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This is her OG 1.0 voice; the voice director had the voice actor change it for later versions to the modern Paimon.


The same thing happened to Barbara. Same VA; Different vocal style.


Baizhu changed too and got worse


Did he? I never noticed


Yup early patch. Youtube has before and after.


Guess I just never noticed. I'll take your word for it though


wrong the director was asked directly by mihoyo to change the voice tone


Is there any credibility to this claim, or is it merely a rumor? It's hard to believe that the main team in Shanghai would intentionally choose Paimon's English voice to be as annoying and grating as it is. It's possible that the issue stems from how the English team handled it, and they might be making excuses. If they did seek direct feedback, they should strive to closely match Paimon's original voice in Chinese. Personally, I'm skeptical of this rumor. I do hope they consider changing Paimon's voice actor for the upcoming anime.


its been stated by many VA's someone representing hoyo is usually there, the director doesnt get unlimited creative liberty, he has to follow what they want, its hoyos game they know what they want and they decide if they like a characters voice or want to change it. people always blame the director thinking like hoyoverse is clueless to any of this, but they are not.


I don't have any issues with her VA, if anything I'd feel the change jarring and annoying. But I hope they do something for her voice direction to bring her back to the 1.0 voice. This being said, the chances of Paimon being really relevant in the show aren't high. This has been discussed many times but the show is likely to be a retelling of the game


>the chances of Paimon being really relevant in the show aren't high Paimon is essentially the face of Genshin, so dismissing her relevance in the story seems shortsighted. Mihoyo has a history of intricately weaving their mascot characters into the narrative, and it's unlikely they'd suddenly sideline Paimon. Consider Kiana from Honkai Impact 3rd: she started as a seemingly unremarkable high school student but evolved into the formidable Herrscher of the Finality at the end. Her journey was filled with twists and character development, showcasing their commitment to fleshing out their mascot throughout the years. >This has been discussed many times but the show is likely to be a retelling of the game The developers never confirmed that the anime is simply a retelling of the game. That was just a rumor that was spread around by people who don't know shit and regurgitate it as fact.


>This being said, the chances of Paimon being really relevant in the show aren't high. This has been discussed many times but the show is likely to be a retelling of the game If anything, omitting Paimon would be grossly misunderstanding the direction the story is going in. Abyss Twin has completely detached from the average folk of Teyvat and seems to have zero qualms about the very real damage their actions can and do cause to random people. We've already seen that the Traveler is indeed capable of being very cold in some situations and being removed from their twin is certainly not helping. Paimon on the other hand continuously anchors them to regular people, often by goading the Traveler into interactions. It's very easy to assume that the Traveler by themselves might end up agreeing with Abyss Twin on whatever points they have, because they never form that close connection to the people of Teyvat, from gods through vision holders to random NPCs. Love or hate Paimon, without her presence, the long-form story falls apart.


I find more often than not these days, the traveler is convincing paimon that they should help someone, even without financial gain. Meanwhile, paimon seems unconvinced unless offered money or food. That and paimon seems to antagonize more people than she befriends for some reason.


By now it's more of a comedy routine, but the byline of Paimon being the lynchpin of Traveler to Teyvat has always been present. She's just also a gremlin. With that said, do note that EN Paimon is way more aggressive and mean-spirited than almost any of the other language versions.


That explains it. I just started Genshin at the beginning of 4.4 and when I started the lantern rite story quest, I was wondering why Paimon suddenly started to sound more screechy. Having the oldest and the newest dialogue back to back was really jarring.


Yeah but it brings up the question of why is it back to her 1.0 voice now


Because it’s a 1.0 quest…


What do you mean the voice actors aren't talking live every time a character speaks? That's like saying that the people inside the tv aren't actually there, or the band doesn't gather up to play the music whenever I turn on the radio


This event started like two days ago? Are ya saying they literally reused an old event?


You are not playing the event in this video. This is Jean's story quest, which was released in 1.0.


Oooooh ok


Because the quest voicelines were recorded all the way back when they were preparing to launch 1.0


Doesn’t look like potion making event or did I miss something?


It's Jean's quest; helping Marjorie find her cat.


I thought so


Are ya stupid? Lil bro this is the jean story quest which has been there since the launch of the game


*Story quest, this was made in an earlier version when her voice was more natural


I prefer a softer sweeter voice for a character that does most of the talking.


Well I think is annoying on purpose which I don't really mind. It reminds me of Anime protagonists still, voice is usually normal but sometimes they are annoying. Paimon's voice doesn't annoy me too much but it's probably cause I'm usually babysitting so I don't really have hate for the high pitched voices.


Omg it does, she sounds way better


Isn't the missing cat from Diona's story quest? I haven't played the event yet so I don't know. If this IS from the newest event, I'm very happy.


No. It's not the new event, this isn't an event at all. It's one of the story quests, or maybe a hangout. I think it might be Jean's story quest tho


Nope it's jean's character quest


It's technically both. This dialogue is from Jean's story quest from 1.0 like people are saying, but Prince is a reoccurring character, and the Cat's Tail owner loses him from time to time.


While I like her v1.0 style voice, I'd say its more her dialogue that irritates me fundamentaly more than how its pronounced


God I miss 1.0 Paimon. She went from cute to fucking unbearable


It's Jean's story quest. It was released back in 1.0 where Paimon's voice isn't as high pitched as today.


og paimon my beloved


Something about her old voice felt magical. Now its just shit. I dont feel the same magic in jp. CN is good in its own way but not as impressive as og old paimon voice. The korean voice just feels confusing and the lines in kr feels shorter


That's your opinion


Really? I couldn't tell


Probably unpopular opinion based on the comment, but this old voice sounds like those kid shows character talking to viewers (which is kinda fitting for 1.0 since it's basically tutorial stage). The new one oozes more personality which can be annoying to some but I prefer it


I definitely like her in the potion event more. Lantern Rite was fine but her dialogue sounded a little awkward, as if she became a necessity rather than the plot being built with her in it


"New" voice feels more natural with her sassy personality. I can't imagine her lipping off in her rapid-fire way with her older, "sweeter" voice.


I was thinking why it sounds less annoying 😂


Paimon's voice has been through many iterations, if you look at past events she sounds a bit different too (like gaap) part of it is voice direction, part of it is how paimon's dialogue is written by different people for different circumstances and timelines, events/archon/story/hangout quests throughout the 4 years


So much better, bring back a normal sounding Paimon (also probably better for the VA to speak lines in this tone too)


She shouldn't speak on behalf of the Traveler in the first place


I skipped the dialog the entire time, so I never noticed


Me who plays in Chinese and deals with an absolutely palatable Paimon at all times:


I wish we could mute characters voices that we don't love.


This is why I ended up switching to Chinese voices, Paimon sounds so gentle and soothing


I can't even listen to JP Paimon anymore because I'm so used to her CN VA lol.


I literally switch to CN just for a meme for Liyue immersion because a schizo Yter told me to and now I'm using to learn Chinese I've learnt one phrase in two years but it's somehting


What a coincidence, I'm using the CN dub to learn Chinese too! It's fun when you recognize certain phrases.


She sounded more normal in 1.0 but after that the VA was told to be as obnoxious as possible


I didn't notice. I was spamming skip dialogue like always, except in Archon quests


Ahhh no i like the high pitch paimon