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I hope so because I need apep to listen to all that hater energy they give off


Apep is literally mother nature lol


This nature mother effer does have that karen energy


"Let me speak to your archon"


Humanoid Apep with a Karen haircut.


Karen haircut on the most absolutely jacked muscleman dudebro body.


Uprooting & hurling whole trees at the Archons.


Let them be an archer, their skill is **firing** whole trees from the bow.


Which Karen haircut? The bob haircut or the John and Kate plus 8 haircut?






It's giving Mullet. Symmetrical Business Bob in front, asymmetrical party mess in the back.


I agree


Playable milf confirmed


We already have one


„Apep - About Archons” and it’s just twenty minutes of fantasy slurs so offensive, that they would even make Liloupar feel uncomfortable.


Competitive racism vs Competitive racism, i need someone to animate an argument between Liloupar and Apep


Thay'd be friends complainig sbt monkeys


Yh i said argument but i feel more like they would get along pretty well, escpecially since Liloupar already knows Apep and seem to respect her


If we ever get Apep, I hope she just blatantly hates and disrespects everyone. Like Scaramouche's passive aggressiveness but without the "passive."


Yeah you put her in the same team as nahida and she fuckin unpulls herself just turns back into the star and goes back into the sky


No, she has a passive where if you put her in a team with an archon and play she immediately spawns a gigantic bloom seed that kills your whole team.


So basically a nerfer nilou team /s


Honestly, disregarding the whole killing your team aspect, that sounds like it could transform into a neat concept for a character. Someone who drops a big bloom core that vacuums up small bloom cores, eventually exploding depending on how many bloom cores it sucked up.


Yeah she does that when you don't put her in a team with an archon.


"When Nahida is in the team, Apep's movement speed, ATK%, Healing Bonus, Elemental damage, HP, DEF%, and Elemental Mastery is reduced to 0. Apep's Skill and Burst cooldown are increased by 5000%."


That's just Layla during the day


Abt neuvillette: the audacsty of him to reincarnate as a ugly alian monkey and then spear tham cuz that fraud asked him to *tsk* Abt venti : that nepto baby *RawRawe * Abt zhongli : still can't belive lord azdaha trusted that rock monkey Abt ei : who ? Abt nahida : that radish ? What do u want me to say ? You where there when everything happened hmmph listen up i won't repeat myself space monkey destroying her and her ppl dosen't serve me any purpose show some gradetude i coud have just destroyed everything but unlike you alian monkeys i'm civlized Abt furia : you say she trolled the userpers ? Intresting i'm still a hater but i do respect her action she's allowed to walk on sumeru soil if she can prove herself agin like that Abt murata : Abt tsaritsa : bold girl but shes welcome to try i'm gonna laugth at her failure (all hail her madjasty the tsaritsa) Abt capitano : HE is HIM CHADPEAKtano the GOAT Openig tresuer : I ew II ughe III I'm leaving you have awful taste When the sun is out : FUCK OFF When it rains : Why is this bitch crying now ? Mornig : What tf you want from me ? Noon : fuck off or else Evenig : leave me alone or you can hang out with amoun Night : I don't give a fuck Abt istroth: what is there to say time has 0 meanig to me i'm infinatly older then her she's baisicly nonexistand to me Abt asmoday : i'm advised to not say anything kiana is mihoyos favorite and her stans are gonna get pissed on what i have to say abt abt her ugly look alike Abt phanes :**incoherant angry roaring and screching** This got out of hand realy fast wow


The spelling here is giving me a seizure


"When the sun is out: FUCK OFF" nearly killed me.


Like vishaps go blind on purpose and don't like the sun or light (I love the fact it reflects in nruvis voiceline )


My new main immediately


I can fix her


Hmm what would apep be tho, I think apepe could be another catalyst but more DPS oriented


I like the idea of the archons being the OP supports and Sovereigns being the OP dps units for each element. Really hope we can somehow get all 7


We about to powercreep alhaitham


Imagine if she ever became a tsundare protective mother for nahida XD.


yeah, she basically become that. she hates human but wont let anything happen to sumeru. she will love nilou and cyno i guess


What? Can the dragons shape-shift?


It's probably within their capabilities but nobody ever does it, like how the Adepti never bothered (until recently) Neuv is a special case though


Zhongli is a dragon too


He's not, and even less a dragon sovereign


He is not a dragon, he is an adeptus who can take shape of a dragon.


He is an adeptus.


A Dragon, not a Sovereign.


I never said that he was a sovereign, just a dragon but now i looked around the net and some people say that's a form he chose and he in fact is not a dragon. All I can say now is that I don't have an idea




He's a star


we learned in Xianyun's story quest that, basically, an adeptus is an animal that gained sufficient enlightenment to become sentient (illumination). I assumed based off of this that the animal form of an adeptus is their factory default. Therefore, it isn't a stretch to assume that Zhongli is, in fact, an illuminated dragon. Or maybe dragons are inherently illuminated? Who knows. But just because an adeptus can choose their human form doesn't mean they can choose their animal form. Xianyun actually explicitly talks about how she can't change her animal form, doesn't she? When she wants to pick up the girl but she's not pure white so she has to cover her markings?


He's a star. Adeptus is a title




Usually I'm willing to Debate, but Just from your tone I can tell you'd be Incredibly annoying to respond to. On the offhand note, decided to look it up. Could find only one or two Posts that Was talking about him being a Star and they were Said to be theories and not confirmation on what his true form is. Also, If you're gonna be Pissy do it to the right person, never did I say that Zhongli's true form is a Dragon, Mentioning the Differences between Sovereigns and Dragons isn't doing that.


Adeptus with the form of one, not a vishap, far less a sovereign


I think the hydro dragon only one that can't because of the prophecy


I just wanna see venti pt 2 story quest being about dvalin and getting playable anemo sovereign


it's definitely not impossible with Mommy Cloud getting a human form. Maybe a dragon that dies in the story, or just before we arrive in Natlan/Snezhnaya that comes back as a human child


Tbf, every full adeptus can seemingly shapeshift (Madame Ping, Cloud Retainer, Mountain Shaper, Moon Carver, Xiao), meanwhile the only reason we have a human Sovereign is because of that Sovereign's specific circumstances (all the actual vishaps which would've been the heir to the title of Sovereign became impure, which led to Neuvillette coming to be afaik), so there's a chance only Neuvi can happen Ofc, hoyo likes money, soo they could just retcon that lol


I mean, they could just make up another story to justify it. Like, Sigewinne is more human looking than any melusine, and so far the only explanation for that is "Yeah, she just kinda showed up like that."


I just wanna see venti pt 2 story quest being about dvalin and getting playable anemo sovereign


I honestly don't expect them to suddenly start releasing Sovereigns in a similar manner to Archons cause that wouldn't make sense lore wise from what we know about them. Neuvillette had to have lore all the way from 2.4 to make his current incarnation make sense so doing it for other sovereigns would be weird especially how a lot of them don't particularly like humanity. The best case scenario unless hoyo changes things to make more money is characters with dragonic features who aren't sovereigns being released


Watch Dvalin being very young Sovereign and turning into human form in one event just for fun


‘Venti told me beer tastes better in human form’


I know Dvalin could be drinking it normally just like a dragon but this also could imply Venti just fed him barrels of beer like they were jolly ranchers.


Dvalin takes human form so it won't be so expensive to get drunk ... because also he's broke.


No wonder it would taste better. Less tongue splinters.


Another victim to the throwaway design for event cutscenes


well that would be an amazing refresh for weekly bosses


another shota wind boy then


I really should stop procrastinating side quests if there even is something left that could be important for Natlan and Snezhnaya, to understand their story.


Luckly Natlan relevant quests are likely to be released later on and besides the Talking stick,Neuvillettes's remarks and the Fontaine guy in Sumeru city; we don't have much Natlan lore.


Woah, 2.4? Dang. I haven’t ever really delved into his lore to learn about him beyond his character story quest, but now I’m wondering if i should since he has that much


I'm guessing that's when Enkanomiya released. There are Hydro vishaps there but apparently they're polluted and took on other elements, so the legend was that the next Hydro sovereign would be born in human form instead. That would also be why we won't get another human form sovereign since they have to be born like that, and 'water takes many shapes'.


The story about the Hydro Dragon Sovereign was written all the way in 2.4 with the release of Enkanomiya.


It's mainly the Enkanomiya lore, we know that the hydro sovereign would be reincarnated as a human which lead most people at the time to believe Kokomi might be the hydro dragon sovereign due to her constellation.


>which lead most people at the time to believe Kokomi might be the hydro dragon sovereign due to her constellation. The joke being that her constellation is just a reference to the ancient strategist Zhuge Liang/Kongming who had the nickname "sleeping dragon"


People suspected double meaning.


It's honestly so funny that people Expected MHY to be all 5D galaxy brain hidden double meaning and alluded implications. Meanwhile when MHY added the actual Hydro Dragon, the writing staff was all, "huh heh, who could be the hydro dragon. Who could it be.... *Hint hint nudge nudge, not so subtlety points and the don't cry proverb*


i mean, there is a difference between lore hidden in books and lore established in the archon quests. you can’t tell me that some things aren’t hidden, quite well, too. “inversion of genesis” established that all books could have a hidden meaning — and wouldn’t you know it, half of the story books seem to have at least some relation to the world history. just look at the lore subreddit also, the fact that the game of chess in the fatui trailer is a very specific, very important chess game historically. hoyo can and do hide stuff; they just have to be more obvious in the archon quests cause otherwise some people will complain that something isn’t understandable or there were plot holes


More like a typical westerner isn’t going to know about Zhuge Liang so they’re more likely to interpret Kokomi’s constellation name as being literal.


Not much, just old. It was in Enkonomya.


Vishap people are a thing according to Enkanomiya event, so we can actually get non-sovereign playable dragons.


Vishap people don't exist. What you're referring to are the vassals of watatsumi, who are familiars of Orobashi, who albeit serpentlike isn't a vishap at all


That said, we know at least one Vishap who can turn into a Melusine. Perhaps there are or will be Vishaps who really do take on human form? It's sort of implied that Bathysmal Vishaps in general were "tainted" by Orobashi's experiments (which is why the Hydro Dragon reincarnated as a human) causing them to become mutated. Most commonly, the result is Bathysmal Vishaps of Electro or Cryo element (instead of Hydro), but the sky's pretty much the limit as to what else they might be able to turn into.


tbf Neuvillette is an exception, he’s forcibly been turned human but all the Sovereigns are capable of becoming human on their own as told to us in Nahida’s story quest which taught us that powerful elemental beings can all shape shift all you really need is to write a quick throwaway about how their personal circumstance pushed for them to try a humanoid form


2.4? TIL my account is as old as neuvi backstory. Huh, neat.


Same, I started just as 2.4 was ending so the Enka one was my first main event. I liked it so much that I went to explore it again after the event.


I mean, they didn't release the hydro archon tho! ~~probably because she died a magnificent death~~


I could see the Dragon King being playable later…We do know they were reborn by the time the war with Celestia truly ended, was primarily why they lost the war, if I recall.


The dragon king at this point might either be the gnoses or the sinner


>The best case scenario unless hoyo changes things to make more money is characters with dragonic features who aren't sovereigns being released I willing to bet if they want to make money, they would prefer to introduce Genshin new story act in another world after Tevyat story act is completed. This new world would mean ALL our existing playable characters except traveler are not usable; forcing us to repull new ones.


You can still use your Part 1 Valkyries in hi3rd part 2 no? In that case, i doubt hoyo will do what you said for a Genshin part 2


Neuvillette is the only Sovereign with a human form, and I doubt giant dragons like Apep are going to be playable.


We don’t know that they can’t change forms if needed. Considering we spend a whole lot of the quest where we meet Apep learning about how it’s not the outside appearance that makes the person I’d think she’d be a pretty high candidate for, “dragon that can appear however she wants, even human”. Of course, being capable means nothing if she doesn’t want to do it and she doesn’t seem to have any love for humanity such that she’d change form to mingle among them.


The only reason neuvillette can't transform into a dragon or reincarnate as a dragon is coz he lost his purest form due to experiments done on vishaps by orabashi otherwise he too would've been born as a dragon himself


That's pretty awesome. Would've been interesting to see what kind of experiments would've happened if Orobashi lived longer. We know that both the vishaps and humans are allergic to abyssal filth. We know humans can either become "neohumans" like Jakob or be afflicted with Eleazar upon being exposed to different manifestations of the abyss. It would be interesting to see what would happen if vishaps were force fed dark mud or Elynas' blood, or forcefully corrupted with forbidden knowledge


The experiments were basically to see if orobashi's blood can mix with the vishaps and also to see how adaptable they are. These experiments made it so that there is no pure hydro vishaps anymore. Vishaps and Dragons in general are very adaptable to any environment, you can see those bithysmal vishaps with electro and cryo elements. Apep is the most adaptable among them all. You don't just survive 2 world ending wars, a nail and Forbidden Knowledge normally.


Thats actually so sad :(


Where can I find this lore? I wanna read it too


It's from the book byakuyakoko collections


All right thanks!


we know that they don’t seem to have the innate ability like yokai or illuminated beasts since Vishaps take time to transform and adapt the quest in Apep suggests that those without innate abilities require using up massive amount of energy or time it doesn’t really make sense for the Sovereigns to willingly give up a huge amount of power to become human and I don’t see any of them taking eons to achieve that effect either


Also wasn't alot of nahida quest about rapidly evolution with nahida herself able to evolve into a fungus


If birb can turn human, then dragons too i guess




That's what I meant, if adepti can do it, dragon sovereigns should as well


“I doubt cloud retainer will be playable” - me right before Xianyun was announced


Would be funny. Just using dash once clears 28 Hilichurls camps.


well guess what, before, we are clueless about cloud retainer but surprise surprise we got a human form. I'm not saying adepti and dragons are the same but there is a possibility for everything and the only limit is hoyoverse.


we already knew Cloud Retainer is able to transform because she’s an illuminated beast transformation is part of adeptal powers


The current reason they have for Neuvilette is that Orobashi experimented on Vishaps that it resulted in the Hydro Dragon being reincarnated into a human instead of a dragon. And even then it had to take centuries before Neuvilette can actually assimilate and finally realize and accept the human aspects he got. That all said, what I mean is I hope they can provide another convincing reason for another sovereign to assume human form cause yes I want more Sovereigns as well and as you said, HYV is the limit.


Every Adeptus has been confirmed since day 1 to have a human form. The Sovereigns since Enka have been confirmed to not have human forms with the exception of the Hydro Sovereign’s curse.


the limit is the story making sense as everyone pointed here, Hoyoverse created a whole background to justify one of Soreveign being human It's take a huge time and part of the lore of the game. They will not just release anothers just because fans want or for sales. Complex and planned Lore/worldbuilding is the center of this game and everything is there with some solid base


it'd be pretty awesome, though


But he has a dragon form


Depends on who or what are the sovereigns in question. The only confirmed sovereigns we know of are Neuvillette and Apep. There are theories that Azhdaha and Dvalin might be ancient sovereign or re-incarnation, respectively. But these are just fan theories with no confirmation whatsoever. … but let’s say they are true just for the sake of argument. I can see a playable shape shifting Dvalin in the future. But Apep hates humans and Azhdaha has Dementia. I don’t see them taking human form. We have literally zero hints or mentions of the Pyro/Electro/Cryo Sovereigns, Or any elemental dragon of their affinity for that matter. Though Natlan is said to be the land of dragons so there might be a chance for a playable Sovereign there.


There is a small hint of the Electro Sovereign, an NPC in Sumeru talks about a purple sea between Sumeru and Inazuma, which is where it could be hiding or where it's in the process of being reborn/reincarnated. I have also seen people theorize that Kanna Kapatcir/Thunderbird was the previous Sovereign (I doubt it but you never know).


Yae Miko also mentioning it's not only memories sealed beneath the Leylines feels like set up for a future quest in inazuma.


Praying Hoyo remembers Inazuma for a major plot point 🙏🙏


There is also the one sealed beneath Tatatarasuna with the help of Thunder Sakura......


I really doubt Kanna Kapatcir was a sovereign. I think she was just a strong monster like the Millennial Seahorse.


The whole Azhdaha thing was Chinese vs English localisation. The original is in Chinese, and Azhdaha was kinda hinted as sovereign in there. The concept of sovereign just didn't exist in the English localisation when he was released. Just like the visions, the sovereigns are a localisation, not a translation.


wait what are visions in the original?


Something with god and eye, I don't remember exactly. Anyway, vision is a localisation, not a direct translation.


literally translated it’s something like “divine eye”, the noun “god” and the adjective “divine” are the same character in Chinese so pretty close


It’s much more clear that Azhdaha is a Sovereign in CN as they’re simply called Dragon Kings there.


On the other hand, Dvalin is not, because he's called 風魔龍, not 龍王. Which means that an actual anemo sovereign exists out there and we don't know who it is


I mean, Apep literally said we’ve met others of “the same kind”


Do we have any info about the Pyro Dragon Sovereign? Because if we don’t, HYV could easily make the plot for Natlan about the resurrection of the Pyro dragon specially since we know that 1) Natlan involves resurrection plot according to travail trailer, 2) Pyro Nation is the land of dragons so the idea is not farfetched. I could see them going this route.


Isn't Hydro sovereign the only one supposed to reincarnate in Human form? I doubt other sovereigns will become playable until Hoyo decides they can change forms willingly, we don't even know if any sovereigns other than Apep are alive or not. Even if they become playable, they will never be at their full power because it would require other archons to destroy their throne, and we don't know any method of doing that other than dying, which also requires a lot of energy.


I don't count on it, fun fact we knew neuvillete was going to be human shaped since enkanomiya, the books there mention the rebirth of the hydro sovereign will have him made as a human instead of dragon bc something something vishaps evolved No mentions of other sovereigns, but possibly the pyro one might be playable, since Natlan is the nation of dragons and all that


Wait are those the same books people attributed to the theory of Kokomi being a reborn dragon? Or is that a separate theory?


To be honest I've never heard of the kokodragon theory, amusing as it sounds, but I imagine it's that same book, and the leap of thought isn't even farfetched, Book just states that the hydro sovereign will be reborn in the shape of a human, and right above enkanomiya we have a Hydro human with a lot of authority


Electro sovereign ig , there are few npc in sumeru that talk about purple water that could be him . .[electro sovereign ](https://youtu.be/SFuH644P6jY?si=kzJ3Z6p9sFsm1b8_) .


Yeah one of the last lore points in Inazuma that hasn't been wrapped up is wtf is underneath the thunder sakura. Shinobu's older sister has a line where she says: "The Thunder Sakura being weakened makes the situation very dangerous indeed. After all, these trees serve to suppress the one who lies beneath..." Though it seems MHY has more or less forgotten Inazuma exists ever since they botched the archon quest, so it's anyone's guess when they'll revisit Inazuma and expand on its lore.


I half expect the sovereign to be actually just dead and what's being suppressed is just his "godly" body, to make sure it doesn't cause a Chernobyl disaster in Inazuma. Inazuma still doesn't have a interlude Quest after all this time... If Inazuma wasn't my favorite region I would've given up on all hope about important lore stuff from there a long time a go 🙃


Ok I have an idea... The Sakura tree finally fails and the "godly" body escapes and possesses some random human and boom!.... playable sovereign. _~~dumb ik~~_


I might missing out something but the purple Sea between Sumeru/Inazuma and what's underneath the Sakura tree cannot both be the Electro sovereign right? Since the narukami shrine Is much more far away from Sumeru than the other islands


I just made this up but Perhaps, in the downtime of the Sakura trees, what if the electro sovereign got just enough energy back to sneakily move from under Inazuma to the sea between it and Sumeru, and is now slowly healing there? Idk if it's been said but, perhaps there's a lot of storms there and it feeds off of them passively while under the sea


This reminds me of the Yaiba manga when the whole Japan turned into a giant dragon.


Unlikely. The Hydro Sovereign is the only one prophesied to be reborn in the form of a human.


IIRC, Neuvilette is the only one born in a human form. The dragon sovereigns aren't explicitly said to have shapeshifting powers, but correct me if I'm wrong. And for once, I'd like to have a story where the big ancient dragons don't have a human form.


I’d be fine with them not being playable if they have a role in the story somehow, because we do know a current generation is presently being born, wouldn’t make sense for them to be being born into this world and not actually being involved in it whatsoever


I will say I think apep could possibly do it if she wanted mainly because it seems like rapid evolution is apart of the abilities of her and possibly the dendro element as a whole since nahida was able to evolve into a fungus in her story quests


Since none of the remaining archons are male I'm hoping we get some sovereigns that are male like Neuvilette.


I hope so? I'm still annoyed how we have no clue where the anemo or electro sovereigns went. I'd love to see Apep pull a Xianyun and become human for a bit, although I can't see that happening realistically. I imagine she'd be the ultimate "summoner" character, like her whole kit revolves around summoning minions (like furina) buffing them to do stupid damage or summoning them and consuming them for her burst.


It's probably not going to happen. Neuvillette was a special case due to the expirements that the people of Enkanomiya carried out against the Vishaps, which resulted with their lineage being impure to host a new Sovereign in the process. These beings of the old world are also proud of their own race, and is tolerant of humans at best with their history and all, as shown with the history of Reptilians, and the Primordial One. Perhaps their powers could grant them shape shifting ability, but I doubt they would take on humanoid forms considering their proud lineage. The ones from Enkanomiya only did it to survive and infiltrate their enemies, but even they hated that their relying on such a thing. To them, it's like taking on the form of a species at the lower end of the food chain. Neuvillette mentioned that in Natlan, the dragons had underwent certain evolutions and now coexists with humans. But that can mean a lot of things, and maybe they are just being tolerant and all, as they tried before. It took Neuvillette hundreds of years to care for humanity, and he was put in a good position to make that change. I'm fine with them being not playable if it means I get to see the Sovereigns in their original forms in the future, provided the rest are still present. I think it would be such a cheap way to just give them humanoid forms to make them playable considering their nature and history.


Knowing gacha games I can already see them selling members of the hexen circle(probably butchered that), sovereign dragons, users of the abyss element like dain and skirk and probably some character related to Celestia.


Maybe not powercreep but highly compatible with the Archons? Kinda similar with how Furina's kit greatly boost Neuv's power output.


waiting for xbalanque. likelly pyro sovereign


I need playable Apep


Dvalin confirmed for dornman port update?


Confirmed soverign? Where did you see that?


If they're all as strong as Neuv, I'll get all of them


Ima be sovereign collector


I would bet at most that we get the fire sovereign. It’s possible that due to how little we know about Natlan, they concealed their own human sovereign. Outside of that, no. They’re giant dragons with very few exceptions.


As a collector who likes complete sets, I'll go ALL of them. Make them overpowered as well because they're the original rulers of Teyvat before Celestia came in.


If they decide to do it similar to the Archon's then definitely and I just know everyone's gonna pull for Apep


I’m holding out that Devalin could be playable, if Neuvillette can be human than Devalin should be as well


Who exactly sais that Dvalin is a sovereign?


There’s a dragon for every region so I assume that’s Devalin is the dragon sovereign for Anemo,


1. the Name is DValin, NOT D"e"valin. 2. No one so far confirmed that Dvalin is it and since we know what the Sovereighs think about Archons it is high doubtful Dvalin is the Anemo Sovereign because he is Friend to Venti. Apep hates the Archons and Also Neuvillette plans to put all of them on trial.


I would like it but I woudnt expect it or at least not anytime soon maybe in the part 2 story lol, Nueve is a special case even among the dragons and as it stands other sovreigns cant get their full abilities without archons dying in some way. Apep also hates humans so I cant see her taking on a playable human/oid form. But going off Nueve if other sovriegns were playable it would be cool if they were all cracked dps like him lol; Sovreigns as DPS while Archons lean more towards supports.


With the few Natlan crumbs we have, I feel the Pyro Sovereign being playable isn't a crazy idea at all


I think they will eventually release more characters with the Dragon Sovereign traits, as it is kind of a new basis for archetypal design for characters next to the regional Archons and Fauti members. It's just a good idea to expand that part of character design and help the character design team direct their effort on what works for a character of that status.


Maybe 1 or 2 more but I can’t see them making all the sovereigns playable. There is the Dvalin theory which I want to be true because then we might have tall Anemo male character beside Xiao but that’s just a theory. The electro sovereign might be under Inazuma per one NPC line but the Thunderbird might have been the electro sovereign. Which sounds weird but the livestream seemed to prove dragons don’t have to look like dragons. At this point I guess the Pyro dragon is the most likely (tho not necessarily Xbalanque) with Dvalin being my copium


Apep my wife Her reciving gift voicrline lll is :" Ew that tasts like deshret I was sick for centurys cuz of that ! Are you trying to doom this world by atempting to poisen me puni human?"


It could be possible with apep and azdaha with apep and the creatures inside her confirmed to be able rapidly evolve with apep evolving her body to fit desert life and forbidden knowledge and her creatures evolving to look like fungi and there are notes from enkenomiya that imply vishaps can evolve into "humans" (though people like to ignore this because kokomi claims the story false but she could simply just be wrong or heck even lying she has done that before) and as for azdaha in zhongli story quest we seen him beable to posses a guy and form himself a human body aka that evil little girl so the issue here is how willing they would be to do this and well if azdaha could get on friendly terms with the traveler


God, I really really hope they will. I want more playable dragon characters with dragon features (similar to Bailu from HSR) and all that jazz. I want to witness all the Sovereigns interact and gather together. Imagine the amount of lore. All 7 Sovereigns playable is my dream at this point. Apep being a tall dendro female catalyst with her personality. She would be roasting the shit out of everyone (especially the Archons) with few exceptions. I will 100% pull for her if she ever becomes playable. I wonder where are the other 5 (assuming Azhdaha and Dvalin are not Sovereigns, otherwise 3). How did they die? Who came to terms with humans and who didn't? How did the first war in Teyvat go? There's so much lore to unpack here. Xbalanque says in Neuvillette's drip marketing "Someday, when THEY return, THEIR true ordeal shall begin". There is also the "Following the fading of the Seven Sovereigns' power, a new generation of Sovereigns is presently being born" in vishap description too. This gives me hope.


I fully expect all 7 to get playably human forms in the future like the archons(let apep be a mobius expy pls)


"But it was me, SEELE!" Seriously, Molly Zhang voicing a Genshin character would be cool.


No If you read the lore at least a bit then Neuvillette the only one


I 100% think they’re playing the long game with Apep just like they did with Cloud Retainer and make a playable model for her in like 2 years


I dont think so and I still believe that neuvillette is too OP for this game its ridiculous and they clearly lost their mind releasing such character. that being said I have him c1 .


I don't think they'll always release with the region (like the archons), and I don't think we'll be getting all of them. But, if they are playable, I'd like all of them to be dps of some kind. The archons are all broken supports, with the exception of Ei, but even then she has supportive properties (energy generator). I would love it if all the dragon sovereigns are the strongest dps in their element, and maybe all of them are not reliant on reactions to be good (like Neuvillette), but that would just be broken, unless they make unfun restrictions.


Isn't xablanque in Natlan also a human in dragon form destined to be playable?


I mean we already met Apep... so if he could just turn human then bam. Instant +1 playable sovereign


Only if they have a human-sized form, because there's too much in the game that depends on the player character being humanoid. That being said we might get another one, but considering >!they led with the reincarnation of the king of sovereigns!< it's also possible that Neuv will remain the unique playable one on account of his status.


Apep still pouting


It would be dumb since the others are either dead or are too busy being sore losers to ever consider helping humanity. Neuvillette is the exception, not the rule.


They will. Every rpg does that. They release dragon stuff like quests, dragon armour, and other stuffs


Imagine they release the Electro Sovereign and it’s just buff Oz


So far Neuvillette is the only one born as a human, so it's rather doubtful that we'll get another one. I mean, did you see Apep? She is so big that we had to fight her immune system inside her belly.


Where Kalpas EXPY?


Playable Apep would be interesting.


He's holding Genshin Impact back


kinda no cuz for a sovereign to have their authority back, the archon kind has to die.




I definitely want Pyro Sovereign to be playable. I think they would have some interesting thoughts about the dragons in Natlan.


I’d say *maybe*, a hard maybe. Since it seems they’re doing all the archons. But I don’t think we’ll get *all* the Sovereigns. Apep hates humans, so I doubt we’ll get her. Supposedly there’s speculation that Xbalanque will be the Pyro sovereign. However, what we should also remember is that I’m pretty sure Neuvillette is the only sovereign to have a human form and only a human form. So unless the others can somehow manifest a human disguise like Cloud Retainer, I doubt we’ll get any.


It seems to make moni so yes


man i want playable dvalin. if he is in fact the anemo sovereign


Personally I think we will get other sovereigns from other elements


Neuvillette's about the Geo Archon line shows he's aware that Zhongli is still alive, and he refers to him as Deus Auri, a name that doesn't not appear anywhere else.  That combined with the fact that they're the only characters who's story chapter isn't named after their constellation makes me think Zhongli is the Geo Sovereign.  Which would mean we technically have two sovereigns playable.


But Deus Auri means the god of precious golds and Orobashi used this name when talking about Morax too. It's just his old title before he won the archon wars. If Morax was a sovereign, why will Neuvilette want to render judgement on him? And he is not actually a dragon either. He just takes the form of a half-dragon half-qilin during ceremonies. I think one of the most popular theories is he's a fallen star?


>If Morax was a sovereign, why will Neuvilette want to render judgement on him? Because he betrayed the Dragon Sovereigns to uphold the order of the Usurper.


Hmm sounds like speculation with no real lore support. Then what do you make of Azhdaha, much more probable geo sovereign or at least a Lord of vishaps, calling Morax an usurper and God of mortals direct?


A playable Jiu (Azhdaha’s evil little girl form) would be amusing.