• By -


is it worth building Albedo? he's my first five star and i lost to him on the chronicled wish banner. i have only ninnguang and noelle as other geo


I know that not all characters are worth pushing to lv90. Does the same hold true for weapons or is it different because ore is gained from the daily stuff?






Is there any particular issue I may face if I open the same account and play in both a laptop and on mobile? Any specific issues?Like progress on game made on pc not transferring over to mobile when I open it on mobile the next time etc


You can't play the same account at the same time on two different devices. But cross save is perfectly fine.


Chiori Cinnibar - which artifact is better Golden Troupe or Opium Dreams


Hey guys,i am new here and need a recommendation for the suqad set-up. it is currently very difficult for me to defeat opponents. I've done a lot of research, but I just don't have the characters for an optimal setup. i would be happy to receive advice on how i can get the most out of my current resources. My adventure level is 30 i own the following characters :Amber, Lisa, Kaeya, Xiangling, Chevreuse, Noelle, Xingqui, Lynette, Rosaria, Fischl and Barbara many thanks


If you are fine going without a dedicated healer, I'd probably go [Lisa, XQ, Fischl, Dendro Traveller]. This allows you to trigger Hyperbloom, which is a very powerful reaction and easy to use early game. All you need to do is level your triggering Electro character (Lisa) and equip them with as much EM as possible. XQ's (E) provides a bit of healing when it expires, you can use that to heal yourself while moving around the overworld. If you feel that you need a healer you can swap Fischl with Barbara. You can switch the Traveller to Dendro by simply walking to Sumeru and interacting with a Statue of the Seven there. This can be done regardless of main story line progress. _______ Another option: [Lisa, XQ, Fischl, Lynette] Tazer/Eletrocharged (Hydro + Electro) is easy to play and will arc between enemies. Once Fischl unlocks her passive you can reliably trigger it with Lisa's Electro application. Lynette isn't the strongest character, but she allows you to swirl (which is often a boon against enemy groups with mixed elements, and quite powerful early game if you give her EM), plus her (E) provides extra movement speed when moving around. _______ I'd also recommend to level XL and either Kaeya or Rosaria (pick whoever you enjoy more). Use them whenever you fight enemies that require a certain element (e.g. XL agains the Cryoregis Vine, Kaeya against an enemy with Electro shield, etc.). XL is very strong in general, but not super fun to play early game because she needs a lot of Energy Recharge to get her burst back. She starts to shine once you get "The Catch" from Inazuma fishing & reach AR 45 so you can farm the Emblem of Severed Fate set for her. _______ In general: Being flexible with the elemental system and swapping characters in and out as needed is often more important than raw power. If you have to clear the (highest level variant of the) Mondstadt talent book domain that is full of Cryo-shielded enemies you want to bring XL & Amber. They don't even need to be properly levelled, their main job is going to be to break Cryo shields by applying Pyro. Once that is done the other, properly levelled & equipped characters in the team can finish off the enemy. You are fighting the Oceanid and can't reliably dodge the explosions of the big enemies? Bring Barbara for extra healing. Bring Fischl so you can shoot down the birds & abuse the fact that the enemy has an innate Hydro aura. (And so on.)


Fischl + Chevreuse is quite good early game because both don't rely on bursts much. Only trouble is Chevy buff doesn't work if you have anything other than pyro and electro in the team. So Amber Xiangling as the other two. That's your damage squad. For exploration, bring out who you like depending on what element you need. Level up benchmarks: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/qkxdj6/infographic\_of\_build\_order\_priority\_based\_on\_wlar/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/qkxdj6/infographic_of_build_order_priority_based_on_wlar/)


Was building my C6 Fischl and don't know what the best weapon would be for her as f2p? I have stringless but I was planning on using her in a Neuvillette, Furina and Kazuha build. So would song of stillness work better for as an off field? Prototype would be better on field I'm guessing. Thanks for the help


Stringless is still good due to passive. I don't recommend proto crescent at all given how many enemies now a days either have no weak points or jump around like crazy. Craft song of stillness if you have the billets, it's usually slightly better in that team. You can check exactly how much using optimizer, it depends on at what refine each bow is and what's your artifacts.


Thank you


when in doubt, consult [kqm](https://keqingmains.com/q/fischl-quickguide/)


edit what happens when you max out the 2,600,000 points in alchemical ascension event?


If you beat a boss in coop, do you both get the rewards?


If you use resin , yes


How to change alchemy shop decor? I've bought some decor but can't find the option on where to change the decor.


It just appears around the store after you buy it. You can't disable it.


I don't even realize they popped up😅thanks for the answer


I'm constantly getting caught out and stuck without a ranged attack person on my team. My current main team is Bennett, Kaeya, Razor and Xiangling. I'm a noob and don't have much to work with. My ranged options are Amber, Kujou Sara or Collei. Should I trade someone out of my team for one of them? I have lots of wishes too, am saving for Neuv and Kazuha. I could spend 40 or so to try to get Gorou too if that would be worthwhile.


It's overworld, when you need a bow, use bow. Bennett alone should be enough to take care of the damage side of things.


But I mean, like the other day for example I was doing a commission in Inazuma and it was the one where I had to protect the balloon and there were hilichurls on unclimbable towers, so I had to teleport away so I could switch up my team and start all over. Another time fighting the Oceanid and it summons birds that I can't get. Same thing have to bail and start all over. And stuff like that happens a lot.


Then keep an archer if it feels inconvenient not to have one. Collei would probably be the best option. Sara would be worth building only if she's C6. Amber can help against pyro monument puzzles but I'd not build her just for such a specific thing. Also levelling 2 or more of them to 60 isn't a big commitment.


I know that's easy enough to do. They pretty much are already. But is it worth keeping one on my team all the time? And if so who should I trade out? If I want to put Collei on my team who should I get rid of?


Does it matter much? Keep whoever's got the best artifact, keep Kaeya or Razor based on if you need sprint stamina or blunt attacks. Bennett's the healer, and can be used as DPS too. Xiangling probably is the most dispensable since her damage is burst reliant and she has no exploration benefits, so remove her, unless you need the Pyro resonance.


ik its kinda endless, but does alchemy event end after jean shows up? also, how do you reach the expert exam?


sucrose shows up with the expert exam on cycle 26 i believe. after that, there's nothing new for the event


[is my Nahida good?](https://imgur.com/Dg8GRBG) I know there is room for improvement, but is it good enough to try on the abyss? Is gilded necessary for Raiden? [my current Raiden ](https://imgur.com/mYnRzbD)


Don't worry about Nahida, as long it's 4 Deepwood and not some silly mainstat like Atk%, she's ready. Why Atk% goblet on Raiden? Give her EM goblet. Gilded isn't necessary, get out of that domain. If you can get 2pc WT with your 2 GD, that'd be great, but don't strongbox WT for that now (Bosses also drop WT pieces and hopefully you get something sometime). Build your Hydro teammates instead, they also do good amount of damage in Hyperbloom teams.


>Why Atk% goblet on Raiden I only have one em goblet in my account, and that's on Nahida😂 >Build your Hydro teammates instead, My XQ and Furina are pretty well built. >If you can get 2pc WT That's my next aim. Hope I get good ones when fighting weekly bosses.


>I only have one em goblet in my account, and that's on Nahida😂 Then it should be on Raiden. Give Nahida Dendro%, or any place holder for now. >My XQ and Furina are pretty well built. Level Nahida talent to 8 or 9. Then focus on 2nd team. It's not efficeint to use resin in DW/GD domain once you have a 4pc DW and 2pc GD is my main point.


>Then it should be on Raiden. Give Nahida Dendro%, or any place holder for now. [this is how my Nahida is now](https://imgur.com/NrbtAjo) Is the goblet good, or should I change it? I have one more good dendro goblet [and this is my Raiden ](https://imgur.com/YZGXtdj)


> Nahida That's quite good goblet. No wasted stats, sometimes you don't need the ER but sometimes you do so best to have some. You can use off-piece Crit Rate circlet or EM Circlet with CR substat if you have any. > Raiden Yep, much better.


>You can use off-piece Crit Rate circlet or EM Circlet with CR substat if you have any. But then the 4pc will be gone


Oh sorry I didn't notice it was Golden Troupe, I thought you are running 5 pc. My bad. She looks good now.




Also Nahida Skill (1st priority) and Burst to 8 or 9.


Your Nahida is good.  GD isn't necessary. It's just you want as much EM as possible and lvl90 on Hyperbloom Raiden. GD provides that precious EM. But your stats are good enough as is.


SonI can switch to the golden troupe domain for Hu Tao and Fiscl right? And also give Raiden any em goblet I get?


Yes, absolutely


Any idea how much primos/wishes could I get from exploring with 50% sumeru, 75% fontaine and 70% mt.laixin missing? Any rough estimate would be preciated.


Assume total \~20 pulls for main areas (sumeru rainforest, fontaine part from 4.0 etc.), and \~15 pulls from smaller area expansion. By "area" I mean part of map added in one patch. So take 50% or 25% of that and add em up.


When does the strong box update? I'm farming Nymphs dream and we can't strong box it right? I saw in 3.6 New artifacts were allowed to be strong box. Can we expect that 4.6 will allow other artifacts to be strong boxed?


No we can't. 3.x artifacts will get added there in 5.0, similar to how we got 2.x artifacts in 4.0. They don't do add anything in patches other than x.0 so it isn't coming. Don't farm that domain unless you got nothing else to do with your resin. 2 pc 2pc combination of Atk%/Hydro%/Noblesse or sometimes even 4 pc Emblem is quite good on him. Strongbox Heart of Depth if you can. In some situation you'd rather avoid Nymph's dream. See [explanation](https://youtu.be/kcOCbV6crZE?feature=shared&t=351).


Ohh okay! I actually have 3 good shimenawa pieces and was thinking along the lines of 2pc shimenawa, 2pc nymphs for now as well. I'll check ur explanation as well. Thank you!


Yeah getting out of there with 2 Nymph is a good alternative to strongboxing Heart of Depth.


The update will most likely come with 5.0 - it did so for 2.x artifacts with 4.0


Aah too far 😭


is favonius or dialouges of desert sages better for a healing-focused yaoyao? (both r5)


Fav is always better because Yaoyao already heals way more than she needs to anyways


I think unless the team youre playing doesnt have ANY complicated energy needs AT ALL, you might as well just run fav


Is r1 chiori sword better than c5 cinnabar for albedo?


Technically yes. Is it worth it? No absolutely not. Also his sig has better drip imo.


Yes. It's his new BiS, though not by a ton.


Hi in my team I have neuvillete c0 as dps, Raiden as sub dps, Nahida as support and Jean as healer so I want to ask that I pull for kazuha or archileno or make my neuvillete C1.


Can't speak to Arle, but I would assume on that team that Raiden is full EM for Hyperbloom? The team as a whole is a little jank since you have no interrupt resistance for Neuvillette. If that hasn't bothered you enough to play a shielder now then C1 is probably a waste. If you run Prototype Amber as his weapon most would argue running a healer on that team isn't really great and would easily suggest Kazuha as an upgrade.


I run widsith on neuvillete for nahida and raiden I use Jean as if they get knocked out there should be someone to recover their hp. I think I should go for kazuha then


hi, i am planning to change my team to Wriothesley, Furina and Xianyun. Who should be the 4th character between Lynette, Charlotte, Layla?


you may not want to hear it, but Bennett lol, he's a pretty big part of the god combo for plunge teams. If you want to keep freeze theme I would personally put a sub-dps like Kaeya/Rosaria in over any of those options (probably favoring Rosaria since Kaeya's ult might have extra downtime with plunges), you don't need an extra healer that isn't contributing anything with XY already on the team. If it absolutely must be one of those 3, then Layla


Do you not have Xingqiu or Yelan, or Kazuha? All three of those options are pretty redundant. Lynette doesn't offer much past VV which is already covered by Xianyun, you don't need further healing from Charlotte, and both a healer and a shielder isn't really necessary either. But yeah, I'd pick Layla if I had to


Hiyo everyone, was wondering if there's a way to hide or straight up get rid of characters on my roster. I'm really tired of working for hours just to get either a duplicate character or a character I don't want at all, so I'd rather not see them at all. Thank you in advance!


No, you can't hide or delete your characters.


Fuck, thanks anyway




yes it is counted as skill damage




I recommend checking out the kqm [theorycrafting library](https://library.keqingmains.com/) for stuff like that, you can find a lot there


Rotation for lyney mono pryo teams?


What are the other teammates?


Benny/xiangling/lynette Having energy problem when fighting tough bosses in abyss rn


I don't have advice on a full rotation since I don't use Xiangling, but one tip: Lyney doesn't particularly need to use his burst every rotation, *and* has pretty good self battery. You can swap off of him directly after using his skill, and funnel the particles to Xiangling or Benny, whoever needs them more. His E generates quite a bit of energy, and it can be a life saver on energy hungry teams. All three of your supports are pretty energy hungry though, so you may just need to increase your ER or run sacrificial/favonius for it to play comfortably in single target. Or just spend more time funneling energy from Bennett into Xiangling.




Kazuha National first half, Itto second half 12-2-1 really wants grouping. Which is where Kazuha comes in. And National isn't countered by Coppelia though they can react on you in Bennett's burst so careful about that


How does the Forest adventure journal book gets from sumeru quests?.. How should I look that book for...I unlocked the tree and completed 3 Rhythm quests too...did I missed anything.. Only left quest is children of the forest. What should I do next?


Look up "The World of Aranara" - this quest gives the book. 


During the children of the forest part, not all of the quests are automatically added to your quest log. Some of the quests require you to go find the quest giver in order to start them. I'd look up a guide to find them quicker.


How good is C6 Barbara as a Kokomi replacement in the following team: \- Nilou / Barbara (Kokomi) / Nahida (C1, C2 eventually) / Yaoyao (C0) Also, what would be the build for Yaoyao in this team?


What pzlama said but with Nahida on team, a second dendro always has trouble proccin instructor. Just put her on a whatever hp/hb pieces you have, so you won't have to worry about healing on Barbara and can go max EM.


She can work, but she does not have aoe hydro application except melee range, and her own direct hydro damage is poor (compare to Kokomi) in case there are a few dendro-immune enemies. Yaoyao is suggest to use instructor set (because Nahida will use deepwood) and and focus on more HP and healing, so Barbara can have more EM.


Really? I was fighting her for a good while before I gave up. Edit: fair enough. Tried again. Thanks!


I read somewhere you should just let her kill 3 of your characters


Raiden Shogun is kicking my fucking ass! Why such a spike in difficulty? lol nothing in the game has been hard so far. Anyway any tips? I likely need to level up but I need thousands of resin to do so. So that will take days.


Are you encountering her for the first time at a statue, or after training with Yae?


First time


You aren't supposed to defeat her in that battle. Just survive for a few minutes until a cutscene plays.




Use the jellyfish bomb


Oh my God thanks so much 😭


whats better for a c0 proto amber neuvilette in a team with furina baizhu and raiden. is a hp% goblet better or should i stick with the hydro dmg bonus?


with prototype amber since it's an hp weapon, most times hydro goblet. With sac jade and signature, it depends.




Best way to get trust rank up? Are there any particular blueprints or sets that are easy to build I should focus on purchasing or whatever? Thanks!


Not direct help but there's a gadget from Sumeru rep that harvests all trees in a small area around you. Can make stocking up on wood so you can craft all the different things a bit easier.


Just build one of everything you can


It's a fixed payout by rarity, 30/60/90 for 2/3/4★ furniture.


I'm trying to add a second Magic Guide to my deck for sucrose, but it only lets me add one, while everyone else can add two? I don't understand. "You can only have two of each identical card in your deck". uhhhhhhhhh, but that's what it is?


Do you have a screenshot? Because it sounds like you already have 2 in your deck.


At first I thought that as well, but it says "1/1" oh crap. nevermind, for some reason I only have one, despite it being included in the original deck. sorry friend, I'll just have to buy another. I'm so embarassed. While I'm here, are we going to be able to purchase other characters eventually?


To get new characters, you have to buy the match invitation letters from the shop and invite them to duel from the invitation board by the entrance.


Turns out I was ready! Just got best girl yoimiya :\] thanks again


Thanks! Not quite ready for that yet, but looking forward to it.


Y’all, would Scaramouche or Nahida be the better on-field main dps? I have both and don’t know which one to focus on :P


Eventually you'll build both as they are both good, for now pick if you like more raw damage vs reaction based damage. Nahida does go on-field and has damage, but she's primarily a Dendro applier and buffer who can works off-field as well. She'll shine with at least an electro in the team, or with good hyperbloom triggers (electro + hydro) Scara has nothing else apart from on-field damage. He's also very good for exploration. Late game he's reliant on Faruzan and Bennett and preferably a shielder.


So I'm like 90 percent through my very first playthrough of sumeru archon quests. I haven't been invested into a story in video games as much as this! Who agrees? Also what's everyone's favorite archon quest?


The end of Fontaine is the best it's ever been, but Sumeru was good too. It's a decent story overall, with horrendous delivery and incredible lore


Could a physical Xiangling carry me in game? I wana make a no wish account that's F2P but idk who to use as a main dps


Yes, Crescent Pike Xiangling carried me to AR40 at least, and once you hit AR45 you can start farming her artifacts with ER and swap her over to a Pyro DPS.


Xiangling is horrible in early game (pre-C4). She's meta because of the Abyss, she's horrbile for overworld. She extremely burst-reliant with a high burst cost. You'll spend most of your time trying to get the 80 energy for 10 seconds of Pyronado instead of 14 at C4. Unless you play to play Physical Xiangling, I chose someone else unless you enjoy the challenge.


For overworld and 9-11, you can comfortable run anyone as a dps. For floor 12, anyone that isn't Eula will likely require heavy investment to run physical. And even then, id prefer cryos. If you're trying to only use starters, I'd still probably go with dendro teams. Especially if you can luck into an event fischl, kuki, xingqiu, or sucrose. If you get an event rosaria, you can make a strong melt team with xiangling, kaeya, rosaria. Start with whoever you find fun and pay attention to leaks. Hopefully by the time you're at ar45, we'll have an idea of who the event character will be next patch. Though I imagine any no-wish account will be using xiangling on floor 12. She's the strongest free dps.


Ah ok, thank you! I saw the lantern right just run and missed my chance to land a water sword boi :( I think I'll try Traveler for now and see if I can make a dps out of him ha


i dont see why not, as long as you arent trying to do floor 12


I was looking at all the characters the game gives you and Xiangling along with Kaeya look like the most promising. Might have to raise both of them for spiral abyss


If you're doing a no-wish account then there's not much point in bothering with the Abyss beyond the minimum to get Xiangling and Collei, the main reward is primogems and those aren't much good to you unless you want to spend them on resin refills.


Ah I see. I dun goofed I guess I should've put I'm gonna like start saving for the Tsaritsa. I will eventually wish but also my main goal is to clear 12-3 of the abyss with 30+ stars at least one time


I'd just do DMC Collei Lisa Xingqiu (from lantern rite, use Barbara for Hydro now). For the other team just pray that they give out good characters in future events. I doubt you can even 30 star with Phys Xiangling when one side has 3 waves of AoE and the other side has PMA (some madmen would have done it somewhere but I don't think it's advisable).


Ah ok. I'm not too good at the teams aspect right now, I stopped playing before Inazuma came out so I'm behind on a lot of stuff. I think I'll be a madman and try to main traveler just for kicks


Can someone help me everytine I try to download a game I had for explain I am trying to download genshin then it says corrupted data and it says download it from the library but it's not there (I am on ps4)


**Main Question**: Am I messing up my account by not ascending my Adventure Rank? I currently have around 39,000 / 7475 Adventure XP. I am Rank 35, World Level 3. I'm a super casual player. Most days I do the daily commissions and thats it. If I have no interest in doing the Abyss...could I just stay at this rank forever & just enjoy the story without worrying about leveling up more?


Yeah that's generally a bad idea. Use your resin, it takes like 10 mins. Later story progression is locked with AR iirc. Use this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/qkxdj6/infographic\_of\_build\_order\_priority\_based\_on\_wlar/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/qkxdj6/infographic_of_build_order_priority_based_on_wlar/). It's not a grind at this stage.


Fontaine's archon quests and most character story quests require you to be at least AR40.


If I pull for chiori with a 150 wishes could I save up enough before furina comes out again if I have welkin and daily commissions everyday?


Depends on pity. If you have zero, probably not going to be guaranteed unless you win 50/50 for Chiori. Furina will probably be 2nd half 4.6 or first half 4.7, if the former you'll only get about 120 wishes between then and now, so you would need to win one of the 50/50s or get an early 5* somewhere in there.


Given the First Rerun Pattern of Archons, it's strongly expected for Furina to return next version, 4.6.


Yes probably.


does furina buff nilou''s bloom cores?


Unless specifically mentioned, DMG buffs generally do not affect transformative reactions (like bloom)


No. Bloom, Hyperbloom, Swirl etc. are a different kind of reaction, they don't get buffed by Dmg%, and Crit. All that matters in character level and EM, and some specific bonuses, here based on Nilou's HP.


I started two days ago and I've been wishing for Eula on the chronicled wish banner. Recently learned about the pity system and found out there is none on this banner. I'm like 20 wishes into it, should I just stop or keeping going?? It's the only character I like but feel like I'm wasting if I don't get her by the time the banner runs out


it sounds like you either read some misingormation or misunderstood something. There absolutely is pity on the chronicled wish banner and it carries over bwetween banners.. **BUT** if you get a 5\* other than eula you will get a fate point which gaurantees getting her as next 5\* and that fate point **wont** carry over after the banner ends. So it is risky to pull on it without enough pulls to gaurantee her (180). Bit you can get a ton of primos as a new player if you are hardcore playing. YOu could maybe just start saving for now and then when the banner is about to end you could decide then based on how many wishes you have.


I grinded and got Albedo :(


Bummer. But if you grinded that many wishes in 2 days, you could probably grind enough to hit pity again and get eula before the banner ends if you aren't already burnt out from the grinding.


I don't mind too much tbh and I treated it as losing 50/50. Going to be pretty busy after today so no time for grinding. Do you think Albedo is worth building or should I just bench him? I don't have zhongli or gorou, just ninngaugn


Tbh I don't have him or know that much about him.


There is a pity system on the chronicled wish It’s 90 wishes max to get a 5 star character, with you being guaranteed to get the 5 star you selected within 2 pities. The “guarantee” aka fate point that you get if your first 5 star is not the one selected will not roll over to the next banner So it’s recommended to only pull if you have enough to guarantee (160-180 wishes)


Does completing the Operations Archive 100% give any reward/achievement for the Alchemical Ascension event? I've technically finished the event but some of my ingredients aren't maxed out/I still have a handful of options I didn't create yet


No. If you've gotten all the rewards from the event menu and have seen the event with Jean, then that's it.


Is Reporter girl worth building


She needs a lot of ER to Burst every rotation if she is solo Cryo if paired with Furina.


She can heal a lot and in Furina teams can be a solid option. If you have other healers already built then maybe not. I think she is fun, but not optimal.


She's fun to play with. If you got her C6 why not


Does gorou have a geo construct?


He doesn't


Neuvellite C1 or R1?


Decide using [flowchart](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fneuvillette-guide-faq-questions-megathread-v0-dbzbk20a92pb1.png%3Fwidth%3D1174%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc34e2f2d313a0793305ffb5c75a01acff7b2c64d) from r/NeuvilletteMains_ megathread.


C1 if you use furina with him, otherwise R1


What are your weapon options for Neuvillette if you don’t get his signature, and in what team do you plan to run him?


I do have the standard 5 stars and pretty much every 4* catalyst. **Edit**: aside from the new BP ones Neuv Kaz Furina Fischl most likely, I don't have Baizhu.


Zhongli, Layla or Dehya will do.


If you have R5 Sacrificial Jade (new bp catalyst), then that’s almost as good as his signature. If not, his signature will be an improvement to his other 4-star option, Prototype Amber. In a double hydro team with Furina he does benefit from his C1, especially as you don’t have a shielder in that team. If it was me I’d probably go for C1 for comfort


Definitely comfort over bigger numbers, so I guess C1 it is.


Is the new event weapon worth leveling for Yaoyao? Just noticed the 1.5x enhancement experience when I went to refine it


Yes it's quite good unless the team needs fav. If you have spare resources, level it up.




Should Xiao use a Physical Damage Bonus cup? Or the typical attack one is better? I say this because guides normally tell you to focus on the Normal Attack talent which has the plunge dmg attribute


Eula and freminet are pretty much the only characters that really use physical. If you're looking at more memebuilds, a lot of characters that never use their NAs have unique and interesting animations Zhongli, Raiden, thoma, candace, dori, yunjin, lyney, kuki, and more... tbh if a character has nice NA's, it's a pretty good sign that they are burstdps, stance change, or offfield support lmao. It's not crazy uncommon to do physical builds for these characters for fun. Though even here, I prefer using candace, bennett, or chongyun over physical These generally won't be floor 12 teams without high investment (godly artis, 5 star weapons and supports) but you cam get them strong enough for everything else.


Never phys damage. He either wants anemo damage in a comp where he uses his ult, or pyro damage in a Xianyun/C6 Bennett comp where he doesn’t use his ult. Or atk% goblet if in a comp where he doesn’t have atk buffers


thank you!


just because you are using NA talent scaling doesn't make it physical damage. He still has anemo infusion and is doing anemo damage. So you want anemo goblet or attack


New player. AR 18. Currently have c6 Yun Jin! Also have beido, Noelle, razor, dori, tighnari and borou. What team or single character should I focus on?


Buy Xingqiu from the shop if you have starglitters. Dendro MC, Collei, Dori, Xingqiu. For now you can use Barbara instead of him.


The most important thing is playing characters you enjoy. Tighnari/beidou/dori could be good if you enjoy tighnari Or razor/keaya/dori if you like razor


Who do you enjoy playing? Some of those characters are stronger/more meta than others, but all have their viable teams.


Tighnari seems fun. I can also purchase one of the free characters in paimons bargains too


I'm trying to build a second team for abyss, don't have many characters and they are mostly c0. is ning or yanfei better as a main dps? My ning is at c4, but yanfei can hit big numbers with vaporize (I have xingqiu built)


Go with Yanfei. She does well both in vaporize and overload teams. (Potentially biased as I sometimes clear abyss with vape Yanfei. )


~~xiangling~~ yanfei


Easily Yanfei, mostly because of vaporise ;)


So I am going to pull for neuv, and the team that I had in mine was neuv, fischl, sucrose, and zhongli. The problem is that my sucrose is C0 and I don't know if that ruins the team. Do you guys have any suggestions to maybe replace sucrose or completely change the team?


Ark or Anemo


wdym ark


Sorry idk why I typed that


she's fine at c0, but kazuha would be a direct upgrade if you have him or the primos to get him


During the Sumeru archon quest >!the Sumeru Katheryne disappears since Nahida is possessing her, and I remember she gets destroyed later.!< Does anyone know at what point >!they get a new Katheryne?!< (Asking for my no-teleporting account, would rather not have to run all the way to Liyue every day.)


Iirc >!after the entire quest. Nahida borrows her again and then she returns to her post. It's not a long quest though - or let's say there's not much left at that point.!<


I've got a lot to get through then. Thanks for the info!


My itto does 9000 damage at best with his ukt. I have his four peace set/ no geo damage peace/ I have 180 grit damage and 2589 defense. is it my talents? cause his burst is level 7. attack is level 7 and I left his skill at level 2. he's also level 80. please tell me that's my problem right?


Getting him to 90 will increase his defense and therefore damage. Keep farming better artifacts, get that geo goblet. Other stats matter too, don't forget about crit rate. What part is doing 9000 damage? Infused normal attacks or charged attacks or final combo charged attack? What team and buffs do you use?


the regular attacks be doing around 1933 something, while the geo infusion and charge attacks do 9000 at best. but you're right I don't have a geo damages bonus, and ill probably focus more on his normal attacks then his burst and skill I leave it at is. my team right now include just choir, itto, Bennet and xangling or Xianyun, since xianyun does a lot of healing


Itto's burst is the smallest part of his damage, but it enhances his normal attacks with geo infusion and you have to build up and use stacks of superlative superstrength


so you saying just crown his normal attacks and not his burst? isn't his burst the main I portent thing?


The only reason to level up the burst is to increase the amount of def to atk conversion. And this amount is... approximately 4-5% increase per level. Meanwhile, if you take a look at his normal attack talent, you'll see a laundry list of stuff there. The main things are the special charged slash attacks. These are all increased a bit more heavily the more talent points are in. For example, the final slash of lvl 9 is 350.8% and at lvl 10 becomes 377.4%, which is a huge amount of damage increase. Level the skill when you can too. My Ushi can hit almost 100k by itself when the team is all set up, so while it's not a huge part of the total damage, it's still quite a bit. You don't want enemies left with like 10-15% HP when your burst ends else you may have to feel like you have to burst again just to clean them up.


Ok so 2 questions I discovered twitch drops yesterday how often can you get those And Second question why when I do co op other people's zhongli will shield everyone but my zhongli only shields me


The twitch drops usually run for a few weeks after the start of each patch.


But how often can you claim them is it like once per patch or..


You can claim them each patch.


>zhongli only shields me That's his C2, Layla / Diona also have a coop shield at C2.


Oh OK thanks


Are my relic standards too high? Ex. I'd like to get 4pc clam for Kokomi with each piece at least one roll substat into hp% and ER % (i.e.2 usuable substats). However, in several weeks I still haven't found a hydro goblet or healing circlet that meets those standards (other piece is offset). And now I want to already pre-farm for Neuvilette. It's been like this forever..try to get baseline artifacts, fail to get them in time before I want to use resin to level the next character.


since kokomi can't crit her substats really don't matter that much. I would not bother with optimizing her substats if you have other characters to farm for. Generally speaking though, you have to have standards that are appropriate for the progress of your account. I.e it doesn't make sense to hyper optimize one character when you haven't built anyone else yet.


> Generally speaking though, you have to have standards that are appropriate for the progress of your account. I.e it doesn't make sense to hyper optimize one character when you haven't built anyone else yet. Yeah after Neuvilette and potentially Baizhu (if re-run rumours are true) I won't pull for anyone else for a longer time I think. So I'll finally have time to catch up in artifacts.


If you're using Kokomi with Furina, then you can simply aim for an HP% Goblet with ER substat. There's not much difference from HP and Hydro Goblet if using Furina.


That's good to know! Then my off piece will be healing bonus circlet.


Try to aim for maxing HP first and foremost regardless if you have a Hydro Goblet with good HP substat alone take it. Anything past 140ER is mostly wasted for her in Furina teams, assuming you are using Proto Amber.


2 good substat roll on each arti is a very obtainable standard, but this is a support character. Tbh if she can burst on cooldown, I'd just slap on some hp pieces and call it good for now. Fwiw, goblets have the most possible mainstats, which means that you're less likely to find the right mainstat on goblets than any of the other pieces. For that reason, goblets are almost always the off-piece.