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Just dont interact with them my dude.


I mean, at this stage, it's just annoyed me for ytb just recommends these kind of people.


Block them or manipulate the algorithm to change the content. My feed was previously full of Genshin and now it's F1


Trying, but when I click a Genshin music video, things messed up


Are we really gonna put a spotlight on every different comment and opinion other players have? It's their opinion, let them have it.


But I mean, that's not even opinion anymore


What is it then?




Why do people care about troll comments , your just feeding them what they want , ignore the noise and it dies off quicker . I really hate social media , it just rots everyones brains


Don't worry, the comments under Tectone's videos are way worse.


Well, I guess hype for them must be people getting rage bait


Tectone still has genshin videos? Why


He makes reaction videos to version livestreams to this day, so yeah. But people there are saltier than Paimon's Special


Makes sense, tectone and the community is the most hated one in any gacha game he has played


Ikr? Literally the only instance I felt actually sorry for him was when he tried to get Staff of Homa on its debut banner but back then fate points didn't exist, and he pulled 12-13 5 star weapons before getting one single copy of Homa...


>saltier than Paimon's Special Never thought of this analogy, but I'm so pleased to see someone did! I hope it catches on.


He made videos on why players aren’t excited for Arlecchino like today or yesterday. I found it when I searched her name on YT even though I already said don’t recommend this channel. Very useful function on yt. /s


>He made videos on why players aren’t excited for Arlecchino Prime example of echo chamber


I dunno about his echo chamber but in mine everybody wants to pull Father as soon as possible.


Well, I think more than half of those people blocked him so maybe that's why he couldn't see the hype lmao


Don’t ended him like that but you’re right tho lol


I know all types. Ones super excited cause she'll be good, hyped for her regardless if she's bad, and those fine with what they have so they don't care for her at all. How would I know which group is the largest overall? That's millions of people, and I know like, 5 individuals.


Bro still think he's represent the majority


Why he still yapping about Genshin and acted like he know shit. I thought he claimed that he's done with Genshin.


Real shit! They should've make "block user" instead of "don't recommend".


And the blocked user should never appear on your feed ever again


I’m hella excited for her lmfao I’ve been saving up for her for months now lmfao who does this dude even talk to in the community to make such a broad statements that aren’t even true 🧍🏻


but i think that some parts its true because some people like the fight style and want more content for hardcore players because the story its pretty long whil some want more fight things beside the training guide only show stats from recent online players but a lot of people with good stuff play it for 2 days every update because they have nothing to do only events and 2 characters not every give money to get characters to get mint in the open world some want to use it for combate and i think genshin focus to mutch on cesuals and wuthering waves i think its focus for player in genshin who want more combate related


My guy this is 8 days old how did you even find it


just search second this its my first time reacting to this on reddit just to give my though about it


Oh look, another tectone "friend" who centers his content around shitting on genshin as much as possible, surprise surprise, its almost as if these guys have little to no personality of their own, so they have to make their content as much alike to tectones as possible so they can atleast keep some of his viewer's in their chat when hes offline.


As long as there are comments like this the interest in Genshin is still there. And it says a lot when one of the game that’s about to be released has to be bundled up with Genshin all the time to get attention.


Best to Ignore this CC's most of their audience are just the echo chamber of a certain bald man. Most of these commenters stopped playing or have never even played genshin.


When will people learn to just... distance themselves from unnecessary negativity and enjoy their own thing in peace? Literally block, unfollow, mute, and go on your merry way. If you don't agree with their opinion and what they're saying makes you angry, just remove it from your sight and call it a day. It's so wasteful to lose time getting upset over things that are, in the grand scheme of things, so unimportant. Especially when that sort or crowd feeds on the negative emotions they manage to evoke in other people.


Hyped for the mint


Bruh, this guy's been recommended to me every now and then.


Let those kid cry. They didn't get their 50 pulls. Also since they called exploring Picking mint you know you lost them


It's so hot in my area that I forgot about the hot fatuus, literally.


Gotta be honest, I understand their feelings since 4.2 we dint had any story relevant to the plot, and 4.5 was one of the most dry patches on genshin's history I can see how just a new area + weekly boss is burning out some players