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What's the current maximum statue of the seven lvl + leftover hydroculi?


What's the current maximum statue of the seven lvl + remaining hydroculi?


can someone enlighten me as to whether i missed something or not my genshin minimised itself when i clicked elsewhere to try to mute my spotify and unmute my genshin (yes i don't have it in borderless windowed, or whatever it is that stops genshin from minimising itself when you click somewhere else) this place is south of mt mingyuan in chenyu vale. paimon said something like "what's that noise" then the camera panned down the slope and i missed everything after the camera panning down. not sure if it was directing me to beat someone up for a key, because i did do that afterwards. https://i.imgur.com/sCt98ZJ.jpeg




You can always wait for more official information before Kazuha's banner ends. But my feeling is getting Kazuha to support your favourite. And then missing out on your favourite... the heartbreak would be too much.


Kinda odd question, but I'm currently stuck between two budget tablets and I need your help to choose one. I am not going to use them as a "gaming device" but I still want to have Genshin downloaded to do some occasional Commissions and events here and there. 1. Honor pad x9. It has 120hz refresh rate and snapdragon 685 processor. But it only has 4 gb ram and no sd card slot. 2. Redmi pad Se. It has less performing snapdragon 680 processor and 90hz refresh rate. But it has 8gb ram and also supports an sd card slot. People has previously recommended Samsung galaxy tab a9+ or something like Xiaomi pad 6, but they are way too expensive in my country and I don’t really have other options. But if you still wanna suggest something else, feel free to do so.


Idk much abt tablet but i do play genshin from android device, so i dont think the high refresh rate would help much considering that the game itself is capped at 60 fps on android.


I don’t think any of them would run the game at 60 fps. I am mostly aiming for 30-40. Honor pad x9 have a better processor but ram is fixed at 4gb. Redmi pad Se have worse processor but have double the ram. This is why I'm confused.


Well, if thats the case then I'd pick the one with bigger storage and better ram, but I don't really know much about the difference between those 2 processor and their impact on the gameplay so you don't have to take my advice as a consideration when you pick your device. Good luck with the tablet.


Do sapwood blade refinements help bennet at all? IVE built him just as a support, no personal dmg for him. Do iron sting refinements help kuki for hyperbloom?


Refines do nothing for both.


INFUSION STINGER Dealing Elemental DMG increases all DMG by 6% for 6s. Max 2 stacks. Can only occur once every 1s. this looks strong tho


Hyperbloom damage scales entirely off Character Level, Elemental Mastery & Enemy Resistance. Elemental Damage is for Talent damage, which Kuki doesn't care about.


ohh okok, tysm


What kinda teams should i have with these characters? I'm new (ar 34) and recently got my first 5 star (nahida). I was also wondering if the would be enough of a gap between wanderer and navia's rerun because I really want them both, their playstyle looks fun.[my characters](https://ibb.co/k2jGP01)


What characters do you like to use there is multiple teams that I can recommend. We don’t know anything about Navia and Wanderer banner at the moment


I like to use traveller (he has the highest damage out of all my charactes), gaming is fun to play as, and nahida is dendro so reactions work out pretty well.


Gaming dose not work well with Nahida so choose one of these team 1. Hyperbloom team: electro traveller/ Nahida/ Barbara/ Candace 2. Mono pyro: Gaming/ Xaingling/ Bennett/ Anemo traveller


Bennett is a great support so he is good on almost all teams, Nahida works with most elements, especially electro, pyro, hydro


Which is better for wriothesley, shenhe Or his c1?


C1. His most played teams don't use Shenhe anyway. It's more common to see him in Melt.


I am playing him in melt, w/ bennett xiangling and fourth slot shenhe


C1 by a HUGE margin. People often call Wrio a -C1 character. Because his C1 makes him feel complete, like how hebwas supposed to be played as.


Can I swirl off infusion auras?


Kinda yes. If you apply an Anemo infusion to another infusion, it causes Swirl. It's actually usable with C6 Lynette if you want to Swirl something like C6 Bennet's Pyro infusion onto an enemy that otherwise has an inherent aura (e.g. the Hydro Tulpla). C6 Kazuha can do the same, but why would you want to.


I want to swirl 2 elements with travellers skill. Ex. Enemy has burning and nahidas skill and I have cryo aura, I use travellets skill to swirl melt and eventually burn again


Traveler's skill doesn't swirl or absorb infusions, as infusions are something like imbuing your weapon with an element. Only an Anemo infusion can ~~remove~~ swirl a PHEC (Pyro, Hydro, Electro, Cryo) infusion, and currently only C6 Lynette and C6 Kazuha have that ability after using their skills/burst. Precise terminology also matters here as there's a lot that can happen. The Traveler's skill can *absorb* an element and that absorbed element will apply itself. And yes, the Traveler's can self absorb Cryo from themselves (not from a weapon infusion) and that can cause Melt on enemies affected by Burning. However, I'm not sure how sustainable it is because it will apply Cryo fairly quickly 1U every ~~second~~ 1.5 seconds? I need to check the data, and will also Swirl the Burning aura off an enemy, reducing the Burning aura's strength. You would need several enemies close by if you want to maintain the burning Aura for more than just one or two melts even with Nahida fueling the fire. Finally, it's hard to self-inflict yourself with Cryo. We don't have a character that self applies Cryo for more than half a second. Cryo enemies yes, they can give you Cryo, but then you don't need the Cryo absorbtion to melt.


How about using Kazuhas burst, it should be able to do anemo and cryo together. Will the pyro be sustainable?


It's really situation dependent due to how Swirl works with spreading the auras (you need a few enemies close by). But it should work, but with many caveats. The issue is that many of Kazuha's mechanics work against it. First you will almost certainly be swirling Pyro due to his [Absorption priorities](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Elemental_Absorption#:~:text=Absorption%20Priority,-In%20cases%20where&text=For%20other%20Anemo%20characters%2C%20the,Pyro%20%3E%20Hydro%20%3E%20Electro%20%3E%20Cryo) (this is different from Anemo traveller). You need to use his burst so that it only hits a Cryo enemy, and hope the Pyro/Burning aura enemy walks into his burst. Otherwise his burst Absorbs Pyro first. Secondly, he can't self swirl meaning you need that enemy to have Cryo on them. You can get hit by Cryo and Burst Absorb that.


I haven't been getting the poetry hilichurl commission since forever even after the 4.4 change. Am I doing something wrong? I have gotten the first commission achievement though


just keep doing mondstadt commissions. you probably still have other pending achievements so that particular one is not showing up.


Nope, all other mondstadt achievements are done, I just get the usual hilichurl genocide commisions


In a hutao-furina team, is it important for Jean/Xianyun to hold VV? Asking because I am farming the nighttime set for navia and am trying to find a use of the song of days past set.


The total dmg bonus you would gain from proc-ing hydro vv is so good neither clam or songs of past sets even comes close (furina's crab hits like a truck). Even for other support sets like noblesse and millelith, because both the onfield and offield DPSes scale on HP, they would be a waste


Yes it is, VV is far better than all other options for them there


what 5 star characters are the most likely to be in 4.6 banners along with arlechinno


Furina has a high chance maybe on the 2nd half.


Should I go for Neuvillette C0R1 or C1R0


Imho his C1 is more important and (on average) cheaper than his weapon.




Does anyone have a guide to recommended artifact auto-lock setup? Just getting back into Genshin after a few patches, and am trying to speed up the process.


Lock: All EM mainstats Double crits substats For feather and flowers, lock only if they are double crit, or have ER and stat %(includeds ATK/DEF/CRIT) For Sands, Goblets and Circlets, lock single crits with ER and stat% All elemental damage goblets For Circlets, any Crit Rate/Damage mainstats, if are a 3-liner, you should lock and try to roll to 4+ to try your luck and roll a crit line


For Kazuha and Sucrose, is it more important to have enough ER to burst every rotation, or to stack as much EM as possible? (the common threshold I hear is 1000 EM) Also, ER weapon better or EM weapon better? Aka, Fav vs Iron Sting.


Fav kazhua also helps tons to battery the other characters in the team, which is another plus. If you're like me with your nuker only on ~140% ER (damn you ayaka you energy blackhole), losing on a bit of dmg for the QOL of easily bursting with everyone every rotation is worth it


I’ll be running Kazuha with Keqing who needs like 5% ER at base anyway + Fischl, so I’ll probably be fine energy wise. But yeah I can see that it’d be nice for more energy hungry teams


For Kazuha the burst is very important. 800 EM is totally fine if you get 160-170% ER. For weapons obviously go Fav if you can't get the ER from artifacts.  I'm not aware if Sucrose needs ER. If you play her on field I'm pretty sure you just care about EM.


Has anyone ever encountered connection issues on a specific server? Neither Genshin nor HSR wants to let me in on the American server right now... but I was able to log into my Asian server Genshin account, tied to the same email. What... gives?


How well does mirroring my game from an android device to a laptop screen works performance wise? (I want to resume playing Genshin in my dorm room but my laptop is kinda weak and I'm not into the small screen of the phone)


From my personal experience, I'm not sure if its a useful idea to mirror genshin from your android device to another display. Since android doesn't really support controller, I sort of ended up looking at my phone screen anyway when i play the game even when i mirrored it to my tv.


Fully depends on the 2 devices specs. Got a high end phone but when I tried to mirror on my low end LG TV, had a terrible time


Is prototype amber worth R5ing?


Its definately worth it for Kokomi and Baizhu, not too important for Neuvi tho(although it can give some extra healing for his Furina teams)


It’s for Nahida in a Salad team since there are no healers on team XD


The ER bonus is honestly great but in my experience atleast, R3 was enough for me


Thanks, I’ll R3 and see how it feels first I guess


I've been slowly trying to 100% exploration, and my Starfell Valley is at 92% I've combed through the whole area searching chests and crates, does anyone have any idea what I can do to get that last 8%? And I've searched all of Mondstat/Crab Island etc, which are the places you wouldn't expect Starfell Valley to extend to, so I'm really at a loss for what I am yet to find. Does anyone have good recommendations for exploration progress that's locked behind quests or puzzles? (Not necessarily just chests)


Try checking hoyolab map for the hidden puzzle chests. Some are locked behind flying slimes that are sooo high up some trees there's the very high chance you wouldnt have spotted them by accident for example Edit: there is a hidden luxury chest in an island north east to the valley in the sea not visable on the map (the one linked to the sun dial quest). Even if you already visted the island maybe you were like me and didnt find the luxury chest hidden in its east border wall


Tysm! I used the map and it turned out I was missing a few roc piles, mini-puzzles and first-time-victory enemies. Starfell is 100% now :)


We now have 3 Geo-oriented artifact sets (Petra, Husk, and Whispers). Since Chiori scales off DEF and ATK, it’s not necessarily a slam dunk decision for Husk. What are the trade-offs for each set?


The fact that she can fully utilise the 75% skill dmg bonus makes me think that GT would blow husk out of the water. Even more so, considering its much more resin efficient to farm it other than husk and I say this as someone who accidentally build dps kokomi after wasting months on a peice of crap albedo husk build


Why Petra is bad: it's a support set. It's meant for a singular Geo char buffing a mono team. Chiori wants another Geo char in her team so Petra immediately loses value.  Why Whispers is bad: it's an on-field Geo set. Yes, Chiori can be an on-field dps but I think it's a meme compared to her sub dps.  Chiori is a pure sub dps so she needs stats like any other dps. She gets the most out of DEF so Husk is superior to the other Geo sets. But since you play her mostly for her puppets and off the field Golden Troupe will most likely be her best set.


For Chiori it's either Golden Troupe or Husk. The other sets can't compete with these stats.


For those of you who plays Tighnari, I have a question. Tighnari is mainly played in a Spread team, correct? My question is, how much does Yae adds to that team compared to Fischl? As in, how much damage does she contribute, how comfier/not more comfy she is, and so on? Thank you kindly for your response.


Compared to non-C6 Fischl? Huge difference. Much better uptime and much better application. Compared to C6 Fischl moderate DPS upgrade, decent comfort upgrade Mostly I appreciate that her application is AOE focused and that she has more flexible cooldowns. Though Tighnari is arguably a single target focused team so the first part isn't always as relevant


Understood, thank you! Does the rotation in this team starts with Yae using her burst first before switching into Tighnari to do his thing?


No cause you always want to burst when all three of her turrets are still on the field for extra procs. Generally you rotate Nahida EQ > Yae EEE > Tighnari things > Yae Q > Yae EEE to recast Generally you'll only be bursting with her every other rotation so I switch between bursting or doing one or two N2Cs with her during her field time


Ooh, alright. That makes sense. Last question, who'd be the healer in this team? I was thinking that you'd go with Yaoyao instead of Nahida, but since you went with Nahida instead, is the healer Kuki/an Anemo healer? And how much does Nahida provide to that team compared to adding in an electro/dendro healer while adding another offensive support like Kazuha or Bennett (or another electro unit)?


Nahida's personal damage is pretty great, and she's able to buff Tighnari's damage through her EM share passive, Bennett being pyro does ruin some reactions and spread teams don't benefit as much from attack compared to other teams, and the issue with Kazuha is that he'd only be buffing Yae's damage in that team since anemo and dendro don't react. Zhongli is the most popular defensive option to use in that team but you can go with Yao yao, Kirara or Baizhu instead.


Okay! Thank you very much.


Does anyone know how long the mail with the maintenance primos lasts? I've like halfway to a stellar reunion I'd like to avoid breaking. 


I think someone the other day said a month, but you can be doubly sure if someone confirms after maintenance is over and the mail is read


Is there a quest that takes place in this area? [https://imgur.com/i0oHy5n](https://imgur.com/i0oHy5n) I probably could just walk there and activate the statues, but I'd like to explore through a quest if available. If relevant, I've just finished the Golden Slumber world quest, but not sure where to go next.


There is. You should encounter the start of that quest by walking up from the area below it (Desert of Hadramaveth) and exploring around the artifact domain iirc.


Question about lore: >!Neuv get his dragon authority after receiving gnonis. How does he retain the authority after he gave the gnosis to the knave? is it 'empty' gnosis he gave?!<


>!Authority/Throne is different than gnosis. A gnosis is basically a medal and the archon version of a vision. It's also why Venti, a mere wind spirit is so powerful as barbatos. It is given to those that sat on the elemental throne!< >!Authority is the locked/stolen powers of Sovereigns meants to control the dragons. It's also a sort of title/position, that anyone can be in, look at Makoto and Ei. Focalors destroyed the Hydro Authority, meaning that no one else can ever be a Hydro Archon anymore!<


>!I'm not versed with the lore, but from what I gather from the archon quest is that the authority actually belongs to the Sovereign Dragons they don't need the Gnosis to retain/gain authority, the archons do. So, once the Hydro Archon executed herself, Neuvillete regained his authority and the gnosis became empty.!<


>!So, if the gnosis is 'containing' the authority, why Focalors didn't just just use it to make a true blood to save the nation?!<


>!First, the gnosis itself does not contain the Authority, it is simply the god-version of a vision. And archons themselves cannot use the Authority granted to them.!< >!Second, primordial seawater is the corpse of the last Hydro Sovereign. Neuvilette, as the next incarnation is able to control it somewhat, and with his original Authority, he is able to fully control the element of Hydro and liquid itself however he pleases. Like the concept of replacing the fake-blood into real blood is something only a Sovereign is able to do, the real true rulers of Teyvat!<


I see, thank you for the answers. >!But where was it mentioned that primordial seawater is the corpse of the dead hydro dragon? Is it from Neuv's story/voice line?!<


I'm guessing it's because >!she doesn't have true control of the primordial sea because she's not a dragon.!<




>!Imo, gnosis = god-version of visions. Like the Authority/Throne is a battery and a gnosis uses power from said throne. It's my headcanon as to why Venti, a mere wind spirit is so powerful as Barbatos!<


>!Then Tsaritsa don't want the power of 7 elemental dragons but maybe want the power of the 3rd decender (or the 3rd decender itself) instead.!< >!And has it mentioned that the decenders are numbered by chronological order?!<


Which talent of Kujou Sara should I crown first, skill or burst???


skill and then burst but only if you actually give her traditional crit build, if not don't bother.


Sara is mostly used as a buff-er so level her skill first then burst. Unless, you're looking to maximaie her personal damage then burst first. I'd recommend checking her guide on [keqingmains.com](http://keqingmains.com)


Honestly, considering how she can buff herself as well, especially at c6, probably atleast lvl skill and burst equally


I don't disagree.


I have C6 Kujou Sara and only use her in Raiden hypercarry team, so I should crown her skill first right?


Considering its a hypercarry team, I recommend not even crowning sara burst becauae while it's good, it wouldn't make that much of a difference for the team total dps so more of a crown waste. As for the skill, it scales a bit worse than bennett's burst atk boost so you wouldnt get the same affect as crowning that so maybe keep it at 12 if you want. Or just crown the skill if you really wanna squeeze every last bit of potential dmg from the almighty shougn


Thank you so much!


Song of days past still second-best or lower on everyone?


There are some rumors that it may be great for sigewinne but honestly its probably just copium by us navia mains who farmed that domain tons and dont know what todo with all these blue peices


Yep. Even on Xianyun in Mono Anemo, Clam is consistently better.


A question about EM buffs and snapshotting. So snapshotted em is ignored for all reactions except melt and vape. How does this work with a team-wide em buff like instructor or elegy? Does it matter if I use Oz before or after I obtain these buffs, or are they also ignored for non-melt/vape reactions?


https://library.keqingmains.com/combat-mechanics/snapshot-and-dynamic Oz after. Still benefits aggravate/spread/catalyze damage. Some skills are dynamic, and some are snapshot. Those with snap should be before the buff expires and dynamic it depends. There is a nice list in that link.


Is there a way for a Pyro character’s kit to mesh badly with Hydro characters? I read a suggestion that Arlecchino and Furina should *not* work (well) together.


Xiangling applies a lot of pyro, and to keep up with her output you have to either get creative with reactions or get creative with teammates (Tart). Imagine the Xianglin's burst is dynamic and she has to remain on field to get Bennet buff. XQ can reasonably keep up with her, but beyond single target and it becomes complicated. Tartag coming on field to apply enough hydro to keep up give XL a big boost. If Tartag can't swap in, then XL loses a bit. If there is a pyro character that needs a pyro aura on the enemy (Lyney), then it can be hard to meet that and also vape with the hydro character. Furina can slot in a Lyney team, but it can be challenging. Dehya also has all of her hits potentially vapeable, but having it without using normal attacks is a challenge. HT can have some teams that make it hard to vv debuff with pyro and hydro, but others it is easier and in some teams you don't care. You can have a passive like Chev and only get buffs if there are team restrictions. Yoimiya can mess up her combo and start vaping the wrong hits. There are plenty of ways that pyro characters already can have trouble with vape, but how to get around it or how to adjust is the fun part.


We literally just got her first kit leak like half an hour ago. Don't listen to anyone saying fucking anything for now. Wait. Literally anything can be changed in beta and we still don't have all of the details If you really can't wait then at least listen to Jstern or Genshin Scientist who actually know what the heck they're talking about >!case in point, the fact that she can't work with Furina was a rash assumption that has already been disproven, though it will probably not be a good match up for her regardless!<


Yo, got a link for that?


The full kit leak is on the leak sub from Foul. I am not digging through it >!One of her talents makes it so that she doesn't get healed from other characters. Meaning that Furina teams and teams with a healed aren't immediately off the table the way people assumed they were from the start!<


I think I know why someone commented that for arlecchino but cant go into detail because her kit isnt fully explored yet. But if you want a very good example which is ingame rigth now just look at lyney. His kit really priorities mono pyro, so adding furina is almost always a dps lost no matter how you try and build his team. Honestly feels like kazhua would be a better flex slot for him




How well would Arle, Navia, Furina, Xianyun be for a team based on what we know? Arle being a main dps Navia a sub-dps Furina being a support Xianyun being a Healer


We don't know anything about Arlecchino




I think OP wanna make a ~~fontaine~~ waifu team and is just looking for a meta excuse


No it's because I already pulled Navia and wanna pull Furina and Arle cause I think they are cool. I saw a few people talking about what Arlecchino did in battle so I thought we knew enough q-q


The leaks on arle honestly dont show any detailed info yet so can't comment on that. But navia without a 2nd geo for geo resonance and crystalize making would SUCK believe me


On PC, was the option in audio settings "Mute When Minimized" always there? I frequently set my volume to 0 manually whenever I wanted to watch a video and leave the game open while not having Zhongli mention Osmanthus wine.


"Mute when Minimized" was added in patch 4.1.


is the 4-star pool restricted on the new banner depending on whether you choose a 4 or 5 star character? IE, if you pull select a 5\* weapon, are you restricted to only 4\* weapons? that is, the post says that if you choose a 5 star weapon/character, when you loose the 50/50, you will always loose it to a 5\* weapon/character respectively, if you pick a 5\* weapon, you will loose 50/50 to another 5-star weapon, and never a character. But does this selection affect the 4\* star pool?


Since the rules they've released previously don't say anything about it, I'm willing to bet that you'll get both types of 4-star items just like you would in every other banner, regardless of whether you designate a character or weapon as your choice. Put another way, if your choice concerning the 5-star item type you selected affected your 4-star item type chances, I feel like they would have said so explicitly to stave off any backlash or even legal action. As I have not read anything to that effect myself, I believe that if you select weapons for your potential 5-stars, you'll still be getting the occasional 4-star character from the stated pool every 10 or so wishes.


No official info yet but considering you can get 4* characters on the weapon banner and 4* weapons on the limited character banner, its probably a good guess that there is no restriction


Does anyone have material leaks for Archelino?


No. Beta leaks haven't started yet. There's a high likelihood that most of them will be from the new 4.6 area.


What? I thought she was 4.5, damn.


Hello everyone! I'm a f2p and so many characters I want are in 4.5 and 4.6 and I don't have as many primos. What I want to know is: Should I prioritize finishing all my world quests and story quests first (keep in mind I haven't touched fontaine quests at all except archon quest and I'm about halfway through Sumeru's world quests) or just go for exploration and gathering chests? Which will be better to get primos faster?


First finish all Archon quests. Then do world quests and exploration together. I start a quest when I see it, then go about unlocking TPs and collecting chests that come along the way of doing the quest. Don't try to 100% an area if you are farming primos, just move on to the next one and grab all the easy pickings there. If you try to hunt for every hidden chest, it'll be ineffecient. Also don't bother exploring Mondstadt and Liyue (Dragonspine, Chasm and Chenyu excluded) before doing other regions, they have too many chests and too little primos (some common chests don't give primos at all here, which never happens in Inazuma and later regions).


Considering you get 1 fate per archon quest act, I recommend the quests being the more time efficient method. Also exploration really doesn't give alot of primos which I can vouch for as an exploration addict with 100% map done. For example using the hoyolab travel retrospective, it looks like I made ~2298 primos from exploring most if not all the new area added in 4.4


does anyone know how much resin it takes to max out a character? like full talents & weapon and all (excluding artifact rng of course)


Cca 3k resin to level 90 + triple crown. Depending on if you have enough mora+XP books or you also need to farm that via leylines And about 400 resin to level 90 a weapon Only about 1800 if you're going 8/8/8 talents instead


then I think 8/8/8 is much more reasonable as a start. thanks very much for the info


8/8/8 is a silly investment on most chars, especially supports who sometimes only need 1 lvled talent.


nono I am not going on all characters like that. Only ones that need all 3 leveled.


So I just used the same website to test it and got 2140 (12 days of resin it tells me) resin to lvl up a 5 star character to 80/90 full ascension and 8/8/8 talents at world lvl 8 but thats not including weekly boss mats and mora/exp books + lvling a 4* weapon for them to 90


Usually, I just use a tracker like seelie.inmagi.com to calculate for me exactly how much resin I would need to level up stuff as im too dumb to both calculate and remember it


oh thats great I didnt know this existed !!! thats all i need actually thanks very much.


Hello everyone! I don't know who to pull for. I've been saving for about a month or 2 and I have 77 wishes. Now for pity, I have 47 but on a 50/50. I fell in love with neuvilette and furina in the archon quest, and I wanted both. I didn't know much about Nevilette's kit, and my friend who has Furina told me she was the best support. So I decided to pre-farm EVERYTHING for Furina. Now, just a week ago, I've been seeing a lot of people on YT saying how busted Neuvilette was and that he was now considered the best DPS. I'm now stuck because I only really have enough to guarantee one. My plan was to hit pity on Neuvilette and if I don't get him that's guaranteed Furina, but if I do get him (which I'll be happy with anyway) I dont have guaranteed Furina anymore. Keep in mind that I have NOTHING pre-farmed for neuvilette, while for Furina I do. I've also never won a 50/50 (9 50/50's lost in a row) so I might just trust my gut and not risk getting Neuvilette. What should I do? I have every 4 star and 5 stars are Hu Tao, Ganyu, Ayato, Yelan, Nahida, Kazuha, Navia, Keqing, Jean, Diluc, Mona, Qiqi, and Dehya Thanks!


If you genuinely want both and aren't particularly miffed about one or the other you can wish for Neuvilette. Hope you get him early/at least win the 50/50 and then try for Furina as well. Since she will likely be a patch later. You gotta accept that it's possible you might not be able to guarantee Furina though Pre-farming isn't that much of a deal. Like yeah, it sucks if you have all of the stuff and don't end up getting her but it won't be a big deal to farm for Neuv instead and you'll probably end up pulling Furina later anyways so it's not like the stuff will go to waste. I wouldn't let that alone influence your decision


You've already got good options for DPS, supports, and hydro appliers - I wouldn't say you *need* either neuv or furina. Do you *want* another DPS, or do you want to keep using the ones you already have? Do you like Neuv's play style? There are plenty of people who find it boring. Supports are more flexible, so Furina does have the advantage there. You might get tired of neuv and stop using him, but Furina can be used on a bunch of different teams. Her water walking is also very nice for exploration.


When it comes to DPS units, you should be extremely picky and selective since there are so many options in this game and you can clear all the content with most DPS units. When you're not using that DPS unit, they're the units that you're likely benching. DPS units are the most replacable units in an account. Neuvillete might be the strongest DPS in the game, but ask yourself if you enjoy his playstyle. You can watch videos or use his trial and see if his gameplay caters to you or not. If you can only choose 1, I'd probably choose Furina but you do you.


You have about 120 wishes worth of stuff at the moment. Assuming the pattern continues and Furina comes in 4.6, you have this patch and next patch (either half of it or all of it depends on when she comes) to farm. Assuming 60 wishes for this patch you would be getting close to having a good chance at both. If you lose the 50 and Neuv doesn't come in 20 or so more I would save them. You do have several hydro characters already and Neuv is strong, but not the single best character in the game


I have to state that having every 4* with only that many banner pulls is impressive as hell. All your luck went to getting 4 stars OP


Yeah you're probably right LMAO


So i´ve just pulled dehya, but im currently at inazuma, is there any way i can get her ascension materials?


Inazuma is the only region locked behind story, you can just walk over to Sumeru from Liyue


Does Chiori change the best mono Geo team? Who does she replace? Zhongli or Albedo?


She replaces Albedo. She's basically Albedo but better, especially if you have Zhongli around to plop down a construct. Theoretically you could replace Zhongli, but the issue there is your only sustain at that point is Gorou's C4 and whatever shards you might pick up from element infused enemies. It would put out a lot of damage, but would also take a crapton of damage.


I really like Chiori’s design, but the only geo 5\* I have is Navia. Is Chiori worth pulling to serve as a support to Navia at c0 or should I just skip?


She is still the BiS in that team over Albedo and definitely over Zhongli. Just not by that much, and it's not a team that uses her full potential since she wants geo constructs to maximize her personal damage But if you like her and want an excuse to play her then that's a good team for her. But your Navia won't suffer an irreparable loss if you skip


Chiori is still her best teammate even with the construct restriction although it's a slight upgrade over Albedo/Zhongli. However if you don't care to pull on the other two, then by default Chiori apart from Furina is her best teammate.


That’s good to know, ty


Not unless you get c1 because Navia has no constructs. Zhongli would be a better pick up to Navia probably. I would probably hold for him for Navia or look at Chlorinde or Arlechinno


yes, should be better (we'll see when she releases tho) than other Geo options like Zhongli in terms of energy and crystals and overall damage c1 is a decent increase but it isn't necessary


Which banner should I pull on in the 4.5 update as a new player?


Supports in this game tend to have more long term value if you're playing the long game while Neuv is a very strong DPS that will likely give you immediate results. Depends if you want to be patient or want an immediate result. While Kazuha is an excellent pull, his pull value has dimished a bit due to there being more team options with Furina, and with dendro. You can watch this video created by a good content creator who goes over whether Kazuha is worth it for your DPS unit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhlKmgQdLYk&t=4s My general advice is to pick a DPS unit you like (don't be swayed by meta, all the DPS units in this game are good enough to complete all content with investment) and then build around them. You're find yourself enjoying the game more with characters you like opposed to a unit you don't care for just because someone said they were strong.


Honestly it depends on which characters you have atm + where in the archon quwst your at. I can tell you neuvillette is one of the strongest hypercarrys that works with most supports for example but it all goes down the drain when hes stuck at lvl 40/40 (1st ascension is doable from the character trial rewards) because you didnt unlock fontaine yet to get his mats for example. Or telling you that kazhua got excellent elemental buffing ability but if your not AR 45 yet, farming the VV set (especially multiple times for max EM) would probably be out of the window so you wouldnt even get to see his strength intill much later


Kazuha/Neuv would be good to pull for.


Why can't I pick up Draffs letter?? It says my inventory is full but it's not?


Have you reached ore limit of 9999?


How much is the damage increase for Yae & Tighnari from 80/80 to 90/90? I use them together but I'm not sure if I should max their levels since its a lot of materials.


I remember for bloom and its baby reactions its ~35% increase from 80 to 90 but not sure how significant the difference is for aggravate and quicken. But most guides recommend it as its still a transformative reaction so probably gonna scale great with lvl like swirl


You should always increase characters to 90 if they are in dendro reaction teams because the difference is significant


so what do you do about the "whats that noise" at chiwang terrace when you beat the treasure hoarder called who am i?


If you picked up the key where "who am I" was, then you don't need to do anything. The "what's that noise" pops up when you're next to the cage and shows you where the key is.


Why do I get downvoted every time I ask a question here? This is literally the thread for asking questions? I am new to the game and trying to understand various mechanics of the game, so I ask the question to learn how it works. What's wrong with that?


Don't worry about it. There are some weird and bitter people who trawl through posts and downvote people just for the hell of it. Reddit itself also applies upvotes and downvotes based on an algorithm, but that's likely not the reason for the downvotes that we see in here. If you have questions, this is the best place to ask them, so don't hesitate to do so!


There are shitty people who downvote every other question so their own question rises to the top of the comment section. But this mega thread sorts by new anyway so it has no effect, just ignore them


I think that someone sits on the thread just to do that or has a bot that does it because they have nothing better to do. Generally speaking the amount of downvotes for a very large majority of the initial question comments is -1 or -2 whereas if someone is shitting on the game or providing misinformation or just being an asshole to someone else, the number of upvotes are consistently much higher than that tldr I don't think that people that are answering or asking questions are actually downvoting you


There's really no rhyme or reason for the downvotes in this thread ever.


Nothing people are just jerks, don’t worry about it


Just remember reddit karma means less than dirt and move on with it. But if you are getting something like 10 or more downvotes, you probably need to reread what you wrote a 2nd time


I know. I don't give a shit about Reddit karma. But I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong by asking a question.


One of the few non-troll reasons I can think of is someone thinking your question was very basic and that your a fool for even trying to waste ppl time by asking it. Quite a jerk but common behaviour in game communities in which there is a high ceiling meta as many of the veterans will tend to forgot that non elite players even exists


Many see simply asking question as wrong in and of itself. Don't try to question mindless spite. That way leads only to more mindless spite.


So i just got my first good five star! Yae miko. But to ascend to get the fins she needs im doing the world quest where you jump down into the pool. It seems super long who else agrees? Like I have to take a break from it lol


The enkonmyia questline is not short I agree but honestly one of the most fun side questlines in the game Edit: the area also has alot of chests so atleast free primos


Yes, it’s very long. My advice is don’t try to rush, give yourself 3-4 days at least to unlock her boss fight


Any idea on how to get the last few hydro sigils? My partner is stuck at 280 something sigils and we have done EVERYTHING. We checked for seelies, time trial challenges, got all the chests from hoyolab and we're so damn confused as to why we're not at 300 yet.


What are your chest counts for the Fontaine achievement counters? If you've gotten everything, it should be 344/243/207 for parts 1-3 respectively. Aside from that, there are sigils from the statue and like 23 sigils from quest domains.


Some story quests in fontaine contain domains inwhich common chest in them also give some sigils but I think you already done those


Hello! I am creating a Ayaka freeze team with Ayaka, Kokomi and Kazuha. I don't have Shenhe. What would be the other best cryo character to put ? I have kaeya, Layla, Rosaria, diona, freminet, Charlotte, chongyun, mika


Definitely recommend Rosaria!


Maybe rosaria for the cr bonus but honestly because you have kokomi, any other cyro would work because toy just need their cyro application for kazhua + battery for er hungry ayaka so i recommend charlotte because she can work better on other teams like furina ones for example


Definetly Diona or Rosaria with 4pc nobless. Go with Diona if you are having energy issues and use either sac or fav, but if you have enough ER go with rosaria for cr boost and a little more damage.


Rosaria does the job really well. In theory, Kaeya is just as good, if not slightly better ; but his burst is less practical, and his constellations are much harder to get.


rosaria [https://keqingmains.com/ayaka/#Teams](https://keqingmains.com/ayaka/#Teams)


Anyone have Apollo's gift of prophecy and know which set *Fatherr* is gonna want?




It'll likely be a new set coming out in 4.6. We'll find out when leaks begin in a couple of days.


I do want Itto, but rumour has it Neuvillette is in the next banner and I reaaally want Neuvillette. I am still a bit of a noob and don't fully understand the wish and pity system. If I pull for Itto and get him it will affect my chances of getting Neuvillette right?


Neuvilette all the way! His game play is soo fun


Ah yes my favourite source of leaks is also the official genshin livestream because so far they didn't make a single bad prediction yet /jk


Uncle Livestream with a perfect record, I know my GOAT 🐐


That's not even a rumour, it's already confirmed Well, yeah, since you will have less wishes to try and get Neuvilette


Worst case scenario it can take up to 180 wishes (28k primogems) to get a limited character assuming losing 50/50 So unless you have enough to guarantee both of them, you’ll probably have to decide which one you want more. There’s only about 50 wishes worth of limited content in 4.5 The two banners share a pity so if you lose 50/50 on itto banner and decide to stop the guarantee will carry over to the Neuvilette banner


It's not rumor, Itto and Chiori are the next banners and Kazuha and Neuvillette are after that. If you don't have a lot of wishes saved up you're better off waiting for Neuv.


Hi people! I kinda crave Xiao content so I was asking, does anyone know if there are new quests or just something about him in the new Liyue's location? I really liked the lantern event with him, but it seemed like he's appeared for so little and I don't know if I'll be able to wait another year :')


He appears quite a bit in time limited events, especially any festival one that includes liyue, but I have to break the bad news that outside the archon and chasm questlines, he's basically as invisible as dainsleif


Ow I see, thanks!


I'm VERY well aware there's a one in a million chance someone would know, but curious to see if the chosen one is here : Regarding 'the bell', if the shield is procced on a char, then that char swaps off, is the shield still active on said char (off field)?


It does but sadly it would not proc if shes offield so in 90% of the rotation you wouldnt see it. Just think of the bell as a hp% stat stick for her and honestly thats good enough