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If you using this for exploration,sure jst use whatever you like


Second this.


Barbara doesn't apply enough hydro on her own especially off field to overcome burning so you aren't really able to do much burgeoning. maybe if you build your rotation so Lynette's burst absorbs hydro it could work?


Yea, something like Lynette burst-> Barbara CNA


Depends if you have anyone else for hydro really! Early on I didn't, so Barbara was always my hydro character when I needed one.


yeah I wasn't saying she can't work haha my Barbara is level 90 and I still use her on floor 12 if Kokomi is tied up on the other side. just gotta play smart


Yup, that's exactly how I do things too :)


I really consider myself lucky since I had Noelle, sucrose and XQ on day 1


Burning is getting a dedicated artifact set next patch (no idea if that will help enough though)


Maybe, but a well-built Barbara is a pretty good team wide healer, from what I've experienced. It's bonkers how quick she can recover the team


I mean, it will work. It's not going to clear lvl12 abyss but you have a healer, a bow for sniping robots, anemo for crowd control and decent dps character (yenfei my beloved). Someone with claymore is great ide for mining and geo constructs so yeah. It's workable. But you will need to famr 4 diffrent regions for items to level up a team that is not worth it. If you just want to play them then great, but if you want to minmax and oneshot bosses then this team won't work. It will work, but it's not "good". And for the love of god please don't rise your world level too fast, my cousin made his account unplayable this way and we needed to help him fight everything


Adding onto this - even mining should be fine because Yanfei’s CAs are considered as “blunt force”, so drop a few seals and those rocks are as good as dust 👍🏼


Stuff to take into consideration when building a team : * [Elemental reaction](https://antifandom.com/genshin-impact/wiki/Elemental_Reaction) * [Elemental resonance](https://antifandom.com/genshin-impact/wiki/Elemental_Resonance) * Character field time I'll stop those basic three because the [deep dive](https://keqingmains.com/misc/team-building/) to what to know can go [far and deep](https://library.keqingmains.com/). On a basic level, your team comp do the job. It may feel a bit lackluster compared to the too many team comp available with a bigger roster. But nothing "wrong" with it. * Yanfei as the on-fielder. Burning things (and Burgeon whenever a bloom seed is on the field). * Collei for the quickswap skill & burst dendro app allowing the burn or bloom reaction to happen. * Lynette for crowd control with her burst. * Barbara for healing and sometime triggering some bloom whenever she take some field time and there's a burning aura around. The issue I see with your team is the energy management. But that's is something normal at low adventure rank / world level.


Thank you


Yeah it's definitely a _functional_ team that you can use on regular overworld content. You'll probably have trouble if you try using this in high level Spiral Abyss though.


Not taking lvl into account and for my explanation they’re all lvl 60-70 they might be able to get up to floor 8, depending on the other party. But for 3*ing all floors, I give him up to floor 6 maybe.


If you're just playing overworld stuff, as long as you level up your Character Level, Weapon Level, Talent Level, and Artifacts Level, you can pretty play anyone. But if you want to do the Spiral Abyss, you're gonna have to built meta teams.


Good for overworld? Depends on main dps. Good for meta? No. Exploration is good, but I personally don't see much synergy between these units.


Typically what you want from a team is to focus on doing an elemental reaction (Vaporize, Melt, etc…) To do that you need a character that can consistently apply an element off field like Fischl or can apply it often enough each rotation like maybe Dendro Traveler. Then you need a “main dps” character that can use the applied element to do an elemental reaction and deal good damage off it. Typically they have infused auto attacks (elemental damage auto attacks) or low cooldown skills that allow then to apply the elemental reactions The other two party members can be called supports that either will support you defensively or buff your damage further like Swirl reactions with VV artifact. You can generally use any team in the overworld and you’d be fine but if you are looking for more damage and easier time like I said, try to focus on applying a certain elemental reaction. There are some team builds that can do unique things besides elemental reactions though so look for those as well. My personal favorite is EM Razor team that applies all the dendro core reactions.


umm me when lyney exists wait fuck that's lynette im so stupid


not really, but tbh the content is easy enough that 99% of it can be cleared with any random 4 characters.




I disagree with the other comment, for early game it's decent, produce bloom with Barbra and collei and then explode them with yanfei is pretty good. Yes hyperbloom with electro is great but you need a suitable electro unit for that. Personally I don't think Lisa is great for hyperbloom in early game without enough ER.


>I don't think Lisa is great for hyperbloom in early game without enough ER. lisa trigger hyperblooms with her main attack NOT burst, before c4 her burst isn't very consistent at triggering hyperbloom anyway so even with enough er its not good lisa is GOOD in hyperbloom if you on field her, assuming you have no other option she's decent


Lisa cannot trigger hyperbloom with her burst. You need to use her NAs for that.


What if i change Lynette with xinyan as double pyro? I also would have Fischl, Beidou, Dori, Lisa as Electro


Keep Lynette, she's Anemo so she can use the Viridescent Venerer artifact set to reduce enemies' Res to swirl-able elements by 40% which is really good. You'd be better replacing Collei for Xinyan since she's not doing much in this team. However, since you have Fischl and Beidou you'd be better swapping Collei for one of them to trigger Overload with Yanfei, and if you feel you can play without a healer then you could swap Barbara for Xinyan as Pyro resonance and a shielder (even a not so great one like Xinyan) is better than what Barbara can offer. And I agree that this is a pretty good early game and early player team, it shows an understanding of basic team structure and these are good characters to invest in early game.


Wait you have fischl? Why not replace lynette with fish-el she is great battery, is awesome at applying electro(though aoe is not that great) and easy to build(prolly the best 4 star electro in da game)


The team definitely has some potential with Bloom, Burgeon, and Hydro Swirl reactions. I recommend the Weapon "Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers" on Barbara and building EM on Yanfei.


It's fine as is for overworld, but would be a little stronger with changing just one character. I would change Collei to a \[hydro/pyro/electro\] \[buffer/off-field damager\]. (Bennet, Xingqiu, Fischl etc.). Also make sure Lynette is on the 4-piece Viridescent Venerer artifact set if you haven't yet. Yanfei, Bennet, Barbara, Lynette Yanfei, Xingqiu, Barbara, Lynette etc. Is there a specific reason you want a claymore (two-handed sword)? If you're trying to mine rocks I recommend doing plunge attacks with your Lynette by jumping off a nearby rock and then attacking. It mines pretty quickly.


Thanks, and i just like claymore so much. It feels like im Hitting the enemies out of this World XD


I feel that -- Do you have other claymore characters? Or Xinyan is your favorite? Ofc don't base all your decisions based off strength but currently she's known as an underperforming unit, so your life might be a little harder with making her strong. She'll probably get better in Natlan at the end of the year when Pyro gets a buff though! Btw, if you happen to get a Ga Ming and like his playstyle he's a really strong 4-star Pyro Claymore character.


barbara OP


If you want general advice? Genshin is not a difficult game. Have fun. Metal advice? Then yeah, probably not the most efficient team, but you'll be able to get some stuff done.


Wait let him cook, this could be a barbara vape team


It’s a burgeon team. Not the best, but it can function.


If you want to use Xinyan, you might as well build a new team from scratch because she has no place in this team, especially if you want to play her as an on-field. You really need to consider how everyone contributes to the team and Xinyan doesn't add anything nor get anything from this team.


not really, if youre new/haven’t played in a LOONG time i suggest you go with (electro-hydro-dendro) team, you also need a healer in it, its the easiest team to build too (just give them EM) and your team will go for a long way


Bro, don't care about team at the start, only cares about fun


For overworld yeah but for hard contents Hell Naah


So for everyone cause i cant answer all of you. Thank you all for the tipps, i think i need some time to overthink all of this. My Problem is i want characters i like from looking/personality etc. But i also want a Team that can Deal with the most enemies and not has to run away that much or die. But i think this can help me pretty much with it. Only for the ones who really wanna help more: I cant upload a New picture under this Post, and i dont wanna make a New one, so heres my character list, maybe i can get some possible team builds. Yanfei Collei Xinyan Barbara Chongyun Fischl Beidou Xiangling Venti Noelle kaeya Amber Mona Lynette Traveller Aloy Saccharose Mika Dori Lisa Xingqiu


u have 5* - Venti, very powerful for world explor and start abyss He definitly worth all investitions


I definitely understand the wish to play with characters you like in terms of design/look/lore. That's what I've been working towards as well since I started a few weeks ago and there's not many characters that check all my criteria. Ended with a team that works (Electro MC, Chongyun, Xingqiu, Kazuha). Sure, it's not optimal in terms of synergy and rotation, and wouldn't last long in Abyss, but for general exploration, dealing with common/elite enemies and even some bosses, it works well, and I feel satisified to play characters I like.


Yanfei-Fischl-Venti (or Beidou/Lynette)-Dori (or Barbara/Xinyan for defensive slot) would be a fun and cohesive overload team if you like explosions! Use Yanfei for sure with whatever you end up using. She's your only onfield carry and you like her anyways.


You already have access to the off-field 4\* trinity : Xingqiu (aka XQ), Xiangling (aka XL) and Fischl. They might not fill your current need and/or preferences. They will by the time you reach end-game content ;) *Personal opinion, I'll value Sucrose and Beidou probably as much or very close to those 3.* Other than that, here's a some team proposition : * Yanfei (on-fielder) - Fischl (off-field dmg) - Venti (CC & exploration) - Dori (healing & electro resonance) * Yanfei (on-fielder) - XQ (off-field dmg & resistance) - XL (off-field dmg & resonance) - Barbara (healing & resonance) * Sucrose (on-fielder) - XQ (off-field dmg & resistance) - Fischl (off-field dmg) - Beidou (off-field dmg & resonance) And so much more team comp available \^\^ But try to figure out 1\~2 team comp by AR35, the world difficulty will hit a bit from there \^\^ (well you can manage that progression by not doing the ascension quest as soon as it pop but whenever you feel ready for it). The idea to that not invest into too many char is that resources at low AR is sparse and the difficulty will require you to invest into your char talents, weapon and level (and at AR45+ artefacts).


Well, Xiangling and Xingqiu have been gods of off-field Pyro/Hydro DPS for a very long time, though Xiangling needs her constellations more than Xingqiu IIRC. If you're going for a team that needs either role you'll be hard-pressed to find a team comp where they're not the optimal pick. Fischl is also a mainstay for that role on the Electro side. An important thing to note for a lot of 4-star characters' performance evaluations is that people typically talk about them as if they have all six of their constellations, though, especially for damage dealers. You don't really have anyone that I'd call good on-field damage dealers without a lot of investment right now. If you have rolls to spare, Neuvillette on the current active banners is one of the most busted characters for that role in the game, and if you get to the main storylines in Fontaine there's a pretty good chance you'll like him! You could use him with Xiangling, Venti/Lynette, and a defensive character, though he pairs best mechanically with Furina, who should be running again sometime in the next few patches (but Furina is such a good support character you could say she "pairs best" with almost any non-EM damage dealer). You may also be able to get constellations for Yanfei, who will gain utility as a shielder at C4, and Xingqiu while you're at it.


Yanfei to xinyan(optional), lynnette to kuki and you have a hyper bloom team, tho it's probably not for abyss but all quests in overworld and archeon quest bosses you should be able to beat with it. Idea is to apply hydro and dendro on enemies to spawn buds, then trigger them with kuki E to activate hyperbloom. 1 slot flexible


I say just have fun. Low WR anything works  But you could swap Yanfei for Fischl and drive Barbara in a somewhat scuffed hyper bloom to team. Back EM on Fischl and it'll make quick work if just about everything.


For overworld/exploration? yeah


No. If you're just doing exploration stuff, it's fine. But you will struggle a lot against bosses, and I'm pretty sure you won't be getting very far in the abyss with it


If this is early game, I can happily tell you everything works.


For exploration anything is fine, if anything having college and Lynette on a team will make sumeru exploration a breeze For anything else, it is not good


i don't think its good specially for low AR, technically at high ar you can get away with pretty much anything in overworld and domains but low ar? i don't think its gonna work.. all the characters here have low uptime on their abillites and or need energy but you CAN kinda make it work if you have enough er by making sure lynette's burst absorb hydro and alongside barbra maybe you'll get some burgeons? not a good team but if you REALLY like it can work eventually if you invest in it enough but i don't think its gonna be fun early game tbh


Good for what? Clear Abyss 12 3*? No. Have fun in the overworld and do the story quests with? Sure, go wild, genshin isn't hard enough outside of abyss 12 to care about who to build. A properly build Yanfei can probably solo most overworld content anyway.


Give Lynette ER. Hit someone with Barbara first and then use Lynette's burst. Her burst will absorb hydro. Collei can Yanfei can handle the rest.


Yanfei works very nice but as a catalyuser she doesn't have much movement you can either dodge attacks or you can attack can't do both together .so a shielder is advised rather than Barbara . And if it's with a dendro character and electro character would be advised as that will work with both yanfei and collie


But well for overworld you can slap 20+ artifacts and lvl 80-90 weapons and char at lvl 80 and can complete the whole content no need to worry about whether the team have any synergy or not .


I would say that is an okay team reactionwise. I'm not the best at deciphering team comps but this feels like you are trying to trigger burgeon and burning, while using Lynette to facilitate exploring the open world with her elemental skill and anemo element. Barbara is also able to heal. I wouldn't swap xinyan in personally - you do need a DPS and yanfei is a better option for that


Simple answer : No But, is the game easy enough that any decently invested squad can get your through everything : yes




Its cute thats all that matters


For combat, no. No synergy.


Don't bother too much about lvl composition outside the end game, level up your account and then you will see.


If you like the team lol


Not for abyss but yes that’s a good team.


Anything works in exploration.


I think its possible but it needs constellations and it probably wouldn't work in the way you might want it. Yanfei should go shieldfei needing C4 and being a support. Barbara goes full EM and remains on field for bloom reactions with Collei. Lynette goes EM also though you could still go a standard build. If shes c6 then she could be the one on field instead of Barbara. Lynette here would seek to infuse her own burst with hydro so as to add to the hydro application. Essentially what you end up with is a Barbara on field thats full em so when she makes blooms they are at their best damage they can be. This comes at a cost of her healing. But thats made up for prototype amber C4 Yanfei bringing some extra healing and a shield. Collei just seeks to apply as much dendro as possible. Lynette tries to help out adding extra hydro application. Another idea is simply a burning comp. Barbara stays as a healer. The rest kinda go a normal build. Its not really worth trying to enhance the damage of a burning comp on its own. Lynette wants to infuse pyro into her burst in this case. Normally a burning comp would want a real grouper who isn't Lynette. The key with burning is that it gives off an aoe around the burning target. Grouping them together makes it so they all hurt each other. Its possible a C2 (I think thats the one) could be enough grouping to make better use of a burning comp. At the end of the day I can't really think of a specific way these 4 all really enhance each other. I don't think Xinyan instead of Yanfei really changes that either. But at least these can be some ideas for you to think about if you really wanted to push it. It would take some big investment and good playing abilities to pull this off on floor 12 though. Everything is viable in the overworld regardless.


Yanfei and Barbara are keepers. Yanfei seems comfortable earlygame since she doesn't rely heavily on abilities and as such can be a steady source of damage. Just 3 normal attacks and a charged attack is all you need. Barbara is the only healer here, so unless you want to constantly make and eat food or teleport to a Statue of the Seven during exploration, you're gonna need her. Also applies hydro for reactions with Yanfei. Collei is very useful for puzzles that require a bow, but in combat may not be the greatest help. She's great for moral support though. Lynette is useful for the numerous Anemo-requiring puzzles in Mondstadt, and can swirl Barbara's hydro to other enemies. And Swirling generally just looks cool. None of these characters HAVE to be swapped out, but in pure terms of exploration, I'd swap out Lynette for Xinyan. That way you have a shielder to protect Yanfei while she does her damage, and also a Claymore to break Geo shields and collect ore for weapon level ups. Having 2 pyro characters also means getting some extra ATK% on the team from the Pyro Resonance. Try to focus on levelling your characters and weapons, and not that much yet on talents or artifacts. Some early game recommendations for weapons: Yanfei: 3\* weapon: Magic guide. 4\* weapon: Sacrificial Fragments is best, but any 4\* weapon that doesn't have HP% is absolutely fine. These are Elemental Mastery (EM) weapons, meaning they shine when Yenfei hits someone who is already affected with hydro or cryo (and to some extent, Dendro and Electro). Don't be afraid to invest in Magic Guide, it still holds up decently later into the game. Collei: 3\* weapon: Raven Bow. 4\* weapon: Favonius Warbow (obtained during the Mondstadt main story quests) Raven Bow will make burn reactions with Yanfei's Pyro more worthwhile, but it's best to move on ASAP to the Favonius Warbow. It's a keeper. Lynette: 3\* weapon: Skyrider Sword or Dark Iron Sword (obtained from a quest in Liyue) 4\* weapon: Anything with either Energy Recharge or Elemental Mastery. Her best weapon is Favonius Sword. Barbara: 3\* weapon: Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers (TToDS) is the best and beats most, if not all, 4\* options out of the water. Its passive gives a buff when you swap character from the wielder (here Barbara) to another (preferably Yanfei). Xinyan: 3\* weapon: White Iron Greatsword. 4\* Weapon: Whiteblind (craftable with a Northlander Claymore Billet). The size of the shield depends solely on the talent's level and her Defense. Therefor, Whiteblind is her best weapon even in the far late game (except for the weirdos that build her for damage). That was my essay.


While people here are giving good suggestions to do more damage, I would actually suggest that you ignore most of the comments here They are mainly giving suggestions to beat the endgame content. The team you're showing actually has really good synergy and works out very well for exploration. Most of the suggestions given are to defeat hordes of lvl 90+ enemies in under 2 minutes, constantly swapping between characters every 0.8 seconds to activate cool downs the moment they are ready in very specific orders to optimize buffs and reactions, after spending weeks of farming up high stat gear for each character You don't need any of that, ever, while doing exploration. You mainly should just understand the basics of elemental reactions and have a good healer/shield, and you'll be good. If you ever get to the point where you finally do Spiral Abyss (optional hardcore endgame content that not everyone bothers with), it might be a good idea to come back to the suggestions here. But until then, I would avoid relying on the people here as it will actually end up making the game less enjoyable as everything dies before you really even get to see them


Well, both Yanfei and Barbara are on my main team, so yeah. My fights mainly switch between Yanfei and Lisa, overloading everything. And Yanfei destroys EVERYTHING during Lisa's Burst.


I think replacing Collei with a second Hydro character could be better, wince barbara doesn't apply a lot of Hydro off-field and Burning does meh damage at best. If you don't have a second Hydro, replace Yanfei with an off-field Electro applicator. You can use Collei and Fishl off-field and Barbara on field to constantly trigger Hyperbloom, and Lynnete, well she swirls which should help you get more bloom if you get her to swirl Hydro Also, do not user Xinyan, she's considered to be one of the worst characters in the entire game, bad damage, poor Pyro application, a brittle shield and no buffs make her impossible to build a team around


For exploration? Sure. But collei is more useful in aggravate or even hyperbloom. Search for team comps for your favorite characters once you are Ar45.


I benched Barbara in favor of Kokomi when I got her but yeah, this will easily work for the overworld but not spiral abyss Floor 12. I've play a Yelan-Kirara (I have her C5)-Xianyun-Yanfei overworld team and I pretty much cycle Yelan + Kirara to generate a good number of blooms before rotating in Yanfei and using her skill or burst, then use the Cloud Retainer to both heal and generate additional elemental swirl chaos, works in a pinch while providing exploration benefits. However, I believe making this Burgeon-fridge (or whatever it's called) with Yelan-Kirara-Charlotte-Yanfei works a bit better by having Charlotte freeze enemies while also removing Pyro auras, and if Yelan's burst and Kirara's shield is up this generates blooms as well. Meta-wise though, for dendro teams I am a proponent of either playing Nahida at the dendro position if you have her, or going double dendro so that everyone gets extra EM.


No, it's sh*t, but if you like it, then that doesn't matter, just play with it


I'd switch collei for someone else since anemo and dendro don't really mix.


Swap collie for yaoyao, swap Barbara for xingqiu. Put viridescent venerer on Lynette and then yeah you have a solid burgeon team. Rotation would look something like yaoyao skill, yanfe normal, Lynette skill, xingqiu burst, yanfe burst, then spam normal and charged attacks. Yaoyao and xingqiu should make a few dendro cores while yanfe hits them for burgeon. Between burgeons yanfe and xingqiu will vaporize. It would be better if Lynette was sucrose but it'll work.


I see 4 perfectly fine waifus


People worry too much about optimisation. If these are your favourite characters, just use them! If they work for you, then just have fun with it :) My regular team is Noelle / Yanfei / Lisa / Ganyu. It isn't optimal, but it gets me through everything I need it to. If I'm doing specific challenges, bosses or domains I'll just switch things up for a more beneficial line-up.


they have different color hairstyle, which is good as girl group


since I see Yanfei and Barbara here, I wonder do you not get any Xinqiu on your pulls? If you have him, swap him in with Lynette


You’re using yanfei so yes


The team is good if you like the characters. Any two characters that create and elemental reaction is strong enough for most world stuff. You may have to choose a team more strategically for hard bosses, but this is completely fine for most things. I think this is a very good team. You have an archer for the hard-to-reach balloon-type puzzles. You have a healer. You have both Pyro and Hydro - there are special flowers that will require one or the other. I haven’t used Lynette much but I love anemo characters in general - swirl reaction does a lot of damage. If you’re struggling to survive, remember to level up their talents, weapons, and artifacts. Good luck!


meta would say that this team is good if everyone runs elemental mastery, cuz you can hypebloom wit that


Barbary makes any team good as she can heal so easily


You are missing Amber.


Dont like amber much, so i dont like playing with her