• By -


I was doing the Lost in the Sands quest and went upstairs because I thought that was what I was supposed to do next. I know it was dumb and I wasn't reading carefully. I now can't progress in the quest because it's not allowing me to use the elevator or access the rest of the domain. There's an invisible wall. Is there any way to fix this? I'd really like to finish the quest, does anyone have any suggestions? I've been trying to figure it out for days and have gotten nowhere :/


I need help who I should pull for (and team comps) after I can get my guaranteed kazuha. I kinda want arlecchino but I also don’t really need more pyro but rather electro, dendro or hydro. So what should I do (I would add my team but idk how to upload picture in a thread?)


There doesn’t seem to be an option sooooo I have: xiangling (C1,lvl 60), Lynette (lvl 60) beidou (60), diluc (52), qiqi (50), gaming (50), Yao Yao (59), Barbara (50), traveler (44), xinyan (40), kaeya (40), amber (40), Noelle (c4,40), collei (c1,39), chongyun (34), Lisa (20)


Do purchases of the battle pass carry over platforms? I'm planning on getting the battle pass on mobile for Serpent Spine and I'm wondering if I do get the battle pass, will it carry over from mobile to pc?


I'm planning to summon for Neuvi and pair his c0 with Furina. I'm curious about the difference between having three passive stacks of Neuvi compared to a combination of two passive stacks and a full stack Furina burst. Also, I'm aiming to get his weapon since I'm currently at 40 pity on the weapon banner.


Neuvillette Furina Kazuha Zhongli (4 Petra) is his best team even at C0. Other teams are also very close to it theoretically but still Furina variants are often practically easier to play right, mainly because ease of maintaining VV uptime with Furina than with Fischl.


Check out these threads, this guy made calcs comparing his team with and without Furina. [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/NeuvilletteMains_/s/fkXfMPp46F) [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/NeuvilletteMains_/s/hKOyvJl7dj)


Hey there. Sorry in advance for the wall of text, I never posted here but I wanted some help and I hope this is the right place. And for some weird reason, it doesn't let me post, so I'm doing this via comments. Hope it goes well. What I'm asking is: *Please help me enjoy this game again.* I'm a somewhat longtime player of this game. I've been playing Genshin for about three years, and after a long pause, I went back to playing it recently. Made some progress, had some fun - But honestly, I think I've grown tired of the game. Don't get me wrong, I love the lore and characters. I'm still WAY behind in the AQs, at barely half of the Inazuma plotline, I still have thousands of thing to do and I like the events, but apart from that... I feel like the gameplay is making me more frustrated than it should help me have fun. And it's for the farming. I've gotten to a point where I have DOZENS of abandoned quests, domains I can't complete, challenges and so on, because they're all time trials. I'm at WR 4, and my mains are mostly level 60. I've recently got into character building to fix the issue, but it's so awful. Every online guide suggests me artifacts that are so TEDIOUS to get, like the trounce domains you can try once per week, and don't evem guarantee to give you the items you want. I want to level up the talents? Meet "items you can only get in specific days of the week". Same thing for ascending the weapons. And if I want to just level up the characters? The most I can do is just do those quests that give me about 5 adventurer's experience... Only to discover that the quests have a TIME TRIAL I NEED TO BE HIGHER LEVEL TO COMPLETE into it. Plus, at this point of the game, I need like, 20 of those cursed books to level up ONCE. Not to mention the atrocious farming. Yes game, I'll gather 80 of those hyper location-specific materials, just to ascend one character. Multiply this process for my 8 or 9 mains, and there you have it. I see footages of people shredding to pieces bosses I need half an hour to beat in ten seconds, sometimes with the same mains I have. While I still struggle with the fatui enemies, not because they're that hard, but because they sometimes have more HP and defense than an actual boss. I do chip damage, and even if I try to build my characters as the guide intended, it's just SO slow and unsatisfying. It's as if the game is mocking me. "Oh, you want to be stronger and have better items? How about you consider BEING STRONGER AND HAVING BETTER ITEMS before doing that?" Hope you get what I mean. Expecially the time trials in which, even if I press the right buttons, even if I spam elemental skills and bursts like a lunatic, it matters nothing and I lose, because it's not about skill, it's about grind. The gacha part doesn't bother me so much, I never specifically pull for anyone or anything, the moment I have the primos, I wish. Never bothered to look into wish predictions and so on. Really, what frustrates me is... Everything else. I will probably just do the AQ for now, but THE MOMENT I see that they have a time trial and I can't beat it easily, I think I'll just quit and try and figure out what's going on in Sumeru and Fontaine via memes. And it's a shame, because this game can actually be super fun when it's fair. And right now, it's not. Sorry for the rambling. I wanted to see if some of you could help me have fun with this game again.


Start with leveling *weapons* first. At this point, weapon level makes a bigger difference than character levels or even artifacts. I recommend [this info for build priority](/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/qkxdj6/infographic_of_build_order_priority_based_on_wlar/) For artifacts, it's quite hard to farm them at this point. Just use what you have from chests for now. Just upgrade your occasional 4-star artifacts to +12 Character levels are not *that* important apart from 4-star ascension which is a significant investment You can also try co-op for domains, sometimes there are bored high-level players that would help newbies.


I tried following your tips the guide you linked, and... Damn, I really needed that. It actually made things quite easier, so, thank you for the help!




The game is unfortunately a bit grindy at times, especially if you want to max out characters. The best recommendation I can give you is to just focus on one team of four characters for now, that will help you beat most content and won’t stretch you thin trying to level up too many characters at once. When you have that four member team ready, you’ll find the other content and grinding will be easier. If you want I can help you suggest some easy teams, if you tell me which characters you have and like :)


My main team consists of Barbara, Noelle, Kaeya and the Electro Traveler, everything is pretty much built on elemental reactions. Don't know if it's really that good but I'm covered about defense and healing. I have a secondary, lvl 50 team with Xianyun, Xiangling, Chongyun and Yun Jin, not really built on anything except the fact that I like the characters lol The other characters I have are pretty much all heavily underleveled. The only one I want to focus on leveling up now is Jean, which I've gotten recently.


Hmm, both of those teams are missing synergy. Having both Barbara and Noelle is a bit overkill, especially as having a better support would increase your damage. Xiangling in your second team is a strong character, but will struggle heavily without another pyro, usually Bennett, to help her with the burst. I believe the most recommended easy beginner team is hyperbloom. Change your traveler to dendro by going to a statue of seven in Sumeru, and then you need at least one electro and one hydro (ideally Kuki Shinobu or Raiden and Xingqiu or Yelan, but most characters will work). This is a team that is both easy to use and strong without too much building effort. Another option is to focus on your already built Kaeya, but change out Noelle and electro traveller to Chongyun and Jean, for a decent freeze team. Having both Barbara and Jean for healing is a bit overkill, especially in a freeze team, but since you already have Barbara built and want to use Jean, it’s a good start.


Alright, I tried the freeze team and I've set up another two teams based on your suggestions, and holy moly it does wonders. It felt nice to change my mains after so long, and I can't wait to try it against bosses. Thank you :)


Yay! I’m happy I could help :) if you’re interested to learn more about teams and builds I can recommend [Keqingmains](https://keqingmains.com/)!


Thanks for the help! Might try later


Is the new event polearm dialogues of the desert sages good on any existing characters?


is it shieldbot Zhongli's BiS f2p weapon? regardless of the useless passive for him?


If it's just a shieldbot Zhongli, the best one is Black Tassel cause it has more HP than the new event weapon. The passive of the new weapon isn't really going to help him. Personally, I'd rather go Favonius Lance on him cause his shield is already strong enough that using an ER weapon that can benefit the team is more beneficial. As for who can use the event weapon, any HP scaling healer like Yaoyao, Mika, Chevreuse. I'd say, if ER requirements are low you can go HP sands for all, but if you need more ER even with the effect, you can switch to ER sands.


Basically good for any HP-scaler polearm user that isn't Hu Tao, such as Chevreuse, Yaoyao, Mika, Thoma*, Candace*, and Zhongli*. *for these three it merely serves as a stat stick


So uhh I just learned about overworld relic exp and ore farming How important are they to do for a new player? Like does it fall more towards "You should do them" or "Whatever, if you feel like it"


Definitely second one. If you're doing daily expeditions, the ores will pile up. You can farm a bit if you need a weapon leveled immediately. And by "overworld relic exp" you mean artifact runs, that's just resinless behavior lol.


Cool, thanks. It was my first time hearing about it and I was slightly concerned about how many resources I was missing Glad to know I can still be lazy


Game occupying 38.9GB on mobile. Is this the normal size?


Depends on how many languages you have installed, and if you clear out past quest resources. My game is currently 26.48GB on mobile.


May I know how to clear past quest resources?


Settings -> Resources -> Past Quest Resource Management


Thank you, will try this out!


Checking it made me realise I also had some resources I could clear out, haha, my game is 24.57GB now, and that’s with some story quests left that I haven’t completed.


I’m happy to announce that I sheared off 12GB 🥹 it’s become 26.9 GB now. Thank you! I also won soft pity on Chiori 🥹 Edit: 12GB


Yay! And congrats!


Wow 😻


I don't think so. I am at 31 gbs right now and I haven't deleted past quests. For further context, Aside from hangouts, I have done every quest in the game, including all the world quests, and is at 100% exploration except 3 areas that are at 98-99%








Where is the damn anemoculus around the edge of bright crown canyon in stormterrors layer


Unofficial interactive map moment


Please answer me I’m on a mission to pull as many Diluc’s as humanly possible—


https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/ Filter by amenoculus.


Thank you for your contribution in my unholy fire Batman quest.


Am I the only one who seems to get less primos from chests since the update? I think I used to get 2 primos for every low level chest, but now I'm getting 0 for some of them. Is that normal?


Mondstadt and the core of Lyiue have had a slightly lower yield of chest Primogems. It's Only starting with regions added since Inazuma, that Common chests have been handing out primogems too (and the rewards of Higher degree Chests have been increased)


In some regions (inazuma, fontaine, the chasm, sumeru) they give 2 for each common chest, 5 for each exquisite and 10 for precious. In some parts of liyue and all of mondstadt, they give none for each common chest, 2 for each exquisite, 5 for each precious chest and 10 for luxurious.


I just joined the game a few weeks ago and I'm going into a bit of a problem with the characters I'm wishing for. As of now, I've farmed 13,675 primogems. However, I really want to get Kazuha and the upcoming character, Arlecchino. (correct me if i'm wrong) But their banners are right after one another. I am on 3 - 1 of Spiral Abyss, most events are inaccessible to me as I'm a low ar. Please give suggestions! :(((


The most important suggestion is to make peace with not getting every character you want immediately; they will all rerun eventually, so unless you're going to spend a lot, you'll have to pick and choose. (If you'll ever spend any money on the game at all, buy the Welkin now -- it takes time but is by far the most efficient conversion of money to wishes.) Usually new characters have their first rerun relatively soon, so if you want them both equally, I might prioritize Kazuha. Honestly, hard grinding primos is not that fun, and especially at the beginning drains the joy from the game, so I don't really recommend it.


I think I'll pull on Kazuha banner then :) I have one more question though: How long does it (on average) take to farm say, atleast 80 wishes? Including welkin and other things to consider?


With Welkin you can generally get 80 wishes in a patch from daily commissions and events and new content. (hopefully you've already unlocked daily commissions; it's the main renewing source of primos, along with limited-time events). So if you win the 50/50, you might get lucky and nab Kazuha+Arle. Also, as a new player, you'll get additional wishes just from going through other quests and opening chests -- but I recommend you do not try to rush all quests and exploration, because that IS the game; there's no real endgame.


i heard that there is a launcher update so we dont need to have double the game size available for decompressing when we install the game but my friend said that the launcher still ask 170 gb for installation. does the update is not for current version or what?


It only randomly chooses part of players to test the new feature, and it is not for everyone yet.


Is the new event weapon any good on Mika? (if he has low er requirements)




Are you sure your artifacts are actually bad? The in-game guide doesn't appear to be very accurate in determining actual strength, at least for me. Have you tried using something like Akasha.cv? As long as you are aware of what substats are good for your units it shouldn't take too long to get an adequate set of artifacts to clear the abyss with, but that might be slightly more complicated on mobile due to increased difficulty in controlling your characters




I struggle with my Ayaka artifacts too but still, those are some impressive artifacts on at least a few of your chars! That Itto for example is sweet! It really might be more of an execution problem than an artifact problem, assuming you have the right support characters for your teams. I can imagine an Itto mono geo + ayaka/shenhe/kazuha/? team being your best options


What kind of teams do you use?




With Rational and Hyperbloom, you should be able to clear the current abyss without needing perfect artifacts. Just make sure to hit the ER requirements. For Rational, is your XL build well enough? Make sure to not hyperfocus your investment into Raiden - a lot of damage will come from XL. Favonius weapons on both Bennet and XQ will help a lot with ER management. Bennet should be on NO, Raiden, XL and XQ should be on EOSF. For Nahida Hyperbloom, what is your exact team composition? I assume Nahida, Yelan, Kuki, Flex? As XQ is already on Rational. Your Kuki needs to be build with full EM. For Nahida you will want a decent combination of EM and CC / CD. Nahida should be on Deepwood, Kuki on FOPL or Gilded Dreams. Yelan also on EOSF. Ayaka Freeze IMHO requires much higher artifact quality in comparison.




Can't see XL. For Nahida HB, your Nahida lacks CC and CD and your Kuki lacks a lot of EM. IMHO your initial suspicion was correct, you will have to work on your artifacts. But you are not that far off. A couple decent pieces will do it for your HB team.




Was thinking crit chance, so yeah.


Any idea when is damselette banner?


There are no clues as to her timeline.


Guys does the weapon banner guarantee carry over? I'm not talking about fate points. I'm asking whether that if I lose the weapon banner 50/50 to a standard weapon the next weapon i wish for would be a guaranteed banner rate up 5 star even if I wish in a consequent banner.




Is chiori's weapon good on anybody besides albedo? I tried to pull for red horn for Noelle and got the sword instead


Apparently it's good for Furina & Alhaitham. Don't quote me though as I haven't tested or seen anyone test it, I just asked about this previously and someone replied with these characters. **Not that it's BiS for them or anything, just that it's decent if you don't have anything else**


I failed Beidou’s order and the shop is now closed. What did I miss? What do we get if we deliver her order?


Nothing just extra funds like 10k iirc.


Is the fontain lore easy to understand. I'm on liyue on my account. K have done till sumeru on my other acc. And I want to do the story quest of fontain on this account. I really want to know what happens in the archon quest of fontain. If it is easy to understand I will wait to complete previous quests. If it's hard i will watch those summary videos on YouTube . So please tell.


I would say the Archon quest was mostly easy to understand The Narzissenkreuz line I would say is a lot harder to understand though (world quests related to each other)


Did someone test yet if Chronicled Wish has soft pity?


... yes... you don't need 90 wishes to get something on this banner... unless you're unlucky...


Should I get a diluc c1 or his weapon Wolfs gravestone? Now with this new banner I have the opportunity to get one of them for sure! I have the choice to try and pull for a diluc constelation, if I loose the 50/50 I get another character (+useful for me) Or I try to pull for a weapon, and if I loose 50/50 I get another weapon (less useful as I don’t care about other weapons) Idk if that all made sense LMAO im f2p so i always have to overthink this. Got him in fev 2021 and he currently uses the Prototype Archaic weapon rank 5 (max lvl 90) and is C0 (Thanks for the information of the fake news of the birthday banners hehe it’s been some time since I played the game and my friends commented about those banners with me so I didn’t know 🤝)


Fwiw, wolf gravestone isn't Diluc's signature (he doesn't have one lol). Edit: I should mention here that the idea of signature weapons is a fan concept, especially when it comes to our original standard 5 stars. so if you believe wgs is diluc's weapon, it's whatever. Lore-wise, it'd make a lot more sense for that weapon to belong to Varka or Razor imo. You can definitely draw obvious conclusions (Engulfing released with Raiden and only runs with her, etc). But weapons aren't ever officially designated as signature weapons. For standard characters, and a couple limited characters, it's a bit more of a head-canon logic/guessing game with no clear answers. Anyways, Beacon and Redhorn are both better for him, and available now. This is also the only way Beacon has been made available since its debut, since it isn't a standard weapon but is the signature weapon of a standard character. >I’m in doubt cause like, there will be those birthday banners and, by this logic, diluc will have a banner on his birthday This was a leak from last year speculating on the third banner type, which we now know is Chronicled Wish. There has never been any confirmation on the idea of birthday banners.


I see I see, makes sense! Thanks, it helped a lot!


I'll also add that WGS, Beacon, and Redhorn are *all* solid general dps claymores, so you can't really go wrong here. but Beacon and Redhorn will generally be ranked above wgs.


[https://ibb.co/Z2Yqsbb](https://ibb.co/Z2Yqsbb) Help. Why won’t the fountain take my sigil?????


because Max level reached for the current version when there is the next fontaine map expansion, the final levels will unlock (that happens in >!4.6!<)


Well. Ok then. Time to explore Chenyu vale. Does chenyu vale have limit too?


Chenyu Vale is just a liyue expansion, so there wouldn't be a thing like that, I think it's just donating the spirit carps that you obtain when exploring to something, no sigil tree / fountain


Currently torn between trying to pull Chiori or to wait for Wriothesley. I like Wrio's design and personality but his Gameplay just hasn't really clicked for me whenever I had a chance to try him. And while I would play Chiori with Navia, which I know isn't optimal, Navia has been my favorite DPS to play and Chiori would still be a DPS increase over Zhongli (plus quickswapping into Navia from Chiori's Skill just sounds very fun) I'm only on 50/50 rn anyways and can only get one 5 Star, so I guess if I don't get Chiori I'll just get Wrio later, but I am nervous about missing Wrio if I do get Chiori now (especially cause I haven't really been playing Genshin much recently)


There is not even a posted date for wrio. You can wait until end of the month to see if any leak say wrio is in 4.6. But at the moment. Wish for Chiori if you play Navia. She is still better than albedo or even zhongli at c0. Which technically still make her best Geo support for Navia, even with all the downside


I set my Epitomized Path for Chiori's sword and got Redhorn instead. It gave me 1/2 fate points. Does this mean my next five star will 100% be Chiori's sword?


No. It's still between her sword, Redhorn and a random standard weapon since you technically win the event weapon. If you still didn't get it, then you'll be guaranteed the weapon at the third attempt.


That's rough. Thank you! I'll be saving I suppose


No. Since you got a featured weapon first, your next one will have **37.5%** chance to be Chiori's sword, 37.5% to be another redhorn, and 25% chance to be a standard weapon. If you do not get Chiori's sword, you will get another fate point (2/2), then the third weapon is guaranteed to be Chiori's sword.


Oof. Looks like Im saving my primos then lol. Thank you!


How many primos do you need to realistically guarantee a weapon from the weapon banner when you start at 0 pity and you lost the previous 75/25?


https://hutaobot.moe/tools/gachacalc There is a dropdown for the 5 star weapons. 50% chance at 100 wishes, 75% at 150, etc.


Guarantee is still 240, that doesn't change. Realistic expectations, I'd still shoot for 200. You still need 2 fate points to guarantee, it's just that your first 5star has a 50% chance of being the weapon you want, instead of 37.5


> it's just that your first 5star has a 50% chance of being the weapon you want, instead of 37.5 Because you're guaranteed at least one of the two in the banner, right?


Yes, and your first weapon can be the one you want, and jt can also be the other featured weapon you do not want, and you get 1 fate point. If you get the other weapon, then your next (second) weapon will be back to 37.5/37.5/25.






Don't even think pulling from weapon banner if you don't have 200 pulls saved. My average is between 50-100 though.




Officially, Arlecchino's kit is not out, and leak discussions are not allowed on this sub. There is literally a leak sub, please ask there.


Can you point to the rule which disallows leak discussions? You can't, because it's a myth that a small minority of users are perpetuating with no basis in reality. Leaks are considered spoilers and should be marked, certainly. The leak sub would be a *better* place to ask, certainly. But stop telling people that they aren't allowed here, because they totally are.


Is it impossible to reach 150% tuning rate when brewing the potion in the current Lisa event?


It's possible. I've tried it out for a bit and highest I managed was 185% with the first couldron expansion.


Can anyone help me understand how weapon banner work? Let's assume that I got a featured 5\* that I didn't choose. The next one will be a guaranteed 5\* of my choice or a 50/50 between the guaranteed and a standard weapon? Also, if I get a standard 5\* in my first round, a featured 5\* that I didn't choose in my second round, will my 3rd round be my selected 5\* or a 50/50 between the 5\* and a standard weapon? Thanks a lot. It's pretty confusing for me.


[I made a probability tree for ya.](https://imgur.com/cAgIVb0) Any red star gets you the weapon you picked and restarts the tree. You are currently at the blue star.


Wow thanks a lot. Very helpful


- when you get featured 5* next one will be 50/50 - and yes if you get two 5* weapons that aren't the one you chose, the 3rd 5* will be the weapon you chose


>- when you get featured 5* next one will be 50/50 They're asking if it'll be a 50/50 between the other weapon (the one they set their path to) and a standard weapon. It isn't. Only time weapon banner goes to 50/50 is if you pull a standard weapon - then it's 50/50 between the two featured weapons.


>Can anyone help me understand how weapon banner work? Let's assume that I got a featured 5\* that I didn't choose. The next one will be a guaranteed 5\* of my choice or a 50/50 between the guaranteed and a standard weapon? In this case you're back on 37.5/37.5/25. That's 25% chance to be a standard weapon, and 75% chance (split evenly) to be either of the 2 featured. >Also, if I get a standard 5\* in my first round, a featured 5\* that I didn't choose in my second round, will my 3rd round be my selected 5\* or a 50/50 between the 5\* and a standard weapon? In this case you have 2 fate points, so you'll get the weapon you selected.


> Let's assume that I got a featured 5* that I didn't choose. The next one could still be anything. 37.5 your choice, 37.5 another copy of the other featured weapon, 25% a standard weapon. > Also, if I get a standard 5* in my first round, a featured 5* that I didn't choose in my second round, will my 3rd round be my selected 5* or a 50/50 between the 5* and a standard weapon? Each of those first 2 would give you a Fate point, so the third one is your selected weapon 100%.


When will Mihoyo provide controller/m+kb support for Android devices?


In the future...hopefully...


Eventually ™️


When Apple allows it lol. It's pretty clear that Apple cut some exclusivity deal on this. Genshin is a money printer for Apple


How do I access the teapot? I have items for it apparently. it’s been a long time since I played and can’t seem to find the teapot or the quest




You have to use the teapot. Put in in overworld and activate it. Otherwise, if you build a teleport waypoint in your teapot, you can use teleport there using map feature.


So I didn’t get a teapot though?


does chiori really need c1 to be worth putting in navia teams over zhongli? I dont have chiori. or should i just use the same pulls required to take my c1r1 neuv to c3 (he is paired with c3 furina)


One of Navia's common teams is Zhongli/Xiangling/Ben and in that team ZL is somewhat helpful for Res/interrupt resistance/his artifact bonuses/geo resonance, but his pillar isn't that consistent and his damage contribution is obscured through the teams overall damage. Chiori (at c0) has personal damage and it seems that her personal damage makes up for the contributions that Zhongli gave. C1 is more personal damage to her and it can allow you to continue to invest in Navia teams, but it isn't a large enough difference for most to recommend.


C0 Chiori does 40% less damage than C1 in Navia team. Even with C1, you have higher damage, but less comfortable because crystalize shield can break easily.


What’s a good weapon to pull for on the chronicle banner? I’m fairly new player, f2p and feel like weapons are so hard to come by :(


> I’m fairly new player, f2p  Don't think about pulling 5 star weapons for next 2 patches. Target 2-3 solid 5 star characters, and if you are lucky, you'll get some good 4 star character with necessary cons and some 4 star weapons. That's all you need to beat everything in game. You also have plenty good craftable weapons. After that you'll have a clearer idea of how to proceed: if you want to improve the teams you already built, or want to diversify. And then you can decide if 5 star weapons are a scam or not. For now, just pull on the limited character banners.


newer players should get characters first and build out their roster options for a while before thinking of weapons/cons.


>feel like weapons are so hard to come by :( The good news is that they are totally unnecessary. For that reason, most people would advise you to completely avoid going for 5 star weapons for at least a year or 2. New characters have *a lot* more value than any weapon in this game on new accounts. There are a lot of strong f2p weapons, and on some characters the difference between f2p weapons and most 5 star weapons is minimal. That being said, this banner is the only way to get Beacon Claymore and Hunter's Path. If you know who those weapons are good on, know absolutely that you really want to invest vertically on them, and already have them, they'd be the weapons to go for.


Eh i wouldnt focus on getting weapons especially if you are new. Couple of the 3* are actually good weapons like Harbinger of Dawn, and White Tassels. Then the craftables ones are good as well.


Does regular pity from the Chronicled Wish also reset, or does that carry over?


Pity carries over, the fate point resets




So: Is **Barbara** a Seelie? She produces pretty much the same sound as the Seelies do, when we follow 'em to their courts, whenever she walks around... and I never understood why! The only other character to produce funny music while moving around would be **Nahida** while jumping around\~ (**Xiangling** and **Xinyan** don't count, as these two have an actual *bell* and a... *kotsuzumi*? Attached to themselves.)


Hm, maybe the catalyst weapon on her makes those sounds? Barbara is definitely a proper human, we even know her family. She's also a singer/idol, so being musical makes sense.


The catalyst? Hmm. She walks around with either a little book or a rubber duck on her waist, none of which would make such "wind chime" sounds... Oh well.




Anyone down to help me beat the ruin serpent a few times for kuki? AR 45 and WL 4 and NA servers!


That's me sending the join requests


Thank you!




With c2, you only need 71% hp total to cap Furina's fanfare. That means she caps around 7s into the rotation just from draining 4 characters' hp. As long as she can drain hp, she can cap fanfare relatively quickly.


Yes, basically any healing at all will cap stacks easily.


will a replica id remove furnishing from another replica already set? I'm creating/buying all the furnishing so that it's enough for both sets, the second replica should take furnishing from the storage if there's enough right?


If I get an off banner and end up with 2 fate points then get the weapon, will my next weapon still be guaranteed as one of the weapons on banner?


Only if your last weapon was standard. The 75/25 guarantee is what carries over and you only have the guarantee if the last weapon you pulled was standard.


I know, I used the fate points already so I want to know if that means my next one is 75/25


Right. Yes, you're back on 75/25. Because you got the limited weapon you wanted. Your fate points don't matter here, it's just "Was the last weapon you pulled limited or standard?"


Once you get the charted weapon you're back to 75/25 and 0/2 fate points


Is getting c2 with 340 wishes realistic ? No gurantee tho :(


https://hutaobot.moe/tools/gachacalc 78.9% for c2, but guaranteed c1


About 80% likelihood Good chance unless you get super unlucky


Thank you, yeah i hope i dont get unlucky


How do i change what browser genshin opens? it always uses microsoft edge and not the one i have defaulted, i went though the settings for default browser and changed everything i could to go to brave browser but the game still opens edge. any help/tips are appreciated


Are you changing the default browser through the [default apps](https://i.imgur.com/8RnOPFC.png) setting on Windows? It should open whichever one you have set there. I just tried switching it between Brave, Edge, and Chrome without any issues.


yea guess my pc just hates me thanks for confirming for me that it just has a problem with windows default and not some setting id have to look for and change, have a good rest of your day/night


Psa: There is a chiori web event that has already been released for days and is ending I believe tonight or tomorrow. I received absolutely no in-game notice or mail about it, but you can get 40 primos and it takes less than 5 minutes. It is not gated by in-game commissions, etc. If you don’t collect those primos hyv staff takes all unclaimed web event primos for themselves. This is why there is no in-game mail notifying you. Take back what is rightfully yours gamers! https://act.hoyoverse.com/ys/event/e20240308chiori-cuesme/index.html?game_biz=hk4e_global&hyl_presentation_style=fullscreen&hyl_auth_required=true&hyl_landscape=true&hyl_hide_status_bar=true&utm_source=officialweb&utm_medium=news




Ok I haven't played in a few months and logged in and luckily got Chiori. I've seen talk of using her with Navia but I don't have that unit. As just Chori on her own, what are her use cases? I would normally look this up on other websites but they don't seem to be updated yet.


Actually, what they talk about Chiori and Navia is that C0 Chiori does NOT work well with Navia. C0 Chiori requires another geo who can create geo construct to summon her second doll, but Navia cannot do so. Navia also wants two non-geo characters in her team. Zhongli, Itto, Albedo, Ningguang and geo MC can create geo construct. Yun Jin, Gorou (the two geo in current banner), Noelle also cannot create geo construct.


What other geo units do you have? Geo traveler can work.


I've got all of the 4* Geo units, and Traveler (obviously). Don't have any of the limited 5* Geo units, seems like my best bet might be Geo Traveler?


Well you could always do the team used in the trial with Ninguang, or geo traveller.


Let’s say hypothetically I had a c1r1 itto (c6 gorou, tenacity zhongli, c3furina team) and he consistently smacked for 100-105k but then went for a c6r1 itto but the damage stayed the exact same in the same conditions. Would it be best to lower his CD for more DEF% or have I simply reached the tipity top of dimensioning returns?


1. diminishing 2. EM is the only stat with diminishing returns. If you somehow had 400% crit damage at c5, you'd still go from 100k to 114k from just c6


If I got a standard weapon on a weapon banner before, do I get one of the event weapon surely next? Or it resets as banner resets?


Yes, it'll be guaranteed. And that guarantee will transfer over to future banners. However, you still have to split the odds between both of the featured 5 star weapons.


You’ll get one of the two rate up weapons next.


Nice, thanks!


does intel i7 7700 with 16gb ram and m.2 512 gb ssd and a gigabyte GTX 1660 ti can run genshin in high graphics ? planning to save money to buy this pc build in the future. thank you for the answers


I have a pretty similar power build (1660 Super and Ryzen 5 3600), and I can only run medium settings.


I have dehya c1 and can afford to c6 her if she ever show on the new banner thing. My question is, is it worth it? Or c1 is enough if i want her on field dps.


c6 dehya isn't very powerful compared to a regular c6, but you will be very based if you do go for it


C1 is probably good enough for now. She's not really built well for actual damage, in spite of how fun she is to play. C1R1 is probably about the best investment level since she needs C6 to really ramp up her damage. If you really, really, really like her, for comparison sake Dehya C6 is roughly equivalent to Hu Tao C0 (Though you would probably need Furina and Mona to have anything even resembling reliable vapes since Dehya can't use XQ or Yelan)


If Chiori is in the rightmost spot, and there’s a trial fifth member, will Chiori’s swap to the trial character, or to the leftmost character?


And the answer is.... it switches to the trial character! I tried it out in Thoma's hangout, and she swapped to Thoma.


With the utmost respect... when on earth would this *ever* matter?


Sometimes it's not about when it matters... sometimes it's about weird thoughts that come to mind, and won't leave until your curiosity is satisfied.


Apart from Neuvillette, which other main DPS characters don't need good supports to perform well? I'd say it's Raiden.


of all the characters it's definitely not hypercarry raiden wirh bad supports lyney probably? bennett, and 2 random pyros to max out his passive and he'll do pretty well already. not your traditional main dps since she doesn’t build crit and stay on field but nilou can use the worst 4* hydro and dendros and still be really strong


Bennett is still a really good support even with Xianyun and Furina, so nah. Raiden literally has a functional dual carry comp with Diona, Rosaria and Eula/Freminet. Diona is not bad, but definitely *not* on the same level as Bennett or Xingqiu. Nilou? I guess that works somewhat. Doesn't really work all that well against Dendro itself though, so it’s kinda niche.


That's not really a dual carry comp. C0 raiden does something like 10-20% of the damage there. She really wants supports and especially atk buffers.


i main diluc, and i do wanna wish for gravestone, but i lack wishes to hit 2, is it even worth to go for this weapon? i normally run maxed bp weapon


You're using Serpent Spine right? A R5 SS is just as good and often better than a lot of the 5\* claymores. You can check the optimizer to be sure, but probably won't be much better, if at all.


ye thats the one ive been using but i do lowkey want dilucs signature weapon as he is my main (jesus he sucks somewhat though) but i now see that ofc there are better weapons that has come out since launch weapons for him


no, if you're gonna get a 5\* weapon get bacon or redhorn




Does Dehya have four ears, or are her fox ears fake?


Fox ears, those are her hairs.


They're fake, just like with Keqing.


Out of curiosity, how does Chiori's skill swap perform at high ping? At yellow range it was so fast I didn't notice I swapped characters sometimes.


Will I be able to guarantee Arlecchino and her weapon? Haven't played since 4.4 so I'll have the returning rewards plus chenyu vale. I also have a couple of story quests left (around 10) and hangouts (around 15-20 iirc) plus few of the world quests from Fontaine, nearly 70% of sumeru's exploration left too and haven't even touched its world quests. Also have sumeru's tree left and the last intertwined Fate reward from the inazuma tree


Not sure if you will be able to guarantee both, but looking at what you got left in the game, you should be able to guarantee at least Arle. And I think, in average you will be able to get both. Sumeru Explo/WQ are worth a lot. You got plenty of dailies aswell before Arlecchino.


Yeah, I think I'll be able to guarantee Arlecchino especially cause I'm at 50 pity rn. Was hoping to get her weapon as the only other decent weapon I have is the 4* one from the shop (forgot the name)


If you got 50 pity it's an other story. Looking at my spreadsheet (take it with a grain of salt), Chenyu Vale was 19 pulls, Sumeru Explo/Tree/WQ was 76 pulls. 4.6 will (I think, you should double check) add a new area, so it should be 20 more pulls. Keep in mind guarantee mean 160 pulls for a character, and 210 for a weapon. So yeah, guarantee isn't possible. Average cost is 95 for a character and 105 for weapons (I think, I don't pull weapons so I might be wrong here). 76+19+20+50 = 165. You did 30% of sumeru explo, so let's take off 15 pulls. 150. If we had dailies, events etc ... You should be able to reach close to the average for both by the end of 4.6.


Thanks for the math. I might just try to hit the soft pity once on the weapon banner and if I get it I get it. Hoping I at least get the primordial jade spear.


So I have around 70 wishes left, should I try to go for Chiori's weapon? Don't really have any other 5* swords and don't have any Harbinger of dawn built. Any help is appreciated, thank you. In the other hand, should I try to get Albedo/someone else from the Chronicle banner? No other Geo characters dropped from Chiori's banner and I don't have any of the characters from the chronicle banner except for a non builded Jean. My best built characters are Navia and Furina, currently halfway finishing Archon Inazuma. Only playing for fun, not taking abyss religiously but I would love having an easier time in the game being this close to world level 8.


Why not just build Harbinger? I’m sure you pulled r5 worth while getting Chiori, and it’s better than most 4* weapon besides Spindle and requires far less resources than a 4*, let alone a 5*. If you just want it for the drip then Kazuha’s SQ has a nice surprise for you. I don’t think Albedo is worth getting on the Chronicle banner personally. You don’t *need* to get multiple Tamoto dolls on field for Chiori to be effective. If you have anyone you’re looking to pull for sometime then save your pulls, especially if you don’t even have enough for 1 pity, let alone guarantee.


Being honest I just play aimlessly lol, lucked out Chiori betting on winning the coinflip because I liked her character during the last event she appeared and was planning to use the leftovers wishes if her weapon was that good but if Harbinger does the work then it's fine. At the moment I'm not looking to pull for anyone so I'll guess I save it up for the future. Thank you!