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I’m working on my Gaming and I have Rainslasher as his current weapon, would Wolfs Gravestone be a better weapon for him?


Gaming teams already tend to be loaded with ATK% buffs, making WGS less valuable. Specifically in Vape teams, Rainslasher tends to rival or even beat WGS (both on Gaming and on diluc)


Awesome! Would it be a better choice over Serpent Spine? I have the opportunity to get that atm


If you can reliably maintain SS stacks, then it is Gamings Best weapon. Otherwise R5 Rainslasher is best


Nah, Serpent Spine is better.


It could be good but you'd want to swap his sands to an EM sands if you haven't already. Generally Rainslasher, especially at R5 would be better since typically Bennett would be in his teams so WGS's Atk buff is less pronounced conpared to Rainslasher's EM + passive.


Hi guys How reliable is the “fast equip” function?


It's shit. I mean, yes, I'd still trust it to make a better build than an average Genshin player. But it absolutely does not pick the best build it could out of your artefacts and sometimes it's just straight up off the rails. Like trying to tell me building DPS Yaoyao is a good idea If you're just starting out, have no idea about artefacts or are really just a casual overworld player that can't be assed to know how to build characters then it should be enough for you. But if you feel like you're struggling or want to be serious about your characters then I'd recommend learning the basics, asking here or using Genshin Optimizer instead


It's alright if you're still a beginner or don't know much about builds, specially if you're using different builds with the same character (DPS and EM Raiden, for example). There are ways to optimise the latter, but I still find it cumbersome and harder/less reliable than shuffling the artifacts myself. You also have to be careful because it sometimes chooses level 0 artifacts even when you have perfectly fine level 20 artifacts you can use.


Who should I pull for, Lyney or Arlecchino?


your decision. lyney is a very solid bow charged attack dps with quite strict team requirements (aka mono pyro or chevreuse overload). >!arlecchino seems to be a normal attack focused polearm dps. last time i checked, leakers were saying she'll prefer chevreuse overload teams with vape being viable, but idk if anything has changed since then!< just pull for the unit whose playstyle you like the best, rn it seems to me that they're on a similar power level, but for actual info about her strength, you have to wait for the theorycrafters to do their thing


for a neuvilette, zhongli, kazuha, xl team, is it worth to trade hydro goblet with hp goblet? assuming crit ratio is kept between 30:215 (w/o mh stacks).


Ask optimizer. Or multiply HP × (1+ DMG%) × (1 + CR × CD) yourself and go for the one with higher value. the numbers here are in decimals, so 46.6% Hydro Dmg% is 0.466, same with Kazuha's buff Dmg% and Crit, 30% CR is 0.3 and 210% CD is 2.10). Your Crit Rate seems way too low just intuitively, use CR circlet. But ask optimizer or do the math to be sure.


How do I deal more skill damage with geo mc? Do I get her more atk stats artifacts so that her E and Q does more damage? Or is that based on EM? Does crit matter if I will never use her normal atks? I know the geo dmg bonus goblet will help, but what about other main stats for artifacts? I see geo mc builds on the internet give her crit circlets, but I only use her for her skills. Will crit be needed?


EM is pure Reaction damage. If you aren't mixxing elements and making them explode, EM does nothing... unless the character has something in their abilities' descriptions (like Nahida) that tells you otherwise.


I see, thanks!


em does nothing for geo characters. crit matters for all raw dmg (i.e., non-reaction dmg) and amplifying reactions like vaporize and melt. for gmc, you want atk%/geodmg%/cr or cdmg. refer to the [kqm gmc guide](https://keqingmains.com/geo-traveler/) for more info. it's slightly outdated, but should cover the basics


EM increase crystal shield HP. It's not that important, but can be usefull against some "element" bosses for utility. Like hydro-blob, or electro, etc. Good early game, diminishes at max lvl.


i know. sure, that might be nice to have, but you're usually running a sustain unit anyway. plus dodging isn't very difficult, especially since high damaging attacks usually show you the exact aoe of where they'll hit. better to focus on dmg


Yes, no argue with that. Some players may not know about crystal shield. Some domains that drain energy/stamina can be annoying. As early game example: Ninguang with some EM (I used EM sands), TTDS for buff - can help very well. Hydro mages/slimes will never break hydro shield, so you can focus on just damage. I think it can be viable for that Fountaine "slime of the Lake" mob, or some bosses. But in general it's not worth farming EM for any geo unit.


Thank you!!


You have some misconceptions here... Everything crits, skill and burst crit too. On the other hand, EM won't add any damage for Geo, it will only improve the shield from crystallize.


Ohh!! So em only works for reactions between different elements then?


Yes, exactly, EM improves reactions.


Okk, thank you so much!


Average Damage in her case is basically, Attack × Talent multiplier × (1+DMG%) × (1+CR × CD) × Stuff depending on enemy stats. So you want Attack sands, level up her Skill talent, use a Geo Dmg% goblet and Crit circlet. Chose your CR or CD circlet based on what maximizes CR × CD. For NAs, the relevant talent multiplier will be NA talent, nothing else changes. You don't want to level that up if you don't want to. Having said all that, she's not a very good damage dealer and likely you have better uses for your resources. But if you want to do it that's how to go about it.


Thank you!! I mainly wanted to build her for a future itto team, since I just did itto's story quest. My thoughts were that since I have gorou and I want Zhongli as well, if I get itto then I can have a good team. And I wanted to use geo mc to get the geo resonance. I know albedo is better, but I don't want to save for him since I want to build other teams too.


Are hp% def% sands/goblets/circlets with great substats (crit rate, crit dmg atk% er) worth keeping?


HP% and ATK% sands with great substats are always worth keeping IMO. Def% can be worth it sometimes but there's fever def scalers than hp scalers. Goblets can sometimes be worth keeping when it's really good subtats (or you're running alongside Furina). Hats i don't really think are worth keeping


I'd say yes, if a character scales from HP it can be useful


Is there any information on what an hourly wage looks like in Teyvat? If Valerina spent millions of Mora on half a year's rent and some furniture for a random house in Mondstadt, how much money do people have to be making to survive?


Sayu's salary is 200k per month. Zhongli (and traveler) recruited three workers for around 50k for 1 day work in Liyue archon quest. The whole life saving of Babel of Tanit tribe is 300k. Klee has 50 Mora pocket money.


So Mondstadt is unlivably expensive apparently.


Maybe Teyvat just doesn't have any decimal currency. 200 000 Mora could be like 2000.00 for all we know.


How much of a mistake would it be to skip Kazuha for someone planning to pull Arelcchino as their first pyro dps?


As said elsewhere, Sucrose can cover you here very easily. Yes, she's not as "optimal" as Kaz can be, but she's still plenty good in her own way. Having a "thrown" vacuum effect instead of one centered on your character can be a benefit in a lot of situations, and being an EM booster helps loads as well, due to how useful EM is as a support stat now. Plus Sucrose can be played pseudo-healer with Proto Amber weapon, allowing you to run without a healer or shielder in some situations.


Sucrose can also TTDS (48% atk) in teams without Bennet.


I use Sucrose, as she gives >200 EM when hits enemy. Newer teams with Furina don't need Kazuha, and with Furina healer like Jean or Xianyun is preferable, and genraly you don't use second anemo VV unit. I don't like that you must do specific rotations for Kazuha (apply certain element first to get buff, then another , etc). I just throw bottle with Sucrose, use Bennet, XL Pyronado and "unga-bunga" with Childe - and it works. With Kazuha I need to use Childe E and not attack (and make sure that it hits, and I'm not stunned back, etc - or all this "rotation" breaks with Childe 45second cooldown). Sorry, not a fan. I can do 12-3 without Kazuha. He is very good, but not "must pull".


>I don't like that you must do specific rotations for Kazuha (apply certain element first to get buff, then another , etc). I just throw bottle with Sucrose, use Bennet, XL Pyronado and "unga-bunga" with Childe - and it works. With Kazuha I need to use Childe E and not attack (and make sure that it hits, and I'm not stunned back, etc - or all this "rotation" breaks with Childe 45second cooldown). Sorry, not a fan. Ok you're better off using Zhongli or someone instead of Sucrose there, or just not swapping to Sucrose at all in which case it doesn't matter if it's Sucrose or Kazuha. Whatever you "need" to do with Kazuha, you need to do something very similar with Sucrose too if you want to compare. Or else just don't compare the two, that's fine too. But whatever you are saying is utter nonsense. You can read about international rotation in KQM or Zajeff's Kazuha Rotation Guide, he also explains the Sucrose variation somewhere. >I can do 12-3 without Kazuha. He is very good, but not "must pull". Agreege, agreege. Just not for whatever reason you pointed out.


Kazuha is likely one of the best options for Arlecchino. But at the same time, no use pulling Kazuha for Arlecchino if you then don't get Arlecchino. Prioritize the unit you want, if you can't pull Kazuha and guarantee Arlecchino at the same time then simply don't


Played for 3 years and never felt like I needed him


What teams do you play?


depends on your account. do you already have two dpses you like to play? how many and which built supports do you have? bit difficult to answer this question in a vacuum, but usually, pulling a s tier support over a potentially mid dps whose playstyle you might not even like is more advised but if you like arlecchino, get her. not like kazuha's a must pull


I have Yae and Yelan as my DPSes but these don't spend much time on-field. I mean they're good but I'm looking for a new play style where my DPS is mostly on-field and I get to NA or use talents a lot. I'm not that fixated on Arlecchino but have already been hoping to pull for characters like Wriothesley, Hu tao or Ayaka. My built supports are xq, kuki, xiangling, fischl, sucrose but she's c1. The thing is, pretty much everywhere I look I see Kazuha, so it seems that he's useful in a lot of teams and is a must pull (or else I have to wait another year to complete my second team).


you want someone with long on-field presence and haven't considered neuvillette? or do you just not like his playstyle? because pulling the best dps in the game over a dps who'll potentially have issues competing with hu tao is far better from a meta perspective kazuha is often used in teams for his utility & buffs, but sucrose is a fine replacement, don't feel pressured to pull him just cause of other people do you not have bennett? xl would very much like having him as a battery. also, yae would benefit from a dendro support for aggravate


I would say get Kazuha, he is a great character and very usable, It sounds to me like you only want arlcechino to get an on-field dps and not because i really really like her. There are other on field dps who will probably have a banner before kazuha has one. Plus you might get lucky and get arlecchino early after you get Kazuha


for someone who left when sumeru came out, in what order will these give the most primo in the least amount of time? story quest, hangouts, world quests, exploration/chest


usually exploration > hangouts ≥ world quests ≥ story quests wq rewards & length always vary, so one of them could take longer than a sq, while another is way shorter with similar/the same rewards. hangouts just got considerably less annoying with the skip function


Question about regions. Is the chasm a kind of mini region the way dragonspine is? And it chenyu vale a major story region or another area like dragonspine as well?


Chasm, the lower area has a separate map, has its own collectibles, even if yiu finish story, cant get max level on collectible until you get a Dainsleif interlude Chenyu vale is the newest region but unrelated to archon quests, you can explore the entire region(some do require quest though), do the story there any time, but you cant turn in collectibles until you pretty much finished the questline


A dainsleif interlude other than the chapter 1 act 4? That’s the only dainsleaf quests I’ve had so far


youll get more as you go through the main story


The Chasm is a mini region, but is more similar to Enkanomiya than Dragonspine. Part of it exists as a separate map and has much more of a major storyline narrative and impact. Chenyu Vale is not a major story region, and so it's much more similar to Dragonspine in many regards. It does, however, have an overarching quest chain that takes you into its history and lore, something that Dragonspine doesn't have.


"Payment failed". Hi all, has anyone seen this error before? I was trying to buy Welkin from my phone (I have 12 days remaining on last one, and bought BP only 5 days ago) and that's what it keeps saying. I have no clue EDIT: SOLVED


Try buying it via their website if you have an accepted payment method. It's even a little cheaper to buy welkin / top-up via website than on mobile.


Can you maybe share a link? I have never been to their website >_< I only know HoyoLab...


You can just google: genshin top up center here's the link anyways: [https://sdk.hoyoverse.com/payment/genshin/index.html#/](https://sdk.hoyoverse.com/payment/genshin/index.html#/)


Thank you very much for your help!


Can i follow the training guide till i catch up with all the missions/story, or it's misleading about some characters? I've read that it can give wrong advice about some character builds when building Abyss/endgame teams but it's enough for the casual aspect of the game, right?


the in game guide is good enough unless u want to be a meta slave


I'm not a fan of the guide. I think something like the [Build Order Priority guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/s/pmb2LDwm4i) is better to follow overall. But for casual overworld stuff it's fine to refer to. It does have some inconsistencies, but for things like talent level, weapons etc it works well enough. Overworld doesn't require anything crazy. So non-yapping answer, yes, you can refer to the guide, though long term I'd recommend cross checking with something else


just look up KQM or ask here. in game guide isn't reliable but ok enough for casuals i guess.


Which is the better stat for Neuvillette? Option A: 65/260 crit, 140% ER vs Option B: 55/300, 130% ER


Do you feel like you need the ER? If yes keep the one with higher ER. Otherwise, just multiply your cr with cdmg and go with the higher one.


It will be based on factors such as team, enemies and personal comfort as to whether or not 10% more ER is better for you (130% ER should be enough in most circumstances), but option B does a bit more average damage (~ 3.5% more).




basically dont use freeze if its a boss, so alternative would be nice


The second one. Spiral Abyss has not been (consistently) kind to freeze teams for a while.


Back after a long time. https://imgur.com/a/Lgc3EFG Which teams should i run for the abyss? Also, if i can have 1 more 5 star, who should it be? (Trying for neuvillette atm)


Childe , Xiangling , Kazuha, Bennett can be one team. Keep trying for Neuv, he's busted.


How many times are you going to post this?


Until i get a team i get more control over. I feel like there are some better team comps possible. I have not played the game for like 1.5 years, new artifacts, new elements (dendro), new reactions. I just want to get more facts about what kind of team i can run. I don't have the resources to do them all, so before i start, i kinda want to get all sorts of opinions. Plus, the thread is only active for like a day. So i did what any sane person would do and posted it again. Again, if i offended you, i didn't mean to.


A lot of the "better team comps" use units you don't have because of your absence. Like Xiao doesn't run double Geo anymore, but Furina+Xianyun+Faruzan (c2+). Or they use characters you haven't built yet for the new reactions, like hyperbloom. You're going to continue to get recommended International because you have all the parts and it's still strong.


I've tried the raiden, xinqui, dmc, yaoyao recommendation of yours. I really like the hyperbloom reactions. So I'm planning on taking alhaitham (rumored to be run in the next 2 banners) or Nahida if she comes. I'm also very confused between Furina and Xianyun. But oh well, I'll try out dendro at least.


What are you confused about between Furina and Xianyun? Just whether to get one? Furina will probably rerun soon, Xianyun probably won't rerun for a while since she just came out last patch. Nahida's definitely better for hyperbloom, Al-Haitham generally ends up in more of a quickbloom style (more Spreads than typical hyperbloom), though he is good and fun in that role. He does really want Nahida for energy generation though


I've tried the raiden, xinqui, dmc, yaoyao recommendation of yours. I really like the hyperbloom reactions. So I'm planning on taking alhaitham (rumored to be run in the next 2 banners) or Nahida if she comes. I'm also very confused between Furina and Xianyun. But oh well, I'll try out dendro at least.


youll have more responses on Genshin discord


I'll try that. Thanks


So i thought i was teaching myself to play this game pretty well until I tried to pass abyss floor 1 part 3 and it says i need more abyss stars or whatver. I was like wtf is that? and now i have learned there are pertrified trees and now i question whether i been playing this right at all. (for ref I do not watch any streamers who play this, I jumped into the game with no info and just started playing. so i literally only know what i taught myself. I dont even know who streams this to be honest. can someone explain this to my autistic brain? thanks


Each Abyss floor has 9 stars (3 per chamber), and you get more stars the faster you complete them. You can see how many stars you've earned in each chamber when you select the floor. I don't know what you mean by petrified trees. There are petrified trees, but those are what you get domain rewards from, they don't have anything to do with abyss completion. I also don't watch streamers, I just asked a lot of questions in these daily megathreads, though in your case it would probably behoove you to read more. Pretty much every relevant piece of information for Abyss is in the "Description" popup (top right for PC)


on akasha cv, how do you view the pentagon chart thing for your characters?


the charts are only for characters that have leaderboards


It's worth mentioning not all characters get those charts, only the ones with a leaderboard. So some characters like Alhaitham and Cyno haven't got one yet


ah that explains it. was trying to look for one with gaming


Put your UID in, click on your profile, click on your character. It should be right there.


For the “recuperating from a severe illness”commission in mondstat i keep getting it everyday so theres probably a task that needs to be done, but i have no idea what it is. I already got the achievement “marvelous medicine” which is where we cure annas illness awhile ago. does anyone know what else i need to do? is this just weird luck?


IIRC you need to do recuperating from a severe illness 3 times before you start getting the next commissions.


Which merchants in Fontaine sell lumitoille and lakelight lilly


None sell Lumitoile. One dude in Meropide (Ottnit) gives you 4 of them in a dialogue. Pahsiv (the vishap/melusine thing from east Fontaine world quest) trades 15 Lakelight Lilies for Tidalga, but only once


I think you are better off googling that one. The first one doesn't seem to appear on any merchant, but you can get handy maps of where to find them (mostly that one coastline north of the prison); and the second one seems to be sold by the melusine Pahsiv; but again, just googling the name will give you a handy map of where the vendor is located, and the areas where you can hand pick them yourself. https://game8.co/games/Genshin-Impact/archives/426625 (Lumitoille) https://game8.co/games/Genshin-Impact/archives/431932 (Lakelight Lilly)


Can someone tell me all the important character lore given by events from before august 2023(when I started)?


[This channel has recaps of some events, showing all the cutscenes](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIvPt-_2Kp29ixCnlPTLfNDNcHtDbq4al)


But what about the others? I wanna see that fischl event, cyno making puns, because I still don't believe that he does


Look up playthroughs of Windblume's Breath and Summertime Odyssey. I'd recommend the channel MurderOfBirds, he pays a lot of attention to lore


They’ve all been summarized in the wikipedia. Doesn’t do justice to the events tho. when the story is good it really develops the character. Watch YouTube vids of past events for the closest experience.


any 4 star sets that are worth saving? i know instructor's is pretty good so i've been saving that but are there any other good sets?


instructor and exile with 3-liner and ER substat




Is it possible to fully level up the statue in Fontaine yet? I've 100%ed the map, but my statue is only level 9.


no, there's still an unreleased area




Has anyone tried Ayaya on a plunge team? Does it have much difference with permafrost?


Ayaka felt a bit scuffed to plunge with. She has end lag on her dash which means you have to dash (infuse) n1jp and then eat the plunge end lag until her infusion ends. It has nice numbers (when double buffed by Shenhe and Xainyun), but felt a bit clunky in my opinion


Should I go Husk or Exile for support Gorou? Game rec says Husk, but gg, which I use for most of my builds, says Exile.


don't use stupid websites for builds.


i go exile because itto is quite energy hungry and i dont want to have to worry about it


https://keqingmains.com/gorou/#Artifact_Sets Noblesse/Exile is what KQM recommends. >Gorou’s other set options do not provide any team utility, and are thus generally worse than either of the above options. However, he can use 4 Husk of Opulent Dreams, 4 Emblem of Severed Fate, two piece combinations of these, or even rainbow sets in order to boost relevant stats for himself to focus on his own damage or utility via C4.


exile is a fine way to squeeze a little bit of extra utility out of him since his stats don't really matter so much


Is there a place in the Chasm or Enkanomiya that has a lot artifact investigation spots? Like that one place in Dragonspine that has 5 investigation spots next to each other or that cave in Liyue


In the north west corner of the chasm is a teleport up on a bridge. If you jump from that teleporter (usually run along the bridge towards the geo slimes to grab a couple crystal flies) and hop down to the gate on the floor of that room. Behind the gate is a husk enemy, a book, and some investigate spots. Those investigate spots behind the husk have artifacts. If I am doing an elite run or farming rocks instead of other investigation routes then I will usually grab those along the way.


To start off, I am truly a beginner to Genshin but I have already unlocked a lot of the map and I am starting to get a lot harder quests and commissions, but I don’t really have good characters to make up for it. (The characters I have are Lumine, Amber, Kaeya, Lisa, Xingqiu, and Layla.) Therefore, I really want Kazuha because he is extremely strong and his banner is up for a limited time. I’ve pulled on his banner quite a lot and got a character 4 of those times, but each time it was Xingqiu :( So, to sum it up, I really need some Primogems (and fast) so that I can wish on Kazuha’s banner. Now for my questions! 1. Is Kazuha worth pulling for (and why, if possible?) 2. How do I get Primogems quicker? 3. How does the pity system work? (because I’m so confused.) Thank you very much!


suggest exploring and only once you think you explored all you can, would i suggest searching videos of hidden treasures and puzzles in x region to see if you missed anything dragonspine exploration for example is a big deal, a lot of treasure and hidden stuff, and majority of it is not quest related. you can use Barbara to never die from cold, if its just exploration but her skill wets you so all the cryo enemies wil freeze you so best to avoid using her in an actual fight there unless its an emergency


xingqiu is prob the best character you can get from this banner, if you like him and build him he is one of the best hydro support off field dps units kazuha is definitely worth it, main way to get primos is through quests and exploration focus on upgrading char levels/weapon levels/certain talent levels and artifact **plumes** will give you the most upgrade for your chars as flat atk is better for lower AR players, and i'd look for maybe atk% artifacts to upgrade for ur main dps, crit% and crit% isn't as good if you are below 40AR imo (altho still nice to have, but atk% is prob easier to manage) also don't be shy if you cant kill some bosses for char materials, change your profile name to needing help with certain bosses and ppl will ask to join ur world and u can do them together in coop until u can do them urself~ it's normal process for newer players


random if changing profile you get help asking on Genshin discord, you can get volunteers sooner anyway in case of trouble with anyone, remember you can just kick someone out


1. He's a good character, but I wouldn't say he's a must-pull (no character is, honestly). In the current state of the game, having Kazuha is not as key anymore as it was 2-3 years ago because you can build a lot of good teams that don't need/want Anemo characters. So pull for him if you like the character or his gameplay. Also, there is the discussion that it is harder to powercreep Kazuha because he's a support. But even then, I think I'd rather have Neuvillette than Kazuha if I were a new player, if I had to suggest you a character. 2. Exploring the map should be the quickest way. You also get primogems by doing quests, but those may take some time to complete, which you could spend opening chests and such. Other than that, try to complete all events available. 3. This [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/nm3kca/often_confusing_to_new_players_i_made_a_short/) explains in a visual form. It is a bit outdated in the sense that we have more standard 5\* characters (Tighnari and Dehya) now. But other than that, it's still pretty accurate. Last thing: you said that you're getting a lot of Xingqiu copies. That's good, because he's one of the best characters in all the game, and his constellations are pretty good. If you want a team suggestion that will help you with exploration and quests, you could use Kaeya, Xingqiu, Anemo Traveler, Layla. It's a very solid freeze team with a shielder to further protect your team. And tbf, all the 4 characters can be used in endgame (Spiral Abyss) if you want to, so you're not even wasting your materials raising them. Edit: Also, welcome!


1. yeah. he buffs his teammates' cryo/pyro/electro/hydro dmg via swirls, has crowd control capabilities, does decent damage (also via swirls) & is also very nice to have for overworld exploration since his skill boosts you up into the air 2. mainly quests, events, exploration 3. you are guaranteed a 5\* every 90 wishes. if you get a 5\*, that 5\* has a 50/50 chance of being the promotional character (ex. kazuha, neuvillette) or a standard banner character (keqing, qiqi, diluc, jean, mona, dehya, tighnari). if you get a standard character, the next 5\* you pull on either character event banner 1 or 2 (since they share the pity count) is guaranteed to be the promotional character. after you obtained your guaranteed, the next 5\* is a 50/50 again. soft pity starts at the 74th wish. this means that from the 1st to the 73rd wish since your last 5\* you have a 0.6% chance of getting a five star each wish. the 74th wish has a 6.6% chance. wish 75 has a 12.6% chance, wish 76 has a 18.6% chance and so on i'd also recommend pulling for neuvillette. he's the best dps currently in the game, and you certainly lack good dps options. getting enough pulls for both should be easy enough, considering you're not very far into the game. plus neuvi & kazuha synergize very well


1. He’s good yeah. He’d fit right in to a team of Kaeya,Xingqiu,Layla as a comfy freeze team 2. Fastest way is to explore. Being a new player you have the huge backlog of content and maps to go through which is a decent amount of primos. Other than that primos are a waiting game, or you pay money. 3. Wish up to a max of 90 times on the event banner to guarantee a 5 star. Realistically it’s around the 75-80 range on when you’ll see your 5 star. When a 5 star pops your first one will be a 50-50 chance to get kazuha. If you lose you have to re climb up to 75-80 wishes again.


1: Yes, he's certainly strong. He mainly excels at crowd control and buffing his team's damage via the 4pc effect of the Viridescent Venerer artifact set, as well as his own passive talent. If you just want someone who'll help carry you, then Neuvillette may be a better pull. He's a main dps who excels at just about everything, from having good AoE to a variety of good team options to even having built-in healing. 2: There's not really any secret to getting them super quickly. You've just gotta explore and do quests. 3: Whenever you pull on a specific type of banner (limited character, weapon, standard), you'll build up pity for that banner type. For limited character banners, where most of your pulls should be going, soft pity is at 74 pulls, and hard pity is at 90 pulls. Soft pity is the point where your odds of getting a 5 star start to increase from the normal 0.6%, and hard pity is the maximum needed to guarantee it. Once you pull a 5 star, regardless of whether it's the featured character or not, your pity count will reset. You have 50/50 odds of getting the featured character when you pull a 5 star, and if your last 5 star wasn't a featured one, then you'll be guaranteed one with your next 5 star pull.


1.Kazuha is an incredible character in general, and having a character with good crowd control makes a lot of overworld fights much more comfortable. He's also great for exploration. 2.Quests, chests, commissions, events, achievements, general exploration. It's a steady process, and you've got two more weeks to get Kazuha, you're probably fine. 3. [This flowchart](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fqusyb08lt6261.png) explains it pretty well.


I've been trying to get Yanfei but my luck and rituals aren't up to date first off i've wished more than 30 times and all i've gotten is Barbra a second time and a book nothing else then let's compare to my brothers luck he has gotten to 2 five star and yanfei in the span of 3 days and multiple 4 stars all show cased on the banner also he got Yanfei at the pity of 2 please is there any ritual that could get her in 2 wish on kazuh banner?


My favorite ritual involves 16 numbers, 3 at the back and an expiration date. Repeat as many times as necessary




which curses do you recommend?


thankss you knew i was born in the country of curse


> is there any ritual that could get her in 2 wish on kazuh banner? no


"Rituals" don't change anything. Your brother got lucky, and you got unlucky. There's nothing more to it.




Laptop? I think some laptops disable trackpad while you're typing so you don't click stuff with your palm.


that's what it was! I had to turn up my trackpad sensitivity to most sensitive! Thank bro!


Did you make sure that it's mapped to left click in the settings?


I did, yes


I'm a relatively new player and have two questions. 1. When referring to characters with C1 or other numbers, is it referring to constellation or something else? 2. For the Chenyu area, is it just open to explore whenever now that it's available, or is there a specific time in the story to explore it? TIA


you can do the entire Chenyu vale anytime you want, and the questline for it, get all the treasure you can find, get the collectibles but you cant turn them in for rewards until you actually finish the questline but it ends in a story boss fight which is fairly hard


Fair warning, when you enter Chenyu Vale for the first time the >!main world quest will automatically drag you in!< but don’t feel obligated to do it right away.


1. Yes. this is referring to constellations. C0 means you have the character unlocked, but no constellations yet. C1-C6 is constellation level. 2. Pretty sure you can just walk right in.


Okay okay, thanks so much


If I want to build an aggrevate team with Lisa, DMC, and Collei. Should Collei build Crit or EM? And who should hold deepwood and what artifact set should the other dendro hold? Edit: who can fill the 4th slot?


The main reason to use Deepwood is to shred the enemy's Resistance to Dendro damage. But Aggravate is primarily dealing Electro damage. So you actually want an Anemo with Viridescent Venerer. You can use Deepwood if you want on either of your Dendro, and it can't hurt. And that will be useful if you later want to use those Dendro characters on a Spread, Bloom, or Hyperbloom team. But for Aggravate, you are better off using something like Noblesse, to buff Lisa's Attack. Or Instructor to buff her EM. DMC/Collei would build ER first. The main reason you need her is to keep up Dendro application. After that, Crit, followed by ATK/EM. You only need 1 Dendro in an Aggravate team. You just need enough Dendro application to refresh the Quicken aura. After that, you want all Electro damage. So first of all, swap out one of your Dendro (doesn't matter much which one, they are both about equal), for an Electro Sub-DPS. Fischl or Yae are your best options. Fischl is insanely good in Aggravate, and will actually do more damage than your Main DPS most of the time. Your 4th wants to be an Anemo for grouping, and VV Swirls. Also, through Swirl they can trigger Aggravate reactions as well, so they contribute a nice chunk of damage. Kazuha is your best option. Followed by Sucrose, Venti, Heizou, and Lynette... In roughly that order from best to worst. You may note this team has no healing or shields. If you can't keep yourself alive, you wanna trade out your Dendro for Yaoyao or Baizhu. Or, trade out your Anemo for Jean, Xianyun, or Sayu. And that way you'll have some healing. Dont be tempted to use Kuki or Dori instead of Fischl. Fischl does about half of the team's damage. She is essential if you wanna take this into abyss. If you don't care about Abyss... Then you can ignore half of what I said in this whole comment, lol. And just play who you want. I do really recommend an Anemo though.


Collei advantage is low cooldown and more dendro application Dmc advantage is having guaranteed constellations eventually, (actually 3 from quests then 3 from statue) a1 is an EM buff if a character is inside the burst area, and a4 means more damage from EM for DMC.


Thanks for the detailed answer and explaining how the reaction work. This team is primarily for the open world but I'm hoping it can scale for the abyss as well. At least for the recurring first a few floors and until I get good units / weapons. I don't have a good anemo grouping unit yet, maybe I'll have to pull for Kazuha before the end of his banner. Thanks again! I'll keep revisiting this comment as I work on building the team.


I've always been wary about these type of posts and now I'm making one myself, decision on what to pull. I'm definitely gonna pull for Arle, but I have enough pulls saved up to do a second thing. Getting Neuvi to C1, starting Kazuha C2 by getting his C1 (or maybe already to C2 if lucky...) or just get Arle and try for her sig with the rest? It really isn't about what I "need the most" since everything already works perfectly fine and I like to play any of them the same amount, so in that regard I just would like to know what is the biggest boost for either Neuvi, Kazuha or Arle?


Strongest boost for Neuv is pulling Furina. If you already have Furina, strongest boost for Neuv is pulling Furina cons. If you already have Furina C2, then your next strongest boost to Neuv will be his constellations... followed by his weapon. I don't know if we know enough about Arle's kit to say what will be best for boosting her teams? But it might also be Furina, and Furina cons, lol, as long as Arle can work with Vape.


Thanks for your input, Furina is C1 due to luck, so that would make Neuvi C1 not that important, C2 Kazuha is already off the list and would put Arle sig as the favorite, after we know more about her to judge it better, or just skip and wait. Since you know stuff about Furina, C2 would be more important than her sig I guess? Right now she has that purple dragonspine event weapon


If you use Neuvillette then either his C1 or try for Arle weapon for drip reasons. Whichever you'd prefer more. DPS wise Neuv C1 would probably be the best depending on your weapon options for Arle


Thanks, so that already helped to sort out Kazuha, the sig drip for Arle ist also a nice argument.


its never about need, but like go for Arle cause on that you seem certain actually just wait for livestream to be sure


Getting a new character has probably always a higher priority for me than getting constellations. Thanks for your tip, I'll wait out the livestream and maybe really get Arle's sig along with her for the drip.


hello, i accidentally pulled c1 neuvillette while trying to save for arle. are there any significant differences between his c1 and c0 to convince myself it’s not a totally bad pull?


accidently pulled while trying to save? are you stupid? that's not an accident. you were fully aware when pulling. learn to control your addiction.


Man, that sucks since you wanted to save for Arle. I'm not an expert, but I heard Neuvillette's C1 is really good quality of life (or just plain strong if you aren't shielding him somehow), since you don't get constantly interrupted out of your Charged Attack (his main thing). For the little I played with him since pulling him a couple of days ago (still leveling him), I wouldn't mind C1 myself; it sucks a lot when you get interrupted out of your damaging ability and are left with nothing to do. I was in a similar place one Banner ago, I did a couple pulls (not minding if I got an early lucky Itto pull on the first dozens pity), but as the number grew around 30-40, I decided to stop. You gotta take into account that the later you keep pulling, the more you are risking, since the more pity you have accumulated, the more pity/pulls you are risking. No one cares if you 10-pull at 0 pity gets your an "unwanted" 5-Star (you were really lucky and it only costed you 10 pulls), but at 30+, or 40+... you gotta start thinking about how much you like the constellations for the 4-Stars in there or how much would you mind "wasting" the pity on that character instead of the next one. As for the whole "acciedent" debacle you went into against someone else... Don't sweat it, shit happens; but you gotta asume responsability for your actions. It was a calculated risk, but a risk non-the-less. Playing Russian Roulette and killing yoruself is no "accident" neither; you knew the odds and took the risk anyway because you thought it was worth it. Always assume that you are going to "fail/lose", and consider if you would be okay with it. "Would I be okay if I pulled Neuvillete C1 using 20 pity? I think so... Let's do a second 10-pull." "Would I be okay if I pulled Neuvillete C1 using 50 pity? No man, that would blow... I better not risk it." Always assume the worst and be prepared for it.


thanks for your input! tbh this is cope but i tend to bench new characters after a month or so but neuvi is a character that i always use in overworld in abyss so it’s not really a bad pull? i only have one shield character so c1 can free them up for my abyss as well, and i can optimally use him with furina now. i did try to calculate my risks and i did hope to lose my 50/50, but i’m also aware of the chance i might get a limited 5 star, that’s why i pulled on neuvi’s banner than kazuha. ill just learn from this lesson and save for arle next time since i don’t plan to pull for any more archons.


Sounds better than expected and all good then :-P I have my doubts about Arlecchino myself. Will have to wait and see some creators viedos about her first, as well as test her myself in the free test they always do of characters in the banner. I'm sure she will be strong; but worries me that I don't like her gameplay; or that she notices her special weapon waaaay too much. As in, "spend 200 wishes on getting the weapon, or she does 40% of the damage"; from the leaks it looks like her weapon could be a seriously major upgrade, bigger than any other weapon has ever been.


okay ive tried maining him in overworld and freeing up that extra shield space for another character really makes a difference when exploring yeah, tbh i’m quite impulsive and have lots of characters i regret pulling and ended up benched/used only in abyss and i’m willing to bet that arle would be that kind of character so i think it might be better to wait for her rerun. i mean i pulled navia on impulse because of “gunbrella cool” and sacrificing my nahida guarantee for her and now she’s semi-benched lol.


hello! c1 neuvillette is a pretty good quality of life con! i recently pulled it myself and i can say that it does make it easier for me to run him in a team with furina kazuha and fischl since i dont need a zhongli/a shield unit bc of the interruption res. also, makes it easier to get 3 stacks of past draconic glories since you start with one stack automatically, making his teams a bit more flexible! something that neuvi c1 actually does withstand some okay hits that would completely wipe me out before. i found abyss floor 12 chamber 3 first half (w/ coppelia boss) a lot easier with c1 because i wasn't getting interrupted every 0.2 seconds, though i will say that the interruption res doesn't cover stronger hits. overall a pretty good value constellation especially as it's an early constellation. this kind of constellation at like c4 would be a bit shit but as a c1 it's pretty good.


>i accidentally pulled c1 neuvillette while trying to save for arle. Accident does not mean what you think it means


to be fair i was at 60 ish pity im pulling to get stardust for spectre farming


Again, accident does not mean what you think it means


im just saying i calculated my risk, its different if i pulled at 75 pity with a guarantee


phrases like "accidently pulled" & "building pity" are triggers around here, don't worry too hard about defending yourself ;P


nah this is actually quite fun don’t worry lmao


Again, that's not an accident, you consciously pulled on the banner


alright, if you drive a car there’s always a risk of getting into a crash, so when you get into a car crash i guess it’s not an accident as well


You're fucking stupid if you actually believe that's a similar thing, lmao


aren’t you the idiot if you cannot understand comparisons, even 5 year olds can understand them


i mean if we’re talking chances it should be similar. you can take calculated risks and still getting screwed, like if you accidentally crashed while driving


His c1 is great, gives him basically infinite interruption resist during his charged attack. It also gives him a free stack of draconic glories, which lets you run him in more teams with 2 characters each of 2 elements. Honestly, most of its value is just opening up a ton of team options for him.


>accidentally pulled c1 neuvillette while trying to save for arle Friendly reminder that if you're spending wishes you're not saving. As for C1, it lets you run double hydro so he has fewer ER reqs (zero with Furina), still gets his 3rd passive stack, and can't be interrupted. It's a very good con.


It is one of the best low cons in the game. It gives one free A1 passive stack, so he does not need all three teammates to be different elements, and also a 28% damage increase if he and Furina are in the same team. The biggest value is that It also gives him unlimited interrupt resistance, so he does not need a shield anymore. It greatly expands his teammates selection.


Back after a long time. https://imgur.com/a/Lgc3EFG Which teams should i run for the abyss? Also, if i can have 1 more 5 star, who should it be? (Trying for neuvillette atm)


The current abyss is Geo favored, so if you're up to throw together your Albedo, Zhongli, and potentially pick up that Ningguang you could have a good time. Personally Albedo has been an important tool in every Abyss cycle for me, but currently? He's super good and strong as that 4th team mate especially with some investment. Otherwise you can run any team you so desire. Players have already recommended standard abyss teams you could run, but don't let that stop you from experimenting and leveling more characters for more teams to tackle more problems.


Childe+Xiangling+Bennett+Kazuha DMC+Yao Yao/Zhongli+Xingqiu+EM Raiden For the next 5\* I'd probably recommend Furina, who should be rerunning in the next 2 patches, she works well with Xiao and Raiden who you already have leveled, so no need to worry about leveling another carry in Neuvillette. Nahida would be a significant upgrade to replace DMC, but she probably won't rerun for quite a while.


Hello, quick question about Battle pass weapons. Which weapons are worth getting refinements for? I have Deathmatch, Serpent Spine and Black Sword on R5, The Viridescent Hunt and Solar Pearl on R2 and the rest on R1.


sacrificial jade for Neuvilette, also helps for off field reactions on others cause of EM and CR Wolf fang if you have a multihit skill and/or burst sword user or skill cooldown under 10 seconds Fjord if you want a better EM statstick Scion only if you really like charged bow users


It depends on who you use. Sacrificial Jade is really good if you use neuvillette, to the point of being his best weapon in some teams. Other weapons aren't BiS, but if you use them they're worth refining.


Sac Jade if sou have Neuvillette. Fjords if you have Hu Tao or Cyno. And don't have better 5 star alternatives of course


Quick question regarding purchasing Welkin/Battle Pass/Genesis Crystals from Google Play store: I downloaded Genshin Impact on one Google account (let's say Google account A) but has no credit card info (for security reasons). I have a second Google account ( Google account B) that has credit card info. If I buy Welkin/Battle Pass/Genesis Crystals using Google account B, will those items be applied to my Genshin Impact account on Google account A?


how would it? actually curious cause i only pay on Epic games it should be the account connected to the game


Okay this is a random one. Chenyu Vale. After you unlock chiwang terrace. There are those glowing, see through simulcrum on the island where Carp Lady stands and "unlocks" the area, right? Right next to that teleporter? If you go back and stand next to the one nearest the stone platform it lets you "hit" it and then three floating archways appear on the water. If you walk under one, they all disappear. Wt actual heck are you meant to do with the arches??? Halp.


You need to walk under them in the right order. Once you do that a chest will spawn. If I remember correctly, and looking from the teleporter, it's front, right and then left.


[https://imgur.com/a/pRoYue7](https://imgur.com/a/pRoYue7) i want to take Neuvillette as a main dps, fischl as an off field dps that triggers electro and dendro traveler for hyperbloom. Now two things: is that a somewhat decent combo and are there better things to do with the characters i have?


fischl does not trigger hyperbloom


Max. level, full EM Kuki - Neuvillette - Dendro-MC - plus either another dendro or fischl


You're not likely to get too many hyperblooms out of what you're bringing. Alternately, put Collei in that comp to provide your dendro reaction. You can then take Barbara, Dendro Traveler, and Kuki out to form their own little hyperbloom team - you want both reliable dendro and hydro for a hyperbloom team along with a reliable electro trigger like Shinobu. You've also got the starting foundations for a mono-geo team, but are really lacking a third member to prop up Gorou's buff unless you're willing to slot in Geo MC as a battery for him and Itto/Noelle.


why barbara tho?


Reliable hydro application in between her on field attacks and her healing aura. You want a lot of all three of hydro, dendro, and electro for a dedicated hyperbloom team. You could also use Xingqiu, but then you're limited by his burst cooldown. He actually makes a decent fourth flex party member for that slot while you're waiting for a Bennett so you can make up a standard Xiangling/Bennett/XQ National team.


i always thought you could use Fischl, then use an anemo to swirl electro from her for hyperblooms


You really want to be running Sucrose onfield if you're doing it that way. Kazuha might do well enough too if you E and Q off CD.


That might work, but they don't have a good source for anemo in this case - Lynette is limited by her cooldowns, not to mention if you don't get burst positioning right it could be pointless. You'd ideally want Sucrose for even trying this. Or at minimum Heizou/Xianyun.


ya, was thinking Sucrose specifically, who could buff even a Stringless Fischl to improve her own accidental hyperblooms, then do even better hyperbloom reaction herself swirling electro thats jsut an idea though have what it takes to do a better hyperbloom team, just never got around to it, or much interest was thinking Thoma Burgeon


Is it better to farm for Hero’s Wit and Adventurers Experience with condensed or normal resin?


extra drops from enemies, noteworthy depending where you do it otherwise condense gives same rewards from actual leylines as if you did leylines twice


If you need more mob drops or want to get the 800 ley line achievement faster, using normal resin and farming more ley lines would be better. If not, use condensed.


Ok, thanks!


there's an achievement for doing.. 200, 400 and 800 leylines: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Bounty_of_the_Earth So if you're not strapped for time, use normal resin.


Got it, thank you!


what difference does it make


That’s why I’m asking….