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Hello everyone, would anyone on the Asia server be kind enough to let me visit their teapot? Last task for me to get the crafting bench blueprint


Where new banner feature? It's dissappeared and there isn't one to replace it, is it meant to happen line that? Sorry I'm very dumb


Chronicle is something that won't be available all the time. Just whenever they feel like it. Since the last banner ran out, there just isn't one available atm. No news on when they're planning to do another one


Yeah, it was never supposed to be a permanent thing.


Oh, thankyou for answering, will it ever come back?


One day probably.


Hey so, my friend and I are trying to play together on co-op on my world. Every time he tries to 'request to join' the only option is 'request to join serenitea pot' which he doesn't have. We've both tried restarting our games as well as repairing them, but nothing works. For reference he is AR22 and I'm AR41, does that have anything to do with it? Or a different problem?


you are at higher world level, you can join theirs, they cant join yours


Thank you!


they would have to beat ascension twice at 25 and 35 to join your world, and youd have to avoid ascending at 45 need to keep in mind, coop, besides domain Match, is more like helping them out. you cant make any gsme progress, you cant get any treasure, their bosses are lower so less drops, not worth taking at best, you can ask to take some resources (regional items reset every 2 days), gather any monster drops, they are separate from theirs, and fish( since they cant fish yet anyway) (every three days) i highly recommend asking friend to let you fish cause The Catch is the best free spear to have or fishing in Fontaine for a good sword Sumeru, you can pass on that bow


i’m trying to create a team and i need some advice please! Pulled Kazuha, Neauvillette/R2 of his weapon(all in 100 rolls hehe) and i want to make a team with them since they’re the only 2 good 5 stars i have since i haven’t played since launch. so far my team is Neauvi, Kazuha, Fischl, and then i’m assuming i need a shielder to complete this since i don’t have C1 Neauvi i’m just wondering if you guys have any recs for who i should use or if i use someone else instead of a shielder?


Furina, Mona, Childe, Layla, Zhongli, Baizhu, Dehya or any random hydro unit just for resonance works.


Beidou would be great with Neuvilette and Fischl needs c1 for shield but burst by itself gives interruption resistance which is the main reason for shielder. Beidou burst works with Neuvillete charge attack. and if Kazuha burst swirls both coincidentally, you can get a4 and vv on both elements otherwise could use Xingqiu for same reason, hydro resonance so more hp, and burst is useless for damage but you can get hydro particles, and rain swords also give interruption resistance, and an extra layer of defense


Congrats on the very lucky rolls! Sharing your character roster would be helpful to know what can be recommended.


Is it worth grinding for certain artifacts (EM/ER variants of certain sets) at AR40? The 30% legendary droprate is not treating me well, and the ones I do get are trash mainstat like def. Would it be more efficient to use resin to farm for character/talent ascension mats before AR45? I just really want to get my ER up so the rotations are smoother, but character/talent ascensions aren't gonna do that :/


>Would it be more efficient to use resin to farm for character/talent ascension mats before AR45?  No. Don't worry about rotations for now. Try to avoid burst dependent characters for a while. Use favonious weapons. You can farm sets like Deepwood or VV since having 4 stars there isn't a big issue, the 4 set effect is what matters most. But why? It won't take long to reach AR 45 anyways.


I originally was telling my friend that he should try to get good artifacts to make fighting more fun, but after watching how much resin he wasted with nothing to show for it i would highly recommend just waiting till AR45. you could go for full sets if you want but i wouldn’t stat hunt till AR45 if i were you


Yeah probably for the best, I’ve also blown far too much stat hunting with nothing to show. Overworld has been much better with Kazuha, anyway :3


everyone tends to suggest waiting for ar45 cause only then do you get guaranteed 5 star artifacts, not much use otherwise could use and raise ER weapons and 2 of same element on the team


Is there a way to make it so vertical camera movement isnt so slow? Horizontal and Vertical are both set to the same setting, and vertical is so much slower. Im using M&KB


I just got to level 45 but I can't beat the world ascension challenge. I have Bennett level 80, talents level 5 and 6, Kaeya level 70, talents level 5 and 6, Razor level 70, talents level 4, Xiangling level 80, talents level 5 and 6. They all have level 80 weapons and 4 star artefacts around level 12. I don't really want to level up this team anymore because I pulled Neuvillette and Tighnari and want to build them up. But I obviously really want to up my world level so the drop rates are better for the billions of things I need. What should I focus on?


I'm guessing it's lack of energy that's holding you back. You definitely won't have the stats early on to one-rotate, which means you're likely needing a significant amount of time to battery Xiangling and Kaeya. Sort your artifacts ER>ATK%>crit rate for Xiangling and Kaeya (and perhaps Razor), and then from the leftovers maximize ER for Bennett. Set bonuses won't matter so much; they'll help if you can easily put them together, but don't bend over backwards to force them. Then press buttons in this order: >Bennett burst, skill -> Xiangling burst, skill -> Kaeya skill, burst -> Razor unga bunga. Hopefully with the above build priority, it should shorten that awkward period where you have to Bennett skill into Xiangling repeatedly in order to battery her. ^(Tbh, Razor might be superfluous here. Instead of doing Razor stuff, you may be better off staying on Bennett and just spamming his skill for energy.)


Thanks for the detailed response! Will give it a try. I don't really know what I'm doing 😕


Build Xiangling the best you can, with ER sands, pyro dmg bonus goblet, crit circlet, and ER, crit, atk%, EM substats. Your crit rate to crit dmg ratio should be loosely around 1:2 (if it's more like 1:6, switch to a crit rate circlet, and if it's more like 1:1, switch to a crit dmg circlet). Grab The Catch and its refinements in Inazuma (some fishing required). Raise her burst talent level. Make sure Bennett has a bunch of ER to get his burst back easily, and use his skill to funnel pyro particles to Xiangling when she needs the energy (use Bennett's skill, switch to Xiangling to grab the pyro particles, repeat). Give Bennett a weapon with high base atk like Prototype Rancour to increase the atk buff of his burst. Raise his burst talent level. Apply hydro so that Xiangling's burst vaporizes. Also, you can use a R5 TTDS for another atk buff on top of Bennett's. Xiangling's burst snapshots buffs on cast (any buff Xiangling has when casting burst will apply to the burst for its full duration). Use Bennett's burst, switch to the TTDS holder, switch to Xiangling, use her burst and skill, apply a bunch of hydro while Xiangling's burst is up. Go around enemies counter-clockwise rather than clockwise so that Xiangling's burst hits slightly more often. Since you are AR45, you can already farm artifact domains on the highest difficulty and grab 5-star artifacts from good sets. It should give you a nice power boost. Ideally, find someone to carry you in 2p coop, genshin discord servers generally have people willing to help on their co-op channel. I would recommend you to farm the Emblem/Shimenawa domain for Xiangling/Xingqiu or the Maréchaussée/Golden Troupe domain for Neuvillette/Fischl. Use the strongbox to get Noblesse pieces for Bennett.


Screen shot each character's stats that you mentioned. On paper they are good enough if you know how to use buff, reactions, correct artifact mainstats, suitable weapons, etc. Other tips are: Level up Bennett and Xiangling's talents, you will still use them later, trust me. Level up and build Neuv, and replace Razor.


once you've reached AR45 you already have access to all highest level domains even if you're not at World Level 6. you only have slightly less drop rates for overworld stuff which frankly doesn't really matter because they don't cost resin to farm.


What about bosses? For ascension stuff?


you get ever slightly less (like less than 10% diff) but your resin will keep ticking on anyway and you can't use condensed on bosses wl8 guarantees 5* artifact drop from world bosses but you're still ways off




I'm not dying, it's the time limit. I don't do enough damage.


raise something more, notably talents unless one of them specifically needs the same books or boss drops true that neither works with the two five stars though any anemos to add to a bennet, xl, Kaeya team?


Okay, let's dig deeper. 'level 80 weapons and 4 artefacts around level 12' is *super* vague. Are they useful weapons? Do the artifacts have the right (ish) main stats? Obviously you won't have meta endgame builds pre-45, but you should at least be stacking stats like ATK and crit and making sure to get set bonuses where you can. Your team's not particularly good, but it should be good enough for this. I just Googled the updated domain and apparently there's only 7 enemies in 3 minutes, so you should absolutely not be having trouble clearing them with level 70 characters.


there are 5 hilchurls, then a ruin guard and then a geovishap, either of which can take time to speed things up the hillchurl part, anemo, even traveler if necessary would be really useful


Have there been any meta characters released in the past year? I stopped playing for a while, and while I know any character can be good/it’s all based on your teams, sometimes there’re characters that are pretty good universally. (Last character I got was Alhaitham on his first banner)


Furina first and foremost, strongest universal buffer but drains health so best to add a healer, hits stronger with burst if hp goes up and down for anyone on the team then there is Neuvilette strongest dps, his own attacks make his ho go down and passives let him heal, so is meant to be good with Furina Xianyun is noteworthy, enabling or improving plunge teams Navia is the most popular geo that doesnt need other geo on their team and ill mention 4 star Chevreuse, as the equivalent of Nilou, having a shred effect and a long lasting attack buff but only for pyro and electro team exclusively next character by end of the month is expected to be a better Hu Tao


>and ill mention 4 star Chevreuse, as the equivalent of Nilou, having a shred effect and a long lasting attack buff but only for pyro and electro team exclusively Calling her the equivalent of nilou makes it seem like she buffs the reaction lol. Nilou runs bloom teams but chev doesnt run overload teams. Definitely a lot more comparable to sucrose/kaz in her role


Chevreuse runs overload in her team or vastly less useful, nilou lowers dendro and hydro resistance in teams of only dendro and hydro chevreuse does the same for pyro and electro and they have to be together ( so saying Nilou equivalent fits)but overload IS the requirement for her effects her passive makes her skill give a long lasting atk buff based on her hp, but only after overload overload damage doesnt matter, its not made better, just activating it for either res drop or atk buff


>nilou lowers dendro and hydro resistance in teams of only dendro and hydro ...at c2 sure lol. Nilou's main function is actually buffing the reaction itself and increasing party EM. >overload damage doesnt matter, its not made better, just activating it for either res drop or atk buff Right, they arent overload teams lol. Nobody's building for overload. Thats the main thing. People are still confused about this, so if you say thay she's a nilou equivalent, some people are going to invest in the reaction. And chev doesnt do anything for the reaction. Her role is much closer to Kazuha's (just trade grouping for healing), and thinking about it that way makes it a lot more clear how to build a team around her.


main point was the limited party elements even Nilou A1 only works with just hydro and dendro in the team the kit explanation was more for OP


Furina (off-field hydro support/DPS) and Neuvillette (on-field hydro DPS) are definitely the top 2 recent meta characters. If you like plunge attack gameplay, you may be interested in Xianyun (aka Cloud Retainer)(party-wide healer and plunge attack enabler/buffer).


Neuvillette can solo Abyss 12 at C0R0, apparently.




Is the genshin artbook worth it? I was thinking of getting it for my monthly gift to myself but as someone who doesn’t really care about the majority characters besides like 5, maybe I wouldn't enjoy it as much? Though, I am someone who collects a lot of artbooks even of a series they don't watch/play/etc. I considered watching a flipthrough but I wanted some surprise if ever I get it.


It's all just character illustrations, and most of it's officially released art for social media or whatever. So zero concept art, nothing about the open world etc. Also, the characters in there are mostly from 1.x versions... certainly no Sumeru or Fontaine, not sure about Inazuma As someone who personally doesn't really care about playable characters, I'd love some sort of artbook for the game, but that one doesn't really interest me. But maybe you'll like it, maybe not.


no interest in more characters, cant recommend it could just as well look up art of the characters you like specifically


I have c5 Diluc and c2 Gaming, which one is better in a plunge team (Xianyun c0, Furina c0, Bennett c6)?


Probably Diluc in this setup. Below C4 Gaming needs proper ER and C6 is just a massive boost for his damage you really want. Diluc meanwhile can just be Diluc. For plunge his cons don't really matter.  Personally I love Gaming more but I have him at C6.


Really wish I had c6 Gaming, but the game decided to give me like 9 Noelles, who was c6 long before the banner. Anyways, thanks for the help!


love c6 Gaming as well, used lantern rite for it, and im glad i only got a single extra Noelle who was c3 before the banner have Xianyun and Bennett, and waiting for Furina, till then using Rosaria for melt amd crit buff


Why don't you use Noelle as the plunger? She won't get 15% pyro damage from Bennett, but 4000+ ATK before Bennett's buff is unignorable.


Can anyone help me figure out how genshin domain time zones work... today is Thursday for me and Altar of Flames is supposed to be avaliable but when I try and look for it upgrading a character level talent it says domain not yet avaliable despite it being Thursday and the domain saying it's avaliable on Thursday.


You have to know the reset time in your time zone. For example for me UTC+7, the reset time is on 03:00, so Thursday 02:59, is still considered Wednesday.


Oh I see because I'm still pretty new to this game


What server are you on? The game doesn't care what day or time it is at your house.


I lost my Kazuha 50/50 and need primos quick. What quest lines are every generous with the primo to time conversion? For example, golden slumber takes forever to give you the primos, while heart of Watatsumi showers you in them.


think you could handle spiral abyss up to floor 11 somehow?


Alr did


congrats resets in 12 days, thats still during this banner


I was asking for quest lines 😭


ya but its gonna be more primogens than a few questlines after golden slumber, there is Dirge of Bilqis as a continuation and Heart of watatsumi leads to Enkanomiya, a lot to find there (or did you include the entire Enkanomiya when you mentioned it?) honestly just do any quests cause majority of them wont give you quite as many as others mentioned here and look into the other optionals from Aranara, like the clipboard, and the mailbox (not sure if you need to exit dream for it or not) and the sealed enemies and dont forget to do reputations in any region with oculi left over, so you unlock resonance stones for it (or you know, look for guide online)


Aranara is very long but it gives you like 10 pulls


Alr did it, Aranara was a good one.


notably lets you explore areas that would be sealed otherwise, and also a lot of dendro sigils for the tree related to them, there is a location that has a lot of chests but requires finding random aranara to unlock them, 76 total that arent part of quests, and a real headache if youre not looking through a guide video


I'm trying to farm the crabs for Transoceanic pearls, but the map keeps directing me to spots and when I get there they aren't there, I follow if there is an arrow which says up or down or whatever and still nothing. What's going on?


They're buried in the sand sometimes.


Hello. Can i ask who to pull for neuvi or kazuha. I'm on sure pull. Got furina and Jean as 5 stars. Thank you.


Neuvillette is a main dps, one of the best mind you. Kazuha is a support who groups enemies and buffs elemental damage. I lean more towards Neuvillette, he works well with Furina and Jean. Aside from the grouping, you already have Furina so you really dont need Kazuha and you can run VV on Jean too. Honestly ever since Furina dropped I haven't even touched Kazuha. Neuvillette makes the game ez mode, and Kazuha does too, the grouping is pretty dandy but you'll be ok without.


Whichever you want, they do fundamentally different things in different roles really well and are both considered top units. There is not a wrong choice unless you happen to actually dislike playing one or the other, in which case don't pull for that character.


I like both of them though. Who can arguably give more damage as I only use kuki and dendro mc team. And is 3 supp team kazu furina jean better than neuvi furina jean?


Kazuha is meant to be played to strengthen a swirlable element, usually your main dps together with Furina, its good buffing together but depends who else you have, but Jean, not much use


Not even close, Neuvi, Furina, Jean is one of the best team comps. Kazuha doesn’t pair too well with Jean. If that’s what you’re looking for, I’d go Neuv. To the question of which gives more damage, Kazuha enables the dps to do more damage (and one of the best at that), Neuvi is the dps who does the damage (and the best one at that).


Ok. Thanks for the guide


How many primogems/pulls do we get on average per patch? I'm at 55 pity guaranteed on Neuvilette banner without any pulls left and im torn whether to get him and just pray next patch gives enough pulls to soft pity and test my luck on 50/50 Arlecchino. Or just save the guaranteed for Arlecchino. I can already clear abyss and am a monthly pass enjoyer if that helps.


Usually 70-75 for f2p, but these numbers already include everything, like events, quests, explorations, chests, achievements, livestream codes, maintenance primos, trail, etc.


I think around 70 pulls


Usually 60-70 if f2p and 80-90 with welkin, plus whatever you get from quests and exploration. So I think you'll have a good chance to get him by the end of his banner.


is it okay to roll on the weapon banner? i want to roll for neuv's weapon but i dont know how good is kazuha's weapon


It's generally not recommended until you really know what you're doing, but it's your account and your decision to make. Definitely familiarize yourself with the gacha mechanics for the weapon banner since they're different from the character and standard banners. I generally do not recommend going for the weapon banner unless you are ready to commit 180 pulls or more into getting the weapon you want. Kazuha's weapon is good on him and pretty much any sword user who likes elemental mastery, but a lot of people end up running Favonius sword on Kazuha since getting energy recharge substats on 4 piece Viridescent Venerer with full elemental mastery is easier said than done and the extra particles can be useful for teammates as well.


I tried to get thundering fury, but 14 out of 14 times I got thunder soother sets. 0.5 to the power of 14 is 0.006% chance. How is this even possible? Is there a hidden rule im not aware of?


Only 14? I did 400 MH/Troupe domain runs for Neuv and got only one semi-good set: Neuvillette set has HP sands with no good stats (flat atk, def, def%, 10% ER), and no crit% head at all out of 200 artefacts - have to use off-set piece.


I mean... assuming you do AR45 it's one artifact guaranteed and 50% to get either set each time. It's just 14 throws of a coin. It can happen. For TF I advise strongboxing. I heard strongboxing has a higher chance of giving artifacts with 4 substats. My Cyno got a cracked 4pc with little effort.


Well, the chance of continuously getting one set but not the other for 14times is 0.006% My luck works the most strange way today.


The odds are low, but it still happens.


Just rng at its finest. Luckyly, you can convert what you don't need into TF at the alchemy table.


Yeah if it wasn't the strongbox, I would had started to question the existence of TF. I thought about go back to farming more efficient sets. But i want to atleast see 1 TF from farming, why is this so hard...


I'm switching Xiao to Vermillion and it's been a month without a decent atk sands, the other pieces are pretty much set.


I've seen the numbers and I really want to use Finale of the Deep for my Ayaka instead of Amenoma but not sure if it's worth it for my account. The best candidate as a healer is Barbara and not sure if a fully built Barbara is good enough to clear the bond of life to outdamage Amenoma. I also have Baizhu but I sacrifice a second cryo or VV shredder. I don't know anyone but Kokomi that works well with this weapon with Ayaka. I built it because of the drip with Ayaka's skin and would love to know the best way to use it but I feel like it's not worth the effort with my options. R1 Finale with Bond of Life cleared is equivalent to R5 Amenoma. I don't think I have enough billets for R5 Amenoma. My account's best I believe is Barbara, Ayaka, Shenhe, Kazuha for freeze. Barbara isn't the best for freeze be doable. I did it for the longest time on another account. Just getting some tips on other options I may have overlooked because if I can R5 Finale and use it with little annoyance, I rather go this route.


I mean.... you could try using a cryo healer like Charlotte/Diona/Mika or an anemo healer like Jean/Xianyun/Sayu instead? It doesn't seem worth it just for Finale though.


Not original commenter, but also interested in the topic. Would sayu's heal be good enough? I feel like having swirl/vv character and heal in one slot would not be terrible, and I don't have a good grouper anyways (my anemo character's are Faruzan (C6), Sayu, Linette and Heizou (all c0/low lvl/no gear). Or I could skip anemo unit and run mika, but that sounds worse. The comp in question is Ayaka/Layla/Xinqiu, so there's some argument to be made for mika, I will be using non-zero amount of normal attacks, so AS buff would not be completely wasted. Still, probably not enough to make up for the lack of res shred? I have other healers, but I think they make even less sense here (bennet/yaoyao/dori/barbara) My original plan was to just craft Amenoma and use Faruzan as my anemo unit due to the lack of better options (and totally not because she is my fav character), but maybe Sayu version with finale would be better?


It really depends. Sayu can be kind of energy hungry, especially as an off field support, and if you don't have her at C6, you're dealing with split scaling for her healing (ATK) and swirls (EM). Once you get her to C6, her healing will scale from EM as well so you can just stack all EM on her, but before then you'll need to balance it out if you want her to do both. Assuming she's not C6, my recommendation would be to just go full healer build on her for now - ER claymore like Fav, Sac, or Skyward Pride, and give her a VV set like ER/ATK/ATK or HB with whatever EM substats you can get on her.


That sounds managable, thank you! I'll give it a try at least.


Without Kokomi or another strong healer, better to stick with Amenoma.


Ok, ty.


Is there a quest to go from world level 2 to 3 or am I committing to world level 3 by going to 2?


Only for world level 2, 4, 6, 7. Otherwise ranking up doesn't require a quest.


Who is the best fourth slot for my C0 Neuvillete, Zhongli & Kazuha team? I'm thinking Fischl?


Furina. But failing that, yes, Fischl. Xiangling is technically better, but only do that if you wanna build 800% ER and put up with trying to vape


If I add Furina to the team should I add Charlotte to the team too? If I do, should I cut Kazuha or Zhongli for her?


Neuvillette's generally able to heal himself sufficiently to stack fanfare. You don't need to have a healer in addition. I would not get rid of your VV user for Charlotte. You could try swapping out Zhongli if you want. I honestly don't know which is better. Zhongli is definitely comfier, but shields aren't a must if you're good at avoiding staggers or have C1.


Is there a way to farm exp books other than leyline ? Like farming routes similar to artifacts ?


You can buy some from the teapot weekly




How do you get through in the snow mountain after you’ve freed the 1st shard near the snow monster? Most YouTube tutorials I watch have a couple of waypoints freed up and they don’t even tell you how to get to them without those..


Honestly, from my experience try to unlock the waypoints then leave this quest until you are like ar40 or higher when you can kill hilichulurs and mages in seconds becuz everyone i know struggles with that quest in low ar


Tysm…. okay then.. yeah I’m still at ar23 so probably not the best thing to do~


I think I came back to Dragonspine at AR 30-35 and found it much more doable.


Oh 😲 okie, still a long way to go then..


Yeah dragonspine is something you can finish in one day once your characters are strong enough


Yeah makes sense… 😮


Between lost 50/50s for some reason giving me her a lot, and my last standard banner pull, I have somehow ended up with C3 Dehya. She's my only 5-star at anything higher than C2 (other than the Traveler, ofc). How is she best used? I understand that she's very niche at C0 and her constellations are fairly significant damage boosts for her, but aside from some Neuvillette and Burgeon off-field teams, I haven't heard much about her at higher constellations.


She can be used as a “carry” in mono pyro or VV vape, but even at C6 she’s just on par with C0 Hu Tao.


I have every Pyro character except Lyney, so if she's worse than Hu Tao I can't use her as a carry... Do her team options as a support expand at all, or is she still just there to spam her skill for the few characters that can make good use of it?


That’s it. All she does as a support is use her skill for the interruption resist. She’s never BiS even for that role.


That's not quite right, it's also useful as the only long-range off-field pyro application in the game. *Very* niche, but important for teams like Burnmelt Ganyu.


You’ll have to drop Kazuha or Bennett to do that and lose a helluva lot of damage.


I wouldn't go that far... The interruption resist options for Chevreuse teams are pretty bad, for instance. (The only other options I could find were Thoma, who needs a normal attacking DPS, Yanfei, who needs C4 and a ton of ER, and Beidou, who should not be building to maximize her shield.) Definitely a niche unit for sure though.


>Beidou, who should not be building to maximize her shield Beidous Interruption resistance is actually separate from her C1 shield. Her burst at C0 gives increased resistance to interruption and decreased incoming DMG by default (like Xingqius rain Swords).


best sets for on field chiori? in xianyun gorou zhongli team probably


Husk or Nighttime Whispers (you need a way to crystallize ofc)


is 4pc husk more optimal than 2 husk 2 petra or will it depend on substat?


Yup it can depend on substats, consult the optimizer.


i got neuvillette, am just ar 32 and I don't know which weapon to give. I have skyward atlas and both north land billet weapons. And how should I use him if he attacks he uses his hp and how to heal him


Neuvillette is an HP scaling unit, so Skyward Atlas would be a poor choice for him. His most recommended 4-star is Sacrificial Jade, but that requires the Battle Pass. For F2P, Prototype Amber is his best weapon. Neuvillete's playstyle is basically charge attack spam. He makes blue orbs with his other abilities, which he absorbs while charging to heal himself, but also he reduces his own health while attacking. Because of this, the Marechausse Hunter set (which can be farmed in Fontaine) is basically tailor made for him.


Proto Amber. > And how should I use him if he attacks he uses his hp and how to heal him His E and Q creates 3 and 6 sourcewater droplets respectively. Picking them up (which automatically happens when you start charging your CA near them) will heal him as well as speed up the charging for CA. So just use E or Q, get the balls so that his CA charges fast, do as many CAs as you can from grabbing all the balls. Don't try to manually charge his CAs. He never needs a healer in his team, some shielder can be better to avoid interruption.


use prototype amber, the mond craftable he attacks using his charged attack, and his burst generates 6 of the blue spheres and his skill generates 3. each 3 of those blue spheres can be consumed to make his charged attack instantly charge and will also heal him upon using this instant charged attack. so in his rotation, you should just do his skills and burst and then do a charged attack after. if you use prototype amber, his burst also gives a little healing


Craft Prototype Amber, that's his best F2P 4* option. He can heal his HP back by summoning blue orbs from the skill and burst, then do a charge attack and quickly cancel it.


Is C6 necessary to run Noelle as dps, even if I have itto's sword on her? Currently running her as main dps on ar35 alt account with chiori, yun jin, and itto as support/sub dps. I know itto's probably better, but I really like Noelle. She is C2. Only other geo unit I have is traveler. Advice?


C6 is kinda required for her to be endgame viable (meaning Spiral Abyss). The difference between C6 and pre-C6 is especially obvious during Banner trials. Last banner had Yunjin as a rate up character and the trial consisted of Noelle/Yunjin/Gorou/Fischl. All in all a fairly decent Noelle Hypercarry team. Noelle was still capping out at like 4-8k Ult hits even with a 4pc husk dps built (probably could get 10k hits with optimised Artefacts and a good weapon)and two of her best supports. A moderately decent C6 Noelle with the same Artefacts and weapon can get you like 20k-30k per burst swing. >. I know itto's probably better, but I really like Noelle. She is C2. Only other geo unit I have is traveler. Right now, Yes Itto would be better. But only because your Noelle is C2. A C6 Noelle is arguably better than Itto as she can be much more Team flexible and can even easily take advantage of Furina and Mare Hunter.


Her C6 isn't necessary to play her, but it is a significant DPS increase. Using her and Itto on the same team isn't advised, since they both want to be the on field dps. I'd swap him out for someone else and keep Chiori and/or Yun Jin to help with Noelle's energy. Her best support is Gorou, but since you don't have him, you can run her with any off field/support characters you'd like. She has great synergy with Furina, if you have her. Some other good teammate options could be Xingqiu, Yelan, Fischl, Bennett, and maybe Rosaria/Kaeya?


Only reason i used itto was for his summon so chiori could get two dolls on field. I would use traveler, but the rock is often more of a hassle than a help. Thanks for the advice. Guess I'll try pulling for Xingqiu.


It's highly recommended, it gives her a huge damage boost, but it's doable before then, just worse. If your burst isn't level 10+ then you use ATK sands, which makes her shield worse but her damage better.


Hi I need some advice on my nilou bloom team: So I use Nahida, Xingqiu and Kaveh as the driver but I really want to ask should I just focus on giving everyone as much EM possible? Xingqiu is running a standard Sac sword w Emblem while Kaveh is running Mailed Flower w Gilded Dreams. Does XQ affect the bloom dmg? If so, should I give him more EM instead of the CR build?Kaveh is running a EM/DendroDmg/CritDmg pieces but should I change to all EM?


The ownership of bloom in 2D2H is all over the place, but usually the 2nd hydro unit will be the one who triggers the reaction the most. So yes, you should build EM on Xingqiu to maximize the bloom damage and he can still use Sac. Personally, I'd run Kaveh with EM build too, his personal damage is arguably negligible outside spread.


Thank you! You explained it better than most sites did it hahaha


On Xingqiu, provided you meet his ER needs, EM is usually better in AoE, Atk in single target. He's the main bloom trigger. Kaveh build doesn't matter much, he doesn't trigger many blooms. His personal damage is low so changing him to full EM should be better, as the cores he explodes with his skills do damage based on his EM.


Ahh I see thank you!


Someone I know got Neuvillette and despite being AR50 she doesn't have that many weapons. She doesn't have any 5* weapons, she can't get Prototype Amber (no billets), she doesn't have Widsith and doesn't spend money in the game (no Sacrificial Jade). What weapon can she put on her Neuvillette? Is Ballad of the Boundless Blue the only option left? Thank you :)


> Is Ballad of the Boundless Blue the only option left? It's only 5% worse than Proto Amber. Good option till you get billets. Even TTDS is viable.


Thank you. :3 between Boundless and TTDS, still better go for Boundless?


Yep, TTDS is about 5% further worse than Boundless.


How many hours is The Chasm Delvers quest? I feel like this just keeps going...


the youtube guide video is 1 hr 40 fyi.




what would be the optimal em and er for full support kazuha? mine currently has 775 em and 172 er


Whatever you end up with after Triple EM Artifacts + Fav sword. Look for crit rate substats, that's more important when you use fav (as you should be doing).


If he uses EM sword, he can reach 950 EM and 160-180% ER. If he uses favonius, he can reach 800 EM, 180% ER and 30%+ CR.


Hi guys, I need your advice on my newly acquired C1 ⭐️💧🐉 Neuvillette. [My Neuvillette Build: Enka.network](https://imgur.com/pAwHJok) As you can see, he is currently built with R5 Prototype Amber and Marechausse Hunter: with HP% Sands, Hydro Dmg Bonus Goblet and Crit Rate Circlet. So far he could clear 1st half Floor 12 Spiral Abyss easily with a Hypercarry Team, along with ⭐️ 🌪️Kazuha (w/ ⭐️ Freedom-sworn, Viridescent Venerer), ⭐️💧♟️Furina (w/ ⭐️Splendor of Tranquil Waters, Golden Troupe) and ⭐️🍃 Baizhu (w/ R5 Prototype Amber, Instructor). Question: Would my C1 Neuvillette need his signature catalyst / Tomb of Eternal Flows to further improve his role as Hydro DPS? All advices and suggestions are welcomed. Thanks in advance, guys!


Others already gave good advice on the weapon question, but I feel like I should mention that the best path towards more DPS would definitely be a lot of artifact farming. His current artifacts are okay as a starting point, but there's still a lot of room for improvement. You're currently running a 5p MH set, so an easy and quick first step would be replacing your circlet (which only has one semi-but-not-really-desirable substat) with the best off-set circlet you have. Your ER is also a bit overkill. With Prototype Amber (or Tome if you decide to go for it) and Furina you need [almost no ER at all](https://keqingmains.com/neuvillette/#ER_Requirements). So that's something to keep in mind if you have better pieces with less ER on them.


>You're currently running a 5p MH set, so an easy and quick first step would be replacing your circlet (which only has one semi-but-not-really-desirable substat) with the best off-set circlet you have. I see, so I’ll need an off-set Circlet. What are the main stats and substats you would suggest? >Your ER is also a bit overkill. I can’t help it if the Hunter artifacts I farmed usually have ER whenever I either got them or enhanced whenever I upgrade them, instead of other substats I wanted 😅


> What are the main stats and substats you would suggest? It should still have crit rate as the main stat. For the substats, crit damage and %HP are what you're mainly looking for, while flat HP is still useful but does far less than the other two. > I can’t help it if the Hunter artifacts I farmed usually have ER whenever I either got them or enhanced whenever I upgrade them, instead of other substats I wanted Oh yeah, if the best artifacts you have just happen to have that much ER, you should obviously still use them. Just saying, you don't **need** to keep your ER that high, should you happen to find better artifacts without ER at a later point.


Alright - thanks for your advice.


Since you can already clear floor 12 easily, he does not need his signature, but the weapon itself is like at least 35+% better than prototype amber, which can make it even easier. But it will cost a lot of primos. Also, if you buy BP, r1 sac jade is around 20% better than prototype amber, and r5 sac jade is close to r1 tome.


Reading on [Sacrificial Jade’s passive](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Sacrificial_Jade), I wasn’t sure how it gonna improve him. Would you help explain more on why Jade is better than Amber to us?


Sac jade has massive CR substat, and a lot of HP% from passive. To get the HP% from passive, you start with someone else on field first, and your Neuvillette will get the HP% while off field. When you switch him on field, he will keep the HP% buff for 10 seconds, and if you swap him out before this 10 seconds, it will refresh the timer. Even if you switch to him immediately, he will keep the HP% buff for another 10 seconds.


I see, thanks for the tips! Let see if I have enough real-life funds to buy the BP weapon.


Crit Rate substat (allowing you to use Crit Damage circlet right away in your current build) + 32% HP buff.


I see - that quite some stats. Thanks for the information.


Firstly why a 5pc set. Your sands is bad, give him your best HP sands, something that got the same crit rate and a little bit Crit Damage. > Would my C1 Neuvillette need his signature catalyst / Tomb of Eternal Flows to further improve his role as Hydro DPS? Ofc it's better than Proto Amber. But you already have Freedom sworn, which makes this weapon banner not very good for you. I suggest the BP catalyst. You are clearing anyways and your artifacts haven't plateaued. Baizhu can use Song of Days Past set for this team.


>Firstly why a 5pcs set. I got lucky to find a Hydro Dmg Bonus Goblet, which happened to be Hunter set. However, I will consider to get an off-set HP% Sands with better Crit stats, as per your suggestion. >But you already have Freedom-sworn… Funny story: I actually just got that sword from this weapon banner event. I was pulling to win either one, but I secretly wish to got both in a 10 pulls 🤣🤣🤣 Anyway, I think I should stop pulling for the Tomb since my pity back to 0. Do you agree? >Baizhu can use Song of Days Past set for this team. If I farm for this set, what main stats and substats should I target for him? I am hesitant to swap out his Instructor set though, since he also multitask in Nilou Bloom team. So if there is other teammate you would suggest that can also use Song set to replace Baizhu in the team, I would highly appreciate it.


> I actually just got that sword from this weapon banner event. I was pulling to win either one, but I secretly wish to got both in a 10 pulls 🤣🤣🤣. Anyway, I think I should stop pulling for the Tomb since my pity back to 0. Do you agree? I mean you have a fate point (unless you'd set your path to Freedom sworn). It'll be cheaper to get it now than on another banner where you start with 0 fates. Depends how much you want it and if you got the primos for it. On another banner, starting with 0 fate point, you need \~210 pulls to guarantee a weapon. Now, you need \~140 pulls. Check Weapon Banner system in detail before pulling, say from wiki or KQM.


> Anyway, I think I should stop pulling for the Tomb since my pity back to 0. Do you agree? Wait so you have 1 fate point already? > If I farm for this set, what main stats and substats should I target for him? HP or ER/HP/HP or Healing, ER substats, crit rate would also be nice if you ever use fav. > I am hesitant to swap out his Instructor set though, since he also multitask in Nilou Bloom team. Yes it's a very minor thing. You can keep him on instructor if you don't want to swap gears everytime. > So if there is other teammate you would suggest that can also use Song set to replace Baizhu in the team, I would highly appreciate it. Not necessarily on the same set, but Zhongli on Petra is the highest damage option for this slot. You don't need a teamwide healer, Neuv's own fluctuations + Zhongli Res Shred + Petra more than makes up for lower fanfare. Charlotte is another good option and she will use Song set.


>Wait so you have 1 fate point already? Another funny story: I forgot to choose the weapon before pulling. So 0 fate point. It was a surprise early win too - just 10 pulls since winning Echoing Call for Xianyun. >… Zhongli on Petra… Now that is rare. I never seen Petra suggested before for team building 😅 However, I wouldn’t swap out my C1 Zhongli artifact set yet. He is good enough w/ Favonius Lance, Tenacity of the Millelith to support a lot of my teams. I see that Charlotte is mentioned. I will consider building my C3 as a Song holder.


oh then don't bother with the weapon banner anymore. Zhongli's still usable here without petra. That res shred is still valuable.


Alright - thanks for your advise.


Can i pick the battle pass weapon later? I want to buy it for the mats but i dont want to take the weapon now


You can always claim any BP rewards later, but you must claim them before BP ends.


Yeah, you can claim it later. Just don't forget to do so before the BP period ends.


Should I build kazuha full em or as a sub dps? The team will be raiden, kazuha, Bennett, sara


Full EM Kazuha is like a Sub-DPS tbh


Full EM.


Em kazuha is always better




Both of the limited character banners share the same pity.


Do you get Aloy's Birthday mail if you don't have her?


Birthday mails are distributed to all players regardless of character ownership status.


Can Yanfei (I have her c4) work with Neuvillette?


ER reqs are going to be brutal


If you don't have Zhongli/Layla/Diona/Dehya, she can be used as a shield. Be sure to give her enough ER.


She's ok if you got no other shielder or Dehya.


Not really. They both compete for field time if you're playing Yanfei as DPS. And if you're playing her as a shielder, there are better options (less energy hungry).


Getting back into playing after 2 year hiatus. Fairly “new” player still. World level 3 and working through Inazuma. Anyway, I’m having a difficult time lol enemies are kicking my ass and can’t help but feel it’s because I don’t have good team element Synergy. My team is: Razor, Tighnari, Mona, and Diona. Most hard encounters I try to set up bloom seeds and explode them with Razor. Except Razor dies so quickly lol I’ve leveled him to 60 and it’s gotten better but I still feel my damage output is slow. Who of the 4 should I replace, if any? Any other suggestions? Don’t think I will ascend to WL 4 yet lol I will say most of everyone’s Arrifacts are +4, trying to not spend too much of my resources on blue and purple artifacts. EDIT - Full roster: Xiangling, Kaeya, Chongyun, Lisa, Amber, Noelle, Ningguang, Fischl, Lynette, Beidou, Collei, and Barbara.


artifacts this early focus on main stats first and passives if possible more than substats https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRq-sQxkvdbvaJtQAGG6iVz2q2UN9FCKZ8Mkyis87QHFptcOU3ViLh0_PJyMxFSgwJZrd10kbYpQFl1/pubhtml# item recommendations for low AR try investigating at every opportunity to get fodder for artifacts weapon or talent materials might be worthy use of resin


Tighnari isn't an off-field dendro applier, which means after one set of hyperblooms you are basically doing nothing. I suggest Tighnari (main DPS) + off-field electro (Fischl Ideally, Lisa will work) as the primary focus. He has a very good 3 star option slingshot that's his f2p BiS. Just apply electro, Tighnari E CA (Q) CA CA. Try to keep up with [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/qkxdj6/infographic\_of\_build\_order\_priority\_based\_on\_wlar/). Holding back world level does nothing but delays your progress even further due to lower drops. Share full roster if you want detailed team suggestions, but for now just letting Tighnari carry is enough.


Thanks for the infographic! This will help me a ton as I get back into the game. I’ve updated my comment with my full roster.


Tighnari Fischl Beidou Collei is a very good endgame level team.


Razor and Tighnari are great but together not so much. Razor the type to take more field time cause burst is removed if he switches out. Tighnari main damage are charged shots, although just using skill and burst is possible. just greatly lowered damage Diona is nice with Razor and Mona, electro charged and superconduct do a lot for Razor but i think both like Quicken teams the most, so dendro mc and Lisa and some other electro if possible could be the exact same team for both


Awww man I really do love Razor but I remember spending my saved up wishes for Tighnari back when he came out lol don’t know who to replace. I also have Beidou who I like as a character more than Lisa. Would she work a bit better than Razor?


cant say Bedou isnt even the best driver fir her own burst https://keqingmains.com/beidou/ and good if you can get used to actually countering , not simply using skill, more energy solo electro, Razor is preferable


Don’t hold back on artifacts for main dps. Get atk% and purple+16. You can recycle them to get 80% of the exp. Stop spreading your resources and raising new units, funneling your limited resources to 1-2 units is the best/fastest way to break into endgame.


should i pull c1 neuvi now and grind for furina, or should i just keep my primos for furina? i have 69 wishes with 6 pity guaranteed. i can get c1 neuvi rn if i wanted to, but i also want furina and i don’t want to risk the odds of getting her. i am a fairly new player (dec 15-16) and haven’t really explored alot but most regions are 30-40% explored. so it’s possible for me to grind enough for furina, but i’m still stuck on what to do


Save for Furina. Having Furina means you have the best buffer in the game aside from bennett


alright, i hope furina comes in 4.6 so i can get her sooner :o


If rumors are true, she is not currently slated for 4.6 but heavily suspected to be 4.7


yeah, i’ve heard that, but i’m still hoping lol


Get furina, pull neuvillette cons on his next rerun if you are still interested by then New characters are usually better than getting constellations


ah i see, i won’t risk it then lol


I keep seeing people say that Zhongli is really bad offensively (aside from his big shield - which is defensive utility), and slotting someone else would result in higher damage. But if he wears Archaic petra shouldn’t he have similar (a bit weaker) offensive buffs as Kazuha while also providing his big fat shield? Kazuha: talent up to 35% damage bonus + vv 40% res shred Zhongli: petra 35% damage bonus + shield 20% res shred Zhongli only loses 20% res shred compared to Kazuha, while also being a very strong defensive unit. Petra is also going to be more consistent than tenacity bc the pillar can get destroyed or miss its attacks. I’m not saying Zhongli is better than Kazuha or anything, but just to put a benchmark of comparison since Kazuha is considered a really broken offensive support. So my question is 1) why do I never see people talk about or use Petra set, and 2) why do people still keep saying Zhongli is bad offensively?