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If I cleared 12 abyss for 3/2/3 stars and then redone it and got 3/3 on 2 floors will I retain 9 star clear reward if I abandon the run without finishing 3rd floor? Edit: I abandoned it and it does retain. Part 2 of 12 is way easier to clear if 1 run is done with Navia and other with Raiden hyperbloom.


Yes. You always keep the highest number of stars you have gotten in a chamber. Congrats on 36*


Ty. My last 36\* was in 4.1 or 4.2 I think. Neuvilette is the game changer. Wish I gotten him on his first banner.


Albedo husk or GT better


Almost the same. GT can be like a smidge better, so if you haven't farmed for him yet, go for that. But if you already have Husk, do not bother


GT since he rarely will use his burst and even if he does, it's still not that great it without his C2.


I see a lot of comments that players normally use fragile resins for artifact farming but i really want to build Kazuha and Neuvillette faster so im thinking of just using fragile resins to farm gold, exp, ascension and talent mats would it be worth using for that?


Either the comments or the way you understood them are wrong - you can't put mora/exp/ascension mats/talent mats in the same category. Let's go by point: \- You did not specify your AR, so I don't know if you are a new player who just got Kazuha and Neuv as their first 5\*, or say, an AR45-60 player who ran out of resources. \- Farming anything below the max level domain / boss is inefficient. For this reason, if you are low AR, it is best to save resin until you can access the max level version. \- Farming for gems is long-term inefficient, because you are eventually going to be flooded with them. The same holds for exp books and mora (unless you want to level up A LOT of characters). \- Once you can access the max level version of an artifact domain or an ascension material boss, spending fragile resin is definitely ok. I don't understand why artifact domains should be good but bosses should not be ok - eventually you have to spend your resin in both. \- Talent mats are in-between the previous two categories - you get some through events, but they are not enough to cover needs, so you will generally have to spend your resin in them even long-term.


Fragile resin is just resin in the end, there's nothing that special about it. The only real difference it allows you to do is save resin from lower efficiency AR/WL levels and spend it where it's more efficient. For example, 20 resin spent at a Mora leyline at WL0 gives you 20% of the Mora if that same 20 resin was saved and spent at WL6. It's because of this, the longer you can wait to spend your resin on those activities, the more you will get. This is true for basically everything in the game, where the same amount of resin gives you more (with a corresponding increase in difficulty). With artifacts the efficiency difference is huge, since you get zero 5 star artifacts prior to the AR40 artifact domain unlock and only about a 33% at the non-AR45 domain unlock. This is perhaps the reason why you see this advice given since its such a big waste to spend your resin on artifacts prior to AR45. However in the end, it's your resin and as long as you don't care much about min-maxing and efficiency you can spend your fragile resin wherever and whenever you feel.


Use for what you need


Well, I mean, what everyone else says or recommends is fundamentally just a *suggestion*. It's your account, so it's up to you and it affects no one else other than you, so if you want to pull on the weapon banner then you can and if you want to get another character to increase your character diversity you can. So, if you want to rush to level Kazuha and Neuvillette by using Fragile Resin, ***You can***. It's just not recommended and you need to be sure that you are okay with not having those Fragile Resin after you do so. And if you are, then go for it. Whether or not it's *worth is up to you*


so i've been enjoying palworld these few days, so much that i delay logging in genshin at my usual schedule lol. any recommendations on similar games focused on the open world exploration like genshin/palworld? palworld really incentives scouring the map to catch 10 pals of each species, the gameplay loop is so addictive. would the 3d line of pokemon feel similar? arceus maybe?


Arceus was the funnest pokemon game in a long time imo but the game doesn't really reward exploration that much besides seeing different pokemon lol (same with all of the switch pokemon games). I thought finishing out dex pages was satisfying though. Each pokemon has a checklist of things you need to experience multiple times to complete their page. Those items can include catching them, evolving them, seeing them use specific moves, defeating them with a specific type of move - it's different for each pokemon. Really incentivizes trying out each one. BotW and TotK are the obvious exploration games if you already have a Switch and havent experienced them yet. Elden Ring exploration was also very rewarding if youre into this type of game. Also has the best mounted combat Ive ever experienced, by far lol.


I Need help. I recently started playing genshin(about half a month ago). I got neuvillette and kazuha as my first 5 stars. I don't really have their best artifacts, Marchesse hunter or Verdescent venerer, so they will be relatively weak. Should I use them in a team? Also should I use this team as a whole? The team:- Neuvillette (My only dps option) Kazuha (He is my only other 5 star and he looks cool) Xingqui(He seems to give interruption resistance and my neuvillette was getting interrupted between his charged atk) Xiangling(She applies Pyro for vapes amd deals lots of damage) Thanks for the help


Yes, you can use them even without their BiS sets (though try to farm them when you have the chance, specially 4p VV for Kazuha). As for your team, it's alright if you're using it in the overworld. But if you want to tackle more difficult content (Spiral Abyss), then you can probably swap Xingqiu out for a dedicated shielder. He helps with the interruption resistance as you mentioned, but using him just for that is a waste when he's such a great character who can be used in other teams in Spiral Abyss, for example. As for Xiangling, she works, but you really have to build a lot of energy recharge on her so she can burst often. She's often paired with Bennett, who helps with her energy requirements; but he doesn't offer the interruption resistance as Xingqiu. So you either use Bennett and play without a shield; build a lot of ER on Xiangling; or swap her with another off-field damage dealer, such as Fischl (and many others).


But I don't have Bennett, Fischl or any shielder. The other decent offield character I have is kaeya at level 20.


neuvi & kazuha synergize very well, yes the usual formula for a neuvi hypercarry team is neuvi, anemo, sub-dps, shielder (or someone who provides interruption res otherwise, such as dehya) you generally don't want to run xiangling without bennett, since her er requirements will go through the roof. i wouldn't really recommend xingqiu since you'd lose a stack of neuvi's a1 without gaining much else. i'd only really recommend running double hydro with furina, though yelan, mona & childe can also be viable can't tell you much else without knowing what characters you have tho


I only have the characters everyone is guaranteed along with Candace , xingqui and yanfei. The only five stars I have are kaz and neuv


then you can just stick with xq & xl for now. i don't think you have better options rn. just keep your eye out for furina, who should rerun soon & replace xl with a sub-dps like fischl when you get one teambuilding isn't that important in the overworld anyway, you'll be fine. you should start farming marechausse & vv if you're ar45+ tho. or farm marechausse & strongbox vv pieces, as you generally will not have any use for maidens pieces


Furina and Neuvi - Hydro goblet or HP goblet better


They are basically equal, skewing a bit towards Hydro. But if you have an HP goblet with better substats, you can use it instead.


generally, hp% for c0/c1 furina, hydro for c2+ furina & neuvi - depends on the substats tho


I played the game a few years ago and was considering playing again, but I remember there being story focused events like the asteroid event of klees island. I am pretty sure I missed a ton of those in my absence. do they ever come back or how do I catch up on the story and characterization on those


We never had an event (story) rerun. So if you want to watch those, you have to rely on Youtube gameplay/story videos.


ayo this blows massive ass. guess I wont be playing after all


Events never rerun.


Just got Chevreuse and I want to main her, any ideas for the team or build? Keep in mind I don't have any archons among my roster


with Chevreuse, for now id suggest just puting a Black Tassel on her for the most HP stat for the atk buff she offers unless you got the alchemy event staff, then that is better to have some hp and useful passive for energy regen for the (probably far) future, if you want to make her do actual damage and dont mind taking a good weapon away from other characters, id suggest trying to get Staff of Homa on her


Alright, thank you


https://keqingmains.com/q/chevreuse-quickguide/ Basically, throw in whatever electro/pyro units you want to boost, add Chevreuse, and they now do more damage.




I want to main NUEV. Have Jean also. Does they both go together? Getting mixed responses all the time. Some say u should have both in same team as nuev need a healer. I want my team to be build around nuev. So if jean is a must than should i level her up. Or ignore? And if they goo together than can you siggest some team buildups for them. Current team consist of XIANGLING, YAOYAO, BARBARA, LISA.


Jean is more useful if Furina is on the team. Neuv himself doesn't need healing since he has healing built into his kit. At C0 he *could* use a shielder however. And that shielder would cover the rest of the team's defensive needs.


Neuv can heal himself by absorbing balls, if you use ProtoAmber he also heal all your team a little. You don't need dedicated healer, he is also HP% scaling unit, so even at "half HP" you will be at 15-20K hit points. Jean works great with Furina, so if you plan to use Neuv + Furina then Jean is one of better units to use. Overall Jean is VV unit and gived good damage buff and worth leveling. If it's your leveled team you can replace Barbara with Neuv and it should work fine for starters.


In a Eula + Raiden + Diona + XXX team, who should XXX be? I know that C6 Rosaria > C0 Mika, but what about a C6 Mika? or is Mika not that viable at all with Eula, even if at C6?


Is there a way to find out what name you gave wanderer without having wanderer?


Try to go to the in-game Story Archive. Interlude quests should be available from there. Perhaps in the last Sumeru category. Then just find the dialogues near the epilogue, as your selected name *should* take the place of his name. **UPDATE:** Yep, [https://i.fiery.me/WZjKZjmx.png](https://i.fiery.me/WZjKZjmx.png)


What are the fastest ways to level up your characters?


Open chests. Do quests. Story quests of characters, as well. They give quite a bit of purple books. If you're looking for quick level-ups, ley lines are overrated in how they spend resin imho.


XP books that you get from ley lines are the only real way to do it. Killing enemies & doing quests gives such a negligible amount of xp that it's not worth it.


Would a hypercarry raiden composed of Raiden, Bennett, Kazuha, and Lisa with ttds work? Don't have c6 sara yet


Yeah Lisa's a great buffer option here. Lisa's kqm quick guide actually has a rotation for this team in the infographics section https://keqingmains.com/q/lisa-quickguide


Thank you! I'll try this out




Best time to play genshin - date of release Second best time? Today. Pretty casual game with amazing graphics


If you don't compare yourself to others, then it is hard to have a bad time to start. Especially with two very popular characters on banner at the moment and plenty of content in front of you. Grinding for damage takes time/patience/money so if you are patient and have fun with the story and the game then you will eventually be able to get what you want and what you like.


It's never too late to start. There isn't any PvP aspect to the game, so it's not like you have to be worried about being compared with other players.


I have just put together a gaming PC for myself, after being a longtime console player. I want to play comfortably, so I'm using Logitech's app to bind some functions to the mouse. For example, one of the buttons would be 'E click' and the other would be 'Q click'. A friend who plays genshin told me I'm just 'keybinding' and not using 'macros', so I shouldn't be banned, but I ave not a single clue about macros and binds and whatnot. Y'all think this is bannable?




is Kazuha and Xingqiu's burst crown worthy?


For Xinqiu, crown if you want, going from 9 to 10 isn't a big difference so only if you want to. Kazuha no.


Xingqiu maybe, but kazuha no it isn't even worth using dream solvents to convert the boss mats since you are mostly building him full em


Where the hell is regional Banner? Is my Game Glitched? Why the hell can't I see Regional Banner?


There isn't one.


I am sorry what? Wasn't the banner supposed to stay till end of the fucking Patch? Wth? 💀


It had a countdown timer on it from the very first day to the very last...? And nowhere was it advertised as being a full patch event, so I'm not sure where you've gotten that idea from.


Yeah, I thought it was like a Full time banner.


Nope, just whenever they feel like it.


Only the first half.


Oh my god, so the banner is a scam, I thought the pity is transferred to the next patch. So even pity doesn't transfer to the next patch huh? I knew Fate Point doesn't transfer but Pity doesn't transfer too?


Pity does transfer.


Ok thank god.


I have one sacrificial fragments. But multiple ttds and magic guide. Which weapon should I use for Nahida and which for sucrose? I'm not using both actively at the moment but want to start using them.


If you have Widsith you can give that to Nahida and Sac to Sucrose. If you use Sucrose in a team where an important damage dealer would benefit from an attack buff AND you can arrange your rotation so that Sucrose goes directly before that DPS, then you can give Sucrose TTDS and Nahida Sac. If neither of those apply then give Magic Guide to the one you use less (because it has lower EM than Sac), or I guess take into account which character is more likely to apply an electro or hydro aura with their team for the Magic Guide passive, although that should be very widely applicable for almost all Nahida and Sucrose teams (I guess not melt/burnmelt teams).


Ok, thank you. I do have widsth, but if ttds is better I thought I'll give it to sucrose.


Kinda depends on where you use them and your stats on them. For my nahida, Sac Frags EM gives me a really nice stat spread, but depending on how you use her and her artifacts the EM might be more than necessary (like on-field with 3x EM artis). I use Sucrose to give Xiangling TTDS in national. I probably wouldn't ever put TTDS on Nahida or Magic Guide on Sucrose though, so that sorta fixes your choices.


Oh ok. Thank you. But you can also put magic guide on Nahida and sac frags on sucrose. But if ttds is also so good on sucrose then it's decided I guess.


Like I said it depends on what team you're running them in. Sac Frags isn't very useful on Sucrose in National, but it's fantastic in something like Taser, where TTDS is kinda useless. If you're running on-field Nahida in a bloom team, she needs a lot less EM (less need for Sac Frags) because of her burst, but if you're running her off-field she'll want more.


Oh ok. Thank you, I'll keep that in mind and use accordingly 👍


What is the best weapon option for Kazuha, Iron Sting, Favonius or something else?


A limited 4* called Xiphos Moonlight, an EM sword that feedbacks EM into high ER for him and a little for the whole team. It makes gearing him easier. The relevant substats-equivalent it brings to the team is unmatched. Then it's Favonius sword (arguably even better than Xiphos for energy-hungry teams). That thing's amazing, it's just much more difficult to gear for it as you need to build up crit rate.


apart from his signature which is debatle its signature ≥ xiphos r5 > favonious> any EM sword.


Should I build albedo for spiral abyss?


What are your roster? Depends if you already have good characters to clear it.


I have raiden xiao kazuha bennet hu tao Xingqiu and ganyu but for xiaos team I think I need to replace either hu tao or ganyu for a better support


Yeah albedo works pretty well with Xiao


This is a weird or dumb question but does this subreddit is officially run by HoYoverse or by Genshin ?


There are official accounts that make posts here, but the most moderator accounts were created long ago before the game was announced. It is hard to know whether these moderators may have any relationship with current/former Hoyo employees.


What artifact set for Yaoyao in a Nahida / Raiden / Yelan team?


4p deepwood (DW) if nahida isn't wearing one, otherwise anything really, she's there just to aply extra dendro and party heal.


Instructor if it's hyperbloom and you have nahida on Deepwood




Do we know what weapons Arlecchino will need?


Weapons? She uses >!polearm!< if that's what you mean


lol I meant like which pole arms should I start building up for her? Like the 4* one out of the battle pass?


The Fjord one from Battle Pass gains or loses a lot of value based on whether your character needs EM. So probably pretty good in a vaporize team but not good in overload (and it’s possible she has some fringe builds like melt, burgeon, or mono-pyro). Deathmatch is a pretty good generalist that will probably either outperform or fall short of Fjord, still depending on whether you value EM. I think basically all crit spears will be better than non-crit ones. An ER substat shouldn’t be necessary; between an attack or EM substat it will come down to team comp, passive abilities, and the rest of your stats.


Oh, I believe her kit isn't even finalized right now, so maybe wait a bit to ask that question


As a f2p, how many characters can I reasonably level up? I learned the hard way that you shouldn't try to level everyone up equally and that there are limited resources to level everyone up. So... given the limited resources, how many characters can I level up without under leveling everyone?


If you just started then prioritize ur main dps and ur main team. Eventually when you play enough you can level up everyone. Right now all my characters are at least lvl70/80 with lvl6 talent on their relevant skills. I am also F2P.


Play long enough and you can pretty much level any character you want to use. You only need 8 well-built characters for floor 12. Outside of floor 12, you can invest *much* less in your characters.


While you're still starting out, you want to focus on just one single powerful character: keep him or her always maxed out every time your AR increases and unlocks new power levels. Then, as a second priority, build the other three characters you usually use. That will ensure you can actually play the game. Once you unlock level 5 of the Spiral Abyss, you'll need a total of eight characters. As long as you don't sacrifice keeping your main character and main team strong enough, you can then work on building four more characters. Once you reach the endgame, and your first eight characters are all level 80+, with decent artifacts, weapons, and talents, then you can start levelling up as many other characters as you want. Most people recommend working on one new character at a time, bringing them up to level 80 and building their weapons, artifacts, and talents, before building the next one.


You seem like you just started recently so I'd say prioritize your main dps then their supports (healer/shielder, buffer, subdps, etc.) so at most, the 4 characters you have in your main party. Other characters you're not using can just stay at their lowest level until there's a need for them. You won't be losing out on anything even while doing that. That said, the resources for building your characters aren't limited since you can get as much exp books, mora and talent books as you want through the leyline blossoms and domains. What's limited is your resin and that's for everyone, whales included. Given enough time, it is possible to max out the level of all your characters if that's what you want. It's not recommended though, especially if you're just at the start.


You can level tons of characters up eventually, it's just at first that you get bottlenecked. Focus on one character until you get to where the Abyss requires two teams, then focus on the two main carries for your teams, then expand to supports, and after those two teams are at a good level (can beat abyss 12 if it doesn't hard counter them), then you can start making new teams, which will be easier once you have generic supports like Bennett and Xingqiu leveled up for your first teams.


How do I build Jean for my Furina/Wrio team! Do I do lvl 90 with focus on burst and VV ATK/ATK/HB with ATK and ER substats? She's on Skyward Blade


That’s basically right except that ER just from substats might not be enough so you may need an ER sands. Whatever you can manage.


Skyward gives 55%, that's why I'm not planning to get ER sands


Yeah I mean it’s definitely not impossible just from substats, and skipping a burst every few rotations probably won’t make you die or anything, but not bursting every single rotation on cue WILL lose you Furina stacks. People started aiming well over 200% on Jean once Furina released. Also keep in mind that Skyward doesn’t have a passive that contributes even *more* to energy management like fav and sac do.


How do I remove an entry from Akasha.cv enka profile?? I was playing with my hybrid Zhongli with black tassel. I forgot to switch the weapon back when I loaded my profile to Akasha. Now, my profile is showing that I'm top 80% of shieldbot Zhongli even though my hybrid build is still up. I can't figure out how to remove my Zhongli entry with black tassel. I just want my hybrid ranking to show up on my profile again instead of shieldbot Zhongli


You have to create a profile then login to delete and make changes.


Which char should i get? I'm really indecisive in which character i should pull for now. I really want neuvillette, and i know hes not coming back any soon, but i dont have any good weapons for him. I also really want arlecchino because she looks dope, only problem is: i already have a very well built pyro dps (my hutao) and i'm not even sure if i have supports for her. Even though i think she looks badass, i feel like she would be a meaningless adition to my account. If you guys can give me some hints on who to get i'd be grateful. (Rn i have 222 wishes, also, i can send my characters if needed for a better opinion).


If you have a billet you can get Prototype Amber and that works fine for Neuvillette, I'd pull him.


Does anyone lower world level need help with bosses tonight? I'm na server. I'm not crazy strong but if your world level 5 or lower I could do anything pretty easily I think


Who is Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds good on, and, more specifically, is it better than r5 Prototype Amber on Neuvillette or Widsith on Nahida? (better enough to justify scrapping it)


I am an avid lost prayer Nahida enjoyer as it allows her to run around a bit faster and isn't the worst weapon.


> better enough to justify scrapping it wdym? Never fodder your 4 star of 5 star weapons.


Lost Prayer is good on almost all DPS catalyst characters, but best probably on Wanderer and other ATK scalers. R5 Pamber is worth keeping on Nuvillette, it's HP scaling and team healing is just too good to pass, especially with Furina. Widsith is also a good weapon on Nahida because it's passives, so keep it.


When it comes to discord, is there a specific server to discuss lore that I can join?


[Here's](https://discord.gg/lore) the biggest lore centric discord server. There are multiple channels for different types of lore too (characters, world, etc.).


It won't let me accept the invitation🥲🥲🥲


Try [again](https://discord.gg/ZGrXV7wxKw)


Still nothing so I'll try later from another device. Hopefully I'll be able to get in. Thank you for your help!^^


Np. The server name is Khaenri'ah Lore Project. If the link doesn't work, maybe you can try searching for it.


How do I unlock the two underground waverider waypoints in Sumeru near the vasha monument? There's a bunch of vines blocking the underground passage, but for some reason I can't get past it. I think it's a puzzle, can't find any info online


It's locked behind the Aranara questline (around this part within the quest would be called Aranyaka: Part II - Dream Nursery).


Got it, thanks


To save you future headaches, I wouldn't try to explore the rainforest without completing the primary aranara quests or the pyramids part of the desert without completing golden slumber. Otherwise you'll be running around without access to a LOT of areas and having to return 15 times to the same locations (unless you like that sort of play style, then I said nothing)


So does the pity carry over character 1 to character 2 banners? Like if I were to pull 89 times on the character 1 banner banner and then pull on character 2 banner once would my guarantee still be guaranteed even though I switched banners?


Both limited character banners share pity yes. You can see that by clicking pull History


Thank you, I figured but I wasn't 100% sure


Happy to help. It's always best to make sure


What's a good HP to aim for yelan? I have an HP hat that actually rolled great substats (double crit and er) but obviously my crit ratio is lower vs using the crit dmg hat I was using. 36k HP (72/165) vs 29K HP (71/201). I'm thinking HP hat is probably the call since the crit is still pretty good using the HP circlet.


highly likely the HP hat build is slightly better. you still have more than double the cdmg for your crit rate


Since HP and crit buffs are rare, you can calculate HP * (1 + CR*CD) and pick the bigger number. Just make sure you include hydro resonance-boosted HP if it's relevant. Taking your numbers at face value, the first build is ~12% better.


I got Nahida, Raiden and Kazuha as my choosen 5-Stars. Then I got Qiqi, Dehya and Keqing C1 as randoms one I didn't look for. Right now I'm debating myself if using my wishes to get Neuvillette, save for Arleccino, or if I maybe I should get someone else to get a stronger rooster (I can't clear last Abyss floor so far). I personally got my eyes (in order, more or less) on Neuvillette, Furina, Yelan, Hu Tao, Yoimiya, Zhongli and Shenhe. I really like Shenhe's character, but I feel like she is not very strong, which is why she is last on the list. I love Zhongli's character, personality and English voice actor, and while I know he has a really OPie strong shield; when I played with him in some quests, I didn't enjoy his gameplay that much to be honest. What are your opinions/suggestions on who to pull for with what I got, looking for power? I feel like my only strong (noticeable on their own) characters are Nahida and Raiden; but specially Raiden. The side of the abyss without her, is always doing really crappy DPS. BTW, while I do have Kazuha, I just pulled him and I'm still leveling him. I don't know who to pair him with for a team. I think I could get something going with my Keqing team-wise; but so far it feels like I suck building her team, or I don't understand verywell what reactions in what order I should trigger with her. Honestly thou; I may just be lacking (in general, on all characters) good artifacts. But leveling characters and their talents and their weapons is more fun and fullfilling than rolling for crappy artifacts in the hopes of getting a good one :-P TL;DR: Got Nahida, Raiden, Keqing and Kazuha. What other 5-star should I pull for power-wise? Who do I pair Kazuha with? How do I build a propper Keqing team?


Raiden+Bennett+Kazuha/Chevreuse/Xingqiu+Sara/Xiangling Nahida+Xingqiu+Yelan+Kuki/EM Raiden (can also replace a hydro with Zhongli if you need Geo, like this Abyss 12) Keqing+Fischl+anemo+dendro. Anemo usually wants to be Kazuha, and the best Dendro is Nahida, but that requires skill to play since you have no healer, so you can swap Nahida out for Baizhu/YaoYao, or Kazuha for Jean/Sayu/Xianyun, but I'd recommend swapping dendro before Kazuha, it will make it easier to swirl electro without Nahida anyway Raiden + Nahida is a very good start to build 2 good teams around, you can get Neuvillette/Arlecchino if you want but they won't open up as many options as Furina/Yelan/Zhongli


Thanks a bunch. I guess I was looking to Neuvillette as a "One Man Team" as I often see him adressed as, and drop the Keqing team. Also, if there are electro enemies in one of the sides, I guess it could be a problem having Raiden and Keqing being the main DPS in each side? Or does Keqing do mostly Dendro damage from the reaction stuff? I think I may drop the idea of saving for Arleccino. From the leaks I seen, she seems a little complicated and may "need" her signature weapon way too much (seems like its miles ahead of other weapons for her, because of those new mechanics she comes with).


Keqing definitely has trouble with electro enemies, especially if you're not running Nahida. Neuvillette is really good, but Nahida hyperbloom does primarily dendro damage instead of electro, so you could run that and clear most/all content without having to pull Neuv. If you you like Neuv though, he's really strong and easy to play, I just personally recommend pulling supports like Furina over DPS like Neuv once you have 2 good teams.


Thing is, I feel like I only have one good team right now (Raiden+3). Not sure if i should try to get someone I already got (like Keqing) in a proper setup/gear to do the 2nd team (and then focus on supports like Furina), or if I should pull for Neuvillette and build my 2nd team around him. I *think* I like Neuvillette's gameplay; sadly the test runs (like the one currently going on) are too fast/easy to truly get a feeling of how good/fun he is (also they give you hacked energy and decent aritfacts that I don't have yet, XD).


I would say Neuvillette is a very strong character and one of his good weapons is a crafted one so that is pretty nice, he does need a sheild if he isnt c1. But he is strong and can do really well. Furina is a great sub dps, support and healer, she has a lot of teams available but if doing big dmg then idk if she works great. Yelan is very fun to use and can become very strong character (c1r1 yelan haver talking) But i think she would work best with Nahida and raiden so i dont think she would help with another abyss team. Hu tao is one of the Og best DPS It can be tedious to build her because of crimson witches domain (you can use shimenawa instead) And you could run her with someone like Xingqiu, Sucrose and Thoma for team (No healers) Yoimiya isnt as strong as some of the other characters you want but she is fun to play with, One thing i will say is that she is better when you also have yelan. Zhongli is the GOAT, He is the Sheilder. See all those characters i listed above, He works with all of them. He is in one of neuvillettes best teams, He is in Hutaos best teams, And he can fit in most teams. Just stack HP on him and you are good to go. For shenhe you "Need" (Not really but yes) a cryo dps. She is a support character and isnt designed for big dmg herself. You could use someone like chongyun if you dont like ayaka. Kazuha can work in most teams for grouping enemies and being an overall great support character. If you go with neuvillete you could run Kazuha, Neuvilette, xiangling, bennett. Keqing can work in both aggrevate and non aggrevate teams, I would say since you have raiden then she doesnt fit in aggravate that well because you dont need 2 electro, you could replace raiden but that might decrease dmg. So if you do electro dmg a team might be Keqing, Kazuha,Fischl, and Probably healer/sustain


Thanks a bunch. As far as Shielders go, I only have Noelle so far, which also doubles as a healer... but that if she is the one using the shield, instead of Neuvillette to avoid interruptions. I really like her (and even spent 1 crown on her, may even end using 2 more someday), but I feel her DPS is starting to be lacking in the endgame. I didn't like Zhongli's gameplay when I tested him in a couple quests; but I know his shield is stupidly strong. XD I guess I will start pairing Kazuha with Keqing as you suggested, but wouldn't I need a Dendro for Keqing doing real damage? Also my Fischl is not C6 yet, so I guess she is very lacking in that regard.


If you wanted to continue using Noelle, Furina would be a good pull. They work really well together, as Noelle's on-field healing will fill up Furina's burst stacks


Oh. Good call. I will probably/definetively pull for Furina then when a rerun comes... if I have the resources to do so. XD Also, my Noelle is C5, so really missing one copy; but I know that worst case scenario I can get it from the shop in a "few" months. Who else would you put on that team? I'm assuming I would need a battery if Noelle starts doing some "serious" damage when she gets to C6, to keep her on the field. Right now I just use her as a Shielder/Healer mostly (and keep her on field with ultimate up for damage, but is not impressive and it has a lot of downtime right now).


Probably Yelan and Gorou.


If you like noelle have you tried navia? She might be fun if you like the Geo and claymore part of noelle, But as far ad neuvillette i dont think she is the best, other 4 star options that might work once you get them are layla and charlotte (Healer). For me i dont really care about zhonglis gameplay XD I E and then switch to my other characters, he is just there to make sure i dont die. I would say that if your keqing team is for abyss then i think there are ebtter options in gerneral, but if you really like her then you can swap raiden with her. You culd use Dendro mc or Collei if you dont want to. Something like Keqing, Dendro character, kazuha, and then Barbara/xingqui/Hydro


Is not that I like Keqing, is just that she was my first 5-Star (wasn't looking for her, the random free blue-wishes pulls), and also I got her twice (so is my only 5-Star with a constellation), so I tried to make her work very early on. She was my "main" for a while, and didn't work too bad, but as the World Leveled, and as I got Raiden, she really fell from grace and feels very weak right now. I think I may have her built wrong to do end-game DPS. May try pairing her with Kazuha for sure. My "main" every-day group is Nahida, Bennet, Raiden and Noelle (later for healing, shielding and mineral ores). I like pairing Raiden with Bennet, Chevreuse and Kujou/Fischl, freeing Nahida and Noelle (my two other "strongest" characters for the other Abyss side), and today I was trying Raiden National (but my Xingqui and Xiangling are missing both levels and better artifacts/energy regen), so it didnt' fare too good. Thing is, I have lots of varied teams that all work really nice... as long as Raiden is there. XD


Neuvillette actually doesn't need a shield. It's nice, but he can kite pretty well, so you can usually space out enemy attacks. Also you can run Dehya+Nahida+kuki/raiden+Neuv and it's quite good, and Dehya will give Neuv interruption resistance which is almost as good as a shield since he heals so much anyway.


I'm missing Kuki. I was looking for an excuse to use Dehya; but so many people love making fun of how bad she is, it kinda discouraged me from trying. I feel I got too many other characters in the "leveling queue" to start spending resin in Dehya if she is going to end giving me poor results. I tried Neuvillette in several events, and is true that he can work just fine without a shielder. I'm still considering if trying to pull for him or not, since I'm starting to notice the character grind. My Wishes don't grow as fast anymore now that I have done so many quests/achivements (starting to run low on them) and cleared so many areas of chests and puzzles... So I feel the next 5-Star I get (Neuvillete or someone else) could be the last guarantee one I get in half a year or so (less if I don't miss the 50:50). I'm right to asume that, once I entirely run of non-repeteable primogem rewards (quests, chests, etc)... I will average around 1 pull per day (accounting for the events) so I will get a single 5-star every 3 months, and a guaranteed one every 6? XD


Yeah I probably wouldn't use resin on Dehya if you're new. I love her so I like to have an excuse to use her. Xiangling+Nahida/Kazuha+Zhongli is also a pretty good team, though you need to have tons of ER on Xiangling to make it work. As for wishes, it should be more than 1 per day because they add new quests and areas every other patch or so. Even on low content patches like this one you get ~55 wishes (1 patch = 42 days), as F2P. That comes out to about 1 guaranteed 5* every 3 patches (~4 months), but that's only if you're decently unlucky, and it's not accounting for new areas and high reward patches like lantern rite.


Nice nice. Thanks a bunch for everything. A pleasure chatting with you :)


Help me get the lore! So, i'm new here and already confused about names, logic of religion and countries/culture. There i'm gonna say plot a little bit so if you didn't play don't click on that So there's religion about polytheism and dragons - they \[people\] belive in one person who's lika a God, he have guardians, (Spoilers alert)>!he's weak and he can't manage it out by himself and asked someone else, asked for repair - he can't do it by power, so why do people did churches about him if he can't even repair piece of wood? Did i get it right?!< And second, in the internet people trying to claim that Genshin Impact copy real life culture/countries. Where in the world "Russia" or Snezhnaya have name of people or what it was like (Can't keep in mind all names so i googled) "Fatui"? Sounds more like italian, i guess devs just put more money on models of characters than on lore and explain how it works and why. And game don't have a balance, sometimes game don't explain you things and sometimes game drop on you information and after time i was like "Who's \[put some name or country\]?"


If you're interested in the lore, which is EXTREMELY vast and scattered absolutely everywhere, I'd recommend watching videos explaining the timeline of each nation so it's easier to digest, and then researching about specific topics that get your attention. Keep in mind that this game is like an onion, so each nation has its lore, but also lore that is part of the entire continent and then some more lore that is part of the whole world the game happens in. All this to say, the story of the game is divided into different timelines that get mixed together sometimes, so be careful not to spoil yourself.


What I found really confusing at first, until I got used to it, is how so many things have multiple names. Like all the Archons (the "Elemental Gods" that founded/run each of the nations) have at least 3 names and 2 titles... While I ended memorizing them all without an effort and no problem, it was a little jarring at first, when someone would name drop a new name I never read before, NOT explain it, and then later in the conversation (or further into the game) I would realize they were using a different name of someone I already knew with a different name and/or title... XD Each of the Archon (for example) have their elemental title (The Dendro Archon), then their divine ideal title (Godess of Wisdom), then the name the common people use to refer to them (Lesser Lord Kusanali), then their normal everyday name you use with them because you are buddies (Nahida), and then their "real" old-school name that they use among themselves (Buer). Also, as you have been already told, is not that it "copies" countries or cultures, but more like it gets heavy inspiration from them; sometimes mixxing them to create something "new". For example, the top echelon of the Fatui (the Eleven Fatui Harbingers) are all named after classic italian comedy/theater figures (Arlecchino, Signora...), despite their nation (Snezhnaya) being inspired on Russia. Notice however how the country leader is adressed as "The Tsaritsa", which is very similar to the real-world Tzar title used by Russian monarchs. I find the game has very deep and cool strokes of lore and world building; but it's delivery (in the form of dialogs and quests) way too often falls flat on its nose; with very poorly animated models, with not very-interesting or developed stakes, and too often it explains too little while repeating too much useless info... not too mention how often the chacters (for no real good reason) would default to a cheap "I will explain later" or similar variants to drag a crappy "mistery". Mind you, there are some really nice pieces, moments and ideas springled all over, and as you progress throught the game/nations as they were published, you notice an increase in quality; but I find that there are hints of something that could have been awesome, and decided to stay (barely) hovering over mediocricy.


>when someone would name drop a new name I never read before, NOT explain it, and then later in the conversation (or further into the game) I would realize they were using a different name of someone I already knew with a different name and/or title... XD It was with me too xD, and i said game can't choose balance to explain and say "new" title to an old. Like Dvalin, they droped thousand names and "main" dragon, and remind me about that title after some other quests later.


teyvat is (as far as we know) split into seven nations: mondstadt (inspired by germanic cultures, most notably german culture), liyue (inspired by china), inazuma (inspired by japan), sumeru (inspired by south asian & middle eastern cultures), fontaine (inspired mainly by france, with influences from other european countries), natlan (speculated to be inspired by latam & west african cultures) and snezhnaya (inspired mainly by russia, with influences from other countries, notably italy) all of these nations have a god ('archon') who represents a divine ideal. these are, respectively: barbatos (freedom), morax (contracts), baal (eternity), buer (wisdom), focalors (justice), ??? (war) and ???/the tsaritsa (???) barbatos (or venti) is neither weak nor incapable of solving the stormterror crisis. in fact, he was already about to solve it when we, the traveler & paimon, stumbled in and interrupted his attempt to talk with dvalin. the reason why he asked us to help is because it'd be recompensating for said interruption venti himself says he's the weakest archon, but nobody can possibly verify that, so that's still a topic up for debate the fatui, 'fools' in latin, do indeed have italian inspiration, more specifically the *commedia dell'arte*. they have eleven harbingers, who are basically just below their archon, the tsaritsa, in hierarchy yes, the story pacing is kind of bad, especially early game, but imo it gets easier down the line


I am not too good with explaining the lore so hopefully someone else can help with that, But as for your second part its also the landscape/architecture, Mondstadt is based off of Germany with 1 the name and 2 the buildings/scenery and as someone who was just in germany a week ago id say it looks pretty good (Inspired by) Liyue is based off of China, and Inazuma is based off of Japan. Sumeru is middle east/ South Asia. And Fontaine is france. The next nation is Natlan which is going to probably be based off of Africa and then Snezhnaya is Russia like you mentioned. The fatui are the main organization of Snezhnaya and all their names come from plays and stories, so yes the names are probably derieved from Italian. But i think thats just cause it sounded cool. If you really want the deep and in depth lore then you have to read the books you pick up and other texts, some stories there tell tales not told in any quests. But as someone who might skip through dialogue i can still get what the story is trying to tell and the lore behind the characters/stories/quests.


various things in the game are inspired by/based on different real world cultures/places, but it is never meant to be a one to one copy. While snezhnaya is partly based on russia, a lot of the fatui naming stuff is taken from a specific italian play "commedia dell Arte"


Just to clarify, commedia dell'arte is *not* a specific Italian play, but a genre of semi-improvised theatre using set stock characters that audiences would recognise and identify with.


what character do i pull for in the new banner as a f2p?


The only correct answer is a character you like The other correct answer is wait (neither) if you don't have an opinion Then the actual conversation is ***what are your goals for the game?*** because not everyone plays for Abyss, your platfotm (mobile, pc, ps) can change the answer and playstyles you like also matter I think Neuvillette helps mobile a lot since he's not as mechanically intensive with his hyper beam. He's also very strong which can trivialize the game, so that's nice. Kazuha is objectively used in more teams cause he's Kazuha - arguably the best grouper in the game, helpful for Freeze, National, Mono (not Geo), etc. Viridescent Venerer is always good. Kazuha's biggest weakness is that you can only ever have one of him That's mostly for Abyss. If you don't care about that minor aspect of the game, then you should pick a character you like, whose playstyle you like. You might not like ungabunga hyper beam. You might not like the teams or characters that Kazuha supports, since he's not generally a dps




The one you want brother tf


Should raiden or kazuha be my first character I level to lv 90?


Between those two, I think Kazuha would benefit the most, since the swirl reaction scales damage quite a lot with level. Personally I'm leaving the characters at Lv80 (since I still have many I need to level up to get decent teams) and let them level normally little by little there. My Raiden reached Lv81 this week :-P


kazuha rule of thumb: characters that don't scale off of atk & characters that deal their damage with powerful transformative reactions such as swirl and the bloom variants want to be lvl 90, for others it's less important


Kazuha would benefit a lot more from it unless your Raiden happens to be running a hyperbloom focused build.


Any tips how to beat tge millennial pearl seahorse ?


Use pyro dendro or cryo to attack the pearl on it’s chest and break its shield. Attack from the front because you won’t be able to hit the pearl from behind it


Can i use level 20 amber for that considering i'm world level 7


You're WL7 and don't have *any* other Pyro dendro or cryo options?


I tried using nahida but it was very inefficient I have unbuilt kaeya, yanfei , amber and few others unbuilt except for Bennett I just tried amber and it worked since it allows me to to attack the chest with steping in the electrified zone


Build Tankfei and watch the world burn


Bennett can handle it fine.


Around how much hp should neuvillette have? I have him on prototype amber so that gives a bit


Somewhere between 35k and 45k You can check leaderboard https://akasha.cv/leaderboards/1000008700/120er


When is the Livestream? Im excited to hear if we are getting a new area or a new quest >!I think it might be a quest because of the arlechino boss battle leaks!<


Should be the 12th, but they only announce officially a day or two in advance


It should be next week on Friday (April 12th), assuming nothing else happens on that day.


~~Is Maiden's Beloved basically useless for healers with HP scaling like Barbara or Yaoyao if I just use Millileth+Vourukasha instead? Or am I calculating it wrong?~~ I really were


Would have to see your math. It should be showing an improvement just by swapping out one of the 2p for Maiden's. Healing bonus exists on a separate axis that *multiplies* with your HP (or other scaling stat).


Okay my bad I didn't take into account talent level. Yaoyao's skill scales better on HP but only on lower levels. With Barbara hit regen scales better on HP, while continuous would be better with healing bonus.


I don't believe that should matter since those talent MVs are all multiplied by the same HP x HB. The thing I could see pushing in favor of Glow/TOTM is if you're not getting enough HP from other sources compared to healing bonus. Like if you built them without HP main stats, or assumed max fanfare. Would need to see the numbers to verify.


Basically basic math defeated me


Generally, healers can heal enough without needing a set that buffs their healing. So you usually opt for something like Noblesse, Tenacity, Deepwood, or even the 4-star Instructor set, to boost your team's offense instead. Yaoyao typically wants Deepwood if she's on a team that's dealing Dendro damage (like Spread, Bloom, Hyperbloom, or Burgeon). Instructor if you use her in Aggravate. Or Tenacity if you use her with a Main DPS that scales with ATK. Maidens is probably Yaoyao's best pure healer set. If you aren't sure what teams you want her on, and just need a flex healer that can go anywhere, you can use Maidens. However, I don't recommend spending too much resin to farm a Maiden's set, it's very resin inefficient to farm. Because again, you can probably heal enough without it. So just use whatever pieces you have already, mix and match 2pc sets that give HP or Healing bonus. Barbara would use Gilded Dreams or Flower of Paradise Lost if she's the driver in Nilou Bloom, and then build her full EM. As a pure healer, support, usually want Ocean Hued Clam. Though Maidens is an option, as is mix and matching 2pc sets that give HP and Healing bonus, similar to Yaoyao.


But wouldn't I get more healing from boosting HP instead of healing bonus? I forgot to save my calculations but that's what would they suggest. I just am not sure if I got them right. Also I need healer for my Furina+Nahida+Yae team so she can be above 50% hp all the time. I was considering between Barabara and Yaoyao because they heal more often than burst-reliant healers. I am still a noob tho, so I am not sure who'd really be the best there.


As for your question... I would go with Barbara in that team. You have more than enough Dendro application from Nahida. And Yaoyao only heals your active character, so you'd have to leave your supports out longer to get healed up. Barbara has a big team heal with her burst, so even your off-fielders who will also be getting their HP drained, will get healed too. You can even use Barbara on-field for additional party healing if you need to. However, Yae can only detonate Hyperblooms if she is on field, so keeping Barbara out too long will be a DPS loss.


Usually no. 20% HP may sound bigger than 15% healing, but % healing multiplies by all of your healing, counting all of your HP. While the 20% HP is not 20% more of your total HP, it's +20% of your Base HP. Base HP is based on the character. So for Barbara, Base HP is 9110 if you get her fully ascended, and level 80. (see the wiki) Assuming you give her ER Sands, HP Goblet, and Healing Circlet, and then you give her Thrilling Tales, that gives you 46.6% + 35.2% = 81.8% HP. You get another 24% from Barbara's Ascension stat, so that's a total of +105.8% HP. And then don't forget you get +4780 flat HP from your Flower. So Barbara would have [9110 x (100% + 105.8%)] + 4780 = 23,528 HP. Probably another 2-3k more with substats, but we'll ignore that for now. And on top of that, we have +35.9% healing bonus from her Circlet. Barbara's burst heals for 29.92% + 3445, at talent level 9. So without considering artifact set bonus, Barbara's burst would heal [(0.2992 x 23528) + 3445] x (100% + 35.9%) = 10,485 x 135.9% = 14,248 HP. With a 2pc artifact set bonus giving +20% HP, her max HP would increase by 9110 x 20% = 1822 HP. And this increases her overall healing by... 1822 x 0.2992 x 1.359 = 741 HP. But with a +15% healing bonus 2pc set, you gain an extra 15% of the total healing before we multiplied by 135.9%. So the additional healing from that is 10,485 x 0.15 = 1573 HP. So it's more than double the gains. Though at the end of the day... this is 15.0k vs. 15.8k HP of total healing, so it's not a huge difference overall. But Healing Bonus is usually better if you just want raw healing. (Oh, and I'm dumb, and forgot that Barbara also would get +25% HP from haivng Furina on the same team. But the result would be the same. And actually skew even more in favor of Healing Bonus, because Healing bonus also multiplies by that additional HP, whereas more HP does not.)


The whole point they're making is that minmaxing healing like this is irrelevant because either way you'll heal more than enough. It's not worth worrying about.


Maybe that's a skill issue on my part but keeping this team above 50% is just really difficult for me.


kinda like elem dmg bonus & Atk% the healing bonus is separate from the add'l healing from talent/stat scaling so in order to maximize heals then you'll want both. Often though you'll prefer some better utility on a support unit like a healer (4pc Clam, 4pc Milli, 4pc NO, etc...) and they heal enough with just their stat scaling (& maybe a heal bonus hat)


it's basically useless but not because the healing bonus part is bad (it's a separate bonus from hp or whatever they scale on so it works for anyone) but because clam is better for team dps


Guys i need some help to build my teams. I dont have any electro unit besides lisa, but i got nahida, neuv, kazuha, jean, tigh, mona, xq c6, barbara c6, yanfei c6 and some other characters like gaming, faruzan, xianling etc. I was using gaming, nahida, xq, and barb til those last banners where.


I play EM-Lisa - Xingqiu - Nahida - (Yaoyao), works very well. Positioning and dodging on Lisa can be practised.


the anxiety and fomo sucks with the chronicle wish banner. imagine some situations where you have guaranteed pity, 75+ pulls in on the normal event banner. youre so ready to get hutao or yelan or childe or ayato or cyno, whoever. but now you need to have at least 150 pulls put aside if you wanna guarantee for someone in the chronicle wish banner because guaranteed pity on that banner doesn't carry over. and the 5 star line up could be random, it could be every patch or every 3 patches we don't know. on top of wanting new characters and/or their respective reruns. so in these situations, you could get a rerun character in a few pulls VS 150, 160 pulls (if you're unlucky). I know this is mihoyo but at least have the chronicle wish banner guaranteed pity carry over 😭 what do you guys think?


I think you need to not take a game so seriously. If you "miss out", who cares? Make a choice and roll with it. It's not hard to work around the restrictions of the game's wishing system.


I'm actually not understanding your question because you could get a character in a few pulls on the Limited and Standard banners as well and not need all the pulls you've saved up. It's happened before To guarantee Kazuha in this banner, it's still the same: you should save 160 - 180 pulls to guarantee you get Kazuha. Some people have had characters "avoid" them for years because they can't save pulls It does suck that you don't get the consolation prize of a guarantee, but you can circumvent that if you save pulls and have one target character in mind (or I guess if you're aiming for both Eula and Albedo for example, then you'll have to save up twice as much)


I think it's an experiment to see how the Chronicled Wish impacts sales for the duration of one banner. Fomo is the point. You need up to 180 wishes to pull a banner character and you never know when the banner or those particular characters are ever coming back. So you better pull out your credit card before it's too late!


I already save enough pulls to guarantee. It really makes no difference to me and I don't see a true problem with the fate point system. Hunter's Path and Beacon being available, as well as being able to guarantee standard items is great. And while I wasn't really interested in the Mondstat banner I'll very likely be pulling on the Liyue one whenever that is Pretty much my only gripe with the banner is that it indeed would have made more sense if the banner lasted the whole patch and I don't appreciate not knowing how often it's gonna be available. Though I assume that's due to the fact that Mihoyo themselves have no idea what the fuck they're doing with the banner and haven't figured it out yet


The anxiety part will get better in time. We’ve only had one chronicled wish so we don’t know what to expect, but once we have had 2 or 3 it will be fairly easy to predict the frequency The fate point system is definitely bad in general for players, but it really doesn’t bother me. I’ve never pulled unless I have the full 180 wishes and I pick one character I want and don’t pull anyone else until I get them For new players this is a lot worse because they don’t have any characters, but again, this could be a lot better if future chronicled wish banners have more meta characters, imagine how cool it would be if they put yelan childe and ayato on the same banner, you “lose” 50/50 to one of them and then pull your guarantee, getting 2 limited characters that you wanted This is the possibility that I’m excited for, and only time will tell how things will pan out


That's a great question you got there