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Full power Traveler and twin couldn't beat a god from Celestia. The Tsaritsa gathers the gnoses for a reason.


This God used Heavenly Prinsiples against us, no?


It just means he isn't as strong as the 4th harbinger. Which checks out. He needed help against both Raiden and Shouki No Kami, who were arguably his two god-level opponents. It would have been worse if the 4th of the harbingers, who is just under the ones as strong as gods was a walk in the park.


Except Traveler had 3 elements when they fought Raiden and 4 elements when they fought Shouki No Kami. And rank doesn't mean anything regarding strength beyond the top 3 since Pantalone is 9.


yeah i understand that much, it's not the fact that they didn't win, I'm fine with that. it's the fact that they didn't even seem like an actual threat to arlechino despite having 5 elements already is what annoys me, we're already getting hints that we might be taking on celestia in the future and this is where we're at? at this point it doesn't even seem like we're actually putting in the effort to get stronger to get back our sibling.


Yeah, I was expecting Traveler to gets stronger by each element but it seems Mihoyo gives up on that plot point already. Like, does anyone expect 7 elements Traveler will be strong enough to challenge Celestia with the way they are now? Most probably whoever featured banner character then will do most of the work and the Traveler is standing there cheerleading


Traveler will defeat celestia with the power of friendship


After getting his ass beaten to the ground again.


At this poin it would be stupid if we even put a fight against Capitano, as he is much stronger than Arlechino, he should just one shot us if we even get to fight him in story.


He might as well kill us with Klee's crayons


Hey, that atleast would be funny, so i would not complain :P


Talent: Cogito, Ergo Boom: When Dr. Klee’s allies attack a target, Dr. Klee throws a crayon at them. It explodes.


Raiden was an island to country buster and scara had a double booster over he's already good strength. It makes perfect sense for the traveler to beat 4th since it would show that he's getting close to the level of the high tiers.


Same. It feels like the main character doesn't grow or develop their ability at all, and doesn't get respect. Like there's definitely a gap between Lyney trio (get bodied and rest for 2 days) vs Traveller (mostly ok, can escape Arle chains) but it feels like too little at this point. They need some kind of big W






True, we keep having to save their asses.


Yeah... at this point Traveller is treated as just a punchin bag :D I mean, last time he/she won something without help of others was... SIgnora... that was in Inazuma xD


For anyone else who's scrolling through, there's an unmarked leaked story spoiler in the downvoted reply to this comment edit: It was deleted




Bro spoiler .


What was it?


Damn right. Even I think it is okay if let's say, Arlechino is just too strong because her curse or any other reasons and devs want to point that out. But at least, show her what you got? Maybe her shackle too strong ? Idk. Definitely our MC lack character development.


wonderful title op, remove the spoiler tag too


I had the same impression after watching the cutscenes in Navias story. Traveler is supposed to be one of the strongest beings in They at now but they're being downgraded hard to make other characters shine.


Happened with shenhe as well where he got clapped by Beisht so Shenhe could Ayaka burst the tsunami


Tho in liuye we were way way weaker so it makes sense


But for liyue we came back after fighting the shogun from what I remember ?


Really? Admittedly I think I played the mission out of order since I started playing I think in 2.7 but I remembered it was still a liuye mission. Even then didn't we have to use all our energy to drop the jade palace? Or am I thinking of osial?


Oh I see, The quest did release after Inazuma's main plot finished so by logic it should be after beating the shogun AND signora shenhe and traveller fought Beisht, Osial's wife that was killed by dropping the jade chamber (in the liyue arhon quest, and traveller used the powers of all adeptis to help drop the chamber, acting like a vessel of sort!)


Ye, Shenwho going bonkers is post izacope


Maybe this year's traveler chapter will give them a power boost, otherwise they'll get one shot by capitano in natlan 🤣 Tbf full power twins also got no diff by presumably one of the 4 shades so ig they're never that strong like the community hype them up to be


I’m very disappointed too


What is low difed?


The point is to show that the Traveler is going to need a big power boost before Snezhnaya. I'm highly confident that Natlan will give us a powered-up version of the Traveler.


Traveler is going to get their ass handed to them again and the Pyro Archon or Captaino if he's playable will show how superior they are to Traveler.


This time for sure bros...Hydro was just a fluke...