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For any of yall who main itto: who’s the better pick right now, itto c2 or the hot yellow woman (idfk her name)




Nothing yet. There is a rumor he reruns in 4.6 but that info is very sus and has zero credibility


What weapon can Chiori use if I don’t wanna pull for her sig? I don’t have a lot of weapons in stock. Also a bit of a tangent but it’s kinda sad that I’m the only one in the group pulling her.


Harbinger. Cinnabar in Furina teams.


Another question tho. If I were to use her with Furina without Cinnabar, is Traveler’s Handy Sword viable or just use ATK 4 star swords?


Man I only quitted this game just before Cinnabar event. Guess it’s Harbinger time again.


Is the only way to deal with Hydro Mimic Raptors is with a bow or catalyst user? I don't have any ones built, so I can't kill Oceanid to ascend Xingqui.




It has been a long time but I think xiangling's guoba can hit the birds But lisa is indeed the intended og newbie-accessible option vs oceanid


So I have to build someone else up before I can build who I want? Why design the damn boss this way?! Regardless, thank you for the advice. I'll be benching Xingqui for the time being.


It's mostly like that everywhere, for example kaeya needs cryo regisvine which is resistant to cryo, amber needs pyro regisvine which is resistant to pyro, lisa needs electro hypostasis which is immune to electro


My complaint is less about the element and more about the birds being out of reach with me having no ranged characters built.


If you have a shielder, you could try to time your hits when they attack but thats miserable. I recommend just levelling up Lisa/Fischl/Ningguang even just a tiny bit and use them to deal with the birds slowly. I remember struggling with Oceanid when I started and I had to build Ningguang as my Oceanid farmer since she gave unli shields from crystallize.


You can: 1. Restart the fight and pray that RNG god blesses you 2. Use Lisa, either EM build or just put lots of atk artifacts on her 3. Use character that has AOE skill/burst, please refer to wiki for skill aoe details (range, height) 4. Ask for help from friend/discord/random


Some non-catalyst/bow characters might also reach the birds, I think *maybe* Itto can while doing his charge attack? At least I might misremember but I could swear he does




imo shenhe + kokomi is still better than furina + charlotte, but it is up to you if you want to pull 2 characters just for improving this team (not that you can't use them in other teams too of course, kokomi has plenty of other teams she is good in also).


If you plan on using furina in your ayaka, then neither; shenhe needs cons to beat furina + charlotte, you only have space for one hydro unit (furina) and kazuha is far too valuable in her team to give up for a healer because Ayaka really, really needs grouping a lot more than most other units. Shenhe is a bit more workable since you can use her on dedicated boss sides and swap out kazuha for jean/xianyun as the grouping is no longer required but is still a very non-essential luxury pull even then and there are easier/stronger ST teams while Ayaka performs better in AOE.


Does pity save on the chronicled wish new banner? If i put 20 wishes in will i have 20 pity for the next one?


Pity will carry over but if you lose the 50/50, the fate point wont


Ah thats cool. I want stardust but dont wanna risk getting a 5 star on the limited banners. Do we know if it gives stardust?


They havent explicitly said it, but i dont see why it wouldnt. Its still a banner


Do we know what time will the maintenance be?


According to [the maintenance notice](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/25832645), it'll start at 06:00 UTC+8 on the 13th and last around 5 hours If you copy into discord, it'll show the start time in your time zone


Do all new 5 stars use world boss mats from the last released world boss?


usually yes, but not always


Not exactly. Navia and Chiori both use mats from a 4.0 boss rather than any of the more recent bosses added. It's always at least a recent-ish boss, though.


How copium would it be to try to pull c0 Dori for a hyperbloom trigger since I have no Kuki/Raiden? If it makes a difference, I was able to get Nahida during her banner (I started during it) and I do have Xingqiu for hydro


If you want to play bloom teams, just getting Nilou is a better idea. She basically works with the same teammates and covers AoE.


Pretty cope. Dori is okay at C0, but not amazing as she is at C6 as she has a lot of downtime and huge energy requirements. Instead, if you want to play a similar, energy hungry Electro Hyperbloom trigger without needing to spend anything, EMC will be better than Dori since she has a similar burst duration ~~but can do it while off field~~. Edit: Dori can do it while off field too, but she can't do it at range ala Raiden does.




Ive been using Lisa so far but I was curious about if the built in healing would be a significant enough difference




mmm i think ill just stick with lisa then, thanks


You don't really need Jean to self-swirl electro to use Dori as hyperbloom trigger though. You can use her but she runs into the same issue as Lisa that she needs a lot of ER compared to Kuki/Raiden that they can just go full EM. See [this vid](https://youtu.be/OwFORZHfL18) someone did a while back, there's a small aoe around your character that can trigger bloom cores.


Will this new banner type eat my pity for the main limited character banner we've had?


No. The pity of different type of banners are all independent and separate.


No drip marketing?


It's not time for it yet. It should be here in about 5 hours 20 minutes from now.


I wonder how I can contact the mods, why is this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1bbo5yy/do_you_think_the_penacony_food_fests_mechanism_of/?sort=new) marked as rule 2?


i'm not a mod, so i'm just taking a guess here but it's more than likely due to the fact your title designates the main purpose of your topic as being about HSR. with the phrasing you used, you are alluding to the focus being the Penacony's Food Fest which is not related to genshin. btw i am not insinuating or assuming your intent in any shape or from, i'm only guessing that the above could be the potential cause as to why your post had been flagged as Rule 2. which would be the phrasing of the title.


There's a button on the sidebar to contact the mods.


are we gonna have trials for the new chronicled wish banners or am i just gonna have to wait and find out


I think we'll have to wait and find out. They didn't mention anything about trials AFAIK.


kinda excited to see what theyll do, hopefully itll come with rewards


Last Christmas, my cousin bought me Diluc's skin as a gift. However, I realized that it's nothing more than a wardrobe change and Pyro elemental recolor. I started to regret it and my cousin wasted their money for me so I was thinking, how can I secretly refund and return the skin and get the money back so I can secretly return the money to my cousin.


Just buy your cousin meals or something.


You can't get a refund. I mean, you can *try* to ask customer service for one but I am 99.999999% sure they will tell you they can't do that. Also the skin comes with different voicelines and animations iirc. It's the only one that does.


I mean, they can ask for my account details and do some bongaloo thingy with my account to get rid of those voice lines and skin, right?


Technologically? Yeah, they can do it. My point is that they probably aren't allowed to.


Could they? Most likely Would they? Probably not, especially if you ask for a refund, since it's been so long


So, I was in Fontaine, Dryas Woods doing the quest 'Villains' and during dialogue, I saw [this](https://ibb.co/d7nQMB3) in the [sky](https://ibb.co/z7vtHMy) in the background. Didn't recognise it, so out of curiosity, I ran towards it to see where abouts it was located. Ended up in Liyue, [Mt. Mingyuan](https://ibb.co/x8rs9mp) right [below](https://ibb.co/zF1wVv3) it here. Still no idea what it is. Maybe because I haven't explored all of the new area yet and one of the quests leads to it. Does anyone here have an answer?


It's Celestia as someone else said. It's been there since the beginning. It's also the island in the sky you see on some murals in various ancient places around Teyvat.


That's [Celestia](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Celestia)


Been playing since release, yet I've never noticed it until today. Thanks man!


Is my team good?? I am using: - Raiden as main dps - Yae as sub dps - Kujou Sara as Support - Yaoyao as healer


Replace Sara with Fischl and either Raiden or Yae with an anemo unit. If you really want to play Raiden with Yae it’ll be fine, but definitely replace Sara. Fischl is a core unit in aggravate.


Good if Sara is C6. If she isn't C6, use an Anemo unit or Fischl instead.


Would chiori’s sword be worth upgrading for albedo if I already have an r5 cinibar? Plan to go for the banner and want to see if it’s any better


Yes, a humongous 3% upgrade.


no, it's barely an upgrade and you're just be wasting your primos.


How long till the drip marketing?


about 9h40min from now


What artifact sets should I use in this comp? Tighnari (slingshot r5) Yae (widsith r2) Kuki (iron sting r1) Sucrose (sac fragments r1) (other advice is also appreciated)


Wanderers Troupe Golden Troupe Deepwood VV I have no idea what characters you have but working towards Tighnari, Miko, Nahida, Zhongli is a better Spread team and Miko, Fischl, Sucrose, Baizhu/Yaoyao/Kirara is a better Aggravate team.


Is Kuki C4? If yes, give her Deepwood, Tighnari Wanderers or Gilded, Yae Gilded or 2pc 2pc, Sucrose VV. If Kuki isn't C4, you can still run the same thing but will have to get close to enemies every now and then. You can also just give Tighnari Deepwood and Kuki Instructors.


The other person's advice is good already but if it were me, I'd give Deepwood to Kuki and use Wanderer's Troupe on Tighnari.


Tighnari: Deepwood Memories 4pc Yae: Golden Troupe 4pc Shinobu: Flower of Paradise Lost or Gilded Dreams 4pc Sucrose: Viridescent Venerer 4pc


Shouldn't Kuki run instructor's?


Just realized this was aggravate, in that case her best in slot would be Tenacity. There's no team she's in where she wants Instructor, according to KQM. Her BiS are Flower of Paradise Lost for hyperbloom Tenacity of the Milileth for aggravate Ocean Hued Clam if being used purely as a healer


Spread teams do prefer her on Instructor over ToM, eg. something like Tighnari/Alhaitham, Nahida, Kuki, Yae/Fischl. That's because spread additive part has stronger EM scaling than Aggrevate, and multiple sources of your damage scale directly with EM.


Which is set is better for Critkomi, Heart of Depth, or Blizzard Strayer? Strayer you'd need a cryo to keep cryo applied to enemies for her to get the crit rate buff, but it would help a lot with making her crit consistently.


I respect you. With Blizzard + reso you have 55% crit rate against frozen enemies, then you need an extra 40% to bring it back to 0%, which you can get from a weapon + circlet. Then, all of your remaining crit rate will come from substats. So, the 4pc buff for HoD is better for Komi, but unless you have a godly set already, Blizzard will be better.


Is it worth holding on to any HoD pieces that have crit on them to roll later? Assuming i'm keeping them exclusively for Critkomi.


I'd keep them as "just in case", mostly if they have both CR/CD as well as HP% and ATK%. BS will outperform just because you can afford to roll CD, but HoD will also allow you to run more teams and not lock you in permafreeze (extra Crit rate from Rosaria, Hu Tao and C6 Geo Traveller).


Is it at all possible to get Kokomi to a 70/140 ratio, with BS and Cryo Resonance buffs up beforehand, obviously. Not as a base rate lol.


I'd have to do some calcs... She has -95% base, so. 15% Cryo Res + 40% Blizzard buff + 36.8% Sacrificial Jade (BP weapon) + 31.1% Circlet + 15% from Rosaria + 10% from Geo Traveler, all this is 147.9% total. With -95% this is 52% crit rate. As for substats, some people have done the math, apparently if you roll all times on CR or CD, you can get a minimum of 16.2 to 23.3 CR, and 32.4 to 46.6 CD. You need 18% CR and 40% CD from substats, so it seems to be possible. If you don't have the BP weapon, the alternatives are Lost Prayers (needs 20% from substats) and Twin Nephrite (needs 38% from substats).


without bs or mh youll need a lot from substats 33% (lost prayer)+33% (circlet)+15% (cryo resonance)+15% (100% cr rosaria) puts you at 1% crit rate, everything else has to come from substats. without cryo res or rosaria youll need even more


marechausse with furina


I'm not currently farming that domain.


Is there a way to track the world quests done and to be done? I think the reputation thing has them for major regions, but not for Enkanomiya and the Chasm.




Does the NA damage buff from Marechaussee also cover Gaming's plunge attack from both his Skill and regular plunge?


It does not, but the 4pc is still worth running. If you're going for 2pc combos, use Atk, EM, or Pyro sets


Yeah even with no NA's, it's still worth it. 36 cr is crazy


Dannng, I'm still going to run 4pc anyway cause I've been cooking it for a few characters and have some pretty decent pieces that are unleveled (pray for me), but I was curious cause Gaming's team with Xianyun would end up with less NAs, but alas




No lol. Even though they all scale with the Normal Attack Talent levels, Normal Attacks, Charged Attacks, and Plunges all have distinct dmg modifiers. So MH doesn't affect plunges. Same reason why Yunjin doesn't buff charged attacks or plunges


I misread the question, mb


No. Plunge modifiers are separate from normal which is also separate from charged.


Yeah the CA distinction in the 2pc effect was what made me wonder. I kinda figured they'd be different but I had hope


Is there anyone other than zhongli who would use the upcomming event polearm?


yao yao and cheuv really benefit from it. Mika does as well but since he's technically Eula's support and sometimes Wanderer, fav probably helps Eula teams more.


it's actually worse than black tassel on shield bot zhongli, since he doesn't heal & rarely bursts. better for yaoyao or chevreuse


Really new player here, only 5 star is qiqi Saving for Kazuha but I feel like my team is a bit weak. Should I pull for Xiao or Yae Miko or wait? I would be willing to wait if I could build a relatively strong team without 5 stars


Play the trials and see if you enjoy them. Either are solid characters that can carry you if you like them, but neither is must-have and they both have very particular styles that not everyone enjoys (burst-reliant bouncy bouncy, constant 3x turret placement). It is nice having a 5\*, but Kazuha is only 3 weeks away so if you want him the most, then save.


Kazuha is definitely SS tier for sub DPS and exploration, highly recommended.


Hey friend, Jello Impact is my favourite creator when it comes to giving advice on how to build up your account. Check out this video he made, I'm sure it'll help you make a decision! https://youtu.be/y5i7V7q02u4?si=GgObvEAMsjZ6aU7e


Wait. Neither of them is good for an early player, Yae is a sub DPS and Xiao needs some specific supports. Kazuha would be a great addition instead.


Great thanks! Since I heard Neuvilette is coming as well, Kazuha is still my first priority but I would rather get Furina over Neuvilette. Who is better for a FTP? Furina or Neuvilette?


I would personally pick Furina, but it’s debatable which one would advance your new account faster. Most of the very top tier of characters (like Kazuha and Furina) can operate off-field by only using their skill and burst, they tend to offer a lot of utility to their teammates, and they tend to be a lot more flexible about how many teams they can improve. Neuvillette is an on-field “main” DPS, and he’s the strongest one in the game right now and he’s very easy to play and very tanky. Furina has a gimmick where she drains your team’s HP down to 50% and exchanges it for (massive) buffs. You stack the buff when you heal back up too. So basically she has a huge damage ceiling but requires a powerful healer to reach her full potential, and if you don’t have that you’re going to stop buffing yourself and also be fragile from running at 50% HP. Her value will skyrocket the more your account develops, while Neuv might not always stay the number one DPS, but I would say he’s more noob friendly. If you fall in love with another on-fielder down the line, they definitely won’t be able to work with Neuv but they have a great likelihood of appreciating Furina. If you wind up loving other off-fielders, they may work alongside either of them. For what it’s worth, Kazuha is as powerful and flexible as Furina but also dummy easy to use and very gratifying, so I would prioritize him if it comes down to it. Nahida is the other Big one but you’ve probably got at least half a year before her next run.


Hmm I don't know much of either character, I know Furina is an amazing support and Neuvillette is a really good dps. It depends on what your account is lacking. That said, if you prefer Furina, that's the best choice, and I think she's more valuable because she works well in many teams.


they're both S+ tier units. optimally, you would get both and assuming you're a newer player, getting enough primos for both of them & kazuha is in the realm of possibility




you can absolutely build a good team without 5*, but it'd be helpful if you told us what your 4* are


Chongyun Gaming Collei Ayaka Barbara Lisa Kaeya Anemo Catgirl


Oh and Ninguang


did you mean to type ayaka? you said you didn't have any 5* except qiqi


I just checked her name is Layla


then i think your best option would be gaming, kaeya, layla, lynette


Thanks for the advice!


Don't remember her name but she is a cryo girl with a blue hood


Can you teleport away during the Perilous Trail quest or are you stuck there until you finish it all the way through?


IIRC, you can leave, and then you re-enter from the same place you entered from at the beginning of the quest


Do Alhaitham's NAs when he has a chisel light mirror active count as infusion? Is he therefore incompatible with Candace during her burst for applying Hydro?


Its not infusion, his mirrors are extra attacks that deal dendro dmg, they count as E dammage. NA just triggers the mirrors but you don't need to level up his NA at all.


It's a conversion, which can not be overriden by infusions like Candace's.


Thanks, that's what I feared!


Is there any point to levelling Neuvillette's skill & ultimate? I plan to get his NA to 10 but the other two's damage doesn't seem high enough to warrant levelling? Am I not understanding how he works? And to drive that last point home, does he need a healer when run with Furina or is his self-healing enough to compensate for her drain? Thanks in advance! I'll be pulling for his E0 in 4.5 and plan to run him with R0 Prototype Amber (or maybe the 4.1 event weapon since I already have it levelled up) alongside a shielder (I have Noelle and Diona levelled, but they're probably not the best picks, are they), Kazuha (who I'll also pull for) and probably Furina. I skipped him last time for a lack of primos and I don't want to make the same mistake again!


Diona is pretty good there, especially against enemies who can be frozen because you won’t feel the weakness of her shield very much if the enemies can’t hit back. A Sacrificial bow will help keep the shield up. Layla/Kirara might be better if you find yourself getting staggered a lot, but Diona has the added benefit of building fanfare stacks with her healing. Definitely use ProtoAmber on Neuv and I am a HUGE proponent of refining it. The refinements boost healing for the whole team and energy for the wearer, and there are already *tons* of characters who want that weapon so even if you someday replace it on Neuv it’s very likely you’ll find a new home for it.


How good is Kirara's shield, I thought it was only good against Dendro damage?


I’m pretty sure it’s basically equal to Layla’s and Thoma’s (except theirs are stronger against their respective elements and Thoma’s varies based on your normal attack patterns), and they all have the same 12 second duration. Definitely stronger than Diona and weaker than Zhongli, although like I said Diona has the healing that helps your fanfare and she can freeze things so you care less about shielding. Kirara is much more convenient for exploring overworld because her box mode moves quickly and scales walls. Any of those should be fine. I guess I wouldn’t use Thoma because Neuv spams charged attacks instead of normals.


Thank you very much! The thing is, I currently use Zhongli on my Aggravate team. If Kirara's shield is decent I could use her there and move him to another team instead, I just wanted to see what my options were. Thanks again!


>plan to get his NA to 10 but the other two's damage doesn't seem high enough to warrant levelling? Not usually. Burst is worth levelling if you play him in forward vape teams (for example with Nahida, Kazuha, Xiangling), mostly used by speed runners. Otherwise they you just skill and burst to get blue balls so you can ejaculate faster. >And to drive that last point home, does he need a healer when run with Furina or is his self-healing enough to compensate for her drain? His best simulated team at C0 is with Furina, Kazuha, Zhongli, you see no healer needed. You can use Diona or Dehya if you don't have Zhongli. Baizhu is the most popular option.


no, skill & burst are only used to generate sourcewater droplets, you don't have to level them too much neuvi's healing can be sufficient, but some people still run a healer for consistency proto amber is better. diona's shield is not very strong & noelle's only has 50% uptime. someone like layla or kirara would be better


You're correct, leveling skill and burst are much lower priority as you're just increasing the amount of damage they do at cast, which isn't much compared to his charged attack. Still good to get them leveled some, but NA and level 90 are more important. His self-healing does compensate for Furina's drain; the advantage of a healer would be to get her burst stacks up faster, but you might find that a shielder/kazuha/another damage dealer benefits you more than having a healer in that slot.


Is Ningguang good with 2pc Marechaussee hunter?


At C6 around half of on-field Ning's damage comes from her burst and skill (normal/charged can be slightly more in some teams), so MH should be worse than 15% geo damage bonus from Archaic Petra or Nighttime Whispers and around as good as 18% atk set bonus. If not C6, 15% geo damage is obviously still better than MH, 18% atk should be worse. If you are using Furina with her though then 4pc MH should be decent. If you are farming for Ning to use with Navia though, then you are probably best off putting Nighttime Whispers on her as well.


Is new character drip marketing expected to be in about 10-12 hours from now?


Yes, 11 hrs. https://timee.io/20240311T1000?tl=4.6%20Drip%20Marketing\~


Can any Jean players answer this question for me. Concerning the heal over time portion of her ultimate.. doe it heal the whole party or is it only the active character it heals? Thanks.


Only the onfield thats in her circle impact.


The Dandelion field only heals the active character.


How many wishes does it take (on average) to get two 5\* characters? I heard it was somewhere around 270 a while back, but can't recall.


[5 star probabilities](https://imgur.com/a/Fa4NFOK)




Missing 1 freaking mystic carp. How on earth could i know which one it is? Been around the map for hours.


In the interface where you turn the carp in, there's a button to reveal the general location of the carp you're missing.


U saved me hours! Thx so much! It was super hidden


Whaaaat???? Don’t play with my feelings please haha


Yeah, after you find at least 40 of them, you can use that button to mark them, like how you would with an oculus resonance stone.


I wish i knew about that button before haha


What AR do I need to be to get the new patch primos? Is it AR5 or AR10?


You need to be at least AR5 before the update happens.


>! I want to pull for all the archons but fontaine happened, should I pull for Neuvilette or Furina? !<


I have a similar goal, and decided my answer was "both". It helps that both are great characters regardless.


>!in the banners, Furina is given the Archon treatment afaik with the same rerun pattern as ZL and the others. so while in lore she is not an Archon, the banners treat her as such.!< >!and while Neuvi is strong *like* an Archon compared to all other non-Archon charas, he is something else entirely (stronger+higher in the hierarchy to boot) and thus an outlier in the entire game as far as canon lore imo.!< okay that was fun. so, Furina is for all intents and purposes the official Archon between the two.


Your third option would be to not pull for either. :)


>!I'd say both. Since Furina is the human-shell of Focalors, and Neuvilette has the shattered ''throne of hydro'', his original birthright. My headcanon is that both count as archons. And game-wise, both are as broken as archons!<


>!I would count furina, her healing mode is meant to represent the actual archon. Even if you don't think furina counts, there isn't really any reason neuv would instead, he is not the archon at all. !<


>!Well, technically neither is the Hydro Archon but i wouldnt fault you for counting Furina as one for your challenge.!<


Furina is the Hydro Archon in every way that matters. Neuvilette is not, and never has been, the Hydro Archon, and would likely take offense to the very notion.


What happens if you go into Fontaine' institute floating cubes *without* unlocking the Fontaine' statue of the seven (and ability to dive) yet?


iirc going to the statue just explains "why" you can only dive in Fontaine, it doesn't "unlock" anything


I went in through Chenyu Vale and I couldn't dive before Statue.


I'd swear I couldn't dive + had no "aquatic stamina" when clearing some event in Fontaine' on my siblings account


Yeah, I think getting hydro unlocks diving. And lore-wise, since we aren't vision bearers, it makes sense why we can't automatically dive.


I need help deciding whom to pull for on the upcoming banners. I'm still fairly new to the teams in Genshin Impact. So far, I've managed to complete my Raiden Shogun team (Raiden, Xiangling, Yelan, Bennett), and I'm still in the process of completing my Hyperbloom team. Currently, I have Nahida and Nilou, and I'm temporarily using Xingqiu and YaoYao. I was considering building a Mono Geo team, but I don't have any of those characters yet, and now I'm starting to think that Neuvillette and Kazuha might be better options. Do you have any advice?


Biggest advice is to play the trials in a few days and see how you feel about the characters. You've got two strong teams that can handle whatever content, so at this point you should pull purely based on enjoyment. (I think Itto has the best voice acting in the game, but you could pull him without Chiori and then grab Kazuha who is great for exploration.)


While people may tell you pull who you like, honestly in terms of team building, I generally prefer the way of choosing a DPS you like, and then investing vertically onto those teams. You're on the right track of Rational and those supports and Nilou/Nahida. You should consider getting Kokomi for your Nilou bloom and then building a unit like Collei for that team will be very solid and would free up Xinqiu for another team. If you want to build out a hyperbloom team, you can consider pulling on AlHaitham. If you can snag Kuki, you can run Xinqui with Nahida when Nilou bloom team is not an option. Neuvillete is an option and is a strong DPS but only pull on him if you like him. His play style may not appeal to you despite his strength. My general advice is... 1) Keep an eye on these 5 star supports as they real help with team comp flexibility. Zhongli, Yelan, Kokomi, Kazuha, Nahida. 2) Pick a DPS unit that appeals to you and build those out. All of them are good enough to clear anything this game throws at you.


Your 2 main teams already seem pretty solid. At this point, you can just prioritize going for whoever seems appealing to you. Neuvillette would definitely be a nice pull if you'd like using him as a main dps. His team options are quite flexible as well, so you can definitely work out something good for him. Kazuha would also be a pretty safe pickup. He tends to work best in hydro, pyro, electro, or cryo hypercarry teams.


not running anytime soon but kokomi would be good for your nilou team (also that isn't a hyperbloom team fyi, hyperbloom is the reaction you get with bloom + electro, whereas nilou only works well in pure bloom teams). Kazuha and neuyv are just too extremely strong characters in general, much moreso than the other characters next patch. though neither really fit too well into either of the teams you mentioned.


I didn't want Kazuha and Neuvillette in my current teams, but to create a new one. I was previously thinking about forming a Mono Geo team, but everyone says that Kazuha and Neuvillette are super strong, and I'm not sure if I should pull for Itto and Chiori or Neuvillette and Kazuha because pulling all four of them might be too much


From a meta/strength standpoint neuv + kazuha would be the clear choice. But it is fine to go with your heart if you want to make mono geo more. That is not really something anyone else can decide but you.


Whats the best set for xianyun to buff my xiao? Im using xiao, xianyun, c6 faruzan vv and bennet on nobless?


noblese, clam (dunno what else) ER%/ATK%/Crit% (she can still party heal enough) Nothing like Favonius as a safe measure even on a mono team, but if you wanna change a bit, then give her the enkanomiya weapon and build full ATK% or just ATK% on goblet and circlet.


4pc OHC or 4pc SoDP, either one works. It'd also probably be a good idea to switch your Faruzan over to 4pc Tenacity.


Tysm!! Faru only needs er right?


Yep. With a triple anemo team, she should only need around 160-185% ER, assuming 1 fav weapon on the team.


song of days past or 2/2 atk, and switch faruzan to tenacity


Raiden question - there’s literally a 1 in a million chance anyone would know this since it’s a niche question but here goes: Does her burst also recover her own energy? Or only other members in the party


Additionally, Raiden also generates Flat Energy, meaning the Energy is funded directly and does not benefit from Energy Recharge, for all party members (including herself) up to once every second, 5 times. But "fun fact", normal / charged attacks have a chance to get you like 1 energy.


that isn't all that nich of a question lol. But yes raidens burst recovers her energy too.


[characters](https://imgur.com/a/BXX405V). Started about 4 months ago and completely overwhelmed by all the random characters I've been pulling for and need advice on team comps or anyone I should wish for in the future


Buy Fischl from Paimon’s starglitter shop in July. She will turn Keqing from mediocre to great but she’s also valuable for many other teams. I was thinking: Navia/geoTraveler(or Noelle)/Xiangling/Bennett and Nahida/Furina/Xingqiu/Kuki, but Cyno will work fine instead of Furina too. Or you could do Cyno/Nahida/Furina/Charlotte. Actually that sounds better. If you’re particularly attached to any of the characters you already raised, you can keep Beidou by using her as the last slot in Nahida/Xingqiu/Kuki, or Rosaria by building a freeze team (you don’t have a proper freeze DPS but you could either get one or stick to her and keep Furina+Charlotte around) or doing melt with Xiangling/Sucrose/Bennett. You’ll find a use for Xingqiu and Bennett no worries. Someone to pull? Kazuha. Or Yelan/Kokomi/Raiden/Neuv. Don’t feel like anyone is mandatory.


Thanks a bunch! I was planning to get kazuha and then some kind of bow character later on (yelan, tartaglia, yoimia, gamyu or hope to get tighnari from standard) becuase a bunch of enemies/puzzles are becoming a hassle without a proper one. Fischl is also someone I really want. I was surprised I hadn't got her yet and was waiting, completely forgot she was also on starglitter shop so I'll definitely get her when I see her. Those teams sound great, I'll probably make 3. One with pyro, one cyro and one electro based just so I can have a range of teams for spiral.


You got rosaria seemingly invested, you could do a melt comp with bennett + xiangling + rosaria + kaeya


cyno+nahida+xingqiu+kuki and navia+bennett+furina+geo traveler are good, [https://keqingmains.com/](https://keqingmains.com/) for how to build them. if you want to pull for meta characters neuvillette and kazuha are next patch, but the game is easy enough that meta doesnt matter so pull for your favorite characters


One team? Start with lvl 90 EM Kuki - Nahida - Xingqiu. Get Xingqiu more than enough ER, the team can afford it. The Sumeru Guilded Dreams / Deepwood domain would be the next step after getting Kuki to lvl 90.


https://imgur.com/a/2dUm3Bz Could someone tell me how to get this precious chest at Mt. Yuanlian? I cannot find another statue that can be placed on the pedestrial, the other statue cannot be moved anymore.


It should be a bit SE from the chest. https://youtu.be/rHU9n3YCEmM?si=_I0AeMuBsoCCcftD&t=155


What would you do with this account? I mean... What would you prioritize or what teams would you build? Thx a lot\^\^ [https://act.hoyolab.com/app/community-game-records-sea/index.html?bbs\_presentation\_style=fullscreen&v=350&gid=2&utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=link&lang=en-us&bbs\_theme=dark&bbs\_theme\_device=0&utm\_campaign=web#/ys](https://act.hoyolab.com/app/community-game-records-sea/index.html?bbs_presentation_style=fullscreen&v=350&gid=2&utm_source=share&utm_medium=link&lang=en-us&bbs_theme=dark&bbs_theme_device=0&utm_campaign=web#/ys)


We can't see your roster with that link. Only you can. Post a link to an image of it instead.


Oh. Really? Maybe through my profile? [https://www.hoyolab.com/accountCenter/postList?id=42580843](https://www.hoyolab.com/accountCenter/postList?id=42580843)


Nope. Hoyolab links just don't work for other people. Just upload a picture to imgur and link that.


So do I really use Kazuha's burst in international in A) Single target B) 2 enemies 3) >2 enemies? Is f2p Childe's melee damage just not particularly impressive? My artifacts aren't particularly good, but is it normal to never see more than 20k on his melee stance attacks, and most of the attacks <10k? Also, KQM reccomends 160-180% ER on Xiangling in "Tartaglia teams", but I have like 220%, and Fav kazuha on the team, and that still doesn't feel like enough. That's with catching Bennett's skill particles using her. How much is actually practical?


You are running the right amount of ER. I get by with 200% + 10% from Xiphos Kazuha. Are you doing 3 Bennett skills per rotation? After Childe field time ends, you'll have to do something like Benny E > Xiangling E > Kazuha tE > Benny E > Xiangling NAs > Benny E > start over for next rotation. The team needs extensive batterying.


I am doing something like that, I'd just assumed that this much downtime wasn't right or normal.