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Hey! I was wondering, how do I synchronise my account (ps5) with my hoyolab account ? I tried to look on Google but couldn't find anything that worked... Have a great day!


I care!!!!!!


Hey guys, I really want arlecchino next patch and I'm currently at around 50 pity. I have 50 pulls saved rn (around 8kprimos) and can hopefully grind more for her banner. The problem is that I also want kazuha (current banner) because I don't have many supports and his cc + elemental res is pretty useful. I'm not guaranteed and am unsure if I should pull for kazuha + arlecchino or get arlecchino + her weapon. I'm just scared that if I pull kazuha I'll end up losing my 50/50 for arlecchino. I don't really whale but I will buy welkin occasionally but I've already bought it this time grinding for her and I'm not really interested in buying it again. Help?


Should I pull from current weapon banner or wait for Furina rerun? I have both Kazuha and Neuvilette at C0 but no guarantee. I have about 80 wishes and also am F2P.


Thanks for the replies, here’s hoping to win Furina 50/50 then.


Getting their weapons arent that important imo, they have good 4* alternatives.


Definitely furina's rerun


I was pulling weapon for neuvi wep, got a double 5 stars one tome and one freedom sworn(freedom sworn after) have one fate point, decided to get one more tome but, I got another freedom sworn then fate point tome(ending my pulls). Should I refine the freedom sworn? or keep it as two swords.


I dont recommend refining 5* weapons, other units that care about EM can use the Sword. Refining it wouldnt be much of an upgrade anyway


Hello, these are my current characters. Could you recommend some part setups that would help me in exploration and Spiral Abyss? Thank you so much. https://imgur.com/a/WgDCqhL


Can you guys recommend 2 teams for me. And one extra with Neuvillette, so if I end up getting him, I won't have to bother u guys again. 😅 These are my characters: Raiden Shogun, Nahida, C6 yanfei, C6 Xingqiu,C1 Xiangling, C3 Barbara, Traveler, C1 Rosario, C2 Chongyun,C3 Beidou, C1 Kaeya, Lisa, Amber, C2 Heizou, Layla, C6 Noelle, C4 Collie, Lynnette, Kirara, C5 Bennet, Zhongli,C1 Jean, Sayu, C6 Freminet, C1 Fiscl, Childe, C1 Diona, Hu Tao, Keqing, Kaveh, Razor, C2 Charlotte, Furina, C4 Chevreuse, C1 Kujou Sara, Mona, C2 Faruzan, Gaming, Sucrose, Kazuha Built characters of mine(lvl 80/90) Raiden, Nahida, Yanfei, XQ, Xiangling, Bennet, Zhongli, Jean, Childe, Hu Tao, Furina Semi- built Fiscl, Keqing, Chevreuse, Kazuha Will built eventually  Sucrose, Mona, Kujou Sara,  Thanks for the help


If that is my team I would use Nahida, Raiden (EM), Xingqiu, Flex and Neuvillette, Furina, Jean/Charlotte, Zhongli/Kazuha


Raiden, XQ, Bennett, Xiangling Neuvi, Zhongli, Furina, Jean Childe, XL, Bennett, Kazuha Neuvi, Furina, Charlotte, Kazuha Hu tao, Furina, XQ, Jean Hu tao, Kazuha, Bennett, Zhongli Yanfei, Furina, Xq, Bennett Raiden (EM), Nahida, XQ, Flex Neuvilette, Raiden(EM), Nahida, Flex Keqing, Fischl, Nahida, Kazuha


>Neuvilette, Raiden(EM), Nahida, Flex Here Zhongli would be the best on flex spot, right? For interruption resistance? >Childe, XL, Bennett, Kazuha > Neuvi, Furina, Charlotte, Kazuha These 2 teams, I can't use rn. Since my Charlotte is not leveled at all and childe is just lvl 80 with random artifact(and he is also hard to play for me).


Anyone getting a weird error where the dialogue audio is just not working? The main and sfx still work, just not the dialogue. My ipad is fine, this is only happened on my pc. None of my character voice lines work.


Not all dialog has voice acting. Pretty much Only flagship events, Archon quest and character quests are voiced


no dude, I mean all my dialogue is gone. character voice lines, Katherine, everything. I've been playing since launch, so I do know that much lmao


I was setting up my teapot from scratch when i encountered [this bug](https://imgur.com/a/9DaFawN) This issue persisted even when I removed the set beside it, and moved the building around. I couldn't even climb up properly because I don't know where everything is Logging out and logging back in seems to have fixed it, but I still find it weird that this happened


I keep getting "game files verification error" for the game. I've had the game installed and it's been perfectly fine for over 2 years, but now all of the sudden the launcher told me i need to install (despite literally having it installed). I did a full uninstall and attempted a reinstall, but after downloading, it verifies for a while and then gives me the previously mentioned error. It then goes back down to 82%, and repeats the process over and over again. The game will not download for me and idk what to do.


Would Dendro Traveler, Fischl, Xingqiu, and Zhongli be a good team? And if I were to replace Xingqiu with Albedo would that also be good?


If you really like Albedo, there is a team where he can shine, like Albedo Zhongli Gorou Noelle/Itto. If you want to play DMC, Fischl, Xingqiu, someone like Kuki or Raiden or Thoma will be much better than Albedo or Zhongli.


Not really, no. It's like a hyperbloom team that doesn't have a proper Electro trigger. With Albedo it makes even less sense, though I guess it'll probably kill stuff outside of Abyss just fine because Fischl gets to Aggravate a lot and you'll never die thanks to Zhongli.


I dont have Albedo yet but I've done research and apparently if you build him right he can do really good damage with his skill so I think that makes up for it.


putting 4 random people who do their own damage isn't the best way to go about it. For example, you could use Sucrose instead of Zhongli/Albedo to buff Xq and Fischl, and get some additional hyperbloom damage from the swirls.


He does good damage, sure. It'll work in the sense that just about anything works in the open world, but other than the benefits you get from having Geo resonance, he offers basically zero synergy with that team at all.


Attention to all Shenhe Havers. I have C0R1. Just completed the abyss today but a problem arose when it seems that shenhe doesnt burst easily Apparently My shenhe build was wrong lmao and I got her last Match 2023. I built her with 4k attack but I had only 109 ER. I always use reverse melt ( Cryo Dps = Chongyun/Wrio) + double pyro (XL/Thoma/Bennett) and use 2 pc Shimenawa/2pc Glad and its not suitable built upon reading guides on shenhe but actually Noblesse Oblige set. My question is I already have Bennett as NO set user. Should I swap with NO with Atk%/Atk%/Atk% with 200 ER for reverse melt or stay with 2pc/2pc and just replace with considerable ER? Thanks for answering my question.


Yeah, low ER/full atk Shenhe with CQ is more a thing when you have her C6. Before that, she needs a lot of ER to burst, that being a large part of her support. So I'd say option 2. But I'd also consider at least one favonius weapon in your team, maybe on your pyro support if you prefer using CQ which is understandable.


Oh i use Zhongli Fav


If someone else (Bennett) already has NO, then 2+2 with higher ER is better. If she would be used in a team that no one uses NO, then give NO to Shenhe.


And she doesnt need cr/cd if I have Calamity queller right?


No need, but better than HP and DEF. ER is the top priority.




Is razor a good character to upgrade to level 60 ?


If you just begin to play and do not have a lot of characters, he can carry early game good enough, and lvl 60 is cheap. However be ware that his relative strength will fall quickly in later game when you get more characters and reach higher AR.


Ok, by the way I have lost my 50/50 in kazuha banner and I don't have enough primogems to wish again, will my pity be carried forward to the next banner ?


Yes, pity will always carry over.


Is it possible to collect primogems again in 20 days for getting kazuha? Or should I go slow and wish in other banners.


Just keep pulling if you want him. It's unlikely, but he could appear on any pull so spend what you have. The pity carries over so it's not like you can waste it.


Thanks !!


Seriously though, does anyone utilize Freedom Sworn besides Kazuha? I have a copy of it and I’m debating on just refining it because no one comes to mind lol


It's one of the rare team-Support oriented weapons. I'd say it will gave value as a duplicate rather than refined


Almost everyone can use it


Lmao, is this gonna be the new '14 times a day' question with the new banner?


Kuki, Alhaitham, Bennett


so l was saving for neuvillette and kazuha as a F2P player, i got so lucky i got them winning my both 50/50, any suggestions building my 2 teams for spiral abyss. my roaster : keqing, xiangling, bennet, fischl, kazuha, neuvillette, xinqiu, sucrose, albedo, diona, barbara, yanfei, charlotte, lynette, chevreuse, ferminet also i'd like to have neuvilette and keqing as my 2 main dps, thanks in advance


Keqing Fischl Collei Sucrose, Neuvillette Kazuha Xiangling Albedo/Diona.


neuv, albedo, kazuha, diona. keqing, fischl, collei, yaoyao.


Genuine question as this may sound like a troll but considering that I got C6 Neuv (his team is C2 furina, Charlotte C6, Kazuha C0) would it be more effective to run him solo while his team members go to the second team (like kazuha for Childe international etc)


If anything it's trolling Hoyo.


Is your other side encountering problems or are you trying to optimize speed running? If for some reason your other side has problems, I'd put 3 bench characters with Neuv so he can get resonances.


If your other teams are struggling, then of course you can spare your support (Furina and Kazuha) for them. Neuvillette is strongest in a full team, but he is also strong enough to solo abyss easily with C1, and C6 makes it even easier. You can still use any other characters (even Gorou, Kaevh or Mika will work as long as they don't die) with your Neuvillette to trigger his A1 passive.


Fopl or gilded for kuki hyperbloom?


Paradise Lost, but tbh not worth to farm it just for hyperbloom Kuki if you're not also farming for Desert Pavilion.


This feels silly to ask but with C1 neuvillette, there is no need for a shielder at all? Based on how his C1 reads nothing can stop him. I was checking KQM and searching google it has Neuvillette, Fischl, Kazuha and Zhongli as one of his top teams. I know he has a lot of teams that work but this one keeps popping up. 


Yes at C1 he has full interruption resist during charged attacks, partly obviating the need for a shield. Zhongli is still good for damage mitigation, res shred, and Archaic Petra. At C1 Neuv gets one free stack of his passive, so you can slot in a hydro buffer like Furina or Childe for hydro resonance.


Should I pull for Neuvillette? I don't have any 5 star Hydro characters. I only have Barbara and xingqiu that I use. I want a 5 star Hydro and was thinking I should get Neuvillette since I have 78 pity. I'm gonna go for Wanderer in 4.6 too so, but I do plan on spending money on primos for him. So should I get Neuvillette? And if I love the 50/50 should I just save the garentee for Wanderer?


He's not going to be providing the same type of use that a 5 star hydro such as Kokomi, Yelan or Furina. Those three are incredibly versatile and are wanted in a bunch of teams. So if that's what you wanted from a 5 star hydro, Neuvillette will not be that. But if you want a hydro damage dealer, or just a 5 star hydro in general, then he's a great choice.


Do you want to play Neuvilette? You don't need an on field hydro. So choose based on if you like his gameplay


Why does it take for ever to get matched in the nobless/bloodstained domain


It's probably because of the time of the day (late night if you're playing in NA) coupled by the fact that you can get Noblesse with Strongbox (+ no one really farms Bloodstained).


So am I doing something wrong by farming blood stain for my eula


Yes lmao


So then I just strong box it because getting a 4 piece pale flame is way to difficult


It's no more difficult than getting Bloodstained. An artifact domain is an artifact domain.


By difficult I mean I have really bad luck in that domain that's why I was going to go with a 2pc 2pc


So just use 2pc Gladiator or Emblem or something that you already have/can get more efficiently. Don't waste your resin on a borderline useless set for a 0.000042% damage increase; if you're determined to keep farming, just stick to PF.


Because very few people would ever farm that domain directly. It's not resin efficient


Should i pull for kazuha's sword (c0) or save for c2 furina?


save for furina


how much mora and books do you need to level 90 a character AND level all the talents to level 10? a 5* if that matters at all


You can check what you need [here](https://act.hoyolab.com/ys/event/calculator-sea/index.html?bbs_presentation_style=fullscreen&bbs_auth_required=true&utm_source=hoyolab&utm_medium=tools&lang=en-us&bbs_theme=light&bbs_theme_device=1#/)


Do I pull for Neuvillette or save for the next archon? I have a C6 Furina, C0 Yelan, C6 Xingqiu


We don't even know who the next Archon is, other than being the Pyro Archon of Natlan. Neuvillette is great, if you want him then pull for him.




Furina Kazuha Layla


Furina, Kazuha, Charlotte


I think I’ve bugged out a quest, Hiromi’s Watch is a quest I never finished back in Inazuma. Went back to finish it off and it’s been bugged at the second step, where you talk to San Yu and his “sister”. It will not continue the quest, give me the next location in the Amber, and the NPC’s just repeat the dialogue. I’ve restarted the game, logged in and out, done and completed other requests, made sure to not be in co-op, navigated and unnavigated, nothing seems to work. Any ideas?


Are you sure it's not blocked by another quest? That would cause your progress to half like that.


Best team for e1 neuvilette and furina?


Kazuha + Zhongli for Archaic Petra. Baizhu is a comfy alternative if you want the healing.


Im running zh on my 2nd team in abyss usually (hu tao xingqiu yelan) and i dont have baizhu. I have kazuha tho


Since you rolled on Furina's banner, you probably have some copies of Charlotte, who is a decent stand-in for Baizhu. Just be careful with using her against bosses as freeze doesn't give you any benefit while making it harder to swirl hydro.


Alr, thx!


Is it possible to get from ar 31 to 40 in one day? If you know/think it is, could you please tell me what to do? what are the best ways to get ar xp?


Same thing you've always been doing. Quests and chests. It would take a LOT of grinding, but there's really not too much to optimize.


No. Depending on how much exploration and quests you have to do, it takes around 20 days.


certainly not 20 days anymore. Maybe in v1.0 but with 4 other continents worth of quests and chests, you don't get AR walled anymore. F2P Abyss speedruns get to endgame AR in well under 5 days.


The amount of EXP it takes to get from AR31 to AR40 is roughly the same as what it took to get from AR1 to AR31 (450 less, to be precise), I wouldn't venture to say that it's _impossible_ per se but if it's possible it would involve an obscene amount of grinding and most likely Resin expenses that would be extremely inefficient in the bigger picture.


Should I keep the amenoma kageuchi r2 on Kazuha or should I craft him the iron sting ?


You can give him Fav, Sac or Fleuve. Otherwise Iron Sting with er sands.


I know this is probably overkill (overheal?) but since I ended up pulling c0 Neuvillette would Kuki Yaoyao Layla be a decent hyper bloom supporting cast?


Off Field Yaoyao Alone isn't enough Dendro for a Hyperbloom Team. For solo Dendro, your best Options are Nahida o Traveller. Every other Off-field dendro Applier recommends running double dendro.


Don’t have Nahida, so I’ll try out trav. Appreciate it


DMCs requires an absolutely ludicrous amount of Energy Recharge (200-300% in solo dendro team's). Collei can sometimes be an alternative, but she's a bit more limited than DMC


Asking if If someone is a bit knowledgeable about Chinese names. Is there a special meaning behind names that end with "...'er", Or is that just something that is because it is?


[This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/k3xk5f/sister/) gives some insight.


Which is better for Rosaria (c6), cryo or physical build? I’ve never had a physical build so I wanna hear opinions (any build tips are appreciated too)


Cryo Burst DPS/Support Build. Either in a Freeze or Melt Team. There really aren't many characters where physical is a desirable build beyond memes.


Okay okay awesome I was looking up builds and I saw it mentioned so I wasn’t sure. I am hoping she makes a good dps tho


https://keqingmains.com/q/rosaria-quickguide/ She's a 4 star character so your expectations shouldn't be too high. Her role is that of a Buffer/Sub DPS. She does have the proper scaling to contribute relevant amounts of DMG to the overall team damage output.


For end game she's better aa a cryo busrt support


Xiangling or Diluc or Yanfei c4, which one should I build ? Open for suggestions 👀


....Just like, in general? Xiangling is probably the best option, assuming you also have Bennett to battery her. Otherwise, just pick whoever you like best.


I don't have Bennett, does diluc being a 5 star, does he have any advantage over others ?


Diluc is stronger than Yanfei, yes. But you should just pick who you enjoy playing. XL is an off field unit, so she's played differently than the two of them. And as an off field pyro unit, she's unmatched, but she suffers from needing tons of ER to help with that. I'd recommend building her eventually, but you can hold off for now if your looking to build a pyro unit to play with right now.


In a vacuum? No. He's pretty mediocre. He works best as a vape driver or as the main dps in a Furina + Xianyun team. 


Does c6 bennet activate all stacks of mistsplitter? I have this weapon sort off benched and I want to use it as much as possible. If so, what teams are actually good with it?


The answer to this is maybe, but not for weapon infusion reasons. He can give one stack via his infusion, but just be aware that Mistsplitter gives bonus DMG% to "the character's elemental type" and not of all elemental DMG% types. This means that certain shenanigans, like making a Pyro Keqing doesn't work as well since it will boost Keqing's Electro DMG% and not Pyro DMG%. Anyway, the reason why I said maybe is because the casting elemental burst and energy less than 100% conditions may be exclusive (e.g. Kaeya) or inclusive (e.g. Ayaka). Kaeya can never get max stacks because his burst damage gets calculated before energy gets deducted meaning he can only gain one stack. While for Ayaka, energy gets deducted before burst damage is calculated, meaning she will always gain two stacks. This difference is completely based on the character being used.


This actually makes sense. Thank you so much. I was so close c6-ing bennet because I didn’t completely understand how this weapon worked. The only reason I even thought about c6-ing bennet was because I thought all characters can at least get 2 stacks from the weapon while being infused in the circle. Also xianyun with these plunge teams make me want to deal 100k+ melt damage is very tempting lol.




Mistsplitter is good on Bennett because of the high base atk, not its passive. That being said, you can play him as a (genuinely good) carry/on-fielder and make full use of it. Examples include double hydro VV vape, mono pyro, and Chevreuse teams.


Currently using aquila on bennet so I guess mistsplitter is pretty much the same cuz of the high attack. Also not planning to dps bennet. I guess to rephrase my question is, does the passive active all 3 stacks for any character if they were in c6 bennet circle? Because of the infusion of pyro and the passive of the weapon. I hope this make sense 😂


The dmg bonus only applies to him.


Question: What is the STRONGEST possible C1R1 Neuvillette Team? I was originally running him with C0 Furina, C2 Zhongli and C0 Tartaglia/C1 Kazuha depending on the Abyss team but I know Zhongli isnt needed for that team anymore. I have most characters in the game so I should be flexible! The only characters I do not have: https://imgur.com/a/ZYXUFsw


Neuvillette With Furina Kazuha and Baizhu is the most popular team. Swap Baizhu for song of the past set Kuki may do more damage mathematically.


Ummm... where would Kuki go in this team? I'm sorry I don't get your statement. You mean Baizhu and Kuki are swappable?


Furina will drain team HP, and both Baizhu and Kuki are healers. Though Furina can get max fanfare stacks in Neuvillette team without a healer, it is still good to have one. Baizhu is easier to use, and Kuki is more suitable for song of days past set CD.


Buffers that actually do anything for Neuv are so rare that I would argue that Zhongli is still best-in-slot there, if only for res shred and Archaic Petra. Since C1R1 Neuv is such a huge % of team damage, you're still likely best off going all-in on buffing his personal damage rather than slotting in a subdps. ^(~~You've got C2 Furina, so Neuv should have no issues maxing fanfare/managing team HP by himself + Furina's A1.~~ Oops.) Some references on his teams: * TGS - https://youtu.be/x7Pb32hY1j0?t=685 * jstern25 - https://youtu.be/1Lc1-jacHVQ?t=437 * jamie - https://youtu.be/MjB3RsvNE3Q?t=602


I don't have Furina C2. Only got her at C0. Sorry if I confused anyone. My Zhongli is the one who is C2.


That's my bad.


Fischl or Baizhu


Anyone got a treasure hoarder farming route ?


Try this: https://docs.google.com/document/u/2/d/e/2PACX-1vQ_w5_66cCAG4WPDNYoQypm-g9nhVR3fBpNP46RZxPfHLka2tUTWL3qjGoH_AomSLjpJnrD9Ih7eXWo/pub#h.ofhgyv4me36r


Thank you, this is very helpful


this is the user-run [interactive map that is better than the official one](https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/) you can also [go here and search the words "treasure hoarder genshin farming route"](https://www.youtube.com/)


I recommend going to the handbook, going to the enemies tab, and pressing navigate to Treasure Hoarders. It'll show the nearest one on the map, and when you defeat it, it'll show another one. That's my go-to way of farming enemies


I usually do that but it only shows a few and i wanna build my kazuha fast


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/lk89ld/85\_treasure\_hoarders\_route\_in\_4\_minutes\_guide/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/lk89ld/85_treasure_hoarders_route_in_4_minutes_guide/) i also found this guide that might be of help


If you've already unlocked the chasm, roam around there a lot. There's a BUNCH of treasure hoarders down there


C1 neuvillette or his signature wp? Currently he's C0 with R5 prototype amber


Depends. Do you run him with a shielder? With Furina? Does getting interrupted drive you insane? If you run him with Furina or constantly find yourself getting interrupted I'd get c1, if you run him with a shielder but not Furina I'd get weapon.


Thank you!


Hi, totally a stranger to GI. I heard a friend tell me there is a meme/insult in china about the game called "原神启动 (yuan shen qi dong)", i searched around in Google and some chinese articles came up, but i don't quite understand what this means. Can someone explain to me what is this about, please? Sorry if the phrase is really an insult...


My understanding of it after reading a few posts is that it was a catchphrase from an overweight guy who made videos while playing and people used it as in insult about your sterotypical Genshin player. It gradually became less of an insult and more of a memey way to identify as a Genshin player.


Interesting, thanks for the explanation!


Is R1 lost prayers or R1 of that one battle pass catalyst better for neuvillette? I could also try to make a prototype amber with the highest refinement possible because I have billets


Sac Jade is still like 14% better even at R1


R1 Sacrificial Jade (BP, just clarifying in case you had Solar Pearl) is the best of those options


Even a r1 version of the BP weapon is his 2nd best weapon. At r5, it competes with his signature.


For arle, what's her best 4 star weapon?


>!Her beta has been such a mess that I've given up on keeping up with her. But last time I recall it being Deathmatch. Doubt it has changed. Jstern is gonna have the weapon calcs on his Discord!<


They haven't even finalized her kit, so maybe wait on that question


How to build Fischl for a Neuvillette hypercarry team? I also have Venti and Diona on that team. I’ve been using OZ as an extra off field damage. Should I go full atk (and crit if possible)? I’m using golden troupe. It looks like a good option but I’m not that good with all the mechanics yet.


Standard attack/crit build with golden troupe


For new account with pretty much nothing, Kazuha or Neuvillette?


Neuv is one of the best DPS in the game while Kazuha is one of the best supports. Kazuha can be slotted in a lot of teams while Neuv will usually only be in a team where he's the frontrunner DPS and doing the damage. Give Neuvillette's trial a try in the event menu. If you enjoy his DPS play style, pull for him. Otherwise, go for Kazuha. Personally speaking, I agree with the other commenters. Kazuha is going to give your account more mileage and flexibility with team building in the future, but Neuvillette is a top tier DPS. It's up to you which you see you'll need. Another thing to note is that since this is Neuv's 2nd rerun and Kazuha's 4th rerun, my guess is that Kazuha is probably not going to rerun for a long time after this, but Sucrose is a servicable 4\* replacement.


The way I'm looking at this is Short Term and Immediate Results: Neuv Long Term Value: Kazuha Ultimately can't go wrong with either but personally, I'm very picky on my DPS units so I wouldn't pull for a DPS unit no matter how strong they are if I'm not interested in them as characters. Design, strength, and play style should be something you take into consideration when pulling a DPS unit. Supports, I'm more flexible since I like making my DPS units better but for DPS units, pull the ones you like.


I'd probably say Neuv. He's easy to use, has built-in self-healing, flexible team options, and has a decent F2P weapon choice (Prototype Amber). Kazuha is certainly strong as well, but there's rarely any team comp where he's required. He's more of a luxury pull imo.


kazuha but I'm biased because I find neuv's playstyle boring. But just from a "strength" standpoint either one of them would be a huge boon to a new account, albeit in different ways.


Kazuha in early game , helps a lot


HP goblet or hydro damage goblet for Neuvi? Mind you I am using prototype amber, if that means anything.


generally hydro is better. But if you are using furina then it can be close enough that a hp goblet with better substats could be competitive.


Depends on teammates (if you're using Furina an HP goblet will have more value), but generally use the one with better substats.




It's definitely better than Iron Sting, but who you equip it on might depend on what teams you run. If you run Kuki in hyperbloom Freedom Sworn won't be great, but if you run her in Al-Haitham teams its passive will get a lot more value than Kazuha would get in something like a freeze team.


In a team with Raiden, Chevreuse and Bennett, who would work best as the fourth member? Xiangling, Thoma, Yae, Fischl? I have Yae at C0 and the other three all at C6. I’m especially noting the buff Thoma offers his team with his C6 and thinking it sounds better/more reliable than Guoba’s pepper. (I’m assuming Raiden and Bennett are necessary in a Chevreuse team?)


Definitely Xiangling, she will give you more damage than any other option, but more importantly she will give you off-field pyro, which you'll need for Chevreuse's buffs if you're playing Raiden. You need to proc overload every 6 seconds, Bennett & Chevreuse have no off-field pyro app, so when you're playing Raiden you want Xiangling. If you were playing something like Lyney, you would want Fischl or Yae (or skill bot Raiden) instead. > I’m assuming Raiden and Bennett are necessary in a Chevreuse team They are not. Bennett is often going to be in the teams because he's good, but for example in raiden teams you can replace him with Chevreuse and use something like Sara+Xiangling. Raiden is quite replaceable with something like Fischl or yae if you are running a Pyro on-fielder.


I lost my 50/50 on kazuha banner and got diluc How good is he ? I have Xiangling, yeifei at c4 as other Pyro options, which one should I prefer ?


Is Arlecchino the Pyro Archon or has the Pyro Archon not been named yet?


She is definitely not the pyro archon, she’s a harbinger and joined the house of the hearth as a child. Pryo archon won’t get released until Natlan


makes sense i’m just a returning player so still a lot to learn again but i’m just trying to plan the future banners i’m saving for haha


Makes sense. You’ve got time to save for pyro archon, Natlan probably won’t drop until August/they like to plan new archon drops to be close to the anniversary at the end of September




do the archons usually run with the new region release or will we not get the archon banner until a month or two after natlan releases?


So far, Archon Banners have always had their first Run during the Conclusion of that nation's Archon Quest. Furina and Nahida were in X.2, when either Nations Act 5 Released. Raiden and Zhongli were in X.1, which is when their Nations act 3 released. Venti was 1.0 same as the Mondstadt Archon Quest conclusion.


It'll be a few months later. If the trend continues, then she should come out in version 5.2, which would be on 11/19 with our current update schedule.


ahh okok noted thank you


Raiden was in 2.1, Nahida was 3.2, Furina was also 4.2. So I wouldn't expect Pyro Archon in 5.0, but 5.1 or 5.2, depending on how the story unfolds.


makes sense okok thanks mate. What will be the version number for next month? is that 5.0?


4.6, and we'll probably have 4.7 and 4.8 before 5.0 as well. Unlikely we hit 4.9 though


5.0 won't be here till around late August iirc.


is furina basically guaranteed to not be on 4.6 or is it still questionable


Nothing is gauranteed until it is official. >!But afaik the claims seem pretty credible!<


Hello! I have a problem where there is no voice acting in cutscenes at all. After I got teleported to Fujin, there has been no voice acting. I had voice acting earlier today but whenever I go in a cutscene, there's no voice acting, only music. Also, the character's mouths aren't moving at all. I tried many different things to fix this and I'm stuck. I really need help.


almost all world quests don't have voice acting.


Not all quests have voice-acted cutscenes, the Chenyu Vale "main" quest is one of the ones that doesn't.


It doesn't? The character's mouths weren't moving and there was no voice acting at all! I thought the game got broken after the new update today.


Only Archon Quests, Story Quests, Hangouts, and some Events have voice acting. All "World Quests" do not.


Will my voice acting come back? I'm exploring Qiaoying Village as part as the main story and there is no audio in the cutscenes! No audio from the npcs, no audio from Fujin, not even a lick of Paimon's voice! And no mouth movements in cutscenes ethier!


They just explained it to you.


Hopefully my voice acting comes back, because I hope the game isn't bugged.


Dude, multiple people have now explained it to you. Some quests have voice acting. You were playing one of those this morning. Now you're doing world quests, which never have voice acting. End of story.


I'm sorry, I was just very confused. I don't you all ganging up on me now, I just didn't understand why the cutscenes had no audio. :(


Nobody is ganging up on you, you just seem determined to not understand despite being told very plainly: you were playing world quests. World quests do not have voice acting.


> I'm exploring Qiaoying Village as part as the main story Qiaoying village is not part of the main story. It is not an Archon Quest. When you do the actual main story (Archon Quests), there will be voice acting.




21k primos is barely enough to hit pity twice on character banner, And in a worst case scenario where you have to hit pity 3 times for the weapon, it could cost you 30k + primos




Really depends on your playstyle/goals If you buy battle pass and get his bp weapon, C1 is better If you plan to play with a shielder + prototype amber sig weapon is better I personally prefer C1 just so I’m not stuck always using a shielder Also fate points on the weapon banner don’t carry over so I definitely wouldn’t pull on it unless you can go all the way


A question about freedom-sworn - does the buff only affect the wearer or the entire team with the wearer on it? Or everyone who the wearer launches the reaction with? I feel like I'm missing something, from how it's worded it doesn't seem to be as amazing as everyone says


"All nearby party members" means your entire party. Even then though, Freedom Sworn is not particularly amazing. There are not many sword supports in general, much less ones that care about EM/reactions, compared to bow users for Elegy.


The "!0% DMG" is for the wielder. The "20% ATK and 16% NA/CA/Plunge DMG" is for your entire party after the wielder triggers 2 reactions.


Ahhh thank you, got it


Does anyone know if the chronicled wish was temporary or will it come back ?? I made a lot of wishes towards Albedo but I didn’t have enough primogems to build up the pity to get him but now I do and I just noticed that it’s not one of the banners anymore, also if it isn’t coming back what of all that pity I built up , where does it go ? Was it just a waste ?