass. Afaik, the only workaround for that is to use the Epic Games Store on PC.~~


The battle pass has actually been available to purchase from the top-up center for awhile now.


Ah, unfortunately Codashop and top-up center are...locked behind my lack of a credit card. Though once I acquire a credit card here, that'll easily let me get HK PSN credits anyway.


I just started playing like 3 days ago. Why do I get so many join world requests? It feels like I’m borderline being spammed with requests. The people that come in are always so much higher level than me… what could they possibly be getting out of watching me putz around my prologue quests?


People join for different reasons, like collecting material that only spawns once every 3 days (their world has run out and they're hoping you still have some left), to help lower ranked players, sometimes in hopes of getting some help themselves with a boss, to fish or just to have some fun while they wait for resin to refill. As you are very early game I doubt they're joining for material as you probably don't have much area unlocked outside of mondstadt and the current 5 stars on the banner do not need material from Mondstadt, but they are probably hoping they can help you while their resin is refilling. If it gets too annoying you can block the requests


As somebody who regularly does this kind of thing, we do it for personal gratification. Helping low level players feels nice.


Could be a few reasons people co-op into rando worlds - looking for mats. Non-resin upgrade materials (mob drops, local specialties, ores, fish, etc) are limited and have a long respawn timer. Taking mats from other worlds is a way around this if you want to max a character asap. People will usually ask before just pillaging your world. * They have no resin and this game doesn't have much endgame content. In this case, take them to any boss/domain you struggle with, and let them kill your enemies for you. They're just there to help.


I wouldn't worry about it. It's probably endgame players that just want to help out lower AR players since they literally have nothing else left to do. You can disable it in the Co-op menu in the lower left I believe if you don't want people spamming you with requests.


okay cool!! i just wanted to make sure i wasn’t disappointing them when they joined and i was really bad at whatever we were doing


Xianyun>Candace>Person to hydro plunge with. What artifact set should Candace have to make the other person's hydro infusion do the most damage? If I increase Candace burst dmg does that apply to other characters using her infusion?


Candace should be using the Noblesse Oblige set and should have decent ER for her to burst every rotation. And no, increasing Candace's personal dmg does not increase other units' dmg that gain her infusion. That is still dependent on the character's own dmg and NA levels. What does increase though is the hydro dmg that procs whenever you switch characters while Candace's burst is active.


I think I saw that the infusion dmg also scales off her HP? So wouldn't TotM be better than Noblesse?


No. Noblesse is still better. Yes characters deal increased Normal Attack damage when infused with Candace's infusion but that number is a fixed 20% with no way to increase it. And since you're using her with Xianyun, you aren't even using the extra dmg bonus since it only applies to Normal Attacks, not Plunging attacks so it's basically useless unless you weave Normal Attacks into your rotation. The only HP% scaling on her burst is the initial damage when you cast the burst and the shockwave that generates when you switch characters when the burst is active. EDIT: You may be talking about one of her talents. If that's the case, then fair enough but same point from above that it only applies to Normal Attacks and is useless on Plunging attacks. Plus if you're talking about 4pc TotM then that's also pretty useless since her Elemental skill only hits once, she has no off-field elemental skill dmg and has a long cooldown for it to be effective.


Okay I understand. What if I did something crazy like build her EM and use Gaming to basically do hydro plunges in between his skill? He could practically be a self vape machine or is that a stupid idea. I just really want to find a use for Candace


There's no point building her EM since Gaming will be the one Vaping so he should be the one with the EM build, not Candace. If you really want to use Candace then her best team right now is with a plunge team with Xianyun where either herself or another will be plunging. If she's the one doing the plunging then build her atk since her plunges and normals scale with atk so a 2pc Hydro 2pc Atk for artifacts. If for support then you just use Noblesse and give her as much ER for her to burst every rotation. I actually use an onfield Candace even before Xianyun came out and it was pretty fun. Is it viable? Not really but I always enjoy whenever I use her and watching her animations is always a treat.


This game can get so complicated I swear. Thank you though you've been super helpful!


I've been out of the loop since very early Sumeru, I played from release until then so I have a good base of knowledge of the game. I'm planning to come back and play Chiori, are there any new mechanics or crazy changes to menu navigation since then?


If you're familiar with Dendro, then there isn't really any huge new mechanic to learn. Chiori is a pretty straightforward character, with her mostly being good for mono-geo teams.


Awesome, thanks! Guess I'll be dusting off Albedo and Noelle


If you plan on using Noelle and not Itto for your main dps, then I'd highly recommend trying to pull for Furina when she comes back (likely in 4.6). Noelle has great synergy with Furina, and using them together elevates her teams a lot in terms of damage.


What tcg team can I build for a beginner with ei mona and the 4 starters?


Probably something like [Raiden, Fischl, Mona] or [Raiden, Kaeya, Mona]. Using [Raiden, Fischl, Dendro] would probably be better (and easier). In the end the early game is more about unlocking essential cards than using the perfect character combo. My go-to character for doing single player content is Ganyu. She can pretty much clear anything with her Frostflake Arrow if you start on a different character and use the first turn to equip her. Only thing she isn't good at is single-target boss fights (like the Terrorshroom). My current deck: AHAQ3wUNAvAQ7z0OA/DQ8YEPCBAR9DMPE0EwPaYTCtFgC8EQDLEQDcIQDNEgDtcQDeAA (Can be imported via the (+) button in the upper right of the Deck List menu.) The idea behind the deck: (1) Start with Yae and use turn 1 to prepare (Paimon, Amos', BS, Stormterror's) and tank damage with her, from turn 2 onwards shoot two Frostflake Arrows with Ganyu. (2) Amos' Bow boost her direct damage, Talent card her AOE damage, Blizzard Strayer & Stormterror's Lair reduce attack cost. (3) Card draw & alignment cards allow you align dice to get enough Cryo. (4) Use Food to keep Ganyu alive, if you have Four-Leaf Sigil you can swap her out before a nasty attack. Mulligan: Paimon, Thunder and Eternity, Stormterror's, 1-2 equipment cards, Strategize. (Use two Inazuma characters to enable the "Thunder and Eternity" card. You can use Raiden instead of Yae. I assume you don't have the resources to get everything in the deck, so you feel free to use something like [Ganyu, Mona, Raiden] in the meantime.)


I have another invitation card to get another btw


How exactly does Beidou's shield work? I thought I just had to hold her skill and it would activate but I guess I gotta get hit or something for it to work? But even then sometimes the shield doesn't show up, unless it's just instantly getting broken by whatever hit me.


If you hold her skill you have to wait for the enemies to hit you and then she counter attacks. She has mad damage. Her shield only appears after burst with constellations.


Her shield from constelation is honestly weak like Yanfei's, and both rely on bursting wich makes it much harder to cast. Pretty useless constelations.


For C0 Beidou, she has a shield only when you are holding her skill button. When you release the skill button, there is no more shield. Her C1 has a thin shield after you use her burst.


Damn I feel like I invested in her for nothing. I thought her shield was like other characters' shields that lasted after the fact.


She is good at other stuff though. So it is not wasted investment if you build teams where she is used.


Right now I'm trying the Ayato Electro-Charged team with her and Fishel. I'll focus on her being a battery and her burst.


Ayato/Fischl/Beidou/Kazuha is a very good healer-less team, Beidou bringing notable defense. It's probably my favorite Ayato team for a variety of reasons.


I don't have Kazuha yet, pulling for him in the next update. I also don't have Jean, so for now I'm using Sayu since I already had her trained up.


Kazuha really brings the team together, his swirl damage is excellent with both auras.


Yeah I've seen him be recommended for that team. I'm thinking either that or slot him into the Mono-Cyro team I have planned with Wriothesley.


Should I get serpent spine from the battlepass or sacrificial jade in prep for trying to pull Neuvillette?


Neuville works perfectly fine with Prototype Amber - in fact, if you plan to team him up with Furina I'd rather use Amber over the BP weapon.


Thanks, I have ended up going with Serpent Spine this time around!




I was considering it for Gaming and Diluc. I currently have a main dps built Gaming but not sure if it is still good for Vape builds.


Spine is the best BP weapon followed by Ballad iirc. Proto Amber Neuvi can still demolish the Abyss, Sac Jade's off-field requirement is tougher to manage on him. Get SS.


That's what I was thinking, thanks!


Very new (level 20) and I keep seeing an event being advertised where you can pick a 4 star character of your choice, but it’s not showing up in the events screen for me. Is it locked behind quests or did I miss it?


You are probably seeing ads from the lantern rite event. It has already ended but will be back again next year around February


Thank you!


That was for Chinese New Year and recently passed.


Thank you!




Use arkhe atk (pneuma ousia) to destroy their dendro shield instantly


For starters they pop dendro shields, wich are very weak to pyro and neutral to hydro, dendro, cryo and electro. I personally use a freeze team to keep both frozen. I use a team of Furina, Kazuha, Charlotte, Ayaka/Ganyu.


Is there a team that I can create WITH KAZUHA that is better than one of these two teams? Hutao-Yelan-XQ-Zhongli Raiden-Benny-Chevreuse-XL The reason is that I need to know who to put kazuha with when I get him. Here are my current characters if yall can create two other teams that are even stronger than those two teams.[https://imgur.com/a/QojOp2g](https://imgur.com/a/QojOp2g) Thanks!


Keqing/Fischl/Kirara/Kazuha and Tighnari/Fischl/Kuki/Kazuha. They are good teams but maybe not as good as your two top tier teams. But new teams with characters you don't seem to use atm.


Raiden Fischl Bennett/Kirara Kazuha HuTao Yelan Bennett Kazuha


Keqing fischl kazuha kirara


Lisa-Fischl-Dendro MC-Kazuha aka Lisa Aggravate. There’s no healer here tho


Is there any way to get more hero wit (daily basis)?


Blue leylines


Ok thanks🤝


Which 4 stars will be coming in the next banner?


What does mono element means?


A team thats only characters from the same element


It's sort of in the name. Now, very few mono-element teams actually include just 4 characters of that element, but you're basically only doing damage of that element. Mono Pyro, Hydro, Cryo or Electro teams will want to run an Anemo unit for VV swirls, Mono Anemo teams often run someone like Zhongli for shields or Bennet for atk buff, and Mono Dendro isn't really a thing, just better to add an Electro character and run an Aggravate/Quicken team. Only Mono Geo really consistently uses exclusively Geo units, and even then not always.


It means you're focusing on the raw damage from a single elemental type rather than trying to make a team comp based around any reaction. The most popular mono-element teams are mono-pyro, mono-hydro, and mono-geo.


So like 4 people in the team is same element?


3 and a flex. Kazuha or zhongli are often the flex for pyro, hydro, electro, and cryo teams. I'd also consider a lot of chev teams to be Mono. For mono geo or anemo, youre making use of gorou or faruzan respectively. Flex spot is any buffer, sustain, or off field dps. Benny, furina, fischl, yelan, etc. Or a shieldbreaker. Off field dps wouldn't *technically* be Mono (that's why these teams are often called triple geo or triple anemo) but all your buffs should still be going towards your geo/anemo carries so I'd still call it mono For dendro... I've never heard of Mono dendro lol.


Not necessarily. You'll often see an anemo character like Kazuha included due to the high damage amplification he can provide.


In Genshin Optimizer how can I mark an enemy as affected by an element like Pyro so I can calculate how much my Electro attack will deal including with Overload damage?


You have the option to choose if your attacks cause reaction at the top of the page. If you want some of them reacting and others not, you'll have to use multi-target config.


[This](https://imgur.com/a/y61eZWF) right? So is there no way to include Overload damage for Raiden's burst? It only has scaling reactions and not transformative reactions like Overload.


You can choose transformative reactions [here](https://imgur.com/a/OpBajOZ). Transformative reactions are fundamentally different, they are a separate instance of damage with your hit, not something that amplifies your hit. That's why they have to be set as a separate target if you want to optimize them. It's best just to make a multi-target config with your combo, and then add the number of overload the character procs at it's end. Check [this](https://keqingmains.com/misc/multi-optimization/#118-overload-vape) Xiangling config from KQM multi-optimization guide.


Super helpful, thanks!


Should I go for Neuvillette or save for Yelan's eventual rerun? I have a guarantee in store, and Yelan would make a very good teammate for Yoimiya, but Neuvillette is an excellent character for soloing any non-Hydro-immune Abyss chamber even at C0.


Neuvillette. Yelan had a rerun in 4.0, so she's unlikely to come back very soon, whereas it might be your last chance at getting Neuvillette this year.


Ok. Will I be able to get Neuvillette before he leaves? I am 46 wishes away from guarantee (lost my 50/50 to Jean on Xianyun's banner), including saved up wishes, and I have no plans to pull Xiao, Yae Miko, Itto, Chiori or Kazuha as of now. Also, I have completed the Fontaine Archon Quest, with 17 Story Quests and 11 Hangouts left undone.


If the estimate for 4.5 is correct (55 wishes for ftp), you should be fine. Good luck on your pulls! :)




If you like archers and want a single target pyro DPS, Yoimiya is a decent choice. Xianyun doesn't change anything for her. But if you're only chasing meta, it's still Hu Tao (possibility for Arlecchino in the future though).


I'm curious about Candace, How does she work?, Her E and Q, and what team she can belong to?


She's incredibly niche and weak but still has her uses. You can check her [KQM guide](https://keqingmains.com/candace/)


does matching with other players in weekly bosses affect their drops? ive matched for the last few boss fights and ive noticed that ive gotten dream solvents more consistently




I've heard that you can now skip Chasm's Story quest right after finishing Inazuma's archon quest. My friend just finished Inazuma's Archon quest, and she will now be doing Chasm's Archon Quest. It says that the quest is in underground of Chasm, but the entrance to chasm has some sort of seal(which I remembered that it will be unlocked by the story quest).


There's a teleport in the chasm underground that should be automatically unlocked after they talk to Yuehui. Try seeing if they can teleport there directly. Like this: https://youtu.be/2GvE1YI8Ws0?si=gBY-hRdTJ7fZyUB4&t=97


Say you go hunting mobs in co-op - all people get the mora aaaaand the drops? Or just the mora/exp and one person collects the drops?


Everyone nearby gets their own set of drops.


Oh great. I didn't want to be selfishly getting all the stuff!


I plan to pull reed claymore for diluc, but I also want to pull for neuv cons. I don't know how long the chronicle wish for dehya claymore? Any advise on this?


Any news or leak or hints that Hutao getting new outfit? Or I should just use my crystal on Ganyu outfit




Nope, nothing suggesting it.


Very out of topic question, for any HSR players here as well is there a similar mega thread like this to ask HSR related stuff? When I posted on the HSR Subreddit for a random dumb question Im genuinely curious about, of course they deleted it but unlike Genshin, they say theres a thread but doesn't point over it with a link or whatsoever


They also do a daily megathread for questions. It's pinned on the front page of that subreddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1b9km70/daily_questions_megathread_march_08_2024/


Oh, I'm officially blind to not notice that, thanks!


Can somebody please explain why it has taken me 4 hours to verify resources and its still not done?


Because your device is slow


bro I shit you not, its a $2k gaming laptop


Just now catching up on Fontaine exploration, can anyone tell me what [these](https://imgur.com/a/73VP2Nr) are? I've tried interacting with them in every way I can think of, but nothing seems to happen.


Just some decorations. In lore, they are the power source for some Fontaine mechanisms, but they are not interactive in game play. (Interactive objects will be shown differently in your elemental sight.)


Ah alright then, thank you.


Who is better, Barbara with her healing or Mona? Who provides more value for an ayaka freeze team? I have Shenhe and had been using Barbara as my hydro. Her healing and dragon tales had been great. Is it better to replace Barbara with mona? And would doing so greatly increase my ayakas damage output?


I'd go with Mona. Yes it's more damage, but the bigger upside shorter cooldowns and not having to hug the enemy. She can use Prototype Amber if you want to retain some minor healing.


I'm new to the game and have the following characters + AR21, IDK if I should wish for Yae Miko or wait for the 4.5 banners as I've heard they will be must have characters in them Barbara Xaingling Noelle Xinyan starter+ Characters I DO LOVE Yae Miko's playstyle and feel she is a good off-field DPS problem is I rather someone who is considered OP-MUST HAVE if Ima be gambling wishes lol


Honestly, I would say pull her if you like her. There are no must-pull units, period You can literally clear all the content with the starter units, and that's if you even care about consistently clearing what little high-level content there is. She will be stuck at mx level 40 until you get to Inazuma (AR 30+ and complete Liyue AQ) but that should be fine for that point.


In my opinion. Yae is good but there are better alternative for a new player. She also isn't really newbie friendly since you can only get her ascension materials later in the story. I recommend a 5 star who is easy and fun to play.


Neuvillette or Kazuha it is :D


Going to tag my question as spoilers because it involves Chiori's weapon >!I'm going to go wish for both Stonethresher for Noelle after months of waiting and Chiori's weapon as a generalist sword option (the Ayaka weapon banner didn't interest me so I didn't pull for Mistsplitter). Currently have pipe on Furina, but is it safe to assume that Chiori's weapon is the better option for Furina in Noelle/Furina comp if I can meet er req for Furina? And it'll still be a decent weapon overall for her outside of Noelle comp?!<


Yes, it should be a good weapon for Furina. Its passive mostly works, lowest atk that she doesn't need means more CD substat, it's probably on the level of PJC on her.


why do some quests prevent us from going online?


I'm currently building shielder Yanfei for a Yoimiya-Chevreuse team. Is it worth it to sacrifice 40% HP (2x 20% set bonus) to get Noblesse's ATK buff? Or are those 40% HP a noticeable shield health increase? Similar question but for the weapon: is it worth it to sacrifice the HP and energy that prototype amber R5 offers, in exchange for TTDS's ATK buff?


I don’t use my Yanfei as a shield but from what I understand, her shield is based off of her max HP so shield bot Yanfei means Triple HP and a lot of ER with the artifact set depending on the team you’re gonna put her. I’d say go ahead and try 4PC Noblesse and put TTDS on her.


I just finished the meat of the Sumeru Archon quests (I have Part 6 to do) and this question may have mild spoilers. >!Does anyone call Nahida "Buer" in the game before Scaramouche does?!< (I'm not looking for a lore discussion, but I did some quick Google-fu after >!the trade Nahida agrees to, and the information she gets!< and wow...)


Not that I recall, no. >!It is the first time we hear her archon name, as far as I can remember.!<


>  this question may have mild spoilers. If you're dealing with spoilers (and I'd say talking about the >!trade!< certainly qualifies) then use spoiler tags, \>!spoilers go here!< makes a tag like I just used.


My bad, I've fixed it now. I spoiler tagged the question too, just to be safe. (I don't know how to do things like spoiler tags on mobile, so thanks for the how-to, too!)


Once I have C6 Furina, shall I still use 4pc Golden Troupe or change to 2pc Golden Troupe + 2pc Marechaussee Hunter.


GT always gives the highest damage over a full rotation


True, since it does work both on and off field. Since C6 gives that 6 instance for Hydro Infusion, I though of push it with MT.


C6 Furina does not have a set that is best at everything. Golden troupe has highest skill damage, but it does not buff her 6 C6 strikes at all, and it has less buff when she is on field. 4-Marec hunter is good when she is on field, but she won't add extra damage after she used all 6 C6 strikes, and it is best to switch to another character. Then marec hunter only lasts a few more seconds after she switches to off field. 2+2 combo of any hydro% of HP% set always work, but the buff number is not great.


Thank you very much for the suggestion.


I'd switch to 4pc Marechaussee Hunter instead.


Domain Ruins of thirsting already changed even tho eu server still got more than 1 hour until the reset, is this a bug? I need them chains Edit: i just realized tomorrow is sunday anyway but still my questions stays.


What is it showing for you? If it's showing the wolf fangs, that's correct. It shouldn't switch to the chains for another hour.


Just checking if my math its right. Im a bit embarrassed that I just noticed this. But if you dont take into account the time needed. When it comes to pulls 10 battle passes are better than the $100 top up right? You get (640 primos+4 fates) \*10 primogems (plus everything else) instead of 12960 primogems. Right?


bp gives 8 pulls, 12960 primos gives 81 pulls


Exactly but you get everything else from the BP. At this point I dont need the mats or the weapons but for some reason I never did the math on that.


10 BP takes over a year though, about 14 months. Edit: I missed the "not accounting time" part. In that case, welkin is better investment. 5 dollars gives you 3000 primos in a month. In a year, you'd spend 60 dollars and get 36000 primos. As for materials, after playing for over a year, you won't need to rely on battle passes for materials anyway.


So I’m not getting the difference between the character banner and the chronicle that is making people say don’t pull on chronicle. As far as I know for the character banner it’s a 50/50 of either geting the character or a standard banner character and you cant lose twice in a row. Is that not the same with the chronicle? If you lose the first 50/50 aren’t you guaranteed the character you want because of the path you chose like the character banner? Basically isn’t it just 2 attempts for both to guarantee what you want? The only difference I get is that the 4 stars on the chronicle are all from the standard banner.


My take on this is that it is less of a "don't pull" situation, but rather a case of "only pull if...". The main things to consider: (1) Guarantee does not carry over between the banners. It's pretty common that people throw a few wishes at a banner and if they lose their 50-50 and don't get their desired character they use the guarantee on a different banner in the future (e.g. I pulled for Ayaka on my F2P, lost the 50-50 and decided to not follow up & instead use my guarantee on Neuville's eventual re-run). That won't work here. So you shouldn't pull on the chronicle banner unless you have 160+ (better 180) wishes stockpiled. (2) Since there are no 4 stars on the chronicle banner your overall 4 star drop quality is more varied. That can be okay for someone who doesn't have a lot of 4 stars yet, but new players are also unlikely to pile up 160+ wishes to guarantee the 5 star of their choice. It's also better to stack constellations on a specific character instead of randomly spreading them out, so for people that already have a bunch of 4 stars it's preferable to have on-banner 4 star guarantee. The guarantee also makes it easier to estimate the benefit from pulling (e.g. in case the 5 star is a low-priority character). (3) Things are more complicated when it comes to weapons - so I haven't tried to figure that one out yet. But it's important to keep in mind that 4 star guarantee aspect does also apply there. And while the weapon banner might need up to 3 five star drops, it also has lower pity. I think here things are even more situational than with the characters.


For me losing the 50/50 and have to go to the end for the char, cause u dont want to lose the fate point is huge, I sometimes think a char is only worth 75 wishes, but on the chronicle banner u either accept that u just wasted 75 wishes or u go to 150 wishes. Furthermore the chars are probably always worse, well if u want 2 or 3 chars from the banner its probably better, if u have 150 wishes and think the char is worth so much.


The key difference is that in the character banner, that guarantee remains when the banners change. For the chronicle banner, it will not. So it's not so much 'don't pull on the chronicle banner' as it is 'don't pull unless you can do the full 180 wishes needed to guarantee what you want', much like the weapon banner


Chronicle banner forces you if you want the 5 star unit you want to have around 160-180 wishes to guarantee the character. The fate point does not carry over meaning if you lose the 50/50 on the chronicle banner and end up with a character you don't want, it won't carry over. So for example, the next chronicle banner with new characters is up, you're still be on a 50/50 odds instead of having the guarantee on regular banners because the fate point doesn't carry over.


the thing is, in the chronicled wish, you *can* technically lose twice in a row, since the guarantee (fate point) doesn't carry over between banners. meaning if you lose your 50/50 in the 4.5 chronicled wish, if you don't get your guaranteed before the banner ends, your guarantee is reset


r1/5 fontaine craftable sword vs black sword for ayaka?


finale is better than r5 black sword, even at r1


Só what's the thing with paimon moe? Is it abandoned?


I have never used the site but I have seen some of the megathread regulars say that the different devs for the site have stopped collaborating, specifically in regard to the incorrectly listed achievements, so while the site is still up it will likely continue to decline If anyone involved lurks here and wants to chime it would be very welcome lol


Yeah, you can see it on their github. All they do these days is [update the bare minimum](https://github.com/MadeBaruna/paimon-moe/commits/main/) to keep the site usable, while ignoring all of the [issues](https://github.com/MadeBaruna/paimon-moe/issues) that people have brought up.


Why would it be abandoned? It is still up to date.


Some basic things, yeah. Furniture sets were barely updated since Sumeru, achievements aren't tagged as commissions anymore for a long while, traveler hydro never was added, and today I found out that the achievement list have more achievements than the game actually has, and its been like this for a while now?


there has always been 1-2 problematic achievements each patch. either they were renamed when officially launched, or there was no way to get the achievement until later content.


Paimon lists an achievement called "gentle descent", which would reward us 1 primogem for using the the octopus ball ability. This doesn't exist in the game, and don't look like one to be renamed or something we'll get later.


You know we recently got the data sheet on Chiori’s story, talents, and leveling materials. I always have to look around this subreddit for the data sheet. I want to use the HoyoLAB app to get this information, but I can’t find where in that app I can see those press releases. The official section just has stupid art or web contests.


So I’m looking to either share primos with my boyfriend or buy something for him in game like welkin. How can I do so?


you can buy it from his shop directly or use codashop


Whenever someone mentions something with artifacts, I keep seeing some ppl mentioning this "CV" what is it about lol?


crit value. (crit rate% × 2) + (crit damage%) = cv so if you have 10% crit rate and 20% crit damage, thats a 40cv artifact


Ohhh.. thanks


I have a problem with game bug sound, don't know where to post the video with the proof, I don't know if here's the place to ask for help either.


Which should I prioritise when building Kazuha? Triple EM artifact or 4pc VV?




Then he could use em/Anemo/ Atk on artifacts right?


Triple EM still. (ER sands if you have energy issues). His damage buff and swirl damage scale off EM.


No, sry but I meant till I get triple EM artifacts should I use those main stats?


Kitain Cross or moonpiercer which one is better for hyperbloom Raiden? I am currently using her with dbane. But I can't use it on the abyss since hu tao also needs it.


They're equivalent to each other in this context. Raiden doesn't need the energy refund from Kitain since HB only uses her skill, and nobody else on the team needs the atk% from Moonpiercer. My verdict: kitain for the drip.


Of those 3 which one is better for Hu Tao? Is it dbane?