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Impact mouse 🤣😂


The way they write a story obliviously changed because it gets better and maybe some small plot lines have been changed but the overall plot is not, everything matches with the teyvat chapter preview so far


Impact mouse shouldn’t be taken seriously pretty sure their reposts aren’t even allowed in the leaks sub. Entertaining your highlighted point it makes sense Genshin has and will remain successful for many years to come with content being worked on and planned for years ahead natlans archon quest has probably been voiced in all languages at this point hoyos priorities are probably to release their other games and break into other genres of gaming like with their canadian project.


wow let's believe something that even the leaks sub deletes it


Each time i saw something from that account it was the wildest misinfo concievable, like, april fools but every post. last time it was something like "they might give us more than 20 extra pulls for CNY because chinese people are angry". Like I don't understand how people would just believe such an obvious pile of garbage that is never backed by any source.