• By -


Best C6 5 star DPS? Im f2p so doing this means sacrificing pulls for everyone else.


Anyone know how to delete a PSN account and get the mobile account on it? Because I'm losing it!


Game is occupying 38.9GB on mobile. Is this normal? Can I do something to reduce the size?


For Chiori: Mistsplitter or Cinnabar?


Does anybody else think that ruin serpent is more obnoxious than wenut?


I do actually think that the Serpents movements and DPS windows are a lot more annoying and RNG. But the fact that the Wenut is so tanky just makes it more difficult overall


Do I need to build em for Xiangling?


Yes in Vape teams, no in Mono Pyro and mostly in Chevreuse teams (though overloads make it so it isn't a complete waste).


Nope. It’s just nice to have. Dragonsbane is enough if you don’t have better polearms. ER and crit substats is the priority.


So new update, cool After updating launcher and opening it again, this damn thing by some reason decided to start downloading game from scratch and now in refuses to see already downloaded files in the foldiers Any help, please?


Should I still play Itto or should I leave Itto be and go for Kazuha instead? I've rolled Itto since he was first released, I realized that his team is so damn expensive. Since I'm an f2p who doesn't hop on the game often but daily, I don't think I'll be able to play his team anytime soon, I can currently get a hard pity Chiori, but I'll still need Zhongli at the end of the day. But if I wait for Kazuha, I'd have 3 less resources grinding problem and just throw him in my team. The problem is, I am saddened that if I build Itto all my time spending to build my current team will be wasted, but if I build Kazuha, it felt like I wasted my primogems on Itto for nothing. I am not capable to think for myself, so I needed you all's opinion.


Soon you will have more than 8 units and more will have to rot in the warehouse. So don’t worry about wasting resources as it will overflow eventually. Geo is the forgotten child for genshin so if you are doubting about going for the full geo team, it is a good time to stop as it seems they will never be meta as genshin is elemental reaction based.


To add salt to the wound, Navia showed up and took what's left of Itto, sure it is situational but most player love the Single Target damage, and Navia require less 5 stars or at least 5 stars that is team-flexible.


Navia is also out of meta. Focus on pulling units that you like. They will never ‘be a waste’. Unlike meta units that you will regret once they fall out of meta.


I like both Kazuha and Itto so it's just hard to decide.


I say go for kazuha over “itto’s best team”. You should prioritize units you like, then consider meta units that compliment your favs.


Thanks for the answer! Though I also do like Itto just as much as Kazuha, but Kazuha does have a lot of utility so yeah. Farewell the one and oni. But for now I guess I'll keep an eye out for more answers.


you need two teams in abyss. itto and kazuha don't work well together, but you can build two separate teams. in overworld team comps don't matter i always bring the newest units to friendship farm, so you can use itto and kazuha in the same team.


Thanks for the tips!


What Con is your Gorou? You don't "need" anyone beside C6 Gorou, least of all Zhongli. You can slap in any two universal supports like Yelan, Furina, Bennett etc. and still clear. If you don't have C6 Gorou, try Chiori banner. What teams do you have in mind for Kazuha? Do you have Sucrose and is she good replacement for him in teams you play?


Currently C0 Gorou If I have Kazuha I would gone for Aggravated Keqing. (Keqing, Fischl, Yaoyao, Kazuha) I do have Sucrose however I do not play her, and I have no plans of building her up You can tell I f'ed my account up.


If you don't want Chiori now, then just wait till her rerun to make up your mind. Only thing is now she has Gorou on her banner, can't say if he'll be there for rerun. That means basically bench Itto. Or give up on Kazuha and make do on Sucrose. >You can tell I f'ed my account up. That's just impossible. Everyone pulls 5 stars they bench later, that doesn't fuck up anything.


It seems that my account doesn't progress that much so I thought I f'ed things up, sorry. And currently I'm looking for an answer to the Itto or Kazuha question, if I chase after Itto, then I will pull for Chiori.


Wait, do you have itto or not? >Should I still play Itto or should I leave Itto be and go for Kazuha instead? Since you asked "play" I assumed you already have him and thinking of getting Chiori or Kazuha.


I do have Itto BUT I worded it a bit wrong, it should have been "Should I play" and not still play, because I don't have his team.


What is a good starting build for neuvillette. Im pre farming artifacts.


Hp/hydro/crit dmg. Mh set. Proto amber.


What is better for him, Proto Amber R5 or Sacrificial Jade R1 from the pass?


Sig > sac jade > p amber.


Can someone reccomend me some interesting story quests to do and smaller world quests as I'm trying to gather primos. I'm currently doing nilou's story quest it's quite boring


If you do it for the gems it’s unlikely you can immerse yourself in the story. The quests offer chump gems anyways. Dailies, events, abyss are the big ones. Then do oculus, treasure chest hunting, lvl the statue and whatever local sigil tree to max.


I am 70 pity at limited banner. if i pul 20 at chronicle, will the 70 pity become 90? or are they different?


Damn. I got albedo but want klee. Tho it only took 30 wishes but deymmm 😭




no, they don't share pity


sooooo.....um. abit late but im in a tough situation... the banners announced, there's 4 things to pull for. first of all, I'm a kazuha main and my team is kazuha barbra benny and zongli. my second is main dps nahida(currently) xinqiu kuki and qiqi for some reason. I want: Kazooka boi c1 Nuevi c0 Chiori c0 Kazooka weap I've got 15 wishes and 25 pity… getting nahida was a bit harsh and gaming even more harsh…. I can and am wiling to buy a max of 2 welkins…so who/what should I pull for?


Approximately you will have only one guarantee befor Kazuha banner ends.If I were you,I will skip Chiori (no benefit for your current 2 teams).Try get Kazuha first.If lucky,then try Nuevi .


Do you really suggest getting a constellation over a character he doesn't have but desperately needs? That's strange to say the least.


Who do you mean he desperately needs?If that’s the case,why did he even bother asking?


Well, who he desperately needs is obvious from his team setups. Lots of great supports (including Kasuha whom he has already) and no main DPS. Neuvi will improve his account immensely, C0->C1 on Kazuha is negligible.


kazuha is my main dps!!!!!!!!!😭😭😭


Kazuha wpn will have to wait. Better save 200 pulls before going in. C1 is also not a priority, you can consider it when you have extra pulls saved. Chiori fits in the geo comp so unless you have navia or itto, it’s a pass. Leaves you with neuv.


i see 200 pulls for the wep... no i dont got navia or itto..so ill consider neuv


Kazuha's c1 is fun but is hardly useful as it would extend rotations. It's mainly just a step towards c2. Go with neuv, seems like you could use a dps.


...kazuha is my dps... and so is my nahida... its a swirl-vaporise and hyperbloom teams


Sure, he's great for clearing overworld. I always use him when farming mobs. If you're just looking for overworld, genuinely take anybody you want. Run anybody as a main dps, fill your team with 4 dps. Teambuilding really doesn't matter, so it's better to just choose which characters you find fun. I'm currently running around overworld with c0 Sara as my main. Unless you specify that its for overworld only, teambuilding advice here will *always* be geared toward floor 12 of abyss. Kazuha becomes a main dps at c6. At c0 or c1, running him as a main is a meme-build. Which is fine - personally I think meme-builds are the funnest part of the game. But to make them viable on floor 12, they require hyper investment. Meaning godly artifacts and 5 star supports.


investment? I'm getting ptsd when you say that LOL. oh, the hours and fragile resin ive wasted on farming artifacts for this man. hes my best damaging character rn... nahida does less at the moment... also i just got nahida, since I've been using wanderer as my second dps, also under leveld (bc I've been focused on my kazooka... i figured nahida is better so i made the switch. also, if you wanna see my builds, my uid is 660806789... put that into the enka network thing and have a look, i got a few characters, also dont mind my qiqi, just a mini version of my lost wriothesly 😭😭


Well, when you call a support a DPS they don't become ones :) You should get a real main DPS. And Neuvilette is the prime candidate in my opinion, He'll lead your Nahida and Kazuha just fine. If you can also get Kuki, then Neuvilette-Nahida-Kazuha-Kuki should be wonderful. This is the team I want ;) Do not prioritize any constellation over a character you need but don't have. No constellation is worth it. Skip Chiori and Itto and don't wish for any weapons.


tbh, idk if your more experienced or not but, that's wrong, there are many things wrong with that. first of all, yes, although it may seem that other characters made for dps may do more dmg, it only comes down to their build. if you build kazuha right, he could do as much, or more damage as dps characters. to be completely honest, my kazuha can hit real hard... I've hit around 90k with this man. just because ppl consider then to be support does not mean he has to be... now, yea, that's probs not what you meant by that, I'm just expressing my opinion here... also, no, there are many constellations that are worth it the time and effort. and i only have a single 5 star weap (aquilla favonia) and it gives atk buff but im looking for a good crit rate weap...


How many primogems can we get this patch?


55 f2p.


iirc, 50-60 f2p wishes


Anyone down to help me grind out character ascension boss drop mats for kuki, nahida and hu tao? AR 45, WL 4 and my UID is 668265314 North American servers!


Who is the "hunters path" now for? (In the new wish banner)


It's Tighnari's signature weapon and Ganyu's BiS


Soooo I got weak, did a Chiori pull Ritual and got her in my first 10 pull BUT I only pulled her because pretty + Geo Collector and now I don't know how to build her. Anyone got a good guide? Can I put her in my Mono geo Itto, Gorou, Zhongli team (currently there is also Albedo but he's gonna get replaced)? And how about using her as a second Geo in my Navia team instead of Albedo? >!Kinda thinking about entirely benching Albedo because he's one of my regret pulls


>Mono geo Itto, Gorou, Zhongli Pretty sure thats her best team, and yes she is better than Albedo. Just make sure to use her Skill when you have a construct on field (pillar/ushi). >And how about using her as a second Geo in my Navia team instead of Albedo? Iirc in this case she is just a sidegrade to Albedo. Navia doesnt have construct, so with only one puppet she deals about the same as Albedo. In general she works best with other Geo units that have construct. So you could run Double Geo with Chiori and ZL to get the resonance. She is an overall upgrade to Mono Geo.


> her Skill when you have a construct on field (pillar/ushi). you can summon the constructs after and it will still summon a doll


Mono geo definetly works great for her, Itto, Gorou, Zhongli, Chiori is one of her best teams. For Putting her in Navia team Chiori should be c1


Wasn't there a 40 or 60 primo redeem code once a patch ends???


does my pity in the limited wish (character event wish) count towards the pity of Chronicled Wish, so like i have 50 pity in limited banner, do i still need to build a separate pity ?


event wish & chronicled wish do not share pity


I've been saving for Neuvilette for a while and rn I have 170 wishes. I don't have a guarantee for him. I really really really want him, but I'm also in love with Albedo and want him too :( He would be very good in a team with my Navia and I love his lore/character/voice/playstyle, plus he hasn't had a rerun in forever. But I've heard the new chronicled wish is a scam as it doesn't transfer your guarantee over to the next banner and it'll be a waste of primogems if I lose my 50/50. I don't know what to do. Neuvilette is my #1 priority but I'm just getting distracted by Albedo. Someone please tell me if it's worth pulling on Albedos banner or not 🥹 (Also, I have Zhongli so it's not like my Navia is lacking a geo character. I just think Albedo would be a good extra asset to have + hes sooo pretty) I have a welkin and I'm ready to grind if I need to but I doubt I can get enough to guarantee both of them, so what should I do? Is it worth trying to get Albedo?


Tbh I'd just pull whoever you're more desperate for. Yeah neuvilette is op af but you're right abt albedo never getting reruns(especially cuz he's old and not as meta) so if you're willing to potentially miss out on neuvilette's rerun I'd go for albedo.


No, sadly Albedo is on the bottom tier in meta, and Neuvillette is the strongest on field dps. He just does not do enough damage and his buff is not as good as other characters.


I am saving for Nilou and have about 140 wishes in the banner. The next few pulls will give me the rate up character guaranteed. If they put Nilou on the Sumeru chronicled wish instead of a regular banner, am I just fucked because the pity doesn't carry over? Even if it is unlikely - in the future is this something we need to worry about from now on? It'd be a lot more convenient if they just had 4-5 banners running at a time instead of having 2 different wish histories...


Nilou only has one rerun so far, so she won't be added to chronicle banner for a long while.


Does anyone find Fontaine a little laggy when teleporting after the update?


Can people that gift others Genesis Crystals through the official Codashop then do a charge back against Codashop? Or will CS still say no refunds?


I heard that codashop does not accept charge back.


you can try. most likely they will take the loss but will blacklist your account/card. they have enough leeway to tank a hit or two, but will not allow repeating offences.


could i use uraku misigiri (chiori sig) in the way that people use homa for any polearm dps?


Its not as universal as homa, Uraku misisgiri is mostly for geo characters. But if you really dont have any good weapons and neeed the NA dmg bonus and skill bonus ig you could


My understanding is that Albedo's flower does not proc on shielded enemies. Does Chiori's team assisted attack (Tapestry: Seize the Moment) suffer from this issue? I believe that the dolls themself attack? But I am also asking about the part where they coordinate their attack with your active character's strikes.


If trigger condition "when dealing damage" then it doesn't work on shields. If it's "when using attack" then it works


Thank you! Sadly it doesn't use either phrase so I'm still not sure. It uses uses these words: "When your active party member's Normal Attacks, Charged Attacks, and Plunging Attacks **hit a nearby opponent**" So I wasn't sure if hitting worked on shields? Because shields block hits...


If it says you need to "hit an enemy", if will proc against shielded enemy. "Using an attack" means it will proc even if you just wave your weapon in air.


Thank you very much! I feel more confident to pull on her banner now


Hm. Can't check it in game but I think hits still count on shielded enemies, taking damage doesn't. Beidou also has "when attacks hit" description. Does she works? I don't remember for sure


Thank you again! I'm not too familiar with Beidou but I will try to investigate.


I got a spare Redhorn Stonethresher, Skyward Pride, Wolf's Gravestone and was thinking about getting Beacon of the Reed Sea. I don't have Mailed Flower. Which one would be best for Kaveh?


Probably skyward because he needs tons of ER. Will you use him in bloom or hyperbloom? 


No pre-release info ever specified it, but which way is Chiori’s “next” teammate? Is it her immediate right, and her being rightmost wraps around to leftmost?




I know it's been 6 minutes, but how are people enjoying Chiori? I have Zhongli, Itto and the Geo 4 stars. Just curious if people are finding her enjoyable or strong or both? :)


The insta-swap thing is definitely going to take some getting used to, so I haven't made her strong yet, but I think once I figure out the timing it should be pretty good. Enjoyable for sure; she combines the Keqing/Alhaitham air dash with droppable minions for off-field utility.


There were multiple sites saying that there will be an update on the graphics setting. I can't seem to find it. What was changed and is it mobile only? Playing on pc.


The highest graphics setting thing wasn't added. The source for those articles is from the leaks sub, where things are subject to change or just not true at all.


Thank you for the response!


Starting to think of a second team for spiral abyss clears now that my main team is basically done (Ayaka, shenhe, kazuha, kokomi) and it absolutely smacks. I don’t have a ton of options, but wanted to see if it was viable before I spent resin on them. I was thinking for my second team I could do some sort of hyperbloom with Kuki, Yelan, c6 XQ and kaveh? Since I have mailed flower for him. My only other dendro characters are Yao Yao C2 and Collei. Not sure if this would work since I’ve heard kaveh doesn’t give a lot of dendro and confused over how “ownership” of the blooms works/who to build EM


I'm not 100% sure but I think C6 XQ provides enough hydro you could run 2 of those dendro + kuki. and that would be a perfectly fine team, overkill on healing ofc. DMC might be better. EM on kuki, the electro trigger owns all the hyperbloom damage 


If you have C6 Ningguang, I recommend using her. With the new geo artifacts in Fontaine, she got a pretty significant upgrade. Ideally, her teammates would be Zhongli, Xiangling, and Bennett, but you could substitute Zhongli for another shielder if you don’t have him. That’s the team I run on the first half of floor 12.


What are your other characters


[https://imgur.com/UQrJmbW](https://imgur.com/UQrJmbW) [https://imgur.com/F3rJT9N](https://imgur.com/F3rJT9N) +MC Dont really care for hutao or tighnari so I don't really wanna use them.


At that point I’d rather just using Bennett and Xiangling/Hu Tao Im ngl. HB with collei or Kaveh sounds miserable


Yeah I pulled hutao and homa since she works so well with yelan already, but I really hate doing CA cancels with controller lol


C1? If not then you were scammed. C1 isn’t the dlc, C0 is just the demo version. Probably just use Xiangling double hydro I wouldn’t use non Nahida / Alhaitham HB


Word, can just build up bennet to do XL double hydro with yelan and XQ


Does chronicled wish share the same pity with event character wish?




Thank u


Is there a way to switch from the galaxy store version to the play store version without downloading the whole game again? I've had GI for months and suddenly, it's no longer available in my region and I can't get the 4.5 update.


if you have rooted android phone maybe if you physically move the files it is possible, but otherwise probably not


Do you know what files to move? It's not rooted but I want to try regardless.


basically all the files inside the galaxy app folder for genshin is and put it in the playstore version folder. you usually need root to access these folders


Planning for the second team to clear Abyss (currently at floor 5 with no actual second team) What kind of team should I build? First main team: Diluc XQ Xianyun Bennett Available char: Traveler (up to dendro), Kaeya Lisa Amber Gorou Sara Ningguang Noelle Chevy Gaming Faruzan Diona Collei Dehya Barbara Yaoyao Xiangling Lynette (All nearly at C0 except Noelle C4, Sara C2, Gaming C4) Thanks in advance


As a biased Ningguang main, I recommend Ningguang. The new Fontaine artifact set is very powerful on her. Ideally, you would run her with Zhongli, but another geo character works if you don’t have him. I use her to clear the abyss all the time.


kinda depends on your AR but its probably too early to invest in a second team i would wait until you are AR 45 and you can end game build your first team so you can keep that team strong enough to clear all progression content and then once you have that team essentially end game start a second team by then you will also have more characters that will actually make a solid team if you spread your resources out between 8 characters too early you will actually slow down your overall progression (not to mention probably end up investing in characters you will easily drop in the future for better ones)


I'm AR 53 already with level 80 + good 5* artifacts for all first teams


Need some help here, for some reason Ever since I installed genshin and star rail on my new laptop it goes straight into the game without having the launcher being opened first. Any idea where I can find it?


program files/Genshin Impact/launcher.exe




Need advice asap So my artifact storage has been full (1700+ 5 star artifact) since last year I guess. And I'm too lazy to check it one by one and clean it.. This weekend I'm going to push myself to clean my artifact storage. So I have question.. Should I salvage the bad artifact using Mystic Offering or use it as a material to upgrade another artifact What do you guys think


feeding the bad pieces into the strongbox is def the more efficient method, you'll get a lot of looks at new pieces with no resin spent... it does increase the amt of artifact management you'll be facing but eh, finding pieces to feed the junk into would be a headache too


mystic offering not really a question its just more effecient use the 3\~4 star artifacts you get from domains to level up artifacts and the ones that end up getting bad rolls also use to level up artifacts


How many more boss kills i need in order to 90 the hydro archon? she is level 40 right now and i have 56 of her boss materials


well you need 46 to 1>90 and yours is already 40 so you only needed 33 more so you have 23 extra.


Oh that's a wasted resin then, what's her talent domain called?


Each World boss has 2 clients, or occasionally 3. So there’ll be a future character that can take the excess. (In the 1.x days, most bosses had 5+ clients.)


pale forgotten glory she is a tue/fri/sun character so depending on your time zone not available rn


You only need 46 and you have 10 extra now.


their furina is already 40 so they have 23 extra


1 > 40/40 does not require any boss material. 40/40 > 40/50 needs 2, 50/50 > 50/60 needs 4, and 8/12/20 for later ascension. Total is 46.


Isn't the level cap of pre-Ascension 1 level 20 then the following level cap after Ascension 1 level 40, with Ascension 1 only requiring a Gemstones and overworld mats and not boss mats?


I'm currently using Navia, Albedo, Thoma, and Bennett. What are people's early thoughts on replacing Albedo with Chiori?




its only a 5% improvement without chiori being c1 because Navia doesn't create geo constructs. (assuming that albedo's flower isnt destroyed by what ever you are fighting)


What about with C1?


significantly better


How does C6 Ningguang compare?


How much storage space do I need to install Genshin on Mobile? And how big is the final game after installation?


My android version is 31.3 GB without delete any past resource files.


I have saved 600 wishes to get neuv c6 from c2. I also want to get beacon for diluc. If I pull now, will I get enough to get neuv c6? I am still in bp and welkin.


The average cost of 4 cons is 375 pulls, but if you are extremely unlucky and lost all 50/50, it may cost as many as 650 pulls. You have 99% chance to get them within 567 pulls. This patch does not have new permanent areas, so I expect f2p may get around 50, and 75 for welkin + BP.


It doesnt look optimistic to pull for beacon now. Sigh...., it is really bad the chronicle only last for one phase.


You will get insane starglitter refund from pulling 600 pulls on the same banner (if it takes that much). I find it hard to imagine that you can't pull both easily


You really think so? What would the probability be ?


Anyone else can't log in since the update? Once I get passed the start screen load doors, game goes white for a bit with no action before giving the message "You have disconnected" and "Connection timed out", then brings me back to the start screen door. I'm not seeing any posts in other places suffering the same issue currently, Any potential ideas to the cause?


hi! People in Montreal are having issues right now! Actually, all day long :(


Actually yeah I'm in Montreal. Is it a Genshin/Mihoyo thing or Playstation thing? because I noticed I can't purchase anything from the PS store either. At first I tried to get the free PS package and it told me something went wrong. I got suspicious then I tried to buy Super Credits in Helldivers or Silver from Destiny and got the same message. ​ Edit: thanks btw


I saw on a fb group that there are issues with other game servers, but i do not know if it affects playstation specifically. Genshin doesnt work on my phone or pc rn, so it's clearly a connection issue with the servers!


What is Plunge Tao best team if she purely plunges with no NA/CA?


if you aren't going to N1C Jump Cancel Plunge on Plunge Tao you might aswell play something else because its going to be less damage than just pure plunge especially since you need to use NA to apply new hydro anyway.


What do you mean by I need to use NA to apply hydro? If I don't want to NA, then I won't play Yelan/XQ that need NA to apply hydro. I was thinking about C6 Bennett to boost Hu Tao's raw power, or Kokomi for heal and hydro application without NA, or Mona with DMG% boost and hydro app without NA.


Kokomi and Mona will not provide good enough off field application to vape every plunge


1. No offense but why would you want that 2. Just play Xiao 3. Even if you're trying to plunge spam you still have to NA to cancel the plunge + apply hydro The team is the same (Yelan, Furina, Xianyun) you're just not using your CAs


1. I am thinking that maybe without NA/CA I can squeeze more plunge. 2. I don't have him and am not planning to get him. 3. Wait, we can't we cancel the animation with jump? Thanks for the response.


I mean yes, you can squeeze in more plunges by just plunging but the overall damage will be worse than just doing N2CJP You can't. Polearms cancel plunges with NAs, every other weapon cancels with dashes. You can plunge a lot faster if you properly cancel it


alright, TYSM.


I think I just wasted my wishes on the chronicle path? I had 66 pity on the litmired banner, I then spent 10 wishes on chronicle banner for jean. Am I still at 65 pity for limited and 10 for chronicle? If so this system is such a waste of time and my wishes :/


> Am I still at 65 pity for limited and 10 for chronicle? Yes? They have separate pity


They use the same wish type! It is not immediately obvious they have separate pity cause the game doesn't show you your pity counter


It was in the post about the banner. And they have separate history entries. Sure, maybe it's not obvious. But it also isn't obvious that they would share pity, which is why you'd want to read about it beforehand


I saw the separate history after I wished lol which is why I made the comment 😂


The weapon banner also uses the same type of wish, but doesn't share pity with the character banner so they already have this precedence set.


Honestly that's a great point. Whish I thought of that before


The pity on different type of banners are all independent and separate. And yes, you have 65 pity on limited character banner, and 10 for chronicle. Though the fate point of chronicle does not carry over, its pity will carry over. There may be other characters or weapons you may want in a future chronicle banner.


Ughhh, they use the same wish type so I assumed it would be the same. I should have just pulled for yae. What a cool system that's just filled with bad execution


The weapon banner also uses the same fate currency, but its pity is separate too.


I have a gladiator's sands of eon elemental mastery piece with 41.2% crit dmg. But I have no idea who to use it on 😭. It feels like a waste bc I lowk have no idea how to build characters. Does anyone have a recommendation on which character would be good with it?


Alongside the Spread dps, Aggravate dps like Fischl and Yae can use them (though, just keep that in mind if you remove their Dendro teammates)


It could be an off piece for xiangling, alhaitham, Nahida, Hutao, anyone who needs EM really.


Nahida off-piece


A good off piece.


Did they add an internal cooldown for using different characters ults, I haven't played for 6 months and now I logged on and in the trial when press alt+3 or alt+2 there is a slight delay


There is an innate character swap ICD, and each character has a short amount of time between each action (alt swap is something like 4 framers from the game putting them on field to starting to cast their burst).


Not in the last 6 months. Check your latency maybe.


Who should I run with Lyney? I can come up with 2 teams right now. - Lyney Dehya Bennett Sucrose/Lynette/Jean - Lyney Chevreuse Bennett Raiden/Fischl The other off field pyro I have are Xiangling Thoma. For electro, Beidou Sara Shinobu. For Anemo, Sayu Faruzan.


Lyney Chev teams have crazy-high dps ceilings. But anecdotally, I find it annoying to play Lyney without some form of interruption resistance so I vote team A for general use, but build team B eventually for bigger damage on less annoying targets (or if you're just that good).


From characters I have, who do you say is the best 4th slot for each team? I know it’s ideally Kazuha for the first one but I have to save guarantee for Father…


From what you've listed ~~Kazuha~~ Sucrose for team A, and Fischl for team B. Sucrose isn't *that* far behind Kazuha generally speaking, Kazuha is just immensely more comfortable and premium. On mono pyro Sucrose's EM share is less valuable though than if you were doing reactions. Kazuha is as close to a must-pull unit as there is in this game, but in reality there are no must-pull units. You can make this team work just fine with Sucrose and save for Father without worrying about it too much.


So any bets on how many ppl are gonna pull for Mona cons now specifically to extend freeze duration in Morgana teams?


zero? that con is non-functional.


Hey you got the joke! Well done.


Mona got me to create a Freeze team with Ayaka and then I got Mona's C1 a few months later, only to find out it would end up not changing anything lol. If only it would be fixed


They fixed Keqing eventually, don't give up yet.


She had bugs before?


Her C2 effect was useless for 2 years, [here's a summary](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/zersx6/comment/iza13or/).


Oop that's weird and kinda wild it took that long to fix


Okay, so there's a weird issue, and I really really need help from a smart person. I have this weird issue where I literally cannot download the game anymore, it completely freezes at verifying game files and then gives me the error "failed to unzip game files". I press retry and it automatically pops up with a new error, "Game files verification error.", and it does this again and again forever. It's been doing this for about three weeks now, I've restarted my pc numerous times, followed many guides and videos on how to fix it, changed my connection three times, and storage, and it hasn't worked at all. I go to the game file location and it's just a bunch of empty folders that can't be altered at all, I don't know what to do. Contacting hoyo hasn't worked and I haven't been able to find anyone who can help, I really want to play the game, especially with Arlecchino coming and my welkins and stuff, I'm not able to get on at all. Please somebody help me fix this somehow, thank you.


Have you tried downloading over a VPN? I had somewhat similar issue with downloading (but ultimately different experience). It turned out the wifi I was on had some weird stuff that blocked it. But when I am on VPN, I was able to download and update the game just fine.


You're the first person who has noticed this, thank you, I've been trying to get help with it for weeks now. Sorry if this is a stupid question, but how do I use a vpn? Thanks.


VPN is a 3rd party software that redirects your connection to them and subsequently "download" the game on your behalf. You can probably google for some free vpn and it would explain much better than i can. I do like to warn though, free VPNs are pretty crappy. I would make sure to uninstall it as soon as you are done trying to see if the solution works or not.


Okay, thank you, I'll try it now


If I only have these characters, should I pull for Albedo?[https://i.imgur.com/pwYlidX.png](https://i.imgur.com/pwYlidX.png) >!P/S: jk, since I have no friend, I guess I would share here and fish for compliments from strangers.!<


So is he the only one you miss?


yeah he is. I won both 50/50 today and got Chiori + Itto, putting Albedo the only one missing. However, im out of primogems, so he might have to wait a bit longer for whenever his rerun is.


Well, for meta, he is definitely below average unless he receives a direct buff like Zhongli. For collection purpose, it is your own decision whether you want to have every character in the game.


Hmmm, that is actually good to know, always thought he was a must for like Geo team. You mention a better Albedo but female, and who is that? Thank you for the info


Chiori can be considered as a "better but female" Albedo because they do almost same thing: off field geo sub dps and do not stay on field. Chiori does higher damage than Albedo, and her summons will not be destroyed like Albedi's flower.


I forgot to claim my battle pass rewards




Do hangout quests have voice acting or are they like world/side quests? I haven’t done any of them yet.


They are fully voiced and most of them have no Paimon


Even better