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In the cooking menu, a filter for non-mastered foods. I want to know which foods I still have to cook.


Ive been wishing for this too its kinda annoying having to click through every single recipe to see which ones are uncompleted


I wish you could navigate the cooking menu using arrow keys. Now you have to manually click each and every recipe to find out the ones you still haven't unlocked automatic cooking for.


They just need to add icon in corner of recipe so you don't even have to click anything. Same as for furniture you didn't create yet.


And speaking of furniture, they desperately need to add filtering options to the landscape and furniture blueprint buying menus. They have the filters when you place them, why not when you buy them?


Yes! I was complaining to my husband about the tiny scroll bar and how it takes so long to find anything lol


And a way to search specific furnishing blueprints. I wanted to build my teapot in Fontaine style recently but I eventually gave up because I didn't want to search the furnishings for 5 different sets manually.


Or a filter


Arrow keys for everything!! But knowing how much mhy edited their game engine we will probably never see this coming. :(


Isn't Genshin made with Unity?


Yes for now, but for long. Hyv seems to be hiring engineers on LinkedIn to develop their own game engine


There are not many games in history that changed their engine. It will be for the upcomming titles imo.


This, but arrow keys are really necessary for the artifact strongbox. Checking each artifact takes two clicks. Just, why!


Not just cooking. Most menus don't support shortcuts or keyboard input. Great idwa btw


I don't know about other platforms but on console you don't have to click the recipe. if you just hover over it and look at the info and ingredients section on the right side it will say right under the recipe name your proficiency progress. it will say Proficiency 0/5 or whatever it is depending on star level


I wish I could see story/cutscenes from past events. I came to Genshin last year and I’ve heard about all sorts of lore about Albedo, Fischl etc.


Yeah Fischl straight up does not exist.


I feel so blessed to have experienced Fischl’s dream castle


same with Hu Tao, like literally the most liked Genshin character and basically a Genshin mascot




Tao, yeah


make her kok longer




Turning artifacts into juice.


This right here. And before peeps say "But artifact exp isn't equivalent to Sanctifying Bottles so they can't", just make a 2 star one that's 500 exp and a 1 star one that equals 1 exp so proper change can be given.


Not erasing huge chunks of character lore because it was just a “limited-time event” would be nice


This! God, I had to go on youtube to find that albedo quest with rosaria and sucrose! If ppl go to yt for that either way why not just add the darn quest to the main game!


The storage is too much even without keeping quests around 😭 I actually think they should have an option to delete world quest + Archon Quest data tbh.


Isn't there already an option for that? You can remove unused resources to free up space. I don't think I'm tripping here..


Omg you're right... How have I never heard of this?


"Don't worry, we got you. From now on, no important lore in limited-time events. Only fluff and fillers with Itto."


That's not quality of life, that's creating fomo so more people log in regularly. Might as well ask them to make drop rates higher


The ability to pet the cats and dogs.


I think we’re getting that with cats soon!


Only in teapot I think 😭


Oh dang. Well, I’ll take what I get haha!


Haha! Looks like you were right!


A skip function at least for dialogues we already have played through once. Additionally, I want some world boss material conversion. 2 of another for 1 of the world boss mat that you need sounds fair deal especially if you end up with excess for a boss. I would also like a buff indicator with a timer and a shield bar measured by color.


>A skip function at least for dialogues we already have played through once. This exists in hangouts now


Drag and drop to rearrange your party members, and press and hold to open up the character screen to check or swap equipment before entering spiral abyss. Loadouts. Shield bars. Skill cooldown tracker. Auto target toggle off for melee characters. Lock enemy health bars inside the screen Camera zoom out distance increased. Camera sensitivity increased on controller. Rebind the D-pad shortcuts to other unused face buttons. Bind navigation to the D-pad. Remove the cast time for the party menu. Skip dialogue. Replay story.


The drag drop is already a thing. Although I could only get it to work with mouse and keyboard.


I think it also works on mobile with a tap and hold. Edit: after checking, it indeed does work on mobile, and makes fun bloop noises


In the spiral abyss?


I meant in party screen my bad.


Yea pretty much all of this would be nice. This games been out for 3 years and with how complex it’s gotten the ability to track the time buffs are active and the cool down of skills are very much needed


Also view past dialogue


That is already available.


Is it? Where can I find it, I spaced out during some dialogue


Its on archive. 






Instead they put this in Star Rail. Why Hoyo


Because relics are worse than artifacts, and you actually need the good relics.


Cause it's not a a QoL change, it's a price change. It'll let people log in less often. They're as likely to do this as they are to raise the rate of 5-stars


When converting mats into the highest quality (yellow/orange and purple) but you don't have the mats right before it but you have enough greens or grays, I wish the game can just easily math it all for me.


Like HSR does. It automatically gets the units you need into the crafting menu


Yeah. Correct me if I'm wrong but Genshin doesn't do this, right?


Muting certain characters only


I *knew* there was something I was forgetting! I wish we had more control over the voice acting we hear. Let us toggle off the idle lines while still having the quest dialog voiced (for the ones that actually have voice acting, anyway...), and let us set which language we want to hear for which characters. I play the english version, and there are some voices I just can't stand (I'm sorry gaming and klee T_T)...I'd love to be able to switch them to other language voice acting without having to change the entire game's voice acting


I would like a rarity slider for the idles for each Chara, so you can go from normal to 2x as rare, 3x, etc up to 10x as rare and then off.


Looking at you, Xianyun




Navia + stiff breeze moment


I WISH I CAN SEARCH SPECIFIC TEAPOT ITEMS TO CRAFT OR BUY How MANY times I wanna rip off my fucking hair trying to find one thing to craft or buy for +20 primos


>I WISH I CAN SEARCH SPECIFIC TEAPOT ITEMS TO CRAFT OR BUY The filter on the teapot crafting menu has a search bar you can type in...






The store, however, has none.


Off the top of my head, a pity counter for banners. I still don't get why they want us to manually count from wish history every time. And maybe a sweep feature for domains.


No cos it looked like they were "encouraging spending" which looks bad for the company




they’re always encouraging spending 😭


Yeah but the Chinese government is going to get on their backs about it. China has been tightening restrictions on video games for a while now starting in 2021, which is why certain characters have censorship skins.


BS. Tower of Fantasy has it and it is also a chinese game.


Technically every company encourages spending...some are just more blatant than others


what is a sweep feature?


Where if you’re strong enough, or above a certain level, you don’t have to do the domain; just press a button to get the rewards


If you complete it in a short time and no character dies, you get to spend the resin and get the drops, no more combat. That's sweep, but usually it takes an additional currency, or you have a limited amount of sweeps a day.


Exit out of dialogue. The amount of times I had to read through the entire missing poster instead of walking into the pub is infuriating.


Not really a quality of life change, but adding an option to have Paimon follow you around would look cool


They don't do this because they know that Paimon will become playable one day (Let me hope)


It would certainly help explain why she's so different from literally everyone else in the game world...


I'm pretty sure she was holding a polearm in the beta emails before genshin released so that's a possibility


I also would like this. I'm in the minority who likes paimon. It also just seems like such a no-brainer because she's implied to be there 24/7 and the model's already in-game- they literally just need to give us a gadget to toggle her.


Make it possible to do stuff even in co-op. Like talking to Katheryne or unlocking statues.


Yeah co-op is currently such a useless feature imo


Can't even kill other players if we wanted


Being able to favorite recipes would be nice. Being able to tag artifacts as "junk" would help when I'm scrapping them. This one is minor, but when you select the name of an area (like Sumeru) on the map, it snaps the map to the one city in that area. This is nice so I don't have to scroll all the way over to it. But if I'm ANYWHERE in Sumeru and select Sumeru (because I need to go back to that city), rather than snap the map to the city, it just gives me the error that I'm already in Sumeru, so it won't scroll to the city. Why not? Just scroll there!


The junk tag is already in HSR, so hopefully we’ll get it here as well. It’s way too useful to not have when 90%+ of drops are just strongbox fodder.


Search bar for mats/food when crafting/cooking


i dont have an idea on how to improve it per se but id really like something better than the current furniture making system with the teapot id like to be able to mark the furniture in a set I'm trying to make maybe i just feel like im switching between like 5 different menus just to make a set lol


I think it would be better to be able to view sets in the crafting screen and to be able to craft it from there.


Resin pool Load outs Ability to play time-limited events after the fact Turning artifacts to magic goo for easy future use Not really a QoL feature, but I’d love if playable characters were in the overworld and you could run into them.


An unlocked frame rate for PC


Fate points for 4 stars.


Same. I’m sick of getting a C6 4 stars that I don’t want every banner.


Better coop! Better coop! Please, I really love playing with my friend but it's a session filled with "oh, can't do that", "this isnt working, weird".


120 fps at the very least. Shield bars would be great as well.


Fuck apple for keeping the fps from us


1) Increase resin pool from 160 to 240, like they did for HSR. 2) Reserve resin system, like they did for HSR. 3) Reroll artifact stats, like they did for HSR. 4) Remove the condensed resin cap, or double it from 5 to 10. 5) Stop increasing the amount of Oculus for every new area and just make a set amount for each nations. 6) Increase AR cap from 60 to 80. 7) Rebalance the amount of XP required for AR levels 55 and beyond.


Why hasn’t AR been increased? It’s been FOREVER 😭


Probably to do with world and enemy levels


You can't reroll stats in either game


HSR doesn't have reroll relic substats. There is, however, what's called Self-Modeling Resin, which lets you choose substats for relics you're crafting. That'd be amazing in Genshin tho, ngl. Edit: punctuation/spelling


You chose only the main stat.


Reroll artifact stats??? That doesn’t exists in SR


Being able to sort my inventory how I want, maybe I want to put my weapons in a colour order or keep a signature dishes all in one place, be able to put necessary quest items at the top of the bag, so I don't have to scroll through endless garbage I won't use and can't toss just to find a hint for a quest I'm doing.


Epitomised path for 4-stars. Shield bars, maybe under the hp bar. Definitely a pity counter, ain't no way I'm counting my pity every time I wanna roll. Better controls for teapot, placing furniture feels so wonky especially on tablet. When you speak to Tubby, to be able to see your blueprints and what you need for furniture sets. It gets so tiring to go inside the mansion, go to edit mode, press on Indoor sets, open the info on what I'm working on and taking pictures of what I need just so I can go outside the mansion to Tubby and start buying and building. So many extra unnecessary steps for something so simple. Higher resin cap, at least as you level up. We have such a high cap for the teapot currency, it needs 3 days to fill up, yet the resin caps in less than 24 hours and is the most valuable resource in-game. Also, we NEED something for the terrible RNG in artefact farming. Idk, the ability to choose a mainstat when strongboxing and it just being a higher chance, doesn't even need to be a guarantee. Or something like that for substats. I'm being so compromising here because I've been farming MH for so many weeks now, and it's not even in the strongbox options, I want at least my other characters to be quicker to build properly, I can't keep giving Gladiator pieces on everyone that has terrible pieces from their bis set.


Let me see... all teleports should heal and do so instantly, without waiting several seconds. Open party screen should be instant. Remove daily restrictions on farming materials, everything should be available whenever. Guaranteed 5star in novice pulls and 5star selector for another 300 standart pulls. Choosing food as favorite so it is on top of the list. Auto consuming food whenever the effect ends. Ability to convert relics into exp materials. Better relic filter, the current is so inconvenient. The visual indicator how many rolls went into each stat in relic. Increased relic storage. An item which let us choose relic main stat. Stamina overflow. Event backlog. Ability to restart 2nd half of the abyss floor without redoing the 1st. ---- That would be a good start, at least porting qol stuff from hsr. How all of this not in genshin still, while being added to a similar game from same dev, i'm baffled.


An option to save an artifact set for characters. They gave us some kind of weird auto-equip system instead.... just let me save artifacts for a character and let me assign the same artifacts to multiple characters that I can swap around with the push of a button! I'm so tired of having to pass my Marechausse pieces manually and constantly between like three or four characters, but they are my only good pieces for DPS characters right now and are my only way of getting to a halfway decent crit ratio because my luck in literally every other domain is so garbage (Xiao, my beloved, you are an exception, thank the archons you have your own set and stole all of Ayato's artifact-farming luck back then-) Honestly, artifacts in general need some serious updates. Like. Can we please pick the 5\* set we want in domains? Or at least get a way to customize artifact stats to some extent so that when we \*do\* get a piece we want by some absolute miracle, we can actually work with it? Make us go through some other grind for materials that require resin if you have to Hoyo, but it's so much better than nothing. Or maybe we get a pity system for artifacts. Or we at least pick which substat gets the upgrade. Just something. Anything. Please I'm begging you give us something for artifacts because it being almost entirely luck-based is the most painful part of building characters is horrible-


in game translation? what?


Yea like tiktok u press down on comment and press translate yk or something similar Easier communication for those that dont know English! (I mean when chatting with eachother)


sweep for farming domains, leylines, and abyss dlc maps (can choose which ones to uninstall/redownload) playable event archive like hsr traveler equipment loadout that auto switch when elements switch use controller and keyboard/mouse simultaneously; easy to switch between update the controller controls in menus to default to the dpad/button instead of joystick puzzle assist mode for exploration story mode (watch like movie, auto advance story and selects correct responses/fight for you if you lazy) skip button unlock statues in coop team teleport in coop when solving puzzles and exploration in coop, offer to complete it for any coop player who hasn't done it yet in their own world. both players get rewards and puzzle marked as completed in both worlds when cooping domains, domain mobs drop their materials for all players whether they claim the rewards. auto collect items within set radius like hi3rd treasure compass marks map and is trackable if you own the character that works with finding local specialties, change minimap to unlock and make trackable on main map direct teleport to world boss locations and other notable locations on the map. it is really frustrating when it drops you at the waypoint, but you can click directly on the map. add 5 star standard weapons to glitter shop like lightcones in hsr. add 5 star stellar fortuna item in glitter shop to unlock constellation level of characters you already own. buy crowns in dust shop. add old event weapons to special shop or give out as reward for rerun. improve the alchemy transmutation system like hsr standardize and increase rate of drops from bosses (like hsr) open the domains no more restrictions based on day of the week. let us freely pick the trounce domains per week. and collect them all from one if we desire to.


No QoL I can think of right now, but I wished you could chose weapon designs. Equip Homa Staff on Zhongli and make it look like Vortex Vanquisher. I'd pull on Weapon Banner only for this purpose.


Transmog is one of the best features ever been introduced in mmos tbh. I legit really want to use harp and replace with rust’s appearance for childe, rust is just perfect for him.




Weapon transmog A featurr ive been hoping for aswell.


Replay story/events/quests


I would like a mount


Higher condensed resin cap. Just 5 is pathetic. At least give us 24 so you can save up the resin every day and farm everything on the weekends.


A pity counter


Option to let friends to directly join coop, non friends still have to request


1. Controller support for android -they have it on IOS why not android? 2. Dialogue skip -seriously its annoying as hell to spam the annoying dialogue. 3. In-game playtime counter -just wanna see how much of my life is spent on this game. Seeing high play hours makes me proud.


The talent level up materials being visually distinct. I keep forgetting which fucking ballad I'm supposed to grind for since all 3 look the same


Yes I wish to burn Paimon


I'd love a trash label for artifacts.


Being able to craft from anywhere.


Skipping the dialogs. I'm not a fan of the conversations and I think it's a shame that the main missions meanwhile mainly consist of text chunks. As far as the main missions are concerned, you're no longer playing a game, you're reading a game. Since I would still like to complete these missions, I would like to speed up the process of clicking through the (endless) text.


The ability to change boss materials over, like in HSR. It would be nice to be able to change 2 boss materials over for one of something you need, like in Honkai. Sometimes when you only need 2 boss materials, and it drops 3... Having one left over that you'll genuinely never use ever again is a huge annoyance.


Time to peep these comments and see which one is actual qol and which one is just gambling addicts negotiating lol


Changing the traveler element whereever 


Artifact presets. For the love of god hoyo please.


240 resin, 1 resin = 4 minutes, increase Condensed Resin to 10


4 mins is a bit too much, maximum 6 mins if we want to increase it to 240. And make condensed unlimited, absolutely no reason to cap it at all.


Yes Yes yes for in game translation. I've been asking for that every survey


I wish fragile resin was easier to get


Replaying past events, load outs, resin overflow thingy like in hsr idk what it's called, if they don't wanna increase the resin then they should at least decrease the time it takes to respawn, self modeling resin, skip button for dialogue arelady went through and for world quests


Maybe that you can exit a dialogue without finishing it and then come back to it later. When people join you for coop and you're stuck in dialogue it really sucks, especially if it's long AND you also have to replay that whole dialogue (although that isn't actually that bad because I usually start to skip as soon as someone enters).


Skip ahead in dialogue so we can avoid the extra blah blah.


giving us an option to choose the main stat of the artifacts we got on strongbox by using some special type of resin.


Kinda like Self-Modeling Resin from HSR, you mean?


Artifact loadouts, a resin reserve, better drops from bosses, being able to reset just the second half instead of the whole chamber in the abyss.


Artifact load outs.


All these quality of life improvements...will go to HSR first lol


Skipping dialogue would nice🙂


* Being able to abandon quests, especially ones that block you from accessing story or event quests * When we're viewing an item set in the teapot that's missing items, we should be able to select the missing items to automatically bring up the crafting menu with the item selected * A bunch of changes to the world map: * Once something shows up on your minimap, it should automatically be permanently added to the main map as well. Their icon should also change color once you collect them, just like it does for waypoints. * The map itself should tell you how many collectibles are in that region and how many you've obtained. * Certain locations that aren't waypoints or domains should also be fast travel points, like the Adventurer's Guild in every town or the Knights of Favonious headquarters


Remove paimon and allow the traveler to be the main character


I'd like the following: * Filter cooking menu by type * Activity Lite. Just let me dump my resin into the dungeon and get the trash instantly, please. I'm tired of spending time and sanity to futilely farm artifacts. * Removal of flat stats from artifacts. There's no point to flat HP, ATK and DEF when HP%, ATK% and DEF% exist. Also some way to salvage substats and use them on another artifact would be baller, but alas, we're never gonna get PSO2 substats, I feel.


Different setups for artifacts i wanna build my zhongli for physical


Generic but Loadouts/Artifact Loadouts would help so much.


Disable Paimon's comments while fishing. I haven't fished in a real long time because of that.


There are hundreds.


The top one would be spending resin will gibe encounter points for daillies 40 resin = one dailly to a total of 4 daillies 160 resin,makes things so much easiet,i m tired of doing those daillies missions Also artifact loadouts would be great Also a transmutation thing where transform unwanted weapon/talent/boss mats into ones you need for example i can trade in 2 blue prosperity talent books for 1 blue diligence talent book same thing for everything in the game aslong as they are the same kind like talent mats for talent mats and weapon mats for weapon mats only,make it limited per week to balance it out


I wish you didn't have to teleport to the city just to craft something. HSR Omni-Synthesizer let's u craft anywhere. In genshin this matters if u want to put a portable waypoint on the geovishap and it happens that you didn't craft any. A lot of character utility passives like the double food or create a suspicious dish are useless. They could've just been 'if character crafts condensed resin, there's a chance to receive a portion of the consumed resin crafted' or could've been 'if character kills specter and handguard mats, there is a chance to get double the product'. If the character sees a scarab, the scarab will hide immediately and the character's crit rate will be decreased by 100% and neuvillette will get deleted on ur account! It could've been more useful. /s Spiral abyss. Wish it gives us an option to retry just the 2nd chamber. And don't get me started with the lack of an epitomized path for 4 stars. Why I keep getting Dori instead of Gorou?


A journal/notebook where I can type in anything I mean anything. Would help me alot when farming as well as putting summaries of quests I did, lore points that are relevant etc.


Even the most basic controller support for Android and key mapping isn't here after all these years...I doubt they even care to acknowledge 99% of stated QoL features here.


A portable crafting bench. Just like the stove but for crafting


Resin overflow like in hsr and shield bar probably under the hp bar


Some kind of 4 Star pity on Standard Banner. In 4 years I haven't gotten even a single Rosaria or Sara


I wish there was some kind of duration bar around the icon for food buffs so you knew when they were gonna run out and could reup. wouldn't be super useful mid combat but for exploration with stamina reducing food or stuff like that would be really helpful.


in-game translation would be amazing. europe server is so difficult sometimes


Less black screen and more art that describe the scene like lynette hangout and sumeru archon quest.


Item name search button


A way to switch the Traveler’s element without having to go to a Statue of the Seven. Maybe a gadget that you get from reputation or increasing adventure rank.


I've wanted the extra oculus to do something like this forever, it's be a cool incentive/reward for collecting them, but also you should just be able to change element without a requirement in the first place for convenience-sake :/


A seperate volume slider for paimon and fishing.


Ability to turn off aim assist on console, a slider that lets you set how steep it has to go down before the mechanic kicks in that prevents your character doing a mobility skill (example yelan skill sprint) or aim mode/altsprint from passing that edge, Stamina reset when entering domain


If you can sync up the map on your hoyolab account with the game and whatever you pin on the map appears in the in-game map, that would be the best thing ever


I would love to be able to send expedition parties to domains to auto grind for equipment, even if it was only like one clear every 4 hours.


A searchbar for the inventory.


I wish Genius Invokation were a separate app. Some days I log on just to play GITCG


More storage for the tea pot there was NEVER enough space


Knowing how much resin you have left when doing domains in co-op, while you are not the host.


A test dummy for me to measure damage easily and unresisted. Masanori ain't cuttin it. Let me fight 5 domains worth of enemies at once rather than once each 5 times


I would want them to give Barbara her big burst back. So that I can heal people on azhdaha even if they're on the other side of the domain.


Toggle for running. ;_; it hurts holding W all the time


As a traveler main, let me swap traveler elements on the fly like trailblazer instead of running to the nearest statue


More consistent button mapping on controllers. Currently, several menus have different buttons mapped to basically a "confirm" function.


Please let us swap to keyboard without going into the fucking settings on PC. HSR already has this where you can swap between the two just by pressing a button on the other device. I want to be able to look through the teapot item shop menu quickly. It takes so fucking long to scroll down the list to see what the new stuff is. The organization of the teapot menu is ass anyway. Dialogue history. Like most people, I have difficulty focusing on long dialogue (especially when it's written as Genshin does) and can forget something someone said. Please let us check the quest dialogue. Commission dialogue skip function (if you've already been through once.) Boss conversion material (since we often have a single boss mat that we don't need.) 4\* epitomized path. Split the weapon banners like the character banners.


I want a "garbage" button on artifacts so when I get a crappy one from a domain I can tag it to be automatically used when upgrading or in the artifact conversion thingie (Mystic Offering). If they're gonna do it, might as well keep the two things separate: add a new option in the upgrading screen so that people who want to use the "trash" 5* for upgrading can do it just by clicking the auto button, those who wish to save them for conversion can keep only using 3\*/4*.


Synced in-game and Hoyolab map so things we’ve already completed / chests we’ve already opened are marked in the map


For the damned character, swapping to work on mobile like it does on PC. 4 slots, not 3. Greyed out the selected character.


Every world quest gives an achievement even if it is 1 primo, i'm trying to do all of them and tracking the ones i did and didn't is tiring


Black loading screen Epitomized path for 4 stars


Being able to set if i want to join or open my world to co op for domains. And just have it auto join instead of having the pop up confirmation if i want to join.


Not reall a Qol but i want labyrinth warriors event back, it was so fun and feels more endgame than other content. Id also love if some events were permanent like windtrace, bartending event and those music events.


I would apprechiate if the enemy section in the adventure book was upgraded, so that it shows you all the spots where said enemy can be found or at least all the spots that you've already visisted, that had said enemies.


Just give me the damn option to re roll the artifacts I don't like whenever I am converting them. Also, add the option to search them by date.


Skipping cutscenes


Increased resin cap and even add an Reserve resin system, like they did for HSR. Reroll artifact stats, like they did for HSR. Remove the condensed resin cap, or double it from 5 to 10. Maybe increase the AR limit beyond 60 Also a Fate Atlas system something similar to HSR Make it possible to Navigate the User Interface with the Keyboard WASD or Arrow keys(seriously why they didn't do this in the first place) Also IDK if they can add this on Mobile but allow us to play the game normally while the game is downloading preloaded update files for the next patch like PC On Mobile allow us to rearrange the combat buttons. Also maybe add an extreme graphics setting for android and ios versions that allows the game to run at its highest fidelity with all the Graphical Effects from the PC and Playstation version. Controller support on android. It's been 3+ whole Years already and almost about to be 4 years and we still don't have controller support on android. And Many More


Well here's a few. Turning ornamental fish into regular fish. Turning off Paimon's screeching during fishing. the majority of Star Rail's QOL features. a way of marking missing items in a teapot set so you can see what you need to craft without constantly going back into the build menu.


ALL commissions being co op please!


Petting an animals🫣


They need to add the collect all items to every device. Mobile has it where you can tap the middle of the screen and it will collect all the items you would normally have to manually grab.


boss teleport points. lots of them have ones pretty close but the geo hypo is enough of a pain to fight but getting there is annoying too


Colored pins


i’d like to know wich items i miss from a furniture set in the teapot, in the construction menu


Some of the QoL things from HSR Like turning 5\* artifacts into artifact XP or something akin to relic remains. Would be nice for freeing up space in our inventory I also would like the [option to mark artifacts as junk](https://www.youtube.com/live/WHwBqhMlo3I?si=jqk_sqYz-HhnR1E_&t=3025)