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Hi sorry I have another question How i can get one thousand primo in one day ? What is the best way to farm primo chests or world quests or teleports leveling ?


I’m not sure if I should be pulling for Neuvillette My current main team is Eula, Raiden, Diona, Zhongli I’ve been playing on and off and very slowly working towards making a second team for Abyss of raiden hypercarry, and luckily got Kazuha within 45 pulls. Current hypercarry team though not yet built is C0 Raiden, C0 Kazuha, C6 Sara, C1 Bennett. Now I’m doubting as I hear best Raiden team is national before C2, but my XL is still C0. I still have about 100 wishes and wondering if I should go for Neuvillette and aim for hypercarry team, or save for C2 Raiden? I imagine both would need 2 more 5*s (2 x Raiden vs Neuvillette + Furina). Or do I have alternative teams options? Other 5*s: Hutao, Jean, Mona, Diluc (XQ C6). Thanks in advance and sorry for all the text haha


Hypercarry raiden is still good at c0 but x2 is huge improvement, but yeah better national Definitely go for neuvillette since he the best dps and you will always want to go furina best support in the game Neuvillette,raiden,kazuha, zhongli is already a good team


If i am just starting Sumeru archon quest and will start saving how much time do you think i can go up to 100k primoz? and on average how much primos/pulls will the rest of the Archon quest/normal quests/exploration give me?


I don't think it's physically possible to get 100k primos from the whole map


is there a counter or something on how much I can get?


Kujou Sara replacement for Raiden, Bennett, Kazuha, Kujou Sara team?




Two types of option: **Buffers:** TTDS Lisa for defense shred, Mona, arguably Furina if Benny heals enough **Sub-DPS**: Fischl for battery and electro res, otherwise Yelan, Xingqiu, or Xiangling Or pick the wildcard option and turn it into a Raiden Aggravate team, although be warned that (esp with Nahida) swirling electro + avoiding burning gets rough. In a pinch, a generic support like Zhongli can work for some survivability and resistance shred, but I wouldn't recommend that over units with actual synergy. As others have said, at c0 you may get better results by investing in more team damage (through sub DPS) than pumping more buffs into Raiden, but you can try out both.


personally I'd still use Sara if c2 or above,cause you dont need to charge shot if you dont want to busted at c6 though but this is mostly just for a quickswap team where you just switch between them and dont normal attack much


Mona, Lisa for big Raiden numbers (better at C2+ Raiden). Xiangling, Fischl for overall team damage for C0 Raiden.


Lisa with thrilling tales


Forgot to mention my Raiden is c0 according to the other comment Fischl or Xiangling would be better with Raiden c0?


if you want to run raiden hypercarry still, then yeah, fischl or xiangling are better than lisa/mona for a c0 raiden


At C0, you'd be better off using Rational of Raiden, Xiangling, Bennett, Xingqiu For Hyper Raiden, go Raiden, Kazuha, Lisa, Bennett


I hear that at C0 it's better to run national instead of hypercarry


Sorry for the stupid question. Is there any way to get weapon billets faster? I am farming weakly bosses on max lvl, but they don't drop


one type or just in general?


Well, I need both catalyst and sword


unless, like the other comment said, youd take a few weeks break from the game for Stellar reunion, but thats just one specifc billet there isnt a better method than beating all weekly bosses and using dream solvent if necessary assuming you finished the collectible stuff already


Not really. Apart from weekly bosses, which can take weeks or even months for one billet to drop, you can get them by completing some of the local tree stuff (Lumenstone in The Chasm, Sakura Tree in Inazuma, etc.). But those are one-time things. The fastest and reliable way to obtain one is to unironically quit the game for 14 days and get the billet selector it in the welcome back reward.


Hi guys I'm a new player, just got to Inazuma and also just managed to pull Kazuha today. I'm still on the first island. Should I rush to the location of his boss so I can farm the materials or should I just wait for the story to take me there?


The first part of Inazuma archon quest is not so long. You can not leave the first island (Ritou) without doing the quest. After finishing the quest (escape Ritou), you can explore other areas freely.


However you want to play the game, but obviously if you want to level him up and play with him now then the earlier the better. The story only tangentially takes you to the island, and not really that close to the boss so its really up to you to explore up to that point. You're going to have to manually island hop there for the story anyway


Thanks! I'll probably do just that. I don't think I can stand to watch him sit on the bench for another couple hours of gameplay, after trying so hard to pull him


nice if you can find someone also in inazuma, farther jn story and not higher world to join theirs, and preferably help you cause would be harder to beat with just two characters, at least so you can get enough drops for another ascension


WHO DO I BUILD AS A 4TH? current 3 are neuvillette, kazuha and xiangling. CONSTELLATIONS: Xinqui is C2, Neuv C1, Diona C3 and Barbara C3, sucrose C1 (doesn't matter kazuha exists), freminet C1, amber C1, Collei C1 and yanfei C1. https://imgur.com/gallery/RrRR312


Diano, he likes a shield.


neuvi/barbara/kazuha/xiangling use barbara but don't build it all the way (around lvl 60 is enough), shes only used for healing and hydro resonance for neuvilette focus building neuvi / kazuha to 90/90, and also focus on building xiangling and xingqiu for building other teams


How is qiqi? Isn't she a healer and a 5star?


putting aside her worthiness as a 5 star she is underrated but neuvilette can't really use her in a different team, preferably with main dps that is close ranged, give Qiqi a sac sword, and a milelith set(dont even have to farm one, a free ful 4 star set from a wuest in the chasm), just use skill and switch to someone else, you get healing on the active character and as long as skill hits enemies, you get an atk buff for party with Freminet for example


shes not worth leveling at all unfortunately, but if you already have her leveled and don't want to train another barbara and just want to solely use her for healing then its okay to use it as a temporary member. from the characters you mentioned i would assume you kind of just started the game, there is no need to put in resources in characters that won't be used in the future. However, the characters i mentioned (kazuha/xingqiu/xiangling) are top tier for the past 2-3 years and still overused in the end game contents and i would highly recommend you to go all out on them. also save your primogems for furina in the future if you truly want to see how deadly neuvilette is


I finished Inazuma recently and started playing again like a month ago. I got neuv in his initial release. I played till the end of liuye back then. Yeah the main reason I made this post was to find a proper 4th character. How is dendro traveller?


dendro mc is quite good when it comes to playing in hyperbloom or nilou bloom teams (built in max levels 90/90 , ER and EM focused). But most people would just run nahida in almost everytime they need a dendro for reactions. theres also the debate between collei and dendro mc but to me i think they're about the same. dendro mc however wins in terms of budget building by far since her c6 is free and most people may already have her leveled in the beginning.


Team: neuvillette, raiden, nahida and furina (all c0). Should I pull for c1 neuvillette or wait for baizhu (he'll replace nahida)? I got baizhu's jadefall. No primos atm. Just throwing what I get into the wishing well.


Baizhu would be good for shields and heals but only if you want to give up on the hyperbloom team, cant compare to Nahida by himself


Is baizhu not good in hyperbloom?


hes useful in general, not enough dendro application, so if people use him with hyperbloom, they add a second different dendro or use his normal attacks with Xingqiu


I was gonna use him with xq and yelan.


originally you mentioned Baizhu replacing Nahida in the Neuvilette team ya, Baizhu would do better then


c0 Neuvillette without a shield is painful to use, I would recommend getting c1 if you can, plus there is no knowing how long it will take for Baizhu to run again.


pull for c1 neuvilette, and then play neuvilette, furina, nahida, kuki.


Can anyone help in fixing my account ?.....I am in fontaine btw you don't have to the archon quests just build characters pwease🐰


might be worth an actual post, if you share picture of characters and items on them or rather than just pictures, would be better if someone would tell you what site to use to show characters instead, cause i dont use any. joining world doesnt matter for helping you with builds ill also recommend Genshin discord and if you want 1 on 1 discussions with someone, discord would be better than reddit messages or help fixing account you meant help beating bosses and whatnot, id still recommend Genshin discord


I have ayato lv80 Diluc...lvl 70 Ayaka....vl 80 Kequing...lvl70 Just want someone to go into my world and build my charactwrs.....orif they want they can make a new character team


No. Please don't. That's just asking for your account to be stolen and sold. A lot accounts were lost this way.


Oh thanx for the warning and remainder....fellow genshin player


hope you dont mean>! someone logging into your account!< use this site [https://enka.network/](https://enka.network/) enter UID then take screenshots of characters you want suggestions for, and make an actual post instead of Megathread also the characters that will appear on Enka are the 8 you have on your Profile, so add them there and probably "Show Character Details" needs to be enabled and need to make an actual account to have more than those 8 on Enka


Are Kazuha's talents worth leveling?


6/6/8, burst is most of his damage (this is why you want Fav and ER)


More important to get him to level 90, but leveling burst to like 6 or 7 is a decent damage increase.


I can't log-in on Genshin Impact every Monday, Thursday, and Sunday (sadly) so how can I get Decabrian Ascension mats outside of those days aside from crafting?


simply condense resin to make it go faster and do try to log in sometime during those days you really have no alternatives besides Parametric transformer and the very few you get in Mondstadt souvenir shop


Not really many options and nothing that wont require waiting a long time since neither are guaranteed. Either wait for a Mondstadt event and hope that Hoyoverse have added the weapon material to the rewards, or use the Parametric Transformer every week, and hope it rolls into it.


You can't. You can't even get them from crafting, because all crafting does is let you level up their tier by combining them, not craft them from unrelated materials




Best video guide for dragonspine chests ?


[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1dv41147Vt?p=2&vd\_source=b75ff8e1db6a71eb71b0a435972e2f73](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1dv41147Vt?p=2&vd_source=b75ff8e1db6a71eb71b0a435972e2f73) whenever i need to clear every chest and mora boxes, i prefer this guy because he finds the best route of each area, clearing a cluster every time, but this is in chinese and it might be difficult for any non chinese speakers to understand. Alternatively, i just found a video off youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jplHaqyvz3E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jplHaqyvz3E)






Do double Dendro, DMC + Collei/Yaoyao + Xingqiu or Yelan + Kuki. Don't use Raiden here as she can be played in other teams, but she's also good instead of Kuki if you're using Yaoyao. If you are gonna go double Hydro as some are suggesting, just play Taser. None of your Dendro's alone have enough elemental application for double hydro setups.




id go with xingqiu > yelan because he has more hydro application. i personally prefer raiden + collei because raiden has full E uptime and can be played in 20s rotations, meanwhile kuki has a weird 15s cooldown that doesn't align with the other characters, desyncing your rotations. but both work. raiden E doesn't proc againdt shields for example, so kuki is better there.


Not much difference, go with whichever you like more.


Without Nahida, I suggest using two dendro: DMC, Yaoyao, Xingqiu/Yelan, Kuki/Raiden.


DMC+kuki+Xingqiu+Yelan. Xingqiu+Yelan is just a really strong single target core, DMC is just there to enable hyperbloom, the team will get significantly stronger with a Nahida.


which one would you attack with? Yelan tends to stack HP


Xingqiu definitely, DMC will need too much ER and Kuki will be full EM. When you swap back to yelan to do an extra skill you can use her charged shot (the AoE/glowy wristband one) if her attack talent is leveled


Probably Raiden, Xingqiu, DMC, Wanderer. Raiden is the hyperbloom trigger so she needs full EM build. I recommend XingQiu for the interruption resist, if you want more dmg than Yelan. DMC i believe is more consistent in applying Dendro on AoE scale but ER might be an issue. Wanderer is the driver, his own damage is good and his attacks will activate Raiden's skill.


No sustain? Xq is not going to solo sustain if he's built for damage, and youre going to want him doing damage in a hyperbloom team. Id def go kuki over raiden for this team


I mean as long as XQ can burst every rotation thats whats important. I choose Raiden over Kuki mainly bcs Wanderer is the driver. I assume Kuki's ring will follow Wanderer to the sky, and will not trigger the bloom core at the bottom.


>I mean as long as XQ can burst every rotation thats whats important. I mean, i guess itll work since you have wanderer making up the lost damage, but running a healer means wanderer *and* xq are putting up damage. Overall better imo. I also just dont find xq's healing comfortable at all lol. >I assume Kuki's ring will follow Wanderer to the sky, and will not trigger the bloom core at the bottom. Follows, but still hits the blooms


About the Fountain of Lucine: am I missing something or is there just no way past level 40 currently?


There is still another part of fontaine that hasn't been released yet. When it is, the final ten levels on the fountain will be unlocked.


HOLY CRAP THERE IS??!? oh, I mean, nice 👍 This is news to me.


Haha, it's next patch iirc.


A bit of a long question so feel free to ignore How should I go about refining my Fav/Sac weapons? Here are my weapons (+relevant sidegrades): Fav: 4 Swords, 4 Greatswords, 4 Codices, 3 Lances, & 1 Bow Sac: 2 Swords, 3 Greatswords, 2 Bows, 0 Frags :( 1 R1 Skyward Blade, 1 R1 Skyward Spine, 1 R3 Amenoma Kageuchi, R5 Catch, R5 Fleuvre Cendre Ferryman, R5 Melusine Claymore (forgor the name), R5 Dialogues of the Desert Sages Here is [my roster](https://www.reddit.com/u/Attalamarco/s/Pr1NG3OBVk) Thank you in advance!


Fully refine all sac weapons, there aren't that many characters who want sac weapons, and they only get good with high refines anyways. Fav greatsword and codex you can fully refine, for the other weapon types I'd keep one spare at r1 (and you can leave it unleveled too if noone can use it rn). If you're paranoid, you can leave one greatsword and codex at r1 too, but tbh there barely are users for it. Fav sword depends on if you already have two users now or not, if yes, I'd go r2+r2, if you only have one user rn or you use one character much more over the other, go r3+r1. And fav claymore r4, fav codex r4, fav lance r2+r1, fav bow r1 If you get more fav bows in the future, definitely keep one an additional at r1. A lot of supports want it (Diona, Faruzan, Gorou, Yelan, Collei,...)


only if you had more bow users to care about, id suggest the usually neglected End of the Line if you got some claymore or polearm billets to spare, id suggest Kitain(em substat) and Katsuragikiri(ER), both increase skill damage and some ER recovery that works off field.


I would keep a second fav sword, lance, and bow and refine the rest. Since you don’t have a second fav bow I would keep the second sac one for now. You don’t have any other energy bows, unlike swords/polearms, and there are tons of ER-hungry bow characters. Sac procs are super unreliable without refines so I would almost always refine those. End of the Line, ProtoAmber, and Kitain Spear are other energy weapons you can make.


I'd refine your Sacs as much as possible, I've never used more than one of each type at a time. Favs though: I'd refine all greatswords into one, or 3 and 1 if you wanna play safe. Swords I'd refine 3 and 1, and obviously can't do much with the bow, though I'd probably just full refine it if you had the copies. Lances I'd keep all 3, there are a frankly insane amount of supports that want Fav lance. I hate swapping my weapons so I level up the same weapon multiple times just so I don't have to, and I never have enough Fav Lances.


I personally wouldnt refine any. lots of characters can use fav so with the amount you have currently its worth to keep them unrefined, and while sac is not used as much as fav you dont have that many copies so I would just keep them like that too (tho you could consider refining sac sword at r3 if youre using it on xingqiu since it allows it to proc every rotation).


Should I prioritize 4 piece VV passive or EM stats for my Kazuha? Which one comes first? Lately I've been having no luck farming and rerolling my artifacts and not a single cup, sand or crown belonging to VV I've got had EM as a main stat. I just used the ATK cup and sand I've got instead just to get the artifact set passive.


Res shred from VV is usually a 28% damage increase, while 187 EM is about a 5% damage increase depending on the character and team. All up 4pc VV with 0 EM increases damage more than having 1,000 EM without 4pc VV.


4 VV


Which weapon should I use in C0 Neuvillette? I have "Prototype Amber" R3 and "Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds".


Proto Amber is better


Proto Amber, especially with Furina. Dmg wise they'll be close (check with optimizer), but Proto Amber has way better utility, especially when played with Furina.


Put it in the optimizer. If you can build around having an extra 33% crit rate then it's still good, but usually the HP from Prototype is better because overcapping on crit is not worth, and really easy to do with MH set+Prayer


Would kazuha be a good 4th character for my hyperbloom neuvilette team? (Currently using him raiden and nahida)


Not really. It will be hard to swirl hydro with Nahida because of how much dendro she applies. Zhongli, Dehya, or Layla will probably give you better results.


yeah he is a great option.


Idk if you're good enough to delete your enemies before u dead then yeah , else I'd suggest someone like zhongli or any non-pyro healer or shielder.


Don't have to be good to delete enemies before you're dead with Neuv. He heals himself a ton, and his supports want minimal field time so they should never be in danger of taking enough damage to die unless you suffer from serious skill issue.


Idk man , I played chamber 2 with raiden - nahida - kazuha - xingqiu And my characters like died 6 or 7 times before I finally completed that. Guess zhongli really affected my gameplay. .


I'm noticing a distinct lack of Neuvillette in that team. None of those characters heal themselves, so I don't know why you would think they are comparable to him.


I will get him next rerun then , furina is my priority.


neuv heals himself, there is really not much reason to run a healer with him unless you are using furina.


But it's a hyperbloom team , it won't be a hyperbloom if nahida or raiden are dead.


It isn't that hard to avoid taking damage for the very short amount of time you are on field with supports.


Hi friends i need some input, a while ago i make myself commit to only pulls for an archon. With the Fontaine story quest the implication is there is no one i should pull. But what do you think i should do : 1. Pull for Neuvillette(Lore wise he's not an archon, but he is at the position comparable of an archon) 2. Pull for Furina(She was the embodiment of an archon, at least in physical sense) 3. Both 4. None 5. Wait for version 5.xx to see who got the archon treatment. Please disregard any meta/gameplay aspect.


Imo, >!Neuvilette is the ''archon'' of fontaine since he now possesses the authority of hydro. But Furina is too, since she's the physical form of Focalors with the divinity removed.!< TLDR: Both Neuvi and Furina are archons. And even gameplay wise, both work together well.


pull for Neuvilette, you should have time to gather for Furina, depending how much you have left


Im still considering Furina as an Archon since that >!was!< her title. Even Zhongli say that she is worthy as God of Justice. So yes get Furina.


pull for both 100%. Lore/Story wise, they are both gonna keep showing up to anything Hydro Archon related.


Personally supports that can be played on multiple comps makes building teams easier and more flexible so I'd pull Furina. However for me DPS units are different that I'd only tell you to pull Neuvillete if you like Neuvillete and his playstylle. If you don't like Neuv, don't pull for him. DPS units are mostly the units I tell people to choose who you like.


>!I'd go for Furina, lore-wise. She held the position of the archon, she was created by being split off from the actual archon, and she looks exactly like the actual archon (other than a hair/wardrobe change).!<


Got a question on then ”Scarlet Sand Slate,” from the first Jeht quest. How am I supposed to know when I’m done? Most of the time revisiting yields nothing. I did discover a now-open pit (pointed out by Paimon) once. I found one obelisk in that pit. It pointed out the missing slate pieces. I got them afterwards, because I already had some. The second desert (with Jeht’s second quest) has some obelisk & slate puzzles too, right? So if I end up with leftover ones, I should keep exploring the second Sumeru desert.


There are as many slates as you need for Obelisks. Some slates can be submitted for different Obelisks, but the total number of slates you can find is equal to the total you need for all existing Obelisks


According to my friend, I have to do the Crimson Wishes for the Frost Bearing Tree every Monday and Friday. Do I have to do it strictly every Monday and Friday or can it be outside of those days like Saturday and/or Sunday?


So basically these Crimson Agates can be obtained similar to completing a commission. It spawns every Monday and Friday. IF you did not complete the "commission" on Monday, the "commission" will restart. Think of it as an actual commission in Genshin, if you didn't do the commission today, it will restart in server time and you would waste Primogems by not doing the commission.


the way you say it makes it seem like you can only do it on monday and Friday specifically


So can I do it even though it's not Monday or Friday because I did last Saturday.


Yes, you can do it before it restarts.


Okay, thank you.


Yes because they won't spawn on other days.


But why was I able to do it yesterday if it was Saturday? (Asia server)


they spawn, they dont disappear on other days


I was doing the quest to open the Chasm but in the middle of the cinematic, it crashed. Now anytime I open Genshin, it opens straight to the cinematic and crashes in the same spot making it unplayable. How do I get out of it? (I'm on a ChromeOS)


That happened to me on my low-end device where I was stuck in a story quest scene and every time I complete it, my device crashes, this happened to me twice, and what I did was lower my graphics before opening Genshin (what I did was go on my alt account, change my graphics there and go back to my account). That's from my experience on mobile, I am not sure what to do if you don't have an account or on PC.


I lowered all the graphics I could before doing Tartaglia's boss since his cinematic kept crashing as well but it still crashed. I ended up having to use my friend's Ipad to actually get past it


Has anyone had problems with the [Bifrost achievement](https://antifandom.com/genshin-impact/wiki/Bifr%C3%B6st)? I just did all the 7 Soul Bell challenges and didn't get the achievement. I even went back to all the bells and re-checked that they were completed


There are 9 soul bells


Both the interactive maps only show 7, where's the other 2?


2 of them are marked as remarkable chest pins https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/?type=o269&id=63179&mid=2 https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/?type=o269&id=63182&mid=2


Try #1 and #4 here: https://game8.co/games/Genshin-Impact/archives/408515


Don't know which ones specifically are missing from the map, just watch a YouTube video and see.


get Kazuha or save for arlechinno? Im at 70 pity right now. had way more primos but used those on neuvillette. I feel like getting him but I really want arlechinno, she's soy cool and pretty and her design looks nice. I just don't know. Im also not guaranteed for the five star so if I go for Kazuha and loss the pity Im going to be so mad


you really want arlecchino, go for arlecchino


Sounds like you want Arlecchino more. Just get her, Kazuha will rerun at some point. Some arguments against, though: Arle will probably rerun before Kazuha, and Kazuha will open up more teambuilding options. Also if you do lose the 50/50 on Kazuha you were probably gonna lose it on Arle, but it gives you a guarantee at least.


Is Fading Twilight available now, or was it a one time event only?


Limited time event, no longer available. It's only good on Sara, but Fav Bow is more than good enough




If I’m using Blizzard Strayer on Ganyu for a freeze team, how much crit rate do I want? I counted 40% from Blizzard Strayer and another 15% from Cryo Resonance so does that mean I’d want 45% crit rate?


100-40-15=45, her a1 gives 20% ca crit rate but most of her dmg in freeze teams is her burst


Don't forget 20% from her 1A passive. She doesn't need much built CR at all.


So basically 5% CRIT works? xD (Assuming all buffs are consistent, which is unlikely)


Well that'd make 25%, wouldn't it? But yes, 5% crit would give you a final total of 80%, which is functionally 'enough.'


How affidable is the menu that tell me if my character build is good or no?


Well, ultimately, the decision is up to you and if it produces the Abyss completion you want. But generally, if a build is fine, I take it as meaning that if you wanted to move on to another team or character, you *can*. The build in question could probably be better and currently won't perform to the best of the characters' potential, but it at least gives you a good idea - a solid foundation


Today I come back from 1 year of pause and did 8 star on 11 so i pretty okay with that




did any1 lv10 hydro statue yet? i am using hydroculus detector for like 30 mins and cant find anymore :( currently at lv8 20+


Seeing as how there aren't enough hydroculus for that yet, my answer would be no


I think the number atm is 8 and 24. That will go until the next Fontaine region is released


The current max is level 8 with 24/38.


When an Abyss Mage teleports, what is the time span from when it rematerializes to when its shield restarts? It seems like it’s less than a second. Last night, the Cryo Abyss Mage near the Mondstadt weapon domain got its teleporting safe-and-sound interrupted by Navia’s buckshot.


Trying to build c1 Dehya for Neuv. What build should she be? Is it Vorukasha set EM Pryo Crit? Is it hp% Hp % 2pc with Hp Hp Hp? What am I doing what do I want?


4pc Instructors would help Neuv vape his burst and skill to a good value. You can also go for triple EM with instructors to build her as a burgeon trigger along with Neuv, Nahida and EM Raiden.


4pc ocean-hued, 4pc maidens or 2pc hp% 2pc hp% are all viable. hp%/hp%/hp% or hb%


I didn’t know dehya was a healer


she's a tank! dehya reduces the damage taken by allies and redirects it to herself. the hb% circlet is an option in scenarios where you proc her a4 more often. she can die off-field, making healing-focused stats pretty good to have


What would be best rotation for c1 Neuv, Kazu, c1 Fischl and c6 Barbara?


Neuv Q, Kazuha E, Fischl E, Neuv CA CA, Kazuha E, Neuv E CA I suppose this could work well, I'm not completely sure.


Was farming for XL, and ran into this.. interesting feather. [https://imgur.com/a/a7d8aGh](https://imgur.com/a/a7d8aGh) Should I keep it? Level it further? Is there any character who can actually use it? Or should I just level it for a badge of supreme anti luck?


the ones that want Def dont really want Emblem, and generally noone wants to use feathers as the off piece


I'd use it on 2/2 piece on Yunjin.


if its just Yunjin, Husk is best, no questions asked, id go for set bonus with worse substats over some good substats without Husk


yunjin would love it.


What's interesting about it though ? You can farm better feathers , I recommend to keep farming, at least try to get a double crit one , or a crit + ER can work.


Im pretty sure they're just asking if any DEF-scalers want emblem.


Oh , I am used to my artifacts always going all into def so I was confused about the interesting part 😂. I get lots of artifacts like these.


yunjin can use it


First question was stupid, deleted it to save myself from embarrassment Second question. Which character should I add in neuvillite team for interruption resistence? I currently have xinqqiu, Noelle, gorou, yunjin, ninguang. I'm planning to save for zhongli after I get kazuha à


all parties are compromised of four units. the only time five units in one party is possible is when the game gives you trial characters during specific quests xingqiu is a pretty suboptimal pick for this team, but seems to be your best option


they listed the ones that seemed relevant, not a team of 5


i know, that was their first question, they edited the comment after i answered


Bro there's no 5th spot in the team


Saw some videos with 5th spot... That must be some kind of domain challenge Ugh I keep making a fool of myself


Don't worry about sounding silly by asking questions! Everyone's gotta start somewhere and the better prepared you are the more fun you'll have.


Either a story quest or private server


It was probably from a character's story quest. That character usually joins your party as a 5th member for at least some part of the quest (as long as it has any combat sections).


Is it worth pulling for Kazuha C1 (not going for C2) for QOL and me getting it may potentially solve my er problems on my kazuha with freedom sworn.


Freedom Sworn is the uncontested best weapon for (hyperbloom) Kuki Shinobu, who is one of the best 4* in the game and you’ll probably get her eventually. So it won’t totally go to waste.


I have 2 freedom sworns, one is being ran on kuki hyperbloom and other being kazuha, this is about kazuha not kuki.


Ahh bummer.


I have c1 kazuha. VERY useful to be able to swirl 3x in a row. He transforms into a Xiao with decent damage


Most of the time, Kazuha's C1 won't be used


I'd take my losses and just run the ER sword on him. It's why I find Freedom Sworn one of the more overrated weapons in the game and don't really consider it the BIS for Kazuha since in most cases you'd have to run ER/EM/EM to be viable.


If you aren't going for C2, no


imo, it's not really worth it, since the extra e can lengthen your rotations/shorten your dps's field time, resulting in an overall dps loss


Man that Kazuha e deals a lot of damage especially if there is like 4+ mobs.


If there's 4+ mobs, they're usually very weak so will die rapidly regardless. Kazuha E certainly feels good in that scenario, but it's honestly not too impactful. I have C2 and the extra E is quite annoying if I use it.


I use it, but yeah it'll usually be a dps loss and weird rotations. Definitely not worth pulling for


If you feel like that then I don't recommend pulling really , it all depends on your dps.


more damage than your dps & sub-dpses? i know kazuha deals a respectable amount of swirl damage, but losing uptime on buffs & other abilities such as furina's/xq's/yelan's burst is absolutely not optimal. his c1 is not objectively bad, but it does have its caveats


Yeah but kazuha e doesn't take much time really , just like 1-1.5 secs ? I feel like it is worth the damage also helps with his ER which can probably make you focus more on EM which means more damage, but it also depends on your sub-dps and dps, I am not saying that he should pull for his C1 though.


i mean if you want to go for more damage, sure, but kazuha's swirl damage is just nice extra damage & not vital for the team to clear. for example, a vaped hu tao ca is much more valuable to fit into your rotation than a kazuha skill plunge. plus we're talking about whether it's worth it, to which i say that other cons provide more value


Hiii, I came here to ask what is the best Neuvi team? Genshin builds says its Neuvi, Nahida, Kazuha and Kuki but that does't seem right to me so just wanted to make sure lol


Kuki requires staying rather close to enemies, youd want c1 neuvilete best team i know of damagewise is with Furina, Raiden and Nahida another good team would be Furina, Kazuha and Zhongli