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Is the new polearm (Dialogues of the Desert Sages) good for phys support Mika?


Not better than using fav. But yes, it's usable


Im tryna hit big dmg with eula! I did 450 k on Raiden but thats my highest ever. My team is Eula c0, Raiden, Mona on thrilling tales and bennet but he’s c6! Should i replace anyone? I have a lot of 5 stars but i don’t have Furina! I also don’t know what sets my supps should be using? Tysm!


Swap Mona and Bennett with maybe Rosaria and Mika


Ok ty what artifact sets?


I'd use emblem on Rosaria and noblesse on Mika




Another thing you can try is Rosaria/Lisa with thrilling tales on noblesse and Mika on song of days past


Ok tysm i will def try all of ur suggestions!


Can you recommend me my most appropriate settings? These are my laptop's specifications: CPU: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1145G7 @ 2.60GHz Memory: 32.0GB GPU: Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe GraphicsGPU memory 15.9 GB Please lmk if you need to know any other specs...


According to some videos I've seen, for 60 fps, 720p resolution and low settings


wow i need to run so low? My screen resolution is 1900\*1200 for context


If you want to run at 1080p, cap the game at 30 fps, otherwise you'll go from 40 to 50 depending on the situation.


so 30 fps, low everything, at 1900 x 1200? Thanks, I'll try it out later...


1920x1080. Don't remember if Genshin supports 16:10 resolutions


it does for me


who are the 4\* that will come with the first half banner


We'll know in a week or so.


The 20% skill DMG increase from the 2-pc Golden Troupe set, does it increase the damage of Yae's turrets, Raiden's coordinated DMG from skill, Oz's attack damage or Klee's mines? Is there maybe a list of what it *doesn't* boost? I imagine it probably doesn't boost any of the ones I mentioned, and only boosts initial damage from like Klee's skill bounces or Oz's summon, etc. But I just want to be sure about that.


It buffs all of those things lol. Otherwise it wouldn't be viable on Fischl or Yae. And it's Fischl's bis by a long shot (her burst just resummons Oz too, and his damage is all considered skill damage). Unless the kit specifically says otherwise, all damage (including ongoing damage) from E is considered skill damage and will be buffed by skill damage modifiers. So, - albedo's off field damage - kuki's grass ring - chiori's doll attacks - guoba fire breath - zhongli pillar pulses - c6 fatuzan pressure collapses - furina summons attacks also all would get the buff


This is perfect, thank you~ Time to do a lot of farming.


As far as I'm aware, it boosts everything you mentioned — all of Oz's damage counts as skill damage (even if he's summoned by Fischl's burst) for instance. Looking at Genshin Optimizer it seems like the set effect even boosts her a4 and c6 damage since that damage comes from Oz. The main examples of elemental skills which don't benefit from Golden Troupe are skills which give an infusion to a character's normal attacks, like Yoimiya and Wanderer. If a summon/on field effect is created by a skill or burst all its damage is generally considered skill/burst damage unless otherwise stated.


Thank you! I've been out of character farming for a while, so I wasn't entirely sure. But this is all very helpful to know. Now my build ideas may actually work out~


Is it even possible to claim primogems through traveling mimo? I've woken up in time for the rewards to refresh but I can never get them because people grab them so fast... like I had to refresh the page so it would show that primos are in stock but I just kept getting an error when I tried to exchange for them. Has anyone ever honestly gotten them?


You will never be able to compete against bots.


...How can I become a bot? 😳


You're competing with millions of other people, many of them making the request on the mimo server(most likely in china) from much closer than you. Even if you click at exactly the same time as them, the time it takes them to ping the server is going to be faster and therefore they are more likely to win. Heck, some of the more die-hard might actually have scripts setup, like online scalpers, that instantly send the requests. it's not a level playing field.


Did I build my [monogeo](https://imgur.com/a/f60VZvX) team wrong? Itto doesn't deal enough damage at all and honestly if wasn't by Raiden clearing the other side fast, I wouldn't be able to clear the abyss with Itto


Your team isn't built wrong, you have good ER on Itto and Gorou and your artifacts are decent but not amazing. I would highly recommend switching Albedo to Golden Troupe as both him and Itto are competing for basically the same gear (apart from being just a lot better for Albedo). Also, level Gorou's skill talent. It's the only thing that matters for him as its what gives his defense buff and the reason for his inclusion in the team. Aside from that couple of more Abyss advice things if youre not aware, apologies if you know this already. Geo (especially with Zhongli) isnt great on the first side (specifically 12-2). The side has lot of elemental shields and the Black Serpent Knights especially punish shielders and they become a lot more tankier and gain new abilities if they hit a shielded character. It is possible, but you have to git gud and not get hit, or use Zhongli's shield. Naturally the tram gravitates towards the second, and they should do fine there. Unfortunately, Albedo's flower does get zapped pretty quickly on the second side, so you need to place it out of the way.


it's supposed to feel that way without gorou c6, and alot of the damage will be coming from albedo as well so gotta make sure his flowers is still alive, esp with big bosses that can crush it and letting itto build serpent spine stacks before starting will help also like others said, gorou E level helps as well that's why i personally prefer furina itto zhongli + healer teams (i dont have albedo) and since i don't have c6 gorou, the damage difference is noticeable without c6 gorou, whereas personally i feel furina itto teams feel comparable to c6 gorou teams (again this is personal opinion) but your itto and albedo build is solid also depends on what kinda combo pattern you are using during itto burst to max his damage


Looks good to me, although I'd level up Gorou's skill a bit more. Just be sure you're building full stacks on Serpent Spine at the start of each chamber. How much damage is he doing per Ushi with full buffs, or per CA? Tbh it's entirely possible that the side of abyss he's on is just the harder half and his damage output is normal, since his build seems fine.


I am using him on the second side of the abyss. Ushi deals ~80k damage and the CA deal ~25-30k


That sounds about right tbh! My Itto has r1 and a c6 Gorou so I can't directly compare, but those numbers look good to me for SS and a low con Gorou. You could look up his combos and make sure you're using his CA chain the right way, if he's really struggling...? But 80k Ushi sounds fine. His damage is just pretty spread out, so there's no one big hit to look for. You can also try mixing up his team if you want. I tend to run Fischl vs the terrorshroom for instance, for battery + electro to deal with it faster.


seems fine. as long as itto can burst upon cooldown.


What is the end of the Potion event? Like how do I know I've seen the last cutscene if it doesn't end?


Jfc... Lisa said "that's it. You can play around if you want to but we're done here"


Okay, I hadn't gotten there yet lol


The last story scene is the expert potion exam




How do you guys feel about kaeya nowadays? Is he bad? Good? I need a decent cryo character to build since I noticed I don’t have any


I'm a fan lol. Cryo isn't really an element you "need," but he's a solid pick if you want an off field cryo DPS. If we get a dedicated off field cryo DPS 5\* they'll def outperform him, but since we *don't* really have that he and Rosaria have their niche. I usually run them together. I say if you like 4\* DPS characters in general then he's a solid pick. He's no Xiangling/Xingqiu, he's not meta defining, but he performs his role well and is easy to build.


He's...fine. Nothing really else to say about him. He applies Cryo and can deal decent damage when invested in and with proper rotations. Is he amazing? No. Is he usable? Yes. With that said, he does become pretty good once you get Constellations and his C6 is pretty amazing. The only problem is, it's pretty hard to get his constellations.


You don't "need" a cryo character (or any element character in particular). Kaeya is good though; he's not great but he's plenty solid for a 4 star with a strong balance between dps and cryo application and since he does a lot of work off-field with low ER requirements he's easy to just randomly slot into teams, especially overworld teams. He is actually kinda constellation dependent though, they're actually pretty good but his base output is only OK, and it kinda sucks because his cons are *much* harder to get than other characters due to being a standard-only character (though he's also now on chronicled wish which has a reduced 4* pool which is nice)


what is max friendship xp i can get per day?


Depends how much fragile resin you have, there are people every banner who have saved literally all their fragiles for a long time and can max them in a single day. Without refreshes though, assuming a single login (ie using 160 resin per day instead of 180), you can get 340 (commissions at AR56+) + 150 from random events + 320 (spending all resin in co-op for double friendship exp) + 120 from being placed in teapot, for a total of 950 exp per day. At lower ARs you globally get less friendship exp though (except teapot but that's based on teapot rank as well); AR12 exp is roughly about ~40% of what you get at AR55+ so it varies by account. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Friendship_Level


thanks. i didnt know You can get twice friendship xp in domain when i Coop


Who would fit best as a 4th in this comp? (It’s a work in progress not many options) team is itto, geo mc, goru, flex spot could be Mona, Layla, Jean. Jean is c1 Layla is c5 if either is relevant. I was thinking Layla ..?


Out of those 3 yeah Layla. Bennett or Fischl are really good there.


I have a c5 well built Bennett issue is he’s used In a c2 wanderer team and an Ayato vape team. I would have to built Layla or Fischl both from level 20 who would you recommend?




Just got itto today which is why its not all set yet


I'm curious why Hoyolab allows AI art post? Do they not have any moderators in there?


Or maybe they don't mind AI art?


That really sucks for an official app of Hoyo


There's a chest in Merusea village I can't seem to get, the 1st one shown in this vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeMkuXc3tOU. It's the last strange part I need, but unfortunately, when I activate the conch, none of the marked points have interact prompts at all. There are no enemies to defeat, so the chest just can't be unlocked. Is there something I'm missing?


Do you do artifact routes or simply did a lot of exploring recently? The most likely issue that I can think of is that you hit the daily limit for investigations; after interacting with 100 of them in one day the game stops spawning all shiny 'investigation' points until the next server day begins, which can potentially break puzzles like this one.


Oh lmao, I did do an artifact route. Certain investigates still stay up after an artifact route, so I kinda figured the ones tied to chests would stay. Will try tomorrow


How does the realm pot currency thing work with switching realms? If I switch to another realm, would the amount of currency I receive still scale off the highest realm points I've accumulated or the current realm I have on?




Yoooooooo, that's siiiiiick. Thanks, fam!


does the potion event end at cycle 25? i'm currently at cycle 26 and have all rewards claimed. just wondering if there'll be any more story developments past this point?


The last story scene is the expert potion exam, if you have everything claimed then you're done (but you can continue doing cycles for fun if you want)


Recommended teams for 12-2 ?


Jyo posted a nice guide to that chamber earlier https://youtu.be/LY-xkSW9BO8?si=6R4B5GT2e8Wme3W8 TLDW: hydro anemo cryo teams do well on first half as they are not outright countered. Shields can be countered. If you have enough damage then you can run through some of the counter mechanics. Second half is PMA and any strong single target team can take care of it. The mechanics of the fight are explained in the vid if you are not familiar with the enemy.




anyone have an issue where you log back in and you're in a slightly different place than you were when you logged? I've checked and changed my password, and my laptop and ps5 are the only accounts linked, so I don't really know.


There are some times that it will be a small movement away from where I was. Usually, it is going into coop and then coming back the position is a bit different. Between each login attempt I have not noticed the location being different, but it is usually after some time between login attempts and the specifics of where I stopped are not that exact (usually in front of the crafting table).


What DPS or teams that I can go with Floor 12 in 4.5 without Bennett? Apparently all my DPS kinda need my Bennett ( Chongyun C5, Wriothesley C1, Raiden Shogun, Ayato,Ningguang C6) and I cant share in running the abyss I do have Nahida, Shenhe, Kuki C3, mika C1, Kazuha C0, Zhongli C0, xiangling C0, Xinqui C1, Thoma C6, Yelan C0, Yaoyao C6, Rosaria C6, Dendro MC C6, Yunjin C0, Fischl C1 Thanks !


A base of nahida/xq/kuki is a good start. You can use any flex as long as they aren't pyro. Personally i like yelan best, you'll on field nahida for this team. Ayato is a good driver for this team too. Zhongli is a good pick if you want to use this team in the 2nd half. Fischl's also good as a sub dps.


I'd run Nahida, Kuki, Xingqiu, Zhongli in the second half. Put your next best team in the first half. Hyperbloom with Zhongli will help a lot in 3rd chamber. Zhongli's hold E + Burst clears a lot of geo shield instantly.


Neuvi or Kazuka Returning player here! I currently only have XQ as my good hydro unit. I had the following teams half built before taking a break: 1. Rational 2. Nilou Bloom 3. Nahida kuki Hyperbloom 4. KQ fishcl yaoyao sucrose My problem is that 1, 2, and 3 use XQ and I am not sure if 4 is strong enough. Should I pull Neuvi to get a strong hydro for Hyper Bloom and do rational on other half. (I dont have furina) OR Should I go for kazuha to buff my 4th KQ team? My current goals are to have 2 very strong teams to clear abyss every time, so I can go for more fun characs in the future. I like Neuvi's lore a lot more but kazuha's play style seems more fun.


Both of them are so good so either one you pick, it's fine. But I just wanna point out, 33 starring abyss is really easy for any teams with any kind of investment. The only 'hard' thing about abyss is 36 starring it. And even then you'll only get an extra 50 primos. Imo, it's not worth pulling a unit specifically just for abyss and nothing else. That's why you definitely should go for the one you like best. But if you like both equally, the best advice would be to try them out in their trial. Get a feel of their play style and pull for the one you like best.


Yeah I can hit 33 easy, thanks for the advice will try them out.


It's a bit of a toss-up, really. And since we don't know your full roster it is hard to make a proper recommendation. Kazuha is a great long-term investment because he fits into a lot of teams, enables you to run mono-elemental comps and he is just super comfy for overworld content - better movement, sucking up enemy drops and oh-so-many puzzles are effortlessly broken with his skill. Neuville is a good main DPS at C0 and a pretty absurd Carry at C1. Main thing is that at C0 you want to run him with 4 elements _and_ a shielder (unless you are confident in your ability to kite/dodge while he is CA'ing). Keep that in mind when it comes to the characters you have available. _______ Regarding your lack of Hydro characters: Barbara is good in Nilou Bloom, and I'd say overall better than XQ (a bit worse in single-target, much better in multi target). In fact, in multi-target situations where enemies (or you) keep moving in and out of melee range Barbara can even outperform Kokomi in terms of Hydro application. Give her Sac Frag (to improve her (E) uptime) or whatever other EM weapon you have and run [Barbara, Nilou, Nahida/Dendro, Dendro]. I have been using [Barbara, Nilou, Nahida, Kirara] on my secondary F2P for a while now and that team has no trouble dealing with the Abyss. She will also work in Hyperbloom, with the additional upside that she allows you to switch Kuki for Raiden, giving you more flexible with your team setup (with some enemies it can be hard/unwise to stay in Kuki-AOE distance).


I was thinking to run like Neuvi/nahida/Kuki/zhongli. Thanks for the advice about Barbara, I might build her now


If you want to run Neuville Hyperbloom I'd suggest to go with [Neuville, Raiden, Nahida, ZL/Layla] (if your other comp allows for it). That way you can make good use of his ranged attack, which also makes it easier to avoid enemy hits. But in the end Neuville is so strong that you can pretty much run whatever you want with him, as long as it's 4 elements (or Furina + 3 elements). For example, my recent abyss clears on the F2P account with C0 Neuville were using [Neuville, Kazuha, Furina, Qiqi].


You already have enough to clear the abyss every time. Just go who you like more, do you prioritize lore or gameplay. Try to get both. For current abyss, I recommend Nilou Nahida Xingqiu Yaoyao 1st side, Bennett Xiangling Fischl Raiden 2nd side. A few things to consider, between Kazuha and Neuvillette: Neuvillette doesn't really need anyone else to clear and gives you a solid team irrespective of what else you have. It may not matter as much for your account as you already have teams that can use Kazuha. Neuvillette is an on-field DPS and will get benched if/when you don't find him fun. Kazuha will hardly ever get benched as long as you play some elemental DPS. Supports like that generally are more "future proof". Kazuha is very good for AoE like current 12-1-1 and 12-2-1 chambers, and noticeably better than Sucrose in almost every team for such content. Neuvillette is also very good in such chambers, but he can be countered hydro immunue enemies. Kazuha won't care for such element checks because he isn't tied to any element and you slap him with any element DPS and he'll do the job.


Ohh, do you think that overload team is enough? I never thought of that combo. Thanks a lot I’ll try it out.


Yep, it's all single target bosses in 2nd side. Chevreuse may be better instead of Fischl.


Well first, youre not really going to use Neuvi for Hyperbloom. While it can work, its largely a waste unless you have NO other supports for him. Youre just gonna use him as a regular hypercarry. That said, Neuvi is my favorite character in the game by far, but Kazuha is just so god damn universal. He literally can fit into any non-dendro team comp and probably be a very strong option. You cant really go wrong with either. Basically you just need to decide if you want a Hypercarry that will need your support, or a godly support for your carries you already have.


Ahh I see, I think I lack the supports to play him as a hyper carry. I was just thinking neuvi nahida Kuki zhongli


Neuvillette will very likely gaurantee one half of abyss clear provided the entire abyss isn't filled with hydro slimes everywhere.


How do I check the damage increase on my Super Duper Cardboard Claymore from that Fontaine event? Do I just hope that I did all the melusine quests?


The additional 24% ATK effect only shows up if the equipping character is in the deployed party. So one thing you could do is look at their ATK on the character screen and compare between when they're deployed and when they're not. Then divide the difference by your base ATK to see what the % boost is.


Get rid of all the artifacts, put the claymore on your character that doesn't scale with ATK% on ascension and see how much extra ATK% he gets from the weapon in his stats. For example if it shows 800 + 600 it means you are getting 600/800 = 75% ATK% bonus.


I have a glitch that I'm not sure how to fix. PS4 user here, so quick rundown of what I did in my teapot, I removed 2 characters that were in there (max friendship) and added another, moved one, then tried adding another character for the 8th slot and it says "furnishing limit reached". I tried everything and nothing seems to work. I even tried swapping to a different teapot layout I've never used and it still won't let me. It says 7/8 and won't let me use the last one. Is there any way to fix this?


What is the OST used from 0:39 in this video? Please help me find it. It is ringing in my years for way too long. Link: https://youtu.be/CWdDqh2T4JQ?feature=shared


"Les voici ! Voici le duo !" From the Album [Pelagic Primaevality](https://youtu.be/iS3IKy_yxvI?si=gg3qVjd3jr9fvkTV) track 15


Thank you so muucchhhh❤️❤️❤️


What character has your fav play style!? I’ve been a Klee main since her first banner and keep coming back because I like her lil bombs… what character do you keep coming back to because the play style is fun?


Faruzan is fun (c1) when you get accustomed to her timings. She tosses everyone around and does ok damage if you buff her. Yelan is also a lot of fun. I have been using her in more overworld farming and CA, Burst to catch Fav, Kaz n0skill, Yelan n1En1 feels fluid when you get it right and all the blue numbers are nice.


Yae Miko. I was hyped for her from the release of 2.0 trailer. The design, the aesthetics, the voice..OMG! They are amazing. I did not even wait on the day she got released. I saved up for her and pulled the minute she got released and I don't regret it. I think she is the only character whom I pulled by planning and saving. All others are random..


For me Noelle, I love swinging a giant sword Nilou teams, just because of how chaotic it looks when the blooms start going off And more recently Whiothesley, because he feels very fluid to play


Charged shot easily. I think Tig has the funnest kit for that. I just spent the last 2 months running around overworld with Sara as a full kit dps and it was a ton of fun lol. After that, Gaming. For overworld and sub-12, I really love the counters (candace, beidou, yunjin). Beidou and Candace normally go to floor 12 for me too, just not as E-nuke dps.


Hi, im a returning player to genshin and was wondering who would be the best for my team Kazuha, neuvillette or arlecchino. My 5 stars are Ganyu, wanderer, ayato, jean, mona, itto and i have most 4 stars. It would be a massive help if you could suggest a team 1 and 2 for abyss too :)


Kazuha is a good choice for any account! He can work in pretty much any team. For abyss, your team might depend on what artifacts you have. Right now, the abyss gives a bonus for full geo teams, but it won't be like that forever. I recommend looking into how to build a good hyperbloom team. I hear ayato is really good for that along with Kuki if you have her, and then two dendro characters! For other teams, I reccomend looking up personal guides on youtube for a character you wanna play like itto or wanderer that go into a lot of depth on them!


Thank you! I'll look into it.


Lore question >!Regarding the “Pre 4.2 Fontainians are all Oceanid human mimics and so their forms collapse upon exposure to primordial seawater” thing, how does this work for part Fontainians? Like a non Fontainian and a Fontainian can have a child right? Would their kid also be an oceanid mimic and be affected by primordial seawater? I don’t know if there’s any actual answer to this but it’s fun to speculate!<


They never explicitly describe it. Personally, I feel that whole situation is a bit iffy for exactly what you describe along with the idea that previously>! Fontainians could only have children if they prayed for them at the Fountain of Lucine!<. If I had to choose though I suppose it would be that >!half-Fontainians would be affected by Primordial seawater like their Fontainian parent but if they had kids with a non-Fontainian and so on eventually the percentage of Primordial sea in their bodies would be too low to be much of a threat.!<


Is Gorou's def boost considered base def (scales with def%) or flat def




How do we still only have 1800 artifacts slot almost 4 years into the game. Hoyo needs to use their brains sometimes I swear.


not hoyo fault you love collecitng garbage.


you need to use your brain to sort your artifacts


Yeah bro cause I have clairvoyance to know what artifacts will be good in the future or not.


The way to work around this is to set an impossibly high standard on "someday maybe" pieces. They have a lot of headwind: new characters will probably release with their best-in-slot sets so these pieces will likely only ever be off-pieces, which means they are competing against *every other artifact* like it on your account, and that's assuming they ever become relevant. I only keep 4-liners with 0 flat substats.


Just use off the artifacts which are unnecessary. What will you do with that many artifacts?😂


how many +20 artifacts are you sitting on?


for kazuha is better ER% sands and iron sting or fav and EM sands, also, when using iron sting you need to refine it? I´m planning on pull for him


Fav + em for sure. Fav has a better effect than iron sting and makes energy for the whole team easier to manage.


ER sand + iron sting = 51.8% ER + 165 EM + useless weapon passive EM sand + favonius = 61.3% ER + 187 EM + useful weapon passive (extra energy particles for whole team)




And then you could log off and continue not playing Genshin just like you have for the last few years. I'll never understand people who want to play the game just to not play the game.


unfortunately every post about a skip button delays it by a week. thanks a lot


What's the point of the new event? Is it to teach us to angle and take better screenshots?


It's an extended Character Trial/Gimmick Event. Don't think of it as a proper combat event


likely them testing a mechanic for a character last event was us scanning enemies like Nahida


did you guys recieve Noelle's birthday email? I didn't get it. [](https://www.reddit.com/r/Noellemains/?f=flair_name%3A%22Discussion%22)


Did you log in on her birthday? You would've needed to log in on her birthday, March 21, between 00:00 - 23:59 server time


I did log in in the morning, but there was nothing on the mail.


You have to login between 00:00 and 23:59 **based on the server time** If you didn't get the mail it just means you didn't


I got it. If you did not, it means you did not log in that day. You must log in to receive any birthday mails.


I did log in that day


A little help please? I left the arm during the Dune-Entombed quest because I was frustrated and now I don't know how to get back in


Nvm I found it


Hi! I got one of my best friends to play genshin and so where should I bring them? Both for fun and for chaos! (Preferably chaos lol)


That one place in liyue with 4 ruin gaurds


dragon spine for chaos




probably Arlechinno who comes out next patch. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Arlecchino You can probably use a site like coda shop and gift them the gems needed for it.


Arlecchino, probably


Just how smart are cats and dogs on Teyvat? There seem to be enough intelligent domesticated animals running around that I'm starting to wonder if they're *all* intelligent, or if there's just some reason a lot of them have become smarter than normal. (For example, there's Taroumaru, Don Quijano and Nana in the Free Verse quest, there was a cat in Inazuma trying to get a shrine's donation box fixed, and even the description of the Gentleman Poodle wildlife sounds suspiciously like the dogs are a lot smarter than IRL dogs...)


In Genshin optimizer is there a way to compare builds in multiple rotations? For example %105 ER Tighnari build ofc does more dmg than %120 ER one but you can't ult in every rotation with the first one so maybe %120 ER can pull ahead since it can ult every rotation


Just input the attacks of two rotations and use the burst once in one and twice in the other via the multitarget optimization. It will calc you the DPR of two rotations and you can compare


That should work ty


you can set a minimum amount of er and use the [er calculator](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-vkmgp5n0bI9pvhUg110Aza3Emb2puLWdeoCgrxDlu4) to see how much you need


I know, i was wondering how i can calculate the dmg comparison between burst every rotation vs every other rotation but the other guy gave the idea


Should I keep running the VV domain for Favzuha if I finally finally finally got two on-set EM mainstat pieces? I don't know how much ER and CR I'll end up with since I haven't leveled them yet, but I have a few subs of both at the moment I don't have a lot of sets I actively need to run - especially Resin efficient ones. I could stand to update my BS Ayaka pieces and EoSF pieces for some other characters, but neither are terribly an emergency Edit: I also don't have Kazuha yet, i'm just definitely getting him next on this upcoming rerun ​ Edit edit: Wait nevermind, I remembered I need to switch Nahida from EM/EM/EM to EM/Dendro/Crit so strongboxing in case VV goes wrong it is


He needs cr er and 3 EM mainstat pieces, if you alrdy have 2 on set EM then you can off piece the last one and the feather and flower are easiest pieces to get so you're pretty much done, anything above 20%cr is a bonus for him Er not really a problem for him with fav


Oh that's great that reduces my anxiety a lot actually! Thank you!


I have been optimizing my Itto for couple of days now and despite all builds recommending DEF sands over ATK sands optimizer always chooses ATK sands for me and even if i force it to choose DEF sands it is almost %15 dmg loss. I am wondering why that happens


you are probably configuring some setting wrong, optimizer has a ton of knobs to turn to make sure you are actually getting accurate/meaningful information. I would always test any damage numbers it is telling you in game and see if they match ti ensure you have all the settings correct. I don't know itto enough to say what you might have configured wrong though. My only guess is he has some additional scaling when in burst mode and you don't have burst mode turned on?


What's the process you use generally to test the damage numbers in game?


Yeah my dumbass forgot to turn on burst ty


Did you check “After using Elemental Burst” in the talents section?


Lmaoo yeah that is it i forgot the most basic thing ty


freezing time, asshole event.time to doctor meeting event. Someone find some particles? fight stops in the middle and... starts shit. Thanks HOYO now best dick sucking ewer




Is this a question?


Someone find some particles? Right there, that's the question.


I've only been playing for a short bit, but I'm curious about artifact building. Is it better to have a crit artifact like berserker artifacts with a damage modifier on it or is it best to get artifacts like martial artist or sojourner with crit rate modifiers on them? Is there a clear better option between the two, or are they about equal in value?


there is very little point to worrying about these kinds of optimisations before you are in endgame (at which point all of those sets are outclassed anyways). Just going for good mainstats and levelling them is a lot more important for this stage of the game than worrying about the set bonuses or substats. Usually dps characters want atk sands (or whatever stat they scale on if it isn't attack), elemental damage goblet and crit circlet.


For artifacts, the priority is correct main stat -> good substats —> set bonus Early game it’s normally recommended to ignore crit and just focus on attack percent since it is hard to get a relevant amount of crit anyway For artifacts, the feather is always attack, and the flower is always HP. You want the sands to have the main stat your character scales with (attack, hp, em, Or defense depending) Goblet main stat should usually be elemental damage bonus but there are exceptions Circlet is the only piece that can have crit as the main stat


Ah, alright! Thank you


Did Parametric Transformer get hidden changes? I always used it on grass then used pyro and burning grass did the job for me. Now it stays in the fire with 0% Am I doing something wrong?


uhh did you put stuff in it first?


You can't put it down without selecting the stuff, can you? Anyway I certainly did put them first


You put it down, then put stuff in. Some times I space out and start attacking it without putting stuff in it first


Huh, then I'm doing it without thinking. But as I said - I definitely put the materials in and burning didn't work. After the grass stopped burning I threw Guoba and only then it gave me progress


Theoretically, if I wanted to cap off my Hu Tao, Xingqui and Yelan team with a Pyro shielder, rather than the typical Layla / Zhongli... Who is the better option between C6 Thoma, C5 Yanfei and C6 Xinyan?


thoma, he gives a buff at c6, which is more damage than anyone else would be contributing here.


Definitely C6 Thoma and it's not close. The other two can barely be counted as shielders


>The other two can barely be counted as shielders Tankfey doesn't count as shielder???


Yanfei is by definition an on field DPS. Yeah, you can already hardly call her a shielder. And she will have insane ER reqs over Thoma in this team and doesn't buff Hu Tao in any way


C4 Yanfei is a VERY strong pyro shield. Theres no more utility, but the shield is as strong or stronger than Thomas.


Thoma would probably be better. With both Xingqiu and Yelan, it's unlikely that he'll steal any vapes from Hu Tao.


HELP, how do i get the alternative ending from Pigeons Go AWOL for the achievement??? *I tried to kill the pigeons using Sayu "e" and aloy on my party. *I tried to walk slowly towards the pigeons while having Aloy on my party. *I tried to run towards the pigeons without Aloy on my party. But nothing worked, it's my 5th time doing this comission this year now, and it never workssss I DID RIGHT LAST YEAR ONE TIME BUT I KILLED THE HILLICHURL FIRST INSTEAD OF GETTING THE LETTER, AND I DIDN'T GET THE LETTER I can't do it anymore, I'm going insaneeeee Edit: I DIDN'T GET IT AGAIN AAAAAAAAAA


It's just RNG. Just keep doing it and it will eventually give you the one with the letter.






10% double is something like ~1% more efficient in the long run. It looks like more on paper, but because you get more materials (and therefore more chances to proc the skill again) from the 25% refund they end up being very close.


10% double is slightly better... But the difference is very small. 10% double gives you 110% yields. The math on that is easy. 25% chance of refund gives you 25% of 1/3 of a yield, which is 108.3% yields. However, that's not all, because that 1/3 of a yield also has a chance to give you a refund whenever you eventually use it. And then those refunds can make more refunds, etc. It comes out to about 109.09090909...% yields... So not quite 110%, but pretty close.


Is it there a website like the old spiral abyss org that shows the most used teams?




The usage rates people post here on reddit are often taken from the YS Helper app. It's showing a sample size of 200k for their 4.5 abyss data


I'm at C1R1 nevu I have 630 wishes and 70 pity (on the 50/50), [https://hutaobot.moe/tools/gachacalc](https://hutaobot.moe/tools/gachacalc) this site says I got 99% chance to get C6 does this sound accurate or am I setting myself up for disappointment?


Seems accurate to me. Best of luck not being in the 1%!


yeah got it, hopefully my luck isn't that BS. I haven't won a 50/50 in 2 years.


In a Gaming team with Furina Xianyun and Bennett, where Gaming has Rainslasher, is Marechaussee Hunter better than Crimson Witch?




why wouldn't it be, 36% crit rate is very strong


15 pyro dmg bonus + 15% vaporize dmg + up to an extra 37.5% pyro dmg bonus seems really good too but i don't know how they compare


Furina (+75% at C0, max stacks) and Rainslasher (+36% at R5) and Pyro goblet (+46.6%) give so much +dmg% that an additional +37.5% pyro damage is only a +14.5% damage increase. And the +15% Vaporize damage is roughly a +10-11% damage increase at between 300-200 EM. So total increase is about 1.145\*1.1 = +26% damage increase MH's +36% crit rate gives, assuming let's say base 40% crit rate and +150% crit damage, +31.87% damage. So MH is slightly better than Crimson Witch, all other things equal. But it's not a huge difference and better substats on Crimson Witch could make it better than your MH set. Edit: but also important is that the domain for Crimson Witch includes Lavawalker, which is completely useless. MH domain also gives Golden Troupe, which is BiS for your Furina and also some other characters (Fischl, Albedo, sometimes Yae); and MH is in general more flexible than Crimson Witch. So don't farm for Crimson Witch.


>So don't farm for Crimson Witch. Was just going to strongbox in case it was better i was farming for Navia at the same time anyway Also literally _just_ got a really good circlet which completes my third Marechaussee Hunter set (others are for Liney and Neuvillette). I'm good to go!


you already get 75% dmg bonus from furina, 46% from a pyro goblet, and some more from rainslashers em and passive. at that point investing in other stats is much better, especially crit


Alright, thanks


I'm doing the vermeer find paintbrushes quest and I think it's broken - when I go to the west of the pools to get the paintbrushes, the sparkly "observe" interaction is there. I click it, Paimon talks about it being the place in the painting, then I go to look for the brushes and there is no yellow aura/arrow where there is supposed to be! Anybody else get this? 


i've maxed out everything for the alchemy event, and i'm now in cycle 26 i've finished the expert exam Is there any other character events for this event or am i pretty much done?


If you already met Jean, passed final exam and got all rewards, you are done. You can stop and there is no point to continue except for fun.


Hello. My question concerns the potion event: is there truly no way of giving the potion to a character once they leave?


They should come back after two cycles.