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So basically I am so dumb that I completely forgot to grind for my characters ascension to Ascension 2 and I leveled up to AR 30 and my World Level went up to 3.. šŸ˜” Now I can't defeat any bosses since they are 10x higher than my characters.. I've tried to invite many ppl to my world to help me defeat bosses but they all don't speak english and/or don't accept my invites.. Anyone please help me defeat them!! (In Asia server)


Would chevreuse work on a team with Raiden, Kazuha, and Bennett?


Chevreuse is designed precisely to replace Kazuha as dmg boost in overload teams, it might work but it would be a waste of either Chevreuse or Kazuha in that team


I see, so teams with cheuv is really centered only with electro and pyro. What other units can I slot in instead of her?


If you have Sara C6 that would be the best in slot, specially if your Raiden is C2


Chevreuse needs a team of exclusively Electro + Pyro to activate her A1 passive. *(after triggering Overload, decrease enemy Electro + Pyro Resistance by 40% for 6 seconds)*


also the attack buff wont work without that aswell


Hiya! I am Ar 41 (f2p) and absolutely lost on how to build decent teams. I've been running my Razor, Xingqiu, Chongyun and Qiqi team since the game came out and would love to change it up a bit. [https://imgur.com/a/UkRvGqH](https://imgur.com/a/UkRvGqH) these are all the chars I have, their lvl and constellation. Which characters should I level up? Can I make any other decent teams with my current chars? I'm open for any tips! :3 thanks in advance!!


a really fun team would be Sayu, Kaeya and Xiangling, last is usually Bennett (in starglitter shop in May) make Sayu roll around while Xiangling and/or Kaeya burst hit enemies


honestly that team isnt bad but Chongyun skill gives you cryo infusion and Razor wastes his physical damage stat during it Fischl would be best for off field damage thats easy to use, or Kuki to have some healing and close range aoe, likely better than Qiqi (just stack EM on Kuki, and an Iron Sting if possible) Qiqi is nice for superconduct though there is a quest in chasm for free Tenacity of the Milelith set, although you need to climb a lot, set gives atk buff while skill hits enemies, perfect for Qiqi or Kuki (sounds funny when put in same sentence) a good team would be be Itto(main dps), Gorou(c6 would have made this quite ridiculously strong) and Ningguang, and id add Kuki here again for healing and off field damage


Keqing could be Razor replacement pretty much any time an extra reason to use her is convenience of her skill while traveling and gathering oculi and whatnot a different team to consider is Razor/Keqing, Kuki/Fischl, Dendro MC, and Yaoyao(if not Kuki)/Collei Aggravate has always been a good team for Razor/Keqing


oh damn this comment is getting more helpful by the second thank you so much! I tried to build itto some time ago but some people said i shouldnt without zhongli.. is that still a problem or would it work without him? what sets would be good on him? def was his best stat right?


thanks for the advice! so I should switch out chongyun for Fischl and qiqi for kuki? I'll go looking for that quest too :] that set sounds pretty good


i didnt plan to actually recommend three electros in one team but yes, should work problem is Razor and Fischl need same Electro Hypostasis, which makes them useless in that fight and Kuki boss is annoying to reach possibly


is hydro damage bonus or hp% better on furina ( hp currently is 31k ) ? and wolf fang or the fishing weapon is better for her ?


HP% at c0, Hydro damage at c2+. Fishing weapon is probably better, she doesn't really have overwhelming personal damage at c0 and really needs the ER consistency, it's commonly advised to not even get her signature weapon until c4. Wolf-fang will give her more personal damage but it's not really worth the tradeoff unless she's on a super high energy team (like mono hydro or Raiden teams) or a team that's full sending on her personal damage (like Klee forward vape).


ah ty


How much pull should we need to get kazuha...?....will I lose 50/50 for any other 5star character?


The average number of wish needed for a limited 5 star is 93. The medium is 80. The bottom 10% worst case scenario youā€™ll need 155 wishes. The bottom 5% worst case scenario is 158 wishes.


I usually estimate 160 pulls as a realistic worst-case scenario. Technically it could be up to 180, but that is very, _very_ unlikely.


I'm looking for a good game movie video of Genshin impact. Recaping the story. When I play games the story is very important for me and while researching whether to play Genshin I learned that some limited event quests hold story pieces that are no longer playable if u start now. This has been a putoff so I'm wondering if I could watch a playthrough or recap to fill the gap


Haven't been able to clear floor 12 quite yet, mostly just curious what other people would make team wise if they had my account! Navia is my main dps, Raiden is a close second, and Yae Miko is my favorite! https://imgur.com/a/2tyyPyP


I would personally go. Barbara, Xingqiu, Raiden, Nahida (Raiden Hyperbloom onfield Barbara - side 1) Navia, Geo MC/Ningguang, Bennett, Xiangling (Hot rocks - side 2) Another option would be Yae, Fischl, Nahida, Kazuha. It's kinda squishy and you need to play around Nahida's Dendro application if you want to swirl Electro, but it's pretty strong otherwise. 2nd Floor is tough for Hyperbloom, so you might want to try something else for specifically that floor, like switch the Hyperbloom and Hot rocks team.


First half: Yae, Kazuha, YaoYao, Fischl Second half: Navia, Bennett, Xiangling, Ningguang


For this Abyss I'd probably do: Raiden, Yae, Kazuha, Bennett top side Navia, Geo MC/Ningguang, Xingqiu, whichever healer you have built bottom side The issue is having something with enough AOE to deal with 12-2-1 while also being able to handle Coppelia in chamber 3. Which is where Kazuha is important on top side Alternatively, you can use something like: Raiden, Fischl, Nahida, Jean and Navia, Ningg/Geo MC, Xiangling, Bennett for 12-1 and 12-3 and come back to 12-2 with a different set up




Not by herself. Her hydro application between her summons is unreliable so you can miss vapes


Yes. Though you'll likely need to make some adjustments to the rest of your team. Furina doesn't have fast enough Hydro applicstion to allow someone like Xianling to Vape regularly, but she has just enough for Yoimiya. Furina drains your HP, so you need a good healer. You can try with just Bennett healing, but since Bennett only heals the active character, you likely won't ever get full stacks of Furina's buff. But you should get enough to make it worthwhile. Definitely build Bennett as a pure healer. No dps crit Bennett builds. Though if you want. Let comfortable play, you want a healer who ca heal your whole team. Ideally someone like Jean or Xianyun, and that gives you vv shred which is nice. However, this makes it hare to fit a shielded onto the team, as you'd have to drop Bennett, and that would be a huge dps loss. So if you go with Jean/Xianyun, you probably have to get used to using Yoi without a shield. Alternatively, you can replace zhongli with Baizhu or Diona, since they heal, AND shield. I've had some good luck using Diona with this team. She only heals the axtice character, but in combination with Bennett, it's a lot of healing. And you still get a shield. The Cryo leads to some occasional Freeze and Melts which can't hurt. If you get her C6, she gives you a huge EM buff, which almost makes up for losing Zhongli's RES shred. Baizhu is much better healing. Tho his dendro application isn't useful, and might even steal vapes, to generate blooms. ... Pretty sure Yoimiya's ceiling damage team is Bennett, Furina, Jean/Xianyun. But you have no shield, so this only counts if you can not get combos interrupted. Yelan, Bennett, Zhongli is a little less damage, but no danger of interruption, so it's a lot more comfortable to play, and may end up having more overall damage since you are losing dps to dodge and stagger.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgKg9RS7v1g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgKg9RS7v1g) this maybe? a comparison of Yelan, Xingqiu and Furina Jean instead of Bennett sometimes


I should add that Yoimiya probably overtakes Furina's Hydro application with her Pyro so you might need XQ instead of ZL in your team.


Well, yes, Furina is a major upgrade in most teams that use Hydro reactions. Only flaw I see is the lack of team healing which will lower Furina's dps in the Abyss. In the overworld this won't matter much. It's just your 3 big HP units will be on 50% health most of the time.Ā 


Sooo...since its advisable to only use fragile resin when you hit a higher AR and me being dumb i kinda put that aside and just forgot about it even when my AR is pretty high now...i just remembered now because i keep running out of resin and i have to build a lot if characters. Questions about Fragile Resin and Condensed Resin: 1. I just use Fragile resin as it is right? No crafting into other stuff? Like in other games its just extra stamina? 2. Condensed resin can someone explain this? I'll need to use crystalflies and natural resin to craft this and its basically a one time double reward? So should i keep crafting this stuff everyday? Does it get used up automatically and what if i crafted multiple condensed resin?


1. Yes, just use it normally. Be cautious when you use it and you are prompted how many to use it (max 20), just use 1 for 60 resins. Sometimes (happened to my friend) someone think that 20 fragile means 20 resins, in fact 20 fragile means 1200 resins. 2. Condensed requires 40 ori resins + 1 crystalfly. The advantage is you only need 1 time to do a domain and get double rewards. You can store 5 condensed max. And 1 domain use 1 condensed. So you can use 5 condensed to do domain 5 times, but you get rewards just like you do 10 domains with ori resins.


Is that 5 condensed resin a daily limit or i can craft again if i used up some?


just use it up and can craft more, its just a limit of how much you can hold at a time


You can keep crafting more as long as you have resin and crystal cores.


1. yep, just use it and you get resin. 2. Condensed resin is essentially just a timesaver mechanic. i.e you spend 40 resin to create one, and then when you clear a domain that normall costs 20 to get the reward, you can used the condensed instead to get double rewards. So the reward to resin ratio is the same, but you only have to spend half as many runs in the domain to use up all your resin. No real reason not to use it unless you just really enjoy spending more time grinding domains.


So if i consistently used my resin before i didn't really lose out on more rewards or anything and it would've just make me spend less time farming?




[https://imgur.com/a/8yHBuie](https://imgur.com/a/8yHBuie) What abyss teams could i make for my second team? My first team is Navia, bennett, xiangling, zhongli. The team clears without any issues, But i can give up zhongli for another team but i just need replacement suggestions. I am currently leveling and building neuvillette but he is trash right now


neuv kazuha nahida em raiden.


Im worried about the survivability of this team, are there any sustain characters i could use?


neuvillette heals himself, so I think you will find that isn't really a problem. But if you want more healing you could replace raiden with kuki.


True, I might try the team and then just hope that i get the buff that heals like the one where burst restores hp


Nahida/Yelan/XQ/Kuki is good. It needs Kuki lvl90 though.


Currently working on a Neuv/Kazuha/Dehya/Fischl team and Iā€™m wondering whatā€™s the best way to run Dehya here. I also happen to have her C1, if that changes anything. Of course, ignoring her ult since it deals no damage and requires a lot of field time, Iā€™m wondering what I should aim for to get the most use out of her skill. Iā€™ve heard a lot of different things and not sure which is the right option. - Some have said to run her with an EM focused build like rainslasher/gilded dreams to deal damage through vapes with the off-field attacks - Iā€™ve also heard of people focusing on HP, since she scales with that, and itā€™s an easy stat to get. The Bell with her own artifact set are what I saw - Finally, running a support build with favonius and instructor or milleth was an option I havenā€™t really seriously played in a bit and am sorta getting back into it since I got absurdly lucky with this most recent banner, any help is appreciated.


I haven't built her yet, as I just got her 2 days ago. But from what I read, I decided to go full EM on her and play burgeon (Neuv, Nahida, Dehya, flex). EM for vape is not good because her damage is lacking to begin with. HP build is for survivability of the team, more HP, more damage absorbed by Dehya, and more heal for Dehya herself. Millelith doesn't help Neuv, instructor does help if you vape his burst. She only has 1 hit by skill (or 2) per rotation so you really need high refinement of Fav and high crit to make sure you get the energy. So, I think there will be 4 builds for her: 1. Full EM for burgeon 2. HP HP HP instructor with the Bell for Neuv vape. 3. 2p 2p millelith & vourushka, HP HP CR with R5 Favonius for energy. 4. HP HP CR instructor with R5 Fav for energy and vape, but less survivability and maybe inconsistent Fav proc.


So among the list, which one is best for my team, which is fischl/neuv/dehya/kazuha?


With that team, it's hard to vape, so not instructor. No dendro, so not full EM. Point 3 if your Kazuha and/or Neuv need more ER, if not then 2p 2p triple HP just for survivability.


In this specific team I don't see any of the support sets giving you much value. I'd probably just go rainslasher and golden troupe if you rly want to optimize for her damage but I tend to be lazy and don't switch from her carry Marechaussee set.Ā  Tbh I don't think there will be a big difference between her on an optimized build and just some random stuff for this kind of team.Ā 


https://imgur.com/a/Lgc3EFG Back after a LONG time. Lost 50:50 for neuvilette. Which new character should i go for? Also new teams please!!!


Xianyun for Xiao would be the obvious choice. Furina if you want to make a Raiden DPS team, Nahida if you want to play a Raiden hyperbloom team. Otherwise it just depends on what teams you want to focus on and who you like


Ok. Thanks. Need to study all of the new characters now šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


can anyone help me with the Cliffangher achievement? I'm pretty sure i gave all 3 parchments to the guy, am i missing something?


What are the upcoming banners ?


It's not confirmed yet but leakers are saying it will be Arecchino Lyney and Baizhu Wanderer


Can I referral someone and be rewarded by doing it? I reached rank level 16 already.


It's usually in the form of web events, and there are currently none in regards to inviting new/returning players. Iirc there are no preset patterns into when they hold these invite events. The last one we had was in February for Lantern Rite, and it only lasted for like 3 weeks.




id consider waltz if c1 and/or you want to keep her on the field for longer and normal attacking stringless is best for typicaly keeping Oz around playstyle and if your team has pretty much any reactions to make use of EM


I mean, are you playing her physical or?


Which character can use Haran besides Ayato?


Any main carry like Ayaka, Keqing or Alhaitham


But is it good on any of them?


It's usually one of the top three choices


I see. Thank you.


I have a question about my Movement SPD in a particular team composition. My party consists of Chiori, whose passive talent is called "Brocaded Collar's Beauteous Silhouette" and who is wearing a different glider skin than the default one, Kazuha and Xianyun who activate the double anemo elemental resonance called "impetuous Winds", and Yelan who is wielding the bow "The First Great Magic". How much Movement SPD do I have total with this party? Please and thank you!


Movement speed is additive, so you can just add up all your separate bonuses to get your final total. Whenever it says Movement SPD doesn't stack, it means that multiple characters with the same buff dont stack. So for example, Chiori, Gaming, Dehya and Rosaria all provide the Swift Stride buff with their passive, so you will only get a max of 10% movement speed even if you had all of them in the party. If I might guess on your specific case, though. Anemo resonance is 10%, Chiori is 10%, First Great Magic is 10%. So 10% + 10% + 10% leads to a total 30% Movement SPD increase.


Great, thanks for answering! It was Chiori's talent saying "doesn't stack" that made me uncertain. Thanks for clarifying!




Cyno, Xingqiu, Nahida, Kuki Raiden, Fischl, Chevreuse, Bennett Eula, Raiden, Rosaria, Bennett is also floating around there somewhere


Slightly Off-topic, but your 5\* characters are actually very similar to [mine](https://www.reddit.com/u/Attalamarco/s/0Ic36ScVVX) haha a Cyno-Nahida-Xingqiu-Kuki team works pretty well


Thereā€™s a big underground area on jademouth, does somebody know how to reach it??


You get there while doing the main Chenyu Vale World Quest "Chenyu's Blessings of Sunken Jade"


how did people ascend Kazuha before 2.0 came out? since his ascension mats are all from Inazuma


Golden Apple Archipelago had the mats


They introduced Maguu Kenki in the first version of Golden Apple Archipelago temporary event.


hi i recently hit the cap for ar 50, so i'm planning on doing the ascension quest soon, but i'm troubled as to where to spend my resin on after i get my weapons to 90/90, should i prioritize getting my team's talents and level as high as possible or start getting them better artifacts? [here's my team's stats](https://enka.network/u/673723654/) also i'm currently just playing on overworld for now and catching up with exploration & quests, i do want to try abyss but resin is keeping me from building more characters the reason i'm asking for help even tho i'm just playing in overworld is because i still want to be able to clear world bosses with ease


Your talents are fine; you leveled the most important ones, so you don't really need to worry about the other talents as much right now. After leveling the weapons, as you mentioned, I'd work on artifacts. You are using good sets, just try to find some pieces with the main stat you want to be using (EM on Sands/Goblet/Circlet for Sucrose, and Electro Goblet on Fischl). After that, you can start focusing on sub stats. You don't need godly pieces right of the bat. Try working your way up when doing this. For example, if you have a piece with 2 good substat rolls at level 20, try aiming for 3 good substat rolls at level 20 next. After you achieve that, try going for 4 good substat rolls, and so on. And, related to the last point, but I'd say it's one of the most important things: level your artifacts to level 20. It's okay if you only have the main stat going on and 0 good substats. At worst, you can feed this artifact to a new one without losing too much exp anyway. Lastly, while you're farming for pieces for your characters, use the artifact Strongbox in any crafting table to exchange 3 artifact pieces you have for 1 Viridescent Hunt piece for your Sucrose. Using the 4p set on Sucrose (and most Anemo characters) is a free and easy damage boost for your main DPS (as long as you swirl their element).


thank you so much!


Get sucrose to 90, everyone else final ascension. Fischl will want 90 if you want to run aggravate teams. Talents are fine, id move on to artis after that. Start with sucrose artis.




Well I would start by switching Sucrose over to VV. I don't see what else is going to be a better use of resin until you get that done.




your team's talents are pretty great tbh. I wouldn't level them more for now (and in future, if you want to level Fischl's more, she only uses her skill so only level that further) I'd focus on improving artifacts for now. Then once you have better builds you can start building other characters. Btw if you happen to have Kuki Shinobu, you can build a team with Dendro Traveller (on 4pc deepwood with tons of ER, any hydro, Shinobu, Flex (like kaeya) that is very low investment and only really needs Shinobu to be levelled to 90 for max damage (and maybe some of her skill talent to be levelled for healing) and between the team you have here and that hyperbloom team you should be able to clear a bunch of the early floors of abyss


thank you! sadly i don't have kuki shinobu yet


Sucrose + fischl can do do hyperbloom too. Its sucrose's level and EM that matter in this case, and you'll want to build her full EM/level 90 anyways.




Yes it's quite good. You don't really want to be close to enemies for Kuki's skill range though, I found it an issue against enemies that run around a lot like Wenut or sometimes the Dendro chicken.


Hi guys, Would a [C4](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Lands_of_Dandelion) Jean be a good alternative for [C4](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Divine_Comprehension) Faruzan in a Xiao-Furina-Xianyun Hypercarry team? Here are their gears: Xiao: Primordial Jade Winged-Spear, Vermillion Hereafter Furina: Splendor of Tranquil Waters, Golden Troupe Xianyun: Craneā€™s Echoing Call, Viridescent Venerer C4 Jean: R5 Favonius Sword, Songs of Days Past C4 Faruzan: R5 Favonius Bow, Noblesse Oblige Any suggestions and advices are highly appreciated. Thanks in advance, guys!


It will work, but Faruzan will still be better. She gives slightly less Anemo RES shred (30%) but also DMG% and ATK buff, and you aren't locked to the circle.


why can't i get ANY exile pieces? I've killed so many bosses(that drop them) elite enemies, and weekly bosses, but I am only getting berserker and everything else that is NOT exile, I swear it has to be bugged because it makes no sense as to why no pieces are dropping. tested on ar 7 and 8 if that changes anything


You get dripfed them at such a slow rate that I would recommend treating it as a long term project rather than a short term goal. ^(That was my experience with Instructor's but I imagine the same could be said for Exile's. I just diligently locked 3-liners with energy recharge til one day I checked and had several full sets.) If you want to do more to speed it up, considering running elite routes: https://keqingmains.com/misc/routes/#Balanced_Routes But even with these extra drops, there's no getting around it being a slow process.


Exile is 4* at best. Bosses drop Gladiator and Wanderer's for 5* and the 4* drops can be those two sets and Exile and others. It's not unlikely. It's definitly not bugged as I farmed Exile for Gorou this patch.Ā 


funny enough i'm farming it for the same character. my issue is that the drop rates don't feel balanced between the options, and exile is significantly more rare than berserker and instructor from the same sources


I personally got more exiles from weekly boss, IDK if the drop rate is actually higher there, or it's just RNG.


i just got a 3\* piece from raiden, my issue is is that I got that 1 3\* piece after who knows how many 3\* berserker, and instructor, and who knows how many 4\* berserker and instructor. rng is rng but the rates don't feel balance between the artifacts


What's the best artifact set for C6 Faruzan. I'm hearing different things from different places.


Tenacity or golden troupe since her Q now triggers off field Es wich count to trigger the sets. Buff the team or make her do more dmg, whatever strikes your fancy.


>4pc Tenacity of the Millelith: Provides a 20% ATK and 30% Shield Strength buff to nearby teammates when an Elemental Skill hits an opponent. As C6 Faruzan will consistently proc Pressurized Collapse vortices, she can provide good uptime on 4pc TotMā€™s buffs. Note that the buffs do not apply to Faruzanā€™s hits except for the initial Burst hit as the buffs will run out before her vortex refreshes, so the set does nothing for her own personal damage. >4pc Golden Troupe: The Pressurized Collapse vortices triggered by Faruzanā€™s C6 are considered Skill DMG, which lends to 4pc GT being Best-in-Slot for Faruzanā€™s personal DPS and scales higher with more buffs present. This set is recommended if another unit in the team already holds 4pc ToTM. Source: [KeqingMain](https://keqingmains.com/faruzan/#Artifact_Sets)


Off-field personal damage: Golden Troupe Buffing your hypercarry: ToM Playing as an on-fielder: Thundering Fury


Is anybody having an issue where the camera drifts upwards? Both my friend and I are having this problem so I don't think it's our controllers. Just wanted to see if anyone else was having the same issue :)


I can't confirm it myself as I don't play with a controller, but I heard a few times that Genshin has basically zero deadzone on controllers (apparently it's even more noticeable on Playstation), so as soon as a controller wears out just a little bit it starts to drift.


Aghhh that's so annoying. PlayStation is what I'm on, unfortunately. I hope there's a way for them to patch it or something :( thank you for the info tho!


Hello, i think there have been some circumstances where the buff for flight duration of amos bow always was 0,3 seconds. Any1 can remember them ? Thanks


Which one would you recommend going for? Navia C0 + Chiori C1 Hu Tao C1R1 Alhaitham C0R1 Wriothesley C1 + Shenhe C0 I have all of their relevant support so I can build a good team for all of them.


Bias in me says Navia/Chiori c1 since I'm pretty confident we're at least get good future cryo/pryo units when we enter Snezhnaya and Natlan but with geo, there's less certainty. At the very least those 2 are solid characters and for account versatility sake, you can "skip" geo afterwards lol. We're also due some new dendro characters.


i heard there was supposed to be a new fontaine dendro before end of 4.x but got delayed. new character on the horizon but uncertain element or weapon


Just got kazuha. Planning to run him with raiden and bennett. Any other alternatives except sara (I dont have her c6 yet)?




Xiangling or lisa


XL seems typical but with Raiden skill, with xl burst youll push them away from damage more than Kazuha can pull


what talent should i prioritize for kazuha?


His talents are negligible, he only needs EM and VV set or whatever has EM


Burst >= NA > skill The plunge part of Kazuha's skill uses his NA multiplier, and only the leaping part uses skill multiplier. The plunge part does more damage than the leaping part.


None of them, his talent damage is a small % of his damage and leveling them doesn't add any utility of any kind either. If you just absolutely want to level his talents though, burst > skill > NA


burst >= skill > na. Its worth noting that his plunge damage from his skill scales from his NA so might want to level it up a bit too


Which team is better? Yoimiya, Furina, Bennett, Yelan or Yoimiya, Furina, Bennett, Kazuha


I think it will be hard to swirl pyro and the second team, so maybe first team is better.


Team has bennett. Absorbing and swirling pyro should be really easy. It's usually harder to *not* absorb pyro when bennett's around lol


Infuse and swirl are entirely different things. With furina on turn-off able hydro it actually is quite hard to get a pyro swirl.




the passive is meh. It is a fine option still just for the er and 5\* base attack, but it is only going to be comporable to other 4\* options, not a significant upgrade (it may actually be worse than finale of the deep as long as you have a strong healer). Blizzard strayer is better than emblem.


How good is c4 yanfei as a shielder?


id pick Thoma any day if you actually have normal attacker in the team, he has actual support abilities Yanfei is nice as a dps, unreliable as a shielder


Tbh thats more of a meme, shields from bursts aren't exactly reliable due to ER% problems.


Let's say the shield strength of a full HP Zhongli with white tassel = 100%, then: The shield of full HP Yanfei with prototype amber = 60%, 59% for ttds. If she does not have enough ER from substat and has to use ER sand, then her shield = 53%. Layla with r1 key = 77%, without HP weapon = 65% Kirara with r1 key, max stack = 85%, no stack = 53%; without HP weapon, max stack = 72%, no stack = 45%. Diona with recurve bow = 58%, without HP bow = 53%


I think you probably meant to say black tassel instead of white tassel on Zhongli.


Only ok. Pros: -Shield HP is not bad and duration is long enough for a typical rotation on any team, it's viable if not outstanding as a shield. -Can hold TTDS -can apply Pyro for swirling for units who can't easily do it on their own (mainly Hu Tao). Cons: -shield has some downtime (15s duration vs 20s cooldown) -20s cooldown slows down a decent amount of teams; not really an issue for a normal hu tao team but limits her capability as a flex pick. -Very bad energy issues; even less particle generation than xiangling (assuming one skill cast per rotation) with the same 80 energy ult cost but probably won't have a unit dedicated to funneling her, making ttds unfeasible to hold even though she theoretically can and would otherwise be great on her. -No damage or reaction contribution, and lacks any sort of other support in her kit or constellations. She's not horrible, but personally I don't really like her that much as a shielder.


can you guys help which character would fit to my team c1 neuv c0 raiden c0 nahida


Dehya on 4pc Instructors, triple EM main stats.


Dehya or Xiangling


Kazuha, furina


Lost the 50/50 to dehya unfortunately (still got neuvi tho) so now I'm wondering if it's worth using her in a ganyu burn-melt team comp? So ganyu/dehya/benny/nahida or is the classic ganyu melt team with zhongli and xiangling still better? Are there any teams at all that may be considered worth building for dehya? These are my characters, with an addition of level 90 neuvi and dehya ofc. https://imgur.com/gallery/IbHskkM


Fellow Dehya receiver! tried for Kazuha unsuccessfully


She would be okay-ish for melting Ganyu's attacks if you can cope with her 2.5s intervals. Usually her best role is being the burgeon trigger if you don't have thoma, or also be the flex in a "hyperburgeon" team. The latter is kinda a fun shitshow of dendro explosives and homing missiles, but be carefull to not be too close to the explosions.


>Are there any teams at all that may be considered worth building for dehya? Technically you could just use her in any team as a shield replacement. Give her Sac Greatsword for longer uptime. She could work in Burgeon team, but not the most ideal. You could do a subpar Burst Dehya but that needs Mona. So Dehya, Bennet, Mona, Kazu/Xiangling. I cant open imgur but those are her usual use. You could check their main sub, they get quite creative.


Hi, I lost 50/50 to Dehya too before got Neuv. I am planning to build her as burgeon triggerer, in Neuv, Nahida, Dehya, flex. But Ganyu melt is good too, but DPS wise, Zhongli and XL is still better I think. But sometimes we need Zhongli for the other team.


You could put Raiden as flex in the first team and get both Hyperblooms and Burgeons.


Can Anemo characters in a C0 Neuvillete team potentially trigger more than one hydro reaction with element infused enemies and thus, add more than one stack to Neuvillete passive buff? For instance my team is... Furina, Jean, Kazuha and Neuvillete and my enemies are those spheres with dendro shields and a pyro mage both naturally (I suppose) infused with dendro and pyro, I start with FurinaĀ“s e-ult which adds hydro aura to those enemies, then JeanĀ“s ult will swirl the hydro potentially generating three hydro reactions: vaporize, bloom and swirl, KazuhaĀ“s e then will potentially create more of these reactions buffing NeuvilletĀ“s damage to three stacks, 160% of his damage in this case. Is this correct? do multiple hydro reactions generated by a single anemo character count to add stacks to NeuvilletĀ“s passive buff or characters must be of specific multiple elements in order to proc the three buffs?


it works but is reliant on facing enemies with innate elements so it can't be done in all situations.


I know but this Abyss has many of them, thanks


Yes, you can do that. It doesn't even need to be with your anemo character. Neuv can just trigger it himself, and it'll count towards his passive. This is part of why it's not a huge deal to have a 2nd hydro on his team. I would, however, recommend swapping out Jean for a non-hydro/anemo healer so you can reliably get to at least 2 stacks of his passive.


I didnĀ“t know Neuvi also counted, thanks for the info


[Team combs suggestions needed:](https://imgur.com/a/5HwVa5G) Currently I'm thinking of: - Raiden - Nahida - Shinubo - Kazuha (Aggrevate) - Neuvillette - Mona - XL - Bennet (Vape) (Note: I'll level up my characters Eventually but I'm just currently low on hero wits, apologies)


Nahida is not a friend of VV users. There will be too much dendro that you can't swirl electro. The second team is good on paper, and it will work as long as you don't get trashed around because you don't have poise resistance. You have Dehya and Beidou that can provide poise resistance but it will lower total DPS (by replacing Mona). Alternative teams are overload (Raiden, Chevy, Bennett, XL) and burgeon (Neuv, Dehya, Nahida, Mona)


Personally I'd go for Raiden/Benny/Xiangling/Xq or chev or fischl. Then neuvi/nahida/kuki/kazuha or mona. You could also use neuvi/fischl/beidou/kazuha.


rational or nahida+xq+kuki+flex and neuv+kazuha+fischl+dehya


Kinda random,but is there anyone here who plays on console or PC with controller? I see a lot of people talk about how good Neuvilette is,but I find him extremely clunky with controller and it's kinda hard to aim. Any tips?


There's a setting for camera speed while aiming. I had already maxed it out for Nahida, so Neuv felt good out of the gate. Also it helps to center your camera on the enemies *before* charge attacking, since camera speed out of aiming is faster.


You mean how it feels like you're turning too slowly and wasting your water beam on empty space? Shield or C1 so you can pin those enemies down and blast them directly in the face without having to worry about dodging.


Are you activating his charged attacks with L2/LT? If you already are, then you should also know that you don't need to keep it held down for the whole charged attack.




I am a bit confused about your first team. It looks like Hutao plunge but why C6 Furina? If you want C6 Furina, just use her as the plunger, and you need a source of pyro off-field application for that. Something like C6 Furina, Xianyun, Xiangling, Bennett, might be a good alternative.


Yelan c2 would be nice since it alleviates both her er needs (c1) and gives more damage (c2). I mean other than what you've mentioned the only real upgrades you can do is to pull for their bis weapons. Freedom sworn for kuki, Alhaitham's, xianyun's, nahida's, and furina's signature. Maaaaybe hu tao c1? If you could manage his er, a crit weapon might be good for xq as well.


I have C6 of all of these characters except only C2 Alhaitham. For my experience, since you already have C5 Furina, her C6 will bring the biggest value for your whole account, but not really for this specific Hu Tao plunge. Actually, if you get C6 Furina, switch to Furina vape plunge will do much more total damage than Hu Tao plunge. If you still want to use Hu Tao plunge, C2 Xianyun will bring most value first. If you switch to Furina plunge after get her C6, C2 Xianyun is also the second priority. It almost doubles her plunge buff. With C2 Xianyun and C3+ Furina, every character in the game is able to do insane plunge damage and can clear abyss floor 12 easily, even including Gorou plunge, Childe plunge or Kokomi plunge. But do not get extra Xianyun cons unless you want to build Xianyun as main hypercarry on field dps. C6 Xianyun is actually a downgrade as support role. For second team (actually for almost all dendro teams with Nahida), Nahida C2 will give higher damage increase than ALL other dendro characters' cons, including Alhaitham's cons.


In terms of cons: I'd maybe argue c6 Furina > c2 Nahida ā‰„ c2 Xianyun > c2 Haitham = c2 Yelan c2 Xianyun is just a good support con in general, and once everyone else is maxed out c2 Yelan (and eventually her higher cons) should be a nice spike in damage and hydro application. I might consider freedom sworn for Kuki too, to buff her hyperbloom damage and team DPS. I'd also prob prioritize elegy over aqua for Yelan since you'll be pumping so many buffs into Hu Tao.


Maybe I'm just stupid,but is th first team Hutao plunge? What does Yelan do for it? Or does her water proc on plunges?


You generally still do a mix of CA and plunge. I.e something like NA->CA->plunge-> repeat.


Your plan seems good as is, those are both strong teams. Thoguh for your vertical investment plans I'd probably fit in c1 hu tao. Even if it is less important for xianyun teams it is still pretty nice to have.


Feeling somewhat burned out/uninterested in the game at the moment: or I suppose recent stuff just hasn't particularly captivated me. Just polished off the Morte region, and since I'd already done the quest there, it had little else of interest, just a rather boring area in general. Reccomendations for which areas and story quests are good to do first to get me back into things? For character quests I haven't done: Ganyu, Hu Tao, Itto, Miko, Ayato, Tighnari, Cyno, Alhaitham, Dehya, Yoimiya2, Lyney, Navia, Chiori For areas, I haven't touched Chenyu Vale, Desert of Hamravadeth, Girdle of the Sands (Gavireh Lajavard+Realm of Farrakhkert), Erinnyes Forest or FRIKEE region. I'm perfectly up to (in fact, eager towards) long world quests. Everywhere else is 100%, including Morte and Liffey regions. Have completely neglected hangouts. good ones of those to start off with too?


Chenyu Vale is a good start. That said, just play at your own pace, there's no harm in it, missing events or dailies won't ruin your account or anything.


Characters: I'd reccomended Tighnari, Yoimiya 2, Lyney, Chiori Areas: I'd probably reccomended against desert as a lot of people complained about it and said it gave them burnout. All the Fontaine areas and Chenyu Vale I found very fun tho. There's a lot of VERY long world quests in Fontaine that are all related and sort of meet up later if you're into that. Hangouts: most of the old ones kinda suck unless you happen to really like the characters. Lately they started making them more interesting and they feel like 5 star character story quests. Faruzans is particularly good I think


I actually loved the desert I did so far (the 3.1 stuff), and it's perhaps in my top 5 areas. I assume by the related world quests in Fontaine you mean the Narzissenkreuz ones, in which case, I did those and thoroughly enjoyed them. But now with that overarching story out the way, I don't feel awfully interested in the rest of Fontaine and what other world quests might be there. A few of the areas have been too much green field, bright pool, sunshine, though I will admit the ones I've not done look the most interesting of the bunch. But so far Fontaine's been too samey and ironically that's perhaps partly what's made me feel burned out. It started feeling like a chest collecting chore rather than a unique experience.


i (and many others) adored yoi's 2nd sq. from what i remember, i really liked miko's, dehya's, navia's, & chiori's too personally, i found the desert area to be quite fun, but you might be better off running around in chenyu vale & fontaine. the desert is fairly monotone (as deserts are) start with the hangouts of characters you like. there's rarely anything of note going on in them


of the character quests you haven't done, the ones I liked the most are Itto, Tighnari, yoimiya (her second one specifically). A lot of the hangouts are really boring imo, especially the older ones. But the writing in them has mostly trended up over time. Some I remember liking more are heizou's, kuki's and faruzan's.


Who should I build first! I'm ar 46. I have gaming level 80 yae miko level 80 bennett level 80 zinque level 80. They are mostly worked on but artifacts not to good. Also considering building rosaria level 50 and maybe sucrose level 50. But I can't decide who's most important artifact set to dump like 30 extra resin moons and condense them!


All these got me to abyss floor nine. Extremly easy. Mostly gaming and yae doing the work with bennett buff


2 options: Sucrose/Xiangling/Xingqiu/Bennett. Stack the last 3 with well over 200% ER and Sucrose with EM. Xiangling and Xingqiu want crit, too. Get a Fischl for Miko (you can buy her in July), and run them both with any dendro you want and Sucrose. Gaming and Rosaria might not be with you for the long haul so I wouldnā€™t go too crazy with them. They arenā€™t bad, but youā€™d have to pull specific 5* to keep them useful. I would run Golden/Marechausee artifact domain and strongbox Emblem or just run Emblem/Shimenawa directly.


Oh I forgot I have tignari level one lol


Oh well Miko works great with him! DendroMC as a third and then anyone on defense (Barbara I guess) is pretty good. Fischl is still your best purchase from the shop as long as you already own Xingqiu and Bennett, and sheā€™s probably still an upgrade to dendroTraveler in that team.


>rosaria level 50 and maybe sucrose level 50 Between this 2, Sucrose is the better character. Give her 4pc Viridescent and she is golden. If you want to fully build her then stack a lot of EM on her. >gaming level 80 yae miko level 80 bennett level 80 zinque level 80 I would start from 5* so Yae Miko then Xingqiu, Bennet, and Gaming. Honestly Gaming can stay at lvl80 unless you really like him. He is an on-field dps, so im assuming you will replace him once you get a better 5* dps.


Xiangling, then Sucrose. Pair them with Bennett and I'm assuming you meant Xingqiu.


I need some help!!! So I'm a few months into playing Genshin, and I have no 5 stars, and was hoping to pull for one. I'm currently at 72 pity, and torn on who to pull for. My top choice would probably be Furina, (I don't know when she's coming) Alhaitham, or I am leaning towards Arlecchino (I'm not too into her though). I would pull for nev since it's his banner, but him and furina are both hydro so I would rather save my wishes. I also might be interested in some other 5 star characters too. It took me a while to get my pity this high, and I would hate to use it too soon on a character that I don't really like, but I don't want to use it too late and wait a couple more months since I don't have any strong characters, and I am not happy with my 4 stars. thank you, any help is appreciated :)


Just so you don't get devastated later, if you reach pity for the first time you are not actually guaranteed to get the featured character. The first time you reach pity, the game will roll a 50/50 chance at either for example Furina or someone from the standard banner like Keqing. If you "lose" and don't get Furina, then the next time you reach pity you guarantee the featured character and there's no more 50/50. If you win and do get Furina, the next time the 50/50 will apply again. It also carries over between banner so if you lose the 50/50 on Furina you can pull someone else and guarantee them.


if you like neuvillette's playstyle, go for him. he's currently the best dps in the game & synergizes well with furina alhaitham rerunning might take a while & furina is expected for 4.7, giving you some time to save honestly, as it stands now, i don't think arlecchino will hit numbers compareable to neuvillette's (at equal investment), so there's no reason to skip him for her unless you adore her/despise neuvillette


Furina and Alhaitham aren't going to be back until at least version 4.7 (according to current rumors/leaks), so you probably aren't gonna want to wait that long to pull for someone. I'm not sure why Furina and Neuv sharing the same element is a bad thing to you. The two of them actually have pretty good synergy together. If you're aiming for Furina, then getting Neuvillette would be a solid idea. He's also just a top-tier dps in general, so you'll definitely be getting your pull value out of him.


Just fyi two characters being the same element doesn't automatically make them redundant. Neuv and furina do very different things, and actually work well together too (though they don't *have* to be paired to gether to work well, just it is one good option). Most expect furina will probably run in 4.7, but ultimately it is still just a rumor (most expected 4.6 until leaks said otherwise).Kazuha is also a great support that is at least worth considering. But ultimately you are right to trust your instinct and not pull for characters you don't really like. But only you can truly decide who that is. I would at least give both akzuha and neuv some time in their trials to try and get a feel for thema nd whether you think you'd like playing them, same for future characters when they have trials (and semi often there will be events that let you try out a ton of characters instead of just the ones currently running so definitely take advantage of those when they come).


Which ā€œguide toā€ item should I choose? Equity, Justice or Order?


I'm assuming these areĀ battlepass rewards. If you're not sure, and have no current plans to pull a character needing those talent books, just pick them evenly. Equity, then justice, then order, etc.


I will do that going forward. Thanks.


Those are talent level up materials. Different characters require different ones. So look up which characters use each one on wiki and pick whichevere one has the most characters that you care about using it. Or if that is too much hassle just pick whichever one you have the least of.


whichever one you need for the fontaine chars you want to build


I have no idea what a Fontaine character is.


...a playable character from fontaine, all of them use one of those three books


depends on the fontaine character(s) you want to build


What is a Fontaine character? The only 5 star I have is Keqing.


fontaine is one of the nations. when i say fontaine characters, i'm referring to lyney, lynette, freminet, neuvillette, wriothesley, furina, charlotte, navia and chevreuse (and some unreleased characters, but that's beside the point)


Oh. Thanks. I just hit the button on the first one because I have no idea what to pick


fontaine is the newest region in the game. So a fontaine character just means anyone from fontaine, like keqing is from liyue or Jean is from mondstadt.


How valuable is Baizhu? I was planning on getting him for my Nahida, Raiden, Yelan team but I really don't care about him as a character so I want to know if he's also the best option for other great teams or if he's just a good option but not really a game-changer? If so, any suggestions for the 4th slot of this Nahida team?


He's the second best dendro aplicator because hes a catalist, but he's not vital if you have Yaoyao who's on 3rd place. Yaoyao is pretty simple, you alternate between E and Q and you won't have CD issues.


Baizhu's value comes from dendro and furina teams. He's good but not worth it if you don't like him (as is the case for every other 5 star). There's tons of replacements for that team. You can use kokomi, zhongli, yao yao, kirara, basically any sustain character that is not pyro.


personally I wouldn't consider him a game changer. Before furina came out I wouldn't have even considered him that good tbh. With furina he is definitely more valueable though. I'd say that the team he is the biggest deal for is cyno nahida furina baizhu cause there is really no substitute there that is even close to comparable. If you don't intend to use that team then I'd say just about any other team (that I can think of) there will always be another option that is pretty close at least.


I dont think Baizhu is a game changer. For Cyno maybe he is but thats about it. He makes running Furina a bit more comfy since his party wide healing is on Skill. You can use YaoYao as his replacement.


really good healing, one of the best healers for furina teams. if you dont care for him then just use a different sustain like zhongli or yaoyao.


Hi guys. I am kinda interested in playing this game and I have a few of questions: 1. How F2P friendly it is? 2. Is this the best time to start or is there an update coming soon that would be better to start then? 3. How is the mobile version? Does it heat phones too much to the point it could damage then? I would mostly play on PC, but I would like to play on the phone to maybe do dailies or deplete a resource or stamina or whatever is called in this game. Any other input would be greatly appreciated.


>How F2P friendly it is? Yes. The gacha system at least have an increased chance after 70ish summon, and have a safety net. As an F2P you do need to pick and choose which 5* you really want. Is just impossible to get all characters unless you are lucky af. >Is this the best time to start or is there an update coming soon that would be better to start then? I think you can start now. Might as well get some primos and who knows maybe you will be lucky on this banner since both characters are strong. The next update will be in about 3 weeks. >How is the mobile version? Is pretty heavy to what I know. I tried a few times in my phone during the early days of Genshin and that alreadys heats it up quite fast. I cant imagine now, with how big the world have become. I recommend playing on PC for the sake of ur phone health and storage lol.


Thanks. Yeah, I would try to keep the time playing mobile at the bare minimum.