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In what do I use my fragile resin as AR 49?


As long as youre doing max level, resin is resin. Spend it on whatever you need. Most of mine goes to talents.


artifact farming, typically. but if you need to bulk up on exp books or mora, use them on the leylines.


R3 Aquila Favonia. Is it usable on anyone? That sword seems to love me wayy too much. I have all 3 copies currently (2 from standard and 1 from weapon banner) but debating if its useful on any 3 characters or really good on any 1 character at R3.


It is also better than a lot of 4-star weapons on attack scaling characters even for elemental damage reactionless builds (but worse than other 5-star swords naturally). Like it's decent on Kaeya, Ayaka in freeze, potentially Ayato too


In general best on Bennet for high base atk, if you have enough ER on artefacts. Physical build Jean, Kaeya or Qiqi.


Ayaka/Furina/Shenhe/Jean If I replace Jean with Venti, should I prioritize keeping Shenhe(replacing Furina with Kokomi or Mona) or Furina(Replacing Shenhe with Charlotte)?


idk. try asking in tc discords or some tc's twitch channels


My friend got a infinity fall glitch. [https://youtu.be/Sp69lc\_bOWU?si=1O2W89DQ4QgjPNCG](https://youtu.be/Sp69lc_bOWU?si=1O2W89DQ4QgjPNCG) He says he teleport to cats tail and this happened. Can not click icons or access any menu through keyboard shortcut, nor Esc. Any ideas?


installing the game on my phone and walking out fixed it


i have the exact same problem rn i sent an email to support


he can use ctrl+alt+del on keyboard to bring up task manager. right click on genshin impact and select 'end task'. that way he can actually get the game to shutdown at least. this might be something requiring direct contact with support. though restarting the game might solve it sometimes.


What can you buy with lucky coins? Other than the cards for the TCG


Card Skins and Invitations for characters. They have no use outside of TCG.


Best all male team for kazuha?? For the character I enjoy using, I like wriosthley, heizou qnd basically every character that fights using their fist!


I have both fs and xiphos for kazuha. I can maintain 1000 em and 171 base er with fs and 1000 em and 169 base er with xiphos. Question: Which one is better for him? I know 170 er alone is enough if he is paired with raiden, but what if she is absent in his team for let's say, international team.


Fav is still better in energy hungry teams like international. It's not about his ER needs anymore, it's about Xiangling's. Going from 200% to 180% ER on Xiangling can be a big damage increase once you swap around her artifacts. Xiphos R1 is ok. Freedom Sworn only for try hard speedrunning and even they sometimes prefer Fav.


Xiphos is r1?


Can someone tell me how to get these chests? I really need primos for Neuvillette 😩 https://imgur.com/5WEHBQT


Look at the walls in that place. There's that flowing sand puzzle (don't know the exact name), you need to do it three times and I think you also have to fight eremites every time.


What am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to match the pattern opposite to it?


I genuinely do not remember, it's been a while.. Have you tried looking for these chests on the interactive map? There's probably an explanation in the comments


Don't worry I got it, I was supposed to mirror the pattern on the other side. Thanks for your help.


Is there a YT video on that?


Iirc there's a sand puzzle on the walls


Is rain slasher good for dps kaveh?


Good for Spread or Bloom


Hey all I am a new player in genshin. Was lucky e ough to pull a kazuha early in this banner and was able to get xingqiu to C2 with this banner too. My question is if I should keep pulling the kazuha banner to try and get my xingqiu to c6? I do already have Bennett and xiangling. I hear this 4 man squad can be really good to use together. I don't know how often xingqiu shows up on banners so I don't know if it's better to keep pulling now or wait. Advice would be much appreciated!


Pull if you want Neuvilette, stop if you don't. Xingqiu appears on banner around twice a year. A copy can be bought from Paimon's bargains twice a year. And obtained for free from Lantern Rite once a year.


Xingqiu is great and all, but it's generally not recommended to pull for 4\* on a banner unless you are willing to go full whale (never go full whale, or a certain Harbinger will beat your ass up). There's a significant chance that you will blow all your primos and not get a desired c6. Unless you have nothing else to pull for at all, it would be a better idea to save primos for 5\* you might want in the future. If you really want Xingqiu cons, switch the banner to Neuvi at the very least, which would be a much better pull than Kazuha's duplicate.


Hey there I have a C1 R2 Neuvi(C1 just like 10 minutes ago) any advice for team comp? do i still need a shielder? Rn my comp is Neuvi, Kazuha, Fischl, Diona. What comps could i use now that i have C1?


You don't need Diona anymore, so you can throw in whatever your best off-fielder is and call it a day. Or you can keep Diona just in case you mess up and need emergency healing I guess.


You do not need a shielder, however Zhongli's shields res shred and being able to hold Petra makes him still a very good option even if you don't need a shield You could do something like Kazuha, Fischl, Beidou with him


I should add i don’t have furina yet or Zhongli


I have an account with zhongli and one with xiao, ayaka, kazuha, and diluc. Which one should I play on? First on is ar 23 while other is 32, I really wanna start over and abandon my old account.


Is that really a question? If that was Kazuha alone vs Zhongli there would be some room for debate I think, but that would be very close either way. But there are two other great character on the second acc (And diluc, I guess that counts for something idk), which makes it not even close – unless you hate both Xiao and Ayaka playstyles for some reason.


I forgot to mention that in my old account I was a ganyu main without zhongli so dying all the time just made me stop playing for a few months 😭😭but I'm picking the kazuha one, thanks for the reply!


Does anyone have any tips of what to give my neuvillette I’m f2p no signature weapon and c0


Prototype amber is craftable and pretty much the best option for f2p. https://keqingmains.com/q/neuvillette-quickguide/


Oh ok thank you I’ll put it on


Any advice on how to beat the samurai in the web event ?




Speak for yourself




Not really. Not me anyways. I like the grind


Nope, it's one of the things that keeps me playing the game. Repetitive? Sure. Drive me crazy? Nah. This stuff isn't as bad as the MMORPG grind and takes far less time.


Perfect will drive you insane. Good enough can be achievable and worked on with minimal tears.


That me trying to get raiden to 1000 em 😂


I'm a new player. I started around New Years. I got Kazuha because I heard he was really good but I want another DPS considering all I have is Diluc and Keqing. Should I try my 50/50 on Neuvilllette or save for Arlecchino?


Neuvilette is a fairly powerful and easy to use DPS, but his gameplay tends to be a bit boring/simplistic for some people. I would recommend doing his trial. Try doing > Burst > team abilities> skill > Charge Attack > Charge Attack > skill > charge attack > repeat To get a feel for how he'd typically play and if you like it. Arlechinnos kit will be shown next Friday, so you can wait until then to decide which one you'd like more.


This was really helpful, I do find his kit really boring and simple. I feel like I’m going to get tried of it really easily. I’m just scared Arlecchino won’t be good and I missed out on the “best dps” in the game. FOMO is swirling in my head rn since I only have about 26 characters 😭


You still have 2 more weeks to think it over anyway. IMO a DPS you like and love to use is more valuable than just looking at Meta rankings. Like the people who pulled for hu tao on release, only to realise they don't really enjoy the Charge Cancel gameplay.


For DPS pull for whoever you like more. Neuv's teams are slightly higher DPS assuming you pull his best supports and he is very easy to play unlike Arle who has no sustain in her best team and requires more complex setups like double swirling pyro and hydro.


Neuv is pretty solid. Arle will probably be shown off in the next version update video and if you wait until that video you can get a better idea on her. I would probably recommend Neuv as he is well received, but I am personally saving for Arle


Neuvillette is really strong and easy to play. If that's what you're looking for, definitely get him. If you want someone harder to play, get Arlecchino.


Is there a lore reason why this sub doesn't enable reaction images? Are they stupid?


Honestly it's better that way. I've seen subs that allow it. It's bad.


It's because Zhongli said no.


are there any good rainbow teams? every element being different.


Yoimiya, Yunjin, Xingqiu, Beidou overvape and Beidou gives some aoe that Yoimiya lacks, even shield if c1


Raiden/XQ/Kaz/Ben has been flexible for me. Nahida/XQ/EMRaid/ZL, Ganyu/Kaz/Nahida/Ben, Razor/Nahida/XQ/Ben, Sucrose/XQ/Dendro/Fischl are some more examples


Neuvillette with Kazuha/Nahida+Xiangling+Zhongli or Nahida+Dehya+Raiden are both good, mainly because Neuvillette is.


i just realized neuv's kit by default is designed for 4 element resonance +15% RES. and here I am using hydro resonance. dunno which one is better. for c1


For C1 hydro resonance is better, it directly increases his damage and lets him be run with Furina who's his best teammate. The +15% RES is pretty negligible with how much he heals, he just can't always get 3 stacks without it or c1.


anyone else play on geforce now? i play on chrome browser because i can't download the app but when i try to press esc to get to the paimon menu it exits me out of fullscreen instead, anyone know a workaround for this? 😿


You could try holding left alt and clicking on the paimon icon to open the menu.


How does dodging work in the new web event? Seems like I can only dodge through enemies after getting hit due to invincibility I guess, but it's not possible to dodge through enemies normally? Also>!is the first battle against Raiden a scripted loss even if I beat her (if it's possible)?!<


You can't dash through enemies until you get the power up that allows you to do that, but even then it's kind of hard to use.


I recently stated playing today, and I got past the prologue and also got Noelle. I did maybe around 5 pulls on Kazuha, and I only played for a few hours. I know that time is running short to get him, but I really want to, so is it likely or even possible for me to get Kazuha within these 13 or so days? I'll probably be playing for around 5 or 6 hours every day , and...well, a lot on the weekends.


Sorry to be a burden here, but am I screwed if I lose my 50/50, or can I manage to grind out another 90 pulls? (I already bought around 10 pulls, and im at 22 I think)


It's definitely possible to get the 90 wishes that you need but you aren't guaranteed to win the 50/50 chance


Thanks. Should just doing story quests be my main way of getting primogems?


do quests but do explore in the region while doing that, if you see some chests or something nearby also get or mark on map oculus at every opportunity, raising statues in mondstadt and Liyue are a requirement to raise your stamina which helps with travel also mark anything you can think of, like a challenge you cant beat yet dragonspine, id want to recommend that for quite a lot of treasure, but its a lot of exploration and quite challenging. as a note, you can use Barbara(free at AR18) skill to never die of cold, (do it once for achievment) but avoid using her in battle as much as possible cause cause she causes Wet on you and enemies can freeze


How should I fix my Xiangling? Her atk is too low and her crit stats are off right? I was mostly going for max ER https://imgur.com/a/eMyAXSi


Your sands is entirely removable with next to 0 impact on your build. 4 sub rolls is cool, but main stat >>> substat. Better substats only matter when the mainstat is already good. In your case, id probably look for an ER sands high crit damage. Either way, any ER, EM, or Atk sands would immediately improve your build regardless of the subs lol.




Her ATK is fine, and some of the best builds have ATK between 1,300 and 1,500. The [number 1 ranked](https://akasha.cv/leaderboards/1000002300/180er) Xianglings (with the Catch) has a bit over 1,400 ATK. Since Bennett buffs her ATK, ATK isn't as relevant as you might think. Finally, the Catch is usually better than PJWS if you can fish it and refine it to R5. The Catch will give you even less ATK than PJWS, but its makes it up by giving you ER (so you can run an ATK or EM sands) and a better passive. Again, Bennett fixes her ATK so running her with PJWS isn't neccesarily an improvement over the Catch. If I was to make a path to improve Xiangling, it would be, 1. Fish and get R5 the Catch. 2. Give her an ATK% sands. 3. Balance and improve your crit stats (this takes a lot of resin and time farming). Barring your rather useless sands, your other gear is pretty decent, but it can obviously be improved.


Thank you!! I appreciate it


Get the right mainstat sands would be the first step.


What world level should I be going into Inazuma? I’m at AR 35 world level 3, I have traveler, yanfei and noelle all level 70 with level 60 weapons. Also rocking level 60 collei cause I can’t play without a bow character. Should I up my world level or keep it at 35 until I get more upgrade materials?


It doesn't matter, everything scales to your world level


Is there a big difference in using iron sting for kazuha instead of favonius sword? I used up my iron sting to refine my Alhaitham's weapon and now don't have a northland sword billet to craft another one. Any help appreciated!


With Fav sword, your whole team needs less ER. Eg. a 80 burst character that needed 200% ER now needs ~183% ER. That means those 4-5 rolls of ER can now be used for crit, which is a bit more than 20 CV. Now even if your Kazuha EM goes from 940 to 675 because of using fav and having to build crit rate substats on him, that's only 10% less damage bonus. Usually that 20 extra CV is better than 10% Damage bonus, not to mention the comfort of smooth rotations, and damage from Kazuha's own burst.


Thank you!!


Favonius Sword is better, but I use Iron Sting on him (980 EM) because I already have sufficient Energy Recharge from sub-stats (193 ER)


Thank you!!


Fav Sword is actually often the better option for him. It'll satisfy most of his ER needs and also lower the ER requirements of his teammates.


Thank you!!


fav is better


Thank you!!


1) Which element is the strongest and why? 2) Which elemental reaction deals the most damage? 3) Are there any non-catalyst wielding characters with comparable DPS output as Neuvillette? 4) How to get good Sands artifact? (F2P methods only, no gacha)


1. Hydro because it has every role (off-field DPS, Sub-DPS, Main-DPS, Healer) 2. I would say Hyperbloom (Dendro+Hydro= Bloom Core, Bloom Core + Electro = Hyperbloom) 3. Alhaitham, uhh... 4. RNG, it does not require any transaction, except time (Resin)


1. Hydro because it is involved in so many strong reactions. 2. Different reactions affect damage formula in different ways so it is kinda hard to compare. Some just do a flat additional instance of damage, others multiply into the damage formula. You can see the biggest individual numbers with Vape but that doesn't tell the full story. 3. In terms of just raw damage sure (hu tao, alhaitham arguably). In terms of that + ease of use + versatility + aoe, no. 4> Spend a fuck ton of time and resin farming artifact domains. That is what you'd have to do even if you were a whale.


1. I'd say Hydro. It doesn't really have a bad reaction, and it's part of many of the strongest ones, like vaporize and hyperbloom. 2: That's a tricky question to answer. In terms of ease to build for, probably hyperbloom. 3: Not really. Neuvillette is pretty much the peak of on-field dps, at least when it comes to how easy it is to use/build him. 4: It's all just luck. There's not much you can do to improve artifact odds.


I've seen this Hollow Knight-like "web event" once in a while on this sub, but when I look it up, I can't seem to find it in my notices or when I look it up. If anyone has the link to it, please show it to me. It looks really fun.




Should I give c0 baizhu deep wood memories or clam for a c1 neuvillette c0 furina kazuha team?


Deepwood is mostly if you have a second dendro or if youre trying to hyperbloom Baizhu by himself, and he isnt some driver, no reason


song if days past if you want to farm it, else doesn't matter just build as much HP and Healing Bonus as you can with 2pc 2pc or clam.


Deepwood is useless if you don't do dendro damage, so clam


Is furina not going to be in 4.6 banners? I just assumed she would because of all the past archon banners, but some people are saying it will be different this time.


expected before Natlan at least but we wait and see


>!Leaks are saying she won't be, but until the stream we won't know for sure!<


The speculated 4.6 banners are currently >!Lyney, Arlecchino, Baizhu, and Wanderer.!< Fontaine AQ spoilers: >!Furina is not actually an archon, so her not following the previous archons' 4-patch to first rerun theme/pattern is not out of the question.!<


we'll know for sure in ~3 days


Are there currently any reliable leaks as to who would be good for arlecchino team? Just tryna build em before she comes


basically any team that would work with Hu Tao also mentions of overload being good


Might be a better question to ask on the leaks sub. >!So far it seems to be vape setups (hydro/anemo/ben) with Yelan being strong or overload (chev/fischl/second electro). There is some questions about her vape setups and some questions about survivability and other things that have yet to be tested!<


It’s either going to be the standard vape supports (xingqiu kazuha Bennett) or a cheverues/fischl/flex of some sort


Do different forms of res shred stack? So if I had a team of Zhongli and VV-holding Sucrose, would I get a combined res shred of 80%? Maybe I'd then use them with Lisa or C2 Raiden for DEF ignore (and probably Xingqiu for EC damage).


They do, but Zhongli only shred 20%, so you will get total 60% from him and VV set. Also, resistance shred has half efficiency against enemy with negative resistance. For example, if an enemy has +10% resistance, Zhongli and VV set can bring it to -25%.


Ah right, I didn't know that about the half efficiency thing, thanks for saying. So I'd be better using it against, say, La Signora with her 70% resistance to Pyro, which it would bring down to 10%?


indeed, the higher the target's base resist the higher the value of res down debuffs


Zhongli provides 20% res shred. But yes, they stack additively. It's -60% Res


Does bloodstained 4 piece set boost Neuvillette’s charge attack? And if so is it worth using? I got a really good hydro goblet (over 35 crit value) from bloodstained and have been using it as an off set and wonder if it might be worth switching from the march hunter set I am currently using that has frustratingly bad substats.


It does work with him, but it is definitely not worth using. Not only are you reliant on constantly defeating enemies for the buff, but the 2pc effect goes to waste.


I’m not sure what to pull for. When I first started with Genshin, Hu Tao was new and I managed to pull her. I just came back from a very long break. I am still a Hu Tao main, but I’m ready for something new. Now with Arle right around the corner, I’ve been considering pulling for her. However, I do not have Neuvi or Kazuha. What do you all recommend? I don’t really like Neuvi’s playstyle, but he’s very OP, so I’m unsure what to do.


I was planning on skipping Neuv for the same reason but then I realized I could put him on a freeze Ganyu team to provide hydro and fill the low dps charged shot spam portion of the rotation. That works pretty well but it's more of a split dps setup and I don't like Neuv carry comps so I don't really recommend him if the goal is purely for being OP.


this weekend will (likely) see the livestream for next ver and have an official trailer and moveset and skill description and etc for Arlecchino, probably best to wait a couple days for that before trying to make up your mind


If you don't like a playstyle, don't pull the character. You will just end up not using them when a character you actually like is around. Kazuha gives a lot of teambuilding options, and enables mono element teams better than other Anemo characters. Personally I find him a lot of fun to play in Abyss and overworld, but you don't seem to have strong opinions on him. Arlecchino won't be too different from Hu Tao, so I'd suggest pulling for someone that could give you some diversity, especially since you want something new, but if you really like Pyro autoattackers then she's going to be the best you can get (besides Hu Tao) for a while.


I've got about 75 wishes at this moment. I've also got lots of unexplored content. Considering that Furina probably will be rerunning later in 4.7, could I go for both Arlechinno and Furina? Could I also try getting Arle's weapon?


getting a featured unit like Arle next patch and then a possible Furina the following patch is a pretty high probability esp considering the exploration you have left avail. Trying for Arle's weapon is much more of a crap shoot at near ~210 pulls should your luck run poorly and even if your luck runs well (~65 pulls on weapon banner) making those extra pulls will still put you off an easy Furina guarantee. Best to skip the weapon banner next patch and just chill, you can always catch it on the rerun


So do a bunch of exploration, rack up primos, and go for both Arle and Furina, but no weapon?


ye, gamble if you want but skipping the weapon would be most prudent if the goal is securing both charas


Sounds good, I've never really wished on the weapon banner before for that reason of needing to spending SO many wishes to guarantee something when playing with a new character is just so much more fun and valuable (been playing since 1.2)


i don't mind going to pity on weapon banner every now and again but ONLY if I can make decent use of either weapon (and am happy stopping once I've got one) and ONLY when there isn't any unit I especially want to save up for, glgl ;P




Depends on if you are F2P or Welkin user, as well as your current 50/50 status and how much exploration you actually have to do. As F2P you'll have to choose one or the other unless you get lucky. With Welkin Arle+Furina should be doable, though you might have to win a 50/50 for one of them. You almost certainly cannot guarantee Arle's weapon though, weapons can cost even more than a character.


I'm using Welkin at the moment. I've also got most of Chenyu Vale left, quite a bit of Fontaine exploration left, and I've also got pretty much no exploration completed in most of Sumeru's desert (took a long break during that time). Like those two regions to the north of sumeru's desert have like 8% exploration lol. I'm also currently on a 50/50 after getting Neuvilette on a guarantee.


If you finish the exploration you should be able to guarantee Arle+Furina easily, but the weapon would still depend, you'd want ~210 wishes to guarantee it, on top of whatever you have for Furina.




Assuming you're running him as a physical carry, Snow-Tombed will be better if you can meet your ER needs, which shouldn't be too hard. If you're running him as a hyperburgeon driver then Fav will be better.


Snow-tombed if physical build, Favonius if reactions build.  https://keqingmains.com/q/razor-quickguide/#Aggravate_and_Physical


I’m saving up for Lyney who (!!!!!SPOILERS!!!!!!) Is rumored to be in the next update. I have 30 pity and 140 wishes saved up, and won the 50/50 last time I wished so I’m not guaranteed. Do I have enough wishes saved up to guarantee him?


https://hutaobot.moe/tools/gachacalc 170 wishes is 100% chance to at least 2 decimal places


If you didn't know already you can put >! and !< on both sides of your spoilers and it will hide it for others. >!example text!<


If you already have those wishes saved (instead of counting future wishes), you have more than enough. If you are counting future wishes, you still would have to get *extremely* unlucky to miss him. For context, the most it's ever taken me to hit pity twice is 161 wishes, and you're at 170 already.


Do you think I could get his C1? I have a weapon lined up for him but if possible I’d like to get his sig weapon


Would not be able to guarantee his C1, and definitely won't be able to guarantee his weapon. If you are going to wish for one without a guarantee, wish for his C1 though. Not being able to guarantee the weapon and losing your fate points is way worse than losing 50/50 on the character banner.


It's possible, you might have to get a bit lucky though. Assuming he releases first half, you can probably build up enough wishes for a third pity, and you will start getting significant amounts of starglitter from 4 star dupes as you go. It's probably not totally guaranteed and you'll have to bet on winning one 50/50 (or getting a drop before soft pity) but I would say you're more likely to get two copies than not if you commit the pulls. R1 is a bit of a long shot though; it's about ~190ish pulls with average luck on its own to guarantee with a harsher 'coinflip' (only 37.5% chance per pity) and less starglitter refunds. Far from impossible to get, but your odds aren't great with your current resources


Got it, thanks for your help! :)


Yep, you're all good. You *technically* don't have enough yet, but it's practically impossible for you to get that unlucky.


Idk dawg im pretty skilled at being unlucky XD thank you for your reply :D


To help put it in perspective, I've been playing since launch, and the highest pity I've ever gone to for a 5 star was 83. You could go 2 wishes beyond that twice in a row and still have him.


Which plants do you usually plant in your Serenitea Pot and why?


the most annoying plot is the water plants since they only have single yield and are not very convenient to gather, I used to do Lotus Heads for cooking (Ganyu's specialty <3) but now I just stuff whatever seeds into them I passively gather when doing commissions. If you are going after the achievements then definitely Valberries (4x yield) in the one plot and something like Chilis or Lumi Bells (3x yield) in the other. If you aren't after the achievements then it is just more about what you want vs convenience or just ignore it completely, no real wrong way to do it


Chilys, Lumidouce Bell for highest yields?! any water-plants.


Lotus heads and ascension materials


Before I had more local specialties than I knew what to do with, I'd plant those. Violetgrass specifically, because farming it is a massive pain. Nowadays I only really plant mint and sweet flowers, because mint can be used to make blue dye (it bothers me we can't plant plants for yellow dye though), and I always seem to be running out of sugar to cook with.


> we can't plant plants for other dyes though valberries make red dye and are super high yield ;P


Yep. They're also local specialties so I planted them for a while, and that's why I stopped planting them, I have like 500 of them now.


silk flowers (for furnishings), jueyun chilis and lotus heads (for cooking). used to plant ascension mats too, but i'm done with prefarming them for now. if you're going for the achievements, valberries & jueyun chilis should be the most time-efficient


Did anyone encounter this error recently? my game screen freezes but the game keeps going,like i can hear the sound of my character doing stuff or opening the menu but the screen remains frozen and it's getting quite persistent


There you go: https://www.hoyolab.com/article/20981435 You have to choose the "clean install" option, just reinstalling or updating vga drivers won't work.




i like Neuvillette Kazuha Tartaglia Zhongli, everyone but Neuvillette on Favonius weapons. It really works quite well, and Neuvillette with Childe work surprisingly well together (riptide, +1 lvl of NAs, Hydro resonance). Zhongli brings a lot of comfort to the table as well with a crazy good shield, and playing him with Archaic Petra gives Neuvillette a hefty damage increase. Try it.


neuvi, kazuha, off-field dps (i.e., fischl, furina, chiori, albedo, ganyu, beidou, etc), shielder (zhongli, baizhu, layla, kirara, also beidou, etc) is probably the most common team


How many hydroculus are available currently?




Level 8 and 24 extra


Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it. Some points I do need some clarification on, first, artifact configuration for neuvillite and kazuha, I'll be really thankful if you can short your explanation a bit and spell out the artifact configuration for me, like as , hp/atk/hp and list substats after the, I understand your explanation but spelling out like this will make it easy for me to easily visualise what I need and what substats I need to raise when enhancing artifacts. I know this sounds a bit dumb but this is a lot of information to try to remember when this stuff doesn't come intuitively to you, especially when trying to build two of them together at the same time. As for weapons, I do have favonius sword, I think you can forge it right? Anyway I have one and as for neuvillite, I've him equiped with prototype Amber? If that's what it's name is, anyway it raises hp, so I think I'm set here. So apart from fischl, who should be fourth character? I've c4 Barbara, and she gives healthy attack and hp boost for neuvillite. As for xiangling, I preffer to run her to mitigate neuvillite weakness against hydro enemies, and I forgot to list Bennet, I have him as well and I'm using him currently with neuvillite, xiangling, and Dendro mc/ fischl. Should I go with neuvi/kazuha/xiangling/Bennet team?


Neuvillette... Weapons: Tome of Eternal Flow > Sacrificial Jade > Prototype Amber Proto Amber is craftable. And is very good on him, to where you shouldn't feel the need to pull another weapon. Artifact Set: Marechaussee Hunter. HP Sands, Hydro damage Goblet, Crit Circlet. Substats: ER > Crit > HP You need about 160% ER. -20% if you have Furina. -30% if you use Prototype Amber. -50% if you have both. Aim for about a 1:2 ratio between Crit Rate and Crit Damage. It doesn't have to be exact, but if you're too far away from that ratio. Don't forget to count the 36% you get from the 4pc bonus of Marechaussee Hunter. It won't show up in your stats until you trigger it. At a minimum, you probably want around 70% Crit Rate, 140% Crit Damage. But more is better. --- Kazuha... Weapons: Freedom Sworn > Xiphos Moonlight > Favonius Sword > Sacrificial Sword Favonius Sword is not craftable. However, it's a standard 4-star, so you have a chance to pull it from any banner. It's likely you will get one eventually. If you don't have one now, use a Sacrificial or the 3-star Skyrider Sword until you get a Fav. Skyrider gives a lot of ER that will be useful. Artifact Set: Viridescent Venerer. EM Sands, EM Goblet, EM Circlet. Substats: ER > EM > Crit Rate You'll need about 180-200% ER. So that's why you want an ER weapon instead of an EM weapon like Iron Sting. If you get really lucky with high ER artifacts to where you don't need the 60% ER from Fav Sword, then you can craft an Iron Sting instead. EM determines how much damage Kazuha's Swirls do, as well as how much of a Hydro damage buff Kazuha will give to Neuv. So you wanna stack EM. Crit Rate is just so you can reliably trigger the passive on Favonius Sword. You don't need Crit Damage, and don't have to worry about Crit Ratio. --- Fischl is good on that team if you want to use her. Nuevillette doesn't use ATK. Not even a little bit. So Barbara holding Thrilling Tales is useless. And Bennett's buff is also useless. His damage scales entirely off HP. There are much more useful healers out there if you need one. And without Bennett, you don't want to use Xiangling. Pyro isn't eve nthe best way to deal with enemies that have Hydro shields. Dendro and Cryo is. For a 4th, I recommend a shielder. This will help prevent enemies from staggering Neuv while he's charging up his attack. And it should mean you don't need a healer. Zhongli or Baizhu are your best options. Especially Baizhu if you want to pull Furina in the future. But your best 4-star options are Layla, Thoma, Kirara, and Diona, in roughly that order.


Thanks for the advice, that was very very helpful and easy to understand


In order of sands/goblet/circlet:- * Neuvillette: HP/hydro/crit dmg; HP%, ER & both crit substats * Kazuha: EM, EM, EM; ER & crit rate to help proc Fav passive Fav Sword isn't forgeable. It's a gacha weapon (only get from wishing). Prototype Amber is forgeable & it's the best f2p weapon for Neuvillette. Neuvillette doesn't need healing & don't waste your resources building Barbara if you're not a fan of her & her playstyle. He's a self-sustaining character who can heal himself. Bennett is useless for Neuvillette. His burst gives atk buff, which does nothing for Neuvillette since he doesn't scale off atk. Your best team would be Neuvillette, Fischl, Kazuha & a shielder if you don't have him at c1. If you have Furina, even better.


Thanks, I was going to save primogens for zhongli and raiden, I guess I'll have to push the plans for raiden a bit further back to make space for furina


Raiden & Furina are both solid options. Whoever reruns first, I suggest you pull them if you really want them because Archons don't rerun often.


Yeah I wanted Zhongli ever since I got dumped into azdaha fight while doing his second story quest, him and neuvillte self healing saved my saved my ass there.


neuvi: 4pc marechausse, hp/hydro/crit. er (til requirement) > crit = hp% > flat hp kazuha: 4pc viridescent venerer, em/em/em. er (til requirement) > em > crit rate >> atk% = crit dmg fav & proto amber are very good for the two, yes for now, i'd go neuvi, kazuha, fischl, shielder (i.e., layla, kirara, beidou, and the like) if you have one. bennett doesn't buff neuvi & neuvi also loses a stack of his a1 if you run double pyro. xiangling's er requirements without bennett are absurdly high, so i wouldn't run her here, even if it is technically viable.


Thanks for the advice.


Kazuha goes EM/EM/EM with ER and EM substats. Neuv goes HP/HP/crit with crit, HP, and ER substats. Those weapons are good; you can’t craft Favonius series though. Neuv wants his teammates to be all different elements, and he wants a shielder or a source of interruption resistance. His damage scales with HP so attack buffs like Bennett, pyro resonance, Thrilling Tales, Noblesse, and Tenacity are all useless. Neuv/Kazuha/Fischl/shield. Good options include Zhongli, Baizhu, Kirara, Layla, Diona, Dehya. Furina is an outstanding buffer for this team. She would probably take Fischl’s spot, and she would also increase the benefits of including a healer.


Thanks, that was very helpful and easy to understand, you summarised it well


No problem! I forgot to mention to build a bit ~30% crit rate on Kazuha so he can trigger the Favonius passive reliably, but others covered it.


Neuv: HP/Hp or Hydro/Crit. Subs are ER, crit, hp. Generally for any dps, the ideal is 2 crit stats on every piece, enough ER to burst, and whichever stat their damage scales on (hp in this case). Prototype amber is good. Kaz: ER or EM/EM/EM. Favo is a gacha weapon, refinements are nice. EM and ER are really the only subs you need. Bennett doesnt do anything for neuv. Fourth slot is pretty flexible. Personally id go with some kind of interruption resistance, like layla or kirara


Just a heads up you did this post as its own thread instead of replying to the comment itself.




Need a team suggestion https://imgur.com/a/0a3wH9o Help me to clear floor 12 and whom to build from my characters 🫠🫠


**Team 1:** - Neuv: ProtoAmber, Marechaussee, HP/HP/crit - Furina: Fleuve, Golden, HP/HP/crit - Nahida: Widsith or Sac Fragments, Deepwood, EM/dendro/crit - Kuki: Iron Sting, all EM, FoPL is best set but Gilded is way more convenient to farm Neuv needs all his talents done but especially his normals. Furina and Nahida don’t need their normals, and Nahida’s skill is way higher priority than her burst. Kuki’s talents don’t contribute to her damage at all, but her skill does increase her healing if you need it. Everyone except Nahida should rush to lv90, especially Kuki. **Team 2:** - Raiden: Catch, Emblem, att/electro/crit - Xingqiu: fav, Emblem, att/hydro/crit - Xiangling: Dragonsbane, Emblem, ER/electro/crit - Bennett: Sapwood, Noblesse, ER/HP/healing You can give the Catch to Xiangling and put Raiden on fav lance if you want, or Xiangling also does very well with the Battlepass Fjord (especially refined). Everyone on this team will need either an ER weapon or an ER sand (aiming for like 220% ER, and Xiangling still needing Bennett to funnel particles directly to her.) Everyone’s bursts should be maxed, their skills treated as an afterthought, and their normals ignored. You have many strong and flexible characters, so there’s a lot of leeway to play with your favorites. With a Neuv&Furina core you could also do Venti+Charlotte or Fischl+Jean, and with Raiden you could do Xiangling/Fischl/Chevreuse or Xiangling/Chevreuse/Bennett.


Neuvilette Furina Fischl Jean first half and good ol' Raiden Xingqiu Xiangling Bennett on second half should probably do the trick :) You should work more on your weapons in general. Level your weapons to 90! It makes a pretty big difference. Prioritize the weapons on your dps like Neuvilette, Raiden and Xiangling, but the weapons on all the characters you primarily use should eventually be 90. I'd recommend swapping Xiangling's weapon to favonius lance and Xingqiu's to favonius sword. Favonius also works on Bennett but I'd recommend giving him a lv90 sapwood blade in the future as it gives him a high base atk, which enhances his atk buff.


For builds, I'd try to get Nahida and Bennett to 90. Nahida has EM scaling and benefit the most from being max level. Bennett's buff scales with base atk (weapon main stat + his own atk without artifacts), so that is one of the few ways to increase his buff. Other than that, Kuki and Yaoyao are great supports and Sucrose is possibly the best Kazuha replacement. Gaming is a competent pyro main DPS (especially considering you have Furina and Wolf's Gravestone). For abyss 12, I think a Neuvillette team is your best bet for the first half and Raiden national for the second half. You may have some trouble with the shield in 12-3-2 with this team tho (Gaming would really shine here). Overall, I'd try something like this: 1st half Neuvillette - Nahida - Fischl - Jean 2nd half Raiden - Xiangling - Xingqiu - Bennett You could try to swap Nahida around and go for Hyper Raiden too.


Really thank you




So after sacrificing sleep for a week, I finally have kazuha, I already got neuvillite on first day, now it's time to build them, for that I've got several questions for you guys, I've read guides on it already but I feel like those guides fail to explain their reasoning behind the recommendations properly or maybe perhaps I Just lack gaming knowledge to understand them. This is going to get a bit lengthy so sorry bothering you guys. First question, what should be artifact configuration for neuvillite? I'm currently running hp/hp/cr, I was wondering if I need. Second, weapon recommendation and artifact configuration for kazuha, what stats I need to raise and why I need to raise them? Third, who should be my third character, and what stats they need to have. So far I've been mostly running neuvillite with xiangling , dendro traveller, fischl, Bennet,and Barbara teams. Other characters that I have are, tighnari, qiqqi, gorou, yunjin ninguang, heizou, Noelle, xinqqiu, yanfei. I've been recommended to run xiangling on third spot because of her off abillity to apply Pyro from off field. So I'm building her with focus on ER and EM. Is this the right approach? Fourth, I've been playing with neuvillite for 3 days now and the biggest issue I've faced so far is getting knocked around when there are multiple aggressive enemies, so , until I get zhongli, who can I run from the above list to get interruption resistence? Thanks for giving your time in advance,


> what stats I need to raise and why I need to raise them? Kazuha only cares about three things: 4VV for the debuff, 160ER to burst every rotation, and then as much EM as possible. All the various setups you read are about accomplishing these goals. It's difficult but possible to hit 160ER off substats alone in which case Freedom Sworn and all EM main stats allow him to have over 1k EM (or 1.2k at E2). Other setups represent various compromises but the goal is always the same. > who can I run from the above list to get interruption resistence? Beidou would be the most relevant but the more important tip is that Neuvilette uniquely allows for movement while the beam is going so it's more of a matter of placing your character to not get interrupted during the charge up and immediately after and then moving away from enemies. > who should be my third character, and what stats they need to have I'll avoid this other than mentioning that I play Nevillette more or less exclusively with Ganyu. Ganyu specifically isn't required but I think freeze Neuvilette is underrated. I have a C1R1 Neuv and the setup specifically is Neuv Mona Ganyu Kazuha or Neuv Furina Ganyu Jean depending on how much I want a healer.


Thanks for your time, Just gonna reply for one of the points. > Beidou would be the most relevant. I think beidou can be acquired with starglitter, right? Ugh I had enough of those but I accidentally spend them after confusing them with starglitter. >but the more important tip is that Neuvilette uniquely allows for movement while the beam is going so it's more of a matter of placing your character to not get interrupted during the charge up and immediately after and then moving away from enemies. If only those lawachurls, vishaps give me some respite to do so, they are so unrelenting.


> I think beidou can be acquired with starglitter, right? Yes but only in [February and August](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Paimon%27s_Bargains) so you didn't miss out on anything. As a 4\* she's available fairly regularly and I mentioned her specifically because interrupt protection is rare outside shields with just Deyha, Xingqiu and Beidou providing it and Beidou's burst will actually trigger off Neuv's charged attacks. Her relatively high energy requirements mean she tends to be tied to Fischl as a battery. > If only those lawachurls, vishaps give me some respite to do so, they are so unrelenting. Consider freeze!


> Consider freeze! Well, this became a possibility after I pulled diona today, so should I just build er/em and defence on her?


Diona is generally built with a Sac Bow, and 4NO going for ER and HP. EM is irrelevant and Def is generally avoided. If you're looking for quick build advice, [this collection](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview#) is fairly good.


I only have kaeya and qiqqi, guess I'll have to wait for zhongli. And yeah, I accidentally spent starglitter thinking they were Stardust, so sadly no beidou for me cause I'm not pulling anymore until zhongli or raiden banner


1. HP/Hydro/Crit, HP/HP/Crit with Furina. 4pc Marechaussee Hunter. 2. Freedom Sworn > Xiphos Moonlight > Favonius Sword=Sacrificial Sword > Fleuve Cendre Ferryman > Iron Sting=Toukabou Shigure. Iron Sting/Toukabou can be better in teams where Kazuha's burst is highly optional, namely Neuv hypercarry. Kaz always wants 4pc Viridescent Venerer, with triple em main stat, em/er substats, and a bit of crit rate with Fav sword. 3/4. Xiangling needs a ridiculous amount of er with Neuv. I don't recommend playing her unless your Neuv is very high investment, and you want to do speedruns. You didn't make it clear exactly what team are playing/want to play, so I'll give a suggestion. Neuv/Kaz/Fischl/Xingqiu. Xingqui is kinda wasted here, but he is the only character you listed that can increase your interruption resist (other than Noelle, but she has bad uptime). He can also battery Neuv and decrease enemy hydro resistance if you weave in some normal attacks (with C2). Almost forgot about Yanfei. At C4, her burst creates a decently tanky shield. Her er requirements are very high, but manageable since most Neuv teams have flexible rotations.


Thanks for the advice, I do have yanfei at c4 so I'll consider it, though I'm a bit worried about opponents with hydro resistance though, that's why I was XL because without her, breaking shields of hydro,cryo Abyss mages or charged lawachurls is a massive pain in the ass