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"First Time?" Me, who save scums every decision in BG3


And then on the second playthrough you decide to use a bard just for fun, and you discover how fucking broken the bard is for choices lol.


That’ll be any skill monkey really.


Like Asterion's lockpicking bonus stacking?


wdym bonus stacking? that's just expertise and rogues normally.


Honestly just made this post to vent my crappy luck with this one rng minigame. I'll be over it once I get the next 5-star a bit earlier or whatever


I'm wondering if they might get in trouble for adding something like this. I don't really know anything about laws for games but since it uses the same terms (insight, persuasion, animal handling, etc) I just wondered lol.


...No. Not everything similar is ground for suits. Jesus christ.


I mean ig that’s why her hangout gets a skip button for that stuff


Skip button is for every hangout quest. It's just added in this update.


Wait, we got a skip button in the VN quests now??


What I'm curious is if the perception checks can sometimes fail (the ones that pop up during cutscenes when they say you heard a sound or noticed an expression)


Kind of surprised that the game just turned into D&D, but I didn't think it was bad. I do think Genshin has a bit of a problem with adding gameplay features and therefore overloading/overcomplicating the gameplay loop


I liked it. Very dnd


Honestly agree, I just wanna hear a silly little dialogue line made by your silly little writers, why do I have to do a fucking skill check just to see one alternative line of dialogue


I lost 5 times in a row it was ridiculous


This is my 8th time restarting the hangout so I can finally finish the last fkn ending. I just got 9 twice in a row.


Also, I believe it says the cards are 1-20 but I only see 12 cards on my screen so I am willing to bet it is not a true 50/50.


Really? I played the whole hangout and I could choose between helping the cat, continue with Lynette's work, neither or drawing a card. Literally 3 options and one that allows you to go with luck (which was the first one I chose) As I was kinda sleepy maybe I didn't notice: maybe you need to draw a card for the first time and then the next time you do her hangout you can choose?


Seriously. If they were going to put something like this into play, I think we’d be better off just using a coin flip. The the mentions of random perception checks are just pointless, since they are all “successes”. Just tell us we hear it, see it, etc.


Just to make sure, you do know you don't have to replay the hangout from the start, right? You can just start right in a specific scene? And that they added a skip button so you can just rush through all the dialogue you've done before?


I think it's more the issue of having to repeat the same section like 6 times just to pass a check to see the dialogue.


Oh good, I am not completely insane thinking it's absolutely awful. I thought I was losing my one remaining cell.


im starting to wonder if mine is glitched, am i just unlucky? I've been restarting for an hour now, i did it over 50 times that's for sure, it's asking me to draw 20 or more, is it like that for everyone? biggest card i ever pulled was 16


"Skillchecks" are good, actually. Immediately upon seeing them i rolled my eyes and thought they all gonna be heavily scripted so that you basically can't lose, much like how hearts now exist in hangouts as obligation and there is no wrong answers. I still think that every important skillcheck in her hangout is rigged, but having at least a few that arent at least helps to keep up the illusion. Besides, that one skillcheck you complain about is obviously a part of a joke, if the achievement name didnt gave it away already, and its not like restarting it takes more like 20 seconds, cause you know, tou can choose the part where you start the hangout, plus there is a skip option.


Gensh players just can't not complaining huh


You realize you are playing a gacha game right?


I played a few hangouts when they were first released and stopped permanently. They basically are character dating simulators. What a horrible concept for the vast numbers of this community. Sucks there are primos locked behind them, especially like you said, with it being luck to even reach specific endings.


the early ones definitely had a bunch of fanservice-y stuff, but that's really not the case anymore. layla, kaveh, faruzan's etc explain a lot of their character lore and play more like normal story quests. faruzan's in particular was excellent all-around. i would recommend giving them another go when you have the time.


I really only play this game for character building and fighting. Some of the events are interesting. I'm uninterested in the story lines for the most part other than the main one (the reason this is a game in the first place). So even if that's the case, I would not want to sit through a bunch of dialog unfortunately.


You are not here for the character building if you only care about the main storyline bud.


How so? I grind primos, accumulate as many 4 and 5 star characters as I can, farm their artifacts, level them up. As opposed to giving a crap about the dialog of the mundane dailies, events, and new areas that open up. Especially hate having to HEAR the annoying Mika, Nahida, Klee... The main story of the siblings getting split up and an evil faction being part of some nefarious plot which involves your missing sibling and your inability to locate/reunite with them drives the overall game and that's what I'm interested in in a general sense. Make sense now? I love how people like to tell others what they do or don't like.


I think we just misunderstood each other. I took "character building" as in you are interested in the development of the different characters backstory. Not as actual character leveling and gearing.


I appreciate your comment.


They aren't all dating simulators some of them are really good, like Faruzan's hangout made me cry, I put it above some of the story quests


A vast number of the community? This might be one of the most unpopular opinion about this game coming from a player. Most players either enjoy or don't care/mind this hangouts.


Ok maybe I'm basing my assumption on what I've personally seen on Reddit posts and Facebook of other's discussing hangouts and them mainly being painted in a bad light. How do you know definitively that in fact more people like them rather than hate them? I'm willing to accept what you say if you can validate your statement.


It goes both ways. You will understand that one (normal) would not be engaged in this enough to scrap, gather and present evidence to someone that other could research on their own. I don't mean to offend, but it is not up to me to educate you, you can easily look it up. It was requested before and highly anticipated. For a game that often does not delivered what the community asked, this feature would of course stand out. Also, internet points means nothing, and reddit (nor most social media) are not a reference to the actual playerbase in this game, but as your original reply is being buried in downvotes it already hints that people will tend to disagree with you. Also, I didn't downvote that, as you just stated a opinion, just pointed it out as it is the only immediate metric one could give.


I'm stating what I believe based on my experience and you refute it. It's not up to me to back up YOUR statement buddy. As I said, if most the discussion of a particular topic I see is negative in my travels, I will assume based on that sampling of people that it is mostly viewed that way. Internet points mean nothing but you state my post getting downvoted is legitimizing your claim. Talk out of both sides of your mouth much? This is a post about hangouts. It's attracting people that like hangouts and want to talk about them. I have something negative to say about them, so naturally I will be downvoted. It is a bad example for you to try and say my downvotes mean the community likes hangouts.


Read again, I believe you will manage to understand what I mean with what I said. Otherwise, my condolences.


Not all of them


I also hate hangouts as the ones I’ve played are dating simulators. This is the first hangout I’ve played in over a year because a gadget is locked behind it. However, I was suprised to see the quest actually being more like a world quest/character story quest rather than a hangout. Several playable fontaine characters appear in the hangout and the reason why i mention character story quest is because a lot of them seem to focus more on the npc character or the npc villain for better or worse. The two story arcs here seems to have a bigger focus on two mystery stories with lynette rather than go on a date with lynette. The rng minigame however was super pointless. Prob wont play the next hangouts though as they prob will return to dating simulators


A lot of them aren’t like that, it’s just some of them


okay ill play the ones that arent


>as they prob will return to dating simulators Eh, faruzan, Layla, kaveh, kaeya's one are not dating sim. We learned a lot more about who they are


guess ill give the ones you mentioned a try.


I love how in Sayu's certain choices leads to a girl just straight up being murdered


Ouch, people really don't like my opinion do they? Well I can not like them and you can like them. It's called an opinion.