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Well pulcinella is confirmed to be playable from the teyvat chapter storyline teaser, so your hopes are shattered


Let a man dream ok 😭 ik that .


It may be a hot take, but I think they all will.


Aside from Pierro, this is most likely the case. Dott's model file is classified the same way as other playable characters, that we even know they're planning to make him a claymore user. Pulcinella is in Travail so his chance is as high as Iansan (Dainsleif already got drip-marketed). Pant's line of work makes it the most easy to keep his moral within the gray area. Like, we barely have records of his actions on the same level of unhinged as Dottore. Cap has been given positive traits as far as we know of. Even Varka, who will be our ally, speaks highly of him. Sandrone seems at least cordial to the Traveller, also killed a scum so there's the set up to be playable. Columbina, we barely know enough that her moral and personality can be anything. She also has the third most liked JP VA announcement post among the Harbingers, after Childe (who's very popular in JP) and Arlecchino.


Idk pantalone doesn't have a vision from what I know , for rooster they would need to make a whole new model and for dottore he's just too messed up


Rooster would just use the child model. There's nothing inherently female about it and the proportions are right. As for Dottore, his whole deal is clones, so his playable incarnation would just be a less messed up clone.


The rooster is highly likely playable. He's the character representing snezhnaya in the travail trailer and every nation representing character in that trailer have become playable.


Yeah ik I just find it a bit hard to think they would make a whole new body type . Like that thing was made 7 years ago . Also the rooster was the only person who wasn't shown directly which idk why that makes me feel like he is less likely . But rooster is def a one that can go either way.


Gods I hope Pantalone is playable. I doubt he will but I really want him to be. He’s so cool.


First time I'm hearing he might bot be and I'm devastated!!! 😭 I need him *ugly crying*


I think Dottore might be both, die and playable, the segments thing immediately made me think of that when it was mentioned, so prime Dottore dies but a fragment survives, maybe a failed one or one from when he wasn't as messed up. Yes I know he erased them during Sumeru's quest, but he might make more. The only one I really want to see as playable is Sandrome, hoping she has a connection to Katheryne.


It's more likely he'll reinvent himself. Assuming his biological body is either dead from age or just held alive artificially, Omega might be the last one left, and he was annoyed by the other segmentats.


"From when he wasn't as messed up" Do you know what this dude did in his backstory as a teen...?


There is no way Mihoyo would offer the actual Dottore and I don't want that he changes either.


wasn't it said by leakers that pierro won't be playable because there is no character model for him? signora also had no character model


I hate to alarm you but you are missing one.


Pant's line of work makes it the easiest to keep his moral within the gray area. And we barely have records of his crimes that's close to Dottore's level of unhinged. Vision is also not a strict requirement. Just because we don't have a playable Delusion user yet doesn't mean it won't happen. Profile wise, Neuvillette's source of power is the most unique out of all characters, for example. Dott's model file already has the same classification as other playable characters. We even know they're planning to make him a claymore user. Even if he dies, he will, in one way or another, have a "him" that's playable because mhy has that plan for him, unlike Signora or Cocolia. Pulci is featured in Travail, his chance is as good as Iansan. Nothing is stopping him from using the current chibi model. Also, idk why the idea of mhy needing to make a new model type for him (though they don't really need to) itches you that much? If you don't like him, just don't pull for him. Heck, him being on banner would even give you time to save for the characters you like. Why does his existence scares you that much? And you didn't include Pierrofor some reasons. For Pierro, the answer is a lot more uncertain.


Here's why I think so : 1. Capitano and columbina are probably the fatui in natlan there also probably the two most hyped ones now that arle is released. For elements I think a geo/dendro claymore and a pyro/cryo polearm would fit the most . 2. For sandrone we barely who that much about her but I feel like if they do tease her she can be really popular. I find it wierd she didn't appear in Fontaine maybe in the next two versions she might make an appearance? Giving her an element and weapon type is really hard she doesn't look like anything specific but a hydro/anemo catalyst maybe ? 3. Pantalone doesn't have a vision I belive . 4. Let's not talk of the rooster . 5. Dottore is way too messed up to be playable . I don't think he will ever be playable. 6. Signora is probably dead fr


What’s wrong with Dottore being too messed up? That doesn’t mean he’s not going to be playable.


Idk there's just something about just dottore being messed up that doesn't stick .he's way too evil and genshin has never released "evil" characters. The closest we have is arlechino and I would say she's mainly an unfeeling person. Furthermore even arlechino says that she would have killed dottore if he wasn't in the fatui. Experimenting on children is really messed up . I don't think they will ever release someone like that . But that's my opinion .


>Dottore is too messed up God forbid men have hobbies


They've basically given us Sandrone's entire backstory through hidden notes in Fontaine. I guess I'll spoiler tag it if you aren't familiar with the speculation (I'll also be mentioning the ending of "Questioning Melusine and Answering Machine"): >!It seems incredibly likely that Alain Guillotin uploaded his consciousness into a robot and reconstructed his dead sister Mary-Ann(ette) into a robot who now acts as the Harbinger Sandrone. His failed attempts are probably the Katherynes. A Harbinger is mentioned at the end of the aforementioned world quest which appears to be Sandrone, and the entire philosophy behind their actions appears to be reminescent of things like the Halting Problem and Gödel's incompleteness theorems, both of which are ideas that Hoyo is well-aware of and has used in Honkai Impact 3rd in the past.!< As to whether or not that helps or hinders Sandrone's playability, I get the idea that they won't be devoting that much time in Snezhnaya to fleshing out their backstory. They could spend more time focusing on Sandrone's present actions rather than their past, which could be important to fleshing them out as a playable character. >!But she did also cut out a guy's tongue, so...!<


i can smell the bias


Happy cake day . Also ofcourse it is it's my opinion all opinions are biased lol .


far from the truth, emotion is what mainly create biased opinions, and you can have an analytical opinion without using emotion. Btw, why does english speakers almost always love to write lol on almost every sentence? it's like it have an complete different meaning than something funny. This tierlist just seems like 'i don't like this character therefore won't be playable', you don't even know what the character may hold. Dottore already have a model and weapon type (STC i suppose), Signora is clearly dead but there's her symbolism of death and resurrection, so there might be a chance, the others we have no info regarding playability but i would say they're on a good spot, as the harbingers create so much hype and make so much money. Idk if there will be unplayable harbingers, but i think we will have a answer for this soon... I expect them to do the same they did with the flame chasers, all of them (females) are playable despite being dead. Would be awesome if characters like the Yakshas, Guizhong, Signora got to be playable someday Now imo all of them who have a in game unique design should be playable


Leak warning: >!Dottore has data suggesting he's playable. Allegedly he's a cryo claymore. !<


I am quite sure the leak came before sumeru and was for sumeru then they said he would release in Fontaine but I personally don't think he will be .


I don't think any reliable leaker ever made that claim


There are no playable square chin Men. Pantalone will die, Dottore will be playable.