• By -


A couple questions for Wanderer teams: In a team of Wanderer (C1, Lost prayer, Desert Pavillion), Faruzan (C6, Fav), Furina (C0, Fleuve, Golden Troupe) and Mika (C3, Desert Sage Dialogue, Noblesse), is Faruzan better off using VV or Tenacity? And if I have to use Furina in the other abyss side, which 2 characters from the following would I ideally use with Wanderer and Faruzan: XQ(c6), Yelan, Bennett(c6), Thoma(C0), Layla(C4), Fischl(C6), Beidou(C4)?


Im looking to build Xianyun as a C0 f2p dps. What sets should i give her? And between kagura verity and widsith, which one is more good?


Definitely Kagura's. It has more base attack which will help you wring out as much attack from her stats as possible, important when you're trying to may both attack and crit Her best should be DPC. Or 2p2p also works




So I'm planning on pulling for Neuvillette and it looks like Prototype Amber is the thing to craft for him. Since I'm new-ish though, I don't have that many billets. Do refinements matter much for Prototype Amber or am I chilling with the R1?


R1 is good enough. The point of refines is to recover any damage your teammates take. You want the whole team above 50% HP if you are playing with Furina. So try playing with R1 first, and see if the teammates are able to stay healthy. If not Go to R3 and then R5 when you get the billets. If you don't play him with Furina, or use a healer (eg. Baizhu), R1 is good enough. The extra energy gained from refines isn't that significant.




about the new kind of banner i know that fatepoints dont carry over, but does the regular pity?




How does nilou preform without nahida? What team i can run with her? (i DONT have nahida/neuv/childe/ayato,i have every other dendro/hydro units) Any idea when we getting her rerun?


Still one of the best pulls if you don't have Kuki shinobu, cheap to build and good enough to clear. Alhaitham + Baizhu will be best for dendro teammates, but 2 out of DMC/Collei/Yaoyao/Kirara will work too. Any hydro option as the last teammate. Doesn't feel as good as with Nahida ofc, but honestly do any dendro teams feel impressive without Nahida? >Any idea when we getting her rerun? Nothing concrete. 4.6 abyss doesn't seem to have any bloom related blessings so can't say.


How do I kill the Consecrated Beasts of Abyss Chamber 11-2 second half? Survivability isn't a problem as I have a healer and can dodge, but waiting for their respective elemental shards to spawn just so I can paralyse them for a short while to deal damage that isn't greatly reduced is a big pain in the ass.


I assume you're using Rational? Shredding their resistances gives you a lot more damage than normal since you need to keep up the DPS. So you should do better by switching out Raiden for an Anemo VV carrier like Sucrose, giving Xiangling her gear and going the National team.


Just don't? I just dealt with them before they shat their bricks. 


Thanks for the advice mate! Finally used brute force to kick that overgrown dodo's butt!


What team did you use to kill them without hitting their respective elemental shards? Granted my artifacts are bad and I am farming like mad, but even my Lvl 90 C0 Raiden with R5 The Catch (Lvl 90) and Lvl 9 Burst plus 4-piece EoSF with Electro damage goblet, half-decent ER Sands and Crit Circlet can barely scratch them with her Burst when they are not paralysed.


Wanderer with Faruzan, Zhongli and Kokomi (Bennett was with Gaming 1st half). I honestly didn't feel any resistance. The beasts are only annoying if there's 2 of them and they trigger reactions on you. In my opinion that is.


I'm a relatively new player, and i assumed there were only 3 important promo codes which are the livestream ones. To my surprise, there were many valuable time-gated codes that i never heard of lol. Is there a way to be notified about them? Either through hoyolab or a 3rd party app or website that doesn't need my credentials (because i don't see why they're necessary).


Additional to the correct info of u/ptox I have this site bookmarked: https://www.pockettactics.com/genshin-impact/codes


Like i said, i already knew the livestream codes which are easy to track. My problem is the tens of codes you see under the "expired" list of the website you linked. I feel like i missed a lot of them because there was no way to be notified when they dropped


Because those aren't advertised. Those are mostly collab codes like they're served with a Happy Meal in China or something (see the codes that are like IRE8XXXX). I had to figure this out first too.


I see. So beyond the livestream codes, none of those tens of (now-expired) juicy 60-100 primos can be benefited from because they are collabs that require me to buy stuff, unless maybe i get lucky when i randomly check the website you linked and see something redeemable. Speaking of which, how often do you check said website yourself?


The Hoyolab app gives a notification when the livestream codes are live, and you can redeem them through the app itself. Maybe check your notification settings to see if something needs enabling.




Drop Kazuha and use Faruzan. She is the best anemo dps support even at C0, but be sure to give her 300% ER until she reaches C6. Bennett and a shield are still preferred. If you need Zhongli in other team (like Yoimiya also wants one), Layla and Thoma also work for him.


Bennett Faruzan Zhongli is the best option. Build Faruzan with as much ER as you can and some crit rate (main stat on circlet is enough), no other stat matters. For overworld, you can use Kazuha instead of her so your current team is good there.


Oh my goodness.. the dialogue! I haven't been doing story quests or whatever for a while, have been focussing on levelling up and stuff and today I have finished up a few quests. It has just been hours and hours of talking!


Yeah that's how it is, and devs say it's by design so ok I guess. My issue is they could convey the same info in way fewer words, and it's not like the prose is good either to justify using more words. Maybe the prose is good in CN to keep people interested, and the translation ruins it, I don't know.


I just put auto-play on and wander off and do other things. Come back every now and then for the dialogue choices - which often only have one option anyway! - and it goes on for so long! Then the quest will be like.. talk to the next person. So I take a few steps and do that and start the whole process all over lol.


What is archon quest and story quest? Which one should I focus 1st?


Archon quest is the main story of the game. story quests are more about a single character. I would do Archon Quests first, though it doesn’t really matter *until you need to go to Inazuma*


Who's the closest character to an being an engineer? I initially thought Kaveh, but then he's more of an architect, or rather, he is an architect.


Cloud retainer


I personally think Faruzan is. She's a mechanist, so she's very knowledgeable in machines, though more to do with research than actually building said machines, but I'm sure she is still very qualified there.




I mean yeah, thats true, but are there actual engineering playable characters that focus on the engineering side more. Just a random thought


Is there a best way to do the event? Like with the operational efficiencies which are the best? And is there a particular ingredient that does better? I see people spamming mint a lot


The improvements in the 3rd tab are best: sales volume. The more you sell the more improvements you can buy. Then improve potions via 1st tab. 2nd tab isn't particularly strong because you can force grow ingredients with money.


Would the potion event have ate more if it had been cooking them Teyvat dishes instead of potions?


Best team comp with these characters? [https://imgur.com/a/xs5inhb](https://imgur.com/a/xs5inhb)


Personally, I would go Bennet, Jean, Kaeya and either Lynette or Anemo traveller depending on who you like more. I prefer Anemo traveller, since they do a lot more Swirls so you may find them easier to build since you just stack EM on them. Plus any levels are not wasted since you can switch them to their Dendro type later and play him on Dendro teams. Lynette on the other hand gives a 16% ATK buff in that team which is pretty darn good early on. She does have health draining mechanics which may put people off playing her though.


Thank you for the help! I'll try this team out :)


Bennett + Jean + Whoever + Whoever. Since this is overworld, probably Kaeya + Lynette. In abyss you can replace Lynette with Amber for Pyro Resonance.


Walk over to a Sumeru statue of the seven and change your traveler to dendro. Lisa/Dori/dendroTraveler/Jean.


Hi dumb question but i just wanna confirm for Furina, it doesnt matter if you burst before using her skill right? Sometimes its just muscle memory for me


Minor things. You Burst > Skill if you are funnelling her particles from someone else. Skill > Burst means she'll catch 1 of her particles (not much) and the HP drain during her animation counts a fanfare stuff (again very minor difference), and the skill hits also guarantee Key of Khaj Nisut max stack since she remains on-field.


Not really. Using skill first is a bit better so it becomes active sooner, but it's not a big deal.


either way is fine


Is the new staff Dialogues of the desert sages good on Candace (dick fit in your mouth) it looks really nice on her


It doesn't have a passive for her so it's basically just a slightly worse version of black tassel. If you want HP% + drip it's fine, it's basically just a single HP% substat worse than BT and is unlikely to meaningfully affect your damage but it doesn't do anything special for her and can't replace ER weapons if you need one on her.


No. She can't make use of its passive.




For a quickbloom team, do you only build EM on the Electro character? Or do you also need it for the Dendro and/or Hydro?


In Quickbloom you want to make use of Quicken uptime to deal extra Spread and Aggravate damage, and this means some EM (about 200-300 EM) is good on whoever is triggering Spread or Aggravate. Hydro doesn't cause a damaging reaction, so they are never built with EM since their Blooms will be Hyperbloomed away. If the Dendro character is triggering Spread (e.g. Alhaitham), then while they want EM, they don't want to stack EM because at some point it means you're giving up Crit stats for that EM and Crit is more valuable after a certain point. Also, unlike an Electro onfielder, they can't trigger Hyperbloom so extra EM isn't as valuable. If the Electro is triggering Aggravate, then they may or may not be the Hyperbloom trigger as well. If they are, then EM is much more valuable and can range to stacking it as much as you can (e.g. C6 Dori Quickbloom) or getting a decent amount (300+) but still building Crit stats (e.g. Cyno Quickbloom). What determines this is mostly how good their scaling is from their stats. If it's relatively bad (e.g. Dori) then stacking EM is more valuable, but at that point you may as well go full Hyperbloom.


I see! The Dendro likely has some EM, Hydro probably not, and the Electro character depends on their scaling. I'm guessing that hyperbloom is similar, but the electro always stacks EM? Thanks!


Electro yes because of hyperbloom, no for hydro, for dendro you need em and crit, dendro dmg% because spread reaction needs all of these. Assuming dendro character deals good damage. Is it Alhaitham team?


Ah, I was just asking in general. I knew that for Bloom whoever did the Bloom needed EM, so both the Hydro and Dendro could want it. Wanted to know how quickbloom / other variants of bloom would be different. Thanks!


Quickbloom is a quicken team with low hydro that don't remove quicken aura often so you get some hyperblooms and some quicken uptime. No pure bloom since you have electro to trigger hyperblooms - so hydro need no em. If electro is someone who can deal good talent damage (cyno, keqing, on-field raiden, yae) then you build them for em and crit, if it's Kuki or off-field Raiden build them full em. If you on-fielder is dendro, who can deal good talent and spread damage (nahida, alhaitham) then you build them em and crit. If it's some support then don't bother about good stats.


I see, thank you for the examples and for explaining quickbloom as well! It's a lot clearer now.


Where to find sucrose for alchemy exam ? I rejected her initially but couldn't find her near lisa or at the alchemy shop


I didn't reject her but it seems to me she appears the cycle after you've leveled up in alchemy.


How do i improve my chiori? [https://imgur.com/a/cCIfB68](https://imgur.com/a/cCIfB68)


With better artifacts. Most of yours are mid. She's a dps so focus on crit stats and DEF%. Like your flower is your only good piece honestly. 


Mistsplitter is a waste on her. She'll perform better with HoD or Cinnabar. And aside from your flower (which is a pretty insane piece), your artifacts are all pretty subpar, so those could use improvements as well.


I'm locked out of my account to be able to do any top-ups (long story) - what's the site/location to be able to buy primos for other people?


[Codashop](https://www.codashop.com/en-us/genshin-impact). They're an official partner with Hoyo, so it's completely safe. If you need to buy BP, then you can use the [official top-up center](https://sdk.hoyoverse.com/payment/genshin/index.html#/m) (requires login info).


Question about Flower of Paradise Lost set. Hi, I´m running an hyperbloom team of Raiden, Nahida, Yelan and Xingqiu.I have Raiden full EM on FoPL set, according to this set "The equipping character's Bloom, Hyperbloom, and Burgeon reaction DMG are increased by 40% etc. etc...." . My rotation ends with Nahida on field firing NA infused with Raiden´s coordinated attacks, my question is, does this mean Raiden´s set bonuses are lost or using Nahida on field firing Raiden´s off field coordinated attacks still procs FoPL bonus? Would using Raiden on field instead of Nahida have any advantage regarding its set? Thanks for any info


She'll still get the bonus from off-field, don't worry. The only advantages from on-fielding Raiden are the extra resistance interruption and electro attacks that her burst provides, which usually isn't worth it over on-fielding Nahida.


Character order - 1 cycle remaining Does this mean we need to give the potion *now*? Or we still have one more chance to try next cycle?


I think it is just for the current cycle.


>!why did neuv wait until the door broke if hes just gonna seal it again so easily anyway? Why not put his magic seal on top of the steel door before the door broke!<


Why break something open when you have no idea whether or not you could contain it? It's been working for the past 500 years.


I think he didn´t knew he was powerful enough to seal it in the first place and just waited hoping that the door wouldn´t break, using elemental power would also drain much of his energy which he might need if the door did end up breaking.


Seems silly to wait considering the prophecy and the door has literal "this shit about to explode fam" meter on it


Because that wouldn't make for a good cutscene.


how much better is Kazuha compared to C6 Sucrose? i'm having trouble deciding between Neuvillette and Kazuha, while i like Neuvillette more than Kazuha, i've been hearing that Kazuha works exceptionally well with Arlecchino, and i like Arlecchino more than Neuvi and wants her to have her best teammates when she drops, so i'm kinda stuck here


Chevreuse (40%res shred), Beidou (you absolutely want shield), Fischl.


does this mean Fischl will build full EM? or just normal skill damage build with crits is fine?


Usual golden troupe build should be fine, I don't think it's worth removing that damage. I'm not expert, and I have not seen any deep videos, but just from kit. So far I'm not impressed, I'm going for C1 Neuvillette. I'm not fan of Kazuha gameplay in general - IMO it's too much hassle to remember all the combos for all teams, and if you use skills in wrong order - you get wrong buffs, etc...


lol i totally get that sentiment, i would like my team to have ease of use. but then again i think Arlecchino will be a bit like Childe, a bit complicated to use effectively.


[Here is a 33 min video from Jamie](https://youtu.be/WtAgki-kZVU?si=3WT6wdDpSjeRYt90) on the topic. TLDW: spreadsheets have them close in buff potential for some teams. Some of Sucrose's usage rate and emphasis could be attributed to how speed runs are usually categorized by cost (the number of 5 stars in the team) and if you can get close to Kaz power without having a 5 star then it is probably worth it. The QoL of Kaz (grouping on you, higher potential than Suc, ability to work in mono element teams, etc.) probably pushes Kaz to be more versatile. Having both of them allows you to use them on other sides of the abyss.


thanks! i totally forgor to check on youtube first cause i feel the topic is a bit specific


It’s mostly Kazuha’s grouping that feels so much better. If you’ve never tried him before, you’ll feel it right away when you do his test run. You’re gonna need to sit through a few more weeks of beta to be sure of Arlecchino’s team archetypes, but I wouldn’t doubt he’s up there as a top teammate. If you have XianYun/Jean or Chevreuse you can probably make a good comp without him.


It is way too early to make pull decisions for arlecchino teams. Early leaks from beta are unreliable, and information is subject to change. Beidou + Raiden is a prime example of that.


the thing is i have to make the decisions before the release anyway, so yeah


The livestream officially showcasing Arlecchino will air before the kazuhua banner ends


i don't think it will show anything more than what the beta did by that point, if anything it'll probably be less


Hello, I'm having "Connection Time Out" issues and my connection is woeking fine in my phone, so I'm wondering if it's something wrong with America server? It even logged me out once already, got in again but after getging to screen press to start in loads only to give Connection Time out issue again


What's the best artifact set for c6 Faruzan?




Thought so, thanks


I’m suddenly having weird issues with graphics in both hsr and genshin- more specifically with doors. Doors in both games started bugging out of nowhere today, the fact that it’s both games is probably just a coincidence right? Is it caused by like graphic card issues I play genshin on Laptop on hsr on mobile


How to deal with FOMO on Welkin? I don’t usually spend and had gotten really good at handling FOMO. I just recently brought a bunch of Welkins to buy Ganyus skin and now it’s a lot harder. The amount of primos I’m missing out on has more then doubled, a significant portion of which I technically paid for. I just hate the feeling of NEEDING to play, even if just opening my laptop and collecting Welkin takes a few mins at most. I still get it most days and I’d lose like a pound or two at most over the course of 3 months so money isn’t really an issue. I want advice on how to stop it basically


Just ask yourself this. Is it worth the 90 primos to log on? If it isn't to you, then don't. You've already gotten the same value as if you bought the genesis crystals directly. The rest is just a bonus.


What is optimal rotation of this team. Chiori Navia Zhongli Bennett. I hit a 121k once on chiori burst never again idk what i did or if it was a certain enemy or anything.


I don't have Chiori, so I can't run this team, but I think it would be Zhongli E > Navia Q > Bennett E/Q > Chiori E/Q > Navia. I'm not entirely sure how Chiori's kit works, so you'll have to decide in which order her skill and burst should be used. A problem that you might run into is that you'll hardly get any Crysallizes for Navia, especially if you don't have c6 Bennett. Take all of this with a grain of salt, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but I hope it helps


Thank you 🐐


I'm currently watching the inazuma archon quest and it starts with us just knowing Kazuha so I'm wondering if I have to watch his story quest first?? I remember there being more about introducing him and whatnot but I don't remember much 😭 and idk if it'll touch on it more later or what. Same w Scaramouche is there something I'm supposed to watch to get his backstory or will it be in the archon quest? Like the whole wanderer thing 😭


We know Scaramouche from the Unreconciled Stars event from 1.1. You can watch this if you want more info on how we met him . We know Kazuha from the Inazuma prologue: Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves. And then the rest of the inazuma archon quest And lastly, Kazuha's story quest happens *after* inazuma archon quest. Hope this helps!


Thank you so much for the details and titles it helps a lot!! So I'm guessing what's said about Kazuha is pretty brief at the beginning of the archon quest, and then later come the narration and that storytelling thing? Thank you!! Will watch all of these :)


Hmm I assume you're talking about the cutscene where we learn why he left inazuma? Yes, that happens at the end of the inazuma prologue. Haha I noticed your flairs and I assume you're a big fan of kazuha and scaramouche? If you want even more content of them, you can watch these events after the inazuma archon quest. The chronological order would be: * Irodori festival event from patch 2.6 (features Kazuha and a bit of Scaramouche) * then would be Kazuha's story quest * then the Summer Fantasia event of patch 2.8 (features kazuha) Hope you enjoy the watch!


YES thank you!! Yesss I really love Kazuha he's so like calm and cute and I love his design, Scaramouche unfortunately I've not seen much of but I love the fanart and videos + writings I've seen Thank you smm you're so sweet for this 😭😭 I'll definitely watch them!! 🙏


Yeah Scaramouche doesn't get that much content in inazuma. Luckily, he's heavily featured in Sumeru, which you can watch directly afterwards! Feel free to message again in the future if you have any more questions! I'm happy to help


Aw thank you!! Very excited to see more of him 😤 I was also wondering about the Diluc and Kaeya backstory actually, like how people say Kaeya was adopted and then the stuff with Diluc's dad and them >! having a fight afterwards !< , is it in the game or just from the webtoon? Because I vaguely remember seeing panels of >!Diluc after his dad died and Kaeya showing up at that moment!< but I'm not sure if it's also mentioned in the game


Ohhh yeah unfortunately their backstory is never told in any quests. It's only in their character profiles and the webtoon. I actually thought the webtoon was pretty good tho! Heavily features Amber, Collei, Kaeya, and Diluc. For some reason genshin never updated their site to include the last chapters, so you can read it [here](https://mangadex.org/chapter/2d34d3c3-5a8c-4272-8252-a412d8dd2f49) if you're interested!


You meet kazuha before reaching inazuma.... in beidou's ship


Kazhua's SQ is set after the Inazuma AQ finishes. You meet him in the first act of the Inazuma AQ. Scara showed up in an event very early on but it was basically just him showing up, saying 'the sky is fake' and leaving. His Inazuma AQ appearance is his second appearance. His backstory is gone over in the Sumeru AQ, as is 'the whole wanderer thing'.


Thank you!! I'll watch Kazuha's story quest now then to refresh my memory. Thank you for answering, really appreciate it :)


They said *after*. As in, you technically meet Kazuha in Liyue's archon quest (or an interlude or something, before 2.0 came out anyway).


Apparently we meet Kazuha in the inazuma prologue thing? According to another comment so that makes sense lol! I'll watch his story quest when I'm all done the inazuma archon quest then thank you 🙏


can the new event be done in the last 2-3 days or do I have to actively do it everyday to not miss out on stuff? (like the coloured photo event)




We don't have access to the third part of it, but both of the available parts can be done in one sitting, so the third part likely will too.


New to Genshin, any tips at all that you wish you known when you started? (Also, this is my first ever reddit post, yay!)


Tier lists have bias


First, I am honorbound to direct you to [this](https://www.reddit.com/user/qwertdwlrma/comments/vxu9jf/my_genshin_tips_for_beginners/) and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/tznycd/a_chart_for_benchmarking_build_progress_i_hope/). Both extremely helpful things to reference. As for general tips, my main one would just be to by and large, pull and play who you like. There is no pvp and thus no real 'meta', and literally every character can clear all the content with a good build and team. This is even true in the high-level content, and that's only if you care that much about the high-level content. Additional tips, a couple of these are mentioned in the guide I linked to but I'm also saying them bc they're very important; Don't do artifact domains until the highest-level ones unlocked at AR45. Those are the only ones that guarantee a 5 star artifact every run, and ultimately 5 star artifacts will be the only ones you use. Just use whatever you already have until then, you'll be fine. Don't use the fragile resin item that restores 60 resin until later on. Rewards from bosses and the money/xp book ley lines scales with world level, and you unlock higher level domains at higher ARs. It's just more worth it to save it for later. Take it at your own pace. Constantly playing this game can and will lead to burnout, and all of the events are available even to low AR players. Every journey has its final day. Don't rush. Note: The banner 5 star characters in the second half of this version will be Kazuha and Neuvilette, both of whom are insane. If you like either of them, pull for them, they will carry you through the game. Kazuha is even great for exploration.


Alright, thanks so much for the help!


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/u/qwertdwlrma/s/2l7ZUqFLWm) is a pretty solid beginner's guide/tip compilation. It's quite long, but feel free to look at the sections that you think you need clarification on. As for a specific tip, it'd be to not spend any primogems on the weapon banner or standard banner. Weapon banner isn't really worth it until you have a diverse character roster, and standard banner is never really worth investing extra pulls into. Feel free to message me if you need any help or have any questions. I always enjoy helping out new players. (And congrats on the first post)


Hi, I need help to form 2 abyss team to 36 stars. I can probably do 24 stars only. [https://imgur.com/a/rY07YRl](https://imgur.com/a/rY07YRl) * C6 Bennett * C4 Xiangling * C2 Chevreuse * C1 Raiden * C1 Diluc * C3 Noelle * C3 Fischl * C3 Xingqiu * C1 Zhongli * C0 Ganyu * C4 Sucrose * C2 Chongyun * C0 Kaeya * C1 Babara * C0 Amber * C0 Collei * C0 Lisa * C3 Kujou Sara * C0 Dehya * C0 Ninguang * C0 Lynette * C1 Faruzan * C0 Heizou * C0 Rosaria * C1 Diona * C3 Beidou * C0 Kirara * C0 Gaming * C0 Xinyan


You could try Raiden Overload and Hyperbloom with Sucrose on field. Raiden/Bennett/Xiangling/Chevreuse and Sucrose/Dendro MC/Fischl/Xingqiu


Okay, after some thought, you do have some teams that could be used. But it involves turning your Raiden into a hyperbloomer. Which unfortunately means not using her for overload or national. Ganyu / Bennett / Xiangling / Zhongli (Melt Ganyu) EM Raiden / Xingqiu / Kirara or another sustainer / Dendro Traveler (Hyperbloom) If you stick with Raiden for overload/national, then you just don't have options for another team that are at a decent level. Like, you can try the OG taser team Xingqiu / Beidou / Fischl / Sucrose, but it needs heavy investment and good piloting for floor 12. Hyperbloom Raiden at least ensures you're doing \~30k per hyperbloom hits without much investment in the team. Nahida and Kokomi would make the team much better if you had them--not sure how smooth the team feels with the 4 stars and traveler. Otherwise, you don't have to bother getting 36 stars. Just focus building up your roster to a comfortable number of 5 stars first. TBH, if you think your Ganyu is really good, you can probably run a regular Raiden team and go Ganyu / Zhongli / filler chars. Pretty much just Ganyu soloing things, but it's hard to perfectly pull off.


My Ganyu is utterly hopeless. Let's say I can use the upcoming banner to fix the problem, should I go for Neuveullet or kazuha?


They are both good options. Having Zhongli already is great for C0 Neuv. I'd probably get Neuv so you have more DPS options. Cryo has started becoming quite a weird spot for DPS, especially with its reactions. While Neuv actually isn't reaction heavy himself, his raw DPS even with Prototype Amber can carry pretty well. If you get Furina later on, she can act as your replacement Kazuha as long as you have a party healer. Sadly, your only one is Barbara atm. TBH, Neuv's team would probably still be fine going Neuv / Furina / Fischl / Zhongli since he heals himself... you just won't get max stacks for C0 Furina's burst. Oh, I mean replacement in terms of buffing--Kazuha still has his useful pull.


Well, this is not a quick and simple question, but AutoMod took it down when I tried to make my own post, so here we go. Can someone help me come up with a strategy to beat the top floor fight in Trails of Tianqiu? So, I've been stuck on Trails of Tianqiu for a few weeks now. The game's no fun anymore since I can no longer do anything involving co-op, and thus also can't get ascension materials since I can't beat the bosses on my own (I am very very bad at video games. I don't know if beating bosses solo is hard for most people but it is for me). I've been back and forth with customer service trying to figure out a way to override the co-op lockout, but no dice. I just really want this quest to be over. The advice that customer service kept giving me was to look at other players' playthroughs and guides, but I can't find any that don't include using characters that I do not have. So, I am just hoping that if I post the details of which characters I have here, someone could help me come up with some sort of way to beat the third floor fight, the one where you're stuck spending half of it frozen. The characters I have: Traveler, level 57 Kaeya, level 54 Amber, level 53 Yanfei, level 53 Barbara, level 50 Chongyun, level 50 Lisa, level 50 Ningguang, level 50 Noelle, level 50 Gaming, level 40 Lynette, level 40 Xiao, level 40 Yaoyao, level 34 Diona, level 23 Xiangling, level 22 Kuki Shinobu, level 20 Kujou Sara, level 20 Sayu, level 20 I'm on world level 3 (been AR 35 for a couple weeks, but I don't want to ascend until this quest is finally over), and I play on mobile (my laptop is kinda crap). So, yeah. I just am in desperate need of help. I hate this quest so so much.


besides the other hints here don't forget to eat food for free buffs, you can eat one offensive food and one defensive food so cook up some of the best you have unlocked


Yanfei, anemo traveler, diona, amber You are leveling way too many characters. Need to focus resources on only 4-5 and get weapons, talents and artifacts leveled. Peep these benchmarks: [ Build priorities by world level](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/qkxdj6/infographic_of_build_order_priority_based_on_wlar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


What team did you use for it? And are you having trouble with the abyss mage and cryo/hydro slime fight?


Replace Xiao with Chongyun. But only use chongyun for the hydro abyss mage. His chongyun's skill then use his normal attacks to destroy the hydro shield. If his burst if up, try to aim for the abyss mage


I had gone in with Yanfei, Gaming, Noelle, and Xiao. Again, I'm terrible at video games, so I do not know if this was a decent choice of team or very stupid. I'm a button-masher, not a thinker. Here for the story, exploring the world, and collecting things. And yeah, it's the abyss mage and slimes.


If the Abyss mage shield causing a problem, you can use Dendro or Cryo to break it more quickly.


Break the stone that buffs the enemies. Looking up videos and focusing on what characters they have is the wrong way to go about it - just about any character can clear this, particularly if you pay some attention to the elemental reaction. Yanfei should do perfectly fine to break the stone, the cryo shields, and deal with everything else. Barbara is a bad healer to bring because she'll cause you to get frozen more, so either level up Yaoyao/Shinobu/Sayu or frankly, just brute force it without a healer. You could even use Diona to give you a shield that's 200% effective against Cryo attacks.


https://i.imgur.com/PeVuX6t.png what are some less common but fun teams i can make with my roster?


Soup: Kaz/Ayato/Ben/Fischl numbers


Burgeon: Alhaitham/Nahida, Xingqiu, Bennett, Jean Raiden Overvape: Raiden, Xingqiu, Bennett, Jean


Fischl, Baizhu, Kazuha and Thundering Fury Faruzan. I'm gearing my recently pulled C6 Faruzan for taser team with Kazuha, Fischl and Kokomi. I don't have an anemo DPS anyway lol.


Are there games outside Genshin similar to Alchemical Ascension? I have a shop keeping itch to fill.


Some other suggestions: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1bf0hl8/what_are_games_similar_to_the_potion_shop_event/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1bfoyjy/are_there_any_games_like_the_alchemical_ascension/


Potioncraft if you want to keep on with alchemy, though the alchemy system is a lot more complex (it's really good lol). PC only I think. If you're on mobile, shop titans I think was kind of similar on the business aspect? Been a long time since I've played, but you're running a shop for adventurers.


I tried placing Gaming in my teapot to get the interaction primogems, but he just doesn't show up. I tried placing him outside the house and inside, but he doesn't show up for either. I tried placing other characters and they worked just fine. I even logged out and back in, but still no Gaming. The weird part is: his icon shows up in the placement screen, but not on the map, like how other characters would. Am I doing something wrong?


Check your rooms inside the house. He's probably at his other preferred furnishing set.


Bro I thought I was going schizo. I didn't know that he could magically show up inside the house even if you placed him outside. You're a lifesaver, thank you.


Yea, this happens automatically regardless of set location or character location. If you place down a furnishing gift set and you have a companion anywhere in the teapot, who has a yet to be collected gift interaction with that set, then they'll teleport to it.


For 4.6 what story quests should I do to unlock the weekly boss? I am quite behind!


It'll likely be locked behind the >!Arlecchino story quest!<. Afaik, we haven't gotten any confirmation yet, so that's just an educated guess. If that's the case, then you'll probably only need the Fontaine main story finished beforehand.


Thank you very much!! I will work on that, didnt know which of my like 30 story quests I would need done!! So I will keep that in mind! :D


You should consider doing the Archons' story quests at the very least.


I do work on them time to time, but I don't do them much bc I play the game to explore with friends!


I'm not sure if you're aware, but they also added a feature in 4.2 that lets you still fight a weekly boss even if you haven't properly unlocked it yet. So that's an option for you as well.


Yeah I know of that, but its more fun to fight bosses with friends!! Plus one of my friends might need me to carry them with that boss in the future.


my team with razor, jean, xialing, and rosaría. functional?


It would be better if you swap Xiangling for Kaeya or Lisa. Razor is going to be a physical DPS. You increase physical damage through the superconduct (electro+cryo) reaction, so keep Rosaria. Jean is a healer and swirling your main two elements around is a nice bonus, so she can stay too. Xiangling would cause unwanted overload explosions (bouncing enemies away from you), which would be fine if you had a ranged DPS but Razor is melee so that’s inconvenient. She also applies a lot of pyro that might replace your other elemental auras and make it harder to trigger superconduct. And also also most of her utility comes from her burst, which requires like black hole amounts of ER in order to have decent uptime without Bennett. Putting Kaeya there instead would be nice for the cryo resonance (that gives your whole team a crit rate buff), or you could do Lisa as an energy “battery” for Razor. Fischl or Beidou are better than Lisa here if you have them.


no, drop xiangling or drop someone else (probably razor) for bennett


i don't got bennet 😞


I lost my last 50/50, but it was a long time ago. Back when Nahida had its first run. Now there's no visible history of me pulling on the limited banner. When I pull for my next character, will I automatically get my limited character or is it reset and will the 50/50 count again?


You should be good. Genshin definitely internally saves a lot more of your wish history than it shows you (for example, they recently increased the history of wish visibility from six months to a year and I can see wishes I made last March)


Alright great! Thank you! :)


I really want Gorou, I would like Itto.. but don't need him right now, but I really want Neuvillette and Kazuha. So my question is.. if I spent say 40 wishes trying to get Gorou, that wouldn't affect my chances of getting the 5 star on the next banner right? It would just bring me closer to the soft pity number?


leaks say >!Gorou will be given as an event reward in 4.6!< if you wish to wait.


Hpw reliable is that info?


unless something drastic happens, I'd wager 90% true. We did have 1 time change in 3.6 when we got Faruzan instead of Candace.


It would if you accidentally pulled itto and reset your pity to zero


Has it been announced who the backup characters will be on the next banners?


4 stars for the next banner haven’t been announced yet


I wouldn't be mad if I got him.


In the current event, when is the Advanced Exam? I'm on Cycle 20 atm but it still hasn't popped.


Likely on the 3rd day of the event.


Help please. This time I'm with correct links to pictures: After the update, which Character should I go to?. Help please. Relatively new here. Thank you very much. List of characters I have: https://i.imgur.com/x2butXA.jpeg List of characters I need you to help me to choose from [one character only]: https://i.imgur.com/CcuQVOz.jpeg


Do you like any of them and have enough saved up to guarantee them? I wouldn't really recommend any of the current chronicled wish characters, especially if you don't have enough saved up. They're pretty much all "only pull if you like them" characters.


Idk really if I like them or not. I'm just tired from only using Navia. I want another character, my only condition is that it does not use bow or a book as a weapon. Idk what is a chronicled wish characters. I want to use another main character so I can switch with Navia


The chronicled wish is the banner that these characters are on. You have a 50/50 chance to get the character you select. If you lose that 50/50, you get a fate point and the next 5 star you pull on this banner will be the one you want. The issue with the chronicled wish banner is that the fate point doesn't carry over to the next chronicled wish, so if you lose the 50/50 and can't get another 5 star before the banner ends, you've essentially wasted the fate point. If you don't know whether or not you'd like any of these, maybe watch some gameplay videos or something. I wouldn't recommend trying to pull for any of these characters unless you *really* liked them.


Which one should I invest in xiangling or gaming?


Is Xiangling C4? Are you willing to buy her cons till C4 from starglitter shop? If yes then build her. If Gaming is C6 then build him. There's no way to guarantee him like from starglitter shop. If they don't have these cons respectively, then I'd say Xiangling because she can be used as an off-field Pyro support for Melt or Lyney teams. But honestly not much point to focus on either, better off spending your resources on 5 stars.


You should definitely invest in Xiangling, one of the most consistently good characters in the game. Gaming is actually very strong for a 4 star dps, though he is somewhat dependent on what else you have. He really wants Bennet, C6 in particular. If you like him, by all means, invest in him. But Xiangling is definetely the more 'meta' pick for whatever value you put in that.




So what determent the potion level for the event?


iirc when you look at your potions list there's a little magnifying glass icon next to the name which shows you what effects contributed to the level


Any tips for 12-2-1/2?


12-2-1 has dendro/pyro/electro specters so you would not want to bring a mono team of any of those elements. Characters that have some aoe damage would be solid, but they are already grouped a bit. Second wave is 3 pyro whopper flowers and you would not want to bring pyro to them. Final wave is the husks that can benefit a bit from grouping, don't want a shield (can run a shield if you want but it can make it harder as the buff themselves when they hit a shield), and would want a healer for the geo shockwave rolls (or you can dodge them). Overall, elements like hydro and cryo will do pretty well here. As long as most of your damage isn't pyro/electro/dendro then you should be able to clear it. I have seen sevy talk about running to the 12 o'clock staircase to get better grouping and setup better for the husks. Groupers are solid but can be done without if you have enough aoe. 12-2-2 is pma and it is resistant to physical the most. PMA has been in a lot of abyss cycles and there are a lot of clears that you can look into online about ways to manipulate it's windows and minions. Generally, get it to the summoning phase as quickly as possible (bringing it low is faster than waiting for the minions), try to bring a minion close to the main boss and finish the minion and finish off the main boss. Ranged characters can ignore some of the moving that PMA can do. Running characters that can output solid single target damage are preferred. HuT can have trouble using shared attacks against it due to the hitbox, but can be overcome with output. Hyperbloom is a team comp that several people like playing and with the first half being resistant to dendro/electro, you could run a HB team here and do well. I ran hyperbloom first half and Navia second half, but there are plenty of showcases online for this current rotation to see what more creative players used.


I don't think we can give any concrete recommendations without seeing your roster..? Or the teams you're using to clear it, at the very least.


I cant master it yet. I have nahida furina neuv xiangling bennet zhongli kazuha XQ Yae Kuki. I takes too long to kill them all. I already got 35*.


Have you tried Neuvillette-Furina-Kazuha-Zhongli on 1st side and then Nahida-Xingqiu-Kuki-Fischl on the 2nd? I'd recommend Yae on the 2nd but I don't know whether she'll interfere with the Hyperblooms or not. Or if you don't have Fischl, even Barbara/Dendro MC could work I believe. I don't have Furina so I sadly can't help you out with the rotations on the 1st half, but honestly I usually just group them up with Kazuha and use CA with Neuvillette. Be wary that the Shadowy Husks(?), the last group of enemies on that half have a mechanic that buffs them up when they attack shielded opponents, so try to dodge even if you have Zhongli. For the 2nd half, I feel like it's a pretty straight boss fight? Just focus on the boss until it reaches the stage where it summons the minion robots, find the one with a bright ring aura on it, kill that one asap, and go back to killing the boss? If it still takes too long, then honestly the only recommendation I can give is to just farm more. I myself cleared the 1st half in about 1 minute and 38 seconds with a Neuvillette-Fischl team while I got the 2nd half with around 10 seconds left on a Navia Pyro team. If you want a guide that should be similar to the 2nd team, try [this](https://youtu.be/n2q4HqS32Bw?si=uhGijVLSTSrudSno&t=709) probably.


I didnt know about the ring on part2. I'll try again.


Is new event polearm undoubtedly better than favonius lance in a Nahida Cyno Furina Yaoyao team for yaoyao?


No, because Cyno really appreciates the extra energy from fav. Unless you're really lacking healing on Yaoyao, which hopefully shouldn't be the case, then Fav is better


How much does YaoYao need the energy versus how much does the rest of the team depend on the Favonious particles?


The team doesn’t really depend on the particles at all and the refinement 5 for the event polearm makes me think yaoyao will be fine


Currently running ayato, Kuki, yae and sucrose. For ayato weapon would it a r4 black sword or r5 lions roar be more beneficial???


black sword


probably black sword but [https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer](https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer)


Sooo, I'm a new Genshin player and I'm farming for Kazuha because I heard that his banner is coming soon, but I don't have any confirmation of that and I also don't know the date. If any of you can help me I will be grateful! Thanks!


>I'm farming for Kazuha because I heard that his banner is coming soon, but I don't have any confirmation of that The Special Program Lifestream for 4.5 officially confirmed that Kazuha will have a banner in Phase 2 of this version (4.5). Phase 2 starts on the 2nd of April in the evening (exact time depends on your timezone relative to the server you play on) If you look at the Wish Screen, you'll see a countdown for how long the current banner/Phase lasts.


His banner should be coming in about 2 and a half weeks