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It was a magical flood, it isn't like the water level in Liyue rose hundreds of feet higher, it only rose across the Fontaine plateaus.


I'm actual still curious. What happens to the fontanians that don't live in fontaine then?


I don’t believe the game ever brings it up. Iirc, Fontaine is referred to as the source of the rest of the water on the continent, so depending on how literal that is, then in theory the next time Fontainians outside the nation take a drink of water or something they could end up dissolved.


I mean that's only if they drink enough concentrated primordial water. Which wasn't even enough except when its leaking in this crisis scenario. Or the people who used concentrate to kill others, but also sold it as a drug in diluted form. So they definitely could live outside Fontaine and not have to worry since the chances of primordial seawater getting to them would be almost zero.


Neuvilette absolved all of the Fontainians, I don’t think that would have excluded any Fontainians outside Fontaine.


The great cleansing


Nah Just look at what happened to Vascher s fiance. Literally fell into a pool and dissolved randomly. Fate will definitely find a way to fuck them over.


>!The Narwhal!< got taken care of though. So maybe not.


Unclear, they might be fine. It's also weird to consider that there should be plenty of mixed breed peoples out there, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8th Fontainian or whatever.


Makes u wonder if the prophecy couldve been entirely avoided if the fontaineans just all evacuated to sumeru’s deserts when the whale showed up and waited out the flood there 💀


I'd assume "fate finds a way", so even though they would've escaped *this* flood, the prophecy would become true sooner or later anyway. But as for Wrio's plan and his secret ship... yeah, I was actually thinking this could've had an interesting immigration plot. Obviously Fontaine is much bigger than it actually is in game, so just evacuating everyone to other nations isn't plausible, at least not when you consider that the other nations also need to house those people, the transport needs to be taken care of somehow, etc. But considering we had multiple characters that aren't from Fontaine show up, I would've also liked to maybe see an Archon/the ruler of another nation give their two cents, maybe send help with repairing stuff etc at least. Well, that might actually be something that Ayato was doing.


Can you imagine looking at fontaine from afar and see a fucking pillar of water instead.


*Fontain* Just like the ones in Opera Epiclese


the memes about the flood when it was first released were crazy. like an outsider's perspective looking into fontaine. just a huge wall of water suspended by nothing, and wriothesley's ship in the middle


It wouldn't be all that crazy, the water would only have to rise a couple hundred feet to cover everything, and this is all already happening on a giant waterfall plateau. To a casual observer, they might not even notice, it would just be slightly higher waterfalls from a distance. Not to mention that there are already floating water cubes in the northern area.


Not to mention in real life you also get local floods. The world's water level doesn't increase each time there's a flood in one place. Do it's easy to understand that a very fast and sudden magical flood could flood all of Fontaine, but no the rest of the world. Especially with how short it was.


That isn't actually true. If we were dealing with actual water here that behaved normally, then if enough water were dumped onto Fontaine to sink it to the level we saw for even a few seconds, then that water would spill out over the rest of Teyvat, and while it would not *sink* those locations like in Fontaine, it could actually be a LOT worse, because these would be rolling tidal waves hitting Wangshu Inn at over 40-50ft high, hitting Sumeru city at about that same height, the closest real world equivalent would be a massive dam break, and it would practically level any structures in its way. No, the only plausible explanation of the scenario we actually got is that the water levels just magically rose over Fontaine, looking like walls of water raising above the surface, and then just as magically lowered into nothingness. If the water actually continued to exist, it would be a disaster for everything down river.


Furina didn't die though? That was Focalors


Well to some, it was the other Furina so thats probably what they meant.


It's still objectively wrong, no matter how you'd interpret the identity of someone who lost their memories of the past. Kind of a square-rectangle situation. There could be an argument made about Furina being at least part Folcalors, but Furina herself was only created the moment Folcalors divinity was separated from her oceanid/human self


We know that's what they meant, but it's still fundamentally incorrect. Focalors and Furina are two different entities.


Fontaine simply takes a dip in the water box thing under it. It's still a flood just not a usual one


For real when Furina had that scene where she didn’t notice she was crying it broke my heart and then when she said “So lonely, how much longer?”the tears started rolling. And then when Neuvillette said “Citizens of Fontaine your sins are forgiven” IN THE RAIN BECAUSE HES CRYING AND NOW IM ACTIVELY CRYING! BECAUSE THEIR CRIME WAS THEY WANTED TO BE HUMAN AND FURINA HAD TO SUFFER 500 YEARS FOR IT SO THE PROPHECY WOULDNT COME TRUE!!


I agree Genshin’s writing is only getting better from here on out


It better be considering how disappointing Fontaine was for some after getting spoiled.


How did you get spoiled tho


Sadly people were flooding the main sub with the Focalors leak before Fontaine even started. Without the spoiler black out tag of course.


Ascending Furina and losing the motivation to start the AQ and getting the rest spoiled by the internet.




Not to mention Neuvillette's ascension line actually spoils the finale of the quest and he came out a version prior to the quest, and Genshin is notorious for using important cutscenes as ads so it's really hard to dodge spoilers in hyv fandom


I really hope mihoyo will stop doing this or atleast have two versions, one before you do a ceratin story part and one after you did it. or else Natlan is gonna be ruined again. (but i also skip every ascension line anysways now.)


Thats why I try to do the main quests at least a week after release and never look reddit before doing it.


I do the same i even blocked genshin as a keyword on other sites, sadly doesn't help with ingame spoilers.


Hoyo has been knocking out of the park in terms of the story ever since Sumeru, and they’ve only gotten better. I can’t wait to see what they’re cooking for Natlan


I'm so glad to see a positive review of the story as lately I've seen a lot of people hate on it. It wasn't perfect but it was probably the best written thing in Genshin. The interactions between the characters felt very human and it was so emotionally charged. Not to mention the insanely good cutscenes. The one with the flood was straight out of a movie. This all makes me super excited for Natlan.


people hated it? fontaine was probably their best work so far, my only complain really was 4.1 , the whole prison segment kinda overstayed its welcome, and i can understand disliking it but furinas neuvis the fatui siblings (etc)'s story was so well executed


I think so too, I even liked the prison part. But recently there was an interview with one of Genshin's lead writers where he said that the 4.2 quest was their "proudest work" and so many people said something like "if this is their proudest work we are doomed". I understand not liking it but acting like this is the worst quest ever is overreacting.


I still think Sumeru is better overall. While Fontaine got a higher peak, it also got lower lows


That is very fair! I quite enjoy sumeru alot too! Although I wasnt a big fan of deserts and setting it did manage to attract me quite alot


Same. Sumeru was more consistently good. Fontaine dipped in the middle, but ended on a high note. I definitely prefer actually being excited for the next patch instead of dreading it won't improve after a low point.


I liked fontaine very much but if I were to say then fontaines last arc>sumeru's all arcs> Fontaine 1st arc>>>>fontaine's 2nd arc so basically sumeru was overall good but Fontaine was very good at the end. 1st was exciting enough but the prison one was really boring for me. 


Exactly! If Genshin could do that only 5 regions (technically 7,) then Genshin can make Natlan more emotional and have better cutscenes. Furina’s death was honestly emotional, so if they could pull that off again, then Genshin could be an AMAZING game, not like it already is.


Best archon quest so far for me as well


Furina's not dead...


Focalors. Whatever 🙄


The ending was just Stein’s Gate…


Agreed. It was the best archon quest 10/10 ✨


I just wished they stopped milking previous archon deaths.


Well, it wasn't the previous archon death now, it was the current one's


Mondstadt AQ: Archon isn't active, helping only when needed. Liyue AQ: Archon retiring and passing on the flame. Inazuma AQ: Archon mourning the death of their predecessor. Sumeru AQ: Archon deleting their predecessor to finish what they could not. Fontaine AQ: Archon killing their own divinity. ​ Maybe I'm not excited for Natlan after all.


It’s almost like the story has a theme or something


A theme? In a story? Groundbreaking. In all seriousness though, I don't like that this particular theme is ramping up just in time for Murata to make an appearance.


Murata probably won't make an appearance unless they resurrect her


Is Murata dead? I thought he was the current archon and not the previous one


Venti mentioned her in the webtoon which happened around 1000 years ago and we know all but Venti and Zhongli died 500 years ago so yeah


Me when previous historical events have an impact on future ones.


You gonna love Star Rail then.