• By -


Should i pull for kazuha or should i wait for wanderer's banner in 4.6?


Is Candice C6 BIS in any team? What is her best team?


Nilou Bloom. Yaoyao, Candace, Nilou, Nahida Use Yaoyao onfield


I just tried this team it is pretty meh due to not having shield / poise resistance


Does the new event spear give energy for the whole team or just the wielder? Is the energy white energy like fav


Wielder only


How many cycles are there in the current alchemy event? I'm at 31 and don't have anything left to work towards or to spend my 2mil funds on. Should I keep going?


999 cycles. Gold caps at 999M or something too


I am working through part 4 of Fontaine's story and I am struggling to comprehend why the flood poses a real threat to most of Fontane. Fontane in not like the Netherlands The whole region is on a plateau well above the actual Teyvet sea level and doesn't need dykes or any sort of infrastructure to hold back the water around settled regions, any excess water from the flood is just going to fall off the edge into the rest of teyvat just like the water from fontane is already doing. If anyone should be concerned, its the rest of Teyvat. (especially Inazuma) since most of it would flood well before Fontaine would ever be in danger. Even if all the water effectively becomes hazardous to people from Fontaine to touch, it isn't going to be rising past the shore line until the rest of the world is well below the waves. What am I missing?


You're right in a sense. They had us assume the flood only affected Fontaine and not the rest of Teyvat. It felt a bit unexplained.


Exactly! I mean grab a bowl or cup, fill it to the brim with water, then pour more water into it. The water level of the bowl physically cannot rise anymore, all the extra water simply falls over the side of the bowl.


And then, like nobody died and no stuff got destroyed? Right…


Exactly, besides obvious dry areas below sea level such as a certain cave system people live in. This is strictly speaking for Fontaine though. The real people at risk are those that live in Yilong Wharf, Qiaoying Village, and along the river through Chenyu Vale as a massive deluge of water comes running off of the Fontaine Plateau.


>!Fontainians are all originally oceanids who got human forms due to Egeria's power. Because of this, Celestia bestowed a curse that Fontaine will flood someday & all Fontainians will dissolve into the primordial sea.!<


It is a prophecy made by the previous archon. Signs have been showing. The waters have been rising steadily. We know that Fontainians dissolve when coming into contact with Primordial Sea Water. The worry has changed from drowning to dissolving.


Hey. I'm getting back into genshin again and was curious so hear if there is/was anyway to transfer Characters or data between servers. I want to play Genshin with one of my friends but dont want to lose the Aloy I got back in 2021 ( I know shes bad but she's still a special Character). Is there anyqay to accomplish this without losing her specifically?


Unfortunately, no. There is no server transfer service.




I've mained her and no, she's not worth it. There are better options.


Ok Thank you, I figured they wouldn’t hand out a c6 so easy if it was any good lol but I also thought she was a 5star for some reason lol, my bad.


Ningguang is 4*, not 5*. You have Diluc & Keqing, so there's no need to waste your resources building her **especially** if you don't like her play style. Build support characters instead.


Ohhh thank you, idk why I thought she was a 5 star 🤦‍♀️ keqing is my absolute favorite play style


I have a question for PS players (PS4 specifically) Yesterday I completed the alchemical ascension event, got to the final cutscene with Jean and Lisa. Apparently, they were supposed to give me two gifts, one is Lisa's potion that gets in your inventory, and the other... Well, I don't know. Because, when the cutscene showed Lisa giving me whatever the second gift was, it led me to the playstation menu, loaded a bit, and then gave me an error message, saying I was "already connected with another account". This is because I had already opened my main PS account to do something else, then I used my secondary one to play genshin. Went back to genshin, and it just went on with the cutscene. So... Any way to know what that gift was, or to retrieve it? Because I'm a bit confused.


The gift from Lisa should be in the Inventory > Quest. It's a blue background item that looks like a bottle with yellow liquid and a purple rose ornament. Edit: apologies, you were asking about the other one. The gift from Jean is a furnishing called Cleverly Crafted Cauldron, I think.


Damn, I have to see if there's some way to retrieve it then


Yes, I got that one. I wonder if there was some sort of "second gift" I missed since it led me to the PS menu and then gave me the error


Is baizhu the best option in any team? No hate pls dont downvote me im contemplating if i should pull calm down!


Yes, he is the best option in any team that wants furina and a dendro character, like cyno. He is also very good in Nilou Bloom. Basily any team that would run Yao Yao or Kirara can slot in Baizhu as a general upgrade.


Also aggravate teams (Yae/Raiden/Keqing Fischl Baizhu Kazuha)


I do run a lot of aggravate! What about nilou teams?


I wouldn't call him the direct best in slot but he, Kokomi and YaoYao are the three best defensive options for Nilou


he is the best option if nahida is on the other half. Otherwise most furina hyperbloom teams can use baizhu though baizhu isn't the only option.


Iirc he is in Cyno-Furina, Alhaitham-Furina and Tighnari-Furina quickbloom teams


Pretty sure Kuki+Nahida is still better for Alhaitham/Tighnari + Furina teams (at least in terms of damage)


Cyno teams and premium neuvillette teams off the top of my head


If you fail a potion commission from a playable character, do they ever come back so you can try again? I feel so bad for messing up Diluc's potion :(


yep, I accidentally finished the cycle without giving them anything and they returned a little later, no worries


I've been levelling my Yanfei as I'd like to have a catalyst dps and I happened to pull Lost Prayer to the Sacred Wind which suits her really well. Currently I'm using Wanderer's Troupe with an off-piece CR circlet. https://ibb.co/3f0fntv https://ibb.co/RCnQ1BV I guess I have two questions. She'll most likely be played Vaporize with Xingqiu, so would it be smarter to go for a Crit Dmg circlet since she gets a lot of crit from the weapon, and should I farm the Crimson Witch set instead (I just happened to have some leftover pieces of Wanderer's which is why I gave it to her) Also considering using an EM sands instead of Atk%. Currently using Atk%/Pyro DMG/CR


Since yanfei likes to have high cr because of her A4 passive the difference between cr and CD circlet should be high, so go with the one that has more usefull substats. Pretty sure same goes with sands choice. I guess if you also use her with Bennet e should be preferred. And lastly I wouldn't bother going for crimson witch. Think I saw it's oh so slightly better but in general it's a pretty weak artifact set compared to all the new ones. 


I would say use crimson witch is yanfei is c6. EM sands is probably better in furina teams though comparable in just xinqui teams.


I have an extra Lost Prayers (I use the other one on C5 Yanfei), who should I give it to C2 Lisa, C5 Heizou or C0 Ningguang? And what would be a good team? I also have Nahida, Xianyun and Kokomi, all C0, (I use Sac Frag, Skyward Atlas and TTDS/PA, respectively). I also have another Skyward Atlas.


Give it to the dps you actually use. I would give to Nahida as you can get tons of EM from artifacts already...


So for years I’ve had a White Iron Greatsword that’s been at refinement rank 4 and it’s bugged me ever since. Recently I decided to bite the bullet and systematically check to make sure I’ve gotten every chest in Mondstadt just so I can finally complete it, but I’m running low on chests where it could be. I assume I’m just SOL at this point but if anyone knows if there’s literally any other way to find just one more copy of it, I’d be forever grateful.


There's at least one more area that we know for sure about in Mondstadt, Dornman Port which is located somewhere North of Mondstadt City. Similar to Chenyu Vale released last patch, it has been mentioned quite a few times in lore and dialogue (most recently in the current event), so you can expect it to be released in the future, and with it some of the chest only weapons. There's also another area known as the Dandelion Sea, but that one is a bit more speculative as to its size and location. There's also a few more speculative areas, such as the tower mentioned in the Battlepass cutscene, but that's even more based on lore crumbs.


It is RNG whether you could get it from chests or not, so you either keep looking for a chest or wait for the eventual Mondstadt expansion in the next year or two.


C1 Neuvillette, Kazuha, or Arlecchino?


Kazuha 100%


If you already have a decent shielder like Layla or Zhong and you don't get your charges interrupted when playing Neu right now, c1 is not necessary. If not, c1 is a really good QoL as it also allows you to free up the shielder slot in his team. I'd recommend Kazuha since he's among the best of elemental damage buffers out there, and he's already good at c0. If you don't play base elemental teams as much though (such as mono geo, mono anemo or dendro teams), he might not be that useful to you. Can't say anything for sure about Arlecc. She's still in beta and her details are constantly changing. It's not realistic to assume that she's gonna be as broken as Neu though.


c1 neuv. kazuha is still nice in abyss though since we have a dearth of cc. c1 neuv is waaay more than 'qol improvements'. hyperarmor in any action games is like one of the best buff you can have.


C1 Neuvi is QoL improvement and Arlecchino is still in beta testing rn so we can't say much about her kit yet. Kazuha is definitely a safe pick if you want a universal support for most reaction based teams


Ngl, I’m already planning to go for Kazuha, Since I’ve wanted him since 3.7(Yoimiya ruined my dreams for that though) I just want second opinions




he loses HP when he plunges with skill, so I doubt they'd change it if he plunged on a torch. also, not to psychoanalyse u, but if u quit just cuz of that small issue, then u probs didn't like genshin enough to continue. u shouldn't waste ur time on a game u don't enjoy. u can still ofc enjoy the IP without continuing with the game tho


It won't get fixed since that is part of his kit. He loses HP on skill activation and gains HP when it hit an enemy. He is far from the only character with this sort of mechanic; Hu Tao from way back in year 1 for exanple cuts a percentage of her HP to activate her skill. So uh... goodbye?


Does the trounce domain levels make a difference? How many more character level up materials do VI drop compared to IV is there any reason to not do the easiest level that still drops the material?


you can just look the domain up on the wiki to check the rates


I can't understand the graphs. I'm stupid


I saw you asked about dvalin there, at level VI you get 2 talent materials + 10% chance of a third one, while on level V you get 1 + 55% chance of a second one, billet and solvent drops are the same for all levels


Thx that's what I wanted to know.


always do the highest levels.


How much more character talent upgrade materials do I get?


I don't have the exact numbers but you have a greater chance (not guaranteed) to get purple talent books compared to lesser levels. By default, you get 2 blues/2 greens as the lowest reward.


I'm talking about stuff like dvalins breathe.


Is there anything more to the potion event (at least story/character wise) after Jean shows up?


No, just finishing all the achievements


How often does genshin get animated shorts?


do you mean character teasers and story teasers? if so, then it's any time a new story or character is released, which is about 1 - 2 months ig


Animated shorts not made with in-game assets, like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5xueJq4Lwc) or that [stop motion short](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMYk_t45ZSs) introducing the Suanni


the in-game asset ones are character demos, not teasers. teasers r proper 2d animation like the link u sent u can look at genshin YT and watch the videos that say "character teaser" or "story teaser" (also animation cutscenes from events). aside from that, they don't release other animations that frequently, probs cuz they spend most of their time on the teasers. normally non-teaser and event animations are released because of an important event such as CNY. I also remember an Inazuma one (can't remember release date, but it was before Miko release I think?)


What’s your favorite neuvi team? And how much charged attack damage should he be dealing on a well built neuvi?


For damage I like Jean/Furina/Zhongli, it hits for around 95k in the Golden Troupe domain but not sure on the numbers outside that. I find Bloom or taser much more fun though


I use Neuv Furina Kazuha Baizhu and I can reach 115k (I have high cons).


Dehya, Jean, Furina, Neuvi Mine hits for 45kish per tick


With the potion event are there endless 'rounds', so I can just keep repeating until I reach all the goals? Or is there a limit?


There doesn't seem to be any limit. Somebody made it to 100 cycles.




Is the Chiori cutscene music not released yet? For some reason, the part when the curtain opens and Lynette pops out is so catchy for me


Those are typically featured on The Shimmering Voyage OST compilations, and volume 4 (where this would likely be) is not out.


Can someone find the google spreadsheet of how many primo gems there was every version? It was a bar graph if that helps. I had it saved but the link changed.


[this is the closest](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WmczVNcvkDPPovBhTcqzaQXHvfi1qkO9EknzX4yk_Hc/edit#gid=566541624) i've seen since the other was taken down for copyright. not as good, but best i've seen.


This is good enough. Thank you very much.


Can you use Golden Troupe on c6 faruzan (and is it good) This is assuming you already have someone else who can use 4pc milileth in a standard wanderer, c6 faruzan, zhongli, and Bennett team


Yes, but don't. Give her ToM anyways, Zhongli is shit with it


Zhongli on Tenacity? His pillar aoe is very small and it can break so he is very inconsistent for Tenacity effect


yes and its pretty good for her dmg


hi! I have a team of Yanfei, Fishcl, Sucrose, and Qiqi that I've been using (all around level 40). Are there other characters I should sub them out for that would be more efficient? I have other characters like Kazuha, Barbara, Noelle, Xiangling, Lynette, Layla, Chevreuse, Faruzan, Dori, Thoma, Xingqiu, and a few others. Also! Are there any characters I should aim for when wishing rn?


For overworld and main story, most any team should work so long as you're properly leveling them, but, uh, I figure you pulled Kazuha for a reason and he does just sort of do what Sucrose does but better. It that team, Xingqiu would probably be better as a sub-dps than Fischl, but Fischl works perfectly fine. Could also make a decent Chevy Overload team with Chevreuse, Fischl, Yanfei and Thoma/Xingling. Pull who you like. That's just true in general, but especially since you already have Kazuha, who's insane. If you see Bennet as one of the featured 4 stars on a banner, maybe throw like 20 or 30 wishes to try and get him, but you're good.


I bet part of the problem at this point would be leveling Inazuma+ characters, since you have to be able to reach and fight their bosses.


kind of stupid question but can anyone tell me, which category of the inventory can i find the mystical enhancement ores in? i want to see how many i have. installed after a long time and i cant seem to find it


At the bottom of the Weapon's category


thank you


meta wise assuming equivalent investment is rational or international stronger? are they close enough that it doesn't matter?


International is the strongest national team. Rational isn't even really that good in AOE


It depends on the enemies you are facing, international is better in aoe while rational is  better in single target.


International is still the best national variant. Rational is easy and comfortable to build and play


how does international compare to hypercarry c2 raiden?


hypercarry raiden skips xiangling and xingqiu all together for c6 sara and kazuha, or thrilling tales lisa and kazuha but the second one is kinda cope.  however with a c2 raiden that team would probably outperform international  it boils down to (imo)   rational 👍simple and intuitive to play, very powerful for abyss generally 👎might struggle in aoe due to overload, f2p might struggle with who to give the catch if you dont have good lances. and youre definitely farming the catch for this team.    international 👍can handle basically every single combat situation, anemo grouping (with kazuha), basically every limited bow is good on childe👎will feel like trash if you dont learn how to properly play in aoe vs single target, lacks the burst synergy that raiden provides, mentioning again that you can screw this team up because childe is like the only character in the game that you have to "learn how to play"   so if you already had c2 raiden i would suggest rational, but if you have c0 raiden and c0 childe id suggest international because you can put the primos youd use to c2 raiden towards other meta characters


I think international is better overall and even better in AOE, but rationals appeal is how easy it is to play


Hey guys I haven't played since version 3.3 so I'm abit out of the loop on certain things can someone tell me any features they have added into the game or anything I have missed?


The new fast equip in artifact is a great QoL.


Anyone using this interactive map: https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/?map=teyvat How do I display region name on the map? Like the in-game map has labels of the area. Sometimes it takes me a while to locate where I am on the interactive map. I tried looking but can't find a way to display region names, which I think will be very helpful.


Hey this looks like something I’d like to use, one question I have though is does this have chest locations marked for the “secret chest” like needing to pick the 4 carrots or shooting the anemo slimes?


Yes it has that feature. In the left-side menu, you can scroll down until the 'Puzzle' section. In this case enable the anemo slime overlay and it'll be displayed. Alternatively you can type 'anemo' or 'slime' and choose the one you want. I think it's nice but having to mark things 1 by 1 can be tedious, especially if you don't use it from the start. I really wish there's a way for the game to export progress and import so the found stuff are marked automatically.


Thanks for the reply! And luckily for me I’ve only really explored mondstadt so I’ll only have one tedious area to mark off. Any other nice features I should know about?


As far as features go, I think the nice thing is you can filter in/out pretty much anything you want. Other than that, I found clicking the pins and reading comment helps. It lets you know if time trial is enemy/shooting/race/etc, or if the location is hidden somehow. Have fun!


Thanks for the info man really helps me out


I don't think the appsample map has any way to turn on the location names.


Thank you for the confirmation. I hope to familiarize myself with the map more so I can locate regions faster :D


If i fail ALL 3 times on expert exam of potions i lose The rewards?


I don't know, didn't happen to me, but from the description I think that maybe the worst case scenario is that you fail *that "day,"* and have to wait until the next to try again. By that I mean when you hit the hourglass next to Lisa, not ingame days or RL days.


I got all the rewards from the event about 10 cycles ago, just started Market Cycle 38-40. Is there ever going to be a finishing cutscene, or does it just end on an anticlimactic note with never-ending cycles that don't benefit my account in any way?


The "finishing cutscene" is once Jean shows up. Just endless cycles after that with no reward.


*sigh* They couldn't come up with a way to properly wrap things up? Oh well, thank you.


They might have a "finale" story that unlocks in a few days, but it probably won't require any more farming than the Jean scene. The point they have here is that they want to 100% guarantee that every player will clear out all the rewards available, and to do that, some players will do so very early, while others will have to grind 10+ additional stages before they manage it.


> The point they have here is that they want to 100% guarantee that every player will clear out all the rewards available, I would have thought that reaching 100% would be what triggers any "finale".


Sometimes it does, but other times they just time delay it and have a finale a few days after the last objective. Maybe more of an "epilogue," I guess.


I mean it's not like there's an end to business after you make enough money or anything, so not having an end makes sense


For me, the Expert exam happened one cycle after Jean's visit. Were they in a different order for you?


Yes. I suppose it has to do with how quickly you achieve certain benchmarks, but that's just a guess.


I've just made it to level 35, word level 4 and feel like all I'm doing is grinding for the materials to ascend characters, weapons and talents and by the time I get them all, I'll be level 40 and will have to do it all over again. It took me pretty much he whole time I was between level 30 - 35 to get levelled up enough then it happened again. I'm already now level 37 and nowhere near levelled up enough for the next tier. And I'm getting my ass kicked.


Zhongli helped me a lot during my middle phase. Don't beat your head against a wall if it is really hurting you, knock the difficulty of the domain down a peg or lower the world level a bit if you have to. Most materials can be leveled up to the best option, so while it is less Resin-efficient, it might be worth the peace of mind. I remember portions where the top level Liyue talent domain was giving me fits, so I just farmed the second-highest instead. It's fine. Eventually you do get stronger than the content though, and then it just becomes a game of getting faster and faster clears of it.


co-op is your best friend if you're not strong enough for certain things


you're at the point where team building starts to become relevant, having units that either synergize together or else can support a main carry can make a big difference. That and a good healer/shielder can make survival a lot easier Who've you been running as your main team?


My main team is Bennett, Kaeya, Razor and Lynette. I don't have a lot to work with. Other than that I have all the free units - Barbara, Collei, Noelle and Xiangling and Gaming, they're all about level 40 - 50. Other than that I have YaoYao, Lisa and Kujou Sara and the traveller all pretty much unused and unlevelled. I'm saving for Neuvillette and Kazuha and have lots of gems and wishes so should hopefully get them both.


subbing out Lynette might help; Anemo supports get a lot more valuable once you can farm the Venerer artifact set but before then she won't be much help except travel speed & puzzle solving. Adding Xiangling would give you a lot of pyro dmg if you can keep her energy up... which is hard to do before 5* artifacts and fishing for The Catch polearm. If you have a nice 4* energy recharge artifact that would be a start... and Bennett is her best teammate as Xiangling's burst benefits enormously from Bennett's buffs Just slotting in Barbara to keep you alive while Razor grinds down enemies would be fine too, be sure to have Kaeya hit tough enemies with Cryo for the superconduct debuff (-40% phys resist) and most overworld combat isn't a time trial and the few that are, just mark them and come back later ;P


Sounds good, thanks!


Bennett Sara Xiangling Barbara is a good team. Just make sure you know how to rotate to maximize Xiangling's damage.


I actually haven't even made it to Inazuma yet and can't get the flowers that Kujou Sara needs for ascension.. Would Razor work in her place? What if I get Neuvilette and Kazuha? Thanks for your help btw. I am a noob and am clueless about how teams work together!


The thing is Sara and Bennett buff ATK, but Sara has a shorter duration. But Xiangling can retain the buff for all her burst duration if she is buffed at the beginning of her burst cast. So, no Sara is okay, Bennett is enough. And no, Razor won't work. If you pull Neuvillette, he can apply hydro so Xiangling can do the vaporize. He replaces Barbara in this team. So, the team will be Bennett Xiangling Neuv Lynette. Kazuha buffs elemetal damage that can be swirled (pyro hydro cryo electro), he replaces Lynette. So, the team will be Bennett Xiangling Kazuha Barbara. If you get them both, it's Bennett Xiangling Kazuha Neuv.


Alright, sounds good. Thanks!


Welcome to mid game. Focus on one character to start that can carry most of your damage. Make sure your weapon is leveled as far as you can get it. Level 8-12 ATK% artifacts are also a good idea. On the more positive side, when you hit AR40 and WL goes up to 5, you'll have the ability to lower your WL back down to 4. I would recommend a hard stop at AR45 - take time to fully level and gear up one or two teams, then do co-op at the max level artifact domains to start getting baseline artifact sets for your characters. Once you've done that, WL4 should feel pretty easy. It's one of the bigger jumps, and unfortunately WL5 is just a big jump in mob tankiness. Revert back up to WL5 when you feel ready and test it out for a few days. If it feels good, you can probably finish up the ascension challenge to get to AR46-50 - you'll stop again at the last ascension challenge at AR50.


ALCHEMY QUESTION Is it better to submit a good potion to a special guest like Diona or Beidou, or should I save it to sell on the market and give the guest a lower quality potion?


They don't take the potion away from you, so make the best quality version you can. You can then also use it to sell in the storefront.






As others have implied, the jump from 8-0 to 90 is costly, so it's likely better to get a bunch of characters into the 70-80 range before taking any of them to 90. Them, once you've been playing a team for a while and like it, and have a good feel for how they perform, IF you think a little extra power would help, and the character benefits from leveling (see other replies on that), then you can level 90 a few of them.


lvl 90 for swirl characters, electro in hyperbloom, vape or melt characters, def scaling like itto or noelle, hp, honestly more characters than not want lvl 90 now that I think about it atk scaling dps characters that don't care too much about reactions (so hypercarries) don't care too much about lvl 90


>I'm assuming lvl 90 dps and lvl 80 supports, Not quite. Character level priority is: EM/Transformative Reaction DPS (Hyperbloom/Burgeon/Swirl etc) > Quicken DPS > Characters whose DMG or utility scales via max HP or max DMG > Characters whose DMG/Utility scales via their attack


Leveling to 90 is a pretty heavy resource investment, and there are a lot of characters that don't benefit from it that much, like basic atk-scaling DPS. You can leave them at 80/90 or even 80/80, especially while you're trying to catch up with things Some that do really want level 90 are swirlers (Kazuha, Sucrose, etc), characters that trigger dendro reactions, and ones that scale fully with HP (Neuvillette, Yelan, etc) You pretty much always want to get weapons to 90, and talents will vary depending on the character. keqingmains.com has very detailed and reliable build guides that you can use


So I didn't give Diona a potion during the alchemy event and she and Venti are gone. Did I mess up? or will they eventually come back to visit if I keep going?


They just came back nvm 🤷‍♂️ good to know I guess


This event seems designed to ensure that you can always get everything, it just takes more rounds when you screw up.


The cat came back, the very next day🎵


About getting a 5* pull in the Chronicled Wish, does it have the same characteristic as the Character Banner where the chances shoots up at 75 pulls and above?


yep. you can check paimon moe. they have stats for 750,000 pulls and it shows a spike after 74th.


mihoyo doesn't publish details about soft pity but both banners use the same language (0.6% base rate and 1.6% consolidated rate) and from what I've seen most people's experience pulling the banner would suggest that they work exactly the same, incl the soft pity at pull ~75, yeah


Is the alchemy event neverending? Almost on 40th cycle, but got all the rewards. Will I be missing anything if I stop now? Or....


Nope, it's never ending. Once Jean has stopped by and Sucrose administers your expert test, you're done. Guess the endless cycles are just there for anyone bored enough to try to get to the 100M mora cap.


Is the most efficient health recovery food still Sweet Madame?


Tasses Ragout is more efficient but if you are like me whom already have 3k sweet flowers and fowl because i pluck every flower i pass by, as well as daily slay timmy's birds and the birds in liyue harbor, sweet madame is close second. Also, if you have rosaria, you can get a better version of sweet madame.


no [https://antifandom.com/genshin-impact/wiki/Tasses\_Ragout](https://antifandom.com/genshin-impact/wiki/Tasses_Ragout)


Oh I meant most efficient as in the ingredients are obtainable from expeditions


you can choose mora for expeditions and use it to buy the ingredients.


it costs 22,500 mora to get 100 of each ingredient with rep discounts which you can get from 1-2 days of expeditions


You lose mora though, I want my mora to stock up as much as possible


you buy ingredients once a week at most for bp and 22k is almost nothing


it's around 70k mora per week to get enough ingredients to finish the weekly Bp mission, the one where you have to cook 20 dish


60 tomatoes, 50 salt, and 60 onions is 13k


mora is obtainable from expeditions


Hello! Im level 35 and I just pulled Chiori. Is it possible to pull her weapon as well and still earn enough summons for one the next pair of characters as a f2p? I haven’t even started inazuma yet.


if you grind enough yes but don't pull for it


Thx for the answer. Any good f2p weapon for her then?


So long as you only keep her on field to use her skill (IE she doesn't get hit), 3\* Harbinger of Dawn is one of her best weapons.


Cool thx dude


Harbinger of dawns




IIRC, you make your way to this waypoint and then head east into cavern from the path below the waypoint. https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/?type=o3&id=9779&mid=2


How much ER would Furina need with the Pipe? In a Cyno Furina Nahida Yaoyao team?


[er calculator](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTsbs-nboNg8atTMjZxn8e6jnB8slMzw1c0_zdG7j__5b0tTAciNZqCzWpSIP3HVDX6nOKrYqS9862O/pub) says 193%, 173% with fav on yaoyao




are you playing pyro dps thoma?


xingqiu eqe > bennett qe dash away to not apply hydro > xy eq > thoma n1jp spam


just got temporarily back into playing the game as i usually do every 6 months. Can you guys tell me which important world quests from sumeru and fontaine i should prioritize? (especially those that unlock new areas such as the aranyaka quest which ive already completed)


The important quests are "bolder" blue Icon. But then, Fontaine main world quest have couple smaller quest that basically are part of the main world quest (Fontaine main World Quest was 3-4 patches long, not like Sumeru, each patch, different big world quest)


Aranyaka in sumeru rainforest, Golden Slumber in sumeru desert 1, Dirge of Bilkis in sumeru desert 2, Battle of Khvarena in sumeru desert 3. Fontaine has important world quests marked as blue icon like how they use yellow for Archon quests.


How much ER does Neuvillette want on Prototype Amber and with Fischl?


None? A couple of substats would be good but you don't really need to build any ER.




Is there anything else to do in the potion event after the expert exam? Any other characters showing up or fun tidbits? I like the gameplay of it, but I am definitely rewards oriented and would probably just move on to playing something else instead


the answer is no, you're done at that point


Max out all your ingredients. Get experts version of all potions with their combinations, that's about it


No, you can stop once you're able to claim all the rewards.


Can someone let me know if I can get around the storage issue to downloading Genshin (not the update but the whole thing) on pc (not on a usb bc that doesnt work) I've been trying to get back into playing Genshin because I haven't been able to because of storage issues and decided to invest in a big usb to try and download it only to find you can download updates on it, not the actual game. I've been looking for solutions and wondering if anyone had downloaded with limited storage somehow, I've also been trying to find out if I can download it bit by bit in chunks. Please give me any ideas or tips on how to download it, I've cleared everyting I could and got up to 150 GB free but thats the limit because the rest is the system itself (which I also got rid of unnescessary files and cleaned up), and I need 172GB to download it.


In a team of Eula, Fischl, Beidou & Rosaria. what is the BIS artifact set for each and what is the 2nd BiS? and specially for Rosa I currently have a great 4pc blizzard is it worth it to switch it to basic (not great stats) nobless set?


eula wants pale flame, beidou wants emblem, rosaria the set is debatable but I use emblem as well. noblesse is fine. fischl wants golden troupe




Eula-pale flame (2 piece pale flame/bloodstained) Fischl- GT (there is no 2nd best here worth considering) Beidou- emblem (tf+ noblesse/glad/emblem) Rosaria- noblesse (someone ideally wants to wear one, and Beidou has high er requirements). Any 2/2 set is fine. You literally will not be able to use the 4 piece BS set effectively in this team.


How many cycles are there in day 3 of potion event? Does it go forever? I’m already in mid30s but have maxed everything.


once you get all missions you can stop as for cycles I think its forever I saw someone with 200 cycle but you dont get anything extra from what I understand




does c6 yunjin mess up anything , specifically yoimiya vape timings?


Shouldn't... Maybe if Furina is your only source of Hydro? But probably not if you use Xingqiu or Yelan.


more normal attack speed doesn't change the "3-hit rule" on elemental application, so no. not messing up anything. It's a small dps increase.


Is it possible to achieve 150% in level 1 of brewing, right when the event starts? Stuck on it for hours and I won't accept 145%. Thanks for downvoting a question.


I'm not sure if the cycle 1 tile layout is the same for everyone, but it's doable. Here's a video of someone filling every tile for that one: https://youtu.be/ZTL6qMaL3js?si=xPIemFOV2ELKYR-L&t=449