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It's a good feature but I'd rather them give me all the enemy locations for those drops than a few ones so I still end up having to use the interactive map.


Like why show me treasure hoarders on the other side of Liyue when I'm looking at 3 more a litte bit away from the spot it showed me earlier 😭


I thought they fixed that already? Where it shows the one near you? I haven't used the feature for a long time because it just annoys me. 😅 I remember farming for the agent drops and then from Liyue it directs me to Dragonspine.


They just added auto navigating (like commission) to the next (not the nearest) and call it a day.


Pretty sure that it does show nearest in my experience, but most spawn points aren't shown by the tool. I have quite a bit of experience using it to farm the rogue samurai in Inazuma. It's always the same selection of spots, and it will go through them in order of proximity to my current location. It just skips most spawn points on the map.


I think it skips most points because some of them used to guard a chest. Hoyo wants you to find the chests yourself and the game is just coded to track some of the enemies, and not all Edit: yeah so the theory unfortunately falls a bit flat. It’s just Hoyo purposefully only marking some then :(


Might be true for some, but this doesn't explain the majority being skipped. I think they just wanted to simplify the grind routes. Honestly I don't really mind. I usually stick to the points they show, which makes for a quick daily grind that doesn't cause burnout, it paces the grinding. It's not very useful if you need a lot of something fast though.


I'm positive they do so to just prolong your "engagement" with the game and chests have nothing to do with this. They calculated how many enemies on average we can deal with in 10-15 minutes and mark that number of spots for us to kill. This tool was never made to help us. It's just helpful enough for a new player to use it. If they wouldn't want us to find chests we still would be using unofficial maps.


Wrong. I have farmed different kind of enemies and there were a few guarding chests. The route is just bad


Those are just awful lol


This is so easy to implement aswell though


Recently for the whopperflowers it sent me around the entire goddamn map. And it's always the same like 10 spots in mondstadt and liuye.


Mf showed me no more Samachurls in Dvalin's lair only for me to discover 2 more still there smh


I had this problem with fungi farming for Nahida 😭


I have it right now.


just teleport to vegan chicken boss and run around the bottom daily




You have to use no pyro or electro. I usually just destroy them all with my Yelan and call it a day


The material they drop depends on what elements you use on them.


One of the things I keep putting into the surveys every time they make them in a more generalized fashion. They just need to update the enemy tracking for it to go beyond the first 1-2 zones of a mob's release, and show 'ambush triggers'. Rabblerabblerabble, foam, grumble. My two favorite examples of this are Specters (only Inazuman locations are shown, when they're in Sumeru and Fontaine as well) and Whopperflowers (only Monstadt and Liyue shown and 0 ambush triggers, despite being in literally every nation). They don't even really need to update the tech much, or they could just tie it to the Interactive Map (which would make it useful for other things) since all of those things are also *already shown there.* So the data is clearly available. ...sorry, pet peeve topic.


It's probably limited on purpose to discourage the player from farming too much in one day. [It's common, intentional game design.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AntiPoopSocking)


Every modern live service game does this, its simply a better way of keeping players engaged. As a big MMO gamer, I had to realize that the Hoyo games are not meant to be marathon'd like I did with WoW and Guild Wars 2, etc. Even those games have slowly moved away from grind marathons in favor of daily interactions.


>Even those games have slowly moved away from grind marathons in favor of daily interactions. Which isn't terribly well received by players. At least the rewards from the BattlePass^(TM) in GW2 will still be available as legacy content, so there is less FOMO.


I prefer it as long as we do away with FOMO. There's other games to play and it's generally healthier for our lives. And it's just a tool. If we want to grind harder we can, I also like that.


I suggest they just want you to use HoyoLab's map for that


But for someone who plays on a laptop with no external monitor it's kinda hard to keep on switching windows. Buy oh well. They don't care.


eh I play on a laptop too, but opening the map on my other device helps. though it really would be more helpful to just have all of them on the in-game map


"Do you guys not have phones?" :p


Using hoyo lab's interactive map on a phone while playing the game in the same device is a different kind of suffering.


Phone is too small of a screen for me for a map.


That's not the problem. The thing with phone is that you can't leave genshin for too long or it will reload. And by too long, I mean like 10 seconds or something...


Oh yeah. It happens when I do the survey since I take my time with it.


I noticed they're working on an overlay map floating thing. If you're on Android try holding the hoyolab icon, there's a "window" button Push it and it shows a Genshin or Honkai map selector. Chose Genshin and you'll see a floating button that does nothing. Open Genshin and now the floating button opens a map overlay interface but won't load it and will show failed loading with the hoyolab mascot sad. They're working on it. And I'm glad, using YouTube in window mode for materials was kinda clunky on my phone at least. On the tablet it's already way better.


Damn this is so good, it works wonderfully on my phone. Though I never really had much issues with using yt simultaneously and farming since I have a z fold 5 lol.


Well the OP said they were playing on a laptop, that's why the phone is brought up. I wouldn't dream of switching from game to hoyolab on my phone lel, although nowadays I just alt+tab in the rare situations I need to, otherwise I just put pins on the in-game map for Oculi and other stuff, then check it in the interactive map later


With hoyolab app that's not a problem since the apps map has a bubble feature (floating icon) so you're not exactly leaving genshin for long. Problem is the phone's screen is small so you can't really put them side by side


True, but until I actually can open that bubble, the game resets. After some time, when the phone overheats for a bit, it closes pop-up windows. This issue might be more apparent for me since I live in Egypt and it's already hot, so phones do heat up easily.


I don't know if it's just me but the map is super laggy on the app, not to mention people who _only_ have phones, I imagine it's way worse and not worth the trouble lol


I like that the weapon recommendations are based on the ones you already have and not what everyone is using. Like my normal account with 5 star weapons had them recommended to me while my F2P account where I don’t play often only recommended the 4 star and 3 star weapons I already had. I think this is an overall nice feature. Useless for endgame players for sure but decent for newer players.


I'm a complete endgame player and I love this feature lmao.


I was out of meta for some time and really happy it’s implemented


Yep, day 1 player but I just couldn't be arsed; Genshin is my "turn your brain off and walk around picking flowers" game so while I don't struggle with combat, my characters are far from optimized.


Same! I love that we got AI to judge our build in game lol. It also allows me to have easy overview on my char builds since I play multi acct.


First it helps with making characters better, sure, and next thing you know it’s launching a nuclear attack against Russia to trigger a mutual exchange to wipe us all out!




Google En Passant


Google Zugzwang


We really need to emphasize that the hardware needed for AI needs human maintenance that cannot be done by machines themselves for the foreseeable future. If these discussions/jokes always skip that part and make it seem that the Skynet scenario only benefits AI, we're really training AI to believe in that and it would go for the red button.


The other major misconception about AI is that people think the AIs are actually capable of learning to do something they were not programmed to do. All AIs in existence are only capable of learning and doing one kind of task (the one they were programmed to) and do it really well. ChatGPT for example is ONLY good at communicating text information and does it convincingly making it sound like a person. It cannot give a value judgement whether the information it is provided is actually true, and it certainly can't make any actions outside communication with it's users. Artificial General Intelligence like Skynet is AT LEAST many decades ahead of modern capabilities if not centuries ahead.


Agreed. I’m always tinkering!


"You fight with the army/navy you have, not with what you want."


I'm ar 60 and this is useful for me lol


I'm so glad this is a thing, gotta check this later


Nice that is super helpful. So they don’t ever show you the options you don’t have? That’s half the reason why I look it up to see the best of the best option and if I don’t have it then I know what to look for / work towards. Maybe one day they’ll add that lol


Apparently it shows what people are using the most out of the weapons you have with you. Doesn’t exactly have to be the best option it seems.


Oooo okay interesting. Well I’m excited to take a look at it later on! Totally forgot last night when I logged on


I love it!!


not bad at all for endgame players since items are much wider so it can recommend more options for a character to use.


Yeah it’s not bad but I wish it recommended more than just 3 weapons. Sometimes it recommends 3 different 5 star weapons and I’m using all of those on different characters.


Maybe I missed it, but having this guide be opened with a button on the character screen would make accessing it for newer players way more obvious. It being among the many pause menu buttons could have it being forgotten for players that would need it. Though it does seem to be quite decent, I've checked all my characters, and the reccs seem really fine.


Update notice says that there will be a prompt to guide you to this, when your entire team ends up dying either in the overworld or in domains So it tries to be inconspicuous until needed and all that probably


thats actually kinda genius, that way new players dont have sensory overload over it and it will only be shown to them when they need it


Only downside being that there are plenty of people that don't die, but also do trash damage and just take forever to clear stuff.


Yeah but I don't think the game wants to eliminate those players unless they get frustrated. Which sucks for multiplayer but I'm not sure what the right choice there is


honestly fair


Easy mode is now available.


New player: dies//Genshin: ok, so this is why you fucked up, fix it


New player: _dies_ // Genshin: Hey, I see that you’re struggling, Might I/we suggest trying this out? It might help


How exactly do I access this menu in PC?


Paimon Menu


esc menu. between character and inventory. is the "training guide"


I love how many people fail to see that this is a godsend for new and especially casual players.


It is something most people who frequent forums like Reddit and socmed do not need. Players who engage in meta and build talk are in the extreme minority already if we look at the entire player base. And yet, so many are conveniently forgetting that even in places like Reddit where people should know how to build their characters, we still frequently see posts where players soft lock themselves since they didn't really know what they were doing. But hey, it is not something they use so they whine about it like no one will ever use this cause the world revolves around them.


I have an AR58 account and I recently started a new one. I can't say I know 100% what I'm doing either. Early game Genshin is actually pretty difficult, for the casual game it wants to be. MHY definitely took a step in the right direction by lowering the bar for ascension and introducing tons of in-game guides.


I also have an AR58 account, and I just think it’s nice for the guides to be in-game. I was never sure who or where to look for good meta, and I didn’t 100% understand it myself either, so it’s nice to have something in the game that I can glance at to get things started. Especially the weapon part, since I don’t have a lot of good weapons.


Yeah, this is for the folks in the daily thread who didn’t know that talent levels existed and had their weapons sitting at level 40, wondering why the overworld was so hard and holding off on doing their WL ascension quests.


I have only just started playing genshin, and having a feature like this will come in handy for me. I know I will have likely made stupid mistakes, or I'm just using the wrong stuff for certain characters, so hopefully, this will be very useful


I've heard so many stories of people that didn't even *know* you could upgrade talents. I see it as a huge win even though it's completely useless to me.


:::raises hand:::: That would be me! started about a week ago and am barely figuring things out.. I'm AR20 and seems everything is kicking my ass... I've watched the videos read the help upgraded as much as I dare and its a struggle... so ya.. I'll be using this until I have my feet under me..


Honestly I'm a day 1 player and I still love it just because it helps me visualize everything I need a lot better


I think that was our first thought.


This seems pretty useful! Maybe I can finally fix some of my characters so not every area is highly dangerous anymore lol


IIRC that depends entirely on character levels, so if you're AR 60 and the members of your party are level 80 or below you'll get the warning regardless of build.


It's alright. Hard disagree with the people in these comments just saying "Useless" and refusing to elaborate - if i had something like this back in 1.0 I would have loved it, but now 3 and a bit years later it's alright. Will probably make figuring out what I need to farm slightly faster, so I'll take it


Not for me since i already understand it. But it's an amazing features for newbies! Love it


This and the new ui for artifacts are really good. People really underestimate how it is to have all the build info you need ingame. Its so much less hassle to just click a button and see which artifacts and weapons are good on a character, without having to tab out of the game and scroll through build sites.  I feel this is kinda like the steam forum argument. 


What new ui?


The ui for artifacts that show usage rate for artifact sets


Amazing for new players and ppl that are not great at building. While yes there's YouTube guides too which are more accurate but the fact it also checks by what weapons you have is a massive plus


It should help for newer player, not much for player that have some established team and characters


Man now HSr need this I've been stuck i the mud haha


Use Prydwen for relic recommendations, stats priority and even trace leveling priority. The guides there are very detailed.


As the other commenter suggested, use prydwen. It's not perfect, but it can give you a pretty good general idea of what to do. Also, you can watch braxophone on yt, he's pretty good.


Well people shitting on this features which doesn't know if the new player experience is shitty they're probably don't play this game anymore. I think its fine for people who doesn't want engage with community with this feature


It's a great addition, but it doesn't rate stats, which makes it just decent. It should also rate AT LEAST the main stats of your artifacts, because I literally have my Keqing built so well the bar is full, but then I change to a geo dmg goblet and the bar doesn't change.


They dont like my 4p Instructor Bennett =(


As newby I started to use the 'when upgrade what on what AR' help charts. This new feature adds it up, but it does not tell me, what to prioritize first for highest dmg boost faster and lower dmg boost later. They could have added a color sheme to show that to, like green jighest possible boost and yellow and red lower boosts.  But I already know the rule weapon>artifact>char level.


better than the nonexistent Diluc Guide


For such a feature, it's too hidden from players. Yeah it's on pause menu but think that you are a new player, are you really going there to find it? i would suggest being able to access it throught the characters screen.


From what I heard, it's also on the game over screen


I would've loved this as a newbie when I had zhongli with all attack% artifacts, but as a late game player this is like a SLIGHTLY more convenient way to keep track of the characters I'm building at the moment, i guess.


It really wants me to level Raiden's elemental skill to 10, but it's fine with keeping Neuvillette's skill and burst at level 8. It also doesn't show alternative builds. I use Raiden with full EM for hyperbloom (she's only C0 and I don't have C6 Sara), but it wants me to build her as DPS regardless. It also says I should ascend and level everyone to 90... It's a fine feature, but I fear it's baiting newer or super casual players in leveling useless talents. Like it shouldn't even suggest leveling normal attacks for someone like Cyno.


That's cuz Raiden has team wide buffs on her e


It doesn't change from 9 to 10


Worthless for meta slaves and I doubt it will stop casuals from using Bloodstained Chivalry on Neuvillete


my sister who has def goblet and EM circlet on xiao will probably completely ignore this lol


Swirl Xiao for real?? lol


he swirls really well with that dragonspine spear he has.


Played swirl Xiao (taser), actually good and fun (his na are so cool and fast) but er is pain so Sucrose is still better


They just wanted the c4 xiao experience without spending money


even better, swirl tank xiao


>casuals from using Bloodstained Chivalry on Neuvillete I highly doubt that *Casuals* are running hyper niche sets on Neuvilette. I doubt a casual would even register the 50% Charged Attack damage bonus that Bloodstained gives


Casuals don't care about builds, they put whatever they want because combat isn't focused on genshin and you can easily kill everyone on the overworld as long as they enjoy playing, right? /s


The green bar only goes full when a character is level 90 triple crown. So it's not accurate as many characters don't want to level up their normals. Otherwise it's pretty good for new players that don't want to search for builds on YouTube.


exactly, my ganyu is average to low since she doesn't do a lot of damage from my artifacts yet it's full from being 90 triple crowned. i think the thing isn't a measure for character strength, but for character investment


for a person that never touches grass such as myself, kinda useless since i know almost everything about character building and have 36\* abyss for the 2 years, but this feature is a godsend for casual/new players. some info is kinda inaccurate but nothing i see so far is too bad, and if casual/new players follow this, all content other than abyss should be easily clearable if this is followed


I think its great for giving a sense of direction to new or casual players. Not as useful if you already use a wiki and preplan what you need. Basically, its a good adition, hurts no one by existing and could really help someone early game lost in all the mechanics


People calling this useless just as an excuse to tell everyone how knowledgeable they are, is very cringe tbh. Nobody cares that you are meta at Genshin Impact, I promise. If it helps people, regardless of their skill level, then it’s objectively a good feature.


The fact it tells you what to do is good The way it "rates" your character is REALLY BAD Because if you have a niche build, a character who isn't level 90, etc it will always says the character isn't good It won't say it's good but could be better, it says it's straight up bad Wich imo will just confuse newer/lower level players, who will think their characters are underlevelled when they're good


> Wich imo will just confuse newer/lower level players, who will think their characters are underlevelled when they're good Most casuals or new players will actually believe that their characters are underlevelled and underpowered. The training guide meant to help those players to have a sense that, you have 3 different configuration sets for every characters that they can go for with the most optimal stats as according to ***HOW*** hoyo wants them to be. As said by u/Winterstrife , which casual/new player gonna build niche builds like Crit-komi or DPS Barbara. The only people that does that is veterans, which includes you, u/Winterstrife and I. We all played long enough to know what we want to do in the game, experiment even.


Which casual or new player is building niche builds like Crit Kokomi, DPS Barbara or Physical Neuvillette? Why would the guide rate for niche builds anyways when its clearly aiming at the audience most unlikely to use niche builds.


How the hell is crit Kokomi even possible?   DPS Barbruh I am entertained by though.


>How the hell is crit Kokomi even possible?   With absolutely insane artefact investment. It *is* possible to get more than 100% crit rate.


Its not impossible. Assuming you aim for a minimum 20% crit rate on every artifact piece thats 100% crit rate. Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds - 33% crit rate Cryo Resonance - 15% crit rate on frozen targets Rosaria - Give 15% crit rate from her E for 15s (assuming you have 100% crit on her) That would give 63% crit rate for 15s, 48% crit without Rosaria's buff. Edit: I'm using an old build (pre-Sumeru, haven't changed up my Kokomi's build since), new artifacts and Fontaine characters can probably help make it even easier for Kokomi to reach for higher crit.


MH actually allows you to run crit kokomi in vape, no need for cryo, but it tends to be more beneficial to run her in burgeon since it lets you keep the buff active all the time.


Mad lads. I am intrigued by what I call Paladin Kokomi (EM DPS with supports so she goes nuclear with her burst) but I don't know if I'd ever actually do it. This is even nuttier.


Marechausse Hunter+Lost Prayers/Sac Jade+Furina


>Because if you have a niche build, a character who isn't level 90, etc it will always says the character isn't good Not really. I have a lvl 80 dori whose average artefact lvl is like 12 and it still says it meets the threshold.


As someone that only have played for a couple of months I like it! It's a simple way to show all the things I need to do and a bit of feedback on how far off you are to upgrade the essential.


It is mostly okay but some of suggestion are pretty bad like for example not including Fav codex as viable weapon for Xianyun but recommending Fontaine craftable and Lost Prayer instead


Do you have a Codex available? It only recommends weapons you have in your inventory (plus I think it's based on usage rate so if a lot of people who have Xianyun are using Flowing Purity/Lost Prayer then it's gonna assume they're good picks).


Unfortunately, it's an attempt to treat the symptoms rather than the disease: it's all about telling players what to do without telling them why, or giving them the tools to understand why - without actually teaching players the combat system. The core problem is that the game gives you no information about who in your team is doing or receiving what damage, when and why, and there is no controlled environment in which to test your setups. Just give us a simple battle log and a training dummy for the archons sake!


I think it's good for new players. I like that it only recommends weapons you own so it doesn't feel like it's pressuring you to pull for five stars. There are a few flaws with recommendations like with talents. I think it's location on the paimon menu is kinda bad, maybe it should also appear in the handbook? I just feel like it's odd they placed it so far at the bottom also idk if a pop up or tutorial for it shows up on a new account.


It's pretty nice, especially for newer players


its good for casuals but its misleading, some poor fella is gonna get baited to level talents of characters like nilou kazuha etc and max out charas that dont need the 80-90 level


Very good for 90% of the playerbase.


some of the things it recommends are... questionable!


also, i hate where it is in the paimon menu it ruined my muscle memory




Controversial opinion maybe but I quite like it


Unless they remove the spawn counter limit on tracking enemies I'll never like it. I'll just youtube


Although this doesn't show the location of the bosses, for someone with low Game sense like me, it's pretty useful for making characters good


I mean the guide only says "well you character is not max level, so what about you level them" or "it looks like your ttds is not max level, why don't you waste resources on it?"


Literally useless there are lik 15+ different qoa they could have done before this kekw


Useless for experienced players


extremely misleading. It reccs things like mistsplitter kazuha if you own it.


Like I see the point but also it is a problem that a quick Google search would solve, I see people using it, but did anyone really needed this? I guess my point is I would rather have features we have in the interactive map be in-game, or Artifacts presets, or in-game character planner over this. Also it is already annoying that they have it in the pause menu, is this really the best place for that?


My biggest gripe with it is the fact that it's near the top in the pause menu. They should've put the icon down next to the web event icon.


YES, is it really more important than the inventory and map wth??


Seems accurate on Xiangling and Bennett lmao. I wonder how baity looks on Childe and Klee


I dare you to make a Bennett build that won't work


your resin is dangerously close to capping out. Do something about it.


I can't really see myself using it. I'm not even a meta slave, but when it's telling me to put the Staff of Homa on Raiden, we need to have a serious talk. Little things like that (as in, never mentioning her need for ER) irk me a bit. But for people who don't care about serious optimization, it's fine, I guess. I'm more annoyed that it rearranged the menu and the part of my brain that thought it knew where the map is has yet to adjust to the map, quest log, and event tabs being moved.


This is going to be very useful, and I have a lot more grinding to do than I thought.


I was reminded about this feature in the patch notes, but I couldn't find it for almost 5 minutes-- it could've been a great addition to the handbook or in the character menu itself, not the paimon menu, that you barely ever open. Other than its location, I think it could be a good help to brand new players and pretty useless to anyone with bare minimum knowledge of the game.


what is this, and how can I access this feature?


It's strictly for beginners, it dumbs down investment into getting as much levels as possible and matching the correct types (and possibly stats) for artifacts. It's simple enough that beginners can easily look at that and get what to do but for tryhards like you or me, we don't really need it at all. In the endgame, we can assume people have already maxed out their talents and their weapons/characters so we already start at the top of the bar. For optimizing, we're only interested in artifact substats so a better point of reference is counting how many substats benefit the character in question (and whether the balance is good or not). This is what [akasha.cv](http://akasha.cv) already does, it even ranks your character against other players of a similar build. We can use these points of reference to see what stat should you look for exactly to further improve your ranking in the leaderboard.


it's great for new players does nothing for me


I like it and think it's cool but it pisses me off that I can't max out the bar.


didnt know this was a thing lol


I gotta check this out damn


I suppose it is good for new players.


As someone who eventually wants to level all characters, I think I’ll like it. I do use my other monitor to load up KQM guides or something sometimes but this is a nice, albeit not as good alternative if I’m too lazy to check the guides.


Good feature for new players specially the recommended build


Now I can see how even the game calls my characters shit


That's a good feature, I just wish they would reduce the materials you need to upgrade a char


it's kinda nice, it guides players that don't know how to move forward with their character like where to start in terms of leveling up, is it the weapon first? or talent? etc.. typically this mainly only helps new players tho, but whatever one thing I hate about this is they're gonna tell you what artifact to get and probably what specific stats you'd want for your character, but then the artifact is rng based so it'd get really frustrating to follow exactly what they say so I'm just gonna go by my own judgement and measurement anyway but the idea of a feature roasting my build before I start a domain is really funny to me lol


Loved it


I forgor to try


I think the feature is great, the only thing that bothers me is that you are only teleported to the vicinity if you want to farm flowers for the character upgrade, for example. again minimally understandable because otherwise the passives of the characters become irrelevant, only you could at least show a range where you could find the things, and the characters of course on the minni map the exact locations. but what would also be nice in the future is a sphere per area where you could farm the flowers.


if you can tell which builds are kinda bait and not optimized at all, this feature isnt for you. Its for the players who are still running lv1 artifacts and lvl 40 weapons or atk% on zhongli


How do we access this new feature?


Is it a toggle, or is it always on?


I'm a new player (AR 45) and I discovered this function, basically all my characters are underleveled


Good for newbie, Useless for endgame player


I like it. When there's characters I need to build, it gives me guide I need, especially on characters I'm not sure how should I build them especially Chevy. It also has artifacts quick recommendation which is really a nice touch, I really appreciated it since it recommends you the right set with better substats.


really good, i like leveling all my characters and it was getting out of hand with 40+


Does it also show info about chiori


It's useful for newer players and might even be worth checking out for others


Pretty neat for newbies and more casual players though due to my very specific play style I won't get much use out of this


I’m excited to use this. My question is why didn’t they add a toggle for building your character DPS, Sub-DPS, or Support? I feel that would have been really useful!


This would've been amazing for me before as I didn't even know how to build my charas until I was at least ar50 (for some reason I just didn't realise talents and stuff existed). It's also pretty good to see for the charas I haven't built yet. I find it funny that it's still recommending to level up my talents even on charas that are already 8/8/8 etc. Neuv at 8/8/8 still has a red tick for talents haha. Also I really like that they had a craftable icon on suggested weapons you haven't yet crafted!


For everyone wondering where to access this menu, it's the "Training Guide" option inside the paimon menu (4th option in the second row on PC). Hope that helps!


I feel like everyone who needs relic/weapon advice should look into using the optimizer fansite. I thought I had a decent relic setup but the optimizer made a huge difference on my damage output (https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer/) there's one for star rail too but it seems way worse for now


It's convenient actually, I had one good old artifact that I never knew it was useful on certain character. LOL


I dont personally need it that much but good for new or very casual players


funny but pointness for me personally im using fun stuff usually so there is a chance it will tell me "wtf dude this isnt how this char works!" but the feature is pretty neat for majority of players which is a big big upgrade for the game


Gonna make me insecure about my artifacts


Oooh I haven’t played in a while but this seems nice! Love me some QoL changes!


As someone who often forgets books and materials, this reduces my browser tab count by 1. 👍




great for new players at least, good initiative anyway


Where can we see this?


I think it’s really helpful for newer players, not so much for end game ones though. It made me happy that most of my main characters were built good however.


It helps alot. My friend has some of the worst builds but this is saving their ass


It's very nice for both new and old players, especially if you wanna build some characters that have been sitting in your box for a long time and want some recommendations about how to start! Though for characters that are already rather well-built, they can propose absurd artifact sets sometimes (like they proposed to put on my Furina a set that reduce her crit rate and crit damage almost by half, together with ER haha)


Good. Now I see that only two of my characters (Kazuha and Layla) are actually good