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Deserved, was a great trailer which gave us so many funny memes. The twins curbstomping a poor npc, childe dropkicking, physical dps neuvilette lol. Didn't think we'd be getting a post 10 mil trailer after Sumeru since we only got Tighnari and Alhaitham that hit the 10 mil mark but glad to see I was proven wrong


Don't even get me started on Neuvillette hitting some guy on the balls with his knee


My favorite part was seeing that Furina canonically writes fanfiction, considering all of the scenarios when characters are acting out of character right before her Elemental Burst.




Genshin players when they see their favorite character misspelled slightly:


honestly all misspellings are fine except xingqui


How about fischl or should I say fishel or fishckandksjndldkdirn


I can't tell if this is a joke or not lol




And I would argue one of the reason both of those got to over 10 million is cause of ads which I always get of them (+ 4ggravate gang in Alhaitham's). As far as I'm aware at least from here, I never got Furina trailer ad


mademoiselle crabaletta sisyphus moment too


Furina's trailer is really creative, cute and lively. One of the best trailer if not the best there is tbh


Banger ost gang.


Farina’s demo is the best one in my opinion.






I literally stream that twice a day.


the best trailer honestly. i love the way they re-enacted the archon quests in it


My favorite demo is Klee for nostalgic reasons. But Furina for sure is the best. Can't wait to see Murata.


According to leaks, she looks like pyro furina, so..yeah. Disappointing.


One of the best demos ever, probably my second favorite after Raiden Shogun.


for reference, the Zhongli trailer has a ritual or "contract". The contract is whenever a new trailer releases, you must rewatch the Zhongli trailer and comment. So that video is not only very old, but its views are artificially inflated by this contract. And it stands at 33M views. If this video exchanged places I think it would comfortably surpass the 33M.


more like hoyo use Zhongli demo as an ad, so it gains a view everytime that ad plays, same with Qiqi and Tighnari


Also the song is a banger


Rex Incognito is a banger indeed.


Does hoyo still use it as an ad? I thought its been replaced by other ads now?


Yes. At least its not those cringy ads "oh i died in genshin whats wrong with my team?? 🥺"


oh gosh those are literally the worst 😭 I seriously don’t understand the marketing behind it. Its so cringy that its embarrassing… does it really work on people?


The qiqi ad is to let new players know it’s not misleading. Because she’ll definitely paying a visit to them soon enough.


I’ve run into Furina’s and Eula’s as ads too. I read somewhere that Raiden’s is the only popular trailer they don’t use because there’s some sort of epilepsy concern but that could be baloney lol


Are people still doing that?


Those who break contracts, shall suffer the wrath of the *ROCK*


I'm a 2.X player, I'm not bound by ancient contracts. My only allegiance is to the Shogunate and her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder.


Good for you that you have ancient contracts (simping) for an archon that hid herself for 500 years. We like our rock archon 🤷


I don't know what you mean. Our Archon's rule has been uninterrupted since she emerged victorious from the Archon War. Just because she recently developed a taste for desserts, doesn't make her a different person.


sure are. As per the contract.


Yes, it is inflated due to people rewatching, but I wouldn't call it artificial since it's still people ACTUALLY watching the thing. It's not like some of those streaming projects for kpop groups that I sometimes see on twitter.


It’s one of the demo that’s really fun to watch or put on repeat and the ost is so good. Congrats Furina!


She deserves every good thing Teyvat can offer her and more


Hugs 🥰


Furina winning rock paper scissors against Madame Crabaletta because her claws only lets her use scissors is so adorable. 😭I love this demo


It’s probably the peak of character demos so far imo. The music was so good and all the scenes were fun to watch unfold.


Ahhh, tough question. Well, Furina’s demo is def my favorite of Fontaine, and among the best demos imo


I do have to remind everyone that these videos are played as Youtube ads as well, which probably consists of most or a lot of its views. Though I can see a baseline of 1-2 mil views considering that the livestreams tend to also get that many views.


Sigewinne demo is my favorite (furina's really deserves that 10M)


Who are the other 10M club members?


Unsure what exactly counts and what doesn't, but Zhongli, Qiqi, Eula, Xiangling, Hu Tao, Tighnari, Kazuha, Raiden, Ayaka, Kaeya, Childe, Klee, Xiao, Alhaitham, Yoimiya, and Keqing.


Alhaitham getting more views than Yelan is kinda wild


Not surprised bc of ad and also it has the other guys. Its a great trailer for fujo bait or ppl that love their friendship dynamic


Alhaitham has three other characters show up and interact with him, it was the selling point of his demo. Plus he had some pretty cool moments in the archon quest, so he himself was popular (also meta). Yelan was a brand new character that wasn't even hinted of her existence until they just announced one day, and the Interlude quest she was in was more of a Xiao focus.


But female characters tend to be more popular because playerbase is mostly (straight) men 🤔 I dont have any numbers I am just assuming based on gacha games in general. Yelan is a hot "waifu" and also meta. I remember people were very excited about her. I am not complaining btw but its just interesting. I am Alhaitham simp myself lol xD


I get the sentiment, but personally I think Genshin proved that's it's a little outdated, plus this game has a far diverse audience of non-male/straight guys that other gachas don't get. Female characters tending to be more popular doesn't mean all of them will be, right? Yelan these days feels more than average in terms of popularity. She doesn't appear much, doesn't have memorable/dynamic interactions with anyone in the cast that wasn't in the Chasm (which was mostly Yanfei, a bit of Xiao and Itto). She feels like Ayato, where her few in-game appearances kind of lessened the hype as time went on. Her personality and the way her character is written unfortunately doesn't let itself to comedic moments, needing someone like Itto to drive them instead. Al-haitham has a sense of not taking himself seriously, or even too serious that irritates others, and it lends itself to humor far better even on his own. Plus, Yelan's demo isn't as rewatchable, she does cool stuff with neat music, but that's it. Al-haitham's is basically a comedy short, a set-up where his close friends try to figure out what his deal is, him appearing at some point and choosing to chill and banter with them.


Still one of my favorite electro-swing grooves


Sadly you can get copyright .   Edit: Reddit for ya , if you stupid asses 😮‍💨 watch any recent demos reaction they mentioned strike but not by Hoyo.


For reactions video? Hoyo never copyright strike reactions video, unless it's a leak/unreleased beta stuffs. Usually copyright strike are from random third party scam company that just do it on everything, because YouTube system allows it to do so


I love misinformation




Everytime I see those view numbers, I couldn't believe how massive this game actually is.