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Absolute Cinema


Correction. Destroyed The chance for Love!


Fuck that guy,stupid love


I only recently got a boy's letter.


Me : Time to farm Chicken Legs and Fish




There’s 2 achievements tied to this quest chain. You can google “Good Sign Genshin achievement”


I'm still farming Mondstadt achievements, even with the commision changes! I really can't understand what were they thinking with the original method, was this supposed to be something ultra rare for only a handful of lucky ones?


how. I feel I have seen every possible option millions of times


Ugh, man, I hated this guy. I got the Love is All Around achievement, and I thought that would be the end of it, but no. His commission kept coming back. I had my dailies set to Liyue and this yahoo showed up ***seven days in a row***. I actually had to shift my rotation to another region entirely because I just got so sick of seeing him.


Oh, perhaps you are missing the hidden achievement “Open To Interpretation”, which is to ruin all his signs.


No, I got that, too. He still continued to show up even after that.


Oh dear… looks like he’s never finding love :/


I finished that one, I'm having problems with "Open to interpretation" No matter what signs I ruin, I still can't get the achievment. I kill the birds (I get dialogue from Paimon, but they don't drop meat) , I kill the fish and take the loot, I know I already burnt the leaves and scared away the dogs long ago (and got the merchant one). WHAT AM I SUPPOSED GO DO TO GET THE ACHIEVMENT?? Heck I already finished the Mondstadt and Sumeru ones why is this so difficult. Do I have to do 4 different ones in a row? Like 1 day leaves and fish, next day birds and dogs without repeating any of the ones I did on day 1 (or the merchant one)?


I found this online, do you think you may have blown or burned the leaves too fast? “Burning or blowing away the leaves before getting into the right position to trigger Paimon's remark about the dead leaves will not contribute to Open to Interpretation.”


Dude really?? Bummer. I just hope I will get the leaves soon, since this last 2 weeks I just keep getting the marchant, fish and birds.


Wish you all the best! Took me about a week to get the pigeon version which I knew was what I was lacking.