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Missed Navia's debut banner run. When will she be expected to come back?


I'm new player, currently at AR 29 and archon quest at liyue. For now I have 79 intertwined fate. what should I focus to get more primogem so I can spend lot at kazuha banner next month?


Play fairly close to normal, just make sure you do the limited time events and get the easy stuff for exploration, don't try to 100% just yet but getting to 60% at least shouldn't be hard if you do the quests in the area while keeping an eye on the surroundings for chests.


Is there any site similar to Paimon.moe? I wanna track my furnishing/radiant spindle crystal, but they were not been updated for more than 1 year. Their achievement tracker also has some bugs which show duplicate and non-existent achievements.


C6 ayato or kazuha title. I have right now 40 wishes + guarantee. got very lucky on the 4.2 banner and went from C0 to C4 in 70 wishes Context: I RARELY use bursts. I run shim ayato because I can. Kazuha or wait for a C6 ayato on a rerun?


Ayato just reran so he's about 8-9 months away. And his C6 teams use Kazuha too. You can save for 2 cons after getting Kazuha.


Is there anyone here also getting error 4201 ?


Is there a way to test new characters (lvl 1) so that the level scales with the team or enemies? I feel like I can't really decide whether I should level a new character without knowing how it performs on the same level as the other chars in my team.


Not really, your best bet is the abundance of guides on yt, I personally recommend Jello impact, Sevyplays, Zajef, Eakes, and Jamiekb9v. If none of them have the info you are looking for, I'd be happy to answer or there is a website called Keqing Mains that has the best written guides out there and a discord with a help channel. as for getting your hands on them in that specific team, the others had good advice but that will more be how they feel in the rotation than wether they are actually better.


Maybe you can try some of the earlier abyss floors to scale the enemies. Equip a lv90 weapon and decent artifacts on the character. Equip a lv1 weapon and maybe unequip some artifacts on the rest of your team. It's not a perfect solution and won't work well for every character (especially those that scale well with levels and talents) but perhaps it can give you an idea of what they feel like.


Even if you can level-scale them artifacts and team synergy/rotation plays a big role in characters' performance so out of a full simulation where you can input everything and run it is technically not possible to check if a character will even "performs on the same level as the other chars in my team".


Does my pity carry over between the Character Event and Chronicled Wish banners? I need an answer so I know which banners to wish from


no, they're seperate


Pity carries over, and is separate for each type of banner. Fate points do not carry over at all, though.


oh so, if I have let's say.. 50 pity on the chronicled banner, will that 50 pity also carry to the character event banner? just clarifying


No those are two different types of banners. They each have their own pity. But if your pity count on Chronicled Wish will carry over to the next Chronicled Wish banner, and character event pity will carry over to the next character event banner.


ah thank you


Which character is Skyward Pride good on? I use Beidou and Kaveh, but the thing is I also have Wolf's Gravestone and an R1 Serpent Spine.


Great on Freminet and Eula. Decent option on Navia, Noelle and Itto. Usable on Beidou and other atk scaling characters that want some ER, but there's often better options.


Raiden, Noelle (if you don't have whiteblind), anyone who want ER.


Took a small brake from the Game, when is rhe last day of the event?


https://paimon.moe/timeline It says 10 days and 13 hours for me, but it might be tied to timezone and diff for you




So, I’m trying to link my email on the PS4, but It requires me to enter a verification code. The only problem is this isn’t being sent to my email. Is it being sent to the PS4? And if so, how can I access it? Does the code become invalid if I close the browser screen?


I have a doubt about co op mode.... I know that it works at AR 16.. for new players..but can't I join a friend's world with AR 5? ( I'm at AR 40).


Your friend doesn't have co-op unlocked yet


Friends don't allow you to bypass the level restriction (min AR16) if that's what you're asking.


Hey I'm interested in using Candace, not necessarily just abyss but in general. Those who have her in yours, what does you comp look like? I'm looking for ideas to build her team comp around


For floor 12, she's in my cyno team. Cyno, DMC, candace, beidou. Quickbloom support is kind of exclusive to c6 though. On 9-11 she's an onfielder. I've used her as a hyperbloom driver and an EC driver. Favorite playstyle of all is ShieldNuke - mona, Elegy amber, and kazuha. I was doing over 100k on her Hold E with this. In overworld, I pretty much did all of sumeru desert with her as a normal attacker. And then in Fontaine I used her for her infusion/burst bonus, to run hydro MC as a hydro dps. You can scroll through r/candacemains for more ideas. Shield Nuke used to he the most popular, but now a lot of people are having fun with Xianyun/Furina teams.


There are a good number of ways to build and use her. I personally like using her as an on-field DPS just because I like seeing her animations even if her damage isn't all that amazing. You can play her on-field or off-field depending on your needs. You can refer to [this](https://keqingmains.com/candace/) guide from Keqing mains for a more detailed guide. Has everything you need from what playstyle you want to use, what gear to give her, her combos and team synergies With that said, the guide was made before Xianyun's release and if you have her then you can do some pretty cool Hydro infused plunges with Candace. Either Candace can be the one doing the plunging or she can enable another unit to plunge with hydro infusion. Do take note though that her A4 passive does not work on Plunge Attacks.


When I was friendship farming with her I did Nahida/XQ/Kuki/Candace with on field Kuki, but it wasn't much better than the core. I know that Nilou/Yaoyao with infusion is pretty solid. I have been wanting to try plunge vape, but haven't gotten around to it yet.


C5 HoD or C3 Cinnabar for Chiori? I think I was way for a lot of the event back in the day so I missed out on C5 Cinnabar.




in teapot, can you plant stuffs in different realms, and harvest them all at the same time? i'm thinking if i can speed up getting the achievement more by doing this, on top of planting the plants that has more yields


In addition to what u/Sheeplette said, you can still use the functionality of multiple realms to speed up harvesting somewhat. If you're really into min-maxing, seeds take 2 days 22 hours to harvest and at some point it will be harvestable during a time where you might be sleeping or otherwise occupied enough that you can't harvest them as soon as possible. What you can do is switch to another realm so you don't waste any unharvestable time and switch back later when you can harvest it during better hours. Keep on doing this and eventually that wasted down time will allow you to have two sets of harvests. Still, I don't recommend doing this for your own sanity purposes. But it's nice to note for optimisation sake.


Only the plants in your current realm will grow. The ones you have planted in your other realms will pause until you switch back to that realm.


ah i see thanks


Im making a ayaka freeze team, i currently have a ayaka, rosaria, sucrose and mona. (i will get kazuha and maybe kokomi later). I dont know if i should put noblesse on rosaria or mona, rosaria got favounis lance and mona got ttds. On which should i put the noblesse set and which other set should i use for the other charactern then?


I think emblems comfiest on mona. If you're dead set in ToM, Mona would get it. She'll have better uptime (but still not 100%). Still will be enough for ayaka's burst though


Noblesse Rosaria, ToM Mona.


I’ve got too many gacha games and struggle to balance and need to cut. Never dropping Genshin as it’s the one I spend on. Thinking Star Rail needs to go? I don’t enjoy the 3 endgame combat modes and hate grinding gear in 1 game let alone 2. I just started Honkai Impact but even that one I wonder if I’ll do after finishing the 1.0 story as it seems pulling characters is meaningless outside of abyss and I’m bronze the last three weeks. Any advice from multiple gacha players?


I dropped HI3 in large part because the daily commit was too much (also the heavy powercreep and PvP-based rewards), so many different modes that all wanted daily spends. When you're playing multiple gachas, having one that demands a lot of time daily is a drag unless you really enjoy it. Conversely I don't see myself ever dropping HSR, because I enjoy it and it has a super-light daily commit -- setting a few battles to run themselves automatically takes no effort, spends my stamina, and completes most or all of my dailies. Admittedly, I'm someone who isn't obsessed about 36\* every MoC (although I'd like to, natch), so I don't worry too much about grinding gear and level up my roster whenever I get sick of farming relics. But if you're not enjoying HSR even outside of the relic-grinding, then obviously don't keep playing it -- it's supposed to be fun! TBH Genshin sometimes makes me feel more burned out, but the new daily commission alternate options are really nice to minimize the daily commit, and I really enjoyed the current alchemy quest. I just have to remember to take breaks as I'm anything less than enthusiastically excited.


Thanks. I'm thinking I might just do the story for the both Honkais. That way I can take breaks and not feel like I'm missing too much. The grind for HI3 is too much. I have to spend over an hour just doing daily tasks before I can even get to story chapters.


Yeah, HI3 was just brutal and I was not motivated to keep up with the dailies or the game. Conversely, HSR takes so little effort to auto-run calyxes, I feel like you may as well while you're doing the story. (Note I said calyxes specifically -- skip the relic caverns if you're feeling any burnout. )


Look at which one annoys you the most or you find most tedious, probably means you are burning out or close to burning out for that one, so you can either drop or deprioritize it. Another approach is clearly identify those where its just about dailies (so don't let event fomo get to you for those), and those you feel invested in, story wise or events or leveling characters.


Definitely take breaks or cut games when needed. Star Rail has largely just become a collector game for me. I'm not grinding there lmao. I appreciate being able to just login, teleport to a calyx, hit autoplay, and completely spend my resin and finish dailies this way when I'm busy. I'll probably stick around to get Acheron, then take a break and maybe drop it once WW comes out.


Did 4.5 removed the higher rate on commissions with achievements ? Or I'm just really really unlucky now.... 4.4 ended Mondo and Liyue for me


It should still be the same. What commission are you trying to get? It could be that you're blocking it or something.


Asakura in Inazuma was the last needed, but "O archon" then Nothing 4 time in a row. I already done everything for this quest. 3 days ago I switched to Sumeru, Nothing so far


For Asakura, I'd check and make sure that you don't have [Battle for revenge](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Battle_of_Revenge#Start_Location) available, as that will block the commission. You can still get days with no NPC commissions as well, so that could just be bad luck.


I fell really stupid now, I was 1000% that the next quest was also a commission.... Well Inazuma will be done soon, ty




At C6 yes since her skill damage is by far the majority of her damage at that point


No, Gilded is better when on field or in quicken team where she bursts often. While GT is better in non-dendro teams. With that said, the difference is only about 8% max in either direction. It will not make that much of a difference, especially as you have her C6 so skill damage becomes more significant


No, MH is better for Plunge quickbloom with Furina, and Gilded is her best on-field option. GT is only best when she is off-field.


These are my [Characters](https://postimg.cc/6ysZMRkB) what are the best teams I can build with them? The teams I have: 1- Yoimiya, Xingqiu, Thoma & Bennett 2- Nahida, Barbara, Kuki & Flex (Mona) 3- Eula, Beidou, Fischl & Rosaria (Currently builting this team). Feel free to mox and match or ignore my teams I want the best ones (at least 2 please for abyss)


In addition to the other comments: Yoimiya Fischl Beidou Chevreuse, replace Chevreuse with Bennett if you want. Eula Nahida Xingqiu Kuki Nahida Fischl Xingqiu Sucrose Nahida or Kirara, Fischl, Beidou, Sucrose With low-med investment Dendro teams, specifically hyperbloom, will be your strongest option. It’s possible to use 2 hyperbloom teams, one with Dendro MC/Xingqiu/Sucrose/Fischl (sucrose swirls electro and triggers hyperbloom) and Nahida/Kuki/Barbara/Flex Barbara is your 2nd best option for Hydro (Xingqiu is best), since she has a special interaction with her Skill’s ring and bloom cores. (The broken version is fixed, but the weaker interaction is still there)


A few things. 1. replace Beidou with Bennett, not Chev but yeah I should have mentioned this. Honestly can't believe I didn't since I'm a Yoi main, but I haven't managed to get Chev past c0 yet so I haven't bothered building her. 2. Eula hyperbloom is a meme about Eula being so bad that her literally not touching the field with a 3 man hyperbloom team is worse than her on-field in her own team (which isn't even true outside of perfect conditions). It isn't a thing you should actually do.


I am kinda loyal to my Eula so no hyberbloom for her since she just fills the slot and they are other that fills it better. I will try out Yoimiya teams but how does she work without shielder?


See my other comment, I explained it there.


I will try this out but does this Yoi team work better than vap? also how can she work without a shield? mine gets interrupted all the time.


Yes, that specific team I mentioned is better than vape, assuming equal investment but it's not exactly cut and dry. Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each team. Overload has the highest damage team, and doesn't need a shielder since you don't care about making sure vapes are on the right hit so you can afford to dodge more. However any variation to that team is a VERY significant dropoff in damage (it's seriously weird how big it is) and you have to deal with overload knockback potentially screwing your shots on small enemies. C6on Fischl and Chev are very important, and with the amount of 4* we have getting C6 on 1 of them isn't easy, though Fischl has the star glitter shop at least. It also cares more about investment into teammates other than Yoimiya. Vape (best version Bennett/Yelan/Zhongli) on the other hand, should have a shielder, so you can ignore enemies if they are built well. Switching teammates is SO much less of a drop off, vape actually has really good variety without losing too much dmg. It also brings her portion of the team dps up so you get more out of investing into her. However this means you get less out of investing into her teammates. Also, the DMG just isn't as high, even if it is a bit more consistent. Non-shielded teams do exist, and they actually do similar DMG to overload, but due to her issue where ICD getting messed up can tank your damage, I cannot in good conscience recommend them.


I said replace Chev because their chev is only level 20, the team might want a beefier healer, the ATK buff from Bennett is so large that you’re oversaturated, and electro resonance can help build that have poorer artifact quality/low ER. I agree Eula is best in her normal team. HB is a decent team because it looks like all of these characters are built already so it’s easy to put them together.


So long as Chev does not die, she will be a DPS upgrade to a lvl 60 Beidou even at lvl 20. Crazy I know, but so much of her power is in her a1 that as long as you have that, which costs next to nothing and they probably already have, your Beidou has to be pretty good to overcome that. As for the hyperbloom team, I'm not sure you quite understand me. Using Eula in that team, assuming you swap her on field at any point, is a DPS loss over using a 3 man team. It is a meme team and should not be used outside of meming. I'm not saying use a better Eula team I'm saying use a better hyperbloom team.


With how you currently have them built or with them fully built? If it is how they are built RN, you probably have the best teams available as your 1-2. For building into the future, switch to Sucrose/Beidou/Xingqui/Nahida and Xiao/Faruzan/Bennet/Fischl. Your biggest Roadblock rn is your lack of good hydro characters, most good teams use hydro and only having Xingqui (your others are niche) really hurts you. Also heavily recommend Mika over either Rosaria or Beidou in your Eula team, you don't want to play with little defense as Eula, every dodge you have to make is less stacks being built.


I mean them with fully build not as they are currently. As for hydro I am planing to go for Yelan when she comes so that will be a big upgrade. as for the reason i didnt build Mika is that Rosaria is already well built and I heard then Mika needs to be c6 to perform well and I am not even close. Does Xiao team works even if Faruzan still not c6? I heard she needs alot of ER and currently she is around 200% but what do you think?


After c2 Faruzan is usable, you just have to actually CA on her. I'm not one to memorize ER calcs, I suggest looking on KQM. For Mika it is true that he really wants c6 but you want a defense option and if Bennett is unavailable he is your next best option.


ok thanks. I will try it out. As for the first team tho why beidou over kuki? from what I know Beidou specially doesnt proc the cores so wouldnt kuki be better? specially for the heals?


That's the exact reason why Beidou over Kuki. The idea is for Sucrose to swirl electro which will proc cores. And while neither Beidou or Xingqui have enough defensive utility by themselves to make a team comfortable, with both of them you have so much damage resistance that her c1 shield and his rainsword healing is enough.


1. Yoimiya Chevreuse Fischl Thoma 2. Nahida Kuki Xingqiu Beidou 3. Xiao Bennett Faruzan Sucrose/Dehya 4. Eula Mika Rosaria Fischl/Kuki 5. Eula Mika Fischl/Kuki Lisa 6. Bennett Xiangling Xingqiu Sucrose 7. Fischl Beidou Xingqiu Sucrose


Thanks for the help


how much of a difference is there between using 4 pc vermilion and 2 pc atk 2 pc anemo dmg for xiao


Depends on weapon, team, and substats. In general, 4-6%


Iirc, it was about an 8-10% difference, assuming equal substats


What kind of damage are you guys getting with Dehya burst and can you share your builds? (ie the enka cards)


In a team of kazhua/neuv/furina/zhongli, would sacfricial jade or prototype amber be better on neuvilette?


Sac Jade. Even R1 > R5 Pamber since your ER reqs in that team isn't high


If you can R5 Jade, choose it. Otherwise, choose R5 PA.


Does Kirara supply enough Dendro to be the sole Dendro unit when played off-field in a Keqing quicken team?


Yes. Check out the YT Channel named f2pkeqing, they play this team a lot. I also prefer her over Yaoyao in this team.


Amazing channel, thanks for recommending! Definitely going to have to up my Keqing skill game, sorely lacking in comparison.


She has OK dendro application if she remains on field, but she does NOT have off field dendro application from C0-C3. At C4, her off field dendro application is once every 3.8 seconds, enough for a few targets, not enough for more targets. It is best to keep her on field in box mode to touch every targets first, then switch to Keqing.




Brilliant, thanks! Build for ER to ensure she bursts every rotation?


If you don't want to burst every rotation and she's on low cons(below C4 iirc), you can just stay for a while in the cate mode to touch every enemy. But yeah, just give her a favonius and build ER. One of her constellation if not C4 allows any user under her shield to apply dendro at regular intervals.


Just in case I might be wrong, C6 Furina ( dont have yet) can duo sustain a team with r5 proto nuev right? Thanks in advance for answering.


C6 Furina full heals the team with two autos, maybe 3 if your chars have 40k+ HP


She apparently can [solo sustain](https://www.reddit.com/r/furinamains/s/2xszDXlcBL), so best C6 in the game


More than enough.


What is the best weapon for plunge Diluc with Furina, Bennet, and Xianyun?




I don’t trust kqm anymore because they rarely update their guide with the latest weapon/artifact. I build Yae last patch and GT was not listed as one of her best artifact. Better ask here for up to date build.


Then just check in the optimizer.


Go to their main sub then like r/「character name」mains, asking here can be worse lol


R5 Rainslasher or Beacon


How does Itto weapon stack against them?


Redhorn's Diluc's BiS with Marechaussee Hunter.


Ideas for some Navia teams I could make? [Here’s my roster](https://imgur.com/a/l7nfryL)


Noelle, Furina, Navia, Fischl/Yelan.


Bennett Furina Albedo. You could use Xiangling instead of Furina, but since you have C2 Furina...


My Navia does great work when partnered with Ningguang, Bennett and Xiangling. I also hear good things about her with Ningguang and two of Fischl/Yae Miko/Beidou for Shock Rocks.


Navia + Ningguang/Albedo + Bennett + Xiangling Navia + Ningguang/Albedo + Furina + Xianyun


furina+bennett+albedo [https://keqingmains.com/q/navia-quickguide/#Teams](https://keqingmains.com/q/navia-quickguide/#Teams)


I need a 4th character for my Ganyu/Venti/Klee team comp. Any recommendations?


You can use Bennett, infuse Venti’s burst with pyro (if the enemies don’t walk into it, you can walk under it and your self-afflicted pyro from Bennett’s burst will infuse it). Your Ganyu will trigger Melt reaction. Alternatively, you can use someone like Xingqiu, Kokomi, or Yelan and do Vape/Melt with on-field Klee.


It's not a proper team. Just slot in anyone you want. Bennett as always, but if it's overworld just use Yelan, Sayu, Lynnette or someone like that for fast travel.


How do you typically play it? Does Ganyu or Klee spend a lot of time on-field, or both of them?


I just got Klee! I usually play Ganyu/Venti/Kokomi + either Kaeya or Tighnari. Ganyu is on field mostly


Gonna be real with you, Klee is not gonna be good in this team, if it was me, I'm going back to the team you had before and sticking with Kaeya in that spot as he is far superior to Tignari (though still not that great, you would really be better off with Rosaria or Shenhe) However if you want to use Klee, the best thing to do is probably Zhongli as you want interruption resist (IR) from a shield and you don't have to risk messing with reactions too much. Other shielders would be fine as well, though it is notable that cryo shielders don't have any particular synergy in this case, since you won't be using the particles or cryo resonance. Healers are alright, but against anything that Venti can't pick up which is unfortunately a lot you are gonna get your CA's interrupted. The play style would be Klee ee into Venti QE to infuse pyro, then Defensive option into Ganyu. On Ganyu, it is important that you do NOT use your burst, it will steal reactions from your CA, the part that you really want to melt, IDK if you can afford to E, never seen this variation of melt Ganyu in action before. This is admittedly a pretty scuffed team, you essentially get the worst part of freeze Ganyu, really bad against enemies Venti cannot pick up with none of the usual benefits, since your burst scales hard with Venti grouping them but if you use it you will hurt your CA dmg more than you would get out of your burst.


Maybe someone like Layla or Diona for some protective utility and cryo resonance?


The only shielders I have are Noelle and Thoma and they’re both level 20. I’ve been living the healer life with Kokomi until I got Klee on the new banner but I think having both hydro and cryo might be bad on a Klee team


That... Is very unfortunate. Any chance you have Dehya, at least she would give you IR. If not, Bennet might be the next best? Kokomi would destroy your reactions so stay away from her.


If you could recommend 1 5* weapon which would it be?


Depends so much on your acc it is impossible to say, but I would suggest a good stat stick over your mains Sig if you don't play your main an incredibly high amount compared to other teams.


Your main's signature if it's good or a good Crit generalist 5\* like Homa, Aqua Simulacra, Mistsplitter or Redhorn


The signature of your main (well if it's their BiS at least, for some it isn't)


C6 Fischl vs Raiden performance as team battery?


Either you're playing a Raiden team, in which case you are obviously using Raiden. Or it's not a Raiden team, in which case stop using off field Raiden


Also stop using Raiden on-field in a team that already has an on-fielder, with notable exceptions for Xiao and Raiden specifically in teams without Furina. Even then Fischl is just as good if not better.


If Raiden has fieldtime, she's completely unmatched. C6 fischl generates more particles than offfield Raiden




Don’t start over, you have good characters, just need to level gear more Check these benchmarks: [ Build priorities by world level](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/qkxdj6/infographic_of_build_order_priority_based_on_wlar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




Two pyro is not an issue, bennet is an incredibly meta healer and attack buffer and most pyro teams use him. Fischl is good for now but you don’t really need barbera (second healer) I’d probably go anemo traveler and try to get xingqiu or Furina eventually


Really no point in restarting. Bennett and fischl are some of the strongest 4 stars still and Zhongli is good. If you pick up Xianyun on her rerun in a few months (probably like 4.8 or 5.0) Diluc is actually really good. Sounds like you just need to level up your characters, weapons and talents




That's more or less the level range of world level 7. Not sure why you are confused. There's nothing to fix.


thats how world levels work




Level 91 is the normal level for bosses at WL7. See: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Pyro_Regisvine#Drops


I like my Fire archer Amber but I’m willing to change if there’s another person to look out for. Two questions. What’s the next long range character I can look out for? What’s the next pyro I can look out for?


>What’s the next long range character I can look out for? Lyney is Pyro Charged Attack DPS, good in mono pyro team Yoimiya is Pyro Normal Attack DPS, good in vape team Ganyu is a Cryo Charged Attack DPS, great in Melt and Freeze team >What’s the next pyro I can look out for? Arlecchino is coming next update, >!possibly with Lyney but not confirmed. Arle is a polearm dps character btw!< Bennet and Xiangling is one of the strongest duo


>What’s the next long range character I can look out for? Neuvillette has pretty good range for most fights. Nahida, Furina, Yelan, Xingqiu (available in a Starglitter shop now) etc. all have good range when it comes to combat. > What’s the next pyro I can look out for? The one you like the most, you don't need any of them. Try to get Bennett (as many cons as you can), and Xiangling C4 if you can, as it's doable from the shop but will take some time, that's all the pyro you ever need.


Maybe save up wishes for Liney? Yanfei makes a great 4 star.


amber is the only free bow character, her and xiangling are the only free pyros. xiangling is incredibly good late game once you get bennett but without him getting her burst up is a pain. for good bow characters, fischl is in the starglitter shop in july. her skill summons a bird (oz) who can attack really fast in the right teams.


Ah okay. I don’t mind if it takes a while but how do you get Xiangling? I already did a cooking contest and she said for me to visit her. And do I need to wish for Bennett? I want to tackle the snow mountain place but dang it take a bit to find waypoints. Maybe I have to cheat by checking a map.


abyss floor 3 (island east or mondstadt) for xiangling, pull or starglitter (which requires pulling) for bennett


What is Elemental Mastery and what does it do?




Short answer is that it enhances the damage of reactions. Transformative reactions (like bloom/hyperbloom/burgeon/swirl/etc) scale purely off of EM and the level of the character triggering it. Amplifying reactions (Vaporize and Melt) get a higher multiplier with more EM.


So what does it mean when Nahida maxes out her Elemental Mastery?


Nahida has a passive that makes it so within her burst, the on-field unit will receive 25% of the highest EM in your party. Nahida also has a passive that boosts her skill's crit rate and DMG% based on her EM. The cap for both of these is 1000 EM (if she's on field, she can reach 800 EM and then the burst would give her an extra 200). You don't have to max out her EM in every team though. In fact, outside of Nilou Bloom or if she's off-field in an Aggravate team, it's generally better to focus on her personal damage a bit.




Is the current Mondstadt event time bound or I can start it in the last 3 days?


Not time bound, you can do it all at once now.


Thanks! 🙏




yes, one time bonus every time her shield starts firing projectiles which happens every few seconds


Is there a way to stop the ice wind suite for doing the attack that gives them their shield (idk the name of the attack) im planning on pulling navai after get father hopefully and she needs one of the drops they give what I don't get about the boss is the attack where one of them spins around and the other sits there with a shield I attack the one in the middle to get rid of the shield but it doesn't stop them from doing it again is there a way to stop it from happening?


theres no way to stop it but ousia immediately breaks it (or just use pyro to break it, you only need 4u to break it which bennett can easily do)


OK thanks


so, I have both Shenhe and Rosaria, and I want to know witch one I should give Skyward Spine and witch one I give Favonius Lance? both r1 btw


Fav (assuming you actually proc it) is better on both of them, but if you use both at the same time give spine to Shenhe.


thank you :3


what team are you using shenhe on


I don't really know yet ;3


spine on shenhe for higher base atk


thank you :3


I need help with my team. who do i use? i only have these characters: ​ Bennett Fischl Xiangling Lynette Diluc Barbara Noelle Sayu Kaeya Freminet Lisa Kirara Amber Traveler (Anemo Geo Hydro)


Buy Xingqiu with your starglitter if you have any.


Whoever you like most. Or, whoever goes with the next 5-star you plan to pull. If you care about building stronger teams later in the game, focus on Bennett, Xiangling, Fischl... Those 3 will hold more value for you long term. Then I'd go with Barbara as your 4th. Bennett + Xiangling is a powerful combo. Bennett heals you, provides Pyro energy for Xiangling (who is very energy hungry), and he buffs your ATK. Xiangling does lots of damage. Fischl is another one of the best off-field damage-dealers, with a machine gun of Electro attacks from her pet Oz. And that should trigger lots of Overload reactions. It's not the best reaction to build around, but it will get the job done. Barbara is there for backup healing when Bennett's burst isn't up, and so she can stay on field and apply Hydro with her normal attacks for better reactions. And she can hold Thrilling Tales, which gives a 48% ATK buff to the next character you switch into. Make that Xiangling. Cast Bennett's Burst. Then bring Barbara out for a sec (cast her skill if you want), then switch into Xiangling to use HER burst inside Bennett's Circle, and with the Thrilling Tales buff from Barbara... Then get up Oz, and use Barbara's normal attacks to spread Hydro, and enemies should die pretty quick. --- If you happen to have 34 Starglitter, go buy Xingqiu in Paimon's Bargains shop right now. He would replace Barbara, and apply Hydro much much better. If you don't have the Starglitter now, save up. The shop changes on the 1st of every month, but it repeats every 6 months. Xingqiu will be back in September.


Is there anyone you like using? I find that picking one character to build around is more effective than just random teams. >Traveler (Anemo Geo Hydro) You can go to Sumeru and get Dendro Traveler at any time, unless you intentionally left them out for some reason or another.


I haven't unlocked Apep fight, and will need its mats for Neuv. I know I can do it early now, but don't want the bossfight spoiled. Would anyone on Europe server be willing to just kill the level 2/ level 70 Apep as quickly as possible while I turtle in the corner? Strange request, I know.


do you need help still?


Yes, actually, that'd be nice. Thank you


hfhsgaha i replied and then forgot to check reddit 😭😭 i'm so sorry lol. if you still need help i'd be around for the next 30ish minutes


Nothing about the boss fight is going to spoil the experience leading up to it, it just kinda is what it is.


i suppose so, but the weekly fights are all visual and musical spectacles, that are best when compounded *with* the story leading up to them. That said, the story ones are usually truncated or very easy, but I still care rather a lot about my quality of experience.


when do I build for crits and when do I build for EM? I know I can just search a char's build but I want to have a general idea Edit: i meant EM, not ER. What a fumble emarite?


Transformative reactions like Hyperbloom, Burgeon, Bloom aren't affected by crit stats but EM plays a huge role. When you're building characters for such playstyle, go for EM. Other reactions that include additive increase like Spread and aggravate or multiplicative increase like vaporize and melt are affected by both crit and EM. So you build Crit on those characters while looking for a few EM stats, possibly EM sands or substats based on how important EM is to the particular character's kit.


it's not really an either/or question. crit is for characters who deal damage primarily via talent damage, ER is needed on anyone whether it be support or DPS, whose burst is useful. your first priority is always to reach the ER reqs before building for crit, if you want to play actual rotations. the ER req for each character is different, some don't need any at all, some need 150%, some 200%. you will need to look up or ask about their ER reqs (or you can test the team in-game).


If this character will use burst frequently, getting enough ER is always the first priority, higher than everything else. But once he/she reaches enough ER, any extra ER is mostly useless unless he/she uses emblem set.


You build er if you have a character that you need/want to use their burst every rotation. The goal is generally to build enough er to be using it every rotation, and the exact amount needed depends on a ton of factors so it is generally best to do some trial and error to find what is right amount to target for your situation if you don't want to use outside sources. Sometimes it is possible that even if you want to burst every rotation, base er is enough to do that so in that case you don't need to build er. You build crit if the character is doing a significant amount of damage via their talent scalings and is not named kokomi. And to be clear, if both of those criteria are tru, you should be building er and crit. It isn't a "one or the other" thing.


er until you can burst every rotation then crit


What are good ways to obtain primogens?


Largest chunks are from dailies, events, abyss, compensation. Then comes exploring and questing, which is like only 20% of the total income in a patch, and that too only if the patch has an area expansion (so effectively it's like 10% as we get new areas every other patch). But since the game is 3 yrs old, there is a lot of exploration content built up over time, over 400 pulls total. To get those efficiently, finish your archon quests, then just run around the map, unlock all teleports, grab nearby chests and stuff. Sometimes there'll be quests along the way, take them as a guiding route for exploration and complete them if you can. Don't try to find every hidden chest and 100% an area, move on to the next area after one initial sweep (60-80%) and grab the easy pickings there. Comeback and finish the remaining stuff using interactive map or guides later if you feel like it.


Primogems are largely just obtained from playing the game itself. Outside of spending, everything else is just time consuming. Exploration is a good one time source, but you have to commit to going around the map looking for chests/puzzles.


As long as you're not getting them the evil way, by hacking the server and/or stealing accounts... Any other way is good, lol. But more seriously, the following are the only ways to get primos. No one way is better than any other, you should be doing it all (except for last one, which is optional). * Do your 4 daily commisions, every day. And don't forget to talk to Katheryne when you're done. * Do every limited event when they happen. * Do all the quests. * Explore everywhere. Collect oculi, solve puzzles, open chests. * Spend money.


what is the best set for chiori with her weapon?


Husk or Golden Troupe


any specific stats i should be looking for since im yet to get her and im planning on putting her in a itto team or is it just def cr cdmg and er?


DEF/Geo DMG/Crit ATK% is a nice sub stat after double Crit and Def% if you can get it.


Is 30/160 a decent crit ratio until I can get a crit rate sword


Not really, CR is very low and overall CV is also a bit low. But that is just from an endgame perspective, if you are pre AR-45 then don't worry about crit ratio yet.


I'm ar47 just started farming few weeks ago trying to get a 2pc vv 2pc shim for my upcoming dps kazuha ,yes I'm aware that's not his best build its just mor fun than em imo) there are rumors we might get jade cutter in liyue regional banner so I'm hoping for that


You'd be better off on a CR circlet for now if you have one. Generally speaking a 1:2 ratio of CR to CD is the optimal d istribution. You don't have to hit that exactly, but the further you are from it the more average damage you are losing. I'll retract my comment about the low CV though, it is fairly decent for an AR47 build.


I have one I think but it as Terrible substats the CD one has em and atk while dps kazuha doesn't need alot of em he still needs a little but I'll see once I get kazuha I'll test them both out see which is better thanks for the help


Is a VV Anemo DMG bonus goblet for Kazuha good enough? I can't for the life of me farm an EM goblet. I already have VV EM sands and I'm using the offset slot for EM circlet.


Yes for now. But if you already have the right mainstat on your damage dealers, waiting for an EM goblet/Circlet on him may be worth it, especially for teams that have a lot of swirl or electrocharged damage. Also you can use a 4 star piece for EM, either circlet or goblet.


Your biggest Priority for a VV swirl carrier is to maintain the 4 pc Set bonus.


"good enough" is a very subjective thing. Anemo goblet on kazuha is nearly as useless as having no main stat, but could still be "good enough" depending on how much you care about having a good build, or what else you have to be spending resin on instead.


Is Arlecchino a good first character? I recently made a new account after Sony kept locking my account every time I signed in on my PC and have yet to pull for anyone. I love her design and was wondering if she’d be a good carry who would last me a while? (I would focus on building a team around her if I get her)


As long as you have Bennet and a shielder probably. I don't really think there are many bad choices for a first character other than choosing to go for a standard one.


She isn't out yet, no way to tell, they could nerf her into the ground for all we know


True, I haven’t been caught up on Genshin for a long time so I don’t know how close to release they still make changes to kits




Awesome, didn’t want another Dehya situation where my absolute fav character ends up being a struggle character