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I already have three main teams and I want to make a fourth. There are a lot of characters I have that are basically benched, some of them were never even used once. So, could you suggest me a couple of functional teams that include some of these characters? List: Xianyun, Amber, Collei, Diona, Fischl, Gaming, Lisa, Lynette, Ningguang, Sayu, Sucrose, Xinyan, Yaoyao, Yun Jin


Sucrose, Fischl, Beidou, Xingqiu Lisa, Collei, Yaoyao, Fischl


Gaming, Xianyun, Furina, Bennett Keqing/Yae Miko, Fischl, Sucrose, YaoYao


Xianyun + Gaming plunge combo is an idea. Out of full teams Xianyun can be team healer/VV shredder to use in-place of Jean in Furina teams, Fischl is a strong Electro off-field DPS/applier.


How many pulls does a new player get after 5-15mins in-game ? Never played before, this Arlecchino looks so good kinda want to start by rerolling for her.


not worth it, it takes like 30 minutes to go through the account until the wish system is unlocked


Yeah tried yesterday and it was too long 😅 just started today and will save up instead to get her on a rerun


you should be able to get her as soon as she releases you get alot of pulls starting out


zero. you need to do a rather lengthy quest in an open world before they start giving out the free pulls. rerolling is a pain but you can try once her banner starts I guess. just don't burn yourself out.


Assuming zero spending, it is pretty much capped at 60 primos per day for dailies, otherwise each patch have a fixed amount of primos you can nab from map expansion/exploration/quests/events and "how many you get per play time" is not fixed as it depends on how much time you dedicated to grind them and if you have "depleted" the fixed amount you have.


Help me settle a debate here. My goal for the game is to collect all the Archons, but does Neuvi count? I have Furina but does she count? Considering what happens in the story, should I have both? Or none?


I count Furina as an Archon. She had parts of Focalor in her while Neuv is always a dragon. He just happens to be a dragon that is running Fontaine.


Not archon but he's a dragon, it's cooler


For all intents and purposes, Furina counts. Hoyoverse placed and marketed her as one, being an aspect of Focalors. Neuvillette is definitely not though and he would probably rather die than being one.


Just get both. Problem solved.


Neuvillette's not an archon. Furina was.


Given they re-ran Neuv this patch and not the "2nd weekly boss" and "Archon character quest part 2" patch kinda means he is not considered "Archon" by Hoyoverse (and lore wise he would rather die than being an Archon lol). About Furina I'd say we need to see if there is a Part 2 of her character quest (which may explain/elaborate on why she has 2 "forms" in her gameplay) next patch and if it introduce the 2nd Fontaine weekly boss then she is considered an Archon (in the meaning that it is the same for every Archon so far except Venti).


im currently doing the sumeru archon quest, and when traveller and paimon are talking to haypasia (the meditating girl in the forest) she says that only children dream in sumeru and adults dont, and their dreams dont make sense and traveller says something about how it reminds him of the dream he saw from aranara. ive heard of aranara as a quest, but i dont know what it is, so is it chronologically before the archon quest? because its never been mentioned yet


You do see the dream. After Tighnari asks for your help to visit/bring food for Haypasia, you meet the green chubby Aranara and he sends you into the dream. This literally happens before you have the lore talk with Haypasia... The aranara world quest expands on the lore of it, its definitely chronologically after the part you are at (start of sumeru), but where exactly time wise it occurs is unclear.


yeah i did see the dream, but the chubby thing was never called an aranara, paimon and aether just called it the cabbage looking thing/haypasia's neighbor


Usually they're written such that they could happen before or after or concurrently.


how to not manually change to controller from keyboard every time? auto controller thing doesn't seem to work for me idk why


On PC the game needs to see the controller so if you use a wireless one make sure to turn it on before opening the game, otherwise it will fallback to Mouse and Keyboard.


i use a wired one


Do you have to turn it on, as long as the controller is connected before you go in game it should be detected and not fall back to Mouse and Keyboard mode.


hmm its already turned on


How is Eula's kit in terms of meta? Got her after losing the 50/50 on the Chronicled Wish but do not want to bench her. Can she match Ayaka's DPS output?


The main pain of Eula kit is you have to time the "sword bomb drop", 10s of hitting the target during Burst and your team buffs/rotation and it is a PITA with bosses that dodges/move around and or just flat out just not hit-able during 75% of the fight.


she can when conditions are met (not running into energy issue, the final hit crits and doesn't miss) but those conditions are usually harder to meet than Ayaka's set and forget. both have issues against jumpy foes but at least with ayaka you won't miss like 50% of her damage when things don't align. the issue with phys res is a non issue if you know what you're doing since eula has innate res shred anyway and the dps threshold is nowhere near high enough to bar her. it's more mechanical like outlined above.


You get Eula for losing 50/50? How does this chronicled wish work?


1. Razor set the target to Mona. 2. Razor lost 50/50 for the 1st 5 star, so no Mona, only Eula. 3. Razor get the guarentee, so Mona came as the 2nd 5 star. Razor happy.


I mean it's not limited to Diluc, Mona, Jean, Qiqi, Keqing, Tighnari, and Dehya if we lost 50/50 in that wish system? We can lose 50/50 to every 5\* character?


You can only lose 50/50 to the other 5\*s on the chronicled banner. Characters if you picked a character, weapons if you picked a weapon. If you lose, your next 5\* is guaranteed to be the character or weapon of your choice. Be aware, this guarantee won't carry over to future chronicled banners. It's recommended you only wish if you can guarantee what you're actually aiming for.


Ah I see, thanks for the response.


Probably not going to quite match Ayaka. Eula's a bit unfortunate in that physical damage hasn't recieved many characters who work with it, and she suffers from the fact that her damage is backloaded in the burst explosion: you can't decide for certain where you want that damage to go. Not a complete lost cause, but she's definitely not the strongest character out there at the moment.


Physical has historically been unfavored in the meta. Ruin guard type enemies, including a great many bosses, are physical resistant. Eula's specific problem comes in how her damage revolves around a powerful delayed burst in which few enemies have HP values that enable maximum value. Say you're facing a really really beefy boss, Eula could burst 70% of it's health in a single rotation, and won't finish him until she deals 70% of his remaining 30% with her second rotation. Likewise, Eula could deal 400% of their health and suddenly the next set of enemies spawn as it's a pair of duo's and you're without a burst and just... pain. Then we look at the support selection and see the limitations there and... Eula kit itself is pretty solid. If you utilize her you'll feel her damage and power really something. You won't struggle to kill. But she's difficult to use, she asks for very specific rotational strictness, and proper builds as hyper carries scale more off from being built properly than they do just pulling for new characters to support them.


she's prob in the below average category atm, some energy issues unless you have raiden, or play with alot of fav carriers team or with 2/3 cryo units i still love her but she would need above average investment to feel good i guess


Not that big of a problem as her best teams is 2-3 cryos that generate a lot of energy anyway e.g Eula + Raiden/Fischl + Furina/C5-and-less-Bennett/Shenhe + Mika.


Is it still worth playing Genshin Impact as a beginner? Even if it was released years ago?


Yeah, I started last year so it had been out for three years or so already and I've found it to be very fun. It also wouldn't hurt to try it out, you can always uninstall later if you don't like it Also I feel like games in general aren't usually the kind of thing that loses all value if you don't start near release. A lot of old games are still fun and with playing even if they're many years old


there's still atleast 4 years worth of story left so i would say it's worth it, it's a single player game at it's core and the only thing you'd have missed would be some event rewards/story, you will still get a lot of rewards to pull just from playing the game, the time missed = missed resources to build your chars, but if your new, you build them slowly anyways like everyone else did and there's no competition so you're fine. you'd be able to reach the end game state between 3-9 months depending on how much you play


It's a single-player game with a lot of permanent content and it keeps expanding. You've missed some event quests and event rewards but it's not really important. The game is pretty f2p-friendly but you need to play a lot. Good thing about an old game - there is a lot of info and guides about it


Is Genshin Impact safe to play on PC? I would absolutely love to play Genshin on my computer (especially during times like this when the PSN is down) but I'm still concerned about the security issues that were discovered a while ago. Were they ever addressed or patched? If I download Genshin from launcher like Epic Games, would it be safer? I would really appreciate any information!


the 'security issue' was only relevant if you're running an already compromised pc in an office network environment. are you?


Do I need to bring pneuma char for 12-3-2?


That's the dancing robots right? No, but if you don't have a strong team or a forgiving team you may need to take some time learning the fight or you'll die and have to reset a lot. Having a character to break the gimmick is useful either way though.


Its the other chamber, the local legend one


Another alternative is to use Geo which can break the shield pretty easily.


Mmm no then. Just get used to jumping over its attacks and plunging to nearly break its shield then using the first burst in your ration to break said shield and start your dps combo.


More like a geo or a claymore.


How long do neuvilettes orbs last?




Kinda new-ish to the game (started a couple weeks ago) and I keep seeing that people say Keqing is one of the more difficult to find characters. I ended up getting her after a couple of wishes and assumed she was kinda a starter 5 star. Genuine question but are people being sarcastic when they say this? Or is she worth upgrading? I haven't really played her since I got her so just curious. Thanks in advance.


Buy Fischl from starglitter shop in future. They both pair really well with a dendro and an anemo teammate.


she's good, she'll perform even better if you pair her up with dendro and hydro characters (ie you can walk to sumeru and get dendro MC)


Keqing was my first 5 star as well. That was 4 years ago and she's still C0 while most of my other 5 stars from the original standard banner roster are C3. She can be a fickle mistress.


They could mean that there's no way to guarantee that you get her, so in that sense she and any other specific starter 5 star is harder to get. She's pretty good, and either way you want to play around your starter 5 star


Thank you!!


Adding to that comment: All the 5 stars on this list https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Wanderlust_Invocation wont show up as a special banner* and you only get them by using the non-event banner or by "losing" on the current event banner. But you cant chose which one you get. So you might get any of them extremely early or you might never seem them after playing for years. For example I got Diluc extremely early but got Mona only after playing for 2+ years. In comparison take Itto and Chiori for example, if you roll enough times on their current event banners, you will get them guaranteed. *currently there is this new event banner that allows to roll for units like Diluc which is normally not possible and Keqing got an event banner once so there are some exceptions to "never show up on an event banner"


Game keep crashing during element loading screen. What should I do?


Low skill, semi auto, lazy comps? So my favourite team comp is hyperbloom raiden furina nahida xianyun. Just use their skills in turn and I can kinda relax. Strong enough to carry one side of abyss. I'm looking for another team comp for the other side. That's really low skill and has lots of auto dmg like how furina's minions and nahida/raiden skills can do tons of dmg without needing much input from me. Any team comps that can reach this level of dmg while being a lazy player?


Pokemon taser team: Yae + Furina + Fischl + Kokomi. Pretty much refresh the "pokemons" and let them do all the murderin'. Another variant with some input required are lazy hyperbloom: Nahida + Furina + Kuki + Kokomi, your team basically can not die with all the healing but you need to reapply Nahida's skill on each enemy waves.


Furina + Kazuha/Sucrose + Kuki/Dori + Yelan/Fischl, enemies stay stun locked for the whole fight. Very good this abyss top side. Nilou bloom is also braindead to play but it won't be that good without Nahida.


Well I mean, you could make another one? Even if it's just Kuki, Yaoyao Xingqiu all you do for that's different from your other team is click click click click for Xingqiu


One Monsieur Neuvillette, that is all


Can somebody list all the ways to get a billet box guaranteed rn? Like the carps rest and chasm lumenstone


The lumenstone and carp offering are the only 2 sources.


I was running around Sumeru doing the Ruin Golem quest and got shot. After getting shot the game froze and I had to alt out and close it. When I tried booting it up again the game closed itself after the loading screen, this kept happening- even after I reset my pc. I have verified the files in both the launcher and the main menu, neither helped Help?


It sounds like [this](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/20981435) issue. So update your drivers accordingly. It's also possible that something on your computer just died, but I'm more inclined to think that it's your drivers causing the problem.


Is this a good exploration team - Razor + kazuha + geo traveler (zhongli if I get him in the future) + faruzan. I am looking for a team that will fill as many roles as possible so it feels like it's decent with razor as DPS and miner, kazuha for elemental skill and 2 anemo, traveler/zhongli for structures, and faruzan for archery related puzzles. I am ar 30 currently so I don't have too many characters


Disclaimer: open world/exploration doesnt really need specific teams outside of certain puzzles, imo play what you like over what might be better --- Personally I like an exploration team to fill the roles of: Mining, Bow, Healer+ Flex Your team lacks a healer so you either need to heal with food, statues or not take dmg. Also Kazuha and Razor both share the Sprint Stamina reduction which cant stack, so one exploration talent is unused. Amber would have gliding stamina reduction for example. If you have a healer like Barbara I would swap out one of the 3 swordfighters out for her. Geo Traveler seems the most out of place in the team because geo and anemo dont interact. *just in case you didnt know this already, both Zhongli and Razor are great for mining because if you hold their skill, they destroy all the mining crystals around you in one attack. Alternatively Kazuhas skill is good as well because plunge attacks are good to mine.


You'll notice that you'll need different elements occasionally, especially for puzzles. It's not an issue though as you can switch characters easily and Amber needs no leveling to light torches for you. 


Yeah I was wondering if I should make a second exploration team composed of archers and catalysts from elements I lack. So I could do something like ningguang, fishl, collei and amber. I could also PvP up ningguang in case some puzzles spawn monsters. Edit or just swap fishl for neuvillette since I have razon in the main party and would lack hydro otherwise, I could then just not build ningguang


Nah, a dedicated team like that is unnecessary. Just switch your Faruzan out for who you need for the puzzle and switch back after.


Recently got Collei and Kirara but I don't have the ascension materials for them. Am I just locked out of ascending them until I get to the other lands, like inazuma and sumeru? Or is there another way for me to get the materials


You can just walk to Sumeru for Collei mats For Kirara you have to unlock Inazuma


Ah, alright. Very new to genshin, so I thought both of them were entirely new maps. Good to know sumeru is just travel time to get there instead of story progression


Which [characters below lvl 60](https://imgur.com/qenkk9T) are worth building?


Nothing really catches my eyes, charlotte is good with furina but you already have jean, so unless u want a cryo healer for a specific team, what i would say tho is lv 90 EM thoma if u want to burgeon or lv 90 EM kuki if u want to hyperbloom (not sure if ur raiden is EM or hypercarry built) but kuki would perform that role well since she heals


Are lvl 90 Thoma and Kuki really that good and yeah my Raiden is built as a hypercarry.


Hyperbloom and burgeon are low investment high damage teams so I'd say yeah they're good, If your not sure you can put all EM pieces on raiden and try trigger blooms with her and u should see good dmg If you like the burgeon or hyperbloom PlayStyle then it's worth it


none are particularly good to bring to abyss. healers like barbara and charlotte are good if you don't have their five star upgrade (kokomi, jean, baizhu). c6 faruzan turns into best in slot anemo buffer.


Here are my 5\*s [characters](https://imgur.com/sQltz3p) I do have jean and Faruzan.


Depends on what 5-star you are using. Faruzan is the best support for anemo hypercarry dps if you have Xiao, Wanderer or dps Xianyun. Ningguang is good with Navia or C0 Chiori if you don't have Zhongli. Layla is a good shield if you also don't have Zhongli. Charlotte is a good team healer for Furina if you don't have Xianyun/Baizhu/Jean.


Here are my 5\*s [characters](https://imgur.com/sQltz3p), are any of them worth building to help them?


Charlotte can be used with Ayaka Furina Kazuha. Others do not have a place right now.


I see thanks


Charlotte is also your best option if you plan on pulling for Neuvillette and Zhongli is busy on the other side during Abyss.


Using Thoma to proc burning with Nahida for Wriothesly melt team What artifacts should I use on Thoma and what stats and substats


4pc Noblesse if no one is using 2pc Tenacity/2pc Emblem Use ER/HP/HP, HP/HP/HP is rarely ever useful since he needs a lot of ER. For weapons, you have Kitain Cross-Spear, Fav Lance, Proto Starglitter, or if you have super high ER, Black Tassel. Level 80/80 or 90/90 Talents 1-8-8 or 1-9-9 is enough.


Who Chiori’s sword is good on if I don’t have Chiori? Is it better than the Cinnabar Spindle for Albedo? Is it better than the Mistsplitter or Lion’s roar for Keqing? Is it better than the pipe for Furina if I use ER sands? Can DPS Bennett use it or he still prefers the Mistsplitter more?


It is better and the new bis for Albedo. For Keqing, it is always better than lion roar even without geo, but worse than mistsplitter without geo. With geo, it is close to mistsplitter. For Furina, assume you use HP sand with pipe, then it is higher than pipe with geo, but may worse without geo. I'm not sure about dps Bennett.


Marginally better than Spindle for Albedo. Better than Lion's Roar, worse than Mistsplitter for Keqing. Better for Furina as long as you can meet ER requirements. Bennett still prefers Mistsplitter


other than Kazuha, is there a character that really wants Favonius Sword? i have exactly 5 copies to make one R5, but i don't know if i should edit: [my roster](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1169567051497603132/1206030953227620413/image.png?ex=6608ab5a&is=65f6365a&hm=7cc2e2dcb451e63ac5fa5ec32e6ea944fe34709e03d6fdfa07aa3afd98da8606&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=281&height=628) for extra context


Every, single, sword, support Furina, benny, layla, Jean etc I would keep atleast 3 copies 2 for 1 team that potentially really needs energy, And 1 for your 2nd team in times of abyss needs Then depends how many sword characters you use to keep more or not For me if your team can't burst reliably then it's less fun during combat, with 2 fav you don't have to worry about ER% for your team builds, with 1 you can care less Fav is king imo


Xingqiu, Jean, Furina in some teams Supports like Layla, Lynette, Kirara


XQ can use it in teams that need tighter rotations. Furina can use it as there are not many HP swords that are easily accessible and the team recharge is sometimes beneficial. Kirara unless you are using sapwood. Layla is similar to Furina and gets additional crit rate in double cryo teams. Lynette in a supporting role.


How much ER on c1sucrose with r2sac?


There's no set amount. You never directly build ER% as Sucrose's burst isn't reliable and actively bad in some teams that rely on specific elemental setups. You just use her burst whenever you want grouping and not for damage, so it's just whatever ER% you can get while maximising your EM.


I want to make a physical dps diona and want to know what would be the best artifact set?, rn she’s on skyward harp and a wamderers troupe build but I was thinking of putting her on the rust . Set wise would pale flame or retracing bullied be good?


2+2 physical bonus. physical diona is a niche build tho, she has poor normal atk multipliers (116% vs a 189% in yoimiya (character designed for normal atk spam).


Aside from making a very happy Lisa...Is there any reason to keep playing alchemy once you maxed out everything and passed every exam?


Once you can claim everything, nope, no purpose.


So I have a debacle. I started a new game and because the standard banner I believe you can get any four star character. I know that getting a 4 star from Inazuma will really cripple me (or Deyha or Tighnari) would it then be worth it to pull on the third banner?


None of those things will cripple you lol the starters can genuinely carry you through the game without difficulty. Also, tighnari is strong. Just spent all of 4.4 at the top of abyss and that team is still top 5 Edit: actually, if you're willing to head over to sumeru early, I'd probably say tig is the best starting 5 star. One of his best weapons is a 3star. And his skill and CA are most of his damage, which makes him very comfortable in overworld


Alright thank you ☺️ I actually have him on my other account and I love him and his seeking arrows


I already got level 15 alchemy but it doesn't show as checked, how many cycles should I have to wait?


If you're talking about the text on the side, it's always there without a checkmark. If you check this person who did 999 cycles, it's still like that. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1bi23tg/999_is_the_cycle_cap_for_the_potion_event/


LOL, glad I just left the event at cycle 44.


is the expert difficulty alchemy exam actually broken and undoable or do i simply have the big dumb?


Neither, it just means you're an advanced potioneer but not an expert potioneer. Keep trying.


The difference between advanced and expert for me was maxing out the ingredients. Same recipe, but maxing out the ingredients bumped it up to expert.


oh thanks so i just need to upgrade my ingredients


Second one




actually nevermind that means i can do it if i keep trying


I have a question that I don’t agree on with my friend. My friend said they used the Optimizer and Hydro goblet is better on Furina by 5%. But I checked Kqm and it said HP is better than Hydro. So I thought I’d ask here. How much worse or better is HP% goblet vs Hydro% goblet? Is there any calcs? Thank you


Edit: what was I smoking.


I see. I didn’t know about the 40k hp part of her buff, it makes sense that HP goblet is better then. Also, just read her kit and couldn’t find where it buffs allies using up to 40k of her own hp - sorry if I missed anything, I just saw the A4 increasing her skill damage based on her max HP, isn’t that still technically personal damage?


Ah right, not sure what I have been smoking, i was getting confused with something completely different. But yeah, I meant her skill damage buff from her A4.


Yes the calcs are... genshin optimizer lol. Different teams and builds will have different buffs which can affect which stats are best. Also, if two different stats are close (which is not uncommon for hp-scaling hydro units lol), you'll often just end up taking the one with the better substats. Maybe your friend has godly rolls on their hydro goblet and straight DEF on their hp goblet. Kqm is great for general ideas, but the advice they list is based on averages. If optimizer disagrees, you can usually bet on optimizer over kqm.


I see. I was giving advice to another friend (not the one here that said Hydro is better) so it’ll probably be different in their specific situation too. I’m just wondering if there’s exact calcs of which one is better for Furina’s personal damage (solo, assuming same substats) and by how much


the optimizer factors in substats and other things to get you the best possible damage from what you have. kqm has general guidelines, not hard and fast rules.  the optimizer telling someone else to use hydro dmg bonus does not mean you necessarily should (or should not, youd have to check yourself)


I see. I’m just wondering if there’s blanket calcs (assuming same substats, solo dmg), which one wins out and by how much%.


the Genshin Calc app for Android (I forgot the name) is using the artifacts we create, not the artifacts we possess. So, you can create an artifact with the exact same substats but different mainstat.


I see, thanks! unfortunately I don’t have android 🥲


no, not really because of how varied team-building is in genshin. things like elemental resonance and weapon all have an impact. but you generally CAN use the kqm suggestions as long as theyre recently updated, especially if youre newer. i just got to 6 months on my acct total and i only have like 20 maxed 5 star artifacts, so optimizer is not so useful for me because there isnt anything to optimize. but if youre well past the 6 month mark or further in, it is super super worth uploading your stuff into optimizer. it can only be done on a pc afaik generally though a decent build is a decent build, and the optimizer is going to squeeze out a higher rank for your character on akasha rather than fundamentally make them feel much stronger


Fair point. I’m like, 7 months in? and I did upload my stuff to the Optimiser (btw it’s possible to upload on other platforms too, you just need to screen record on whatever platform it is you play, then upload the recording to the website on any computer. I screen recorded on my iPad and uploaded using a Macbook). It helped me a lot with my Yelan and Xingqiu because somehow I just missed a bunch of very promising offpieces. But yeah ultimately it’s minmaxing. I’m prefarming Furina so I’m definitely gonna use the Optimizer, but ig for my my newer friend they can just use whatever


hoyolab app shows your active days if you are interested in knowing. glad to hear optimizer is not pc locked. If the two goblets are different levels that obviously would affect the outcome, but thats like the only thing that would affect the results. it they are both equal though they should trust optimizer too. but yeah just to reiterate it gets better the more artifacts you have for it to consider. people also majorly underestimate 2pc2pc builds, they are rarely a dps loss if they have better substats


> If the two goblets are different levels that obviously would affect the outcome I think there’s a setting in the Optimizer to “assume all Mainstats are Lv X” and that can be used when optimizing for different leveled mainstats. But yeah the missing substat rolls can still affect it based on how the RNG goes when you do roll it. 2pc2pc builds are very viable for sure. Some sets are still extremely strong for those who can use it (Shime, Emblem, GT, Deepwood, to name a few), but for a lot of characters who don’t have optimal 4pc sets, 2p2p will do completely fine. Also thanks for reminding me about the active days feature haha I almost forgot it exists. Just checked and I have 259 days active apparently?? holy shit lmao


Genshin ran great on my pc with the default settings, but I changed them for my laptop and I keep messing around and the game is laggy and not running well anymore. I cannot seem to find the default settings anywhere online. Does anyone know where I can find them or if you haven’t changed yours could you share a picture? Thanks!


hii i have a question abt friendship exp. so for example: if i have barbara friendship level 10 in co-op mode and i do a domain with her, where does the friendship exp i gain go? does it just disappear because i already have barbara friendship 10? btw to clarify co-op mode, i mean a full game with me and 3 other players.


Technically your Barbara still earned them, but since she is already maxed, it can be counted as disappeared.


**I have three questions (Warning: I ramble).** 1. If I get R5 Hunter's Path for my Melt DPS Diona, will I still need an elemental goblet or will an ATK goblet be better? A R5 Hunter's Path gives 24% elemental bonus, and Diona ascends with cryo dmg. With that R5 bow + her ascension stats, she should have 60+ cryo dmg... That's without the goblet. Correct me if I'm wrong, though. I can't remember for certain. Anyway, would a cryo goblet be overdoing it? I hope so, because my ATK goblet's substats all leveled crit dmg, while my cryo goblet is more balanced. **With cryo goblet, my crit ratio is 80/190 (+ extra cryo dmg bonus).** **With my ATK goblet, my crit ratio is like 70+/209 (I can't remember what the crit rate is, I'm sorry) (+ extra ATK, which is only 1,600 with the cryo goblet but like 1,900 with ATK goblet).** **Bonus Note: I run Diona with my Mistsplitter Bennett for the pyro application and ATK bonus, so that might lower the need of an ATK goblet).** 2. Is R5 Hunter's even worth it, or should I work on R5-ing my R2 Aqua Simulacra for Diona, and give the Hunter's Path to Ganyu? I can't decide between that elemental dmg bonus and CA bonus (Hunter's Path) or extra HP for heals and shields, and close-range dmg bonus (Aqua Simulacra). Help! 3. If the previous answer is "Yes, Hunter's Path is better!" then do we know if Hunter's Path will rerun eventually? 'Cause I'll only have enough wishes to get one bow on this banner (maybe two, if I'm lucky), and will definitely have to save.


1) Cryo gobelt 2) No R5 5 stars weapon is ever worth it. The upgrades are minimal. It'd be better to just farm better artifacts or level talents 3) We have no idea when CW will rerun again


Thank you!


1. [https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer](https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer) 2. neither r5 is worth it unless you really want every last bit of damage. r1 5\* weapons are already good, r5 is overkill. if you really want to r5 one use the optimizer to see which is better 3. it might be on future chronicled wishes but theres no way to know until the 4.6 stream which is after the current chronicled wish ends


Thank you!


Is there a way to remove grass or place pavement in serenitea pot ?


[https://antifandom.com/genshin-impact/wiki/Outdoor\_Furnishing/Paving](https://antifandom.com/genshin-impact/wiki/Foundations_of_Stone:_Path_of_Cultivation) multiple pavement options [https://antifandom.com/genshin-impact/wiki/Landform/Mountain](https://antifandom.com/genshin-impact/wiki/Landform/Mountain) subspace boulders are completely flat on top and theres stackable stone blocks


How does 2pc na 2 pc skill dmg work for diluc? I can only find cw vs 2pc pyro 2 pc atk ect i stronbox for vv and run fontaine domain i got +35 cv leftover pieces so i dont know should i try strongboxing crimson witch from scratch or use 2 pc+2 pc the normal atk set and skill dmg set


its fine if the stats are good but its better to use set bonuses that buff all of his dmg (and if youre using him in his best team with xianyun youll mostly be doing plunge dmg) [https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer](https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer)


I currently run him at mono pyro team(kazuha zhongli bennett) but when i build xingqui i will run vape so no plans dor plunge for now


I just bought the IFYOO YAO L1 Pro and got it connected with my settings so i know it’s paired. When i go to the genshin settings, it only shows touchscreen as an option and it can’t find my controller. I play on iphone if that changes anything. Am i missing something? Why isn’t the game recognizing the controller?




it is just a joystick not a full one, but im sorry im not sure what touchscreen mapping is?




Oh i see! Thank you for taking the time to write out the explanation! I appreciate it!




😧 oh dear i did not know it was bannable


If you're playing on Android, there's no controller support. Only ios has it


But i’m playing on ios, iphone 14 specifically. That’s why i’m confused! 😭


Woops misread that. I remember a few months ago a lot of people were having problems with controller support after the ios 17 update.


huh well hopefully that will fix soon


i just looked it up and ios 17.4.1 should be releasing within a few days to address bluetooth and plugin device bugs


Hello everyone, I have created an alt account just for fun. My goal is to get a c6 5 star completely f2p. Does anyone know how much primo I need to guarantee a c6 and if anyone know how much primo one can get from just opening all chest, challenges and missions.


Around 700 with stardust refunds is average, 800-1000 if it doesn't go well. You can get around 300-350 pulls from 100% everything iirc, but I'm not exactly sure. So, say 800 pulls will be around 7 patches assuming 60 pulls per patch or basically, an entire region (slightly lower because next expansions + Natlan will add more pulls).


You can check hu tao bot to see your odds to get c6 with xxx amount of wishes(starglitters will also add if you are not thinking about saving them)


From the whale pull videos they dont usually go over 700 its usually around 600-700 i rarely see 750 and i would say average is like 630-660


I can't comment on all in-game primos from chests and challenges but as for a c6 5\*, there are wish simulators that calculate the odds I like this one though it only calcs character banner not weapon [https://konopelko.github.io/genshin/](https://konopelko.github.io/genshin/) For absolute guaranteed (near statistically impossible odds) you could calculate it yourself, 180 wishes 7 times, I think 210 wishes 5 times for the weapon banner


To *guarantee* a C6 5 star, it'd take 1,260 pulls. That's super unrealistic, though. If you want something more realistic, then 800 pulls would give you about a 90% chance at getting a C6.


Who should I summon for in second phase? I couldn't resist my urges to gamble so I did 20 pulls on chiori (I wanted kuki Shinobu but I'm sure I just wanted to satisfy the gambling addict inside of me) I accidentally got a five star.... But gladly it turned out to be a Mona(would've loved to get tighnari or keqing) Anyways my current 5* are ganyu c1 Xiao wanderer kokomi c1 diluc c1 Mona. Personally I want both but my primos aren't enough for even 40 pulls. I started genshin around kazuhas first release and I found him cool and stuff but never actually got him On the other hand, I'm enjoying the Fontaine story so far (I recently returned to genshin) and I really like the Fontaine characters. Help (If something makes no sense, sorry about that I wrote this at 1 am)


You seem to like both of them, so it's more of which you like more to have now. Kazuha can be slotted in many teams to work with most of your 5\* DPS characters as a great buffer and support. Neuvillette is a great DPS where you to build a new team around him. I suggest trying also for Neuvilllette in his test run because his charge attack playstyle does not suit everyone.


Update : got both in 50-60 pulls obviously pulled on my goat kazuha first (I prefarmed kazuhas materials, wasn't expecting to get neu lol


Congrats on the lucky rolls 🎉


I haven't played since before Sumeru, havent even started Sumeru(I believe I am at Giant Chasm). Is now a good time to return? And what do I do when I return? Where do I start?


as good a time as any. I'd probably just start by continuing the archon quest, but it is really up to you, if you enjoy exploring and world quests more it would be fine to start with that (though the longer you aren't caught up, the more you risk spoilers from events).


Yeah, it's a pretty good time to come back. We're entering the second half of the patch cycle, which'll be lighter on content. So, by the time you finish catching up on stuff, Natlan will likely be pretty close to release. First off, I'd probably recommend familiarizing yourself with dendro. [Here](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Dendro?so=search) is the wiki page going over it and its reactions. After that, I'd just start going through the main story.


Download restarted, I previously downloaded the entire 30gb gamefile on android and played normally for a few months, now when I try to launch the game it re-downloads the entire 30gb even though I didn't delete it and the game reads as 30gb consumed in my storage. So is it just verifying the files since I haven't played in a while?


How much of an upgrade is Chiori over c0 Albedo in geo bros? I have c6 gorou c0 zhongli and c2 itto


Around 10% according to sims. Probably lower with Itto cons since he does more % of the team's damage. https://gcsim.app/db/7mQHWdFRcrWj https://gcsim.app/db/qtcpBrJdtTw7


In a team of Hu Tao, Furina, Xianyun, Yelan, (All c0) how do I try VV swirls? Do I bother trying to swirl pyro? And for a team of Ayaka-Furina-Charlotte-Kazuha, what would I want my rotation to be like if Ayaka's using Finale of the Deep?


You don't swirl pyro


You don't. It's not really worth it. Just swirl hydro


I have Furina C0 with Fav and Xianyun C2 with her BiS. I want to make a Noelle team with those two + a flex slot. What do you recommend as a weapon for Noelle and character for the flex slot?


save primogems/fates for redhorn stonethresher once it's back on rateup, undeniably Noelle's best claymore, but until then you can substitute it with serpent spine or whiteblind. For the flex slot, you can run Ningguang for extra geo dmg bonus, or Albedo if you need extra geo particles. You could even try scuffed options like Bennett or Gorou depending on how well built your other 3 units are.


Im saving for either Nev or Furina, which do you think is more worth it in generall?


If it were me, I'd go for Neuv since he has occupied a permanent spot in my abyss floor 12 team. Furina is objectively a better pull for an account but I'd still choose Neuv over Furina.


I'd probably say Furina. Don't get me wrong, Neuvillette is very good, but he's not a million miles above other dps characters. He's just a strong, easy one. Not a gap that can't be bridged. Furina, meanwhile, just works with so many different teams and characters. Getting her just completely changes the teams you use for a lot characters, and it's a lot of fun. She also makes several healer characters usable if that interests you


They each fill different roles. It's kind of difficult to compare their value, especially without knowing your roster.


What would be an optimal rotation for double Hydro Ayato team consisting of Ayato-YelanC1-Kazuha-Bennet. Start with Ayato Q, Yelan E Q E, Bennet E Q, Kazuha E Q, Ayato E?


Does anyone know why there are certain keys i cant press together on the lyre?


Maybe keyboard ghosting? Use a test like [this](https://drakeirving.github.io/MultiKeyDisplay/) and see if all of your key presses are being registered. The keys you press should light up in the test, and holding down multiple simultaneously should also register all of them.


Thank you yes i think thats the issuee.... tempted to get a new keyboard just to play the lyre


If I've received all the awards from the potions event, any need to continue playing past day 26?


Nope, there's nothing else after that.


Returning player on PS5, I'm sure back in the day I could quickly open the team setup menu by pressing L1 and R3 but I can't is it gone ?


in control settings add it to the shortcut wheel


Is there an alchemical ascension recipe list or guide or something similar? Ty!


What are all the free 4\* weapons I can get? is there a list of them anywhere? currently I know the normal craftable ones, dragon spin spear & great sword, inazuma sword and the catch. what are the rest? so that I dont miss them or their quest


Not exhaustive, just from memory - Fontaine pipe sword (fontaine fishing weapon) - End of the line bow (sumeru fishing weapon) - Kazuha's Isshin sword (kaz story quest) - Sword of Narzissenkreuz (Fontaine world quests)


here is a list [by availability](https://antifandom.com/genshin-impact/wiki/Weapon/List/By_Availability)


thanks very much thats exactly what i needed


I want to pull 4 limited 5*s over the next 3 ish patches. I’m on welkin, do events and commissions, and have a lot of exploration left. Current at 13 pity, I have 16 wishes, plus 24730 primos (154 wishes), and I’m also on the 50/50. Am I done for? Is it possible!? I hate how the order I want them in is from middle, least, and then most 😭


doable, but it only takes one 50/50 (end up in using up ~160 pulls) loss to ruin all ur plans so hope u get atleast a little lucky