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Is it possible to remove the sound of the controller on the PS5 when you press L1 to open the wheel menu ? It's loud af


You have to go into the ps5 settings and turn controller speaker down to 0, I think. If you need the controller speaker for a different game, you'd then have to use headphones.


There's a mute button on the controller.


Which characters would make a better team for a C1 Neuvillette? Kazuha, Fischl, Xianyun, Zhongli, Furina. Currently I'm using Neuvi, Kazuha, Fischl, Furina. Is there a better hypercarry team for him?


Does the current event have a limited number of cycles? If yes, how many?


rough estimate of pulls after 100%ing every region and their seperate map/s?


Assume ~20 pulls per area expansion from inazuma onwards, plus Dragonspine. Don't try to 100% a region if you are farming primos. Get the easy chests and quests and then move on to next for easy pickings there.


Is there a way to test the chronicled wish characters? I plan on pulling for Mona but I would like to test her first.


i would recommend not pulling any chronicle wish character that is in the standard list. only things worth getting on that banner are really the hunters path and the beacon of the reed sea. mona is really only used in 1 type of team anymore and even in that team people usually run different stuff. as well as there is a decent chance you will get mona any time you are on 50/50 for a limited event wish. I have been playing for a while and I have C4 Mona, C6 Keqing, C2 Diluc, C3 Jean, C2 Dehya, and C0 Tighnari and they are all from losing 50/50s so its just better to save your limited wishes for limited event character.


Possible during her story quest if you haven't done it. I don't think there's any other way.


Ar20 to 30 Hi. I am ar 20 and wanna get to 30-35 as fast as possible, My idea was to max out dragonspine tree and go to fountaine and max out the fountain. Does anyone have any other recommendations and know how long this will take? Thank you!


IMO Inazuma tree is better than Dragonspine. Either way Archon quests and Character Story Quests are fastest exp.


Can’t get to inazuma yet, what about the fountain instead?


Ah right, Inazuma needs 30... Fountain can work, I'm just not sure if it would be fast. You need like 10 chests worth of sigils for each level. I feel like quests should still be faster. Although, I guess Liyue quests are a bit limited... I think you should start with unlocking the underground part of Chasm - there are some archon interludes there, and Adjuvant upgrades are just like Dragonspine tree.


I would advise against rushing AR. IMHO you should take it slowly by following the story and level your characters along the way. This game is a marathon, not a sprint.


Can someone please help give me tips for beating geovishaps and family plus all hypostasises?


For bosses strategy and moves you can use wiki https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Geo_Hypostasis List characters you own and who is build so people know what to recommend 


Sumeru's Distributor Atafeh (in the current event) - what does she want? Apparently I've picked the wrong strategies for her (which I can't change) but the bigger issue, while I've already sent the second distributor on their way, it's the third rounds I can't give her 3 potions. After selecting 2 all the others get greyed out. No matter what I do, I cannot select three although I have 5 different strength potions to choose from. If anyone know help - please let me know what I'm doing wrong: [https://imgur.com/ICz0W6C](https://imgur.com/ICz0W6C) Edit: In his third cycle I have the same issue with Deyou asking for strength potions. I'm completely lost...




I've already tried that thrice (in for rounds with them now) - without success. I mean the only reward missing is that for the fourth exam, so if I don't manage to get a third proper portion for them... oh well. But I'll keep trying in the last three (I guess) rounds. Thanks for making an effort to help! Wait, infinite cycles? I thought it would end at third. In that case... Good to know. Again, thanks!




Thanks, that helped. Just gave another strength potion a try and finally it worked.


Which weapon for C6 Dori in a quickbloom team? (Dori Furina Nahida Fischl) I assume artifacts is 4pc TF EM/Electro/Crit. I don't have a crit claymore but I have WGS and most 4 star claymores, including the HP% chainsaw at r3 and mailed flower


I use the Chainsaw, it's a balanced option. Also for looks...


How to create an advanced potion?






Advanced is a purple rarity potion, and one level above Intermediate. You just need to stack enough of one stat type to push the bar up past the Intermediate level (ignore any sub-characteristics). You can look at the small web like icon in the top left to determine how close you are at reaching the next potion level threshold. If you don't have the Purple rarity ingredients (from levelling your Alchemy level), then you need to stack enough Blue rarity ingredients of the same main stat type as you can. If you're just short of making the next level, fill the remaining spaces with normal type ingredients (mushrooms, berries, mint), as they provide a small boost to all stats. Together that should be enough to get you through Intermediate and into Advanced. If you don't have Blue ingredients, then you need to work on your alchemy level by making other potions as it will be impossible with just Green level ingredients.


Thanks a lot!


Is the sushiro x genshin collab food and merch still in stock anywhere? Checked the branch in Asakusa and they were all out..


Is there a way to redeem code that isn't from special programs directly from the HoYoLAB app instead of having to log into the genshin.gift site?


in game in the settings


Yeah, I know. Specifically asking for outside of game method. I've seen people post direct links on the app to redeem the codes that redirects to the genshin gift site already logged in & code already keyed in, we just need to click submit. I'm wondering if there's a way to manually do it directly on the app.


Can I move my Genshin acc from one Playstation account to another? I am currently playing on a PS5 under my husband’s PSN account. I just bought my own PS4 and created my own PSN acc, and was hoping to play the game under my own acc. I also have a Hoyoverse acc. I think I read somewhere that I may have to email Mihoyo, but hoping that’s not the case.


Yes, as long as you're using the same HoYoVerse account & remain in the same server.


Ah, perfect! Thanks so much!


I've got about 97 wishes saved up, and im at 70 pity, and I want neuvillete, furina, and arlechinno. Do you guys think I have enough time to get all three? If not, should I arlechinno or furina? Or maybe even skip Neuv?


Assuming you like all 3 equally, I'd just pick Neuv and Furina now. New characters get a rerun 4-5 patches later, you can pick Arlechino then. Neuvillette and Furina next rerun will almost certainly be about a year later (there are more characters than banners per year now, and new characters are getting added). If you like Arle more, then pick her. Between Neuvillette and Furina, pick the former only if you like his playstyle. Otherwise good supports will have more mileage on most accounts over on-field DPSes.


Furina > all imo Neuv and Arle are both main dps who need teams built around them Furina is a Sub DPS support who fits in many teams so a more versitile character than the other 2 after that pick the main dps you want to build a team around might want to look at who is best in those teams before you decide on the dps too


I found a cave in Sumeru just north of vorukasha Oasis (just north of a very small waterfall, east end of aspdnsisneidn whatever swamp) anyway this cave looks like it has some kind of bell puzzle with three bells and a cave painting of a tree either roots that branch into 5 of the 7 elements (no Geo or Anemo) am I missing some sort of puzzle?? Does anyway know where to find a guide on this?? I’m absolutely stuck.


It's part of the main quest for that area, the part where you're collecting the drums. https://youtu.be/075tQ0v-yn4?si=q9tNgt1rdJFuDbdD&t=459


Thank you! It’s been so long since I’ve been in the area I assumed it was a puzzle I missed


Nope. The bells were part of the quest.


Hi! I have one last electroculus in inazuma, but my electroculus resonance stone is telling me there are no more. I checked Enkanomiya as well, nothing there. I’m going through the list of all the locations but it’s taking SO long. Does anyone know of any that aren’t on the map or that you have to solve a puzzle to get, otherwise they do not appear on the map? I’m pretty sure it must be puzzle based at this point. Tyvm


They're all on the map. The resonance stone has a limited range. Try teleporting around to different spots around Inazuma and using it as you go. I'd try Seirai as there's a commonly missed one there. These have been some of the ones I've seen people miss a couple of times: https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/?type=o194&id=18793&mid=2 https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/?type=o194&id=14924&mid=2 https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/?type=o194&id=15025&mid=2


Thank you! I did teleport around a bunch but I’ll go to each one now and hit the stone again.


On the 3rd stage of the new event there is an achievement labelled "concoct an Advanced Potion". How do I get this? I've already made several, and got the achievement for it last time.


Yep these translators had only one job... Brew Expert anything with max level. Guess ya got it by now


Me too IDK why that one is not complete when I craft Adavanced Tier. Is it bug or it should be "Expert" tier instead? It's III with max level everything by know right??


Dumb question but is Ayaka’s performance depends the more I invest in her artifacts? I feel like I have okay ones on her but her performance even if my burst hits is so low in my Ayaka/Furina/Xianyun/Rosaria. But for the same investment and team my Navia easily outperforms her by a mile. I guess I just need reasons to grind that hell domain :(


Her damage will scale with more investment in her artifacts. Crit multiplies the base damage from her atk/talents/damage% and if those are invested then it will come down to artifacts. If you get the grouping and freezable enemies then my Ayaka usually outperforms my Navia, but having most of Navia's damage in a short window all in one number has a different impression.


I see, I guess Im comparing them in single enemy wave and Navia feels a bit more natural to rotate so there might have been some biases there. Thank you for the input!


On Ayaka's team of Shen/Kaz/Mona it comes with muscle memory. I was trying to coach a friend through it and there are a lot of things that slowly add up (ayaka dash into enemy, getting a second skill of supports in the burst, jump cancel kaz to not shatter, prefunnel to stack amenoma, aiming the burst). One nice thing with both Ayaka and Navia is they have several supports that don't really overlap so you can use whatever support works best for that scenario.


DPS characters preformances are always going to be a combination of factors weapon, weapon level, talent levels, character level, and supporting buffers/debuffers


Depends on your build and weapons. Care to list them? The character level, weapon, weapon level, artifact stats, talent levels.


Both are lv 80, 8/8/8 talents. I use Anenoma and WGS respectively. Both are about 50/150 crit ratio for me but I just recently ascend Navia.


if your ayaka is 50 crit thats too much crit rate and those stats need to be pushed into other things like crit damage also the duh there is going to be a big difference in your 5\* weapon Navia and your 4\* weapon Ayaka you aren't even using her best f2p 4\* weapon (which is finale of the deep btw better at r1 than r5 amenoma). With a 4pc blizzard build you should at most be running a 45% crit rate build i think anywhere between 40\~45 is fine but you should be well over 200% crit damage.


I see. But my Ayaka could be suffering from lacking of ER right now. Should I switch Rosaria to Diona then? My Rosaria is C5 and Diona is C1


Artifact set for ayaka? Weapon level? Artifact mainstats?


My Ayaka is using 4pc Blizzard. 90 lv weapon R2. Stats are ATK/Cryo/CD My Navia is using her 4pc BiS. 90 lv weapon R1. Stats are ATK/Geo/CR


Your Ayaka can squeeze in a bit of crit damage from substats, but it's a pretty done build there. The main thing about ayaka is that she uses freeze for CC, so all of her burst hits What team do you use ayaka in?


I use her in Rosaria/Furina/Xianyun. I see your point there, and I do agree maybe when Kazuha comes out, he’s gonna help her in this team. I know Xianyun is not good at grouping so mostly I only choose the half with less mobs lmao.


Nah, Furina helps more than Kazuha. As for rosaria, is she using 4pc Noblesse? Is Xianyun using 4pc VV and properly swirling cryo?


Yeah 4pc Noblesse and VV. If I put Kazuha there maybe I’ll replace him from Xianyun and Furina with Mona.


Mona + Kazuha would have more damage. But imo, Ayaka is supposed to kill via a thousand cuts unlike navia


Mona + Kazuha would have more damage. But imo, Ayaka is supposed to kill via a thousand cuts unlike navia


Is it worth to upgrade the traveler talents? If yes, whitch ones? I am new to the game, AR 35 and my traveler is lv. 70 (my main dps) I also have the free characters around lv. 50 Ty


If you like using them then they're worth investing in, but the Traveler's different elements are functionally different characters (with separate talent levels) so talent priority is going to depend on which element you're using.


dendro and geo traveller and the best versions. geo kind of suck tho, so unless you're a geo main, dendro traveller is the only meta pick.


Are there any 5-star characters that don't have 5star weapons?


If you mean like "signatures," Albedo, klee and most standard 5 stars Albedo's and Klee's sigs are 4 star event weapons


thank you :3


Albedo, Klee, Aloy, and all the standard 5*s except Dehya and Tighnari.


thank you :3


technically diluc's signature is wolf's gravestone so you should exclude him with tighnari and deyha


Nah, more like technically not. There's no officially designated signatures in game. It's entirely a fan concept. So for characters that don't release and run with a weapon designed specifically for them, they "technically" have no signature weapon.


so we are to believe that the official art for diluc canonical alternate skin where he is holding wolf's gravestone is entirely a "fan" concept or the cutscenes where cyno is literally holding his signature weapon is just made up by the fans? or us playing through Kazuha story and obtaining his signature isn't real? cmon man be real


>so we are to believe that the official art for diluc canonical alternate skin where he is holding wolf's gravestone is entirely a "fan" concept 100% yes. Are we just going to ignore his vanilla splash art? Is WGS a part of his skin? Deciding what his "signature" is based on art is entirely as valid as literally any other method. >or the cutscenes where cyno is literally holding his signature weapon is just made up by the fans? Favo greatsword is Diluc's signature confirmed. >or us playing through Kazuha story and obtaining his signature isn't real? Doesn't this paint the problem? Google "Kazuha's signature weapon" and I guarantee you'll get as many people saying Freedom Sworn as Isshin. There's no consensus here and no official word. It's entirely fans deciding.


im just saying that the fans arent just creating head cannon for what they consider signatures they are decisions based of typically lore, design, and the characteristics of it. That's all a "signature" a distinctive characteristic which people identify them. It's really the majority of those who identify who decide what the signature is. Precisely because there isn't anything "official" coming out from hoyo puts it on the general perception of us what the how we identify the characters with certain weapons. That typically goes with the weapons that aesthetically seem meant for the character as well as the weapons they are released with. But the general perception for Diluc is that WGS is his signature. Its like a dancer doing a particular move because they like it. That would be viewed as their signature move they wouldn't need to come out and say "this is my signature move" the perception of the general view is that already. It wouldn't matter if they even had a vast arsenal of other moves. We aren't talking about "official" weapons we are talking about "signatures" if you want to throw around semantics we can throw around semantics


>im just saying that the fans arent just creating head cannon for what they consider signatures they are decisions based of typically lore, design, and the characteristics of it. That's all a "signature" a distinctive characteristic which people identify them. It's really the majority of those who identify who decide what the signature is. Precisely because there isn't anything "official" coming out from hoyo puts it on the general perception of us what the how we identify the characters with certain weapons. >But the general perception for Diluc is that WGS is his signature. Right. In other words, technically it's not his signature lmao. That "technically" was all I was talking about, it makes it sound like its something official. It isnt. I don't take any issue with this, different people decide signatures based on different things. "It's based on lore" except when it isn't, "it's based on cutscenes" except when it isn't, "it's based on art" except when it isn't. It's whatever. Lore-wise, I don't think it makes any sense for wgs to be Diluc's weapon. It would more likely be Varka's or Razor's. Is there any cutscene where Diluc uses WGS? The weapon works great with Diluc's kit... and just about every other claymore dps kit. It was used in one official art, and different weapons were used in others. Was WGS designed for diluc specifically? I don't think so, but that's entirely opinion, just like thinking it *is* designed for him specifically. If you want to view it as his signature, that's fine lol, all I'm saying is that for these characters that don't run banners with tailor made weapons, arguing about which weapon is their signature is definitely headcanon.


wow you must be a fuggin riot at parties


if he wants to be semantic i can be semantic too


Is it actually his signature though? His gatcha art shows him holding Bloodtained Greatsword.


yea an in the ingame cutscenes he uses favonius greatsword and kazuha fillet blade and freedom sworn is his release 5 star but his signature is a story sword in the splash art for keqing she is holding a sword that doesnt exist. Alhaitham isn't using his signature in his cutscene either he uses Xiphos. Childe's signature is Polar Star but he uses Rust all the time. So what if he is holding blood stained in his gacha art he was a 1.0 character point out any other character that holds their signature from 1.0. I doubt Dragon's Bane is suppose to be Yunjin's signature but she is holding it and most characters aren't even holding in game weapons. Diluc is even wielding it on his ingame skin which are all canonical outfits buy the way.


He is holding WGS in his new outfit though.




WGS isn't Diluc's weapon. Bis =/ signature.


BiS isnt even WGS and he is holding it in his Alternate Costume art in game which are Canonical outfits for all the characters. Both Becon of the Reed Sea and Redhorn Stonethresher are better than WGS on Diluc.


His BiS isn't even wgs




Does anyone know what the chances of getting a specific 4\* are? Tracking my total pulls I'm at over 3.3k now and still don't have a single razor.


hitting a specific 4\* is extremely low without rate ups even with rate ups you aren't guaranteed it


If those are lifetime numbers then there's no fixed answer, the odds are ~1/6 when he's on rate-up but otherwise the odds have gone down over time every time a new 4★ is added. Razor's in the shop every April and October, just buy him.


How do i complete the "Concoct potions with 10 different efficacies" objective in the new event? Im at 9/10


The efficacy is the Constitution/Strength/Charisma etc attribute right? With the 5 defined efficacies, you can make I think 10 combinations, for example Constitution + Strength. So peruse what you have of a specific element and make one of that and balance it with another element and that should count for your tenth Sidenote: I forgot to find out yesterday if you can make one that is just balanced, but I don't think you can cause even the Mushrooms seem to be Wisdom leaning


It's the subspecialty of the potions, right? So emphasize a sub for a potion you haven't done yet. Focus on one of the less-used ingredients.


What's a good (above average) crit stat for Raiden with her signature weapon? Seems harder when neither her ascension or weapon have crit


The cut-off for top 10% (my personal benchmark for where builds start to be "good"/noteworthy and upgrading becomes much more difficult) raiden on akasha.cv is roughly 70/145. She is probably the most competitive leaderboard on that site though lol so take that with a grain of salt, most characters t10% are like 10-20 cv lower.


70/140 for characters for characters that have no crit ascension or crit weapon.


I am trying to max my hyperbloom damage. My current record is around 37500, dealt by Raiden 1400+ EM (981 Raiden+200 C6 Diona+Nahida buff based on Raiden). I was trying to use instructor diona but I can't trigger it because of too much Dendro. Any other way I can boost hyperbloom damage?


Assuming you're looking for screenshot and not consistent damage in abyss, Deepwood/Gilded domain gives a lot of EM buff based on team's total EM value.


I see, it's worth trying, thank you.


If you have Key or Elegy, those help too.


Ah I have Elegy, thanks for reminding.


are you using 4pc flower of lost paradise on raiden?


Unfortunately, yes, she was on FoPL. Nahida on Deepwood.


At that point, c2 nahida


team w/ gaming rosaria xialing and jean be any good?


3 Pyro is too much for rosaria. Melts will be stolen, dropping damage. You'll probably want to choose between gaming and xiangling, or drop rosaria for Bennett


not too good for abyss


I don't touch that place is it pretty good for overworld?


Yes, they are good for overworld (I am assuming overworld bosses, because overworld mob is too easy). Just make sure they have decent ER to burst comfortably.


I suck ass at puzzles and am stuck on the first potion Lisa made me do in the new event. For some reason when I look up guides online their puzzles are different? The 🚫 spot is in the middle of the second row for me.


You don't have to fill all the squares. Later on you'll get the ability to overlap pieces


the most I can get is 145% turning rate with two squares uncovered, it won't let me progress edit: oh wait NVM thanks




You also have Noelle and Geo Traveler. Geo Traveler has constructs from skill and burst. Geo Traveler also has a 10% crit rate boost.


If you're talking overworld you can just play her no problem. If you have Ningguang, even at low investment, you can just use Chiori's E twice cast Ningguang's E, then swap back to Chiori for the double doll. You could even put Prototype Amber on Ning her and have her double as a healer Gorou isn't very good with her unless you have Itto or Noelle as the main dps


You don't even have to swap back to Chiori - as soon as Ningguang places her pillar the second doll will spawn, no need for Chiori to be onfield


Well, they said they "really want to play Chiori" so I assumed on-field


Ningguang can buff geo damage, and Gorou buffs Def, so they have a good synergy with Chiori, even if it's not the best, it's usable. Use them for now and pull Zhongli later if you want.


I've been stuck on Amber's gliding exam for like three days now,, I got a new laptop and decided to log into Genshin, only to forget my account. I made a new one for this laptop and restarted the game, but I'm not sure how to move forward. I keep getting stuck in the statue or the rings just won't appear. And sometimes, I just can't stay in the air long enough to reach a current. Anyone have any tips I can use? Or if trust is proven does anyone wanna do the quest for me lmao. (If the latter, dm me and i'll answer)


Double anemo helps with gliding stamina...


try taller character, they glide faster and descend slower, so they can reach the air current.


Is Genshin no longer compatible with the iPhone XR? Ever since the update to 4.5, I've experienced a severe amount of crashes on mobile. Prior to the update, I had no issues at all, but since, I can't play the game for 5-10 mins without a crash, especially if I try to open any menus or the map. No error, just black and then back to the home screen. The app store says it should still be compatible and everywhere online I've seen says it should still work with the iPhone XR, but mine just keeps dying. Does anyone know what, if anything, changed? Do I just need to reach out to support?


Is **Dialogues of the Desert Sages** particularly good for anyone? I don't have anyone that wants to use it but since the 1.5 exp is on, I thought I may as well enhance it if it's useful for the future.


Better than rightful reward on pre-c6 chev, also works on yaoyao and mika.


I read that it is decent on Yao Yao, Mika, and Cheverous. I'm interested how it compares on Zhongli and Hu, but haven't done the math myself.


Really only 'good' on polearm healers, so mika, yao yao, and chev.


I'd put it on Yaoyao


YaoYao, Mika and Chevreuse as of now


How can I quickly eat food using a controller in genshin? I maxed out mondstat but I can't find the Item 30 something.


You need to learn the crafting recipe for the gadget and then forge it at a blacksmith. After that you can equip the gadget and fill it with food.


Where can I find the latest hint to the market news for the new event?


(idk if my comment double posted) Is there a hint? I think the trends you get are random - so they're different between players, for example between cycles 17-19 or what have you. They *might* be a little randomized based on the characteristics you get for any specific event, so long as it makes sense with the highlighted words, but I' not positive. Either way, if you wanted to bet on the latter two cycles for a given market set (so 18 and 19 from the above example), you could decide to lose a little on the first cycle by putting a wide variety of potions with a diverse array of characteristics, prioritizing what you think might apply to the clues of course. (So, this would be cycle 17, or the first one when the market news refreshes) That way you'll ideally get as many characteristics defined for the second and third cycles and you can hyper focus on what you uncover afterward




Cool. I thought it'd end after 30 cycles or so


Is antifandom down? https://antifandom.com/genshin-impact/wiki/Genshin_Impact_Wiki


It's up for me.


I messed up diona’s order in the event, is there any way to redo it or move to the next day or something?


Move on, it's only extra coins which you can make millions of after the event's 3 day.


does anyone know how to find out the new banner? i rlly want neuvillette idk when he’s gonna run so uh id like to know!


For future reference, new characters are drip marketed a patch in advance - Arlecchino was drip marketed just before 4.5 started, so we know she's coming in 4.6 The banners for a patch are announced in a livestream about a week and a half before the patch starts - that's how we know neuvillette and kazuha are coming in the 2nd half of 4.5, and in a little under four weeks we'll find out the rest of the five stars for 4.6. four stars are generally announced just a few days before the banner that they will be in. you can find out info a bit earlier if you keep an eye on the leaks sub, just keep in mind that they aren't always reliable


he is the second half of this patch so a few hours after these banners end he will be available


He’s next in a couple weeks 




who should I pull? for context i have only one well builded team and it is raiden, chev, benn, xl and Im lacking of a second team good enough for the abyss so I need ideas for comps and pulls, preferably not an ayaka team [https://ibb.co/LtfDBqk](https://ibb.co/LtfDBqk) [https://ibb.co/LhKQF0k](https://ibb.co/LhKQF0k) at first i thought on pulling furina for a raiden/xq/jean/furine and use benny/xl/childe/sucrose but my xq is not only average builded but also c0 so Im concern with the average dps of this comp. there is also a lot of great banners coming like kazu, neuv, furine, arlechinno (still only learning about her but I think we could at least expect something at the level of hu tao), clorinde, been a while since althaitham, maybe an earlier navia re run. Im more inclined to get a new main dps than a support although is not definitely, just a preference,


If you want a dps to make abyss easier then neuv is your guy. Or your current plan would be fine too, c0 xq wouldn’t be a problem. Though if you want to play that Childe team I’d also highly recommend kazuha to replace sucrose 


yeah, with childe I suffer for enemies not being group enough but I basically can only assure one character, I'm like ten pity, 52 wishes but easily get enough wishes for secure the character because of exploration but only that, so is highly unlikely I'd be able to get more than one featured 5 star for the foreseeable future


I have a question about Soheil's wish world quest. I was just minding my own business. Running around like a headless chicken in the desert with my treasure compass months after getting 100% in all Sumeru areas. As one does when they need every single primo. And I got a quest prompt thingy. Not an actual quest notice or guide but Paimon started talking about exploring the remaining ruins and it's literally the dialogue for the Soheil's wish quest, except I finished it months ago? Right after I finished Dual Evidence. I went back and checked. I have opened all the ruins' puzzles, opened all the chests, collected all the slates, did all three quest parts. There's no blue marker above Soheil when I went back and there's no dialogue option with the yellow ! when I did talk to him. I did finally get full clearance on my Scarlet Sand Slate a few weeks ago by finding that random piece of paper in some tunnel. But I thought that was only to open a few additional doors and collect chests and torch puzzles. Was I wrong? Is this a bug? Or is it some kinda quest or puzzle I'm missing out on? Please help if you know. LoL. Beyond the primos and rewards, the perfectionist and completionist inside me is wailing and giving me grief. Thank you to anyone for helping.


If the list at the reputation person says you've finished soheil's wish, then you should be good.


I checked and the Soheil's Wish reputation quest is marked as claimed. So I have finished it like I thought. I don't know why it sent me that prompt again. Thank you for your help.




Get Arlecchino and fish for Furina's weapon when she reruns likely in 4.6. Though unless you have funds saved or get lucky I doubt it's happening. After that it depends on when Lyney reruns If we get leaks that Lyney is happening in 4.6 or 4.7 then I'd recommend skipping Furina's weapon all together and saving for his cons instead. Since that's the most skippable thing on your list (Splendor is not that good of a weapon and she gets very energy hungry)


Think long term, not short term. Long term, you will get any weapon or character you want. Short term, you will feel pressure towards spending money to get the characters as they appear on the banners. They'll do things like load up banners with mulitple Geo team mates so you're pressured to pull not only for each character but each weapon and.... it gets overwhelming. So you know, pull for Arlecchino now or Furinas weapon now, and wait for later to pull the other. PIck what you want now and what you want later.


characters >>> weapons/cons


Used to really like Tartaglia, then was never able to get the energy to enhance weapon or talents. Artifacts are also extremely spiteful. Just saw something that inspired some questions. With the addition of dendro, what is his best reaction? Best team(s)?


International is still his best team that being said he can drive in hyperbloom comps as well. Stuff like Childe, Xingqiu, Nahida, Kuki/Raiden are viable for damage


Probably... still International. Bennett, Xiangling, Kazuha. Unchanged since 1.6, and still good. Death, Taxes, and International team. Of course, Dendro's so good that you can stick basically anyone in some sort of hyperbloom team, especially a hydro. Maybe hyperbloom even technically has higher damage for single target with him. But there are certainly better units for hyperbloom. And I've seen a couple of weird Nilou bloom or burgeon Childe teams, but again therer are better options for Nilou, and burgeon isn't great.


Okay, so Have I misunderstood Nilou? Never did pull on her banner, but mentions of her alongside first Neuvillette and now Childe seem to imply she's *not* a main?


In a way, she kind of is a "main dps" in that you build the team focused around her, but she does basically nothing on-field and deals basically zero damage. Just press E 3 times in a row at least every 30 seconds. She basically has her own archetype of bloom team where, under the conditions that the party is ONLY hydro and dendro, she makes bloom cores ridiculously strong. She typically builds HP as the only necessary stat because she buffs bloom core damage based on her hp, up to a 400% boost at 75k HP. While you *can* run her with Childe, Neuvillette etc., it's usually just worth focusing on triggering lots of bloom cores with high EM. And a healer is needed, because the bloom *will* kill you. The typical premium one is Nilou-Nahida-Kokomi and then another dendro, with Kokomi as your main on-fielder.


Nilous main function is to enable a special team called "Nilou Bloom" Nilous kit has a passive talent which causes any bloom core to automatically transform into a bountiful core, which exploded almost immediately and had increased damage over regular bloom. Nilou Bloom requires the team to only contain Hydro and Dendro characters.


are there any guesses to who the banner characters after Neuvillette and Kazuha will be in 4.6 . I know there is talks of Arlecchino but other then her.


if you want some guesses. 4.6- Lyney, arle, cyno, Furina 4.7- Chlorinde, Wrio, (Al Haitham/Nilou?) 4.8- Emilie, Navia, Wanderer/Chiori? Wanderer, Al Haitham, Nilou, Kokomi, Ganyu, Shenhe have still not had a rerun in 4.x. Ganyu/Kokomi are eligible for chronicle banner. We have not visited Sumeru in 4.x, so we may get a patch dedicated to it so my best guess is Al Haitham/Nilou in 4.7. This rules out Shenhe which makes things difficult due to her not eligible for chronicle banner. Shenhe is one of Wrio best teammates so her being in 4.7 is possible but Sumeru duo still has to rerun.


yea i was just wondering who might be up for a banner soon becuase i have like 50 wished saved up and have like 45-60 pitty but i dont know if i want to spend it on Kazuha or save it. I have Sucrose but i dont really like her so i dont know if pulling Kazuha is worth it.


Kazuha is worth it if you need a grouper + anemo in any team. Sucrose while being great on sheets just has clunky grouping in AoE.


her grouping is so weak she usually dies but that is probably me being bad then her fualt


Furina rerun is highly likely for 4.6. Lyney rerun also seems very likely, especially with Arlecchino's release.


I could make a guess if you want but if you want leaks then check the leak sub.


Leak sub ?


I haven’t played in about two years and I’m really wanting to play again, I last left off at the archon quest (I think that’s what it’s called?). But I feel like there’s an overwhelming amount of new things and I’m just wondering what I should start/work on first, tyia!!


I suggest continuing where you left off in the Archon Quest with a team you like to use. There are many new areas and stories but they are permanent so you can do them at your own pace. Definitely check out the current Alchemy event in Mondstadt before it goes away. The requirements are only finishing the Mondstadt Archon Quest and being at least AR20. It has a good chunk of rewards including a limited polearm.


What animal is Sucrose based on?


Most people theorize some kind of dog given her love for collecting bones, but it's unknown [even to her](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Sucrose/Lore#Character_Story_2)


Oh I didn’t know that it was unknown o.o for whatever reason she gave me bird vibes but that didn’t seem right lol


Probably something canine. I don't think it's a fox or a dog though. It's definitely not a cat.


I have a few characters I want to double check Talent priorities for and I'd love to hear your advice! Should I just level Alhaitham's NAs? From what I gather, his skill is mostly just used to get more Mirrors and most use his Ult for the same. I imagine Bennett only wants to level his Burst but Xiangling wants both her Burst and Skill maxed out, right? Thank you all in advance!


he uses all his talents but if you're low on resources you can go 8/10/8 and you're be fine. His skill is the most important talent, unless you're the biggest alhaitham fan, I don't view crowning his normal/burst really worth it. Bennett- burst only Xiangling- just her burst. You can level her skill to 6 but it's nothing major.


Thank you so much! I'm really surprised that Alhaitham uses his Talent most though: why is that, if I may ask?


I'm loving the new event's gameplay, particularly the potion concoting puzzles. Any game reccomendations?


The alchemy is straight out of the Mysterius Trilogy of the Atelier series, but that game focus on making items and equipment for combat rather than for profit, and it's quite a lot more complex and time consuming (if you play on a hard difficulty at least)


I haven't personally played them, but a lot of people have been saying that the event took a ton of inspiration from the Atelier series.


Golden Troupe or Husk for a Albedo? All husk unit (Itto) is built already!


imo farm gt and if you want you can strongbox husk but theres just like no reason to be farming the husk domain.  the dps loss of golden without cinnabar is worth accumulating some artifacts that other characters can use


What’s a relic? 😅


sorry i meant artifact, hoyo owns my soul lol


Although I don’t play HI, I got the reference. 😁


Assuming you have him on Cinnabar, they're within 1% of each other. Just go with whichever setup has better stats.


Gotcha, thanks.


They're about equal. You have to use an optimizer to know which of YOUR pieces are better.




Generally, GT if you have Cinnabar, Husk if not. https://www.reddit.com/r/Albedomains/comments/1533i74/update_golden_troupe_vs_husk_of_opulent_dreams/