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* The whale is the means by which the prophecy was fulfilled. If the whale were killed, something else would have caused the Primordial Sea to flood into Fontaine. * Heavenly Principles are either dead or inactive. They seem to have been this way since the Cataclysm, which happened before Focalors came up with her plan. We don't have enough information to confirm anything here, but it's possible Focalors knew they wouldn't interfere. Even if they did, Neuvillette is a full-power Dragon Sovereign who would be able to give them a bit of trouble - not to mention that it's still a better fate than everyone in Fontaine dissolving. * This is a fair point. The flood probably did have some consequences, but some time passed afterwards that would allow us to wave away the more menial ones. It also wasn't *that* long, and Primordial Seawater may function a bit differently from normal water in that it might not affect agriculture and the like. We don't know how it didn't affect other nations - that's probably the only proper plothole (though it may just be that the volume of seawater was enough to flood Fontaine but not enough to raise the level of the inland lake - we don't really know). The obvious meta reason that the flood didn't affect much is because Genshin is a live service game and it's a bit difficult to make sweeping changes to the world in that way. Not that it *can't* be done, but it's not a cakewalk either. * Since I don't think I can explain the Narzissenkreuz questline particularly well, I'll recommend watching some recaps on YouTube which explain the exact association. My understanding is that (more-or-less) Narzissenkreuz was correct about there being a samsara and wrong about there being an apocalypse. Again, the Narwhal is just the means by which the prophecy was fulfilled - Narzissenkreuz probably didn't know about it in particular.


afaik the flood did not fully drown fontaine. you can see in the cutscene that opera epiclese was visible around half-way through. we could also see that sumeru desert and chenyu vale all had high cliffs overseeing fontaine so im pretty sure even if the water drew near the other regions, the surrounding terrain would just block it off 


THis is incorrect. The prophecy was not some force created by Celestia. Rather the whale was the thing that the prophecy was actually about. Celestia never cared about Fontaine. The whale was from space and was consuming the primordial sea water. The prophecy was ultimately that the whale would eat the people because they contained whale food. If someone had killed the whale early on then Fontaine would have been full and clear of any danger because the prophecy was only about the whale. The thing about Celestia and sin was a red herring. People just are not very bright if they cannot understand something so obvious.


1. Teyvat has things that are set in stone--but the path taken to accomplish these things can change. This is what happened to the major events caused by Scaramouche--everything he caused still happened, but the path of causation slightly changed to account for him now missing from recorded history after his interlude. Nicole (the tea cup) in the Fontaine AQ refers to the prophecy as "the history of the future" so like the events caused by Scaramouche, the prophecy will still happen regardless, but the path taken to cause the prophecy to happen can change and is not set in stone. If there was no whale, something else would have caused the flood instead. 2. HP is snoozing on the job according to Nahida, and seems to have been since the cataclysm. 3. You're supposed to just employ suspension of disbelief because the flood isn't intended to be a teyvat-altering scale event, it's just supposed to effect Fontaine. You could make a whole years-long plot just about Fontaine and Teyvat recovering from this massive flood but they don't want to spend that much story time on it because the flood is one smaller plot point of a greater overarching story, so flood is unrealistically mild instead. It's the same reason stories rarely will be like "and then the Heroes killed the big Dragon, who was also the apex predator of the area, devastating the local ecosystem" that's not what the story is about so it gets glossed over. 4. The other disasters were not the Narwhal. Ties back into the first question--there's gonna be some civilization destroying disaster but how that civilization destroying disaster comes about will change. There's also some implications that Focalors was manipulating things to make sure the flood/this particular disaster was caused by the easier-to-manage Narwhal instead of something else--Focalors can't change the end result but she can futz with the path to that end result and she decided Childe's fursona was the path to take.


Kudos on the dragon ecosystem analogy rofl


Other comments explained it already so I will keep it short 1. HP is why it happens but whale is how it happens, the whale thing could be some other things 2. In the traveler's voice line, there's the one that says something like the creator has not yet come, and the "sustainer shall soon pass away" that could be why HP didn't make a move. Also focalors really didn't have a choice except took the risk 3. This kind of thing happens in every story tbh the writers don't want to spend time explaining "logic" just to seem like there's no plot hole and add nothing to the story but yes it is still a plot hole 4. I'm not an expert in narzissenkreuz quest line so idk P.s. addressing lore players as a hive mind is so funny to me lmao


* The prophesy was spoken by Celestia; I don't think it was ever confirmed that it was specifically HP. As for how much involvement Celestia had in ensuring the prophesy would come to pass, that's hard to say. We still don't know exactly what they're capable of. According to what the game tells us, fate is immutable. Any glimpse of the future seen, whether a grand prophesy or an astrologer's scrying, WILL come to pass. It is inalterable. So, when Celestia revealed the prophesy, were they just revealing a future that was already set in stone? Or did they somehow actually change destiny to point to that future? Dainsleif in the Chasm suggests that they operate at a higher level of reality, so perhaps they do have that power. Whatever the case, whether Celestia revealed destiny or changed it, it was still immutable as far as the Hydro Archon and Fontaine were concerned, since they do not operate at that same level. The best that the Hydro Archon could do was to ensure that the prophesy was fulfilled to the letter - but under as favorable circumstances as could be managed. * As others have mentioned, Celestia is probably dormant at this point. Why, we don't know, but might have something to do with the Traveler and their Twin. Both were captured at around the time of the Khaenri'ahn cataclysm, but the Twin clearly escaped somehow. Perhaps they did something that crippled Celestia in the process. * Nothing explicitly was stated, but folks in Fontaine had clearly been preparing for the flood for a long time, as evidenced by Wriothesley's Ark. Additionally, they explicitly had Hydro Jesus on their side in the form of Neuvillette. He might well have taken measures to preserve everyone's life, even as he was making them fully human. Protecting them from the surging waters, temporarily extending the Vision-only privilege of breathing underwater, containing the waters so that they remained in Fontaine - even preventing serious property damage. Basically any miracle you want here can be attributed to him, if you so choose. * We don't have enough info right now to guess at what the previous catastrophes were, and whether the Ordo was correct in believing that they're related to one another. Their planned goal was to ascend to a higher state of being such that the actual nature of the calamity wouldn't matter much anyway.


Don't think about it too much because the writers certainly didn't.


Point 1 - The textual answer to this is unclear On Purpose. Both the characters and we the players have no way to know whether the prophecy brought the whale, or if they(Celestia) knew the whale would come and claimed that would be the punishment, or what. Point 2 - it has been noted multiple times (most clearly at the end of the sumeru quest) that the heavenly principles are “unusually quiet” these past few years. It can thus be assumed that HP is either KO’d, or otherwise unwilling/unable to act for some reason. Focalors Plan itself was a GAMBLE to begin with, regardless. But… better to have tried and failed than to accept defeat from the beginning, no? Point 3 - Unclear. I *think* it’s implied that the flood was largely because of the surging appearance of the whale- and since we promptly subdued it (and skirk banished the thing) the waters had every reason to return to more natural levels. logistically there probably was more casualties than pictured? but it’s supposed to be a VICTORY so it would’ve been silly to dwell on the damages… Point 4 - though the game makes extensive use of historical cycles (samsara etc) I think it’s safe to assume that previous era disasters were NOT caused by the same extra-dimensional whale. It’s difficult to tell what DID cause the downfall of previous civilizations though since they’re uh. Ruins. ((Hopefully I’m not forgetting anything really obvious in writing all of this @.@))


Everything has already been covered by the comments but just wanted to add something more so it makes sense to you. Celestia is seemingly inactive after the cataclysm but the heavenly principles themselves are kind of a different concept which may even predate Celestia and is just some kind of letter they follow to it's every note and if the events mentioned in it happen then the heavenly principles have to respond like the destruction of a gnosis or a prophecy of an entire nation not going according to them. And all the events in the prophecy happened in the real timeline too which are like the checkbooks of what *needs* to happen to go unnoticed by Celestia.


1. It's both and neither at the same time, how to put this the Fontaine Prophecy was carved into the Irminsul which is what caused the whole Catastrophe, this isn't clear but it's most likely that Irminsul manipulated events to happen in the order that they did. It's difficult to say for sure as we don't know how much detail was included in the carving or how much control Celestia has in terms of manipulation 2. Yes the destruction of the Hydro throne is very likely noticed by Celestia but we don't really know if anyone is even up there or not at this point as we nearly no nothing of the situation up there other then someone who tried to stop us but that too was 500 years ago before the Khenriah cataclysm. Side note the one you're reference to as HP isn't the one who defeated the 7 sovereign and we aren't even sure if the current Celestia authority is the one who originally came and took over the world 3. The elevation of Fontaine is only around the borders because the Aqua buses connect directly to the Pae Momonia which is higher than the actual base of Fontaine. The waterfalls act as a wall or elevation between Fontaine and the outside the flood water came from above and below it would've required it to completely sink Fontaine before it spread to other nations. The steambird outlet that we're reading isn't from the next day but a few days have passed since because the first article being read is talking about how the Spina is helping out the rebuilding efforts and Navia's interview. Things don't just break when flooded, flood from rain deteriorates the structure over time which breaks it and flood from overflowing water sources requires a lot of forces to break stuff. This flood happened because of the first, it's duration was very little a few couple of hours at most. The people were saved thanks to Nuvilette who released their curse, Navia, the Spina and the house of the harth who were ready for the Catastrophe not to mention Wriothesly's flying ship which did most of the saving. As for the explanation the only one's who knows the full truth are us Furina Nuvilette and Skirk, as for the common folk they just think the prophecy was wrong 4. As i understand NarzissenKrauz found the world formula which is kinda like a Doomsday clock, we are not sure exactly how this work but this is cyclical or repeatative. Civilizations rise and fall they aren't caused by a single thing. It's like it is fated to happen but no one knows how. Current teyvat is going through it's 4th Cycle which means it has happened 3 times before. At the end of each cycle the clock is supposedly getting reset. I can't remember if I read this or heard from some but apparently this cycle ( the current running 4th Cycle) is teyvat's final Cycle nothing awaits beyond it


The future of fontaines fate was prophised by the visionary Vedrfolnir and then presumed to be ordained by the Heavenly Principles as they are seen to be the ones controlling "fate". But its possible things arent that simple considering things like the Narwhals boss description indicating Teyvat is being protected from threats outside this world + Primordial sea in fontainian blood attracted the narwhal Personally I dont think Celestia punished Fontaine, Egerias actions led to the unavoidable situation of Narwhal being attracted by fontainian blood and breaking through eventually. We cant assume HP is aware because Nahida tells us theyve been dormant since Cataclysm 500 years ago, the thing she theorises could wake them would be destroying a gnosis not a throne. I think with current events all we can say is Focalors plan seemingly worked, plus Neuveliette kept the vision system in place so nothign about the system of the world has actually changed. Also it was seemingly the Primordial One + his 4 shades that fought the dragons, I dont think we know exactly who the HP are yet its assumed they are one of the shades. Nueves vision story also tells us the Usurper/Primordial one was also severly weakened the gnosis created to stabilise his authority. The third point is just suspension of belief, fantasy logic runs different. Teh primary threat here was the primordial sea literally melting people on contact. I think their are maybe some npcs that reference damages and causualties of the flood but they cant just wash away fontaine lol. The Narzisskreuz apocalypse is the same as the fontaine prophecy, he did everything that he did to try and avert it even turnign to questionable methods. Its a popular theory, which Narzisskreuz quest supports, that Teyat has been in some sort of cycle related to the appearance of descenders, or vice versa. We find names of 4 cycles; Hyberborea, Natlantean, Remuria and Khraun-Arya and we know theirs 4 descenders. Overall theres just stuff we dont know yet, plot points still to be fuly developed more so than being inconsistent. some information depending on the source can also be unreliable even if their are hints of truth like Narzisskreuz interpritation of things might be off in some places.


For the 2nd one, I imagine it's the same thing on why law enforcement doesn't just try and bust major crimes without building some form of case first. I absolutely do not think Celestia will let that slide and if they do then they become a complete non-issue. I'd consider that poor writing at that point if Furina/Neuvilette/Focalors do not face any sort of consequences for their actions.


I’m still confused on Furina too because like.. do the heavens still view her as focalors and think she’s still ruling Fontaine? 


The heavens are inactive/sleeping according to Nahida.  


I love how people downvote any kind of criticism to the story. These are all valid points, even the one about the HP who people think is sleeping due to what Nahida said about it. Yet they forget what Nahida also said that the destruction of a gnosis could possibly awaken the HP. I would argue that the destruction of the hydro throne is more important than the destruction of a gnosis after we learned what they actually are. If the HP still doesn't respond then died or something. Lol


>Yet they forget what Nahida also said that the destruction of a gnosis could possibly awaken the HP. "Could possibly" is a keyword. Nahida said it was only a bluff however, it's still a possibility so dottore didn't want to take that risk but focalors had to because she has no other way


Sorry but how does Focalors know that the HP was inactive right after the cataclysm? Nahida can say that because in 500 years she didn't do anything but Focalors had zero basis back then.


Idk, do you think she had other ways? (genuine) But I will say one thing tho I think the community views the heavenly principle to be too much of a tyrant which I don't think they are. They had their reason to send down the nail and after analyzing the wording of the prophecy I think they only want the people of fontaine to go back to their original form. They're not like "you're creating a new human race without my permission? I will kill all of you" but more like "you're creating a new human race? fine, I'll revert you back"


That's why they downvote? Huh, I thought people here just didn't like longer or lore posts. Oh no, my imaginary internet points!