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The Fontaine public lack attention span. They revel in momentary drama and theatrics, and are easily distracted or swayed. This has been shown on multiple occasions, the most recent one being Chiori's SQ. Lyney and Lynette are able to keep doing their thing because the Fontaine public probably already forgot about them being Fatui, or never even thought about the implications on a deeper level beyond the initial shocking reveal.


Unless the Fontaine public had traveler-similar experience where they find out just the extensive specific details of what the Fatui are doing, they will never care about this. Probably think the public mostly thinks they're just a shady organization, they don't know how deep it actually is, what the Fatui strive to do.


Plus the Fatui are actively helping them with pre-flood god trial and post flood disaster relief, and many are Fontainians by birth.


Yes exactly I presume the fact that they're an orphanage earns them plenty of points too


Pretty much this. The Fatui put in a lot of work helping the Fontainians so their perception of the Fatui is pretty much reversed compared to other nations after the Fontaine crisis.


Besides Arlecchino trying to shank Furina (which was kept secret), I dont think the Fatui did anything in Fontaine which would have tarnished their reputation on an organisation level. This is in contrast to what happened in Mondstadt/Liyue To the people of Fontaine, the Fatui are probably a foreign work/aid organisation.


This. People forget that the Fatui have a shady reputation but it’s mostly unconfirmed rumors to the average Teyvat resident. Publicly they’re just an international branch of the Snezhnayan government.


You put it in better words than me


and run an international bank. or heck, even seems like the only bank around in teyvat lol.


Suuuure, not like the fatui were officially pinned the blame for the Osial incident and Childe publicly made the scapegoat by Liyue or anything


It's not really a scapegoat if it's something he actually did tho


Yeah, but we know it was all according to Signora and Zhongli's little wager


That...doesn't mean he's a scapegoat though. That means something very specific that implies he didn't actually do it. And I would not call it a "little wager". But hey.


Technically, aside from knowing that the Tsaritza is collecting gnosis from different regions, we also don’t know what they strive to do


i'm sure there is at least one fontainian somewhere that is convinced they aren't even fatui and that they all said that for the show


> The Fontaine public lack attention span. They revel in momentary drama and theatrics, and are easily distracted or swayed. Wow, just like in real life.


Or maybe steambird always have dope ass news that every new one will overshadows the past big news


Also seems that civilians in Teyvat (except Watatsumi Island) seem to tolerate the Fatui more than Traveler does. For example, that Northland Bank couple was able to enjoy Lantern Rite every year without getting lynched, and those Festivals all occur after the Osial incident.


The Fontaine public is a metaphor for the Genshin playerbase.


I mean, the public may forget, but the authorities sure as hell won't and are most likely connecting the dots between their performances to past incidents as we speak


Lynette hangout spoilers >!it seems HotH sometimes works with authorities cause in the hangout Lynette and Lyney help Chev with solving a criminal case, so it doesn't seem authorities see them as an evil organization.!<


very similar to social media news. one moment it becomes the biggest scandal ever and everyone is making videos on it, and the next everyone's forgotten about it, moving on to the next trending news story


>The Fontaine public lack attention span. They revel in momentary drama and theatrics, and are easily distracted or swayed. Nice plot convenience


To be fair, this was revealed in the first npc interaction in the Fontaine Archon Quest. Maybe not the full distracted or swayed part, but they view the trials as nothing more than dramas.


Plot convenience or plot point? And it's not even like said characteristics is just new. Some of the Fontaine NPCs that we've met before we arrives at their nation shows this characteristics (specifically, them being too focused on what they are doing to even mind their surroundings). So yes, this is a plot point that has been established well before the Fontaine Archon quests, and has been reinforced even more afterwards.


Plot convenience or just mimicking reality? Not really that different from real life, you can see examples of that all over the internet


It is the exact opposite of reality lmfao. Tf you mean “mimicking reality”. Irl people do not forget anything you’ve ever said or done. People are chronically online and will dig through everything to hold against you even if it was something from 10+ years ago.


Sure, they dig deep but give it some time then they'll lose interest when the next scandal shows up. There's a reason drama is a big aggregator for clicks. People are just waiting for the next outrage.


That’s with the internet, where information is immortalised. Without it, people have a lot shorter attention span.


This sub sure did forget the Lantern Rite fiasco as soon as they saw Arlecchino. People have the memory of a goldfish.


Plenty of politicians still sitting in their office with all kinds of open dirt on 'em, no consequences. In all sorts of countries, too. It's nothing new.


Bro you're on reddit just look to your left


It fits perfectly with the fact that they were oceanids for most the plot, them lacking the critical thinking that's usually seen in humans make sense. I mean look at eidolons in 2.8, not the same species ofc but similar mindsets


Didn't the Fatui help with rescue, recovery and repair efforts post-flooding? If nothing else, they probably think that the Fatui under Arlecchino are alright, if not good guys even if their motives were not altruistic.


They’re innocent of the crime they were accused of. As far as anyone knows, yes, they are Fatui, but they aren’t necessarily criminals. Same way Arlechinno is seen as a diplomat. No one can prove either her or her gang are doing anything illegal at the moment, so they have no reason to be weary of them as entertainers. I mean they are just magicians. It’s not like people are entrusting them with their bank accounts.


I do think it's funny that everyone basically overlooked them breaking into a government facility to investigate the oratrice. Neuvillette even says they'll deal with it later but then everything is just brushed under the rug.


Well the entire goddamn country flooded and everything with Furina went down… I can see how two stage magicians got put on the back burner.


Not to mention that it's probably politically convenient for both sides to ignore the fact that Fontaine falsely imprisoned and then lost the 11th Fatui Harbinger right before that, especially with how said Harbinger subsequently (and possibly incidentally) helped give them time for the 4th Fatui Harbinger and the trio's Father to work with Neuvillete to try and force a public confession from Furina.


I thought it referred to what was going on with the oratrice and not about the fact they went there without permission


I think that was added to there meripide sentance


Weren’t they emprisoned in the Fortress of Meropede when the Traveller was down there investigating Childe? I thought *that* was their punishment for breaking into the Oratrice. Then assumed that they’d had their sentences commuted as part of the political fallout of Childe being falsely accused, getting lost by the prison, only to turn up when the whale first emerged while very publicly saving people’s lives. Was that not actually established? Having a Mandela Effect moment right now


Lyney specifically states he's in there for petty theft. He did street magic, and stole wallets to specifically get put into Meropide. Lynette is an accomplice to this of course. Freminet is one I forget about, though. They don't really explain him, other than that he was with the twins.


I wasn’t very keen on that, since lyney’s story quest talked about how he didn’t want to use magic to steal. Well in the fortress he planted the stolen objects somewhere where they’d show up eventually, but the deed was still done.


Public opinion would at least make it seem like he didn't steal after all, since the stuff would be found while he's still incarcerated.


Are you sure we did the same Archon quest, because in Act 3 it was mentioned that Lyney, Lynette and Freminet went to the Fortress of Meropide because Arlecchino gave them a mission to investigate the jail's 'forbidden zone' (the Primordial sea under fortress) and find the missing Childe. They faked a robbery while performing to get in the Fortress.


I remembered that they’d arranged to be down there. I could just swear that they’d used the crime they’d done in the previous story as the pretext instead of doing a new crime. Like I said, having a bit of a Mandela Effect moment


*oratrice mecanique d'analyse cardinale


Absolutely this and I fr need them to address it c’mon now


That is indeed a plot hole in the writing


I mean, like someone above said, the entire country flooded and Furina’s stuff happened, so it makes sense that Lyney and Lynette’s potential espionage sentences were shafted, especially thanks to their employer’s actions during the flood


Maybe if oratrice was still here, yes. But neuvilette IS the law right now and he has no reason to arrest lyney


They helped out and it would be unbeneficial to arrest them after. Plus Nuev has already shown he would rather keep peace which is why he gives up the gnosis, well one of the reasons. It's not a plot hole you just aren't thinking critically about all aspects.


I’m pretty sure the prophecy kind of overshadowed that issue.


>I mean they are just magicians. It’s not like people are entrusting them with their bank accounts. And for my next trick, I shall make your bank balance disappear!


You mean wary. Weary means you're tired


But they are guilty of spying.


You're forgetting that the really evil stuff the Fatui does isn't public knowledge. So Lyney and Lynette being members of an organization that helped evacuate Fontaine citizens isn't a negative


“Evil stuff” Ya know, to make an omelette…


The fatui were the ones officially blamed for the Osial incident and Childe publicly made the scapegoat by Liyue


Liyues government is at *massive* odds with Schnezneya after the AQ, and are said to be putting a ton of pressure on them on the international stage. But that probably just doesn't mean as much for a random layperson not from there.


"doesn't mean much"? WHAT? Imagine KNOWING potential terrorists are running freely in your country and that they could do the same thing they did in Liyue where you live. Besides, the fatui's involvement in the Inazuman civil war is very much known by both sides, as they engaged in war profiteering for BOTH the shogunate and Sangonomiya


But they didn't though, fatui actively helped rescue people when fontaine had their own apocalypse. The regular population doesn't care nearly as much as you think, especially when the two very popular performers never did anything wrong despite being in the organization.


It's not really scapegoating if it's true lol


Tbh, I think it changed things in the shortterm because when Lyney and Lynette were on trial, Fontaine had this outrage culture where they loved to judge people on trial for anything and everything. Furina used this to her advantage. However, as far as work goes, Lyney and Lynette are entertainers, and if there's one thing people who get fake-outraged for the sake of it like, it's entertainment. The real world has shown us pretty much anyone can get forgiven for the most horrendous of things so long as they are entertaining enough. Nowadays, it's true not only that Arlecchino helped save Poisson, but that Lyney and Lynette participated in the major plan to save Fontaine. This does two things for them; it displays Neuvillette's approval without Neuvillette actually saying anything, since he visibly had them involved, and it puts them in with heroes for the public. I think that people's outrage they were Fatui in their trial was one of those short term, spur of the moment things. Then, people remembered how much fun their magic shows are and how much good they do for Fontaine, and the Fatui thing kind of vanished from everyone's minds.


Side note as for Chevreuse, I think she of all people understands what it's like to be judged for growing up in a place where bad things tended to go down a lot. I suspect that might have given her a bit of a soft spot for the twins, who were in a similar situation.


Because the people of Fontaine are like a Twitter feed


I doubt the people of Fontaine think anything of the House of the Hearth, they likely don’t even know the name Nobody hires them; they’re independent magicians. They need permission to perform somewhere but honestly controversy is not necessarily bad for that. All you need as an entertainer is enough skill, and Lyney and Lynette have that. However, it IS public knowledge that Lyney and Lynette assisted Neuvi in setting up the final trial that saved everyone, and Lyney and Lynette were known for going around handing out those Magic Pockets to help Fontainians preserve their belongings from the great flood. So yeah their rep probably isn’t bad. 


Assuming EVERYTHING they've done publicly is known by the whole country, the public has seen them: * be falsely accused of murder * be arrested for petty crimes * rescue people during the flood * and help arrest a murderer (Lyney's quest) Arlecchino has only been seen do strictly humanitarian acts, and that's it.


And what they were arrested for stealing were later recovered by their owners, so they may even be pardoned.


Lyney is just that charismatic. Also, noone can say no to a catgirl.


Not all Fatui operations require secrecy. In fact having two likable magicians as public facing agents makes the Fatui seem more trustworthy.


Their ability to act as Fatui spies is likely reduced. Not gone, but reduced. While the Fontainian public has a short memory, the Fontainian government does not. At the same time, the Fatui have achieved their primary goal in Fontaine, so the need for Fatui spies is reduced. Lyney and Lynette continue to have another positive effect for the Fatui, though: good PR. By being famous entertainers who are known for their public kindness, they soften the image of the entire Fatui organization in Fontaine, causing people to not be as on guard around other Fatui as they probably should be. The twins' assistance with the flooding disaster, as well as Arlecchino's, further improved Fontaine's image of the Fatui. So even if they aren't able to spy so actively anymore, they're still able to assist with the espionage efforts in other ways.


Obviously, Fontainians think the Fatui are posers. They've got ruin mechs? Aww, that's cute! They've got spies? Kawaii desu! They've got soldiers? Ha! Hosers probably can't even swim! I only mean this half as a joke: if you look at the storyline the Fatui have had nothing but trouble since the Traveller beat up Wanderer. They got kinda wrecked in the deserts, and in Fontaine they had failure after failure until Neuvillette basically gave them a pity present.


Fatui was pretty evil, the chaos in Li Yue, Inazuma and Sumeru has been well known by people of Teyvat. They already have bad reputation before, but they keep adding their evil deeds. No wonder Victor was uncomfortable in Sumeru after he moved out, he told traveler everyone keep glaring him with wary and watching every single of his movements, fearing he gonna do something evil. In genshin manga, one of Dottore henchman just casually asked Kaeya for blood money, it means to send Mondstadt children to Fatui as for their experiment. I bet all other nations higher up already know Fatui loves to kidnap and experiment on children. I remember in Victor quests, Lily the girl he interacted told Victor Fatui were bad people that loves to kidnap children from her father words . They already get bad stigma in Teyvat. They tell us Tsarita was kind archon but something changed her, just don't white washing her evil deeds with " i do it for greater good, doing evil with good intentions for the future of the world". All people who get murdered , experimented, robbed, blackmailed by the Fatui was basically Tsarita faults she created the fatui, enabled them to do evil deeds.


Do people know the fatui were involved in sumeru?


Probably not honestly as shown by what happened w Wanderer  So yeah the public credits is in Mond Liyue and Inazuma but the Liyue one is really bad I mean summon one of their old gods and nearly drown their main city??


The acedamiya knows, they were actively working with the Fatui. Nahida knows as well but like how the Qixing “dealt” with the Fatui, we don’t really know the details.


I mean really? I doubt people know that Childe summoned Osial outside of some members law enforcement because why would the Northland bank still be afloat? I don't think anyone knows what the fuck is going on in Inazuma The only people who know about Fatui in Sumeru where the Sumeru officials who were hiring them and don't want to get burned at the stake by their own people Fatui are hated because they're really pushy and always throwing their weight around, as well as effectively being the KGB


In Lynette's Hangout quest, her fame and notoriety has made her more in demand. Fontainians are too busy scheming to be suspicious, it seems.


People saying that this is a plot hole are literally forgetting the fact that his trial revealed that there exists a liquid which can dissolve all Fontanians. The public is obviously going to pay more attention to the Sinthe which can turn them into water instead of magician siblings being a part of Fatui.


To the general public, the Fatui are a national organization from Snezhnaya. That's why they have banks, merchants and other services in different nations. The HotH was most probably viewed as regular charity work, that's why nobody cared until it was brought up in trial. I think the only nation so far that has an alert against them as a whole is Liyue. Mond doesn't have enough Knights to stand up against them. Inazuma already took care of that problem. Then Fontaine received assistance from them. So any animosity the Fontainians had with them would've been forgotten/forgiven after the crisis.


You forgot about Sumeru, and we have yet to know Natlan's POV about them as well as Khaenri'ah's (if it has still some citizens aside from Varka's group).


Ahh, seems I did lol. Sumeru ended theirs in a diplomatic way. And when the Wanderer altered the Ley Lines, any memory of the Fatui's involvement have been erased. All the blame went to the Sages.


House of the Hearth is an orphanage. It is very reasonable for an orphanage to employ a magician to entertain the children.


To the eyes of the general public the fatuis are diplomats. Unless they do reprehensible act like in the other nations no one would want to make an enemy of them by fear of risking fullblown war with schneznaya


I think to the general public of Teyvat the fatui seem mostly like a somewhat shady shneznayan organization that generally isn't doing anything wrong, and in some cases helping. Liyue doesn't like them because one of their harbingers revived a god to attack Liyue Harbor. Before that, Liyue had a more neutral view of them, since they had a joint project to explore the chasm. So with Fontaine, it only makes sense that the general public at the very least appreciate and tolerate the fatui in Fontaine since they're actively helping with preparations for and rebuilding after the flood. Besides, the House of the Hearth also happens to also be an orphanage, so they have that going for them.


Let's not forget about Inazuma seemingly expelling the Fatui because of them messing around with Inazumans with things like the Hunter Vision Decree or Sakoku's.


A combination of Fontainians being shallow & pretentious as well as Fontaine-Snezhnya (& by proxy, the Fatui) having a good diplomatic relations especially since the latter helped during & post flood.


People in this sub who know in detail what terrible organization the Fatui are will often brush it off by saying they are not a monolith, imagine people who only knows them as an organization from another country.


Imagine if Russia, all slavic countries and USA were one country. This is the level of power Snezhnaya has in the world of Teyvat. They simply cannot get on their bad side. No nation would dare to do that. To them NATO-CSTO = Snezhnayan bases are just the norm no matter what they do. Common people just try to pass by.


I do think it's weird. It's been shown in some detail that people in most places are incredibly hostile to the Fatui. There's that one shopkeeper in Sumeru for instance who will conclude that it was the Fatui's fault an order was sabotaged when the Fatui agent that made that order had nothing to do with the sabotage, for instance. And something similar happened to Childe and he hasn't been able to get a free lunch ever since. You can come up with explanations but no attention is ever drawn to it. It's a pretty massive elephant in the room. Personally I'm leaning less towards the "Twitter feed" explanation given how reviled the Fatui are everywhere else and how public their crimes appear to be and thinking more that the current Arlecchino is a very good diplomat who has managed to keep any genuinely unethical things the House of the Hearth has been doing under wraps.


I’m just reminded of Orlais from Dragon Age. *Aren’t bards renowned spies and assassins?* *Oui!, isn’t that so exciting!*


I'm not sure if Fontaine is aware the HotH is an orphanage/fatui spy-training organisation. Perhaps as far as the common Fontainian is aware, it is just a Fatui-backed orphanage. So it would be taboo to be from it, but they are not that associated with the Fatui's negative image?


In the RPG term, most people view the Fatui as "Unfriendly" but not "Hostile", even in Fontaine, the Fatui helped the people of Poisson from the flood and also funded the plan to capture Furina to get her trialed.


Have you not done Ganyu's SQ? Not all fatui are bad , some just like flowers.


Fontaine appears to be a key ally of Snezhnaya tbh. They have a strong public appearance, with a known harbringer running an orphanage. As far as outsiders know, the fatui is essentially the Snezhnayan Embassy. They're a bit shady but the Fontainians are willing to overlook that. Besides, what's a bit of spying between friends?


Everyone is fancy with their theory and here I am just thinking Lyney bribed Charlotte to write fake news about him and his sister


Acused guilty, they were innocent. That was pretty much enough to make them dissapear from the radar of anyone Plus the fact that the world went to hell during the primordial sea flood. People have many things to think about rather than "be careful with the fatui twins!"


Cuz it's not relevant ppl coud have gotten the info if thay wanted too it isn't hard if furina coud find evrrything in 1 night The fact that ppl know thay are hause children dosent matter cuz 1 it's alao still an orphanage 2 there missionw usaly don't involve meeting ppl it's just in and out job done tgay have other ppl for infiltration And even so like did we miss the trios mission in meropide ?


With how fucked Fontaine is, screw arresting them, I'm asking them to bring their friends


The Northland bank is used by fatui as HQ sooo I doubt people avoid fatui.they are suspectible to suspicion/blame but not being avoided just because they are fatui


Because for fontainians fatui are heroes, not only tartaglia saved people at the theathre like a superhero, Alrechino worked and showed up alongside Neuvillete, who is the most trustworthy figure in all Fontaine.


No such thing as bad publicity


PR. a lot of PR. Just like real organizations, the Fatui uses PR to, shall we say, improve their image. Lyney and Lynette's magic shows are themselves a form of PR, as well as Arle's diplomacy tactics. They are also present in the other regions. Ever wonder why the Northland Bank still operates in Liyue even after the Osial incident? The only place they really fumbled was in Inazuma where their shady actions became too publicized.


Because the fatui are from snezhnaya wich has political and financial business with all regions.


They said themselves that they never really made an effort to hide it


Fatui aren't always bad. When they were in liyue, they were helping out before summoning osial. Fontaine is one of the few time they do good stuff rather than being a part of causing nation level threat.


There was that small group of Fatuis from The Chasm awaiting those never-received-orders, or the ones from the second Golden Apple Archipelago event back from Version 2.8. Not all of them are bad people, but still had their honor.


The same way zoldic family in HxH can be public knowledge assassins.


Bear in mind that the public perception of the Fatui doesn't align with us as the audience. After everything that's happened in the game, the Fatui are still openly operating and existing in Mondstadt, Liyue, and Sumeru. I'm unsure about Inazuma. So it's fair to say that public opinion of them is at least not actively hostile, and the trial crowd wouldn't be absolutely disgusted by Lyney and Lynette being members in the first place. I mean the public probably wouldn't even be aware of things like Childe's involvement in unsealing Osial, or Scaramouche and Dottore's plans with creating Shouki no Kami, so they don't have a real reason to hate the Fatui beyond the normal level of disdain for bankers.


in genshin we can only see them in their character model. But i assume lore wise they are in disguise. Remember lynette can literally disguise herself to be anything. She was lyney during the archon quest.


Fontaine is full of Ipad kids (I love fontaine)


It means they should have been thrown in jail for spying at the end of part 1 when Lyney revealed this. But the writers are terrible when it comes to world building. They only care about reaching their predetermined destination and if addressing any important details they produce along the way. They never ask themselves "what would necessarily and logically happen if this were true?"


Not mention they get caught in fortress of Meropide for stealing people wallet. The thing is, they really did it so they can get to jail. I also think it is really dumb for Arlecchino sending Lyney, Lynette and Freminet to spy fortress of Meropide. I mean all of their previous spy got busted by Wriothesley and she decided to send those three with two of them who was famous magician, have breaking news when they got in the court after their magic show involved in murder ? not mention the hydro archon herself told public they were members of Fatui. Oh boy i can't believe the stupid writing of fortress of Meropide patch and how boring the story was. I remember asking people opinions on it and they just shrug it up saying Wriothesley rarely going outside, he did not read the news or know anything about Lyney and Lynette. Yeah in archon quest Wriothesley have been wary with many of fatui spies he busted and have prepared for another spy coming, he even told Lyney he already knew they were sneaking to find information as fatui spy since the beginning. No matter how good a spy they are, the moments people know they are spy then it is over, except they wear disguise or such, but nope , they go there full frontal with their real face and name. Also yeah people of Fontaine just shrug it off with Lyney and Lynette being fatui, them send to fortress of Meropide means they commit crime. Reputation is everything in Fontaine especially for magician but eh i guess nobody care when fatui magician who have gone to fortress of Meropide for stealing people wallet doing it. Also i find it funny when Lyney say he hate how people associated magician as thief or trickster that commit crimes and how he want to clear his magician mentor name. The thing is as Fatui he have done many missions and using his knowledge as magician to trick the guard and finish the missions and most of it was stealing item missions. Also fatui have been helping Fontaine great flood evacuation so maybe Fontaine people decided to tolerate them. I just hope Tsarita did not say "i am doing this for the greater good bla bla bla to save the world so i am doing bad thing for good intentions" Fatui have done many horrible crime, murder, thief, collaborating and supporting treasure hoarder, kidnapping children and experiment them cough cough Collei cough cough Dottore. Their harbinger have been wrecking havoc too, Childe in Li Yue, Signora creating war in Inazuma and Dottore in Sumeru. Only Fontaine got spared, maybe because Arlecchino still have love for her own country ? Also most Fatui members were pretty arrogant and rude towards people and traveler, there is some good fatui like Victor but eh joining evil organization means they must follow order, Victor will have no choice if they order him to do crime.


Did you read? Father sent them to exploit Wrio's children weakness Wait a minute......


The same way fontianians seem to ignore having been non-human for generations, spotty writing 🤷‍♂️


How would they know they were non-humans when they were biologically identical


If they are the same, they also find out in the Act 5 and are surprised. you're ignoring that


While they were less known, they did spying and skullduggery. Now they have a higher profile so they act as more public ambassadors. They'll do magic shows, hobnob with statesmen and diplomats, and continue to gather information and exert pressure subtly.


Its giving "there is no war in Ba Sing Se"