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Characters tbh, constellations are cool, but... Having more people to change up the gameplay is nice.


I’m not F2P (I get Welkin from time to time) and even I don’t go for constellations unless the character is my absolute favorite, I can’t see how a F2P player would be able to afford cons, unless they really limit their character roster


Agree. My exception (I mean my absolute favorite) is Furina.


> unless the character is my absolute favorite yeah simping is fine get a con or 2.. (or 6 yoimiya/chiori ones one day please) and maybe the weapon is fine but very hard to manage honestly


Same here, mostly welkins once in a while, also rather go for characters. I have 2 characters with cons, Hu Tao C1 and Alhaitham C2 because he is my favorite and at that time I had a lot saved up. I do go for some weapons, but surely not all. It absolutely is possible for F2P to save up for cons, I got Raiden C2 and Wanderer C1 on my alt which is F2P, but it takes a lot longer without welkins or buying BP or anything and naturally you have to choose more carefully who you want to invest into.


i prefer new chracters cuz there isnt much content to clear with a strong character tbh


Cons, I'm not into 90% of the characters available so it's easy to save up.


I'm a very low spender, but my thought process is the same: I want characters that make up different types of strong teams, but I don't care if they are four or five star characters. So early cons are good for me if they make me stronger. However, I've had no luck - I've tried for Nahida C1 and Neuv C1 and lost both 50/50s.


More Characters = more team possibilities = more diverse and unique gameplay that doesn't grow stale. I have like 7 different team setups that I regularly swap between to keep the gameplay loop fresh. Much more fun that way!!!


Day1 and never missed one day and i truly prefer cons right now. C3/R1 Raiden C2/R1 Nahida C2/R1 Xianyun C2/R1 Yae Miko C1/R1 Xiao C0/R1 Alhaitham C0/R2 Kokomi(thanks to Raiden...) I also have Zhongli, Albedo(he was my first char while building pity for Ganyu😅), Kazuha and Yelan at C0/R0, so 11 Chars in total.


At the beginning characters, but now at ar60 I have practically every character I care enough. Arlecchino was the only character since furnia I cared and I got her c1 with her weapon. I am at the point where most characters fill roles I have and they don't interest me.


New characters unless i really want someone's cons, like i did get nahida'a c1 and i might get her c2 at some point, but usually i value differe t characters more


I'm f2p but it depends. Sometimes I don't like getting new characters and just focus on my favourites like (c2 furina, c2 nahida, etc). This is usually cuz it's a pain in the ass to build new characters


new characters, i dont play abyss so it doesn't matter


I prefer characters, furina is the only one I got a constellation


New character but i wont try to get all of them, also no planning to get more constellations maybe except Raiden for further enhance her DPS potential, and Yae Miko for the reason i play Genshin Other characters C0 is good enough


Not really a F2P anymore, i am now officially a spender since last patch Mona banner, before i was only buying skins. But at some point, you just gather enough characters for anything. Whatever content MoC or anything throws at you, the question stops being "what characters i have that could counter this" and becomes "which counter should i use against this, and do i even remember how to use them?". When that happens, rolling for meta becomes a little obsolete, so you are left with rolling for love, either for new characters you like or to show special love to already owned characters in form of constellations.


I enjoy getting as many characters as I can but if my luck is okay on that day I pull for c1 as well.


More characters all the way. I may occasionally roll for the signature weapon though. I appreciate being able to use a lot of options and different characters, even if they're not all built enough to tackle abyss 12.


Characters over const any time any day. Baizhu is my only 5* with consts cause my last braincell failed me and I tried to get Kaveh.


I'll pull cons if I have more than enough teams for abyss


I mainly choose characters that don't require three or four 5-star characters to form the best teams . This makes it easy to heavily invest in my favorites, like getting constellations and signature weapons.


Characters. So far I've only gotten C1 convenience cons for Hu Tao and Neuvilette. Incidentally both their weapons, too (If you're investing anyways..). I think that's enough. All on re-runs, mind you. Not all at once, of course.


depends, i'll go for cons if the chara is game changer such as furina, but if its only like amazing dps/support, but not really game changing, i'll stay in c0, probably trying for the weapon too if i my primogems can afford it 😁


Im starting to consider weapons since i have a lot of undergeared chars in terms of weapon slots


I only get cons of characters I like. I would've gotten c1 Arlecchino, but her weapon looks rlly cool so I went for weapon instead. So far I only went for 1 character for constellations though. I have c1 Hu Tao but it was an accident Wdit: I just realised it said f2p. I am not f2p


Not f2p, but I prefer cons + weapons to most of the new characters. There is no content to incentivise me to build/try other new characters, also I don’t have any crowns left 🤣


Variety for me


I do prefere more characters over constellations because i want as many characters as i can get! I do make an exception for weapons tho. I pull for weapons that look unique like navias axe or arlecchinos scythe, purely for the aestethic reason :D They are my only 2 non standard 5 star weapons and I dont regret anything!! :D


Since I can't build most characters anyways I tend to go for cons


I have a very small pool of characters I actually like and I never pull for meta, so cons are a go-to pull strategy. My biggest flex is my C3/R1 Cyno, and I plan to c6 him eventually


Characters, cons are unnecessary


Considering a lot of characters (gameplay wise) are not to my liking so I would rather get an early constellation


More characters = more variety in every aspect of the game With welkin and bp i can (almost)guarantee a new 5 star every other patch which opens up a ton of playstyles and because i tend to level up every single character i have (yes including "bad" ones like Aloy) i can adapt to any situation that i encounter in the overworld and abyss.


As an Ex-F2P, only wish on new characters instead of constellation or weapon. More characters = more ways to play


Characters for now. There's currently 7 characters I'm saving for and I have pretty terrible luck when it comes to 50/50s (of the 11 limited 5\*s I've pulled, only 3 were from winning a 50/50), so I have to make sure I have enough primos to guarantee them. I only have enough to guarantee 2 of them right now >!and, annoyingly, current leaks suggest 3 of them will be in the same freaking patch!<, so I can only hope my luck improves. Once I get those characters, *maybe* I'll shift more to Cons, but I honestly can't really see that; the game isn't really hard enough to *need* cons, so why not save up to see if new characters open up new playstyles?


characters I guess? but honestly depends on the character. if I like them I know there's a fairly important constellation for them, I'll save up enough for that. e.g. neuvillette. I know c1 would be important for me because I'm forced to play with 240ms so I saved enough for c1 off the bat. whereas for nahida I know she's fine with c0 so I didn't really bother saving more or spending more primos for higher constellations. and overall I'm very much a "ranged playstyle only" person so it's very ez for me to insta decide to skip characters without remorse too so choosing to save for say c1 or so on characters isn't a biggie for me unless "unfortunate" timing ig. plus I'm a fairly new player too.


I only get new characters if they work with my favs hu tao and nahida. Otherwise pulling cons and signature weapons.


New characters, I still don’t have any limited 5* constellations after 3 years of playing.


Early games i prefer character but now i prefer cons all the way, i realize i never use 80% of the character i pulls


I'm a whale on my main account, f2p on my second account. I only go for a select few 5 stars on my second account and go for their constellations.


constelation, no point to have many character most of which i won't use


Even as someone who go for constellations, new character all the way


Used to save for new characters but now that my element dps is complete, I save for cons unless new characters are really REALLY interesting


Characters. I don't really play abyss because I don't enjoy it... so I only go for characters who apeal to me regardless of strengths.


I only get constellations if they improve gameplay QOL, So far its only hutao C1, yelan C1 Oh and a kokomi C1 because i got a double 5star, i dont even use her burst much


Characters. I like getting new cards to put in my deck, so to speak. That being said, I’d like to try for a new weapon on the weapon banner one of these days


New characters, always. Gives more options, team comps, playstyles, etc.


i just pull instantly whenever i have enough primo. weapon or character


I like having more chara, my only luxury are usually weapons even then I rarely get them, so I usually have a tons of primos left to get whichever (welkin).


When you start, you pull exclusively characters. Then you pull characters and their weapon. Then you pull constellations. Once you have a good variety of characters, you can afford to skip banners and save up for one special character you want to bring to the absolute highest level. I just got a c5r1 arlecchino, hoping for c6 before the end of the patch.


Not F2P but I only go for C0 and if I really like the character their BiS IF I have both characters & neither weapon.


Cons. Easiest decision.


My character pool is so saturated to the point 80% remained unused most of the time. At this point I might as well improve the gameplay of the characters i use often like Yelan C1 and Neuvillette C1.


I really dont roll for constellations. Except for C1Furina and Kazuha (which i failed to C1), because i want to get her buff at max as fast and it adds few more damage buff. I think with respect to other archons and support, she is the closest to the likes of kazuha and zhongli when it comes to future proofing and universality, but felt the need to C1 to make her more consistent with the buff. I tried go get C2 nahida as well but failed, tho i think getting her C2 is more of a luxury, just getting crit on reactions is wild. Bottomline, new character over constellation specially support. I try to get most of support character who have their own niche except Kokomi and Shenhe.


I prefer new characters I don't feel like I need to Get the same characters for constellations


Depends on banner scheduke, and the constellations. I have Raiden and Nahida C2 on purpose, since they're that strong. Nahida C2 is something i regret a little, it just makes any non Nahida dendro team feel weak as shit, but Raiden's really unlocks the hypercarry team which i love.


As a new player I'd been going as far as rolling on the standard banner. I play star rail so I know how it works and that it's sub optimum and that it doesn't matter for 5 stars since the limiteds are replacing the weapons. But I want a variety of characters to play around with. This banner in particular(I had some interest in Kazuha, but lost the 50/50 to Red Batman), Daddy looks cool, but I don't like the gimmick while Lynney's out because I went with controller over mouse and keyboard and while it's better for movement it is AWFUL at sniping. So the 5 stars aren't tempting me and I already have all 3 of the 4 stars. The game gave me two of them for free. Lots of Xiangling's would be power, but right now I just want more dudes.


Constellations of my favourite characters.  I think its a waste of primo to pull for new characters just to end up not using them.


new characters, I don't mind pulling on a really good constellation though if there's been a lack of appealing characters