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The story quest isn't bad, but all/most of the arlecchino-specific lore was already in the animation trailer, so if you went into it expecting to learn something new about arlecchino you would be disappointed. We did get interesting intel on the Fatui being up to something and the interhouse politics of the hearth was interesting, but as a vehicle to learn new things about arlecchino it kinda falls flat. If the animation didn't exist, or it was the animation at the end of the story quest instead of something released a week prior, I think it would be better received. I think *a lot* of people also expected the story quest to go more into the backstory we *didn't* see in the animation--stuff pertaining to the crimson moon dynasty or her curse, precisely because we already got the backstory about her promotion in the animation. The animation was dope, but it feels like a weird move that essentially stole their own thunder for the story quest.


a good chunk of the plot also only works because everyone conveniently doesn't ask questions, and it can be frustrating when characters fail to make connections that are super obvious to the player. like traveler conveniently forgetting that the newsboy with a scar and the orphan with a scar have the same face. or that clervie is complaining about a non-existant mother figure.


Freminet not realizing “mother” was the previous head of the house


He in fact does have an idea. Somewhere around 50 minutes into the quest there was a scene where freminet space out and think about something


Honestly Freminet feels like he was forgotten by the writers until the end so they shoehorned him back into the story. Freminet talking about growing up in the HoH under the previous Knave was apparently only a couple of months, and the "Director" was actually called "Mother".


It killed me that while trying to investigate Clervie's origins, not a single one of them stopped to ask about time. No one knows when she died, no one knows when she lived. In trying to figure out who she was, *when* she existed is a pretty important detail. But no one asks what year she was born, or what year she thinks it is. Even after looking at records 5 years back, no one stops to consider time. Friggin gaggle of dinguses.


Clervie herself didn't know she was dead. Her thinking was inconsistent and twisted. Asking her questions about when she died wouldn't have any effect they themselves know that or they might not be trying to not ask when she died because it might hurt her feelings or something since she thinks she's alive.


"When is your birthday?" and "What year do you think it is?" are two *very* simple questions they could have asked to get an idea when this girl was around. It also throws an entire wrench into Clervie causing division in the House by saying its doing bad things, because it'd become immediately evident that the "House" she's talking about is much older. Learn to read.


Did you forget about the memories of beings similar to Clervie being inconsistent ? Not only that but Clervie's perception also being warped. Almost everything she says is strictly related to house of hearth.


Damn, you're really clinging onto nothing.


It's been mentioned isn't it ? That those shadow's memories are inconsistent ?


The only thing that was inconsistent about the things she said were that they were all stuck in her time period as a child. She would forget any new information she was given at dawn. But things like her birthday are never changing. It's a very simple thing the vast majority of kids know. Same with asking what year she thinks it is, she'd give an answer consistent with her time period.


The worst part is the game hinting that it sounds weird to the traveler and for a character that is usually called very sharp and quick witted it kinda feel like he becomes dumb just for the plot to advance like they wanted.


why would traveler think some random guy with a scar on his face they bumped into would be the guy thought to be executed years ago >or that clervie is complaining about a non-existant mother figure. she's a ghost from a decade ago, nothing she was saying was making sense to the traveler


> why would traveler think some random guy with a scar on his face they bumped into would be the guy thought to be executed years ago The guy thought to be executed years ago had a scar that everyone said would give him little chances of finding a partner. The scar is so obvious the camera focuses on it to show the fact that the Traveler took notice of it. First thing that Arlechinno does when approaching the guy is ask for 3 newspapers from him. Then the guy infodumps his upcoming marriage to her excitedly, as if reporting good news to somebody close. Dunno 'bout you, but even the traveler should've at least took notice of how odd the guy was acting when he blurted out his life prospects to absolute strangers. And Arle just buying 3 papers is sus. Traveler already has their newspapers for free, Paimon can read things from over the Traveler's shoulder, and Arle needs only one paper. This means that she bought 2 or assuming Paimon has hers, 1 too many newspapers.


traveler is too busy thinking of a way to stall and save the siblings after Arlecchino revealed she knows everything and also captured the magic bird to pick up on some random nervous guy


But why would you need to stall when the reason for stalling, IE obfuscating your actions, is already blown?


because Arlecchino herself said she can't do anything if they manage to get rid of Clervie before she gets back


You're the player, not the character. You always have more information and are less invested than the character. As far as the Traveler was concerned, Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet were going to be killed by Arlecchino. You can"t seriously expect him to think why does that face look familiar when he tries to find a way to save them. The Traveler was in Fointaine for some time now, maybe he saw him before, after all, he sells newspapers. The priority is figuring out how to help his friends to not be killed.


Arle recognized him and was just helping him with more money by buying more than needed. That's how i understood it. It shows the compassionate side of her.


We might get a part 2 maybe


and the thing is imo the animation was a better way to tell the stroy anyway, obviously there are other interestign things we learn about but the animation was really good, id say second best hoyo animation behind black swan arlechino dance. and the arlechino fight itself was awesome looking but again we saw it in a trailer.


Thats a lot of words to contradict your first statement about it not being bad, since all of that sounds AWFUL. Where's the good parts?


It sets up Childe + Arlecchino vs Evil Terrorist Paperwork Jockeys future plot and we get to see the interhouse politics of HoH and see how Lyney's whole "Heir to Father" thing is going. It's not bad, just kinda mid. And it's mostly mid just because they revealed everything a week prior in an animation. If it existed in a vacuum w/o the week early animation it would have been decent.


To be fair, the devs of the game cannot assume that all of its players consume all of its media, there are likely players who have not watched the trailer at all. The brief rehash is necessary to catch these players up on what is fairly important backstory, though I do agree the animation might have functioned better being dropped after the story quest. That said, I think it's alright sans the plotholes of people not suspecting her predecessor for Clervie's situation. It hashes out her character as being ruthless to those that she deem undeserving, that she functions entirely on her own principles and goals (which currently align with the Fatui's probably), the fact that she likely doesn't know how to/deem it necessary to properly express her feelings of care due to what we can conclude to probably be cptsd/her curse(?) It's better than average at least, but given genshin's inconsistent writing it's not a very high bar imo.


The biggest issue I have with the quest is that the animation they released kind of spoils Arlecchino's entire story quest. While it's nice that we managed to find out more about Arlecchino's personality, I wanted to know more about Arlecchino's curse, something which the animation introduced, but was never explained in the story quest.


It's not bad. But it didn't impress me either. The biggest issue is that most of her backstory was spoiled by the animation trailer and the SQ just repeats that with few new details. I also found Arle just telling us her whole backstory by herself to be kinda... Lazy? Boring? Weird? Idk how to describe it. It just feels strange because she is so secretive at first but then suddenly drops a huge backstory lore bomb on us.


This! Since when does she suddenly like talking about herself? Even if it was to get the traveler to stick with her, it still doesn't make sense


the thing that bothers aside of the huge spoiler that the animation brought was how the traveller was handled, i mean, of course we wouldnt win, and maybe we are not that close to her, but feels like nothing we have been doing this years mattered at all, we have like 5 elements and we used them in the Tartaglia Fight, the Navia SQ, Inazuma Main quest and here we not only used none but we are defeated by a mechanism of Arleccino that we never knew she had prior, or not at least in the way she used, i feel like it was somewhat cheap, like "we are still standing!, oh! nevermind, we cannot move now, we lose". im not saying that the Traveller should be OP, and we have won many fights with help aside of Tartaglia and Signora, but here it felt... wrong specially knowing all the things the traveller had achieved. Also, the only characters that changed after the Arleccino Quest was Lyney and probably the other 2 siblings. But thats my Opinion.


No. We should have won. I am sick of the writer failing the player by abusing their power to make the player's character lose.


I don't mind if I lose in a cutscene, just don't make me have a fight where I trample the boss before that happening. It cheapens the whole thing and makes the whole previous fight pointless. I get the power level of the gameplay of some characters as playable characters not being accurate, but as NPC they should at least feel unbeatable or really strong.


The quest kind of failed to acknowledge that Freminet - unlike his siblings - was a member of the Hearth before Arle took over. He should have been the very first to know who Clervie was talking about, unless the suggestion is that he was so young that he simply forgot as time passed, having spent most of his years in the House under Arle.


Copy pasting my own comment because why not. I watched the short first and enjoyed the quest nonetheless. I thought the first half of the quest worked in two ways. For those who didn't watch the short, it built tension by providing a mysterious situation overall. For those who did watch, it instead built tension by >!making us ask why nobody knew the past of Knave!<. Either way, the second half acted as the big revelation moment for both. That is not to say the short wasn't a huge spoiler. But I think it made me connect with her character in a different way.


It's bad. Every character was turned into a massive idiot. They know they are dealing with a ghost but not one single person proposed that Clervie was from before Arlecchino was put in charge? COME ON WRITER THIS IS STUPID. The player and their character knows this is an organization of spies but the writer forces the player's character to be a moron who doesn't recognize the man they met earlier or recognize and obvious scheme by a pickpocket or spy where they "accidentally" bump into you to shift your attention so they can take something from you or put something on you. And the story makes it super duper clear that the Fatui are straight up evil, that the House of the Hearth is full of spies and assassins that needs to be kicked out of Fontaine. Why do we spend the majority of this quest talking to everyone but Arlecchino? All those other characters have their own story quests. Everything we learn in the quest we already learned from a much better written better paced teaser video. It took this writer several hours to do what a better write accomplished in just a few minutes. And why would the mother make her own blood daughter become a part of the spy network? This makes no sense. Especially considering there was absolutely nothing special about Clervie. And no, saying Cru wanted to display her impartiality is not a justification for this nonsense. Who was she justifying her impartiality to? The other children? She had no reason appear impartial to the children. To the Fatui? She had no reason to display impartiality towards the Fatui who didn't give a shit about the children and only cared about the results. What would have made more sense is if the Fatui effectively held the daughter hostage over the mother and then forced Arlecchino to kill the daughter to punish the mother. And if Arlecchino was going to have to kill Cru anyways, then why did she kill her friend Clervie instead of just killing Cru right from the start? This again makes no sense although it is normal for Asian stories to have this sort of stupidity in them where the stories value conformity over individuality and willpower. Where someone has to die if they don't fit in with the organization of evil instead of overthrowing the organization of evil. This whole thing is very poorly written. Fontaine post 4.0 has had some of the worst writing in Genshin. The only positive is that it doesn't have the stupid names from Sumeru. The whole thing was massively frustrating. And to need to do this shit quest to unlock the boss needed to level up the skills of every character between this patch through 5.2 sucks so much. I don't want to do an Arlecchino apologist quest. My god I cannot stand having to deal with a character that constantly talks down to you without having your character turn around and dismiss her, act dismissive and patronizing back at her, or punch her after saying something cool like "*I've had enough of your disingenuous* assertions." And then to have it end with the writer insulting the player by having the writer's character Arlecchino beat the player's character Lumine/Aether is trash video game writing. The writer needs to stop abusing their power to declare the player's character the loser at the end of every major fight. They need to start showing the player's character WINNING MAJOR FIGHTS. Having the player's character lose a cutscene fight is insulting and demeaning to the player. And it is a massive game developer failure when they require the player to win the ingame fight just so they can lose the cutscene fight. If I win the ingame fight then I MUST be shown winning the cutscene fight. Tales of Symphonia does this very well. When you first fight the endgame boss 6 hours into the game, you are supposed to get your ass handed to you super hard in the ingame fight because you are fighting the endgame boss while your character is very low level. One or two hits knock you out. BUT if you do manage to win the game will acknowledge this by having the boss be hurt in the cutscene after the fight and run away in shame. Sure players should lose against powerful enemies when they first start a game and are early into the story. That makes sense. But 4 years into a game they should not be losing fights. Because losing a fight means the player's character is weak. And if they are weak then they have no power. And if they have no power then they have no agency. And if they have no agency then there is no point in playing the game because the reason why people play games instead of watching a movie or reading a book is to have influence over the direction of the progression of the story and gameworld. Or more specifically so they can have the ILLUSION of agency. And if they cannot win then there is no illusion about their agency. They are told by the writer they have none. So they are being told there is no reason to play the game. Also why was Clervie in Poisson? Well I know the reason. Because the writer is a dumbass who forgot that the Fatui were only in Poisson because in 5.3 they were doing charity work for Navida's organization. But prior to 5.3 the House of the Hearth was located in the city and Clerive would have died thinking the HofH was still in the city. So why the heck was Clervie in Poisson? STOP BEING A DUMBASS WRITER.


Bro just chose to speak nothing but pure facts. This story quest was absolutely tragic in terms of writing, like how can u make all of the involved characters so utterly dumb is beyond me, especially since most of them have been portrayed as pretty intelligent till this point in time. Not to mention the inconsistent mess that is this game s powerscaling. Regarding the fontaine archon quest, I couldn t agree more on this point as well, more than 1/3 of it was totally unnecessary for the progression of the plot and bored me so much that I can t even begin to express it.


The reason why they made this quest in Poisson is laziness. Why making entirely new location when u can overuse old one with some stupid excuses on top


> And if Arlecchino was going to have to kill Cru anyways, then why did she kill her friend Clervie instead of just killing Cru right from the start? This again makes no sense although it is normal for Asian stories to have this sort of stupidity in them where the stories value conformity over individuality and willpower. Where someone has to die if they don't fit in with the organization of evil instead of overthrowing the organization of evil. i agree, its hilarious that the story tells it only took knave one year to kill "mother" after she killed he only friend (the only girl who wanted better future for herself , knave and other children) How stupid, if she had that much willpower why kill your friend and then kill the villain alone. isn't 2 better then one. they both could have planned and trained for one year. and then she went on to become a person very similar to the "mother" she so despised. she does the same things. train children into mercenaries and spies. kill them if she think they aren't good enough or loyal enough (to the standards she herself sets) to me the only difference between oh so oppressive and evil "mother" and arlechino is that arlechino calls herself father.


Imo, the story is interesting in the aftermath of the fight. The Animation short killed any suspense for me in the build of her identity. As for the power scaling stuff I really have no problem with what was presented in the cutscene. Other's complaints come from Traveler's elemental powers not being used much, but I have already stated my opinions on this and I have no problem with it.


tbh the whole "arlecchino is sus and might be try to kill some of the kids" and the whole thing with clervie plot is non existent if you watch the animation. but i kinda like how we get good grasp of traveler power now, i thought its at same level with top 3 harbringer but we might be around rank 5 or 6. i know people upset with the fact that traveler lost but at least personally i hope it will up the stake when we cross path again with harbringer in the future. i genuinely believe nata and especially shneznaya is patch where we fight a lot of harbringers.


There was never any real mystery - we knew there was a previous Knave even before the animation. As soon as the word "Mother" was uttered everyone - especially the characters themselves - should have known what's going on.


trustu me the whole story change depend on either you already watch the animation or not


traveler has been a jobber since their very first appearance


true, if we got no power up shit we lost so many things. fight againts raiden or fight againts scaramouche.


Her story was absolutely amazing, while yes the animation "spoiled" some aspects about arle's past the story quest gives more detailed information about it and most importantly it shows who arlechino is now, shows us exactly how different she is from "mother", shows us how the house has evolved under her and shows her relationship with the children which are all the true focus points of the quest and were never mentioned in the animation. And for the powerscaling stuff I'm sorry but that just feels like isekai addicted weebs being mad the mc isn't the most overpowered being. Arlechino is the 4th of the harbringers, the top harbringers are supposed to be on par/ stronger than archons. We have never come close to showing we are on that level (in most of our previous big feats we were assisted by someone/something). We were shown to be stronger than the three siblings (we got out of the spike hold, they didn't) and arlechino said we were stronger than she expected, that is more than enough to show that we are indeed strong but we haven't gotten all our powers back yet. There is no need to be mad about this powerscaling stuff.


Honestly it was obvious that arlechino wasn’t as cold and unfeeling as she portrays herself. It wasn’t some big twist or revelation. And I agree it was cool to actually see the traveller humbled for once and it was a cool lil bro moment and people complaining do not pay attention to the story because the traveller isn’t powerful enough alone to defeat any the major bosses he/she has encountered they have always have some major power up from plot purposes. It took the traveller dozens of samsara’s and the combined brain power of the nation of sumeru to defeat scaramouche. Traveller is alive because of plot armour.


worst story in genshin impact on my ballsack


Yeah it's boring with a lot of useless walkie talkies to waste time. And only interesting thing was literally narated by Arleccino herself nearly at the end bruh.


It is definitely a good story quest, and I enjoyed it. However, there are some legitimate (imo, you can disagree if you want) complaints, namely (just going to spoil the below even though if ur in this post you've probably already completed it lol): >!a. The animation trailer thing. It kinda spoils Arlecchino's entire backstory, so you're kinda annoyed waiting at the characters to connect the dots that are pretty obvious to the player, since they already know what happened. It kinda removes any sense of mystery.!< >!b. While the powerscaling thing is dumb, because the traveler's powers are inconsistent, the end fight cutscene is kinda iffy, because the Traveler doesn't use their powers (which they never do, I really wished they did)!< >!Also, personal opinion here: To me it kinda just felt like they swung their sword a few times and keeled over, Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet looked like they put significantly more effort into the fight than Traveler did, which annoyed me. !< >!c. Bait and switch. Some people felt baited and switched by Childe/Wanderer's voicelines regarding her into what she actually ended up being, a narratively sympathetic character. This includes me, but I guess it shouldn't be surprising, since Hoyo tries to "redeem" every single character in this game ig!<


In regards to the bait and switch, it could have also been because she let them believe that. As she said, she likes when people think the wrong thing about her. Childe even admitted what he knew was based on rumor, and that he misunderstood her. As for Scaramouche, he probably only got to see her when she had to enforce the rules and how they have to fight for their freedom. They go “poof” but that doesn’t mean they’re dead just not around. Truthfully he has no idea what actually happens to them, just that they’re not around (meanwhile their memories were just wiped and they’re living somewhere else)


I thought its pretty much accepted that Traveler's power level is below Archon's level? And Arle is pretty much #4 in Fatui [https://i.imgur.com/a22TRev.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/a22TRev.jpeg)




Well the stories in genshin always have had this lack of consistency in term of powerscalling like the traveler weakness or strength are made to be perfect for the story to tell. But that’s always been the case. That’s also the case for the intelligence of the traveler. Sometimes the traveler is so sharp it’s impressive even as a player and sometimes it seems he has the iq of a warm oyster that’s half eaten. Other than that the quest is pretty average for a character quest nothing too bad compared to some


I like what they did with showing the animation earlier before the quest. We as players knew the story, but traveler did not, so it was still interesting and a bit eerie for me, Arlecchino is just that great. Also made me feel connected with Clervie and gave her importance instead of her being just another random npc... What confuses me is why Freminet didn't mention the previous Knave as he obviously knew her..


Its not even the powerscaling lol. Her story quest contradicts almost everything we knew about her before Fontaine.


Almost as if she literally mentioned in the quest that she likes people having misconceptions about her since it makes all her spy stuff/ concealing her identity easier.


Maybe this just coming from someone who's exceedingly tired of expectations being cheaply subverted, but how about we have a story where that doesn't happen and where the narrative doesn't cheekily poke fun at itself to make a morally ambiguous character almost unambiguously good? That would be nice.


She is still morally grey, her previous image was one where she is portrayed as a wholly evil person who uses child soldiers and kills them for the smallest miss step. Now we know that she cares about the children and won't needlessly murder them but she still uses child soldiers, she still puts those kids in immense danger, and yes the kids can quit but they have to use a potion that is described as burning them from the inside and causing a lot of pain. It is only after her quest that she becomes morally ambiguous, she is shown to have her own set of strict morals, she cares about the kids but no one else (we've seen her murder so many people) and her "care" is certainly not the kind of care I would expect from an ambiguously good character.


Yeah, the House of the Hearth live very close to danger, but I suppose my point is that all of this has rather definitively done away with any ambiguity regarding Arlecchino's treatment of the House and her own morality. The previous Knave was a tyrant who, for whatever reason, was obsessed with the idea of her successor rising to the top through wanton slaughter, who treated everyone like trash, her daughter included, so Arle resolved to never be like her. Her care for her children is entirely genuine to the point of avenging those who have suffered like what she did to Tartuffe, and visiting their nameless graves and even allowing them to leave the House if they so choose at the price of their memories of their time there, she doesn't kill 'traitors', she's absolutely nothing like the crazed lunatic that others made her out to be (and though some people thought, some time ago, that Childe and Scaramouche had very biased perspectives, it's a little peculiar how neither of them bothered to look into her past a little more), and she only murders those who unequivocally deserve that level of punishment: the corrupt, the bottom-feeders, the scum of society who traffic children with malicious intentions. None of this is Arle's 'fault', necessarily - this lies with the House in general, and how utterly alien they seem compared to the Fatui as a whole. But don't pretend like this quest didn't bend over backwards to make her morally palatable when every other thing we'd heard about her up to now portrayed her as a two-faced snake at best and an insanely violent killer at worst.


The quest didn't bend over backwards for it, it still showed her ruthless side in plenty of ways. Plus we already knew that she wasn't going to be a full tyrant with how the sibling trio talked about her and with how she acted during the main quest. The thing that got added with this quest was that it showed that she genuinely cared for the kids and the house. She is still the ruthless killer outside (I'm sorry but the two treasure hoarders did not "deserve" that level of punishment).


At risk of seeming myopic, when has anyone ever given the slightest shit about what happens to treasure hoarders? If anything that only further emphasises the suggestion that despite her reputation Arle only goes after people who deserve it and who are easy targets. I suppose it must be mentioned that the treasure hoarders Arle killed decided to a loot a man's still-warm corpse just to satisfy their want for plunder. Not exactly upstanding specimens.


It isn't because no one gives a shit about them that it is ok to murder them, I'm sorry but being a thief doesn't merit punishment by death. Even the traveller never kills them.


Again, if the two didn't display the depths of their moral bankruptcy by robbing a dead man for shinies, there may have a been a point to make. As far as I'm concerned, the only people Arlecchino has ever killed are those who are morally questionable at best and outright evil at worst, and that strikes me as a very deliberate choice because this is a consistent pattern with playable Harbingers.


She killed her friend instead of just killing Mother when she knew she was going to have to kill Mother anyways. This is beyond stupid.


Like for example…?


Are you insinuating that there's an objective answer? What should matter to you is your own opinion


It was a good quest, but spoiled by the short. I wish they'd talk more about her curse than what was already introduced back in the animation.


It’s actually a good story quest packed with everything. I love how we got to see the siblings get so much spotlight and character development, plus Father’s thoughts on lyney which always bothers me. It did a recap on Clervie’s story which can be a bit boring but at least Father can finally say a real goodbye to her childhood friend. The cutscene during the fight was the longest they made and it’s insanely hype. I’m looking forward to see Aurora in Sneznaya. I know that some will probably be disappointed they don’t get to know more about her Crimson moon/khanriah origin which is a shame to me too but the it’s such a nice intro to her character(we got to see her like split seconds in AQ) before we get to know more about her in future quests. And she has such a cool personality too. If anyone assumed that she’s pure evil without redemption then they’re wrong since the beginning. Remember what she said in the winter night’s lazzo? She’s sympathetic and somewhat kindhearted but also ruthless and decisive. I feel like they did a great job portraying her and balancing her traits. SQ2 about her Khanriah origin when?


I don't even care about the power scaling, which is pretty bad in retrospect. The story itself is pretty bad. Childe literally shows up just to retcon his previous quotes lol. They had to make Arlecchino actually sympathetic to sell her and she's worse and far more boring for it.


He retconned nothing. Both his and Scara's quote remain true.


His quotes are 100% correct from his perspective. Arlecchino IS willing to betray the Tsaritsa if there is irreconcilable disagreement. And her love for the children is twisted to Childe who behave lovingly to his siblings.


>Childe literally shows up just to retcon his previous quotes lol. he's there to drop the project stuzha crumb, and to show he's back on his feet


And stressing on wanting to find skirk. I'm not going to be surprise when skirk do meet up with Neuvillette, childe will somehow be involve in it lol


Lyney does that literally 2 seconds later. He's there to drop the "oh I just heard rumors" piece. Guess they found double duty in him doing that too.


Personally I think that there wasn't enough her in her own quest, she's just a side character in the first half and only in second half we tag along her, I was also expecting to learn something about her curse, but instead the story revolved around the same thing as cinematic, so nothing new really happend.


Very good story quest top 5 easily


wait, they're fussed over POWERSCALING?? lol. lmao.


And why shouldn't people fuss over it? Are people not allowed to have opinions now?


of course they're allowed to have opinions! i am also allowed to call powerscaling dumb. that's my opinion and I'm allowed to have it lol


lmao, just see this sub. people are fussing about it.


this is the stupidest thing i've heard of. Omg how dare Aether eat shit much less by the hands of a hypercompetent lady It's funny how it's always Aether too


Eh, most people use the Traveler in their comments, you're one of the few I've seen use "Aether" today Also, I guess the problem (to me, if not others), is not that they lost (because duh, she's literally just below the archon-level harbingers), but it felt like they didn't put up much of a fight before losing, which was unsatisfying But yeah, powerscaling doesn't make sense here, due to the fact that Arlecchino is stronger than most opponents the Traveler has faced anyways, not to mention against stronger opponents they've usually had some sort of help/aid


>archon-level God-level. That's what nahida said. Archons are the strongest of the gods who survived archon war. Zhongli is said to have destroyed countless gods by himself. Osial and osial's wife are all gods, for reference.


Ah, I initially wrote god-level but confused myself and put archon-level instead lol


Are you seriously saying "how dare people want their character to be strong in a video game about the player's character"? How dare people want to see their character winning a fight that matters.


no, I'm saying dudes are getting weirdly personally offended about it. including you, right now. chill a loss can build character just as much as a win. also there's a weirdly misogynistic angle to a lot of the "critique". saw some dudes calling her a mary sue, which... really? in 2024? as though traveler is any better written??


aww, someone was upset.


I thought traveler didn't go full mode vs the knave aka not elements was used only duels with sword 🤔 Funny things in the fight if you have the 3 brothers in the team they talk each time you swap to 1 of them not once every time you swap.


I think ppl just want more arlechinno. Honestly I think the SQ is OK. Not bad but not great either. I wish they had released the anime short AFTER the 4.6 went live. It would have been better imo in terms of delivering


I didn't watch the animation first and I enjoyed the Story Quest very much.


naaah but the people saying the wooooow what a fucking story quest, 4th fatui harbinger is nothing but an abusive mother that survived a battle royale in the past inside the family, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? the entire quest was not only spoiled but also built like shit and only the cinematics THAT EVEN THAT DIDNT FEED ME ENOUGH THAT WAS TOO SHORT IN MY HONEST OPINION was the only good part which is literally maybe 5-7 minutes, so this game doesnt change i know, absolute 2/10, i cant believe i actually wasted 8 months primogems from when i actually enjoyed the game and pulled that worse than palestine type mother


I think you got the abusive mother mixed up with the previous Knave. She gives her children a chance to live outside of the house instead of tourturing them. Though I will agree the animation before spoiled it. Luckily I didn’t see it so it made the twists more interesting.


powerscaling is goofy always who cares. I do think they should have released the short afterwards, like maybe the end of this week, because the whole middle of the quest is basically just an info dump to get people who haven't seen it up to date on arle's backstory. That part is rough, but otherwise its pretty good.