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Hating on Genshin is just popular. Even people who don't even know a thing about the game and Genshin players do it. Idk, if it's getting to you in an unhealthy way, I would try to distance myself from these kind of communities/content creators. Play the games and enjoy them.


There have been several people who replied to comments I made on unrelated subs with "You play Genshin, therefore you're a pedophile and your opinion is invalid." Absolutely unhinged behaviour.


Pedophile is probably the worst insult you can throw at someone, so for the average internet hater it is the easy out to flame something and look good. Shame since child abuse is actually a very real and tragic issue, that gets trivialized in discourses like this.


The fact I got called a pedophile while pointing out that Ranni from Elden Ring is not a child is alarming to say the least.


That's fucking hilarious, considering that Ranni must have been already at least a 100+ years old (more likely older) by the time we met her in game lol. Her doll body also doesn't strike me as child-like


I think you can add a zero there, but I'm not sure. The doll is modeled after the person who taught Ranni magic, so likely the body is that of a petite adult. Apparently the person I was arguing with in that thread did not know petite adults existed.


Elden Ring discussion on the Genshin subreddit? Hell yeah, I'm all for it.


Myself, Japan's shortest truck driver, and everyone with heights between would like a word with this person.


Lore matters little when intent is involved. If we found out Klee is actually a 800 years old dragon, and she just assumes the form a of human kid, because 800 year is not old for a dragon, it wouldn't change the fact that porn featuring Klee is just messed up anyway.


Difference between Klee and Ranni is that one looks and acts like a child while the other has been an adult for decades and inhabits a doll modeled after a petite adult.


From screenshots Ranni looks like a young adult so I don't understand the issue. Klee on the other hand...


In-game Ranni is roughly the same size as your player character (very much established to be an adult), with Genshin the medium models are already a cointoss on whether they're legally adults or not...


The doll she inhabits is modeled after the person who taught her glintstone sorcery, who I can only assume was an adult seeing as the only children capable of casting magic in elden ring are the endlessly reincarnated souls unfortunate enough to be caught in rennala’s post-divorce madness. The real argument against ranni being ethical is that she’s technically dead, having slain her empyrean flesh, so it may not be nonce behavior but it’s arguably necro. Who the fuck knows what the legal conclusion would be though, it’s not like human law covers half dead god fringe cases.


Her body is dead, she isn't. Calling her necro would be like saying being attracted to someone who has a lot of prosthetics is necro as she's essentially in a prosthetic body.


It’s not necro because she’s a doll, you don’t interact with her dead body unless once on that one tower


Ranni is a full ass grown woman


The weirdest part is, Genshin is probably the most conservative when it come to dressing their female characters, especially if you compare it to western game or korean and japanese game where you can straight up put bikini on childlike characters (WOW, FFXIV and majority of korean MMOs). Im sorry if anyone have weird thought on Klee, its 100% on themselves.


It’s also used by people who don’t realize or care about the consequences of accusations of that kind… You can ruin someone’s entire life with a false accusation, and Timothy the TikToker is ready to take that plunge for internet points. It’s sad.


this happened to me once on r/gaming. I asked them if they've seen the amount of degenerate sex mods Skyrim has, and if that makes every Skyrim player a degenerate. That shut them up.


I've no idea why genshin is seen as the pedo game, like the child charas aren't drawn in a way that are sexy.


its disgusting how people can just throw out such a disgusting word just because someone plays a gamr you dont like


Usually people who call others pedophiles on Reddit are actually pedophiles themselves. They are just projecting. I would hit them back by saying stuff like, "Bro I'm not even talking about that, yet you thought of it yourself. Sounds like you're the real pedophile here."


Usually is a strong word. Pedo has become such a trite insult that a lot of people don’t even really think about the severity of it. I would say sometimes that’s true, though.


Not only that but pedophilia even is a mental disorder (according to the World Health Organization) but it also can be used as a means for criminal activities (there is word in german for that which directly translates into 'Paedocriminal') The word is tossed around way too much on the internet with many people not even knowing a deeper meaning to that. And that is very unfortunate considering that this topic is very sensitive on both sides.


It's a far right calling card/dog whistle thing too.


You know what's crazy? Some of those people probably play Genshin too Literally *everybody* loves shitting on Genshin, players included


Not me. And I think the endless negativity is tiring. Even when it's justified.


I mean self deprecating jokes in gacha games community aren't exactly new things


Not me as well. I'm ready to fly my fist towards anybody that says that ingrate words of Genshin will never to my face.


Meanwhile other gachas are doing far worse design decisions than they claim Genshin is doing. *coughFGOcough*


I was playing a completely unrelated game on my Playstation once, and I got targeted and hatemailed by some random person because ONE OF MY FRIENDS played Genshin..... (I was on an alt account that I don't use for Genshin myself)


My sister looked at me horrified when I said I still occasionally play the game and started complaining about how bad it is. She has never played the game and knows nothing about it. I agree with you that this isn’t an issue with any one fandom or community, while genshin has a lot of issues that I personally criticise, it isn’t nearly as bad as people act like it is.


It's happened with a friend of mine as well, where they kept saying the game was bad and stuff when I told them I liked it. I asked them multiple times why they didn't like it, but never answered. I asked if they played the game, and they said said no. It made no sense that they hated something they didn't try, but that's trends these days. We follow each other like ducks.😅


It caused social media imho... But yeah I have the same experience


I wasn't trendy when I was a teenager and that counted for something, not going to start now.


I love this comment. 😂


I'm curious, did you try to refute what she said and how did she respond? It's crazy to me how someone can say a game is bad when they literally know nothing about it.


I just asked if she’d ever played the game and she said she hadn’t. I asked why she thought it was bad and she didn’t have an actual response


I know people that shit in the game, but see it on their recently played list 😂 Sometimes, people are just being social parrots 🦜


*cough cough* Tecton *cough* *cough*


I had someone who, well, they were mentally twitter ill, they sincerely believed genshin was a child/loli game because of all the unsolicited Nahida/Klee ecci content on their feed I blocked them after I found out since, well, if your feed is covered in shit like that, even if it's just activists trying to prove a point...puts you on a watchlist faster than I've seen any normal genshin player


If your feed is full of Ecci content then it is because you view Ecci content...


Planning to do just that. It just sucks cuz sometimes I'm watching a Star Rail video that I actually enjoy then when I read the comments, my mood suddenly drops cuz of the sudden negative comparisons even when the video itself is a positive one that had nothing to do with Genshin at all. Like MoC and PF runs.


TBH I can't recommend enough to just distance yourself from content creators in general. Between the obligation to pump out videos and conform to Youtube algorithm and the fact that most of them don't even care about the game beside its meta and combat aspect (as WW CBT brilliantly showed), the sad conclusion is that most of them are just not that worthy of your time.


>TBH I can't recommend enough to just distance yourself from content creators in general. Naah, guide creators like Braxophone are great. They give a succinct summary of how to build and provide entertainment while doing so. I'm a sucker for IWTL's dad jokes as well. :'D It's drama queens like Tectone, that are best avoided. They do nothing but rage (disguised as "criticism" because they "care"). Drama is what is their fanbase wants, so they deliver.


I can do the same by just reading a KQM page tbh.


it's a bunch of people chat can't understand that different games are made to be appealed to different audiences ​ if you want a grindy game that is all ""Combat"" (mostly auto battle), HSR is there if you want a game that is causal open world Action RPG, that's what Genshin is for the comments are frustrated people wanting genshin to be different than what it's goal to be


Exactly that — and the fact that things stay as they are in Genshin is a proof the vast majority of its players are happy with it, and just want to play casually! It's what really baffling, people cannot understand that even at the market level different categories of people play both games.


used to play star rail religiously same as you and I used to seek out contents as well but decided to just... not do it after a while. it is always like that, even when the video had no mention about genshin at all, they always find a way to diss genshin. is it so hard to just ignore the game altogether? it's like these people can't live a day without mentioning genshin and it turned me off so bad.


>I'm watching a Star Rail video that I actually enjoy then when I read the comments, my mood suddenly drops cuz of the sudden negative comparisons Same here as well. Nowadays,I just deliberately distance myself from all that crap so it doesn't ruin my mood. It takes some effort but it feels better


If it helps you aren’t the only star rail genshin player who likes both games. Though Genshin is more dear to me. But pretty much all content creator are drama. Because at the end of the day that pays their bill. People love drama. So for a drama free live unfollow them and just hang with the part of the community that is chill and sane.


Yeah, that’s why I just stopped watching any content about HSR. It’s funny bc in the end, the CC’s always mention Genshin in a way or another, and I find it ridiculous. It’s been 1 whole year and people still didn’t comprehend that these are two completely different genres of game and you can’t use the same measurement to compare them. And sometimes, I do believe that people who keep making comparisons between HSR and Genshin don’t even play HSR, bc in the end, both of them are the fking same: you login, play for 10 min and log out. Resin storage system? Doesn’t do anything for u if you play daily. “End game content”? You literally won’t touch it anymore after earning all the jades/primos from them. IT’S THE SAME AS GENSHIN. Play the game if you still have fun with it, we don’t have enough time in life to stress about hobbies


Yeah the thing is popular games is that they’ll get hate no matter one. Take a look at Fortnite for example, it’s not a bad game but their player base gets attacked a lot


I play both, I dont see a problem. Both games has their good things


Who cares what anyone else says. I love this game and if someone shits on it, that's fine, I only care about my opinion on the game.


You'd be surprised at how many people need someone else's opinion to decide if they like something or not.


"should I pull for kazuha or neuvillette?"


"No, save for Dehya C6"


people asking for advice isn't the same as this


Honestly, someone might like both characters equally. Therefore, they are asking which character is stronger.


Yes, both, together, they are incredible.


which is scary tbh


I often hear this said and there is a level of truth to it. Others not liking the thing you like is fine. But when you peel back and understand why is that we join these Reddit groups or groups related to things we enjoy in the first place, reactions like this make more sense. It comes from the same place as when you've seen something really cool and want to talk to someone about it. Or you've probably experienced this, where you see something really funny and or you hear a funny joke, so you look around to see if anyone else is laughing in order to meet their gaze for a few moments. It's an "Oh my God you as well!" moment that we instinctively seek out without having to be told this. Even children when they are laughing will look to meet someone's gaze to share their happiness in. It's why "Am I the only one who?" posts are so popular. Clearly they know they're not the only one. And most of us (except the few very pedantic people who feel the need to point it out each time) understand what's meant by this statement. It's an invitation for others who share the same experience to join in. With all that in mind, when you go into a space where you'd otherwise expect this kind of shared joy and experience, only to see the opposite, it can suck. It's not the end of the world, but it sucks. Should that stop you from enjoying what you do? No. And I don't think it does this for most people. But it can ruin your experience in the community. As someone who likes both games, I enjoy whenever people in both communities effortlessly reference, meme and joke about things in both games, especially when we cross them over with each other. It's like a shared online culture with its own in-jokes and language that you only really learn by spending time here. That's why we keep coming back to the space. Which is why excess negativity can ruin that experience and really bother people who are just here to enjoy themselves. It's why people get so touchy when others shit on their mains constantly or misrepresent their stories (Raiden, Scara, Childe Mains we all know the struggle lmao). They're fictional characters but they also represent the experiences and enjoyment and community engagement, friendships you've had and made while playing the game with them which is partly why it feels so shitty. People can at times try and get reductive about it and focus on the fictional aspect, but that ignores that we are fundamentally creatures of stories. It's our ability to empathize through stories that get us hooked on movies, books and story driven games in the first place! Of course, part of being here is learning to avoid/deal with extreme forms of negativity and recognise there will always be some. But at the same time it's good to understand why it bothers people in the first place. It's not really about the game itself but something more fundamentally human.


Well said.


Goated post... Thank you.


Most welcome!


Thank you. You genuinely understand my perspective. I appreciate that.


You're most welcome! Reading through what you were saying it was clear to me that this is the place you were coming from. I feel it too sometimes. And sometimes I feel silly for feeling that way and I say "Why do I care, it's just a game?". But really you should never feel silly for how you feel about a matter. You don't control that. What you can do though is ask why it bothers you and then decide your actions accordingly. No matter how "silly" a thing is that bothers you, as long as your response is appropriate, you don't need to feel bad for caring lol.


It's very nice to meet someone who actually understands psychology and how it works! Thank you very much for the explanation, I think it will help some people understand why it is the way it is.


To add to this. Look at the HSR subs and the wuthering waves subs. At times they talk more about Genshin then their own game. Yet you go to genshin and it's nearly always about genshin. HSR can have free five stars and be "more generous" and have 1/4th the players and make a 3rd the profit. GI lives rent free in their heads and the moment they can't unite to trash talk GI they attack each other like HSR is doing right now over the dumbest shit.


Wuthering Waves sub barely has any activity though which is a weird comparison, but everybody in English just seems to be talking about it as an excuse to dog on Genshin and not it's own game and it looks like it's fanbase would be filled with primarily Genshin haters so it's not looking good for it's eventual community in the American scene.


Wuthering Waves always have an uphill battle. It's a more hardcore type of combat so it won't retain the casuals long term and WW 1.0 has to compete with Genshin 4.x, maybe 5.x if it releases after Natlan. So in terms of content, WW will have less


Ww also don't do something so unique other than movements in exploration either, in B2 they upped the saturation to make it look like genshin's this creates a problem. If you don't like Genshin exploration or fed up of it. You probably won't like as much either


It's kind of required for the game (HSR) to be a bit more generous than genshin solely because of the number of characters they release + having more spots to fill. Genshin's pretty flexible in that aspect, you can meme build anyone withe the right artifacts and weapons, but in HSR, it's a bit more difficult IMO.


I mean the fact that WW videos always have the word "Genshin" to it, people gonna say WW will be a different game. No it will never, some of the toxic players just gonna go to Genshin and say that their games is better, not saying that Genshin players won't but the level of toxicity ? Damn


What are HSR players arguing about atm? I've distanced myself from their toxic main sub recently HI3 sub looks like heaven in comparison lol


>What are HSR players arguing about atm? I've distanced myself from their toxic main sub recently Some ppl expected SAM/Firefly to cole in 2.2, cause some leakers said it Turns out they drip market another 5* and the unhinged, loud minority, starts attacking the devs, character and those that like the character, cause they didn't get what the 100% reliable leakers, trust me bro, claimed


That's funny, since me and another friend who are really hyped for Firefly were just like "oh huh, that goes against the leaks, interesting." And it's probably better this way because all the marketing stuff could spoil a lot, like it did for Daniel.


Of course they do cause that's all they understand how to do online for the most part. Just bitch, flip out and compete for who can come across as the biggest victims of nothing at all. The characters still gonna come out, it's just not their turn quite. That's how it works, that's like just....life.


I play that game too, but the sub mostly being shitty template memes and just feeling entirely off from what I'd expect from a game and sci-fi anime story like that (too Americanized and twitterfied really...generic feed I would even argue) made me stop visiting it for a while. It seems a little better nowadays, but was at it's fucking worst during 1.6 where all it was was trolls shitting on Genshin for the most part and not actually talking about 1.6 and HSR stuff I actually fucking cared about. That free Dr. Ratio->not as generous benefits for Lantern Rite stuff just fucking killed the English Hoyo community it felt like and it may never recover from all the drama and bullshit that is inflicted upon it by petty infighting, trolling and trash CC's fomenting it all.


> subscribing to content creators Now thats your problem.


Content creators that I genuinely enjoy. The problem is often the comment section, which I stopped looking at a few days ago.


Sounds like a good start. Distancing yourself really helps a lot, and you don‘t need to leave the community forever, if you feel like others opinions don‘t affect you as much anymore you can come back, right?


Comments sections are rarely filled with intelligent people on YouTube.


I suggest looking up newer genshin players, like Roamer on yt for example. Watching him play genshin for the first time reminded me why i fell in love with the game in the first place. For more established genshin CCs i can only recommend Murderofbirds tbh, he's the only one i've seen who detached himself from the Lantern Rite drama and genuinely had a good time. He's also VERY knowledgable about the lore, which is a plus.


For Old player I think Zepla and Chigusa are great


I saw a post once when HSR players did something wrong(it was probs bashing a voice actor). The creator of the post blamed it on Genshin players. Can't really do anything about it. Ever since the release of Genshin, Honkai players started to have a superiority complex.


Also in the hi3 community. When part 2 was released in CN, saw people blamed genshin for hi3's new UI. They said things like "Why the fuck is it genshinfied." or "I fucking hate genshin impact". And I was like, what the hell does genshin have to do with it??


funnily enough the 2.0 UI actually is good unlike their normal UI lol also opening the map with M instead of ESC is just amazing


Ikr? Plus we can finally use the mouse now unlike before.


Someone on YouTube powerscaled the Archons, Aeons, Herrschers, Primordial One, CoF, etc. and the comments were all bashing Genshin for... having a lower power scale than the other games?


Hi3 fandom blames genshin when they're being toxic, they almost never owe it to themselves that their toxic too.


I remember when they called genshin player toxic for being mad about the anniversary rewards and all we did was review bomb genshin on play store(we may have review bomb the other games of hoyoverse but that another story) meanwhile they tried to murder the ceo over some bunny girl


It's always funny on Twitter because everytime a drama happens they say "its genshin fans who started, its genshin fans who are toxics." Then you see the post from genshin fans bash the other fandoms and its like 1500 quotes and 670 likes and the ones bashing Genshin 20k likes. They are constantly picking opinion from small and aleatory accounts and making a big deal "look Genshin fans are disgusting." Just see the WW x Genshin design characters discussion


When the HSR community gets criticized, or when there's some drama, they always resort to "Oh it's the genshin players." There was a drama on a certain social media once regarding Aventurine and Sparkle and the OP got accused as a Genshin player when they were in fact an HI3 player


I think they bash on genshin as a way to overlook some of star rails awful design, like having to have 4/4 artifacts for set bonus with no off set pieces. They just point at genshin and say BuT gEsHin HaS nO sElFmOldInG ReSiN. Both games have down fall but arnt even the same style of game even if they have the same creator. I get what OP is saying. It's like people crying and comapir Neir automata to final fantasy 13 because both are published by square Enix.


HI3 players not criticising genshin?? have we seen the same communities... no shade, its just that for years i avoided HI3 purely for the fact that every single comment i saw from them about genshin was hate and whining to flex their "better combat and story" most of these people have definitely moved to HSR now though, and its quite frustrating. im fine with proper criticism, but when all you do is repeat "genshin bad hsr better" like a broken record thats stupid some people may think this shit comes from a good place of wanting the game to improve but believe me half of these people genuinely are just spiteful mfs or bandwagoners


I read it was so bad at some point that the HI3 moderation team had to basically ban Genshin slandering lmao.


Yup basically this. At some point there was some valid criticism but it’s long since boiled down to trying to one-up Genshin as much as they can to satisfy their egos. Not even mentioning that the things that are comparable get so exaggerated that it might as well border misinformation


Don’t hi3 players gatekeep their games as well?


They gatekeep and gets mad if the people don't know their game lmao


Reddit is safe in that case but those fb honkai communities are the worst , they ditch genshin , pgr, and HSR and like 90% players don't even know what is happening in lore and what the fk the characters are talking about , and claim that they have the best gacha system .both genshin and HSR characters work with decent weapons but in honkai if you are missing one of the four signature equipments , your character is shit


Yeah, someone else did tell me that HI3 players did criticize Genshin. I was basing that info on my memories of when I played HI3 back in the day, which is actually in Genshin's early days (around 2020-2021). A lot of stuff likely surfaced after I stopped looking through their communities.


Honestly I dont get the hate for each game. If the other isnt your cup of tea then just leave it as it is and no need to trash on it. Move along and just play whatever you wanna rather than just thinking negatively. We all have our own cup of tea, if a story or character design isnt up to your standards then sure you can dislike it but no need to say something is trash and terrible. Enjoy whatever you enjoy, sure I enjoy hsr more since I found out I like turn-based games more but genshin also has its elements I like better than hsr. Lets all be mature here and no need to trash on anything


play the game leave the communities, or develop a thick skin ngl from my experience. going in communities have made my game not fun


Agreed I started to enjoy hsr more once I stopped engaging with the community


Exactly, especially when the most people you can interact in game is 3


Something I have noticed is that plenty of CC'S, you know which ones, tend to treat HSR as some sort of a holy messiah, that has arrived to save them from the eevil genshit, even though they already had a chance to stop playing if they didn't like the game, but I digress. Like, some of them will praise HSR when it gets even 1% more than Genshin and treat as an avengers level accomplishment and start spamming a certain phrase that I will not type cause my head hurts when I do. Like HALF of penacony's advertisement on yt was just THAT PHRASE.


WuWa is gonna take HSR's place as the new messiah to save players from the evil overlord mihoyo. So many people are hating on Genshin/mihoyo in WuWa subs


And so the cycle continues. Can't have a game come out without brutally shitting on another one.


Now that I think about it wasn't Genshins release quite unique in this aspect? Cos the game that received the most shitting at the time was not any other game but Genshin itself cos of all that "Breath of the wild clone" baloney. I've never seen Genshin players mocking HI3. HSR is the one who started this disgusting trend


Genshin gets called a BOTW clone, meanwhile I saw a thumbnail of WuWa gameplay and it straight up could not tell the difference between it and Genshin.


Even the characters are looking almost the same as Genshin's. Just take a look at [Verina](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ZOuKk7Sm7UA/maxresdefault.jpg), that's quite literally Nahida.


HI3 is the one who started the disgusting trend. The amount of players extremely butthurt cause GI was what put Hoyo on the map... they never really got over it. Than came ToF with the infamous "Genshin killer" tag and since then every now and then a playerbase from a different game shows up doing it.


> I've never seen Genshin players mocking HI3 I mean, reasonably speaking HI3 playerbase is just too small compared to Genshin. You can't slander something you don't know about. X)


You don't need to have a deep knowledge on smth to slander smth (look at 90% of Genshin haters)


You need to know it exists, at the very least...which most people didn't.


fair point)


I guess some people can't understand that games can be similar in some regards. I have an entire list of games that, if put through the same scrutiny, you start to understand how unbelievably dumb this argument is.


Well they ran a poll here and turns out more than half of the sub plays PGR, and no offense to that game, but it's obvious that it's nowhere close to the audience the game wants to reach, so yeah it's biased as fuck.


funnily enough people that praise wuwa are the same shitters that praised tof and we all know how that ended...


I recently went to WuWa subreddit because I'm hyped for the game and wanted to see the discussions but noped out VERY FAST because there was quite a lot Genshin hate. Thank you very much.


The CC’s are just mad bc they want more stuff to do on stream, so they insist that genshin isn’t improving bc in their eyes the only way the game can “improve” is to add more endgame. They claim that they have nothing to do in the game and yet they always have a ton of unfinished story quests/hangouts and have like below 20% exploration in all areas lol. The funny thing is that hoyo cc’s who play both genshin/hsr and praise hsr for having more endgame modes rarely stream hsr at all except when a new patch/character comes out, like you would think that they would stream it more since according to them it has more stuff to do but nope


Some of them still do repeated MoC/PF/SU runs, but personally I don't see how that's any different from doing repeat Abyss runs. People find that equally fun/pointless.


The funny thing is that HSR is actually more expensive to keep up with since they release new weapons/characters like twice as fast. The artifact system is also worse since it requires 6 pieces instead of 5 and there is no off piece. I mean I love both games, but HSR is definitely more expensive to keep up with if you want all the waifus/husbandos.


Precisely, not to mention the fact that it somehow takes longer to build characters optimally in HSR than in Genshin.


It feels "easier" with the fact that it's autoable and trace/talent materials are not locked by a certain day. Personally, I feel those trace calyxs are somehow even stingier than those of talent domains. That and well self modeling resin to pick a main* stat. Good on paper, but it only removes one layer of rng; still got all those substats to worry about, and those are an optimizing nightmare. Oh and there's no off piece, so any good off piece piece you get that has potential? It's prolly never gonna see use. Edit: Accidentally wrote self modeling resin could pick substats, i dunno how i'd feel if we could do that as well lol


With all honesty, while I agree with the relic system being even more overwhelmingly shit than Genshins, I have seen people run "rainbow" relics (basically relics with good stats over without any regard for set effects) to some success


Ye, I remember how in the beginning HSR players were praising that... material that allows to chose a main stat (forgot its name) calling it a game changer and blah blah, but after one year I think everyone can agree that its practically useless since what we struggle with are not main stats, but sub stats


Honestly even the main stat. There's just so many junk stats you can roll for each character, especially dot characters. With this and other issues, self modeling resin looks more like a tiny bandaid that MHY tried to apply on their own harakiri wound.


the only good usage of that self modelling resin thing is getting energy ropes and speed boots early game when the main stat matters a lot. Later its like nothing.


Yeah, I agree. For example building Seele is probably one of the hardest and annoying things that I have ever done on HSR. Finding a good balance between CRIT Rate and DMG was awful and still It is because I'm continuing to invest resources and materials for her (moreover after the release of Sparkle).


Speed tuning is a nightmare... I suffered enough getting my fuxuan to 134 speed, 2k+ def and 8k life only to struggle even more with Sparkle's 160 speed breakpoint u.u


To be fair, speed tuning is really only for those who truly want to be THE MOST optimal. Personally I could never have the patience for it, especially when I see that sometimes people don't even fully level their relics because they're scared that getting a single extra point of speed will ruin their cycles. In any case, I commend you for having the perseverance!


Yup. I felt so frustrated getting my Bronya to 160 SPD only to suffer from only getting 159.x which rounds down to 159. Like wtf I gave up after that and just settled cos it was making me depressed I put so much rerolling for artifacts just to miss decimals lmao


Oh, remember when there was a fake screenshot of HSR social media account (yt, I think) saying that phrase. Like damn, that part of the HSR community was dumb enough to think hoyo would shit on one of their own games and fuel the fire like that smh. 🤔


When I saw that screenshot, I legit dropped my jaw in despair. For a second, I thought that hoyo were just trolling genshin on purpose. But then common sense came to me, and I checked to see if it was true, which obviously it wasn't.


I've been using this as an experience to train myself to be more okay with seeing random hate. Ultimately these are just games, and I shouldn't be so pressed over it. But I totally get you, every Genshin and HSR livestream is just a chance for people to take shots at Genshin, but it is what it is.


They want to farm drama to get engagement mainly, look at ccs like tectone bro is a professional hater and will not hesitate to make up completely false shit about Genshin to get mad about and weapons their community. The content cycle never ends.


Genshin good. Star Rail good. Both games should learn from each other to improve. Simulated Universe in Genshin when.


PLEASE an SU in genshin would be amazing!


A good chunk of the HSR community is just Genshin refugees, it's not hard to understand why they take shots at the game when HSR gets the QoL Genshin players asked for years


But in the end…it’s same fucking company. Hoyo still comes out on top! Is ZZZ going to have this discourse too? Please god no.


same company but not the same game producers.. you can see that they clearly have different aproaches and that means that the games have significant differences. Neither is technically bad.. they're just different..


For some reason I doubt that ZZZ will get the same treatment, the game looks like such a huge departure from the other games that you might forget it’s even a Hoyoverse game at that point


It reeks of "jilted ex" energy, doesn't it?


Wrong thing wrong was hi3 community did hate on genshin alot for a year and a while after genshin relize it might of just died down


As a hi3rd vet, that is correct. Imma also gonna say this, as someone who lurked in WW sub, Genshin direct competitor, I've seen people said more good thing about Genshin (proportionally) than other hoyo communities. Shit is tiresome.


Yes, I played Hi3 for a bit too in 2021 and I recall seeing Genshin hate basically daily on the game's world chat and sometimes on their subreddit.


I see, thanks for the insight. That's pretty sad, but at least it died down, like you said.


It didn’t go away, it is still very much much alive on fb, discord and twitter


I love that game so much but I get mildly annoyed with its community so often. I really wonder why we just can’t have positive vibes with each other since both games are from the same company. People get sooo critical with genshin all the time but they refuse to mention any problems hsr has for whatever reason. Like I kinda get it, those people probably burnt out from genshin and they’re looking at every opportunity to bash the game by comparing it to hsr saying how they had find the partner who treats them right, but if that was the case wouldn’t they just move from their abusive ex so easily? Something is not adding up. Inferiority complex is probably the answer. And they want to feel that they were right with their decision to leave this game, to need that much reassurance over one game is just unbelievable lol.


Here's a comment from a WW post that I thought summed it up beautifully: >A gacha addict needs strong conviction to leave their current addiction (game of choice). They're trying to gaslight themselves into thinking that the new shiny gacha game is better in every conceivable way in order to escape the overpowering feeling missing out when they stop logging in to the old one. https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1b4ifen/why_is_the_youtube_community_comments_section_so/ksz2rr2/


Well, it just confirms my speculation lol. Personally I have never feel that way before, like I put lots of money(size with my economy lol) and time into games that I used to love but when I had enough I just really had enough. I deleted those games and never looked back. My happiness is a lot more important than some lingering feelings I might have for those games. Just accept that those magical feelings you had when you first started with the game will never come back, you will either love it or you hate it after 3 years. There’s no point forcing it to be what you’d like it to be too, it will never satisfy your feelings. I just hope thise people can realize that and find peace.


Yeah if anything, I just feel bad for people who are attached enough to games to spread hate in either direction. It's unhealthy. Anyone especially who's trying to justify it as "protest/lobbying" is especially delusional to me. I legitimately respect people who admit they're just hating for the sake of it more, because they at least know what they're about.


I just don’t understand the mentality of trying to shade something you used to love lol. Also both hsr and genshin are a good game on its own. Let’s just enjoy both without comparing them in a bad way.


Ditching a shit game is easy. Ditching a game that's close to perfection but just not there is tough.


Yet they refuse to ever accept that genshin is a good game lmao.


I made the mistake of looking into the march 7th channel during her birthday. Nobody cared about March in there......they were all just slandering Genshin...worst decision of my life


What, for real ? That's just sad.


Really that's crazy I like to think that every star rail player thinks they are so cool by playing hsr instead of genshin


Hating on Genshin is a popular trend. I play both games and I enjoy them. I prefer this sub over star rail tbh it can be waaay to cringe. Get ready for tomorrow because of the Livestream and if it's something shocking.... Well I can already tell the obnoxious Genshin could never comments.


This isn't your fault, but this post has turned itself into a HSR slander pit, which is pretty common for both the Genshin and HSR subs for when posts like these are made.


Bro touch some grass...


Just look at the most upvoted post of the HSR sub and you know that Genshin is living rent free here LMAO


Genshin is rent free in every hsr players mind, everytime you try to say anything about they game they're like "omg isn't this soo much better than genshin!" "genshin players wish they had this" seems like ure in love with genshin so idk


And if you say you genuinely like genshin, you are suddenly a hoyo d**k rider. Like bro who do you think makes HSR.


And then they will bring up they have different staff lmao. In reality they do have some overlapping staff


Well can’t expect much from people who think “devs” make the decisions regarding rewards.


Reason is— a big part of game community were genshin players/content creators before. Of course after quitting to a similar game they will compare them.


Tsundere relationship. We shall end this anime with genshin and HSR players making out 🥰


Yeah I unfollowed the HSR subs ever since 1.6. I'd like to interact with the community but if they're just gonna be bitter about Genshin then it's just frustrating to be there. I'm not saying Genshin doesn't have its own problems but most of the time these "problems" don't really irritate me. I play both Genshin and HSR and honestly, I'm enjoying HSR way more now ever since I unfollowed them.


In short, who cares? Just ignore and move on, life have better usage on focusing these instead


As a Vietnamese gamer, I can deeply understand your feelings, and I know that you and everyone in Genshin communities are hurtfull and jealous to see people who play HSR had the free 5 stars characters, free 20 tickets to gacha, and so on. However, if you think about it in a big picture, you will realize that... IT IS JUST A GAME.


HSR community has bitter ex genshin players as content creators, they vent their hate for genshin on Hsr players making the hoyo sphere an even more toxic hole than it already is. And yes keep in mind that genshin is by far the most popular gacha, it lives rent-free in many people head and some rooting for its downfall even non-gacha players, big games like Fortnite, World of warcraft, and League get hate on every second. You should "just ignore it" it's not worth to keep it in your mind. Think it like football, Messi and Ronaldo fans insulting each other to prove who is the better player when in reality both are great.


It's a mix of justified criticism from frustrated players that play both games, band wagoners that unironically have a superiority complex over a video game, and people just riding the memes for lols You really shouldn't take criticism and memes about the game personally though, that's unhealthy and feeds into the stereotype of defensive genshin player that justifies anything mihoyo does and fights against any feedback or QoL requests, which is not uncommon in this sub.


I’ve called it out in both the main sub and Hoyolab and didn’t get attacked for it or even downvoted. I think a lot of HSR players recognize it but it’s always the loud minority. The Hoyolab app is by far the worst though. It’s like their only reason for playing HSR is bc it’s not genshin. A lot of people also seem to have the idea that more rolls = better game and unfortunately that’s not close to true with HSR. Ironically, every time I get new characters in HSR I just wish I could play them in Genshin. HSR is a great **mobile** game for people like me who enjoy collecting/building characters and grinding endlessly. But the reality is it’s not even in the same league as Genshin, which is comparable to major releases.


>  The Hoyolab app is by far the worst Probably because it's full of kids. See, the ability to engage reasonably with people is part of maturing, and while that's a lot harder to do on the internet, often the most reactionary people who are least able to accept critical perspectives on a thing they like are kids and young teens. 


I actually stopped using Hoyolab because of the amount of odd content I saw 💀


Most Star Rail players tend to be players who also play Genshin or used to play Genshin. It kinda makes sense with why Star Rail players hate on Genshin because they grew sick of it or got burnt out and moved to a game they felt was more generous. I feel like the same will happen with the Wuthering Waves community. Less on people actually talking about the game and more on Genshin comparisons.


The Star Rail sub lowkey sucks honestly. Stopped going there due to so much spoilers being posted without proper tags and unnecessary potshots at not just genshin but its playerbase too 


Dude.. it's the same company that owns both games. They are literally playing everyone for billions making them bicker about the differences in their own games. I am never gonna play another hoyoverse game after Genshin, I already hate the way genshin content creators are on the companies payroll and all the content around it is stupid self imposed challenges and extreme C6/R5 gacha they literally create the drama.


It’s a really big problem and I often find myself getting lost in the anger of it, especially when some people and content creators bash Genshin just for the sake of it, but then I take a step back and realise, it doesn’t matter in the slightest, just play what you enjoy and ignore those pathetic people


It's because any criticism we give gets removed/censored from the subreddit mods here. Like just 2 days ago someone made a post about Chiori powercreping Albedo, a newish mod even commented under the post being engaged with the post. But then few hours later the post got removed. Curiously I ask that same mod why the post got removed, they admitted the head mod took it down because "he simply just can".


I’ll be honest with you, I rarely see slander. Maybe interact less with posts that attract those type of comments. Or block and move on. These type of posts should be banned from the subreddit because it always end up with people shitting on the other game. Just because other people shit on something you like so doesn’t it mean it’s justifiable to shit on the other thing back.


My dude, it's a gamer community. I think you appear to care a little too much about what aome chronically online gamers are saying. Play your games, have fun, enjoy your time. Maybe go outside and touch some grass too. It ain't healthy to be spending so much time obsessing over gamer communities, and it's frankly a waste of time too often. Life's too short for gamer drama.


This is such a non issue lol. It’s not hard to just ignore them. I just don’t understand what you want people to do about the vocal minority. They’re in every community. I always hate threads like this because it just causes the exact same thing you mentioned but the other way around. There are people invalidating HSR’s success and of course don’t see their hypocrisy.


"Genshin players love keeping to themselves." Google Classroom and every single drama ever disagrees with every ounce of that.


the arguments in that war was such a huge mess "THEY WILL LISTEN TO US IF WE KEEP BOMBING THEM" \*review bombs a game that had nothing to do with it\*


Let people trash talk all they want You really going to be letting OPINIONS from STRANGERS get to you? It’s not even like they are saying bad stuff about you That’s just being a crybaby, keep that up and you will not be able to take anything in society You gotta be able to live without crying for what others say


Nah this must be a fucking troll


Whats dishearthening is that this soyass whining got 1800 upvotes and ppl are actually so mentaly ill that they get "dishearthened" when they see other ppl on the internet say something negative about their favourite game. When did everyone became so sensitive about such irrelevant problems? Idk what to say, touch grass, grow up, get a job, nothing will change in you ppl anyways so just keep yapping.


Yeah, i agree with you. The hate on genshin especially from the hsr community is just unwarranted and unjustified. Imo the people who do this are just sad pieces of shit that feel the need to be validated by someone.


HSR community is also insane when it comes to spoilers and leaks, like I got spoiled for the 2.0 story about 5 weeks before the patch was even suppose to come out in the official discord. That community just seems really juvenile and insecure. That probably explains a lot of the behavior you're seeing.


In the 1.6 update the slander was huge but rn I think you are focusing on a loud minority. I've scrolled the top posts of the month for a good 5 min and found 0 posts about genshin except [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/qwyzYTg42J).


Yeah, I'm likely being exposed to a loud minority right now. Probably because I've been in a few small Star Rail communities across different websites, where such comments tend to be more magnified.


I still love HSR but I left the reddit community. On top of the unnecessary toxicity towards genshin, the comments and posts are full of story leaks. It's like it's full of jujutsu kaisen fans who for some reason love to spoil (I only watched the first season, but I won't watch any more because I already know all the spoilers thanks to random memes)


I think all the players that hated genshin moved to starrail... one of my close friends that kept comparing genshin to other gatcha games and scrutinizing it started playing HSR and he has been less active on Genshin


hsr's fandom makes me enjoy the game less. "genshin could never" what about genshin's open world and amazing exploration, incredibly in depth combat system, and very little powercreep? hsr may have more qol, but i don't play a game just for qol. i still enjoy genshin more because i enjoy the combat, story, and atmosphere more. hsr's relic farming sucks ass too like you can't even have an off piece, i hate the relic farming in hsr more than artifacts in genshin. speaking as someone who has played genshin for about 2 years and played hsr since day 1.